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For Our Sustainability Report Photos Quality2022en
Sustainability Report
Message from the Chairman 05 Stakeholder Engagement 13 Energy Use and Emission Reduction 23
About COSCO SHIPPING Lines 07 Risk Management 15 Water Resources and Waste Water 25
Performance highlights 09 Business Ethics 16
Biodiversity 27
Recruitment Compliance 29 Safety in Shipping 37 Sustainable Supply Chain 51 Laws, regulations and internal policies 56
Promotion and Development 30 Occupational Health and Safety 41 Prosperous Economy 52 Sustainable development data 57
Protection of Rights and Interests 32 Improvement of Services 43 Rural Revitalization 53 Reporting Indicators Guidelines – HKEX 59
◉ Performance highlights
◉ Board statement
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January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 (the The scope of this report covers COSCO SHIPPING Lines Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ("the Company", "COSCO SHIPPING Lines", "CSL" or "We"). The entity
"Reporting Period"). disclosed in this report is carefully selected based on the selection criteria of "whether there is actual business operation" and the overall impact of the entity
on CSL's environment, society and governance. The production units/companies with no actual business operation or with little or no impact despite actual
operation are filtered out. Should there be any exceptions, there will be a description of specific statistical methods and data dimensions in the corresponding
Reference standard
This report complies with the Guidelines for Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting issued by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and the GRI Standards issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
The compilation of this report mainly follows the following basic principles:
Materiality: The report shall disclose the environmental, social and management matters Balance: The report should provide an unbiased picture of the issuer's performance.
that are relevant to investors and other stakeholders and will have a significant The report should avoid selections, omissions, or presentation formats that
impact on them. may inappropriately influence a decision or judgment by the report reader.
Quantitative: Key performance indicators should be measurable so that the benefits of the Consistency: The issuer should use consistent methodologies to allow for meaningful
environmental, social and governance policies and management systems comparisons of ESG data over time. The report should disclose the change
can be evaluated and verified. Quantitative data should be accompanied by of statistical methods (if any) or any other relevant factors that may affect
explanations for their purpose and impact, and comparative data should be meaningful comparison.
provided when appropriate.
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In 2022, in the face of geopolitical turmoil, global inflation crisis, the impacts
of industrial transformation and the tightening regulatory environment,
COSCO SHIPPING Lines created a new situation of high-quality development
by enhancing its ability to expand the chain and replenish the chain, serve
customers and create value.
In the face of the rapid transformation of the con- established. Block chain, artificial intelligence, carbon trading work of Shanghai. The design of We protected the legitimate rights and interests of
tainer transportation market, we have strength- Internet of Things, 5G, low-carbon energy saving green and low-carbon full-chain service prod- employees in accordance with the laws, and safe-
ened forward-looking planning and precise and other technologies were widely used in all ucts have been strengthened, and a new path of guard employees' rights to know, participate, ex-
policies, which not only effectively resisted cyclical aspects of production, providing strong sup- green transportation has been laid. press and supervise. We cared for model workers,
shocks, but also achieved "making progress while port for the innovation of transportation chain employees in difficulty and frontline stuffs. Activi-
ensuring stability" in business efficiency, deliv- efficiency. Digital solutions such as one-stop We always strengthen our bottom-line aware- ties to defend the rights of female employees have
ering higher value to customers, partners and customer entrance, customer portrait, product ness and build solid protective barriers. We been carried out. We signed a donation agreement
shareholders. In order to effectively maintain the intelligent combination and recommendation, accurately improved the level of Coronavirus with COSCO SHIPPING Group Charity Foundation
stability of the global industrial chain and supply integrated inventory management, and supply epidemic prevention and control, and ensured and implemented 30 million yuan of assistance
chain, we bravely shoulder the responsibility of chain control tower have been steadily advancing. the physical and mental health of employees funds. During the year, a total of 1 million yuan
central enterprises, strive to be the main force to and the stability of the business situation to was donated to Luolong County in Tibet and Yon-
open up the “wide circulation" and the vanguard In line with the development trend of the in- the greatest extent. We adhered to bottom-line gde County in Yunnan. Actively participated in the
of the "tiny circulation", and build a good ecology dustry, we have further accelerated the pace thinking, cooperated with industry regulatory "Central Enterprise Consumption Assistance and
of mutual trust and win-win with customers, and of green and low-carbon transformation: 12 investigations, and ensured compliance and Rejuvenation Week" activities, purchased a total
win a good reputation. 24,000TEU dual-fuel vessels building solution stable operation in accordance with laws and of 2.35 million yuan of assistance products, and
of dual-brand had been launched (The unified regulations. We paid attention to the prevention made due contributions to continuously promot-
Under the top-level planning of COSCO SHIP- order includes 5 vessels from COSCO SHIPPING and control of integrity risks, and created a good ing the development of characteristic industries in
PING Group, we launched the global digital Lines, 7 vessels from OOCL). All the self-owned atmosphere of honesty, self-discipline, compli- poverty alleviation areas and increasing income
supply chain transformation work: we efficiently vessels had been implemented EEXI calcula- ance with rules and disciplines. We carried out and prosperity of the people who have been lifted
compiled the digital supply chain development tions and CII ratings. Vessel EPL modification large-scale investigation and rectification of po- out of poverty, helping to stabilize the economic
planning. The operation mechanism of "five plans had been formulated. The sea trial of tential security risks to ensure the stability of the performance and promoting rural revitalization.
middle offices and one front desk" had been biofuels was completed. We participated in the security situation.
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Looking forward to 2023, we will strengthen solutions, so as to improve the efficiency and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the Guangdong-Hong We will actively practice the concept of "employ-
situation analysis, adhere to strategic concentra- resilience of the supply chain and form a greater Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, actively partici- ee-centered", take a multi-pronged approach
tion, strengthen "future layout" and "risk hedg- industry-leading effect. pate in the construction of the new west land- to protect the legitimate rights and interests
ing", and maintain a good business trend on a sea corridor and the construction of the Hainan of the masses of employees, and promote the
regular basis. We will accelerate the green and low-carbon Free Trade Port, and serve the real economy. harmony and stability of labor relations. We
transformation and upgrading of the shipping will integrate the employee congress, collective
We will operate the new products of the Ocean industry. We will complete the top-level design We will enhance the ability to predict, identi- negotiation, enterprise affairs openness, and
Alliance DAY7 routes, continue to strengthen of the company's green and low-carbon trans- fy and resolve risks, and resolutely guard the employee directors and supervisor systems into
and optimize the main route markets in Europe formation strategic development plan. We will bottom line. We will track and study changes the corporate governance structure, promote
and the North America, and reshape the ocean combined with the latest trends in the develop- in regulatory policies in the maritime industry, the organic combination of democratic manage-
quality. We will further enrich e-commerce ex- ment of the industry, promote the construction prepare response plans, and adhere to legal ment and corporate governance, and enable the
press service and accumulate new competitive of green fleets. At the same time, we will com- and compliant operations. Starting from the masses of workers to obtain visible and tangible
advantages. At the same time, we will adapt bine the requirements of the new environmental protection of employees' life, health and safety, benefits. We will continue to promote counter-
to the new pattern of regional integration de- protection regulations to accelerate the transfor- we will scientifically and accurately grasp Coro- part support to help improve people's livelihood
velopment, closely follow the changes in the mation of environmental protection technology navirus epidemic prevention and control work and rural revitalization, and integrate the specif-
industrial chain, encrypt the transportation of ships. We will do a good job in new energy to ensure that operation are not chaotic. We will ic practice of fulfilling social responsibilities into
capacity investment in emerging, regional and support and guarantee, and actively participate summarize and solidify safety management ex- the connotation of company brand building.
third-country markets, and promote the bal- in the construction of COSCO SHIPPING Group's perience, and transform it into a normalized and
anced improvement of global service capabili- green methanol supply chain system. We will long-term safety mechanism. We will strengthen “For the first place, we continue to race.” In
ties. closely follow the progress of carbon emission technical upgrades and professional training 2023, we will stick to making innovations based
trading to provide support for promoting green to rapidly improve the level of network security on the tradition, leading the future, promoting
We will be committed to the high-quality con- and low-carbon transformation and upgrading. management. We will continue to pay attention high-quality development at a new starting
struction of the "Belt and Road", focusing on up- to key areas and key links in operation and man- point, and moving steadily and far towards the
grading the "vein" of Yangpu Port in Hainan, Bei- We will strengthen all-round strategic coopera- agement, and effectively prevent integrity risks. goal of customer first, value-leading, world-class
bu Gulf Port in Guangxi, Piraeus Port in Greece tion with leading enterprises in manufacturing container ecological integrated service provider.
and Abu Dhabi Port in the Middle East, so as to and other industries, serve small and medi- We will vigorously cultivate and select outstand-
lay a good foundation for the advancement of um-sized emerging enterprises, and deeply inte- ing young talents, especially high-level talents
full-chain services. grate into the customer industrial chain supply in key business fields such as digital transfor-
chain service system. We will take the reshaping mation, technological innovation, green and
Yang Zhijian
We will adhere to customer-centricity, accelerate of cargo flow and the adjustment of consump- low-carbon, intelligent shipping, and supply
the launch of more series of full-chain service tion structure as an opportunity to deeply inte- chain management, so as to consolidate the
products, fully demonstrate the characteristics grate into the regional development strategies foundation for the common growth of enterpris- Chairman
of integrated operation, and launch diversified, of countries such as the integration of the Yang- es and employees in the future.
personalized and customized full-chain service tze River Delta, the coordinated development of COSCO SHIPPING Lines Co., Ltd.
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International initiatives
COSCO SHIPPING Lines actively participates in international industry cooperation and leverages its influence to promote the safe and healthy development of global trade.
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Performance highlights
Performance highlights
Safety performance
56 lines 84 lines
Coastal routes in China Branch lines in Pearl River Delta
and Yangtze River
Injury rate per thousand people
15,183,844 tons 4,736,250 tons 226,298 tons 3,151 million 284 times
Investment in Times of participating
Greenhouse gas emissions Total marine fuel consumption Sulfur oxide emissions community activities in community activities
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Board statement
Board statement
The Board of Directors of COSCO Shipping Lines is responsible for the Company's overall ESG The Company pays continuous attention to the needs of internal and external stakeholders, and
development direction and ESG strategy formulation, supervising and coordinating ESG-related risk identifies and evaluates material ESG issues according to the communication and feedback of
management, and is the highest responsible and decision-making body for ESG matters. The Board stakeholders to keep improving the sustainable development strategy. During the Reporting Period, the
of Directors bears the ultimate responsibility for COSCO Shipping Lines' ESG strategy and disclosure. Company conducted stakeholder surveys, updated the identification of material issues, and defined
The Company regularly evaluates the materiality of environmental, social and governance issues, and the priorities of ESG management.
analyzes to makes decisions on the potential impact and opportunities of the overall strategy.
The Sustainable Development Committee is set under the Board of Directors, responsible for In 2021, the Company based on the target guidelines specified by COSCO Shipping Lines, has set five
identifying, analyzing, managing, and timely controlling ESG-related risks and making decisions on environmental targets, including greenhouse gas emission reduction target, energy structure upgrade
ESG-related matters. The Sustainable Development Committee regularly reports the list of identified target, ballast water management target, exhaust emission reduction target, and waste reduction target.
risks to the Board of Directors and provides risk analysis and decision-making support. In 2022, the Board of Directors continued to pay attention to the progress towards the environmental
targets, supervise sustainability tasks related to the target, and review target achievement.
Sustainable Development Governance
◉ Governance Structure
◉ Stakeholder Engagement
◉ Risk Management
◉ Business Ethics
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Governance Structure
Governance Structure
COSCO Shipping Lines adheres to transparent operation, values the diversification and professionalism COSCO Shipping Lines has continuously improved its corporate governance structure and governance
of the board of directors, and believes that a sound and efficient board of directors is the foundation structure for sustainable development. It is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate
of sustainable development and governance of the enterprise. In our daily operation, COSCO Shipping governance to ensure its sustainable development. The Company established a board of directors and a
Lines always adheres to the concept of sustainable development, actively fulfills its social responsibility board of supervisors, and the board of directors is the decision-making body for business, which is made
amid global economic recovery, and works hard with all stakeholders to pursue common development up of 8 members, including 4 internal directors (including 1 employee director), 4 external directors.
and create a better future for the world. The Board of Supervisors performs the dual supervisory functions of the board of directors and the
management. We implement the general manager responsibility system under the leadership of the
board of directors. Our operating management consists of a marketing and major account management
committee, a risk management committee, a sustainability committee, a safety committee and a supplier
management committee, who support the management of business risks and compliance.
Board of Board of
Directors Supervisors To better implement the strategy of sustainable development in its daily governance, the
company established Sustainability Reporting Procedure , which clarifies the requirements
of drafting, reviewing and publishing of Sustainability Reports. The Company established
the Sustainability Committee to take the lead in managing matters related to sustainable
development who is mainly responsible for working out sustainable development
strategies, objectives and management policies, coordinating the resources required for
fulfilling sustainable development objectives, supervising the implementation of sustainable
development strategies, reviewing the progress of the implementation of sustainable
General development objectives, inspecting activities related to sustainable development, reviewing
Manager the annual sustainable development report.
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Materiality Assessment
Materiality Assessment
Stakeholder Engagement
COSCO Shipping Lines attaches great importance to the impact of its
operations on stakeholders, constantly listens to the opinions and High ● Customer Satisfaction ● Anti-competitive behaviors ● Digital Security ● Optimize terminal operations
suggestions from stakeholders from all walks of life, responds to the ● Customer Complaints ● Labor complaints mechanism ● Safety of shipping ● Environmental compliance
expectations of stakeholders, and commits to sustainable value co-creation.
In order to maintain communication with stakeholders, the Company
● Responsible procurement ● Training and education ● Anti-corruption ● Greenhouse gas emission
In 2022, the Company conducted a stakeholder survey in the form of ● Water resource management ● Biodiversity
questionnaires and interviews, covering internal and external stakeholders
● Cimate change and response
of the COSCO SHIPPING Lines'. Sustainability issues and materiality
matrix are identified and developed from the survey in accordance with
their significance to the Company, which are considered as guidance for
disclosure in this Report.
● Freedom of association andcollective bargaining ● Waste management
● Political contributions
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Materiality Assessment
Category Topics Major stakeholders Communication channel Category Topics Major stakeholders Communication channel
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Risk Management
Risk Management
COSCO Shipping Lines always puts risk manage-
ment and control in an important position in
its operation and makes it reliable and efficient
by establishing and improving the risk manage-
ment framework and internal control system.
During the Reporting Period, based on the inter-
national COSO-ERM framework and the domes-
tic Basic Rules for Enterprise Internal Control ,
COSCO Shipping Lines has strengthened the
internal control supervision, and carried out the
internal control self-evaluation and supervision
evaluation, so as to realize the systematization
and comprehensiveness of governance. COSCO
Shipping Lines always pays attention to mini-
mizing risks to a reasonable range, and actively
seeks opportunities while reducing the impact
of risks on operations.
As the highest decision-making body of risk COSCO Shipping Lines attaches great impor- Lines has invited an external consulting company the Company constantly collects, tracks and
management, the Board of Directors is respon- tance to internal risk prevention and control, to carry out internal control supervision and analyzes major risk events and important
sible for the overall risk management. Under conducts internal control self-evaluation every evaluation in 2022. COSCO SHIPPING Lines has information of the year. An analysis report about
the leadership of the Board of Directors, the Risk year considering the nature and practicality of further supervised and evaluated its subsidiary the progress and changes in trending events will
and Compliance Management Committee is its business, and formulates rectification plans companies. All subsidiaries of COSCO Shipping be submitted to the management.
established to perform the duties of identifying, for deficiencies in operations. In order to ensure Lines were included in the scope, achieving 100%
managing, supervising and controlling various the timeliness of rectification, the Company completion of supervision and evaluation.
risks of the Company, and to provide risk analy- monitors the rectification on a monthly basis.
sis and management advice to the Board of Di- In order to have a sound response strategy to
rectors. After the Risk and Compliance Manage- COSCO Shipping Lines not only focuses on emergencies, the Company has continuously
ment Committee completes risk identification
and analysis, the Legal and Risk Management
Departments will take the lead in implement-
internal evaluation, but also actively adopts
external experts' opinions to supervise the key risk
management. Every year, the Company engages a
carried out and improved risk early warning
and supervision mechanism. To effectively
ensure timely response to risks and solution
100 %
ing it. third party to conduct external audit to supervise implementation of, the Company identifies risk achieving completion of supervision
the status of internal control and risk management. early warning indicators on a quarterly basis and evaluation
During the Reporting Period, COSCO Shipping and issued quarterly briefings. In addition,
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Business Ethics
The Company always implements the concept of integrity and fairness in its daily operations, and A s a leading shipping enterprise, COSCO anti-monopoly and procurement management,
adopts a zero-tolerance attitude towards all acts violating business ethics, including corruption, Shipping Lines has always taken a serious refine management requirements and improve
bribery and monopoly. The Company has established a sound business ethics system to strengthen attitude towards anti-monopoly, promoting management level.
employees' awareness of business ethics and guide the just business ethical values. industry norms and safeguarding the interests
of customers and public social groups. In the face of the ever-changing international
environment of anti-monopoly compliance
Anti-Corruption Management The Company strictly abides by international regulations, COSCO Shipping Lines actively
and regional anti-monopoly laws and regula- responds to and studies international anti-
tions. In 2022, COSCO SHIPPING Lines compiled monopoly laws, regulations, and rules. In 2022,
The Company strictly abides by the United the Company has created a clean and honest
the Anti-monopoly Compliance Management the United States issued the Ocean Shipping
Nations Convention against Corruption, the For- operational environment and governance. At
Manual, and identified the list of anti-monopoly Reform Act. COSCO Shipping Lines carried
eign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the Criminal the same time, as members of the Maritime
risks in key positions. On the basis of the exist- out research and evaluation accordingly by
Law of the People's Republic of China and other Anti-Corruption Network, COSCO SHIPPING
ing Anti-monopoly Compliance Management interpreting policy trends and regulator y
relevant laws and regulations. The Company has Lines joined hands with all organizations in the
Measures and the Anti-monopoly Emergency requirements, so as to ensure that the
set up a Commission for Discipline Inspection industry to create a fair and clean maritime en-
Response Plan, COSCO SHIPPING Lines plans to governance norms always keep pace with the
to formulate and implement anti-corruption vironment. During the Reporting Period, there
further introduce special management guides in latest laws.
policies, and to manage and supervise the com- has been no major lawsuit related to corruption
pliance of employees' behaviors. By continu- or unfair competition against COSCO Shipping
ously promoting internal anti-corruption review, Lines.
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Business Ethics
Whistle-Blower Protection
The Company has always held employees to the highest standards in terms of business behavior, and
created a liberal, open, safe and efficient communication environment. The Company encouraged
employees and external person to report all kinds of behaviors violating disciplines or professional
ethics. The Company provides a variety of open and transparent reporting channels, including telephone
and email.
To protect the rights and interests of the whistleblowers, the Company has established a whistleblower Case Anti-monopoly Training
protection mechanism, adopting a zero-tolerance attitude towards retaliation. The Company promises
to protect the privacy and safety of the whistleblowers and avoid malicious acts such as retaliation.
In the process of verifying the reported information, the Company will not ask for the whistleblower's COSCO SHIPPING Lines provided the
information, neither disclose the information of accusation. It is strictly forbidden to dismiss, demote, anti-monopoly training in the form of
suspend, threaten, harass or discriminate against the whistleblower in any form. webinar, to explain the main provisions
of domestic and international anti-mo-
nopoly laws. The training covered all
Awareness Promotion departments and subsidiaries at home
and abroad of CSL with an attendance
To continuously improve the compliance awareness of business ethics and create a culture of totaled 4,103 people. To consolidate
compliance, the Company organized anti-monopoly training activities to guide employees to improve learning achievements of employees,
their ethics. the Company conducted online an-
ti-monopoly compliance tests for all
employees, with Chinese and English
tests designed respectively for domestic
and foreign employees. The pass rate of
participants reached 99%.
Featured Training on Business Ethics
The training covered all
departments and subsidiaries at
During the reporting period home and abroad of CSL with an
attendance totaled
COSCO SHIPPING Lines provided anti-corruption and integrity education to the Board of Directors and all employees (including
labor dispatch employees). The integrity awareness of all employees has been enhanced through activities such as themed-
month activities, portfolio displays, and short video broadcast selection. 99%
The pass rate of participants
Delivering Value to
the Environment
As the backbone of global trade, shipping plays an important
role in coping with climate change and promoting environmen-
tal protection. As a global shipping company, we have taken the
initiative to assume environmental responsibilities, established
and continuously improved its environmental management
system and obtained the ISO 14001 Environmental Manage-
ment System Certification. CSL actively responds to climate
change, explores energy transformation and carbon reduction
measures, and realizes the joint development of environmental
protection and economic benefits to contribute to the green
development of global shipping.
◉ Climate Change
◉ Biodiversity
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Climate Change
Climate Change
Climate change poses new requirements and
challenges to the development of the ocean
shipping industry chain. Actively responding to
climate change is key to realizing sustainable
development and becoming a leading interna-
tional ocean shipping enterprise. CSL is com-
mitted to protecting the ecological environment
and continuously promoting green shipping.
Based on the framework laid out by the Task
Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
(TCFD), CSL has systematically identified the
risks related to climate change, analyzed their
coping strategies, and set environmental protec-
tion targets.
Based on its own business characteristics and the development trend of long-term climate pattern changes on assets. The transformation risk refers
global shipping, CSL actively identified risks related to climate change and to the risk related to the transformation to low-carbon economy, such as
analyzed the potential financial impacts. CSL identified various physical market risks brought about by changes in policies and regulations and
risks and transition risks by referring to different climate scenarios and customer behavior. Based on the identified risks related to climate change,
combining them with business development. Among those risks, physical CSL further analyzed the corresponding business and financial impacts.
risks refer to the risks related to the impact of acute climate events and
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Climate Change
1. Heavy rain and floods damage related facilities, and cause power failure in ships, equipment and facilities, which
leads to evacuation of personnel, interruption of operations and loss of assets
Physical risks Flood (including 2. L
ow visibility and abrupt rise in water levels and water velocities lead to reduced maneuverability of ship locks and
Verification and early scrapping of existing
rainstorms and river ships, which affects navigation restrictions and ship berthing of sea routes
Difficulties in transportation
overflows) 3. E
xtreme precipitation may lead to sudden flooding, affect the operation of inland roads, railways, docks and inland
waterways, and hinder normal business operations Increased operating costs
4. T
he safety of the ship, crew and cargo is affected, resulting in delayed shipment and claims for damage to the cargo
1. It is difficult to forecast strong winds, which could damage the ship infrastructure and related facilities, ships or
cargo, causing continuous interruptions of operations and loss of assets
Verification and early scrapping of existing
Acute risk 2. Extreme weather will threaten the safety and health of personnel. Under the condition of strong wind/cyclone, the assets
Strong wind/cyclone working hours and conditions of employees should be strictly controlled, which will affect the operating efficiency
Difficulties in transportation
and increase the operating cost.
Increased operating costs
3. If ships encounter typhoon/cyclone/storm, they may sink due to high waves and storms caused by typhoon/cyclone/
storm, resulting in loss of profits.
Ocean acidification 1. Seawater temperature rise and ocean acidification accelerate the corrosion of ship hull, so it is necessary to use
Increase maintenance costs
Sea temperature rise materials with higher corrosion resistance and pay higher maintenance fees
1. Rising sea levels change wave and tidal patterns, affecting the schedule of shipping companies
Affect workforce management and
Rising sea level 2. Tidal changes affect the sedimentation of the waterways, which reduces the smoothness of the waterways. So
Chronic risk planning Increased operating costs
dredging works are required, and the operating costs rise.
1. T he International Maritime Organization issued the IMO Preliminary Strategy for Greenhouse Gas Emission
Reduction from Ships , which requires the shipping industry to reduce the total greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by
Transition 2050
Existing requirements
Increase operating and maintenance
and supervision of 2. The Chinese government has continuously promoted green shipping, supported the low-carbon transformation of
products and services the shipping industry, and strengthened the requirements for enterprises' energy use
3. The shipping industry will be included in the EU Emissions Trading System, and enterprises are required to monitor,
report and verify carbon dioxide emissions
1. T
he shipping industry will be included in the EU Carbon Emissions Trading System, and enterprises will have to pay
Implement carbon for the carbon dioxide generated by their ships
Laws and Increase operating costs
pricing mechanism 2. China has opened up the national carbon trading market and will incorporate the shipping industry into carbon
Regulation Risk
trading in the future
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Climate Change
1. The new IMO regulations include the requirements for installing DCS (Data Collection System) and for data
disclosure (actual fuel consumption data and other data that need to be disclosed). Companies that do not
Strengthen emission meet the requirements may be prohibited from engaging in the shipping industry. Increase operating costs
reporting obligations
2. The shipping industry will be included in the EU Emissions Trading System, and enterprises are required to
monitor, report and verify carbon dioxide emissions
1. Customers put forward relevant requirements for reducing carbon emissions in container transportation
business. If customers' energy-conservation and carbon-reducing targets can't be met, there will be fewer orders
or more idle ships, which will increase operating costs. COSCO SHIPPING Lines should be aware of these risks,
Customer behavior actively communicate with customers, and make clear their needs to ensure that the Company can still provide Changes in consumer preferences lead to a
change flexible end-to-end logistics services for them decline in demand for goods and services
2. Increase in indirect (operating) costs: The increase in customers' demand for low-carbon services and green
transportation will accelerate the formulation of the transition strategy to carbon neutrality, which increases
R&D expenses.
Market risk
1. Customers put forward relevant requirements for reducing carbon emissions in container transportation. If
customers' energy-saving and carbon-reducing targets can't be met, there will be fewer orders or more idle
Change in customer ships, which will increase operating costs
Decline in demand for goods and services
preferences 2. If CSL fails to meet the customers' requirements for sustainable development, such as energy conservation and
consumption reduction, and become a low-carbon leader in the industry, then the existing customers may turn
to other companies. The loss of corporate customers, which in turn reduces income
Reputation 1. If the environmental performance and disclosure are not inadequate, then investors and customers may choose
Growing concern of the Company's competitors instead, resulting in a decrease in the Company's income
stakeholders about 2. Investors put forward requirements for the use of new/renewable energy Decline in demand for goods and services
negative feedback ustomers and investors are increasingly interested in environmental performance. If CSL does not comply with
IMO regulations, it may lose its contracts and investment
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Climate Change
Risk Management
Based on the identified climate risks, CSL CSL evaluates the risks and opportunities of climate change on operation through a sound Energy source
has developed strategies to deal with climate risk identification process. Through identification, measurement, and monitoring of
change, promoted the green transformation of risks and opportunities, CSL evaluates and prioritizes the possible business and financial Use biofuels in cargo ships
international shipping from different dimen- impacts of climate change risks and opportunities, and takes measures to mitigate, transfer
sions, proactively reacting to climate change. or control risks, while taking the initiative to grasp important opportunities brought by
To replace high-emission fuel oil, new energy sources with
climate change. low/zero carbon emissions must be used in long-term
Dealing with extreme weather development. Therefore, biofuel-related products can be
developed to attract more customers
Develop emergency response plans Identification of risk and opportunity
Strengthen meteorological monitoring and early warning
Regularly update the guidance on preventing typhoon
Refer to the framework of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Resource efficiency
and floods
while also considering the business characteristics of the Company to identify climate
Strengthen ship-shore contact to ensure the smooth Adopt a more energy efficient transportation mode
risks and opportunities and develop a list of climate risk
progress of typhoon and flood prevention and control
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Use of Fuel
Fuel oil is the main energy source of the container transportation business. With the help of the advanced technology of
digital shipping, CSL implements and promotes the monitoring of fuel oil use, promotes fuel-saving measures in shipping,
Energy Use and Emission Reduction and realizes the efficient use of fuel oil.
Select the best combination Use energy-saving devices Equip new ships with various energy sav-
of hull form, propeller, and installed before and after the ing and emission reduction technologies
energy-saving device that propulsion system to raise including efficient main engine, axle gener-
meets the needs for oper- propulsive efficiency and ator, frequency conversion control system,
ational conditions through reduce fuel consumption. heating ventilation and air conditioning
optimization, screening, and (HVAC) system, high voltage shore power
comparison test of the ship facilities, and reserve adequate space for air
models to maximize the pro- lubrication systems to make it possible to
pulsive performance. upgrade and retrofit in the future.
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Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
In order to protect the marine ecosystem and reduce the risk of species invasion and dispersion, CSL abides by the International Convention on the Control and Management of Ship Ballast Water and Sediments
(i.e., the Ballast Water Convention) issued by IMO, and any violation of the Ballast Water Convention is prohibited. COSCO SHIPPING Lines has formulated and implemented the Instructions for Management of
Ballast Water and the Ballast Water Management Plan, and equipped commercial ships sailing internationally with ballast water treatment devices to manage ballast water throughout operation, replacement, safety
inspection and recording.
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Delivering Value to
the Employees
COSCO SHIPPING Lines adheres to the people-oriented
principle in enriching the talent pool of the shipping
industry. In 2022, based on the talent development
plan, the Company further promoted the reform of the
human resources system, established and improved the
incentive mechanism for attracting, cultivating, using
and retaining talents. The Company strengthened the
team's capacity building and talent training, to continu-
ously improve the vision and expertise of talents and
empower the talent pool of the shipping industry.
◉ Recruitment Compliance
◉ Employee Communication
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Recruitment Compliance
Recruitment Compliance
Attaching great importance to building a talent places where it operates and prohibits child la- with equal employment opportunities. Re- By the end of the Reporting Period
team, the Company continuously looks for bor and forced labor. By continuously upgrading gardless of color, nationality, race, age, gender,
talents in the industry through on-campus and the human resources management system and religious beliefs or physical defects, any form of
off-campus recruitments both online and offline, refining the guidelines, the Company ensures discrimination or unfair treatment due to any
adhering to a fair, transparent, and equal prin-
ciple. The Company actively recruits graduates
compliant employment and legal dismissal of
employees. If any child labor or forced labor
non-work-related factor is prohibited. The Com-
pany provides jobs to retired soldiers and fire-
and attracts a group of outstanding students to is found, the Company will address the illegal fighters to give them a diversified platform and the total number of employees of
join the shipping industry through campus and employment according to local laws and regula- career development possibilities. The Company the Company
corporate publicity campaigns. For example, we tions. Meanwhile, the Company is committed to also takes care of people with disabilities, guar-
actively participated in the online job fair for the promoting legal employment among partners antees various benefits and salaries for disabled
transportation industry organized by Shanghai and suppliers, requiring them to sign contracts employees, and helps them explore their career
International Shipping Center, attracting nearly with clauses prohibiting child labor and forced development and positioning.
10,000 applicants. At the same time, to meet the
needs of digitalization and supply chain devel-
labor. During the Reporting Period, there has
been no case of child labor and forced labor in By the end of the Reporting Period, the total 787
opment, we actively engaged in the headhunt- the Company. number of employees of the Company was The total number of new employees
ing of high-end talents. 17,118. The total number of new employees reached
Based on the principle of equal recruitment, the reached 787, and a total of 547 employees re-
COSCO SHIPPING Lines strictly abides by the Company has been constantly building a diver- signed, with a turnover rate of 3.62%.
local employment laws and regulations in the sified and inclusive team to provide employees
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Ensuring employees' all-round promotion and development is an important condition to improve Attaching importance to the continuous learn-
employees' enthusiasm, initiative and creativity. In 2022, the Company implemented corporate actions ing and development of employees, the Com-
in terms of optimizing assessment and promotion system, and upgrading training programs, etc. pany formulates an all-round training system
Through objective and fair selection and customized training programs, employees were encouraged to to provide customized training programs for
further improve themselves, broadening their horizons and enhancing their competencies. employees of all ranks. In order to meet the
self-improvement needs of employees, in 2022,
the Company further optimized the training pro-
gram of management trainee, strengthened the
building of the talent team, and enhanced the
Assessment Optimization all-round ability of employees and the corporate
strength in the shipping industry.
In order to broaden the development channels same time, for employees who have made spe-
for employees' career and personal develop- cial contributions, the Company also provides
ment, the Company comprehensively guaran- exceptional promotion channels, giving positive
tees the growth of outstanding employees from incentives to outstanding employees to ensure The courses are planned with differ-
its system and action. high-quality development of talents in the ship- ent share of general ability, expertise
ping industry. and leadership for personnel of dif-
In terms of employee assessment, the Compa- ferent ranks. Four major talent devel-
ny continuously optimizes the Administrative Meanwhile, COSCO SHIPPING Lines further opment training camps like Sky Blue
Measures for Staff Assessment at Headquarters revised the stock option incentive plan, which and Sea Blue are designed.
(Trial Version), and conducts annual assess- is aimed at senior managers, as well as key
ment based on performance and competency managers and technical backbone who have
according to the principle of "objective, fair, and a direct impact on the Company's operating
quantitative". Apart from the assessment, the performance and sustainable development. In
Company provides training courses for employ- 2022, a total of 462 employees met the vesting Competency enhancement trainings
ees to improve their overall abilities. conditions. for young employees are held to help
them boost personal efficiency.
In terms of employee promotion, the Company
further refined the Management Measures for
Business Positions and Ranks at Headquarters
to ensure the promotion and development of
outstanding employees. Adhering to the prin- Workplace Image Webinar is launched
ciple of outstanding performance, meritocracy,
and fulfillment of potential to the full, the Com-
462 for the improvement of personal pro-
fessional ability.
pany emphasizes on cultivating outstanding employees met the vesting conditions
young employees by selecting the best in a
democratic, open and competitive way. At the
Main Content of the Company's Training
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Case "Sky Blue & Sea Blue" Talent Development Training Camp
In November 2022, COSCO Shipping Lines launched the "Sky Blue & Sea Blue"
Talent Development Training Camp for 49 young managers. Focusing on the
emerging trend and tasks in the digital transformation of container shipping
supply chain, the Camp covered how to strengthen the quality and capacity-
building to serve the transformation and development of the Company.
In 2022
with a total of
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overseas employer liability insurance for expatriate employees to fully protect employees' rights and interest through a
all-round protection, and effectively serves the
sophisticated insurance benefits.
various needs of employees.
Holiday ● stablished a sound paid annual leave system, and the leave days are proportionate to the accumulated length of
Physical ● ased on the principle of "safety, economy, effectiveness and unity" and employee satisfaction, provided physical
Examination examination for all employees according to their age, gender and other factors.
● P
aid monthly health expenses for eligible female employees, and offered rental subsidies to employees who had not
registered their residence in Shanghai.
● C
ontinue to improve the environment and services of the "Mummy Hut" to provide more convenient and caring services
Female for every mother. The " Mummy Hut" from COSCO Shipping Lines was recognized as a "Five-star Mummy Hut of the
Shanghai Trade Union".
Employee Benefits
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The Company is highly attentive to the rights joint efforts of shore-based authority and ships, In order to help every employee with difficulties,
and interests of workers, and provides effec- making every effort to ensure that the crew can the Company has established the Three-level Assis- Case Helping Employees
tive protection through Workers' Congress change shifts in time and go home smoothly. tance Mechanism for Employees in Need. COSCO with Difficulties
and Collective Agreement . The Company SHIPPING Lines has formulated the Management
Measures for Employees in Difficulties. When em-
protects the legitimate rights and interests of In 2022, COSCO SHIPPING Lines further op- The trade unions at all levels of the Company
ployees encounter difficulties, the Trade Union of
employees at work, prohibits any form of dis- timized the Administrative Regulations on their unit will send them care and assistance at the made every effort to support employees in
crimination and harassment in the workplace Strengthening the Membership and Service first opportunity, solve the problem within their difficulties, equipped employees on duty with
to create a healthy and safe working environ- of Labor Dispatchers of COSCO SHIPPING units, and escalate and help them according to daily necessities and emergency medicines,
ment for employees. Lines Trade Union and the Implementation the level of difficulties and assistance needed. The and constantly sorted out qualified suppliers
Opinions on the Treatment and Rest of COSCO Company strives to help them as much as possible to provide necessities for workers. The trade
At the same time, the Company pays close at- SHIPPING Lines Workers (for Trial), to take all through the three-level assistance mechanism, clear unions also solved the special needs for retired
their worries so that the employees in difficulties
tention to and continuously monitors the crew's employees, including labor dispatchers, in the workers, such as offering medical treatment
remain focused on the production and operation.
working hours on board, prohibits long work- Trade Union and safeguard their legitimate and hourly housekeepers, and made every
At the same time, the Company sets aside funds for
ing hours, and protects the crew's rights and rights and interests. Meanwhile, the Trade employees with difficulties with strict management effort to help employees in Shanghai and
interests such as rest, shift and holidays. The Union signed the Collective Contract with the to ensure that the funds are used for its specified families of overseas employees solve the
Company takes the mental health of the crew enterprise as the workers' representative and purpose only. The Company paid close attention to difficulties.
seriously. When it is difficult to change shifts, established a labor dispute mediation system. the needs of employees in challenging times and
the Company actively coordinates with subsid- When employee encounters labor disputes, carried out various caring activities for employees Mobilizing resources at the first time, the trade
iaries and ports to arrange many crew shifts at the Trade Union will mediate and provide le- to ensure their physical and mental health and their unions of the Company distributed solatium
overseas ports through close cooperation and gal services. safety, sending warmth to employees in time.
in cash and in-kind worth 5.757 million yuan,
delivered 4,719 packages of vegetable and
meat to employees.
Case Adhere and Improve the System of Workers' Congress Case The Trade Union of Xiamen
Branch Cared for Employees
In January 2022, COSCO SHIPPING Lines held the first session of the second Workers' Congress, hearing
and deliberating the Work Report of the General Manager, as well as deliberating and adopting the
In August 2022, the Trade Union of Xiamen Branch
5.757million yuan
made every effort to ensure the safety and care for the trade unions of the Company distributed
Implementation Opinions on the Treatment and Rest of COSCO SHIPPING Lines Workers (for Trial)
employees in various aspects when facing a heat- solatium in cash and in-kind worth
and other matters that need to be reviewed by the Workers' Congress. The 17 proposals of worker
wave for days.
representatives collected were sorted and all the responsible departments (units) were coordinated for
serious research and handling. 94% of worker representatives were satisfied with the proposal handling,
The leaders of COSCO SHIPPING Lines paid visits
and 6% rated it as basically satisfied.
In addition, COSCO SHIPPING Lines held a staff meeting to introduce the organizational structure
to the families of quarantined employees, and
communicated with employees every Thursday to
understand their needs and make adjustments on
optimization scheme, the background and subsequent considerations of the reform to all employees. delivered packages of vegetable and meat to
the fruits, food, and drinks delivery, so that the em-
On the meeting, the Organizational Structure Optimization Scheme of the Shipping Business was employees
ployees deeply felt the warmth from the Company.
deliberated and adopted.
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Employee Communication
Employee Communication
To understand the needs of employees, the Company has set up diversified communication channels Through diverse team building activities, the Company enables employees to stay active and fit,
to address employees' confusions, solve their problems and empower them to grow rapidly. The enhances team communication and cohesion, and deepens employees' sense of belonging. At the
Company communicates internal information to employees through the Office Automation System (OA) same time, team building activities provide a platform for employees to relieve stress and communicate
and Company mailbox and receives feedback on employee needs through informal discussions. in depth, laying the foundation for a positive development of the enterprise.
Case Young Employee Communication at the Shanghai Branch Case The Shanghai Branch Carried Out Team Building Activities
At the meeting, 15 young employee representatives from various departments and outlets To appreciate nature and enhance cohesion,
shared their study and work experience since they joined the Company. The meeting t h e S h a n g h a i B ra n c h o rga n i ze d a tea m
encouraged young employees to exchange their understanding of future career planning building activity in Beihu Wetland Park. Sports
and business integrity, so as to allow them to adapt to the team as soon as possible. While activities such as ping-pong relay race and
discussing career development and growth path, this meeting also guided young employees balloon defense race were carried out in the
to strengthen their beliefs. form of group competition, which improved
the collaboration and collective honor of
To further care for the growth of young employees, build effective communication channels,
and spark enthusiasm, Qingdao Branch held a meeting with young employees in February
2022, and representatives of young employees from the headquarters attended the meeting.
With face-to-face communication, the leaders listened to the voices of young employees, and
learned about their opinions and suggestions on the Company's development.
Young employees talked about their personal growth and work experience, and put forward
positive opinions and suggestions around corporate culture and team-building. After listening
to each young employee's talk, the leaders had an in-depth communication with young
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Employee Communication
Case The Trade Union of Dalian Branch Launched an All-staff Fitness Activity
To enrich the cultural life of employees, enhance the solidarity and cohesion, and promote
high-quality development, the Trade Union of Dalian Branch carried out a wide range of all-
staff fitness activities.
In October 2022, the Sales Department cooperated with the Freight Management
Department and the Documentation Department to carry out a team building activity.
This activity enhanced the communication among the three departments and showed the
enthusiasm of employees in the Dalian Branch. After the activity, the employees stated that
they would try their best to contribute to the team, and gain new achievements based on a
new starting point.
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Delivering Value to
Marine Transportation
We deliver value through shipping. COSCO SHIPPING
Lines, as the world's leading integrated container shipping
service provider dedicated to the global shipping busi-
ness, guarantees the safety of customers' business deliv-
ery and the health and safety of employees, while acting
with professionalism at all times. CSL also constantly
updates and improves services according to customer
needs to realize the sustainable delivery of shipping value.
◉ Safety in Shipping
◉ Improvement of Services-Elena
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Safety in Shipping
Safety in Shipping
COSCO SHIPPING Lines is well aware of the particularity and high risk nature of ocean shipping, and Strictly abiding by the laws and regulations related to shipping safety, CSL has formulated the Measures
always insists on keeping the safety bottom line in shipping to achieve steady development and for the Administration of Safety in Production, the Comprehensive Emergency Plan for Production
complete transportation entrusted by the customers. CSL has fully implemented a responsibility system Safety and other related internal policies, and amended the Regulations on the Management and
for production safety, strictly implements various safety management mechanisms, and effectively Operation of Ship Armed Escort Suppliers and the Regulations on the Administration of Safety
utilizes safety management system to ensure the safe operation of ships especially with regards to Education and Training during the Reporting Period to further regulate important matters in safety
accident and emergency management, anti-piracy attack, extreme weather prevention and dangerous production activities and set out responsibilities of relevant departments.
goods management.
2022 is the last year of the "Three-Year Initiative" of safety and emergency management.
for special rectification of safety production. Ac-
The Company instructed land-based units to focus on high-risk are-
cording to the stage requirements of the "Three- COSCO SHIPPING Lines insists on controlling risks System
as and operations, revise and improve relevant system documents
Year Initiative", CSL compiled safety management at the source and strives to eliminate safety acci- Construction and establish a long-term mechanism for production safety.
guidelines, refined the implementation plan of dents from the source. CSL strengthens accident
various activities, strengthened organizational risk management and control from four aspects:
work and responsibility implementation, and con- system construction, risk identification, safety in-
tinued to provide strong supervision and guidance spection, and system implementation, and effec- The Company requires "One card for each matter" in respect of
to ensure the effective and in-depth promotion of tively improves the strength and coverage of safety risk control of hazard and has made operation risk warning cards
the activities in the "Year of Consolidation and Im- process control. During the Reporting Period, CSL Risk Identi-
for special and critical operations of vessels and key equipment
provement" and to continuously improve the level had no safety production accidents. fication
involved, so as to ensure the concept of prior management of
safety to the front line of vessel operations.
The Company has developed annual safety inspection plans and set
up special inspection teams in the ports for domestic and foreign
trade to inspect as much as possible, and to regularly check and
control risks in key areas such as personnel, operations, periods and
waters with high risks.
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Safety in Shipping
CSL also adopted a number of emergency man- In addition, CSL conducts various safety drills to enhance employees' production safety awareness and Counter-Piracy Efforts
agement optimization measures and invited skills. During the Reporting Period, COSCO SHIPPING Lines and its 16 subordinate units and 177 ships
industry experts to revise the emergency manage- successfully completed the emergency exercise plan and held 372 drills, including 252 comprehensive drills
ment plan during the Reporting Period to continu- and 120 special drills (including 9 joint drills between ship and shore), with a total of 10,092 participants. Pirate attacks are a great threat to the life and
ously improve emergency management. safety of crew members and the economic ben-
efits of shipping companies. In order to ensure
safe shipping, shipping companies need to
Improvement of
372 10,092 incorporate counter-piracy measures into their
daily safety management. Based on the basic
principle of "Prevention first, constant vigilance,
emergency management held drills participants focusing on actual situation, preparing as soon
as possible, acting quickly and keeping it out of
the ship", CSL has formulated and implemented
evised emergency management plan,
a counter-piracy policy to carry out supervision,
set up a risk assessment team led by inspection, warning and guidance of the daily
Joint drills Special drills
deputy general manager of safety, counter-piracy work, and conducts regular train-
and established an emergency expert ing for crew members to counter pirate attacks.
CSL regularly analyzes the regions with frequent
amage or destruction to a vessel by ◉E
mergency fire drills in and around piracy incidents around the world, conducts
◉ I dentified hazards in the production an attack from the sea while at an- warehouses and yards research on the high-risk areas of piracy accord-
process of land-based units and ves- chor or berthing ing to the latest international situation and tries
sels, and determined each initial risk ◉S
pecial industry bulk operation ons- to avoid pirate areas when designing routes
level and control risk level on a case- ◉N
atural disaster/vessel stranding / ite cargo fire/petrol station vehicle wherever possible. If it is inevitable to enter an
by-case basis according to the com- grounding fire extinguishing drill area where piracy frequently occurs, CSL will
pany's Safety Production Risk Control employ a third-party armed escort team to track
Regulations and risk matrix assess- ◉C
yber attack on a vessel ◉C
PR, high rise building fire escape, and monitor its own vessels 24 hours a day. The
ment method spontaneous combustion of coal and captain will deploy all the crew members and
hip and shore dangerous goods fire other safety drills clarify the anti-piracy alarm signals and con-
emergency joint drills tacts throughout the ship. CSL's vessels are also
irefighting evacuation drills equipped with safety cabins as places to take
eveloped onsite responding plans for refuge and retreat. In case of emergency, CSL
verboard/injury drills
7 onshore emergencies and 18 vessel will ensure the personal safety and basic living
yphoon and flood prevention and
emergencies needs of the crew.
omb search at sea joint drills control
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Safety in Shipping
Global climate change makes the effects of extreme weather long-lasting, widespread, intense and hazardous, posing a serious threat to the safety of employees and property on vessels and in terminals. CSL has
always adhered to the principle of "Prevention first, combining prevention with resistance, taking early shelter when appropriate and allowing for unforeseen circumstances" to keep the safety bottom line with the
joint effort of the vessels and the terminals.
On September 11th-12th, 2022, Muifa, the 12 th In terms of site safety, COSCO SHIPPING Lines
ollaborates with three weather routing
typhoon of the year, hit the coastlines of China. reinforced containers against typhoon, focusing
companies and invested massive funds
COSCO SHIPPING Lines attaches great importance on binding and fastening of containers in the yard,
to provide long-, medium- and short-
to typhoon prevention and combating. It adhered strengthened gantry cranes and stacking ma-
term weather analysis, warning and
to the policy of "Prevention first, taking early shelter chines against wind, and cut off electricity to out-
forecast for vessels and shore before
when appropriate and allowing for unforeseen door temporary power lines in the container repair
sailing and at sea.
circumstances", carried out analysis and made area to stop the operation. Typhoon prevention
prompt decisions, activated emergency plan for and flood control measures were taken for 4 ware-
evelops a 24-hour duty system and typhoon prevention and combating immediately, houses in the storage area, including measures
provides severe weather warnings. formulated detailed prevention plan taking into to prevent wind and rain for goods piled outside
account typhoon dynamics, port information, route the warehouses. All types of special vehicles in
schedules, vessel conditions, loading conditions the warehouse area were properly parked and all
a tracking and monitoring and other information and went all out to do all the warehouse doors were closed when strong winds
mechanism for key vessels. preparations for flood and typhoon prevention. and heavy rains came.
In terms of management and scheduling, COSCO COSCO SHIPPING Lines also strengthened its 24-
rranges port agents to provide weath-
SHIPPING Lines promptly passed anti-typhoon hour watch and dispatch, closely tracked port
er warning and emergency support
instructions to all vessels, kept a close eye on arrivals and departures and mapped out arriving
functions in the event of sudden ad-
typhoon movements and the position and con- vessels and vessels taking shelter during typhoon.
verse weather events.
dition of vessels, arranged position adjustment It kept in constant contact with shipping compa-
in time, actively contacted terminals to arrange nies and terminals, making full preparations for
evelops detailed typhoon and wave berthing plans, balanced loading and unloading vessels arriving in terminals after typhoon, and
area shelting standards to guide requirements of vessels at terminals, and reduced reserved inventory of empty containers one week
sailing vessels and vessels in port on vessel turnaround time by seeking dock operation in advance to ensure sooth picking up of empty
response measures against wind. resources to ensure that vessels could leave the containers during typhoon, thus minimizing the
dock to seek shelter during typhoon. impact caused by typhoon.
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Safety in Shipping
Due to the significant impact of dangerous goods on safe shipping and ecological environment, the The batteries of electric vehicles are dangerous first batch of pure electric vehicle export pro-
entire transportation process should be managed by strict regulations to ensure the safety of goods goods, and therefore face various different and ject to report details of the goods, customers'
transportation and reduce the risks and losses caused by dangerous goods accidents. CSL abides more stringent safety requirements in export stock preparation and delivery requirements,
by the classification and operation procedures of dangerous goods stipulated in the International control than those of ordinary vehicles. During and to confirm regulations and requirements
Maritime Dangerous Goods Code formulated by the International Maritime Organization, and complies the Reporting Period, COSCO SHIPPING Lines of each aspect of customs for electric vehicles
with environmental protection laws and regulations such as the Yangtze River Protection Law of the held 6 seminars on lithium battery energy stor- as a new type of cargo, including issues such
People's Republic of China to fulfill its responsibility of preventing and controlling the transportation of age containers with customers, relevant mari- as how to determine the export commodity
dangerous goods, prevent and control the occurrence of maritime transportation of dangerous goods, time safety administrations and classification declaration code and coordination of shipside
and protect the marine environment and fishery economy. societies to discuss ways to carry this new type loading of dangerous goods. Under the coor-
of cargo and to actively support transport of dination of COSCO SHIPPING Lines, the export
lithium batteries in the new energy sector. declaration, shipside loading and customs
clearance for the first batch of 101 new energy
In October, 2022, Wuhan Branch took the initi- electric vehicles were completed within two
ative to contact customs before the start of the days.
heck whether the ◉A
fter confirming the ◉D
uring transporta-
products supplied dangerous goods catego- tion or stacking, the
by the customer are ry or UN number, the Company ensures
dangerous goods Company classifies the that dangerous
according to the type goods as either prohibit- goods comply with
of dangerous goods ed or restricted according relevant handling
booking applied for to the relevant policy on and segregation
by the customer. dangerous goods and requirements.
confirms the transport
At COSCO SHIPPING Lines, the dangerous goods handling team has established a three-level dangerous CSL also strengthened joint prevention and control with the competent authorities, cooperated to
goods transportation working group consisting of COSCO SHIPPING Lines, Shanghai Ocean Shipping develop the Company's dangerous goods audit management system, and made full use of the Internet
Co., Ltd. and vessels according to the requirements of division of responsibilities and approval process. of Things and big data technologies to further promote joint prevention and control cooperation
The working group organizes regular assessment and conscientiously performs its duty of accepting and taking IBOX as an entry point. COSCO SHIPPING Lines along with OOIL have successfully developed
approving dangerous goods throughout the transportation from the time a container is booked by the the Company's dangerous goods audit management (DGAM) platform to promote the systematic and
customer to the time they are shipped out. COSCO SHIPPING Lines has conducted business knowledge digital transformation of dangerous goods transportation operation management. By continuously
updating training for employees related to dangerous goods in the system, strengthened daily management strengthening the prevention and control of misreporting and concealment of dangerous goods, CSL
and operation of dangerous goods to ensure the safety of approval and transportation of dangerous goods. has enhanced disciplinary action against non-compliant customers. During the Reporting Period, a
During the Reporting Period, COSCO SHIPPING Lines dynamically revised and improved its dangerous goods total of 25 cases of concealment and misreporting of goods were detected, and 7 parties responsible for
acceptance policy and carried 5 types of new dangerous goods with UN numbers from 8 new customers. malicious concealment of dangerous goods were added to the Company's blacklist.
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CSL continues to carry out occupational health training to promote awareness of work safety among
every employee. During the Reporting Period, safety certificate training, special training for crew Safe Production Month Activities Carried out Successfully
members, training for new employees and training seminars were carried out according to the safety
production situation of the Company.
In June 2022, COSCO SHIPPING Lines kicked SHIPPING Lines continued to implement the
Safety Training Highlights off this year's Safe Production Month activities safety requirements of "Five Precautions"
with the theme of "Abide by Work Safety for all vessels, and insisted on "Taking
Law and Be the Focal Point". Through safety care of minor matters, preventing major
Three-level safety training for more than
220 participants
activities such as safe production warning and
education activities, safety hazard investigation
events, finding hidden dangers and filling
shortcomings" to ensure the safe and efficient
670 COSCO Shipping Lines' Regular Meeting of
and management activities and safety
emergency drills held on many vessels, COSCO
operation of vessels and the completion of
customer transportation consignments.
new employees in the system Captains, Chief Enginners and Chief Offices of
Vessels Training Course (Phase I) attended by
A total of
tiered and classified course materials and providing
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Improvement of Services
Improvement of Services
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Improvement of Services
time control of the status of more than 40,000 The Company has successfully certified
the automatic processing rate of the
intelligent reefer containers scattered around the whole process of the product togeth-
intelligent robot accounted for online
the world. er with a number of banks and verified
services the expected effect of the product in vari-
The Company's fleet of intelligent reefer ous scenarios of multiple customers. The
containers covers more than 400 routes in Company is looking forward to bringing
more than 140 countries around the world.
With the help of Internet of Things technology,
115.9% more value-added services to customers.
customized AI algorithm and rich data the use of the platform’s online
interfaces, real-time information is transmitted channels by customers increased by
back to MY REEFER platform every 15 minutes
to provide early warning when the container
temperature is not up to standard and to
enable paperless customs declaration of
11.6% The Company will continue to thoroughly integrate
customer needs with digital transformation,
cold processing data. This further improves while the hotline service channels keep improving digital operation capability
customs clearance efficiency for importers increased by aiming for efficiency, strive to implement the
and provides a 7*24-hour service for cargo Intelligent Cold Chain Platform
digital transformation strategy, and continue to
transportation. The Company also uses Smart The global service response speed and
build a global digital supply chain operation and
service level were further enhanced.
investment platform around container shipping.
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Improvement of Services
Direct Service
The Company further improves the end-to-end The Company will further expand the digital
container integrated logistics service network Case COSCO SHIPPING Lines' End-to-end Transportation Solution supply chain extended business, keep up with
and continuously improves service quality to Helps Customers Ship Their Vehicles customers' needs, upgrade end-to-end services,
optimize customer experience. In 2022, an end- strive to provide customers with more solid and
to-end transportation scheme for whole vehicles reliable logistics support to reflect the value
and a global diversified end-to-end logistics solu- A customer of COSCO SHIPPING Lines en- the unloading and customs clearance pro-
countered great challenges in transportation cedures were completed in accordance with advantages of the Company's brand image as a
tion were launched for the Company's container pioneer in the smooth flow of goods for various
transportation business to provide diversified and because of the large volume, irregular size and the established operational procedures and
difficulty in disassembling and assembling of the unpacking operation was carried out the customers.
personalized end-to-end supply chain solutions
for more customers. the vehicles. The different types of vehicles next morning under the close coordination
also added difficulty to the shipment. COSCO of COSCO Shipping Ports' business team and
SHIPPING Lines used an innovative end-to- customer project team and local inspection
end transportation solution to help the cus- agency.
tomer shipping its vehicles.
Case The First Europe-Middle
The successful implementation of this project
East End-to-End Project COSCO SHIPPING Lines used whole-vehicle alleviated the difficulty of vehicle transporta-
packing bracket for the first time to overcome tion by catering to the transportation needs of
For a globally diversified and comprehen- the technical problems of vehicle packing and the customers for multiple types of vehicles.
sive logistics solution, the CSP Abu Dhabi unpacking, and coordinated local customs, This signifies the Company's ability to provide
Terminal cooperated with COSCO SHIP- maritime safety administration and other au- full-chain service for transportation of vehicles
PING Lines Spain to successfully complete thorities to successfully complete the packing and to offer customers with a wider range of
the first batch of container booking for and operation at the site. After arriving at the port, end-to-end logistics transportation solutions.
provide door-to-door delivery service to
the client after 1.5 years of joint efforts.
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Improvement of Services
Privacy Protection
The Company attaches importance to privacy protection and internal data security protection, and
strictly protects customer privacy. In order to strengthen the protection of customers' privacy and
safety, the Company has been implementing the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China
Case The South China Branch Carried out Cyber Security Awareness Training
for employees at all levels through in-depth study of the information protection concept. The Company
also conducts cyber security awareness trainings such as the Safe Production Month to further improve
privacy protection and data security protection. In July, 2022, in order to improve employees' awareness of cyber security, the South China Branch
held a training on cyber information security management, which was attended by staff from the
headquarters and various directly affiliated units via video connection.
During the training session, COSCO SHIPPING Lines explained in detail the basic rules that must be
observed in cyber security. The session also covered PC terminal standardization, password strategy,
terminal management, web page security and other content around precautions to be taken during
the 2022 cyber security attack and defense drill and the current challenges in cyber security.
Through this training, the employees' awareness of cyber security was further enhanced and their
ability to identify risks was improved to protect the Company's high-quality development.
As the cornerstone of digital development in the future, cyber security is the driving force of digital
transformation and upgrading. COSCO SHIPPING Lines provided trainings to its employees accord-
ing to the Management Measures for Cyber Security and based on the Company's network structure.
By analyzing specific practical cases from multiple perspectives, such as password security, phishing
emails, APT attacks and emergency handling methods, the training further strengthened the aware-
ness of information and cyber security of all employees in Dalian Branch and laid a solid foundation
for improving the overall cyber security guarantee ability and protection level of Dalian Branch.
Through training, employees had a deeper understanding of the importance of the safe operation of
basic information network and essential systems. This provides an extra layer of protection to cyber
and security.
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Improvement of Services
Customer Experience
Adhering to the customer-oriented concept, the Company always puts customer experience in the first place. It strives to provide more customized services in addition to standard services, which means offering the right products
at the right time and in the right scenario. The Company will integrate its businesses to achieve the self-operation in the whole process of road freight, air freight, towing, customs declaration, warehousing and distribution, so as to
better serve customers and enhance their experience throughout the process.
The Company attaches great importance to the distri- Through customized solutions, the Company provides tailored services and high-standard experience for customers
bution of service information. In 2022, in response to of all sizes.
the lack of transparency and timeliness in the release of
service information, the Company further standardized
information that's to be distributed, confirmed channels
for information distribution, and established an informa-
Case COSCO SHIPPING Lines Provided Customized Cold Chain
tion distribution mechanism from information collec-
tion, circulation, review to distribution. COSCO SHIPPING Smart Solution for Customer Importing Coconuts
Lines also formulated the process of distributing service
information, and officially launched the subscription and
In 2022, the use of reefer containers for coconut
push functions of its official website to achieve standard,
imported from Southeast Asia to Nansha Steve-
timely and accurate distribution of service information
doring Terminal were more popular than in pre-
and enhance customer service experience.
vious years. COSCO SHIPPING Lines learned that
customers' previous refrigerated road transport
route was blocked and that the normal production
and sales of some manufacturers were affected.
Case Optimized Booking
Confirmation Process In order to address customers' pain points, COSCO
SHIPPING Lines tailored a set of road-to-sea solu-
In 2022, COSCO SHIPPING Lines used digital tion for manufacturers, which enabled imported
means to achieve the circulation and tracking of goods to be transported directly from Nansha
space requirements during the booking stage, to Haikou through the domestic IC25 route. The COSCO SHIPPING Lines Provided Customized
improve the operational efficiency of booking trailers in Nansha and Haikou were coordinated Cold Chain Smart Solutions for Customer
confirmation; COSCO SHIPPING Lines also uti- to control the time and cost of container change. Importing Coconuts
lizes systematic means to achieve unified main- The first batch of 9 reefer containers have been
tenance and management of critical service successfully delivered.
deadlines. At the same time, COSCO SHIPPING The first batch of
Lines achieved centralized configuration man- The transformation of the cold chain from road
agement of booking confirmation templates to sea brought into play the advantages of high
through the system, improving the consistency
and accuracy of booking confirmation docu-
ments; As of the end of 2022, the unified config-
efficiency, fewer links and lower cost, and has been
highly recognized by customers for its stable and
controllable logistics channels, seamless connection
uration and centralized management of global throughout the process and customized services. reefer containers have been successfully
booking confirmations has been completed. delivered
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Improvement of Services
After gaining a better understanding of the practical difficulties of the customer, COSCO SHIPPING
Lines urgently coordinated with the free-trade zone to sign contracts promptly in accordance with
the trade zone's policy guidelines and negotiated with the customer for a reasonable freight rate.
The Branch also actively communicated with relevant ports for shipping space support based on the
actual needs of the customer to deliver products to ensure stable shipping space support and ship-
Since signing the contract, with the full cooperation and support of all parties, the urgent needs of
the customer have been catered for. COSCO SHIPPING Lines has put into practice the service concept
of "customer-oriented", helping a wide range of direct customers to resolve supply chain disruptions.
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Improvement of Services
Customer Satisfaction
The Company attaches great importance to cus- During the Reporting Period, the Company further optimized the customer complaint system and handling process. Complaints are investigated and evidence
tomer satisfaction and regularly conducts customer is collected by the responsible department to determine the authenticity of the complaint, the facts, the main responsible party, the degree of negligence
satisfaction surveys to gain an in-depth under- and the damage caused or potentially caused. The customer service hotline acceptance forms are collected and used to carry out follow-ups. In the event of
standing of customer expectations and suggestions. a complaint, the Company will immediately activate the response process and reply on the same day or within the promised time frame, and keep a detailed
The Company also comprehensively improves cus- record of all customer complaints and their outcomes.
tomer experience and satisfaction through various
customized improvement measures.
Customer complaint handling process
2021 2022
During the Reporting Period, the Company received 201 customer complaints and all of them were handled according to the agreed process.
Increase of Customer Satisfaction Rate for
COSCO Shipping Lines
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Delivering Value to
the Society
The Company actively fulfills corporate responsibilities,
shares social values, and passes on love and care. With
business expansion and corporate development, the
Company always pays attention to improving the supply
chain management system, creating a sustainable indus-
trial chain, and driving suppliers to achieve common
prosperity. At the same time, the Company regards partic-
ipating in public welfare as an important corporate task,
and carries out long-term actions in charity and rural
revitalization to promote social well-being.
◉ Prosperous Economy
◉ Rural Revitalization
◉ Community Involvement
◉ Volunteering
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The Company adheres to the principles of openness, fairness and justice in practicing responsible For existing suppliers, the Company conducts an- The Company is committed to establishing a good
procurement and implementing strict supplier management mechanism with constant improvements nual assessment and rating, and scores the perfor- communication with suppliers. Through com-
to promote the sustainable development of the whole industrial chain and jointly create social value. mance of suppliers. For suppliers with low scores munication channels such as supplier meetings,
and poor performance, the Company puts forward interviews and qualification audits, the Company
targeted improvement suggestions. The supplier is dedicated to solving problems for suppliers,
assessment incorporates multiple dimensions conveying quality requirements, and improving
Supplier Management Measures to comprehensively consider the performance suppliers' service and safety awareness. The Com-
of suppliers in corporate governance, employee pany regularly collects feedback from suppliers to
safety, customer service, business ethics and en- improve efficiency for future cooperation.
vironmental protection, so as to ensure that the
In order to achieve sustainable supply chain management, the Company revised and strictly followed the
suppliers of the Company have sufficient technical
Regulations on Supplier Management Measures, Procurement Management Measures, Transportation
expertise and scale, management capabilities, as Suppliers by region
Procurement and Supplier Management of COSCO SHIPPING Lines, further strengthening the review of
well as excellent product and service quality.
supplier access and existing suppliers.
The Company has always maintained strict admittance requirements for suppliers, formulated the supplier To reduce supply chain risks and strengthen the digi-
access process, and designed the supplier access criteria. In the process of supplier selection, not only are tal transformation capability, the Company regularly
the scale and qualifications of suppliers considered, but also the environmental and social performance identifies, tracks, and evaluates potential risks in
of suppliers in daily operations. In terms of the social risks, the Company ensures that suppliers are able to the supply chain, and proposes countermeasures.
identify and control their own occupational health and safety hazards and implement effective prevention In terms of risk monitoring, the Company contin-
and management measures for potential major hazards. In terms of environmental risks, the Company uously optimized the supply-side network effect,
requires suppliers to effectively identify and update important environmental risk factors, and strives to built a supply chain management platform by using
control their impact on the environment. digital systems, leveraged the leading technological 2,832
advantages of IRIS4 system, and realized end-to-end
The Company holds its suppliers to high standards, and is devoted to selecting suppliers that are consistent supplier data interaction, delivering a transparent,
with the Company's values and requires all suppliers to sign the Commitment Letter of Anti-Commercial safe and stable supplier management.
Bribery for Suppliers. By the end of the Reporting Period, all suppliers had signed the Commitment
Letter. The Company also requires new suppliers who are not selected by bidding to complete the Self- The Company strictly selects qualified suppliers from Suppliers in Mainland China
examination Questionnaire of Supplier's Social Standards Compliance, which clearly requires suppliers to the supplier pool during procurement, gives priority Suppliers outside Mainland China
make commitments in social responsibility, employee health and work safety. In addition, the Company to suppliers with long cooperation and good credit, (including Hong Kong, Macao and
conducted spot checks on suppliers at the end of the year, and summarized and gave feedback on their to reduce risks from the source and safeguard its Taiwan)
performance. customers and business.
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Prosperous Economy
Prosperous Economy
The Company focuses on industry cooperation, mutual assistance in enterprise operation, and promotion
of regional economic development. Relying on a solid business foundation and transportation capacity, the Case Facilitating the Export
Company continues to address the challenges in daily operations for small- and medium-sized enterprises of Agricultural Products
(SMEs), and provides assistance to enterprises in need domestically and abroad. In the first half of 2022, due
to port congestion and shortage of operators, the ship turnover efficiency was affected with ships failing In May, 2022, in order to help with the
to sail in time, resulting in compromised market capacity. In order to solve the problems of shipping space recovery of agricultural products export
shortage, service degradation, and cargo detention, the Company has formulated support policies for SMEs. in Guangdong province, the South China
In the process of customer communication, the Company insists on providing meticulous services from the Branch organized a trip to the processing
perspective of SMEs and actively seeks solutions for customers to safeguard the development of SMEs. center of an agricultural product enterprise
in Gaoming, Foshan, and packed a total
of 45 tons of fruits into containers, which
were then shipped to the United States af-
ter the on-site inspection and quarantine
Case Facilitating SMEs to Unblock the Logistics Channel at the Gaoming Office, Foshan Customs.
The export of agricultural products was
successfully completed, which solved the
overstock problem for the enterprises.
In January, 2022, local SMEs in Mengyin County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, suffered from con-
gestion and hard-to-find shipping space in local ports. Due to the blockage of shipping routes, local
Adhering to the concept of an integral
SMEs in Mengyin County are facing the severe challenges in exporting goods, and the accumulation
upstream and downstream industrial
of unsold goods would have directly led to the industrial chain disruption in Mengyin County.
chain, and acting on the belief of creat-
ing a good industrial environment, the
In order to address the challenges of export blockage and products overstocking, the Qingdao Company unblocks routes for enterpris-
Branch leveraged the special freight service of container transportation for small- and medium-sized es in need to help them break through
customers to formulate targeted assistance measures for enterprises, which ensured the delivery of difficulties. Through stable channels and
goods for local enterprises and played an important supporting role in the economic development efficient transportation, we have succes-
of Mengyin old district, as the local industrial chain is the lifeline of thousands of farmers and an im- sively signed annual transportation con-
portant component of rural revitalization. The Company demonstrated its corporate responsibility tracts with a number of key agricultural
at a critical moment, creating a solid foundation for the future cooperation between the two parties. enterprises to provide them with safe
and reliable transportation services.
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Case The South China Branch Held Charitable Activities for Rural Primary
Ocean1 is a multi-user online mall under COSCO Shipping Lines. In the agriculture assistance activity
held in 2022, the Company leveraged this digital platform to assist the online promotion of products School Students in Yongde County
in poverty-stricken counties and help promote agriculture through consumption. The agricultural
and livestock products sold in this activity mainly came from 4 poverty-stricken counties assisted by On May 31st, South China Branch went to the Central Primary School of Daxueshan Township, Yongde
COSCO Shipping Lines, namely Yongde County in Yunnan, Anhua County in Hunan, Yuanling County County, Yunnan Province, and sent Skyworth multimedia classroom display equipment to 1,248 rural
in Hunan and Luolong County in Tibet, with a total of 105 specialty agricultural products. children. A total of 1,248 children's paintings of wishes from the Daxueshan Township Central Kinder-
garten and Wanxiao Primary School were collected and showcased through an art exhibition for their
In addition to creating the Agricultural Assistance Zone on Ocean1, the website is further devel- wishes to be claimed and realized. The event was warmly responded to by all employees, and more
oped to embed the activity entrance link of the Agriculture Week into the relevant pages of the than 80% of them actively participated in the exhibition and all of the paintings were claimed.
website, broadened the sales channels of agricultural products, and combined digitalization
with traditional agricultural products to help all specialty agricultural products in poverty-strick- In addition to claiming paintings of wishes, the South China Branch also donated multimedia
en counties become accessible to the public. classroom display equipment for three other rural primary schools in Yongde County to improve
their teaching quality.
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Community Involvement
Education Assistance
Case Boundless Care, Infinite Love: Children's Care in Kangjian Hospital
To help rural children grow up with love, the Company always pays attention to the education of
With the theme of "Boundless Care, Infinite Love", COSCO SHIPPING Lines carried out a well- children in impoverished areas, with a focus on improving local educational infrastructure and
planned caring activity for children in the Hongkou Huixin Children's Health Hospital, and sent supplementing educational resources.
daily necessities and food to the Hospital. In the follow-up, COSCO SHIPPING Lines will continue
to help children who need care and cultivation for their healthy growth, jointly building a
harmonious and loving growth atmosphere.
In August 2022, a representative team of COSCO SHIPPING Lines in Hunan donated school
The Company not only helps the disadvantaged in China, but also uses its own international influence supplies to the students of Jundaping No.9 School in Muxi Village. This donation not only
to spread love internationally, and provides public resources to areas in need through public welfare provided material support but also motivated the children. Their smiles and excitement when
activities. they received the gifts warmed the hearts of the team representatives.
In 2022, the Malaysian Peninsula was hit by continuous rainstorms, which caused serious floods
in many places in Malaysia. Upon learning about the disaster, the Southeast Asia Branch, together
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Taking a boat of care we sail with great love. In 2022, the Company continued to provide volunteer services and showcased its corporate image. While business
leaders carry out various charitable activities, employees of the Company also actively fulfill their social responsibilities in local communities, participate in
various voluntary activities, and contribute to building a better society. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the hours of employee volunteering activities of
the Company reached 894 hours.
Case Low-Carbon Travel for a Beautiful Environment: the Qingdao Branch Promotes Sustainable Development
In July 2022, in order to strengthen the concept of green and sustainable development, employees of the Qingdao Branch carried out service activities
to promote a low-carbon life and environmental protection to local community residents. In addition, the volunteers cleaned the public areas and
picked up garbage to set an example for the community.
This activity aimed to improve employee awareness and understanding of the necessity and urgency of sustainable development. At the same time,
the positive actions of employees have also raised the community's environmental awareness, allowed more people to learn about the importance
and urgency of a low-carbon life, and made contributions to creating a beautiful environment.
The Company has always been adhering to the spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress" to encourage employees to participate
in volunteer activities. During the Reporting Period, the Computer Center of COSCO Shipping Lines and Weifang Community Volunteer Center in
Pudong New Area signed an agreement for long-term regional co-construction. The employees of COSCO Shipping Lines formed a volunteer service
team to carry out traffic rules education for non-motor vehicles and pedestrians who violated traffic regulations on the morning of working days to
avoid violations of traffic regulations.
The patient talks and enthusiastic service attitude of the volunteers helped the masses avoid a series of violations and were well received. This
volunteer activity not only raised the safety awareness of the public, reduced the uncivilized behavior on road, but also contributed to creating a
civilized, safe, harmonious and orderly living environment.
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Laws, regulations and internal policies
Labor Law of the People's Republic of China Regulations on Reporting, Investigation and Employee management program Regulations on Transportation Procurement and
Handling of Production Safety Accidents Supplier Management of COSCO SHIPPING Lines
Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China Staff recruitment management methods (Trial)
International Convention on the Control and Administrative Regulations on Strengthening the
Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments Measures for the Administration of Safety Production Membership and Service of Labor Dispatchers of
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic Law of the People's Republic of China on Water Comprehensive Emergency Plan for Safety Production
of China Pollution Prevention and Control Implementation Opinions on the Rest Cure of Employees
Safety Education and Training Management Regulations of COSCO SHIPPING Lines (for Trial Implementation)
Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China of Yangtze
and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste River Protection Law Waste Management Plan Collective Contracts
Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Regulations on Prevention and Control of Marine Oil Wastewater Treatment Management Regulations Supplier Management Measures
Republic of China Environment Pollution by Ships
Emergency Plan for Oil Pollution on Ships Procurement Management Measures
Implementation Plan of Air Pollutant Emission Control International Convention on the Prevention of
Zones for Ships Instructions for Management of Ship Ballast Water
Pollution from Ships
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution Ballast Water Management Plan
Basic Norms of Enterprise Internal Control
from Ships
Dangerous Goods Safety Management Regulations
United Nations Convention against Corruption
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and
Anti-monopoly Compliance Management Manual
Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
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Environmental data
Indirect energy use Purchased power 1,000 kWh 4,686 4,853 4,479
Intensity of indirect energy use 1,000 kWh/million RMB revenue 0.04 0.02 0.02
Intensity of direct energy use 1,000 kWh/million RMB revenue 532.13 302.48 224.56
Water for production Seawater desalination capacity Tons 124,756 136,213 123,293
Intensity of Water
Tons/ million RMB of operating income Tons/ million RMB of operating income 2.48 2.01 1.54
resources use
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Waste Number of dangerous goods containers Standard container 180,832 201,093 217,249
The emission factor of greenhouse gases is mainly based on the Third IMO Greenhouse Gas Study 2014, and the emission of electricity consumption refers to the emission factor of each country or power company.
The calculation method of exhaust gas mainly refers to the method of the Clean Transport Working Group (CCWG).
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Social data
Total number of new employees in mainland China People 132 293 200
By region
Total number of new employees overseas People 390 416 587
Employee Turnover
Employee turnover by region Regular employees in Hong Kong, China % 6.70 3.63 5.46
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Employee Training
Percentage of employees trained by gender=Number of employees trained by gender/ Total number of employees receiving training
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Employee Complaints
Number of concluded
corruption lawsuits filed against 0 0 0
the Company or its employees
Community investment
Expenditure on participating
in or organizing community or 100,000 yuan 2,022 28,262 3,151
public welfare activities
Percentage of Trained Employees by Employee Rank=Number of Trained Employees at Management or Regular Level/Total Number of Trained Employees
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Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
Environmental, social and governance areas and general disclosure and key performance indicators (KPI) Chapter
Related to emissions of exhaust gases and greenhouse gases, pollution discharge to water and land, generation of harmful
and harmless wastes: Delivering Value to the Environment: Energy Use and
General disclosure
(a) Policies; Emission Reduction
(b) Data on compliance with laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer.
A1.2 Total emissions and density of greenhouse gases Sustainability performance data
A1: Emissions
A1.3 Total amount and density of hazardous wastes produced Sustainability performance data
A1.4 Total amount and density of harmless waste generated Sustainability performance data
Description of disposal methods of hazardous and harmless wastes, and that of waste reduction objectives set and steps Delivering Value to the Environment: Solid Waste
taken to achieve these objectives Management
A2.1 Total consumption and density of direct and/or indirect energy sources (such as electricity, gas or oil) by type Sustainability performance data
Description any problems in obtaining suitable water sources, the water efficiency targets set and steps taken to achieve Delivering Value to the Environment: Water Resources
these targets and Waste Water Management
A3: Environment and Delivering Value to the Environment: Energy Use and
General disclosure Policies to reduce the significant impact of the issuer on the environment and natural resources
natural resources Emission Reduction
Description of the significant impact of business activities on the environment and natural resources, and the actions taken Delivering Value to the Environment: Energy Use and
to manage the impact Emission Reduction
General disclosure Policies for identifying and responding to significant climate-related issues that have and may have an impact on the issuer Delivering Value to the Environment: Climate Change
A4: Climate change
A4.1 Description of major climate-related issues that have and may have an impact on the issuer, and the response actions Delivering Value to the Environment: Climate Change
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Environmental, social and governance areas and general disclosure and key performance indicators (KPI) Chapter
Related to salary, dismissal and recruitment, promotion, working hours, leave, equal opportunities, diversity, anti-
discrimination and other welfare and benefits: Delivering Value to the Employees: Recruitment
General disclosure
(a) Policies; Compliance
(b) Compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer.
B1: Employee
B1.1 Total number of employees by sex, employment type, age group and region Sustainability performance data
B1.2 Employee turnover by sex, age group and region Sustainability performance data
Related to the provision of safe working environment and the protection of employees
Delivering Value in Shipping:Occupational Health and
General disclosure (a) Policies;
(b) Compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer.
B2: Health and Safety B2.1 Number and rate of work-related deaths in each of the past three years (including the reporting year) Sustainability performance data
B2.2 Number of hold-up working days due to work-related injuries Sustainability performance data
B2.3 Description of the occupational health and safety measures adopted, and the relevant implementation and monitoring methods Delivering Value in Shipping:Occupational Health and Safety
General disclosure Policies on improving employees' know-how and skills in performing their duties. Description of relevant training activities. Delivering Value in Shipping:Occupational Health and Safety
B3: Development
B3.1 Percentage of trained employees by sex and employment category Sustainability performance data
and training
B3.2 Average number of training hours per employee by sex and employee type Sustainability performance data
B4.2 Description of the steps taken to eliminate violations when they are found Delivering Value to the Employees: Recruitment Compliance
General disclosure Policies on managing environmental and social risks in the supply chain. Delivering Value to the Society: Sustainable Supply Chain
B5: Supply chain B5.1 Number of suppliers by region Sustainability performance data
Description of the practice of employing suppliers, the number of suppliers on which the practice is enforced, and the
B5.2 Delivering Value to the Society: Sustainable Supply Chain
relevant enforcement and monitoring methods
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Environmental, social and governance areas and general disclosure and key performance indicators (KPI) Chapter
Description of the practices for identifying environmental and social risks at each stage of the supply chain, and the related
B5.3 Delivering Value to the Society: Sustainable Supply Chain
implementation and monitoring methods
B5: Supply chain
Description of the practices of promoting the use of environmentally friendly products and services during the selection of
B5.4 Delivering Value to the Society: Sustainable Supply Chain
suppliers, and the related implementation and monitoring methods
Related to the health and safety, advertising, labelling and privacy issues and remedies of the products and services
provided: Delivering Value in Shipping: Improvement of Services
General disclosure COSCO Shipping Lines' daily operations do not involve
(a) Policies;
advertising and labeling related matters
(b) Compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer.
B6: Product liability B6.2 Percentage of products that need to be recalled for safety and health reasons of all sold or shipped products Delivering Value in Shipping: Improvement of Services
B6.5 Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, and related enforcement and monitoring methods Delivering Value in Shipping: Improvement of Services
Related to the prevention and control of bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering:
General disclosure (a) Policies; Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
(b) Compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer.
B7: Anti-corruption The number of concluded corruption cases filed against the issuer or its employees during the Reporting Period and the
measures B7.1 Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
results of the proceedings
B7.2 Description of preventive measures and reporting procedures, as well as related enforcement and monitoring methods Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
B7.3 Description of anti-corruption training provided for directors and staff Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
Policies on understanding the needs of the communities in which the Company operates through participation in
General disclosure Delivering Value to the Society: Community Involvement
community activities to ensure that the interests of the communities will be taken into account during business activities.
B8: Investment
B8.1 Areas of focus Delivering Value to the Society: Community Involvement
B8.2 Resources invested in areas of focus Delivering Value to the Society: Community Involvement
2022 Sustainability Report Foreword Sustainable Development Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value Appendix
Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
General standards
2-2 Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting About COSCO SHIPPING Lines
2-3 Reporting Period, frequency and contact point About COSCO SHIPPING Lines
2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships Sustainable Development Governance: Materiality Assessment
2-8 Workers who are not employees Delivering Value to the Employees: Recruitment Compliance
2-9 Governance structure and composition Sustainable Development Governance: Governance Structure
2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body Sustainable Development Governance: Governance Structure
2-11 Chair of the highest governance body Sustainable Development Governance: Governance Structure
2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts Sustainable Development Governance: Governance Structure
2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts Sustainable Development Governance: Governance Structure
2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting Sustainable Development Governance: Governance Structure
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body Sustainable Development Governance: Risk Management/ Business Ethics
2022 Sustainability Report Foreword Sustainable Development Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value Appendix
Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
2-18 valuation of the performance of the highest governance body Delivering Value to the Environment: Climate Change
2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations Appendix:Laws, regulations and internal policies
Stakeholder engagement
2-30 Collective bargaining agreements Delivering Value to the Employees:Protection of Rights and Interests
201-1 Economic value directly generated and distributed About COSCO SHIPPING Lines - Economic performance
201-2 Financial impacts of climate change and other risks and opportunities Delivering Value to the Environment: Climate Change
203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported Delivering Value to the Society: Community Involvement
205-1 Operations where corruption risk assessment has been conducted Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
2022 Sustainability Report Foreword Sustainable Development Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value Appendix
Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
205-2 Communication and training of anti-corruption policies and procedures Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
Legal proceedings against unfair competition behavior, antitrust and anti- Sustainable Development Governance: Business Ethics
monopoly practice
302-1 Energy consumption within the organization Delivering Value to the Environment: Energy Use and Emission Reduction
302-4 Reduce energy consumption Delivering Value to the Environment: Energy Use and Emission Reduction
302-5 Reduce the energy demand of products and services Delivering Value to the Environment: Energy Use and Emission Reduction
303-1 Interaction between organizations and water (as a shared resource) Delivering Value to the Environment: Water Resources and Waste Water Management
303-3 Water fetching Delivering Value to the Environment: Water Resources and Waste Water Management
303-4 Drainage Delivering Value to the Environment: Water Resources and Waste Water Management
303-5 Water consumption Delivering Value to the Environment: Water Resources and Waste Water Management
304-2 Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity Delivering Value to the Environment: Biodiversity
305-2 Energy indirect (category 2) greenhouse gas emissions Sustainability performance data
305-7 Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX) and other major gases Sustainability performance data
2022 Sustainability Report Foreword Sustainable Development Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value Appendix
Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
306-2 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts Delivering Value to the Environment: Solid Waste Management
306-3 Waste generated Delivering Value to the Environment: Solid Waste Management
308-1 New suppliers selected using environmental criteria Delivering Value to the Society: Sustainable Supply Chain
308-2 Negative impact of supply chain on environment and actions taken Delivering Value to the Society: Sustainable Supply Chain
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover Delivering Value to the Employees: Recruitment Compliance
403-1 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Delivering Value in Shipping: Occupational Health and Safety
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation Delivering Value in Shipping: Safety in Shipping
403-3 Occupational Health Services Delivering Value in Shipping: Occupational Health and Safety
403-5 Occupational Health and Safety Training for Workers Delivering Value in Shipping: Occupational Health and Safety
403-6 Promoting Workers' Health Delivering Value in Shipping: Occupational Health and Safety
403-8 Workers Applicable to Occupational Health and Safety Management System Delivering Value in Shipping: Occupational Health and Safety
403-9 Work-related injury Delivering Value in Shipping: Occupational Health and Safety
403-10 Work-related health problems Delivering Value in Shipping: Occupational Health and Safety
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Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
2022 Sustainability Report Foreword Sustainable Development Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value Appendix
Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
CECEP (HK) Advisory Company Limited (“CE- ity Report. CECEPAC (HK)’s activities of Assurance AA1000AS v3 and the ESG Reporting Guide by and "comply or explain" provisions in the ESG
CEPAC (HK)” or “We”) has been engaged by Engagement are independent from COSCO SEHK to the Board of Directors of COSCO SHIP- Reporting Guide of SEHK;
COSCO SHIPPING Lines Co., Ltd. (“COSCO SHIP- SHIPPING Lines. There is no relationship between PING Lines. This independent assurance state-
PING Lines”) to conduct an independent limited CECEPAC (HK) and COSCO SHIPPING Lines beyond ment applies solely to the Sustainability Report COSCO SHIPPING Lines and CECEPAC (HK)
assurance engagement (“Assurance Engage- the contractual agreement for providing proper in the specified scope, expresses a conclusion reached an agreement to select the specified
ment”) on the information and data related to service of assurance. on the assurance work, and does not serve any performance information in the Sustainability
sustainable development in the COSCO SHIPPING other intents or purposes. Report as part of the content for Assurance En-
Lines Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2022 (“Sus- CECEPAC (HK)'s assurance team consists of pro- gagement. The selected specified information is
tainability Report”), and disclosed the results fessional personnel who are experienced in the CECEPAC (HK) ensures that all personnel involved as follows:
and conclusions of the Assurance Engagement industry and have received professional training in assurance work meet professional qualifica-
to the intended users of the Sustainability Report in sustainability-related standards such as GRI tion, training, and experience requirements, and - Employee Injuries and Deaths – Total num-
in the form of an independent assurance state- Sustainability Reporting Standards issued by are proficient in conducting assurance engage- ber of deaths - Proportion of work-related
ment. Global Reporting Initiative, AA1000AS v3, the ESG ments. All results of assurance and certification deaths
Reporting Guide issued by SEHK, ISO 14001, and audit are internally reviewed by senior staff to - Community Investment – Total number of
CECEPAC (HK) has been engaged to assure ISO 9001, etc. ensure that methodologies used in the process people participating in community or public
COSCO SHIPPING Lines’ adherence to the four are sufficiently stringent and transparent. welfare activities
AA1000 Accountability Principles (Inclusivity, Ma- CECEPAC (HK)'s assurance team has rich expe- - Direct Energy Use - High-sulfur oil
teriality, Responsiveness, and Impact) set out in rience in conducting assurance and has a full IV. Scope of the Assurance Engagement The Assurance Engagement was with respect to
the AA1000 Assurance Standard v3 (“AA1000AS understanding and practical ability of AA1000AS The scope of the Assurance Engagement is lim- information disclosed from January 01, 2022 to
v3”). CECEPAC (HK) has also been engaged to v3. Meanwhile, the assurance team of CECEPAC ited to the data and information in the Sustain- December 31, 2022 only. Any information that
provide limited assurance on the reliability and (HK) carries out Assurance Engagement on sus- ability Report that related to COSCO SHIPPING falls outside this period that is disclosed in the
quality of specified performance information dis- tainable development issues in accordance with Lines, and does not include COSCO SHIPPING Sustainability Report is not included within the
closed in the Sustainability Report that has been the internal assurance protocol of CECEPAC (HK). Lines’ suppliers, contractors, and data or infor- scope of the Assurance Engagement. Therefore,
selected in accordance with the Environmental, mation provided by other third parties; we do not express any conclusions on this infor-
Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“ESG II. COSCO SHIPPING Lines’ Responsibilities mation; and
Reporting Guide”) published by the Stock Ex- COSCO SHIPPING Lines is responsible for the AA1000 AS Type 2 Moderate Level of Assurance
change of Hong Kong Limited (“SEHK”). preparation and presentation of the Sustainabil- was adopted to evaluate the nature and extent The scope of the Assurance Engagement is con-
ity Report in accordance with the ESG Reporting of COSCO SHIPPING Lines’ adherence to the four fined to the information and data provided by
Should there be any discrepancies or differences Guide published by SEHK. COSCO SHIPPING Lines AA1000 Accountability Principles (Inclusivity, Ma- COSCO SHIPPING Lines. Any queries regarding
between the Chinese and English versions of the is also responsible for implementing internal teriality, Responsiveness and Impact) set out in the content or related matters within this inde-
independent assurance statement, the Chinese control procedures to ensure that contents of the the AA1000AS v3; pendent assurance statement should be ad-
version shall prevail. Sustainability Report are free from material mis- dressed to COSCO SHIPPING Lines only.
statement, whether due to fraud or error. Assuring the degree of conformity of the general
I. Independence and Competence disclosure and key performance indicators of the V. Methodology of the Assurance Engagement
CECEPAC (HK) was not involved in collecting and III. Assurance Provider’s Responsibilities environmental and social subject areas of the CECEPAC (HK)’s Assurance Engagement was con-
calculating data involved in the Sustainability CECEPAC (HK) is responsible for issuing an in- Sustainability Report disclosed in accordance ducted at the headquarters of COSCO SHIPPING
Report, or in the development of the Sustainabil- dependent assurance statement according to with the “mandatory disclosure requirements” Holdings and the assurance works included:
2022 Sustainability Report Foreword Sustainable Development Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value to Delivering Value Appendix
Governance the Environment the Employees Marine Transportation to the Society
Evaluating the appropriateness of COSCO SHIP- different, but acceptable, measures and meas- to sustainability. Our professional opinion is that tainability Report is unreliable and unqualified
PING Lines’ stakeholder engagement process; urement techniques and can affect comparability COSCO SHIPPING Lines adheres to the principle or not been prepared in all material respects in
between entities. of Responsiveness. accordance with the basis of reporting.
Conducting online interviews11 with COSCO SHIP-
PING Lines’ employees involved in sustainability VII. Conclusions Impact
management, preparation of the Sustainability In accordance with the principles of Inclusivity, In its risk management system, COSCO SHIPPING
Report and the provision of relevant information; Materiality, Responsiveness, and Impact in the Lines has established a process to understand,
AA1000AS v3, the specified performance infor- evaluate, assess and manage impacts. COSCO
Assessing whether the reporting and manage- mation and the degree of conformity with the SHIPPING Lines carried out an annual corporate
ment approach disclosed for the Sustainability ESG Reporting Guide, our findings and conclu- significant climate change-related risk evaluation
Report responded to the principles of Inclusivity, sions are as follows: to identify risks related to climate change and
Materiality, Responsiveness, and Impact as de- develop strategies to deal with climate change.
fined in the AA1000AS v3; Inclusivity Our professional opinion is that COSCO SHIPPING
COSCO SHIPPING Lines has identified key stake- Lines adheres to the principle of Impact.
Conducting sampling of evidence pertaining to holders and continuously communicated with
the reliability and quality of the selected speci- key stakeholders in various way to understand SEHK’s ESG Reporting Guide
fied performance information; their expectations and concerns. On this basis, The general disclosure and key performance in-
COSCO SHIPPING Lines has formulated policies in dicators of the environmental and social subject
Recalculating the selected specified performance consideration of key stakeholders’ expectations areas of the Sustainability Report are disclosed in June 27, 2023
information; and concerns. Our professional opinion is that accordance with the “mandatory disclosure re- Hong Kong SAR, China
COSCO SHIPPING Lines adheres to the principle quirements” and "comply or explain" provisions
Assessing the degree of conformity of the Sus-
of Inclusivity. in the ESG Reporting Guide of SEHK in all materi-
tainability Report with the ESG Reporting Guide;
al aspects. COSCO SHIPPING Lines disclosed the
and Materiality process of its key stakeholders’ participation in
COSCO SHIPPING Lines has conducted a mate- materiality assessment, objectively described the
Performing other procedures we deemed neces-
riality assessment for the Sustainability Report, impact of its business and calculated and dis-
collected the opinions of key stakeholders, closed relevant environmental and social data.
identified material issues through appropriate Our assurance comments for the Sustainability
The Assurance Engagement was performed
methods, and presented the results of material Report have been adopted by COSCO SHIPPING
and the conclusions within were based upon
assessment in its Sustainability Report. Our pro- Lines before the issuance of this independent
information and data provided to CECEPAC (HK)
fessional opinion is that COSCO SHIPPING Lines assurance statement.
by COSCO SHIPPING Lines, and on assumptions
adheres to the principle of Materiality.
that the information provided was complete and
Specified Performance Information
Responsiveness Based on the procedures CECEPAC (HK) per-
COSCO SHIPPING Lines has established relevant formed and the evidence we obtained, nothing
VI. Limitations
communication channels with its key stakehold- has come to our attention that causes us to
The absence of a significant body of estab-
ers to collect their concerns and responded to believe that the disclosures of the three selected
lished practice on which to draw to evaluate and
the key stakeholders on material issues related specified performance information in the Sus-
measure non-financial information allows for
The assurance engagement was conducted online and the interview was conducted by teleconference.