Chapter Iii - 2018439pbi

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A. Research Design

The design of this research was an experimental research. According to

Creswell, (2009) Experiment is testing an idea (or practice or procedure) to

determine whether it influences an outcome or dependent variable. Research is a

kind of experimental research. According Gay (2012), experimental research

is the only type of the research that can test hypotheses to establish cause-effect

relationship. According to Creswell (2009), The types available in experiments

are pre-experimental designs, true experiments, quasi-experiments. In this

research, the researcher used pre-experimental design by using one group of

pretest-posttest design. With pre-experimental designs, the researcher studies a

single group and provides an intervention during the experiment. This design does

not have a control group to compare with the experimental group. In relation to

the statements, Cohen, (2007) stated that pre experiment design: the one group

pretest-posttest design; the one group posttests only design: the post test was only

nonequivalent design.

In conducting the research, one class of the second-year students at MA Al-

Fajar Pekanbaru has participated. The class was get pretest at the beginning and

posttest at the end of this research. The pretest and posttest a result was compared

in order to determine the effect of the treatment. Gay (2012) explained that this

research called the One-group pretest-posttest Design; involve a single group that

is pre-tested, exposed to a treatment, and post-tested scores.


B. Time and Location of the Research

This research was conducted at Islamic Senior High School Al-Fajar

Pekanbaru which is located on Jalan Fajar Labuh Baru Kec. Payung Sekaki

Pekanbaru. The data was collected from on April 2018.

C. The Subject and the Object of the Research

The subject of this research was the second grade students at Islamic Senior

High School Al-Fajar Pekanbaru. The object of this research was the effect of

Find the Different game strategy on students’ speaking ability.

D. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population in this research was the second grade students of MA Al-

Fajar where second grade students are divided into 2 classes. The total

number of population is about 48 students. The following table describes the

total population of the research.

Table III. 1
The Population of the Second Grade Students
at MA Al-Fajar Pekanbaru
No Class Number
1 XI IPS 1 25
2 XI IPS 2 23
Total 48

2. Sample

Sample is a part of the number and characteristics possessed by population

(Sugiyono, 2011). Sample must be a representative of the whole population. In

this research, the writer will use cluster random sampling. The sample of the

research was class XI IPS 2 as an experimental class. The class consist of 23


E. The Technique of Collecting the Data

In order to get the data that are needed to support this research, the writer

used oral production test to gain the information about speaking ability from the

students by giving statements to be considered. The students were asked to

consider the statements given by the teacher. Then students were asked to share

their ideas based on considering statement to measure their speaking ability. The

writer used 2 tests in this research, pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was given to the

students before giving treatment. It was used to measure the students speaking

ability. Post-test was given to the students after giving the treatment to

experimental class. The post test was applied know the development of students

speaking ability after practicing the strategy. The scoring rubric of speaking

ability is as follows:

Table III. 2
Speaking Rubric
Score Comprehension Fluency Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar
05 Most parts of Speech Multiple problems with Vocabulary Grammar is
the response not halting and pronunciation/intonation does not rarely
comprehensible uneven with that may convey accurate or
to the listener long pauses interfere with meaning most appropriate
or communication. of the time; for the
incomplete too level.
thoughts. basic for
10 Some parts of Speech Some problems with Vocabulary Grammar is
the response are choppy pronunciation/intonation does not sometimes
comprehensible; and/or slow that may convey accurate
others require with interfere with meaning and/or not
interpretation on frequent communication. some of the appropriate
the part of the pauses, most time; too for the
listener. thoughts are basic for level.
complete. level.
15 Response Some Sounds somewhat Vocabulary Grammar is
comprehensible; hesitation natural. conveys mostly
requires but manages appropriate accurate
minimal to continue meaning most and
interpretation on and of appropriate
the part of complete the time; for the
the listener. thoughts. appropriate level.
for the
20 Response Thoughts Sounds natural Rich and Grammar is
readily expressed varied use of consistently
comprehensible; completely vocabulary. accurate
requires no with few and
interpretation on pauses or appropriate
the part of hesitation. for
the listener. the level.

F. The Technique of Analyzing the Data

To know the ability of the students, the writer firstly computes the individual

score to find out the real score of the students from each rater. Scoring system and

classification of students’ score by Harris (1974) was used to score students’ work

and classify students’ score in pre-test and post-test.


Table III. 3
The Classification of Students’ Scores
No Test Score Level of Ability
1. 80-100 Excellent
2. 60-79 Good
3. 50-59 Average
4. 0-49 Poor
Adapted from Harris (1974)

In order to find out whether there is a significant effect of using find the

differences game on students’ speaking ability at the second grade of MA Al-

Fajar Pekanbaru the data were analyzed statistically. In analyzing the data, the

researcher used statistical method that is paired sample t-test formula by using

SPSS.23.0 version.

After found the difference, the researchers’ found out the effect size of the

phenomenon. Pallant (2010) stated that effect size statistic provide an

indication of the magnitude of the differences between your groups (not just

whether the difference could have occurred by chance). The effect size

statistic used in this research is eta squared. For t-test, SPSS does not provide

eta squared values. The formula of eta squared is as follows:

ta squared


n2 : Eta Square

t : t obtained

n1 : The number of experimental class

The guidance here from Cohen (1988) is that 0.01= a very small effect;

0.06= a moderate effect; and 0.14= a very large effect.

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