MIL Week 1 DLL

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Grade 12 San Ildefonso National High School Grade 12

DAILY LESSON Grade level:
LOG Dina E. Julian Learning Media and Information Literacy
Teaching dates and time:
February 21-24, 2022 (7:00 – 12:00)- Week 1 Quarter: Third Quarter- 2nd Semester


The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts
A. Content standard

B. Performance standard The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community focusing on being a media and information literate individual
At the end of the session, learners are expected to:
C. Learning 1. Describe how communication is influenced by media and information
competencies/Objectives 2. Identify the similarities and differences between and among media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy
3. Discuss responsible use of media and information
The Influence of Media and Information to Communication Media and Information Technology: Bridges for Communication and Information

A. References
1. Teaching Guide
pages N/A N/A
2. Learner's Material
pages N/A N/A
3. Textbook pages N/A N/A
4. Additional materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal N/A N/A
1. chalk and chalkboard 1. chalk and chalkboard
2. PowerPoint Presentation 2. PowerPoint Presentation
3. Media and Information Literacy 3. Media and Information Literacy
B. Other learning resources
Senior High School Alternative Delivery Mode Senior High School Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: The Influence of Media and Information to Communication Quarter 1 – Module 1: The Influence of Media and Information to Communication
First Edition, 2020 First Edition, 2020

A. Reviewing previous
lessons or presenting the Today, we’ll discuss the media and information le Bridges for The students will share their experiences in connecting with people during this pandemic using
new lessons Communication and Information. media and technology.

Activity 1 Activity 4 -The Pros and Cons of Media and Information Technology
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson The students will answer 15 itemTrue or False statement. As a youth belonging to the new generation, it is obvious that media and information technology
really have an influence in you. Identify five media and information gadgets you have and state the
positive and the negative influences/ effects of these in your life especially in dealing with other

Activity 2 – The Media Gadgets I Use Activity 5: Complete Me

For your answers to the following questions, you draw in a coupon bond at least DIRECTIONS: Complete the following statements about what you have learned
about the lesson.
five for each category. Make your work colorful. 1. Communication is _______________________________________________________.
2. Communication is a process because
1. What media and information gadgets or tools do you use to connect ___________________________________________________________________________
C. Presenting ___________________________________________________________________________
with people? 3. The positive influence of media and information to communication are
Examples/instances of the
new lesson. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. What media and information gadgets or tools do you use to get ___________________________________________________________________________
4. The negative influence of media and information to communication are
information and knowledge? ___________________________________________________________________________
3. What media and information gadgets or tools do you use to share

information and knowledge?

D. Discussing new Activity 3 Apart but Never Alone

concepts and practicing This time, we will read an article from (2020) which highlights the Defined Communication and The Communication Process
new skills #1. immense value of meaningful connections to get us through these challenging 1. Source
moments. After reading, you will share your story on how you maintain 2. Message
connections during the pandemic time. 3. Channel
4. Receiver
Follow up questions: 5. Feedback
1. After reading the article, did you find how important is communication during 6. Environment
this COVID-19 pandemic? 7. Context
2. Were you able to see the influence of media and 8. Interference or noise
information on communication?
3. Now, you will share your own story on how you
connect with your friends, loved ones or even strangers during this global crisis.

Activity 6: Think before you click

Social media aren’t a purely negative or positive force—it all depends on how
you use it. So, if you want it to hold a positive, or at least a neutral place in your
life, it’s for you to take measures to use social media responsibly. Below are the
activities that you will do to show how it is to be a responsible social media user.
Just choose one from among the options.

Things to remember
1. Observe social distancing
2. No lending of materials while performing the task.

Task Options:
a. Make a poster campaigning for responsible use of media and information.
b. Compose a song or a poem expressing how to be responsible media and
information user.
c. List etiquettes on the use of media and information.
d. Make a computer graphic presentation illustrating the responsible use of
media and information.
e. Create an infographic on how to avoid the negative effects of media and

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills. #2
F. Developing mastery
(leads to formative
assessment #3
G. Finding practical Technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn. It enables students to explore new subjects and
applications of concepts deepen their understanding of difficult concepts.
and skills in daily living.
There are different types of Media and information technology that we can use The communication process is the guide toward realizing effective communication. It is through the
H. Making abstractions and
niw a days to communicate and gain informaiton. These gadgets are very useful communication process that the sharing of a common meaning between the sender and the receiver
generalizations about the
in every individual especially in times of pandemic. The following are the media takes place.
information technology that we can use such as, cellphone, computers, television
and radio. Including the different apps like facebok, google, youtube and email.
DIRECTIONS: On a separate sheet of paper, write your experiences in
I. Evaluating Learning connecting with people during this pandemic and the things you learned. The students will answer 15 item multiple choice about the lesson.
Highlight the value of proper communication and right access to information.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did i
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did i
used/discover which i wish
to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved:
SHS Teacher OIC, Curriculum Implementation School Principal III

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