m4 Task Draft
m4 Task Draft
m4 Task Draft
The concept of ishindensin was born as a Buddhist word, where buddha had a hard
time explaining the deep meaning of words in Buddhism so he used the lotus flower
as a way of communication however some people didn’t understand it, that’s why he
only preached it to some disciples
One example mentioned in the text is his mother was experiencing a sore shoulder
where his mother shakes her head and take a few deep breaths with that they
already knew that their mother was having a sore shoulder and received a massage
later on.
In the third paragraph, it was stated the Japanese are observant and avoid saying hurtful words
to other people however it is vulnerable to misunderstanding since the line said “non-verbal
communication will often get a negative point across”
I think that ishindensin is a useful concept since this is already practice not only in
Japan but also here in our country where people become more observant about
other people and understand some nonverbal communication. Aside from this,
other people are shy to express what they need, and using ishindesin will be useful
in expressing what they want and need.
According to the speaker, Japanese living in other countries need to get accustomed
to talking in different ways to interact with non -Japanese.
8. Can you cite concrete situations to illustrate good and bad effects of ishindensin?
The main idea of the essay is people can understand without words or “reading
of the heart”
8. What are the topic sentences used building the main body of the essay?
Some topic sentences are ishidensin was born as a buddist word, there are many
ways that Japanese demonstrate ishindensin in their daily lives, and ishidensin
is a very useful concept
The method used to elaborate the topic sentences was definition and illustrating
10. What method of paragraph development was mainly used in the essay?
The essay compared the culture of Japan to western culture and how different the
two are. Thus, the text provided examples or situations about the two cultures in
terms of communication.
The sentence that summarizes the idea of the whole essay is “The phenomenon of
ishindenshin works well when Japanese are communicating in Japan, but it can
present certain challenges when Japanese are communicating outside of their
The final thought of the writer was “We sometimes have to use our emotional
intelligence and interpret feelings without words because there are situations in all
people’s lives when there are no words to express exactly how we feel.”