Lesson-Plan Seasons in The Philippines

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6


At the end of the day, the pupils will be able to:

K- identify the different seasons in the Philippines and their effects on livelihood and
health of the people in the community;
S- express through drawing and role play the appropriate activities to do in each season
in the Philippines; and
A- appreciate the importance of considering appropriate activities to do in each season in
the Philippines.



Learning Competency: Describe the different seasons in the Philippines and their effects
on livelihood and health of the people in the community.
References: Curriculum Guide S6ES-IVc-3, page 31-32
Internet Sources
Powerpoint Presentation
White Board
White Board Marker
Manila Paper
Target Skills: Comprehension Skill
Values Integration: Cooperation, Positive and Non-violent Discipline
PAP(s)’ Integration: DRRE (To relate the impacts or effects of natural hazards
to daily life.)
Other Subject(s)’ Integration: ICT, Health, English
Literacy and Numeracy

a) Prayer
b) Checking of the Attendance
c) Review of the Previous Lesson: Precautionary measures before, during, and after
a volcanic eruption.
d) Unlocking of difficulties (Applying Literacy)
 Weather – refers to the condition of a place in a short period of
 Climate - is an average condition of a place over long period of
 Seasons – a period of the characterized by or associated with a
particular activity
 Tropical – characteristic of a region or climate with temperatures
high enough to support year-round plant growth given sufficient

e) Motivation: Ask the students to stand up, make 4 straight lines, arms forward,
and listen to the teacher’s instruction.
Sunny: Flash (open close hands) your hands to the person in front of you.
Windy: Slide all your fingers slowly to the back of the person in front of you.
Rainy: Slide all your fingers in fast mode to the back of the person in front of
Stormy: Hit the back of your classmates slowly with your knuckles.

Ask the students to look outside the window, “What can you say about the weather today?
Is it the same with the weather yesterday?” (Applying English Integration: Expressing
feelings and opinions.)

 Today, we are going to learn the SEASONS OF THE PHILIPPINES.

(Applying positive and non – violent discipline)

In the course of the lesson, I want you to be attentive, and participate actively especially
during discussion and during the activities.


Show some picture of the weather to the students and ask some questions.

 What do you observed in these pictures? (Applying Numeracy)

(Differentiated Instruction)

The students will be group into give (5). Each group will be going to do the following activity,
there are only given ten (10) minutes to accomplish the task:

Group 1 – Study the two (2) pictures. List down the activities that you can do in each of
the mentioned season. Write your answer in a manila paper.
Group 2 – Using the given manila paper, pencil, and a marker, draw one (1) situation
during sunny days.

Group 3 – Dramatized for 1-2 minutes one (1) thing we can do during rainy days.

Group 4 – Match Column A to Column B


1. etw a. hanami
2. ryd b. tagabah

Note: Arrange the jumbled words before writing it in the manila paper.

Group 5- Modelling… Each member should decide and dress that fits for a sunny and
rainy season. You have to show the class your work through modelling. (Use the things
given to you.)


1. What are the things we can do during sunny days?

2. What are things we can do during rainy days?
3. What are the things we can wear during sunny days?
4. What are things we can wear during rainy days?
5. What are the words arranged by the group 4? What are these?


1. What is a dry season?

2. What is a wet season?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a dry season?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a wet season?
5. Why do we need to consider the appropriate activities and clothes in each season in the
Philippines? (ACROSS THE CURRICULUM -Health)
6. What do you think will happen if we experience too much heat? Too much wet season?
(DRRE Integration)


Ask the students to face each other; people in the left will look at the people sitting at the
right side and vice versa. Then, give the instruction.

1. Imagine that we are in Baguio City, the coldness got higher and higher because it was
also raining here. What should we wear? Can you show me?
2. Now, we are in Boracay, it was a good weather, the sun is up, and what do you think
we can wear to protect our eyes and skin from the heat of the sun? Can you show me?


INSTRUCTIONS: Write TRUE if the given statement is correct and write FALSE if it is
wrong. Write your answers in a ¼ sheet of paper.

TRUE 1.Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place over

a short period of time.
FALSE 2. Climate refers to the weather pattern, using statistical data, of a
place over a long enough period to yield meaningful averages.
FALSE 3. Water gives the earth light, heat and power.
FALSE 4.Sunshine comes from oceans, seas, rivers and lake.
TRUE 5.Air surrounds us just as water surrounds the fish the live in it.


INSTRUCTIONS: Search in the internet or in any science books the elements of a weather and
climate. Write your answers in your science notebook.

Prepared by:


MT-I/Science Teacher

Checked by:

Master Teacher II

Noted by:

School Principal I

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