Math Talks - What's Missing - (Zorbit)
Math Talks - What's Missing - (Zorbit)
Math Talks - What's Missing - (Zorbit)
Overview • Math Talk Visuals
Students will explain their thinking
in determining the missing numbers
from a series of addition and
subtraction equations.
Big Ideas
1. Choose a visual to display via projector or printed copy.
2. Give ample time for students to consider one or more ways to arrive at an answer.
3. Call on students or groups to explain how they arrived at their answer.
4. When recording student answers focus on the process, not the result.
5. Allow students to self-correct or provide further solutions based on other students
Key Questions
• How did you get your answer?
• What number did you work out first?
• Did anyone get an answer a different way?
• What do you notice about the different approaches to the problem?
9 5
What Number is Missing?
7 14
What Number is Missing?
24 16
What Number is Missing?
11 11
What Number is Missing?
57 47
What Number is Missing?
16 11
What Number is Missing?
10 20
What Number is Missing?
50 87
What Number is Missing?
70 35
What Number is Missing?
86 16
What Number is Missing?
25 10
What Number is Missing?
15 11
What Number is Missing?
8 8
What Number is Missing?
25 25
What Number is Missing?
30 9
What Number is Missing?
56 26
What Number is Missing?
9 8
What Number is Missing?
28 48
What Number is Missing?
25 10
What Number is Missing?
20 40