Mechanical and Corrosion Behaviors of Developed Copperbased Metal Matrix Composites
Mechanical and Corrosion Behaviors of Developed Copperbased Metal Matrix Composites
Mechanical and Corrosion Behaviors of Developed Copperbased Metal Matrix Composites
Recent citations
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J Jabinth and N Selvakumar
Abstract. This work investigates mechanical properties and corrosion resistances of cast
copper-tungsten carbide (WC) metal matrix composites (MMCs). Copper matrix
composites have been developed by stir casting technique. Different sizes of micro and
nano particles of WC particles are utilized as reinforcement to prepare two copper-based
composites, however, nano size of WC particles are prepared by high-energy ball
milling. XRD (X-rays diffraction) characterize the materials for involvement of different
phases. The mechanical behavior of composites has been studied by Vickers hardness
test and compression test; while the corrosion behavior of developed composites is
investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions. The
results show that hardness, compressive strength and corrosion resistance of copper
matrix composites are very high in comparison to that of copper matrix, which attributed
to the microstructural changes occurred during composite formation. SEM (Scanning
electron microscopy) reveals the morphology of the corroded surfaces.
1. Introduction
Copper contains high electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and ductility as well as good
corrosion resistance in various media [1, 2]. Due to these effective reasons, copper and its alloys
are widely utilized in many engineering and industrial applications like automobiles, houses,
sanitary system (underground or under sea drinking water pipes), electronic and electrical
devices, and lead frame materials for integrated circuits [3, 4]. In spite of having all the above
listed properties, copper and alloys rapidly lose their mechanical strength and corrosion
resistance in some aggressive environments [5-7]. This can cause complete failure of the copper-
based appliances, which may lead to adverse circumstances. Hence, it becomes important to
improve their anti corrosion and mechanical strength in active working environments [8-10].
One of the most effective methods adapted for enhancing the mechanical strength and corrosion
resistance of copper is alloying [11, 12]. Due to the alloying effect, the mechanical properties of
copper improve; and the span of safe operation period increases [13-15]. The effects of alloying
with the different elements on the properties of copper have been well studied by various
scientists [16-18].
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ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
The first aim of the present work is to investigate the changes in mechanical properties of copper
due to alloying with WC particles (micro and nano size). The second aim of this work is to study
the corrosion inhibition behavior of copper matrix composites in 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions.
Ceramic materials, especially carbides [19-21], are widely used as reinforcement particles in
metal matrix composites. However, the ceramic particles have the natural tendency to generate
micro cracks in the composites due to poor wettability with the matrix metal [22]. Hence, we
have selected both micro and nano size (for better dispersion) WC powder as reinforcement
particles in making of copper matrix composites. WC reinforced copper matrix composites are
made by stir casting technique. Hardness, compressive strength and corrosion behavior of
prepared Cu-WC composites have been investigated by Vickers hardness test, compression test
and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The results show significant
improvement in mechanical and anti corrosion strength of copper due to alloying with WC,
which justify alloying of copper with WC particles.
Matrix material (copper of 99.5 % purity) was purchased from the local shop at Varanasi, India.
WC powder (HIMEDIA with 98.0 % assay, micro size) and chromium powder (LOBA
CHEMIE with 99.0 % assay) were bought from local chemical supplier. Micro size particles of
WC were ball milled for a long period and thus converted into nano size particles. To prepare
micro and nano composites of copper and WC, firstly 1 wt % of WC micro and nano powder,
2.0 wt % of chromium (Cr) and rest copper ( in rod from) were weighed. Then, a graphite
crucible that contains small pieces of copper rod was kept in the electric furnace. The furnace
temperature was raised up to 1200º C. At this high temperature copper melts; and then dry
micro and nano WC particles were poured separately into crucibles followed by addition of Cr,
with the help of powder pouring system (Figure 1). During pouring of powders, the stirrer was
rotated at very slow speed of 50rpm; however, the speed of stirrer was increased to 400 rpm for
10 minutes after completion of the pouring process. Afterwards, the furnace was shutdown and
crucible was taken out from the furnace. Thus, prepared materials were poured into permanent
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
moulds and left for cooling in air. Afterwards, Cu-WC composites were abraded by 1/0 to 6/0
grade of emery paper sequentially and cleaned by acetone followed by washing with double
distilled water. Thus, prepared composites were used for further characterizations.
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
Corrosion testing of copper and copper-WC composites (sample surface area- 1 cm2) was
performed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique with help of an
electrochemical workstation, CH Instrument (USA), in a three electrode glass cell. In this cell
assembly, platinum foil (1 cm×1 cm) as counter electrode, Ag/AgCl as reference electrode and
test samples as working electrodes were employed. The EIS spectra were obtained at open
circuit potentials by applying 5 mV excitation signals in the frequency range of 10 mHz to 100
kHz [23-25]. The active parameters of corrosion process were obtained by fitting of Nyquist
plots with ZSim software (version 3.20).
The effect of alloying on corrosion behavior of copper was monitored by SEM microscope of
Carl Zesis, model- Supra 40, made in Germany. The samples of 1 cm2 surface area were immersed in
beakers having 100 mL of 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions for 2 hours. Afterwards, the specimens were drawn
out; washed with double distilled water; wiped with a tissue paper and dried in a hot oven at 30° C for
10 minutes. Thus, prepared samples were investigated for the surface morphology changes in copper
due to alloying. For a comparison, SEM images of the unexposed samples of copper and composites
were captured.
X-rays diffraction patterns of high-energy ball milled WC powder at zero hour (pure WC
powder), 20 hours and 40 hours are shown in Figure 2. From analysis of XRD patterns, it is
observed that peak intensities of tungsten powder decreased with the period of ball milling.
However, broadening of peak occurred with the time of ball milling. This fact indicated that WC
powder is converted in nano size particles from micro size powder particles. This statement
could be supported by the fact that XRD peaks became broader due to reduction in particle size
[26] (Figure 3). Furthermore, the size of WC particles is calculated by Scherrer formula [27].
D = 0.9λ/B cosθ ------------- Eq.2
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
Where, D is crystallite size, λ is the wavelength of the X-ray radiation, B is the peak width at
half of maximum intensity and θ correspond to the Bragg angle. The size of WC particles after
40 hours ball milling calculated from scherrer formula is 19 nm.
3.1.2 XRD analysis of composite materials. Figure 4 shows XRD patterns of copper and Cu-WC
micro composite. From analysis of Figure 4, it is observed that there were some common peaks
in XRD patterns of WC and copper. XRD peaks of WC are absent in Figure 4 because they have
already shown in Figure 2; however, we have illustrated some characteristic peaks of WC in text
form. Figure 4 revealed that intensities of XRD peaks of Cu-WC composite are higher than peak
intensities of WC (Figure 2). In addition, these peaks appeared in XRD pattern of copper. Hence,
it could be concluded based on above-mentioned information that Cu-WC composite is
successfully prepared. Here, the x-rays diffraction pattern of the Cu-WC nano composite has
not been shown because the reinforcing element is same, i.e., WC. Also, only difference
between Cu-WC micro and nano composite is size of WC, which will not affect XRD peak
positions very much (Figure 2).
Figure 4. XRD plot of commercial copper and micro composite XRD plot of commercial copper
and micro composite materials
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
Figure 5. Optical images showing microstructure of (a) cast Cu, (b) Cu-WC micro composite
and (c) Cu-WC nano composite just before etching
Figure 6. Optical images showing microstructure of (a) cast Cu, (b) Cu-WC micro composite
and (c) Cu-WC nano composite obtained after etching
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
Compression tests of copper and composite materials have been executed on universal testing
machine and results are shown in Figure 8. A careful inspection of Figure 8 revealed that
compressive strengths of copper composites are greater than that of copper alone. However, the
compressive strength of Cu-WC nano composite is the highest among all studied materials in
this work. Such an increase in the compressive strength of both micro and nano composite of Cu
and WC might be occurred due to the combined effects of load transfer, Hall-Petch
strengthening and Orowan strengthening. Compressive strength of composite materials might
increase by strengthening of the base material due to the load transfer from the soft and
compliance matrix to the stiff and hard ceramic WC particles under an applied external load [30-
32]. Fine distribution of the ceramic WC in copper matrix might be one of the reasons for
enhancement of compressive strength of both micro and nano composite materials [27]. In
addition, the strength of composite materials might increase due to pining up of dislocations
crossing over WC particles under external load [29].
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
CPE. Nyquist plots of copper and copper matrix composites showed that corrosion process is
governed by charge transfer reactions only (one time constant). However, the shape of
impedance spectra is not semicircular; CPE is used to show modified capacitor behavior of
electrodes in sulfuric acid solutions.
A quick analysis of Table 1 revealed that impedance of copper against corrosion in sulfuric
acid solution increased due to alloying with WC particles. However, Cu-WC nano composite
showed more corrosion resistance than Cu-WC micro composite. The first reason for this fact
could be extracted from the changes in “n” values. Table 1 showed that there is increase in “n”
values when nano sized WC particles are used to make copper matrix composites instead of
micro sized WC particles. This means that surface properties of the electrode is modified in a
better way in presence of nano WC particles, which could also be observed in bode phase angle
plots (Figure 10). The second reason could be given as decrease in CPE values. On immersion of
working electrodes in electrolyte solution, corrosion products are formed at the interface. These
corrosion products (preferably oxides) acted as a medium having one side copper and copper
matrix composite electrodes and electrolyte on other side, equivalent to two plates of a capacitor.
A decrease in capacitance might correspond to: increase in the thickness; or decrease in
dielectric constant; or decrease in porosity of protective corrosion products layer formed at
electrode-acid interface [36-39], which resulted in high corrosion resistance of Cu-WC nano
Figure 9. Nyquist Plots for Copper and Copper composites in 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
Figure 10. Bode Plots for Copper (a), Cu-WC micro composite (b) and Cu-WC nano composite
(c) in 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions
Table 1. Technical Parameters obtained from Nyquist Plots for copper and copper composites in
0.5 M H2SO4 solutions at room temperature
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
The corrosion study of copper and copper-WC composites clearly suggested that WC
particles reinforce the corrosion resistance of copper in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution. Similar
information is achieved by the surface morphology analysis of the unexposed and the exposed
samples. A careful analysis of Figure 12 suggests that there is an inherent oxide layer on the
surfaces of unexposed samples, which formed probably due to interaction of the samples with
open air. Yet, the samples show smooth surfaces. On the other hand, the samples exposed in
sulfuric acid illustrated a clear change in the surface morphology with respect to the unexposed
samples. Figure 13 reveals that the greatest surface damage occurred in copper specimen;
however, the copper-WC composites show just a slight degradation of the surface in sulfuric
acid solution. Thus, it could be stated based on surface images that WC particles significantly
enhanced the corrosion resistance of copper.
Figure 12. SEM images of unexposed (a) copper, (b) Cu-WC micro composite, (c) Cu-WC
nano composite
Figure 13. SEM images of exposed (a) copper, (b) Cu-WC micro composite and (c) Cu-WC
nano composite in 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions for 2 hours
ICRAMMCE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/330/1/012021
Figure 14. Comparison of mechanical and corrosion behavior of Cu and Cu-WC composites
4. Conclusions
We prepared copper, Cu-WC micro composite and Cu-WC nano composite by stir casting
technique in present study. The prepared copper and copper composites are characterized by
XRD analysis, which confirms the formation of Cu-WC composites. Hardness and compressive
strength of the test samples are estimated by Vickers hardness tester and universal testing
machine. It is found from the results that hardness and compressive strength of Cu-WC
composites are greater than that of copper matrix. Furthermore, anticorrosion strengths of cast
copper and copper composites are tested in 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions, which show that copper
composites are having higher corrosion resistance in comparison to alone copper. It could be
concluded based on the results of various techniques that Cu-WC nano composite performed
very well in all the tests followed by Cu-WC micro composite and copper respectively.
Composite formation due to fine dispersion of WC particles in copper matrix could be given as
the reason of above-mentioned fact.
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