Effect of Nanocarbon On The Structural and Mechanical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Composites by Powder Metallurgy
Effect of Nanocarbon On The Structural and Mechanical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Composites by Powder Metallurgy
Effect of Nanocarbon On The Structural and Mechanical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Composites by Powder Metallurgy
Special Issue
Aluminum Based Nanocomposite and Nanostructured Alloys
Edited by
Dr. Syed Fida Hassan
Effect of Nanocarbon on the Structural and Mechanical
Properties of 6061 Aluminum Composites by
Powder Metallurgy
Wilson Rativa-Parada 1 , Hansika I. Sirikumara 2 , Robinson Karunanithy 3 , Poopalasingam Sivakumar 3 ,
Thushari Jayasekera 3 and Sabrina Nilufar 1, *
Abstract: 6061 aluminum composites with 0.5 and 1 vol. % graphene nanoplatelets as well as 1 and
2 vol. % activated nanocarbon were manufactured by a powder metallurgy method. Scanning
electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to study the morphology, structure, and
distribution of nanocarbon reinforcements in the composite samples. Density Functional Theory
(DFT) calculations were performed to understand the aluminum-carbon bonding and the effects of
hybridized networks of carbon atoms on nanocarbon aluminum matrix composites. Scanning electron
microscopy showed the good distribution and low agglomeration tendencies of nanoparticles in the
composites. The formation of secondary phases at the materials interface was not detected in the
hot-pressed composites. Raman spectroscopy showed structural changes in the reinforced composites
after the manufacturing process. The results from Density Functional Theory calculations suggest
that it is thermodynamically possible to form carbon rings in the aluminum matrix, which may be
Citation: Rativa-Parada, W.; responsible for the improved mechanical strength. Our results also suggest that these carbon networks
Sirikumara, H.I.; Karunanithy, R.; are graphene-like, which also agrees with the Raman spectroscopy data. Micro-Vickers hardness
Sivakumar, P.; Jayasekera, T.; Nilufar, and compressive tests were used to determine the mechanical properties of the samples. Composites
S. Effect of Nanocarbon on the presented enhanced hardness, yield and ultimate strength compared to the 6061 aluminum alloy with
Structural and Mechanical Properties no nanocarbon reinforcement. Ductility was also affected, as shown by the reduction in elongation
of 6061 Aluminum Composites by
and by the number of dimples in the fractured surfaces of the materials.
Powder Metallurgy. Nanomaterials
2023, 13, 2917. https://doi.org/
Keywords: nanocarbon–aluminum composites; graphene nanoplatelets; activated nanocarbon;
micro-Vickers hardness
Academic Editor: Syed Fida Hassan
depend on the duration and speed of milling, as well as the sintering and consolidation
of the composites. The influence of these parameters has been investigated in the last
few years, showing that excessive ball milling can also alter the structures of the milled
materials [12]. Particularly, the consolidation step influences the densification and the
formation of undesirable phases, such as Al4 C3 , which is highly influenced by temperature
and time [13].
Besides this, materials used as reinforcement play a key role in AMCs. Historically,
silicon carbide (SiC) [14], aluminum oxide (Al2 O3 ) [15], and titanium carbide (TiC) [16]
have been the conventional materials used in AMCs. However, persistent issues related
to weak interfacial bonding and poor dispersion limit their use. For this reason, some
alternative reinforcements of AMCs have been investigated with remarkable findings.
Recently, Fuse et al. utilized stir processing to form boron carbide (B4 C)-6061 aluminum
composites that presented the uniform dispersion of B4 C with enhanced hardness and
wear resistance [17]. Desai et al. [18] also obtained fly ash (0 to 25 wt. %)-reinforced AMCs
with enhanced wear behavior, hardness, and tensile strength. Likewise, titanium diboride
(TiB2 ) has been used in 6061 aluminum matrix composites. Pazhouhanfar et al. reinforced
6061 matrix composites with several amounts of TiB2 and tested their mechanical properties.
The results showed that the ultimate strength rose as a function of the volume fraction
of the reinforcement without significant loss of elongation, which was mainly attributed
to load transfer, grain size reduction, and Orowan mechanisms [19]. Moreover, Cham-
roune et al. [20] employed graphite flakes as reinforcement in AMCs by powder metallurgy,
which increased the anisotropic thermal properties due to the preferred orientation of the
graphite flakes and deformations at the interface.
Within the variety of materials studied to reinforce AMCs, carbon allotropes have
drawn the attention of researchers due to their excellent chemical, physical, and mechanical
properties [21–24]. The most common allotropes of carbon include fullerene, nanodia-
mond, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and activated carbon. Graphene, a 2-dimensional
arrangement of sp2 hybridized carbon with outstanding surface, electrical, thermal, and
mechanical properties, has excelled as a reinforcement for AMCs [25–29]. The load transfer
mechanism between aluminum and graphene is superior to that of aluminum with other
sp2 hybridized carbons such as nanotubes and fullerenes, due to a better interface made
of planar graphene and aluminum [30]. Nevertheless, graphene presents some challenges
related to agglomeration and dispersion in the AMCs [31]. Activated carbon is another
carbon allotrope with excellent surface properties [32] and has been employed in metal
matrix composites as a source of carbides [33], graphene [34], and as a reinforcement for
AMCs [35] with remarkable results.
This work focused on determining the influence of the synthesis parameters as well
as the effects of the type of nanocarbon reinforcements, such as activated nanocarbon and
graphene nanoplatelets, on the structure and performance of as-sintered 6061 aluminum
matrix composites. The structural and mechanical properties were determined with Scan-
ning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Raman Spectroscopy, Uniaxial Compression Testing, and
micro-Vickers hardness. DFT calculations were performed to elucidate the atomic scale
phenomena behind the carbon-aluminum interactions. The effects of the volume fraction of
activated nanocarbon and graphene nanoplatelets on the behavior of the as-sintered AMCs
were also discussed.
from US Research Nanomaterials, Inc. (Houston, TX, USA). A SPEX 8000 mixer from SPEX
SamplePrep (Metuchen, NJ, USA) with a motor speed of 1450 rpm was utilized for milling
the composites. Corresponding amounts of activated nanocarbon/graphene nanoplatelets
and 6061 aluminum powders were mechanically mixed for 4 h within intervals of 30 min
of milling with pauses of 30 min to maintain low-temperature conditions. This was done
in a stainless steel jar using 5 mm steel balls in a 10:1 ratio and 1 wt. % of stearic acid
(CH3 (CH2 )16 COOH) from Sigma Aldrich (95%) as a lubricant agent. Before pressing, the
stearic acid was evaporated for 30 min at 450 ◦ C. Hot isostatic pressing was used to consoli-
date the previously milled powder composites with diverse volume fractions of nanocarbon
reinforcement. The mixture was placed in a graphite die equipped with graphite punches
of 25.4 mm in diameter and pressed for 1 h at 550 ◦ C and 70 MPa under vacuum conditions
in a Front-Loading Hot Press Furnace from Materials Research Furnaces LLC (Allenstown,
NH, USA). The denomination of the final materials is shown in Table 1.
Denomination Description
6061 6061 aluminum without any reinforcement
61Ac1 6061 aluminum reinforced with 1 vol. % of activated nanocarbon
61Ac2 6061 aluminum reinforced with 2 vol. % of activated nanocarbon
61Gn0.5 6061 aluminum reinforced with 0.5 vol. % of graphene nanoplatelets
61Gn1 6061 aluminum reinforced with 1 vol. % of graphene nanoplatelets
Figure 1. Morphology of the as-received (a) activated nanocarbon, (b) graphene nanoplatelets and
(c) 6061 aluminum powders, and (d) size distribution of 6061 aluminum powders.
Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2917 5 of 14
Figure 2. Morphology of the nanocarbon 6061 AMCs with EDS elemental mapping for aluminum
(Al) and carbon (C).
intensity of these peaks changes for the finalized composites compared to the initial materi-
als, especially for the graphene nanoplatelets due to the structural changes sufferedffafter
the manufacturing process. This is confirmed by determining the intensity ratio between
the D and G bands. The ID /IG ratio for as-received activated nanocarbon and graphene
nanoplatelets are 1.50 and 0.26, respectively. After that, the ID /IG ratio changed to 1.65 and
1.27 for the milled activated nanocarbon and graphene, respectively, due to the increasing
degree of disorder in the sp2 structures of the nanocarbon reinforcements [45]. This follows
previous tendencies in which the increasing milling time accelerated the formation of de-
fects and disorder in the graphene structure of reinforced 6061 aluminum composites [46].
Similarly, the ID /IG ratio continued decreasing after the compression procedure, although
to a smaller degree. The crystallite sizes (Cs) for activated nanocarbon and graphene before
and after the milling process are also determined with Equation (2) [47], showing that
the crystallite sizes for both reinforcements increased with the increasing of defects in the
structure, this value being higher for the activated nanocarbon-reinforced samples:
Figure 4. (a) Raman spectra of the nanocarbon 6061 AMCs after milling, (b) Raman spectra of the
nanocarbon 6061 AMCs after compression, (c) side view, and (d) top view of atomic displacement
pattern (shown in red) for the softest phonon frequency 1360 cm−−1 for the atomistic model used for
this calculation.
However, yield and ultimate strength showed a decrease with the increasing graphene
volume fraction due to the increased agglomeration of this carbon allotrope.
Figure 5. (a) Representative stress-strain diagrams for the compression tests of the nanocarbon
6061 AMCs. (b) Average Yield Strength and Ultimate Strength of the nanocarbon 6061 AMCs.
(c) Average Hardness of the nanocarbon 6061 AMCs. (d) Average Modulus of Toughness and
Elongation of the nanocarbon 6061 AMCs.
Conversely, both yield and ultimate strengths increased with the increasing volume
fraction of activated nanocarbon. This behavior is attributed to a stronger dispersion and
interfacial bond between the activated nanocarbon and aluminum matrix. The strength-
ening of the composites can be ascribed to the load transfer from the matrix to the stiffer
reinforcement [50], as well as to the limited dislocation motion of aluminum [51]. Likewise,
elongation and modulus of toughness were affected by the limited motion of dislocations,
propitiated by the presence of the carbonaceous reinforcements, particularly for the samples
with graphene, because of the tendency of graphene for localized agglomeration at the grain
boundaries of the metal matrix [52,53]. However, in the case of the activated nanocarbon-
reinforced samples, after the initial reduction, the values of elongation and modulus of
toughness started to increase with the amount of reinforcement, which could propitiate
a re-establishment of these properties at higher activated nanocarbon volume fractions.
Manufacturing parameters also affect the mechanical properties of the composites, higher
sintering and consolidation temperatures will produce stronger and harder samples. For
example, Gürbüz et al. manufactured graphene/aluminum matrix composites at 550, 600,
and 630 ◦ C. The results show that the composites obtained at 630 ◦ C presented enhanced
apparent density and hardness compared to those fabricated at lower temperatures [54].
However, higher temperatures can also produce negative results, such as the formation of
undesirable amounts of secondary phases (Al4 C3 ), which will reduce the mechanical prop-
erties [55,56]. The introduction of activated nanocarbon and graphene nanoplatelets inside
the metal matrix increased the hardness of the materials, with a maximum increment of
26% for the sample with 2 vol. % of activated nanocarbon, compared to the non-reinforced
6061 alloy. Reinforcement with these specific nanocarbon composites showed a similar
behavior compared with other carbon allotropes such as C60, wherein the reinforcement
with this allotrope increased the hardness of the composites up to 26% [57]. This increase
in hardness has been attributed to good densification and a more limited deformation
produced for activated nanocarbon and graphene in the metal matrix, as well as an effective
refinement of the grains [45,58]. These results confirm previous reports wherein the increase
Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2917 9 of 14
in volume fraction of graphene nanoplatelets after 1 vol % had an unfavorable effect on the
hardness due to the formation of vacancies and agglomeration [59]. Also, a larger presence
of porosity has been associated with a decrease in the hardness of the composites [60].
Results for the densities of the composites obtained experimentally are displayed
in Figure 6a–d and in Table 4. All the samples presented a lower density, following the
tendency presented by the theoretical values. Theoretical density was calculated using the
rule of mixtures (3):
ρc = Vm ρm + Vr ρr (3)
where ρm and ρr are the density for matrix and reinforcement, respectively. Similarly, Vm
and Vr are the volume fraction of the matrix and reinforcement, respectively.
Porosity was determined using Equation (4). The low level of porosity reflects the
high degree of distribution reached using the powder metallurgy method [61].
ρt − ρe
Porosity (%) = × 100% (4)
Figure 6. (a) Relative Density, (b) Porosity, (c) Specific Strength, and (d) Hardness as a function of
porosity of the nanocarbon 6061 AMCs.
All the compositions presented high relative densities (%), with a maximum of 98%
for the sample with the higher volume fraction of activated nanocarbon due tt to better
packaging and mechanical bonding compared to the other compositions, as also shown
Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2917 10 of 14
previously for aluminum matrix composites sintered with similar experimental method-
ology [62]. Figure 6d shows how the change in porosity is related to the hardness of the
materials, showing that the materials with the highest levels of porosity present the lowest
hardness, which is associated with gas entrapment during the manufacturing process [63],
and the increasing agglomeration of the reinforcement [64]. Porosity has been linked to
other mechanical properties of the aluminum matrix composites. Samples consolidated at
higher compressive forces have presented lower levels of porosity and higher compressive
strength [65]. Likewise, the increase in activated nanocarbon favored both the increase in
hardness and decrease in porosity, unlike the case of graphene reinforcement, where the
increase in volume fraction generated higher agglomeration, which is in agreement with
the results in the literature [66]. These results of density differ from other conventionally
used reinforcements, such as SiC [67] and TiC [68], whose densities increased with the
reinforcement volume fractions.
Table 4. Theoretical and experimental density-related properties for the nanocarbon 6061 AMCs.
6061 61Ac1 61Ac2 61Gn0.5 61Gn1
Experimental Density (g cm−3 ) 2.56 2.61 2.62 2.62 2.56
Theoretical Density (g cm−3 ) 2.70 2.67 2.65 2.69 2.69
Relative Density (%) 94.8 97.6 98.9 97.2 95.2
Porosity (%) 5.18 2.34 1.04 2.76 4.73
Figure 7 shows the SEM images of the compression-fractured surfaces of the compos-
ites. They all presented dimples and ridges with regular morphology, as is typical for the
elastic deformation and fracture of ductile materials [69]. These dimples also play a role
as a nucleation site for the formation of voids and the propagation of cracks. However,
the number of dimples and ridges was reduced as the amount of nanocarbon increased,
showing the loss of the ductile nature in the composites, similar to the results shown
elsewhere [70,71]. All the samples fractured at an angle of 45◦ with respect to the direction
of the applied load, indicating that the fracture is a consequence of the shear forces involved
in the load transfer from the matrix to the reinforcement [72].
Figure 7. Cont.
Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2917 11 of 14
Figure 7. Fractured morphology of the nanocarbon 6061 AMCs, (a) 6061 (b) 61Ac1, (c) 61Ac2,
(d) 61Gn0.5, and (e) 61Gn1.
4. Conclusions
Aluminum matrix composites reinforced with differentff volume fractions of activated
nanocarbon and graphene nanoplatelets were fabricated by the powder metallurgy method.
SEM micrographs presented a good distribution of carbon nanoparticles. After the milling
procedure, a change in the original structure of the activated nanocarbon and graphene was
detected with Raman spectroscopy. There was no evidence of the formation of intermediate
phases, such as Al4 C3, which can affect the interaction between nanocarbon and aluminum.
Mechanical properties were enhanced when compared to the unreinforced 6061 aluminum.
Yield strength increased with both activated nanocarbon and graphene, being superior for
the latter, but yield strength decreased with the increased amount of graphene reinforce-
ment. Hardness presented a maximum increase of 26% for the sample with 2 vol. % of
activated nanocarbon. Strengthening can be attributed to load transfer, dislocation strength-
ening, and grain refinement in hot-pressed composites. Following an initial decrease in
elongation and modulus of toughness, they started to increase with the volume fraction of
activated nanocarbon. The determination of densities also combined to elucidate the influ-
ence of reinforcement on the mechanical properties of the composites. Density Functional
Theory (DFT) calculations for the phonon frequencies involved in the atomic displacements
derived from carbon-aluminum interactions were concordant with the Raman analysis,
which explained the results obtained for the experimental structural characterization.
Funding: This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation Engineering Research
Initiation grant number 2138459.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on reasonable request
from the corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank supported by the National Science Foundation
Engineering Research Initiation grant number 2138459. S.N. also acknowledges support from the new
faculty startup fund and Materials Technology Center at Southern Illinois University—Carbondale.
The authors would like to thank Southern Illinois University—Carbondale and Marian University
Indianapolis for providing the computer facilities.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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