Becoming A Multicultural Educator Developing Awareness Gaining Skills and Taking Action 2nd Edition by Howe Lisi ISBN Test Bank

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Test Bank for Becoming a Multicultural Educator Developing

Awareness, Gaining Skills, and Taking Action 2nd Edition by Howe

Lisi ISBN 9781483365053 9781483365053
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Test Bank:
Chapter 2
Howe/Lisi, Becoming a Multicultural Educator

1. Describe the four stages of Howe and Lisi’s (1995) model for becoming a multicultural educator.
*a. For example, the four stages include Awareness, Knowledge, Skills, and Action. First, educators must
develop an awareness of the reality of bias, prejudice, and discrimination faced by others and an
acknowledgment of their own biases. Second, educators must have a sound knowledge of other cultures
and perspectives. Third is the need to develop the skills required to teach to diverse learning styles and
cultures. And fourth is the need to develop a lifelong personal action plan to increase one’s knowledge,
skills, and dispositions around diversity and to work to develop an institutional action plan to support
education that is multicultural.
Learning Objective: 2-4
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Becoming a Multicultural Educator
Question Type: SA

2. What are the personal qualities or dispositions of multicultural educators?

*a. Answers should include the following: values the diverse backgrounds of students; is deeply
committed to helping students make a difference in society; invests time and energy in getting to know
each individual student; is committed to eliminating bias, discrimination, and prejudice; be aware of
their own prejudices, and how those prejudices may contribute to lower expectations for some
students; accommodates differences among students; helps all students achieve mastery without
compromising the instructional content and standards; understands and appreciates the critical
importance of social justice and educational equity; and believes that diversity is essential for teachers.
Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Personal Qualities or Dispositions for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: SA

3. What are the characteristics of multicultural educators, as described by Carl Grant and
Maureen Gillette (2006)?
*a. For example, multicultural educators expect that all students can achieve at high levels; believe that
a critically important process for learning in the classroom is collaboration and work to build learning
communities; make explicit and meaningful connections to families and the community, knowing that
they are an important contributor to the success of every student; know and use a variety of
instructional strategies that meet diverse learner needs; use the experiences, cultural backgrounds, and
knowledge that each student brings to the teaching and learning process to enhance the experience for
all; reflect deeply and regularly about how they can improve their practice, and eliminate bias and
prejudice from the classroom.
Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: What is a Multicultural Educator?
Question Type: SA

4. Why is it critically important that teachers have a deep understanding of culture?

*a. Answers should include: they use this understanding of culture to inform teaching and learning;
increased rates of success or higher student achievement; higher levels of learning. Learning
Objective: 2-3
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Personal Qualities or Dispositions for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: SA

5. Throughout the research on effective teaching, several common themes emerged. Briefly describe
these themes and provide an analysis of the relationship between the themes.
*a. For example, effective teachers have personal qualities that allow them to make important
connections to students, parents, other teachers, and the community; effective teachers have
developed a knowledge base in three primary areas: subject matter, human development, and
pedagogy; effective teachers have a significant repertoire of instructional strategies that can support
student motivation, that develop the learning environment such that every student wants to engage
in learning, and that produces learners who take responsibility for their own learning; and effective
teachers are knowledgeable about and committed to regular reflection on their own practice.
Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: What is Effective Teaching?
Question Type: ESS

6. It is important for teachers to know and understand their own cultural identities. After examining
where you are in this process, what steps do you need to take to become a multicultural educator?
*a. For example, it will be easier to help students learn about and value their culture if I first find
out about my own heritage, beliefs, and values.
Learning Objective: 2-4
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Getting Started
Question Type: SA

7. How does an effective teacher establish connections between classroom content and students’
prior understanding and knowledge? Provide three examples demonstrating these connections.
*a. For example, they do this through meaningful, culturally relevant activities, and
appropriate selection of instructional materials that link to student culture and are bias-free.
Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Personal Qualities or Dispositions for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: SA

8. What is the role of standards in education? How do the standards guide the work of multicultural
*a. For example, standards serve as expectations of what students need to know and be able to do, as
well as guide the preparation of teachers and school leaders. Additionally, standards are used in the
examination and accreditation of education programs at the university level. Curriculum standards guide
the work of multicultural educators by establishing a framework for what should be taught, how it
should be taught, and how learners should be assessed. Standards provide continuity across settings
and states. Professional standards guide how teachers should be prepared to work effectively with
diverse learners. They outline what effective teacher should know and be able to do.
Learning Objective: 2-2
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Curriculum Standards as a Guide for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: SA

9. Reflect specifically on INTASC principle or standard #3. Describe how Standard 3 speaks to a
teacher’s need to be culturally responsive in the classroom?
*a. For example, INTASC principle or standard 3 specifically speaks to the critical need for a teacher who
“communicates verbally and nonverbally in ways that demonstrate respect for and responsiveness to
the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives learners bring to the learning environment” (InTASC,
2011, p. 12)
Learning Objective: 2-2
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Professional Teaching Standards as a Guide for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: SA

10. How has your culture impacted the ways in which you teach and learn? Ladson-Billings and other
education experts have found that the greater the gap between the child’s culture and the school’s
culture, the greater the likelihood of failure or low student achievement. Conversely, the greater the
overlap, the greater the likelihood of success or high student achievement. What are some ways
teachers can include a child’s culture in the clasroom to impact the teaching and learning?
*a. For example, the standards represent generally accepted definitions of effective teaching in diverse
student populations and include expectations that teachers will (1) work together with students, (2)
develop language and literacy skills across the curriculum, (3) connect lessons to students’ lives, (4)
engage students in challenging lessons, and (5) emphasize learning through conversation as opposed
to primarily lectures.
Learning Objective: 2-3
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Why Attend to Culture?
Question Type: SA

11. If someone is effective at teaching all students in a variety of settings, that person is probably
a. a veteran educator
*b. a multicultural educator
c. a novice educator
d. a special educator Learning
Objective: 2-1 Cognitive
Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: What is Effective Teaching?
Question Type: MC

12. Choose the best description of the student population of U.S. classrooms 30–40 years ago.
a. The population was heterogeneous.
b. The population was single-gendered.
*c. The population was fairly homogeneous.
d. The population was much younger than today.
Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: What is Effective Teaching?
Question Type: MC

13. In classrooms designed in the past _.

a. students were actively engaged in all lessons
b. students facilitated their own learning
c. teachers guided student-led exploration of concepts
*d. students listened passively, assessed through memorization of
concepts Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: What is Effective Teaching?
Question Type: MC

14. The purpose of differentiating instruction is that _.

*a. students learn in different ways and have diverse learning styles and needs b.
teachers need to document different styles of teaching for professional growth c.
students only retain information after having it taught in three different ways
d. some students are lazy and will never meet the general expectations of the classroom
Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: What is Effective Teaching?
Question Type: MC

15. It is important for students to collaborate and work together

_. a. to eliminate classroom conflicts
b. so no one student has to do all the work alone *c.
because this is where most learning takes place
d. because low achieving students need more help from their
peers Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: What is Effective Teaching?
Question Type: MC

16. Effective teachers empower students _.

a. by giving them more assignments
*b. by giving them choices and engaging them in making important
decisions c. by retaining control of all decision-making
d. by allowing students the option to not complete assignments
Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: What is Effective Teaching?
Question Type: MC

17. One of the four essential characteristics or qualities of effective teachers is a knowledge base in the
following areas:
*a. subject matter, human development, and pedagogy b.
personal qualities, dispositions, and communication
c. pedagogy, instructional strategies, and reflection
d. instructional strategies and reflection
Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: What is Effective Teaching?
Question Type: MC

18. It is important for teachers to understand the experiences of students from low socioeconomic
a. so they can lower their expectations of these students.
b. so they can group students appropriately.
c. so they can draw attention to the student in class.
*d. so they can take their situation into account and supplement and support their education as
needed. Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Essential Knowledge for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: MC

19. Which of the following would be an example of the contributions approach?

*a. Celebrating Cinco de Mayo in May and not discussing Latinos at any other
time b. Studying the Westward expansion from the view of Native Americans c.
Studying the voting process and its impact on various SES groups
d. Adding a week on the Nazi Holocaust to an otherwise unchanged
curriculum Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: A Repertoire of Skills for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: MC

20. Which would be an example of infusing social change into the curriculum?
a. Studying the Westward expansion from the view of Native Americans
b. Adding a week on the Nazi Holocaust to an otherwise unchanged curriculum
*c. Studying the democratic process of voting and the impact on various SES groups, and then following
up with a project to assist voters in getting to the poll to vote
d. Studying about Barack Obama during the month of
February Learning Objective: 2-1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: A Repertoire of Skills for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: MC

21. Standards are _.

a. meant to keep our classroom homogeneous
b. designed to separate students by ability
c. necessary to track students
*d. a means for encapsulating the important knowledge, skills, and dispositions
Learning Objective: 2-2
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Personal Qualities of Dispositions for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: MC

22. develop
standards. a. Students
*b. Professional organizations, state-level offices, and independent collaborative
bodies c. Families, communities, and students
d. Federal-level offices
Learning Objective: 2-2
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Curriculum Standards as a Guide for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: MC

23. is InTASC.
a. International New Teacher Accountability and Support Consortium
b. Interstate Novice Teacher Accountability and Services Consortium
c. International Novice Teacher Assessment and Services Consortium
*d. Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
Learning Objective: 2-2
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Professional Teaching Standards as a Guide for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: MC

24. InTASC created standards.

a. 5
b. 15
*c. 10
d. 12
Learning Objective: 2-2
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Professional Teaching Standards as a Guide for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: MC

25. Standard #3 of the InTASC standards deals with .

*a. teachers’ understanding of how they should vary their approaches to communicating, learning,
and creating instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners b. understanding how
children learn and develop
c. effective communication and technology skills
d. school and community involvement
Learning Objective: 2-2
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Professional Teaching Standards as a Guide for Multicultural Educators
Question Type: MC

26. The gap between the child’s culture and the school’s culture is directly related to which of
the following?
a. self-esteem
b. teacher–student relationships
*c. success and achievement
d. teacher retention
Learning Objective: 2-3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Why Attend to Culture?
Question Type: MC

27. What is the fifth expectation in CREDE’s Five Standard of Effective

Pedagogy? a. Work together with students
*b. Emphasize learning through conversation, as opposed to primarily lectures
c. Connect lessons to students’ lives
d. Engage students in challenging lessons
Learning Objective: 2-3
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Why Attend to Culture?
Question Type: MC

28. Teachers demonstrate a strong and active commitment to learning about student’s culture by
a. holding festivals
b. designing annual special events
*c. going into the community d.
holding a feast Learning
Objective: 2-3 Cognitive Domain:
Answer Location: Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers in Using Cultures
Question Type: MC

29. A multicultural educator creates a learning environment .

a. in which diverse students are grouped together by cultural groups
b. in which students doubt they can learn
*c. in which students engage in meaningful and relevant learning experiences connected to who
they are
d. in which diverse students have lower
expectations Learning Objective: 2-3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Why Attend to Culture?
Question Type: MC

30. In which of the following way using students’ culture in the classroom affects student achievement?
a. It decreases student achievement.
b. It does not impact student achievement.
c. Student achievement is dependent upon the culture of the student.
*d. It increases student achievement.
Learning Objective: 2-3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Why Attend to Culture?
Question Type: MC
31. Curriculum that reinforces and values the cultural knowledge of students is called
_. *a. culturally responsive
b. conscious
c. caring d.
Learning Objective: 2-3
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers in Using Cultures
Question Type: MC

32. To become a multicultural educator, teachers must first recognize .

a. the biases of students of color
b. biases of other teachers
*c. their own biases
d. students of color in their classrooms
Learning Objective: 2-4
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Becoming a Multicultural Educator
Question Type: MC

33. A personal action plan is necessary for multicultural educators _.

a. to document multicultural efforts
b. to increase one’s salary
c. to increase one’s opportunity for promotion
*d. to continuously increase one’s knowledge, skills, and dispositions around diversity
Learning Objective: 2-4
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Becoming a Multicultural Educator
Question Type: MC

34. The knowledge base of multicultural educators should include knowledge of

_. a. Eurocentric curriclum
b. self
*c. attitudes and behaviors
d. currency of their home country
Learning Objective: 2-4 Cognitive
Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Becoming a Multicultural Educator
Question Type: MC

35. Which of the following must educators do to begin becoming more aware of the value of the various
dimensions of diversity in themselves and others?
a. Stereotype students of color
b. Discard personal biases and prejudices as irrelevant in their relationships and interactions with
c. Examine the beliefs, biases, and prejudices of the families of diverse students
*d. Examine our own beliefs, biases, and prejudices, and become aware of our own cultural essence
Learning Objective: 2-4
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Becoming a Multicultural Educator
Question Type: MC

36. is generally the area of diversity that White people are not reminded of
daily. *a. Race
b. Gender
c. Socioeconomic status
d. Religion
Learning Objective: 2-4
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Getting Started
Question Type: MC

37. It is useful for White teachers to understand that unearned privileges _.

a. imply that the color of their skin does not afford them benefits over people of
color b. are warranted because White people have traditionally worked hard
*c. imply that the color of their skin affords them benefits over people of color
d. open a significantly larger amount of opportunities for people of color
Learning Objective: 2-4
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Getting Started
Question Type: MC

38. Learning how to attend to the diversity in our classroom requires knowledge, awareness, _,
and action on the part of multicultural educators.
*a. skills
b. hope
c. good intentions d. hard
work Learning Objective: 2-4
Cognitive Domain:
Answer Location: Becoming a Multicultural Educator
Question Type: MC

39. A classic example of multiple in curriculum is now early settlers in America

viewed “westward expansion” and Native Americans viewed this as “westward invasion.”
a. stories
b. views
c. angles
*d. perspectives
Cognitive Domain:
Answer Location:
Question Type: MC

40. A multicultural educator understands issues such as race, class, gender, and socioeconomic
status that are essential for teachers since it will .
a. inform how they teach
*b. inform what and how they teach
c. inform what they teach
d. inform no part of teaching
Cognitive Domain:
Answer Location:
Question Type: MC

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