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SGDA1800-180 CR1800 MAFS1800 Data Engenharia OrderWriteup and Quote Confg For Impulse Generator

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Offered To

Data Engenharia Our reference BR 22_Q32306911-SGD1800

Date 19. Dez 22
Brazil Your reference
End User,
Data Engenharia Brazil
Phone +41 61 373 44 17
E-mail rschomper@haefely.com

Quote Number22_Q32306911-SGD1800

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your request and attached is our quotation for the same. Please review at your earliest convenience
and let us know if you have any questions. We would be honored to be of assistance to your project.

Yours Faithfully,
Haefely AG


Enclosures Technical Literature, General Conditions of Supply

Copy to Our Authorised Representative in your Area

Page 1 of 9
Item Qty Type Description CHF

Impulse Generator
1 1 SGDA 1800-180 Impulse Voltage Test System 1800 kV, 180 kJ
Including Resistors for LI Voltage Generation

Impulse Resistors
1.1 1 SGD_RPT_IEC76_3 Additional Parallel Resistor Set included
1.2 1 SGD_SWT_IEC76_3 Additional Parallel Resistor Set included
1.3 1 SGD_SW_IEC60_1 Additional Parallel Resistor Set not-included

Charging Rectifier
2 1 LGR_100_70 Charging Rectifier 100 kV, 70 mA, Motorized
Matching and isolating Transformer X V / 400 V, 60 kVA,
50/60 Hz

Impulse Divider
3 1 CR 1800-420 Damped Capacitive Impulse Voltage Divider 1800 kV, 520 pF
1 SEK S1 Secondary part for impulse voltage measurements
1 MK LEMO 1 LEMO Measuring cable 75 Ohm, length 1 m

Impulse Controls
Computerised control Unit, Rated SIL 3
4 1 HVC 300
mounted in a mini-rack, including:
1 - 24“ LCD colour monitor, mouse and keyboard
- Set of Fiber Optic control cables, 20 m long
- Emergency switch mounted in separate box.

Impulse Analyzer
Highest Resolution Impulse Analyzing System
5 1 HiAS 744-s 2 CH
- 2 channels, 16 bit, 1...250 MS/s measuring system

Impulse Shunts
Set of cage shunts with 3 values 1, 0.47 & 0.1 Ohm
6 1 SH-Q-S
LEMO Measuring cable 75 Ohm, length 10 m

Impulse Chopping Gaps

Multiple Chopping Gap, 1800 kV, with top electrode, incl.
7 1 MAFS 1800
Optical Control, control cable, length 5 10 m

DELEGATION Technical Services

8 9 Days Installation of System
3 Days System Test
1 Days Training of Operating Personnel

Total Budgetary Price 700’000.00

CIP Brazil Seaport
Item Qty Type Description CHF

Options - Generator
O1 1 SGD LLK Air Cushion base frame for SGD (Included)
O2 1
O3 1
O4 1
O5 1
Implse Testing of Transformers
IEC 60076

Specification Sheet SGDA 1800-180

Input Power Onsite Grid
TBA 60 Hz
Requirement Frequency


Number of Max. charging Energy at rated Max. charging Energy at rated Time between
stages voltage L.I. charging voltage voltage S.I. charging voltage S.I. impulses at full
L.I. charging voltage with

kV kJ kV kJ s
18 1800 180 1620 146 TBA


Lightning impulse voltage for transformer testing according to IEC 60076-3

(1,2 µs  30 % / 50 µs  20%) standard resistor set only

Maximum test
Number Stage Output voltage at no Output voltage at inductance of
of stages connection load Cb max transformer
Cb max
- - nF kV kV mH
1 1s 1p 16 90 90 4.5
2 2s 1p 12.5 185 185 6
2 1s 2p 13 90 90 3.2
3 3s 1p 8.5 280 275 7.8
3 1s 3p 13 90 90 3.1
4 4s 1p 7.8 375 360 10
4 2s 2p 10 185 185 4.5
4 1s 4p 13 90 90 3.1
18 18s 1p 3.2 1650 1630 170
Cb max is physically limited through overshoot. Higher load is possible
only with overshoot compensation (SGx OC, not included).
The transformer capacitance (HV windings to tank) shall be understood as a concentrated element.
The eventual internal perturbations in the transformer windings shall have reflection times negligible to the
front time.
Should the test object show different data, the generated wave shapes may differ from the Standards.
*) For SGV Models with Internal front resistors SW 900 (option) for high energy parallel stage connections.
Implse Testing of Transformers
IEC 60076


Lightning impulse voltage for transformer testing according to IEC 60076-3

(1,2 µs  30% / 50 µs  20%) with set of add. tail resistors SGx RPT

Maximum test
Number Stage Output voltage at no Output voltage at inductance of
of stages connection load Cb max transformer
Cb max

- - nF kV kV mH
1 1s 1p 16 90 90 4.5
2 2s 1p 12.5 185 185 6
2 1s 2p 13 90 90 3.2
3 3s 1p 8.5 280 275 7.8
3 1s 3p 13 90 90 3.1
4 4s 1p 7.8 375 360 10
4 2s 2p 10 185 185 4.5
4 1s 4p 13 90 90 3.1
18 18s 1p 3.2 1650 1630 32
Cb max is physically limited through overshoot. Higher load is possible
only with overshoot compensation (SGx OC, not included).
The transformer capacitance (HV windings to tank) shall be understood as a concentrated element.
The eventual internal perturbations in the transformer windings shall have reflection times negligible to the front time.
Should the test object show different data, the generated wave shapes may differ from the Standards.
SGV OC Overshoot compensation is internal for SGV Model Impulse Generators


Lightning impulse voltage for transformer testing according to IEC 60076-3

(1,2 µs  30 % / 50 µs  20%) with Glaninger Circuit SGx WI (OPTION) and SGx RPT (OPTION)

Maximum test
Number Stage object Output voltage at Minimum inductance
of stages connection capacitance Cb Cb max of transformer Lmin
- - nF kV mH
1 1s 1p 16 85 2
2 2s 1p 12.5 165 3.3
4 1s 2p 13 75 1.1
3 3s 1p 8.5 200 (1) 7
4 1s 3p 13 80 1
4 4s 1p 7.8 (315) (2) (7.5) (2)
4 2s 2p 10 165 2.2
4 1s 4p 13 65 0.5
6 2s 3p (3) 7 150 (4) 0.9
8 2s 4p (3) 7 145 (4) 0.75

1) : voltage limited by the Glaninger circuit

2) : only possible with all resistors mounted in series on SGx WI.
3) : This configuration requires a second set of resistors SGx RPT (1 pce / stage, values t.b.a. at order)
4) : voltage limited by the configuration of the generator
5) : 6 and 8 stages with WI are applicable for SGD 10 kJ
Implse Testing of Transformers
IEC 60076


Switching impulse voltage for transformer testing according to IEC 60076-3

(100 µs < T1 < 250 µs / Td > 200 µs / To > 500 µs)
with additional front resistor set SGx SWT (OPTION)
Values are provisional. Order Confirmation will have final figures.

Number Minimum Test Maximum test Minimum test object Output voltage at Cb Output voltage at
of Stages Object object Inductance min / Lmin. Cb max / Lmin.
capacitance capacitance
Cb min Lmin Neg. Polarity(2) Neg. Polarity (1)
Cb max
nF nF H kV kV
18 1.8 10 25 -1200 -1200

(1) SI over 1000 kV Positive Polarity will need specific electrodes. These are offered optionally
(2) Charging times will be slower
* With Special Resistor Set
Cb max is limited because of the number of front resistors. An extension of the load range
is possible with additional front resistors, not included in standard scope of supply.

The permissible positive SI voltage is 50 % of the rated negative SI voltage (acc. IEC 60076-3, resp. 60076-4
but max. 1000 kV. The factory test voltage will be limited to the permissible positive value.
For higher positive SI values, please consult Haefely Sales.
Damped Capacitive Impulse Voltage Divider CR 1800-420

Technical Data
For standard conditions according to IEC 60060-1 ed. 3 (2010) and altitudes lower than 1000 m.

Rated impulse Rated impulse Rated AC RMS Capaci- Damping res. Damping Clearance to
voltage L.I. voltage S.I. 250 voltage, 50/60 tance int. approx. res. ext. walls and ceiling
1.2 / 50 ms / 2500 ms neg. Hz, cont. duty * approx. approx.

kV kV kV pF W W m
1800 1450 500 420 300 200 6.8
* : with adequate additional AC secondary part SEK W (optional).


Divider ratio with SEK S1 - approx. 1800 : 1.4

Divider ratio with SEK S2 - approx. 0 : 1.4
Divider ratio with SEK W - approx. 0 : 0.14
(actual ratio will be in a range of +/- 5 % of the above theoretical value)
Divider ratio stability related to 2 years <±1%

Chopping Gap MAFS 1800

Technical Data
For standard conditions according to IEC 60060-1 ed. 3 (2010) and altitudes lower than 1000 m.

Rated impulse Capacitance Int. damping Clearance Top Sphere

voltage L.I. approx. resistance to walls and electrode diameter
1.2 / 50 ms approx. ceiling L.I. type &
kV pF W m m mm
1800 800 90 3.6 200
(1.8 x 0.2)
Specification Sheet SGDA 1800-180

Onsite Grid
Input Power Requirement TBA 60 Hz

Lightning Impluse Switching Impulse


0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000



Component Height Base Frame Base Frame Weight

Length Breadth
(m) (m ) (m ) (kg)
Generator SGDA 1800-180 7.7 2 2 3240
Impluse Divider CR 1800-420 6.8 3.1 3.1 650
Chopping Gap MAFS 1800 6.5 1.6 1.6 890
Terms and Conditions of Offer
General conditions Haefely AG General Conditions of Supply are applicable. Copy available on our website www.haefely.com
Guarantee 12 months after putting into operation, at the latest
18 months after forwarding advice.
Validity 1 Month from Date of Quotation

Payment 30 % Down payment, payable against simple invoice at the time of ordering
70 % Payable before shipment to release shipment
Payment 100 % Payable before shipment to release shipment

Payment 30 % Payable against simple invoice at the time of ordering (outside L/C)
70 % Payable at sight against irrevocable Letter of Credit, advised and confirmed by our bank
L/C charges outside issuing bank are for Beneficiary's account
L/C to be opened at the time of ordering
L/C to be opened in strict accordance with attached L/C application
Payment 100 % Against irrevocable Letter of Credit, advised and confirmed by our bank
L/C charges outside issuing bank are for Beneficiary's account
L/C to be opened at the time of ordering
L/C to be opened in strict accordance with attached L/C application
30 % Down payment against the simple invoice at the time of ordering
70 % Payable at sight
Our bank details Credit Suisse AG, 8070 Zurich, Switzerland, BIC / SWIFT: CRESCHZZ80A
Account holder: Haefely AG Birsstrasse 300, 4052 Basel, Switzerland
CHF – account: 0060-353739-91
IBAN-Nr.CH26 0483 5035 3739 9100 0
EUR – account: 0060-353739-92
IBAN-Nr. CH89 0483 5035 3739 9200 0
USD – account: 0060-353739-92-1
IBAN-Nr.CH62 0483 5035 3739 9200 1
Delivery Approx. 8-10 months Ex-Factory from receipt of formal order & down payment as per accepted payment
terms, subject to prior sales.
Pandemic has affected supply chains. Declared delivery dates can be adversely affected at short notice. We
regret we will not accept any delay penalties attributable to such.

Delivery terms CIP Brazilian Seaport (Incoterms 2020)

Demurrage or storage fees at port of destination / terminal handling charges not included
Packing Included in price
Prices In CHF and will be valid for the above conditions. Should other conditions apply or should special inspection or
export risk coverage fees apply, the prices would be adapted. VAT or other taxes are excluded.
Pandemic has affected supply chains. Calculated prices can be adversely affected at short notice. We reserve
the right to revise quoted prices in case of significant changes in Currency and commodity prices.

Power mains 3 x 400 V, 50 / 60 Hz (Customer to confirm)

Additional note All Sales Governed by US/UN/EU/CH Regulations for Export to the Country of Use
Disputes/ Applicable Law All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly
negotiations. In the case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case should then be
submitted and shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce
in Zurich, Switzerland according to Swiss law. The decision of the arbitration committee shall be final and
binding on both parties, neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities for revising the
decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

Liability Seller will not under any circumstances whether as a result of breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort or
otherwise be liable for consequential, incidental, special, or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to,
loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of or damage to any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of
substitute products, facilities or services, downtime costs, or claims of purchaser’s customers. If for any reason
the foregoing provisions shall be ineffective, seller’s liability for damages arising out of its manufacture or sale
of merchandise, or use thereof, shall not in any event exceed the full purchase price.

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