4th Summative

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Bayugan City Division
Bayugan City Senior High School
Fili, Bayugan City

1st Quarterly Examination in Media and Information Literacy

Direction. Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the origin Latin word of communication which means” to share” or “to divide out”?
a. comunis b. commus c. communare d. communicare
2. When two of your closest friends tends to distance themselves from each other, it tells you something is
off. This is non-verbal communication called________.
a. Appearance b. Proxemics c. olfactory d. Gustatory
3. Which communication process that the message sent and received are open to various interpretations
based on the context of the receiver?
a. Publicity model c. Transmission model
b. Reception model d. Ritual or expressive model
4. Which of the following is channel of information according to Berlo’s model?
a. Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting
b. Element, structure, content, treatment, code
c. Text, audio, video, texture, scent, and actions
d. Communication skill, knowledge, attitude, sociocultural system
5. What is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute using printed and
written materials?
a. Media and Information Literacy c. Information Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Technology Literacy
6. What is the skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed and how she/he will be able
to access, locate, evaluate, and use it effectively?
a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
7. What ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate evaluate, use, and create
a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
8. What is the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms?
a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
9. What skill of a person that possess the ability to evaluate the information one have and shares?
a. Thinking b. critical thinking c. analytical thinking d. critique thinking
10. Which of the following does NOT exhibit critical thinking skills?
a. Evaluate the adequacy of an argument.
b. Give and receive criticism constructively
c. Articulate a complex position with addition to his/her assumptions.
d. Recognizes facts, inferences, and opinions and use each appropriately.
11. How does communication, information and media relate to each other?
a. Information help communication to media.
b. Communication needs information and media.
c. Media is the channel of information for communication.
d. Media serves as a source and channel for relaying information, which will be a content during the
communication process.
12. How does best communication and media functions?
a. Serve as a channel for the advocacies.
b. Inform citizens of what is happening around.
c. Provide platform for public political discourse.
d. All of the above.
13. Which theory does Marshall McLuhan believes to, that states society is driven by changes in media and
communication technology?
a. Cultural determinism c. Society determinism
b. Technological determinism d. Communication determinism
14. What is the society’s current era in the evolution of media?
a. Print age b. electronic age c. information age d. infrastructure age
15. What is the dominant sense was used during literacy age?
a. Hearing b. sight c. Touch d. Smell
16. Which type of media that have a high level of user interactivity, that make the user experience dynamic
such as video game and social media?
a. Hot media b. warm media c. cold media d. New Media
17. Which if the following is an example of traditional media?
a. Book, magazine, newspaper c. cinema cassettes, video tapes
b. Facebook, tiktok, Instagram d. Netflix, dramacool, kissanime
18. It is considered as the most efficient way to communicate large audience because of its capacity to relay
the message across cultures and distance.
a. Film/cinema b. boradcast media c. Print media d. Video games
19. It is considered as “household” media?
a. Film/cinema b. broadcast media c. Print media d. internet
20. It also called “young people’s media” as FM stations cater the music taste of the younger generation.
a. Internet b. television c. computer d. Radio
21. It causes the dissemination information to go worldwide.
a. Internet b. television c. computer d. radio
22. What is the combination of two or more forms of media?
a. Internet b. convergence c. radio d. tv
23. How does the new media become globally networked, which greatly increased the virtual participation
compared to traditional media?
a. By having the internet
b. By explosion of social media
c. By wide availability of gadgets
d. By the desires of the user to communicate
24. One of the oldest forms of media and information source.
a. Internet b. books c. radio d. library
25. What is the synonym of information seeking?
a. Google b. research c. surfing the internet d. gathering
26. Which type of source does research papers, newspaper and magazine belong?
a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Quaternary
27. In creating research paper, what is the most common category of information that being used?
a. Current b. historical c. popular d. scholarly
28. Any forms of media that is created and controlled in the community, for the community, about the
community and by the community.
a. Synergy b. convention c. indigenous media d. print
29. It is considered as the “language” or the “grammar” of the media.
a. Technique c. codes c. Strategy d. sign
30. Which of the following are examples of written codes?
a. Headlines, camera angles, sound effects
b. Captions, titles, lighting
c. Writing style, subtitles, caption
d. Voice-overs, type of shot, headlines
31. A rich who becomes poor that becomes rich again and then poor in the end is an example of_____________.
a. Codes b. sign c. synergy d. convention
32. Which of the following statement is true about technical codes?
a. Methods done while using the technical equipment.
b. Bring a representative meaning rather than a literal meaning.
c. Encompasses all sound used in media.
d. Consists of signs that have meaning and the meaning are dictated by agreed rules of interpretation.
33. Which of the following is NOT true about copyright?
a. Protection of one’s expressions which only becomes tangible and concrete when objects are created as
manifestation of these expressions.
b. Protect the rights of a person who created a particular work.
c. The owner or creator of an idea has the sole right to use and sell the intellectual work.
d. Act of using another’s words without giving credit to the original author.
34. The use of intellectual property that it may not be considered as copyright infringement even if done
without the consent of the copyright holder is referred to ________________.
a. Copyright b. plagiarism c. fair use policy d. a & B
35. What refers to the act of using another’s words without giving credit to the original author?
a. Copyright b. plagiarism c. fair use policy d. codes
36. Which of the following is/are the core rules of netiquette?
a. Learn to admit mistakes and forgive errant netizens.
b. Do not provoke or attack others.
c. Do not share knowledge that may not be productive.
d. All of the above.
37. It is a type of offensive action toward another which takes place using electronic technology.
a. Addiction b. bullying c. cyberbullying d. cybersex
38. It is an obsessive playing offline computer games or obsessive computer programming.
a. Computer addiction c. net compulsions
b. Cybersex addiction d. cyber-relationship addiction
39. Which of the following is/are signs and symptoms of internet addiction?
a. being less consious of the time sent online
b. having less time with friends and family
c. failing to complete tasks or activities intended to be finished at the time you were using the internet
d. all of the above
40. How is cyberbullying different from in-person bullying?
a. Cyberbullies have to confront people face-to-face, which makes it easier to do.
b. Cyberbullying does not happen 24/7 and could not happen in your home.
c. Cyberbullying is potentially broadcast in small audience.
d. Posts can be difficult to remove and can last forever.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Bayugan City Division
Bayugan City Senior High School
Fili, Bayugan City

1st Periodic Test in Media and Information Literacy

Direction. Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
41. What is the origin Latin word of communication which means” to share” or “to divide out”?
b. comunis b. commus c. communare d. communicare
42. When two of your closest friends tends to distance themselves from each other, it tells you something is
off. This is non-verbal communication called________.
b. Appearance b. Proxemics c. olfactory d. Gustatory
43. Which communication process that the message sent and received are open to various interpretations
based on the context of the receiver?
c. Publicity model c. Transmission model
d. Reception model d. Ritual or expressive model
44. Which of the following is channel of information according to Berlo’s model?
e. Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting
f. Element, structure, content, treatment, code
g. Text, audio, video, texture, scent, and actions
h. Communication skill, knowledge, attitude, sociocultural system
45. What is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute using printed and
written materials?
c. Media and Information Literacy c. Information Literacy
d. Media Literacy d. Technology Literacy
46. What is the skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed and how she/he will be able
to access, locate, evaluate, and use it effectively?
c. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
d. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
47. What ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate evaluate, use, and create
c. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
d. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
48. What is the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms?
c. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
d. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
49. What skill of a person that possess the ability to evaluate the information one have and shares?
b. Thinking b. critical thinking c. analytical thinking d. critique thinking
50. Which of the following does NOT exhibit critical thinking skills?
e. Evaluate the adequacy of an argument.
f. Give and receive criticism constructively
g. Articulate a complex position with addition to his/her assumptions.
h. Recognizes facts, inferences, and opinions and use each appropriately.
51. How does communication, information and media relate to each other?
e. Information help communication to media.
f. Communication needs information and media.
g. Media is the channel of information for communication.
h. Media serves as a source and channel for relaying information, which will be a content during the
communication process.

52. How does best communication and media functions?

e. Serve as a channel for the advocacies.
f. Inform citizens of what is happening around.
g. Provide platform for public political discourse.
h. All of the above.
53. Which theory does Marshall McLuhan believes to, that states society is driven by changes in media and
communication technology?
c. Cultural determinism c. Society determinism
d. Technological determinism d. Communication determinism
54. What is the society’s current era in the evolution of media?
b. Print age b. electronic age c. information age d. infrastructure age
55. What is the dominant sense was used during literacy age?
b. Hearing b. sight c. Touch d. Smell
56. Which type of media that have a high level of user interactivity, that make the user experience dynamic
such as video game and social media?
b. Hot media b. warm media c. cold media d. New Media
57. Which if the following is an example of traditional media?
c. Book, magazine, newspaper c. cinema cassettes, video tapes
d. Facebook, tiktok, Instagram d. Netflix, dramacool, kissanime
58. It is considered as the most efficient way to communicate large audience because of its capacity to relay
the message across cultures and distance.
b. Film/cinema b. boradcast media c. Print media d. Video games
59. It is considered as “household” media?
b. Film/cinema b. broadcast media c. Print media d. internet
60. It also called “young people’s media” as FM stations cater the music taste of the younger generation.
b. Internet b. television c. computer d. Radio
61. It causes the dissemination information to go worldwide.
b. Internet b. television c. computer d. radio
62. What is the combination of two or more forms of media?
b. Internet b. convergence c. radio d. tv
63. How does the new media become globally networked, which greatly increased the virtual participation
compared to traditional media?
e. By having the internet
f. By explosion of social media
g. By wide availability of gadgets
h. By the desires of the user to communicate
64. One of the oldest forms of media and information source.
b. Internet b. books c. radio d. library
65. What is the synonym of information seeking?
b. Google b. research c. surfing the internet d. gathering
66. Which type of source does research papers, newspaper and magazine belong?
b. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Quaternary
67. In creating research paper, what is the most common category of information that being used?
b. Current b. historical c. popular d. scholarly
68. Any forms of media that is created and controlled in the community, for the community, about the
community and by the community.
b. Synergy b. convention c. indigenous media d. print
69. It is considered as the “language” or the “grammar” of the media.
b. Technique c. codes c. Strategy d. sign
70. Which of the following are examples of written codes?
e. Headlines, camera angles, sound effects
f. Captions, titles, lighting
g. Writing style, subtitles, caption
h. Voice-overs, type of shot, headlines

71. A rich who becomes poor that becomes rich again and then poor in the end is an example of_____________.
b. Codes b. sign c. synergy d. convention
72. Which of the following statement is true about technical codes?
e. Methods done while using the technical equipment.
f. Bring a representative meaning rather than a literal meaning.
g. Encompasses all sound used in media.
h. Consists of signs that have meaning and the meaning are dictated by agreed rules of interpretation.
73. Which of the following is NOT true about copyright?
e. Protection of one’s expressions which only becomes tangible and concrete when objects are created as
manifestation of these expressions.
f. Protect the rights of a person who created a particular work.
g. The owner or creator of an idea has the sole right to use and sell the intellectual work.
h. Act of using another’s words without giving credit to the original author.
74. The use of intellectual property that it may not be considered as copyright infringement even if done
without the consent of the copyright holder is referred to ________________.
b. Copyright b. plagiarism c. fair use policy d. a & B
75. What refers to the act of using another’s words without giving credit to the original author?
b. Copyright b. plagiarism c. fair use policy d. codes
76. Which of the following is/are the core rules of netiquette?
e. Learn to admit mistakes and forgive errant netizens.
f. Do not provoke or attack others.
g. Do not share knowledge that may not be productive.
h. All of the above.
77. It is a type of offensive action toward another which takes place using electronic technology.
b. Addiction b. bullying c. cyberbullying d. cybersex
78. It is an obsessive playing offline computer games or obsessive computer programming.
c. Computer addiction c. net compulsions
d. Cybersex addiction d. cyber-relationship addiction
79. Which of the following is/are signs and symptoms of internet addiction?
e. being less consious of the time sent online
f. having less time with friends and family
g. failing to complete tasks or activities intended to be finished at the time you were using the internet
h. all of the above
80. How is cyberbullying different from in-person bullying?
e. Cyberbullies have to confront people face-to-face, which makes it easier to do.
f. Cyberbullying does not happen 24/7 and could not happen in your home.
g. Cyberbullying is potentially broadcast in small audience.
h. Posts can be difficult to remove and can last forever.

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