Classroom Observation

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Classroom Observation

Classroom observation is one of the key methods used to examine and assess
teaching, i.e. to measure and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of teaching. The data
accumulated from classroom observations are usually supplemented through evidence drawn
from other sources, such as student evaluations or performance, review of teaching materials,
administrative reviews, the instructor’s very own self-assessment, and so forth. however,
classroom observation is the assessment method that provides the most direct data about the
instructor’s act of teaching.
The fundamental purpose of classroom observation is to improve student outcomes by
using enhancing the instructional prowess of the teacher. A secondary reason of observation
is to carry out an investigation into possible inequities in instruction among different groups
of students. This allows teachers and researchers to become aware of biases in how different
groups of students are treated based on their gender, socio-economic standing, or other
differentiating factors to help eliminate them. A final purpose is to provide researchers with
information on current educational practices and to identify instructional issues.
The classroom management behind each activity is as important as the education
system. We looked at four videos that provided by our lecturer on Edmodo to observe the
classroom included the activity, learning materials and how the skills, and competencies that
we can learned from each teaching video. We use classroom observation instrument to
describe and investigate teaching practices of young learners. Our target observation consists
of teachers who teach English for young leaners. Through observation of teaching, we also
intend to explore which activity are used and the way they relate to student learning
outcomes. We expect that the relationship between teaching and student learning outcomes,
keeping other matters constant, provide insights of what may be relatively more effective
teaching for young learners. We additionally be aware in how a teacher provides the activity
in the classroom. But, our observation tool is limited as it simplest our classroom observation
According to Wragg, there are some benefits of classroom observation for observer. It
is summarized below:
a) Learn new teaching strategy.
Some teachers may have different teaching strategy used in learning process. It is not
possible for teacher to always use same strategy in every learning process. Unfortunately, it is
not a problem in learning process but it is possible to make class monotonous and boring for
students. So that, teachers should learn and master new teaching by conducting classroom
observation to observer other experience teachers. It is an opportunity for observer to get
information about how to use new teaching strategy in learning process.
b) Learn new sources and media of teaching.
Conducting classroom observation may give observer to learn new source and media
used in learning process. In this century, many media and source can be used in teaching like
picture, video, realia and education website. Those media are affected of technology. The
problem found is, many teachers are confused to use those media effectively. So that,
classroom observation possible to give effect for teachers to use media effectively by learning
to experience teachers.
c) Get more insight to teaching strategy known.
Some teachers have had an insight to the teaching strategy, but every teacher has their
own way to deliver those teaching strategies. It means, one teaching strategy can be used in
many ways according to teacher’s way. Sometimes, one teacher blames other teachers caused
of the way to deliver strategy used. Classroom observation may give teacher to learn more
insight about strategy used. Moreover, classroom observation give observer to get more
insight about strategy that had been known by observer to more explore in using those
d) Learn new other knowledge of specific aspect teaching and learning.
Classroom observation usually is used to observe about learning process in generally.
Besides, classroom observation can be used to observe in specific aspects of teaching and
learning, it can be by observing teacher’s document, teacher’s role, classroom management,
students’ attitude and other specific teaching aspect. The aim is to know new knowledge
about specific aspect of teaching and learning from observed teachers. It is beneficial for
observer to learn new knowledge about teaching and learning process.

The first video shows a teacher teaching young learners for grade 1, and there are
about 20 students in the classroom. The teacher started the lesson by greeting and followed
by rules reinforcement, warm-up, controlled speaking, repetitions, action song, gallery walk,
and the last is mingle and swap. The learning material delivered by the teacher is about
vocabulary and grammar regarding daily activities such as what to do in the morning and
evening. The next video, the teacher teaching young learners for preschool and the classroom
is filled by 9 students, several types that activity have done are sing, dance, sleep, count.
Also, learning materials included vocabulary, grammar through various activities such as
singing, dancing, counting. The third video, the teacher shows how to teach different level of
five young learners, types of activity done are greetings, warm-up, and review the materials.
The learning materials that delivered are preposition close, character traits, and professions.
The types of activity done were greetings, song before starting the lesson. Check the
attendance. Showing an animation from the laptop. Warming-up. Controlled speaking.
Repetition, sing a song. Doing activity sheets/work sheets. Controlling student. Asking about
the material. Giving homework sheet. Teachers used the learning materials such as
worksheet/activity sheet.
The first thing the teacher does is greet the students and explain the rules they must
follow. Afterward, to prepare the students to absorb the material, the teacher does a warm-up
song. After d a warm-up, the teacher gives instructions to use the target/vocabulary grammar
in pairs (controlled speaking). Then, have two students from each group share their answers
with the class (feedback). Next, the teacher does repetition 2-3 times to strengthen the
connections in the brain. After finishing the work, it’s a good time to make them stand up and
move. The next step is gallery work. The teacher explains the rules clearly and checks to
understand the students. Students walk around the classroom to try to complete the task. The
next is feedback by students checking their answers in groups/pairs and checking answers
with the class, and the last instruction is mingle and swap. The teacher sets the clear
instruction and do a demo with one student.
The steps of the teaching-learning process in each video

- instructor starts the class with a greeting and introduction with the students

- Instructor continued the class by singing with the students

- Instructor continued the class by dancing with the students

- Instructor praises the students

- Instructor opens the toy box and used everything inside for teaching

- Instructor used flashcard

- Instructor instructs the students to count

- After, the instructor instructs the student to put everything back into the box one by
one, one object for one student

- The students do matching

- The students do word matching

- The class ends with a break

The steps of the teaching-learning process in each video

1. Beginner level

- opening by greetings

- Warm up

- Starts lesson by listening and reading

2. Intermediate level

- opening by greetings

- review close/far closer/faster

- Categories material, instructor provides one object for one color

- Reviewing preposition close

3. Advanced
- opening by greetings

- starts lesson by describing

- learns about character traits

4. Bruce class

- opening by greetings

- starts lesson by simple conversation, learning grammar

- counts by 5
- learns about professions

The steps of the teaching-learning process:

1. The teacher gives greeting.

2. Teacher asks students to sing a song to encourage learning.

3. Teacher checks the students attendance.

4. Teacher do a warming-up (contextual learning, introduce the material to be taught.)

5. Teacher shows the material from the PPT using laptop.

6. Teachers tries to say a word about directions, students were asked to follow.

7. The teacher repeats the new words.

8. Teachers asks students to sing a song about “directions”.

9. Teacher asks students to exercise about the material with the worksheet.

10. Teacher monitoring the student's work.

11. The teacher asks again about the material to find out if the students understands it or

12. Teacher gives home work sheet.

13. Teacher ends the class, with pray and greeting.

The first video

Overall, the learning in the first video was good, which was greatly supported by the
media and tools needed. but there are shortcomings in the video, for example, it does not
summarize and explain the material that has been studied at the end of the lesson.
The second video
Overall, the instructor is very creative on managing the class. The instructor is good
on creating the atmosphere for young learners. Although, the material is not contextual.
The third video
The instructor shows how to learn for student from various levels, they are beginner,
intermediate and advanced along with tips in handling the students. Although, the cons in the
video is too much material per level that as an observer, we are facing difficulties.
The fourth video
The material presented is good, but how the instructor deliver it is not correct because
the students are Junior Highscool students which they are more advanced than kindergarten
and elementary students. There is also too much mothertongue which is not suitable for the
The skills and competencies that we can learn from the video are the teacher's way of
moving from one activity to the next, controlling the class so that learning runs smoothly and
she shows Repetition is the key together with modeling which means Students just get used
to hearing the same question in a specific context. Songs and chants can also be a great
source for context presentation.
The skills and competencies learned from each teaching video are speaking, and
Vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar are among the skills learned. The acquired
competencies will be used to train more communication with students. Knowing the
vocabulary material for the level of instruction. Increase personal connections with students
so that they are thinking and excited to learn.
Skills obtained are vocabulary about "directions", pronunciation and grammar
(patterns for asking and answering "directions". The competencies obtained, students can
know/use direction words well. Students can use appropriate sentence structures to ask and
answer questions about directions. Also, students can say vocabulary about directions
In conclusion, observation in the classroom is an important element of teaching. It
evaluates and changes a teacher's performance so that students get the most out of their
classes, boosting their academic performance and, as a result, the school's overall success.
The observer carefully observes the lesson, gets a sense of the atmosphere of the class, reacts
to it, and offers a critique of the learning process.

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