A Modified Damping Model of Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method For High-Speed Spiral Bevel Gear Dynamic Characteristics Analysis
A Modified Damping Model of Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method For High-Speed Spiral Bevel Gear Dynamic Characteristics Analysis
A Modified Damping Model of Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method For High-Speed Spiral Bevel Gear Dynamic Characteristics Analysis
J Strain Analysis
Ó IMechE 2021
A modified damping model of vector Article reuse guidelines:
form intrinsic finite element method DOI: 10.1177/03093247211018820
The vector form intrinsic finite element (VFIFE) method is springing up as a new numerical method in strong non-linear
structural analysis for its good convergence, but has been constricted in static or transient analysis. To overwhelm its
disadvantages, a new damping model was proposed: the value of damping force is proportional to relative velocity
instead of absolute velocity, which could avoid inaccuracy in high-speed dynamic analysis. The accuracy and efficiency of
the proposed method proved under low speed; dynamic characteristics and vibration rules have been verified under high
speed. Simulation results showed that the modified VFIFE method could obtain numerical solutions with good efficiency
and accuracy. Based on this modified method, high-speed vibration rules of spiral bevel gear pair under different loads
have been concluded. The proposed method also provides a new way to solve high-speed rotor system dynamic
Spiral bevel gear pair, vector form intrinsic finite element method, modified dynamic damping model, convergence and
accuracy, gear high-speed vibration
establishing new models or methods to describe system calculate centrifugal deformations and centrifugal stres-
dynamics more precisely. Taking flexibilities of shafts ses of the thin-walled gear by a cantilever model at
and bearings into consideration and coupling shafts speed range 5000 to 40,000 rpm. Guilbert et al.22 ana-
finite element models and gear LMM non-linear lyzed the effect of centrifugal effects on high-speed
dynamic models, Yavuz et al.1 analyzed transmission (28,650 rpm) thin-rimmed gears by an original hybrid
system (spur, helical, and spiral bevel gears) dynamics. gear model which combines lumped parameter ele-
Peng built an integrated drivetrain coupling analysis ments, finite elements, and condensed substructures
model considering significant time-varying non-torque along with a mortar-based mesh interface. Lin et al.23
loads based on an aeroelastic loose coupling approach proposed a new type of curve-face gear pair for high
and assembly of the finite element method.2 Wang speed transmission and discussed the dynamic impacts.
et al.3 presented a general system-structure coupling According to the existing literature review, it is not
dynamic analysis procedure to analyze the dynamic difficult to conclude that lightweight structure, strong
performance of planetary gears where the influences of non-linear vibration, fracture, and high-speed dynamics
system parameters and structure dimensions are con- are becoming research hotspots. Current researches
sidered at the same time. Hu and Fang4 combined developed some new models and methods to realize
curved beam model with loaded tooth contact analysis structure mechanical behavior simulation and have
to build gear system dynamic model. Zhu et al.5 used made some progress, especially in non-linear dynamic
substructure method to extract the dynamic parameters excitations, tooth profile design, and dynamic behavior
from the gearbox’s finite element model and build control. However, high-speed flexible-structure
spiral bevel gear-shaft-bearing-gearbox coupling sys- dynamics are neglected or over-simplified because of
tem. Liu et al.6,7 introduces an improved model gener- the limitations of current simulation methods24: (1)
ated by hybrid user-defined element method (HUELM) FEM is used more for static and transient analysis than
for dynamic analysis of a double-helical gear pair to high-speed system dynamics because of its convergence
balance computing time and accuracy. It is obvious and computing amount; (2) lumped-mass method sim-
that increasing numbers of researchers focus on the plifies the system as spring-damper-mass model to
structural flexibility of the transmission system.8–10 reduce computing complexity, which would decrease
Accurate excitation analysis is also a way to improve calculation accuracy and lose structural vibration char-
dynamic analysis precision. Neubauer et al.11 proposed acteristics; (3) the combination of the two method try
the design of inequidistant gears and a method to cal- to combine the merits of FEM and LMM, but inevita-
culate the gear mesh stiffness and mesh forces to guar- bly demerits are gathered together.
antee dynamics simulation accuracy, which is also Being widely used for non-linear structural
compared with experiments. Chen12 proposed a new mechanics in civil engineering, vector form intrinsic
dynamic model of a helical gear pair system, consider- finite element (VFIFE) method is showing its advan-
ing three-dimensional motion due to bearing deforma- tages in non-linear and high-speed problems. But lim-
tion to provide more accurate dynamic responses than ited by damping model, element model and control
those previous models which are considered as con- equation, this method application is usually restricted
stant. Meng et al.13 established a dynamic gear model to civil structural static analysis.25–28 The author has
considering fault characteristics analysis of gear based already simplified the hexahedral element and accom-
on time-varying mesh stiffness to approximate gear plishes SBG static analysis in the former study.24 Based
failures. Nonlinear oil-film force and stiffness are on former research, this paper proposed a damping
added into gear dynamic equations by researchers to model and a control equation to simulate high-speed
improve simulating accuracy14,15; similarly, coupling SBG dynamics with whole-mesh model balancing com-
effects between surface wear and dynamics of gear sys- puting time and simulating accuracy, which would
tems were also studied.16,17 Huangfu et al.18 considered offer a new method to solve high-speed dynamic prob-
the thin rim structure and gear tooth modifications and lems in future rotor system analysis.
built a three-dimensional dynamic model and wear pre- The paper is organized as follows: The basic theory
diction model. Chen et al.19 proposed a comprehensive of modified VFIFE method and dynamic damping
and general analytical gear mesh model to improve model are established in Section 2. Spiral bevel gear
dynamic analysis precision by considering all the defor- meshing theory, mesh model, and tooth contact analy-
mations including the teeth and the gear body sis (TCA) are conducted in Section 3. In Section 4, the
structure. dynamic results of SBG with low rotational speed
When it comes to high-speed transmission system, (500 rpm) are simulated by modified VFIFE method,
experimental studies and LMM simulation become whose results are also compared to that of FEM to ver-
major approaches while structural vibrations are usu- ify the computing accuracy and efficiency of proposed
ally disregarded. Liu et al.20 considered the flexibility method. Section 5 discusses vibration characteristics of
of the ring and carrier, proposed a hybrid model for the SBG system with high rotational speed (15,000 rpm)
the helical planetary gear set that operates at high and using modified VFIFE method, whose results are com-
variable speed conditions, but the rotational speed was pared to that of LMM to demonstrate the accuracy and
less than 10,000 rpm. Li21 developed FEM software to rationality of the proposed method. Eventually, in
Hou et al. 3
deformation. Subscript a represents the point number cost to unacceptable levels; (2) using the larger damping
in the element. After the first step of translation, new coefficient to accelerate the the convergent process
position of element with superscript # is shown in would result in distortion of computational solution
Figure 1(b). due to over-large damping forces.
The second step ‘‘side coincidence’’ (Figure 1(b) and Inspired by meshing damping model used in
(c)) means to superpose side ab and a#b# by rotating lumped-mass method, we decided to use relative velo-
the deformed element (the red element), while rotation city of meshing surfaces instead of absolute velocity to
angle u1 is between side ab and a#b# and the rotation describe the damping force. Section 2.2 would intro-
axis vec1 can be calculated by vector ab and a#b#: duce: (1) basic contact model and (2) how to define
relative velocity and damping force. More detailed
ab3ab0 information is available in reference.24
vec1 = ð3Þ
jab3ab0 j
Figure 2. Contact patterns and transmission errors obtained by TCA: (a) contact patterns of gear, (b) contact patterns of pinion,
and (c) transmission errors.
m P
n Tooth contact analysis (TCA)
ngk npj
k=1 j=1 In this part, we build a series of mesh models that are
vgt = , vpt = ð8Þ meshing in different meshing positions divided from
rgk m rpj n
the entrance meshing position to the exit meshing posi-
tion. Meshing equation was established and the solving
where m and n represent the number of body nodes
results are shown in Figure 2 based on the parameters
(represented by k and j) on gear and pinion, vgk and vpj
in Tables 1 and 2.
are velocity magnitudes, rgk and rpj are radius of rota-
The contact ellipse major axis is considered when the
tion axis.
gears are under a small load, and the elastic deforma-
Therefore, we could define damping force as:
tion is 0.00635 mm. The contact path is calculated and
fdi = j Dx_ i = j(x_ t vtheo 3ri ) ð9Þ the relative transmission error curve is calculated with-
out elastic deformation. The transmission error unit is
Then the damping model was established. arc-second and unit of rotational angle is degree.
Plug equation (9) into equation (1) and the control
equation could be written as:
Models and settings
x = P + f j Dx_
m€ ð10Þ
According to TCA results and modeling method, the
mesh model of spiral bevel gear pair could be obtained
Basic model of SBG and tooth contact meeting assembly conditions, as shown in Figure 3.
analysis After installation, the gear and pinion both take the
right meshing position. Nodes inside body have been
Basic parameters and machine-tool settings imposed restrictions (as highlighted in Figure 5): both
Based on the design method of spiral bevel gears,31–33 pinion and gear release the rotational DOF of rota-
basic parameters and machine-tool settings and were tional axis while rotational speed and load torque are
designed and list in Tables 1 and 2. applied on pinion and gear respectively.
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