Analysis and Optimization of The Vehicle Handling Stability With Considering Suspension Kinematics and Compliance Characteristics
Analysis and Optimization of The Vehicle Handling Stability With Considering Suspension Kinematics and Compliance Characteristics
Analysis and Optimization of The Vehicle Handling Stability With Considering Suspension Kinematics and Compliance Characteristics
The dynamic model of the front double wishbone suspension and the rear multi-link suspension of the vehicle are estab-
lished. On the basis of detailed analysis of suspension kinematics, calculation method of wheel alignment angle and force
calculation of suspension bushing, the influence mechanism of suspension bushing on the vehicle transient state is clari-
fied, and the vehicle transient characteristic index is derived from the vehicle three-free dynamic model. The sensitivity
analysis of the suspension bushing is carried out, and the bushing stiffness which has a great influence on the transient
state of the vehicle is obtained. The bushing stiffness scale factor is used as the optimization variable, the vehicle transi-
ent characteristic index is used as the optimization target, and the NSGA-II optimization algorithm is used for multi-
objective optimization. After optimization, one Pareto solution is selected to compare with the original vehicle, the com-
parison results show that the yaw rate gain, resonance frequency and delay time of yaw rate in the vehicle transient char-
acteristic index are all improved, other optimization targets change less. In the steady-state comparison, the understeer
tendency of the vehicle increases, and the roll angle of the vehicle increases but is within an acceptable range.
Suspension kinematics, suspension compliance, bushing deformation, vehicle transient characteristics, multi-objective
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
filled rubber bushings in the axial and radial directions. model. The model can achieve a reasonable compro-
Based on the measured data, the axial and radial mise between prediction accuracy, identification diffi-
dynamic stiffness models of the rubber bushing are culty and calculation amount, and is an ideal tool for
established. The accuracy of the new engineering model vehicle chassis dynamics simulation and analysis.6
describing the axial and radial dynamic characteristics Sancibrian et al. use a spatial synthesis method to
of carbon black filled rubber bushing is verified by design the kinematics of the vehicle’s double wishbone
experiments. This work allows the bushing characteris- suspension system, using a multi-angle synthesis tech-
tics in a complex system to be calculated quickly and nology to establish the RSSR-SS spatial link, and
easily.1 Gibanica proposed a new method of calculating express it through a constraint equation. Numerical
the stiffness of the bushing. In the experiment, four examples show that this method can effectively improve
bushings were used for comparative analysis to quantify the design of double wishbone suspension system and
the uncertainty of the bushing parameters, and an has good robustness. This study can achieve high accu-
uncertainty quantization method based on bootstrap- racy in the definition of functional parameters during
ping linear alternative model within parameters was suspension movement, and provides a better reference
proposed. For three identical rear subframes, finally a for suspension design.7 Balike et al. proposed a compre-
model update program using damping equalization has hensive power quarter vehicle model to study the kine-
been successfully used to update all bushes of the rear matics and dynamics of the link suspension and the
subframe and find the optimal parameters of the influence of link geometry on selected performance
bushes.2 Plagge et al. proposed a model that is based on measures. Combined with the kinematics of the double
physical ideas and reasonable assumptions about the wishbone suspension, a plane two-degree-of-freedom
microstructure of materials and is designed for high model was established.8
efficiency and robustness in finite element applications.3 The above experts combined different bushing struc-
Sedlaczek et al., proposed an advanced phenomenologi- tures and materials to put forward an equivalent model
cal Daimler model of rubber bushings. The modeling of bushing stiffness, and analyzed the characteristics of
complexity of this model can be easily adapted to the the bushing. From different perspective, use the differ-
specific problem requirements of various simulation ent methods to study vehicle suspension. However, the
tasks. Examples of two typical chassis bushings under above experts still have some problems that have not
durable load conditions demonstrate the practical been solved. First of all, experts did not analysis the
applicability and superior performance of the modular relationship between bushing deformation and force in
and adaptable Daimler model. The modular approach detail, and did not calculate the amount of bushing
allows the basic building blocks of a specific combina- deformation and force during suspension movement.
tion of problems, representing stiffness, static friction Secondly, the experts did not analysis the impact of
and frequency-dependent dynamics. They can be easily suspension kinematics characteristics on the transient
parameterized using Excel’s graphical preprocessing, and steady-state characteristics of the vehicle, and the
and the achievable model accuracy can be directly impact of the suspension compliance characteristics
checked and adjusted to current requirements. In order caused by the deformation of the suspension bush on
to overcome the problem of low accuracy due to the the transient and steady-state characteristics of the
limitation of expressing the frequency-dependent vehicle. The experts did not conduct sensitivity analysis
dynamic characteristics of the vibration isolator.4 on the stiffness of the suspension bushings, and did not
Aydemir and Sendur5 developed and proposed a simpli- find the bushes that have a greater impact on the tran-
fied transfer function model that varies with frequency, sient characteristics of the vehicle. The third is that the
by generating complex stiffness and damping varying experts did not match and optimize the bushing stiff-
with frequency from the horizontal measurement of the ness to improve the transient performance of the
vehicle. The proposed method has been verified on a vehicle.
heavy commercial truck, and the accuracy of the pro- Aiming at the problems that experts have not solved
posed model is better than that of Voigt modeling yet, this article will start our research from three
method. Zenglian et al. first derives the mathematical aspects. The first will analysis the impact of suspension
equations of the Berg model and Dzierzek model, and movement on the wheel alignment angle and calculate
discusses the theoretical methods of parameter identifi- the value of the wheel alignment angle, and analysis the
cation. Secondly, the static and dynamic characteristics displacement and force of the specific suspension, espe-
of the rubber sleeve were tested, and the parameters of cially the displacement and force analysis of the multi-
the two models were determined based on the experi- link suspension. In addition, the deformation and force
mental data, and the prediction accuracy of the two of the bushing during suspension motion will be calcu-
models was analyzed. On the basis of detailed analysis lated, and the influence of bushing deformation on the
of dynamic stiffness and damping, a new empirical compliance of the suspension will be analyzed in detail.
model is established using Berg model and Dzierzek The second aspect will analysis the impact of the
Gao and Wu 3
be calculated.10 In order to calculate the vector ~ ek , the The position vector of the wheel knuckle can be defined
upper control arm, lower control arm and wheel hub of *
as: BD = lk ek , the unit vector of the wheel knuckle is
the suspension need to be taken into consideration.
defined as:
Because the mechanical structure of the double wish-
bone suspension can be seen as consisting of RSSR- 2 3
d + lu cos x cos j + lu sin x sin F sin j ll cos u
SSP (R: revolute, S: spherical, P: prismatic) links,11 the * 14 5
ek = h + lu cos x sin j lu sin x sin F cos j
suspension in Figure 5 can perform two independent lk
q + lu sin xcosF ll sin u
complete loop analysis of OBDAO and OBNHJO.
First consider the RSSR closed-loop connection rod
composed of OABCO. The ball hinge position at J is The unit vector of the lower control arm can be defined
considered to be fixed in a specific position. In order to as:
analysis the RSSR connecting rod, the required struc-
tural parameters are: ll , lu , lk , j, and F. When these para- *
e1 = ½cos u 0 sin uT ð13Þ
meters are determined and given a set of lower control
arm angle u, the RSSR connection rod can be used for By formulas (10)–(13), a point position can be obtained
kinematic analysis. The vector equation of this loop is: when the u value of a set of lower control arm is given.
* * *
BD = OD OB. The vector on the right side of the
equation Analysis and calculation of vector ~
* can be written as:
* *
In order to calculate vector ~ehub , now discuss the SSP
OB = ll cos u i + ll sin uk
! connection rod system. Due to the needs of analyzing,
OD = ðd + lu cos x cos j + lu sin x sin F sin jÞ i the OBNHJO connecting rod system was considered.
* For this analysis, the required parameters are: the ini-
+ ðh + lu cos x sin j lu sin x sin F cos jÞ j tial coordinates of the spherical hinge points H and J.
+ ðq + lu sin xcosFÞk The length of the steering rod is tr = HJ , the effective
* * *
Usually the displacement equation of the RSSR con-
steering arm length is sa = HB 3 HD=DB. The
necting rod is:
change in toe angle of the double wishbone suspension
due to the input angle u can be determined by con-
k1 + ðk2 k3 cos uÞ cos x ðk4 + k5 sin u k6 cos uÞ sin x
straining OBNHJO. The first constraint is that for each
k7 cos u k8 sin u = 0 position of the mechanism, the length of the tie rod
ð8Þ remains unchanged, so there is:
among them,
tr 2 = ðHx Jx0 Þ2 + ðHv Jv0 Þ2 + ðHz Jz0 Þ2 ð14Þ
> k1 = h2 + d 2 + q2 + ll2 + lu2 lk2 The second constraint is that the length of the steering
> k2 = 2h lu sin j + 2dlu cos j arm remains constant for each position of the mechan-
> k = 2ll lu cos j ism, so there is:
< 3
k4 = 2h lu cos j sin F 2qlu sin j sin F
ð9Þ 2
> k5 = 2ll lu cos F sa 2 = ðNx Hx Þ2 + Ny Hy + ðNz Hz Þ2 ð15Þ
> k 6 = 2ll lu sin j sin F
> k = 2dll among them,
: 7
k8 = 2qll rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
For a given set of lower control arm angle u and com-
* * * *2
ON = ll e1 + l a ek , la = BH s2a ð16Þ
bine formula (8), use the half-tangent formula can get
the value of x: The third constraint is that for each position of the
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! mechanism, the steering arm vector and the steering
1 b 6 b2 4ac knuckle vector are perpendicular to each other
x = 2tan ð10Þ * *
2a HN ? BN . Because the scalar product of two vertical
* *
among them, vectors is equal to zero, so: HN BN = 0.
8 * * *
< a = k1 + k2 k3 cos u + k7 cos u + k8 sin u * * *
l l e 1 + l a ek H x i + H y j + H z k l a ek = 0
b = 2k4 + 2k5 sin u + 2k6 cos u ð11Þ
c = k1 k2 k3 cos u + k7 cos u + k8 sin u ð17Þ
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Figure 6. Vector transformation: (a) schematic diagram of wheel static surface position vector, (b) schematic diagram of Angle
change of vector ek, and (c) schematic diagram of the rotation of wheel knuckle relative to ek.
In equation (17), it can get: is not considered. Since the unit matrix ek of any posi-
tion of the mechanism can be calculated by formula
c3 H x + c4 H y + c5 H z + c6 = 0 ð18Þ (13), the rotation amount of ek can be determined by
the outer product as:
among them,
h * *
* * * l = sin1 ek0 3 ek ekl ð22Þ
c3 = la ekx , c4 = , c5 =
la eky ,
la ekz
* * * * * *
ð19Þ *
c6 = la 2 + ll la ekx e1x + eky e1y + ekz e1z ekl is the vector on the rotation axis perpendicular to
* *
the plane formed by vectors ek and ek0 ,as shown in
In equations (17)–(19), the unknown parameters Hx , Figure 6(b):
Hy , and Hz are the new coordinates of the steering rod * *
* * *
ball hinge point H. These three equations can solve ekl = ek0 3 ek =ek0 3 ek ð23Þ
three unknowns, at this stage, the positions of all joints
are determined. In the static position of the suspension The second rotation analysis requires a complete analy-
system, the unit vector GW of the hub can be deter- sis of the rotation of wheel knuckle with respect to the
mined as: unit vector ek , as shown in Figure 6(c):
* h * *i
ehub0 = ½cos e0 0 sin e0 T ð20Þ lp = sin1
ea0l 3 ea ek ð24Þ
e0 is the position of the positive static surface of the
The matrix with a rotation angle of u around a certain
wheel, as shown in Figure 6(a). The static position of *
axis in the direction of the unit vector u is:
2 3
* cos u + u2x ð1 cos uÞ ux uy ð1 cos uÞ uz sin u ux uz ð1 cos uÞ + uy sin u
6 u u ð1 cos uÞ + u sin u cos u + u2y ð1 cos uÞ uy uz ð1 cos uÞ ux sin u 7
R u ,u =4 y x z 5 ð25Þ
uz ux ð1 cos uÞ uy sin u uz uy ð1 cos uÞ + ux sin u cos u + u2z ð1 cos uÞ
global coordinate system can be obtained by formula H 0 and P01 are the initial coordinates of points H and
(33) subtracting formula (35) and formula (34) subtract- P1 , and the matrix ½Rðh3 , r3 , z3 Þ can be calculated as
ing formula (35): follows:
( 0 )
A1 ½Rðh1 , r1 , z1 Þ, 0 ½Rðh3 , r3 , z3 Þ = ½X ðh3 Þ½Y ðr3 Þ½Z ðz3 Þ ð41Þ
0 =
A2 0, ½Rðh1 , r1 , z1 Þ ½X ðh3 Þ, ½Y ðr3 Þ, and ½Z ðz3 Þ are the 3 3 3 rotation
( ) ( 0 ) ð36Þ
A 0 D0 D matrices of the wheel knuckle around the x, y, and z
10 0 + 0 axis on its own coordinate system and the rotation
A2 D D angles are h3 , r3 , and z3 . According to equations (36),
(38), (40), when external force is applied to the suspen-
0 0 in
(36)represents a zero matrix of 3 3 3, sion, the new position of each connection point and
A1 , A02 and D0 are the initial coordinates of the bushing can be obtained. The displacement of the bush-
0 points
A1 , A2 and D in the global coordinate ing and spring can also be easily estimated.
system; D is the new coordinate value of hinge point
D, matrix ½Rðh1 , r1 , z1 Þ is a rotation matrix:
Calculate the forces and moments acting on the
½Rðh1 , r1 , z1 Þ = ½X ðh1 Þ½Y ðr1 Þ½Z ðz1 Þ ð37Þ bushing
In the same way, taking point If a static external force FP1 is applied to the contact
n o 0G as thereference
the new coordinates A3’ , A4 , and C of the con- point between the tire and the ground, the bushing will
nection points A3 , A4 , and C on the lower control arm rotate and translate. The displacement of the bushing S
can be obtained: (S means A1 , A2 ,A3 , and A4 ) can be calculated:
8 0 9 2 3 0 g
S fS0 g DS
< A3 >
> = ½Rðh2 , r2 , z2 Þ, 0 0 QgS = + 0g ð42Þ
0 6 7 ffS g Df S0
A4 = 4 0, ½Rðh2 , r2 , z2 Þ, 0 5
: 0 >
> ;
C 0 0½Rðh2 , r2 , z2 Þ Superscript
0 g means in the global coordinate system.
8 0 0 9 8 0 9 ð38Þ S represents the translational position of the bush
< A3 G >
> = > < G > = after deformation. ffS g is the rotation angle of the
0 0 0
A4 G + G bush S in the global
: 0 0 >
> ; > : 0 > ; coordinate
system when the exter-
C G G nal force is input. DS0g and DfgS0 in equation (42)
are the initial displacement and initial angle of the bush-
A03 , A04 , fC0 g, and fG0 g are the ing in the global coordinate system under the action of
positions of
the hinge points A3 , A4 , C, and G. G is the new coor- the vehicle’s own weight. In the global coordinate sys-
dinate of the hinge point G; Matrix ½Rðh2 , r2 , z2 Þ is a tem, the force and moment applied to the bush due to
rotation matrix: the displacement of bush S are:
½Rðh1 , r1 , z1 Þ = ½X ðh2 Þ½Y ðr2 Þ½Z ðz2 Þ ð39Þ FSg = K
St g, 0 fQg g ð43Þ
MS 0, KSr S
coordinate system, the force and moment applied to FGg is the reaction force appliedto the
lower control
the upper control arm by the bush Su (Su refers to the arm from the wheel knuckle G. FCg is the reaction
bush A1 and the bush A2) are: force of the spring acting on the lower control arm.
8 Under the action of the external load of the upper and
> fRFSgu g I,
0 fFSgu g lower control arms, tie rods and the contact point
< fRM g g = ~
R ,I fMSgu g between the tire and ground, the wheel knuckle is in a
Su Su D ð45Þ
fRFSl g Ih i0 fFSgl g balanced state,14 and the static balance equation is
: g = R ~ g
fRMSl g Sl G , I fMSl g obtained:
g g g g
I is the unit matrix of ð3 3 3Þ, R ~ Su D is an oblique sym-
= f0g
metric matrix of the position vector of the bush Su in MP1 MD MH 0
the global coordinate
system, and point D is the refer- ð49Þ
ence point. R ~ Sl G is an oblique symmetric matrix of
the position vector of the bush Sl in the global
FP1 is gthe
external force input
g to
the tire from the
nate system. The oblique symmetric matrix ~ Su D and
R road, MP1 isthemoment of FP1 about the connec-
~ Sl G are:
R tion point D. FHg is the reaction force acting on the
8 2 3 wheel knuckle from the tie rod, expressed as:
> 0 zgSu D ygSu D
6 g 7 FHg = ns1 RJH ð50Þ
~ Su D = 6 z S D
R 4 u 0 xgSu D 7
< yg xgSu D ns1 is the scale
2 Su D
3 factor,
RJH is the vector from
point H
ð46Þ to point J . MHg is the moment of force FHg relative to
> 0 zgSl D ygSl D
6 7 point G. The length, displacement and initial length of the
> ~ Sl D = 6 zgS D
> R 4 l 0 xgSl D 7
5 spring after deformation satisfy the following formula:
ygSl D xgSl D 0 0
LEC + DLEC LEC = 0 ð51Þ
xgSu D , ygSu D , zgSu D are the displacement of the bush Su along 0
the x, y, and z directions in the global coordinate sys- LEC is the new length of the spring after deformation,
tem. xgSl D , ygSl D , zgSl D are the displacement of the bush Sl LEC is the initial length of the spring, DLEC is the defor-
along the x, y, and z directions in the global coordinate mation of the spring:
system. 0
The upper control arm is in a balanced state under DLEC = ns2 LEC ns20 LEC Kd ð52Þ
the action of the reaction force and the reaction
moment of the bushing, the spring, and the ball joint of ns20 is the initial scale factor of the spring force, Kd is
the wheel knuckle. Therefore, the sum of each force the stiffness of the spring. Due to the length of the tie
component of all forces, as well as the sum of each rod does not change during the movement of the sus-
force and each moment component of the connection pension, there is:
point D in the global coordinate system is zero.
According to this principle, the static balance equation LJH LJH = 0 ð53Þ
of the upper control arm can be obtained and expressed 0
as: LJH and LJH are the length of the tie rod after and
before the suspension change, respectively. Through
g g g
the above analysis, the overall balance equation can be
RFA1g + RFA2g + FD
= f0g ð47Þ
RMA1 RMA2 0 obtained as:
g 8 g g g 9
FD is the combined force applied to the upper control > RFA1 RFA2 F >
> RM g + RM g + 0 D
arm from the wheel knuckle and the connection point >
> A1 A2 >
> >
> RF g
RF g
F g
F g >
D. Similar to obtaining the static balance equation of >
> A3 + A4 + C + G >
< RMA3g
MC g
0 =
the upper control arm, the static balance equation of g g g g = f0g
> >
the lower control arm can be obtained, expressed as: > FP1g FDg FHg
FG >
> M MD MH 0 >
> 0 P1 >
( g
) ( g ) >
: L EC + DL EC L EC >
+ A4g
( g ) ( ) ð48Þ ð54Þ
+ Cg + = f0g Take the lateral force in the interval ½3000, 3000, take
MC 0 a value into the formula (54), the equation (54) can be
Gao and Wu 11
Figure 12. The moment of the rubber bushing around the x- ð55Þ
axis. 0
P2 and Bi are the initial coordinates of points P2
and fBi g respectively; P2 is the new coordinate of
point P2 ;½X ðh4 Þ, ½Y ðr4 Þ, and ½Z ðz4 Þ are the ð3 3 3Þ
solved by using the Newton iteration method, the force
rotation matrices when the wheel knuckle rotates
and moment situations shown in Figures 11 and 12 can
around the x, y, and z axis respectively, and the rotation
be obtained.
angles are h4 , r4 , and z4 .
For connection rod Ai Bi (i = 5;8), when point Ai is
Statics analysis of multi-link suspension selected as the reference point, the new coordinates of
point Bi in the global coordinates system is:
When an external load acts on the contact point n 0o n 0 o
between the tire and the ground, the wheels, wheel Bi = ½X ðhi Þ½Y ðri Þ½Z ðzi Þ B0i A0i + Ai
knuckle and connection rods will move to new position
due to the elastic deformation of the bushes and springs ð56Þ
in the suspension. In this way, a new static equilibrium
Where A0i and B0i are the initial coordinates of
is reached. The new position of each bush in this load 0
points Ai and Bi respectively; Ai is the new position
can then be calculated.
of point Ai ;½X ðhi Þ, ½Y ðri Þ, and ½Z ðzi Þ are the ð3 3 3Þ
rotation matrix when connecting rod Ai Bi rotates
Displacement analysis of multi-link suspension’s around x, y, and z axis respectively, and the rotation
angles are hi , ri , and zi .
connection point According to equations (55) and (56), when external
The schematic diagram of the multi-link suspension is force acts on the suspension, the new position and dis-
shown in Figure 13. placement of each bush can be obtained.
12 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Calculate the forces and moments acting on the knuckle is in a balanced state. Therefore, the sum of
rubber bushing each reaction force (RF), reaction moment (RM) and
external force applied to the wheel knuckle is zero in
When an external force is applied to the wheel knuckle,
the global coordinate system. The static balance equa-
the bushing will rotate and translate.15 For the bushing
tion of the wheel knuckle is expressed as:
w (w means A5 , A6 ,A7 , and A8 ) connectingthe connec-
tion rod and the body, the displacement Qgw in the 8 9
8 n
P o
> g >
global coordinate system is: >
< RFBj >
FB0 j=5
0 g FP2 + g
> 8 n
P o > = f0g ð61Þ
w fw0 g Dw >
> g >
Qw = + 0g ð57Þ : RMBj ;
ffw g Dfw0 j=5
The superscript g in equation (57) means in the global FP2is the external force applied to the wheel at point
coordinate system; ffw g is the rotation angle matrix
gof P2 .The rod is in equilibrium under the reaction force
the bushing
g w in the global coordinate system; Dw0 and moment of bushing Ai and hinge point Bi , there-
and Dfw0 are the initial displacement and rotation fore, in the global coordinate system, the sum of each
angle of bushing w in the global coordinate gsystem
force generated by the elastic deformation of the bush
under the weight
of the vehicle. The force Fw and and each moment generated by the force relative to
moment Mwg due to the displacement of the bushing point Ai is zero. Therefore, the static balance equation
are: of rod Ai Bi (i = 5–8) can be obtained and expressed as:
g g g g
Fwg = ½Kwt ,
0g Qgw ð58Þ RFwg + RFBig = f0g ð62Þ
Mw 0, Kwr RMw RMBi
0 is the zero matrix of ð3 3 3Þ. The initial length, deformed length and displacement of
( the spring satisfy the following formula:
½Kwt = ½Rw T Kwt ½R w
g T
l ð59Þ
Kwr = ½Rw Kwr ½Rw LA‘ 0 B0 + DLA0 B0 LA0 B0 = 0 ð63Þ
the transpose of the matrix. ½Kwt g
and LA0 B0 is the length of the spring after deformation; LA0 B0
T is the initial length of the spring; DLA0 B0 is the deforma-
Kwr are the translational movement stiffness matrix
and the rotation stiffness matrix respectively
of the tion of the spring:
l .
bush w in the global
system. Kwt = 0
diag kwtx , kwty , kwtz and Kwr = diag kwrx , kwry , kwrz are DLA0 B0 = ns3 LA0 B0 ns30 LA0 B0 Ks ð64Þ
the translational stiffness matrix and rotational stiff-
ness matrix of the bush w in the local coordinate sys- ns30 is the initial scale factor of the spring force, Ks is
tem. ½Rw is the 3 3 3 transformation matrix of the the stiffness of the spring.
bushing w from the local coordinate system to the glo- On the basis of the above analysis, the balance equa-
bal coordinate system. According to Newton’s third tions of the suspension system can be obtained. By
law and equation (58), the reaction force and moment combining the balance equation of the wheel knuckle
applied by the rubber bushing to the control arm in the (equation (61)), the balance equation of the rod (equa-
global coordinate system are: tion (62) and the constraint equation of spring (equa-
g g tion (63)), the equation of the multi-link suspension is
RFwg = Fwg = ½Kwt ,
0g fQgw g expressed as:
RMw Mw 0, Kwr 8
8 8 n
P o 99
> >
> g >
> >
ð60Þ >
g >
< RFBj =>
> >
> g F B0 j=5 >
Mark the forces and moments on the hinge points B5 , >
> F + g + n o >
P2 M >
> P
8 >
> >
B0 g
B6 , B7 and B8 as fFBi g and fMBi g, then for the rigid >
: RM > Bj
g g j =5 = f0g
body A5 B5 , A6 B6 , A7 B7 , and A8 B8 , the reaction force >
> >
> RFwg + RFBig >
and moment at the Bi ði = 5;8Þ end are denoted as >
> >
> n RMw RMBi o >
fRFBi g and fRMBi g. >
> >
: L0 + DL L ;
A0 B0 A0 B0 A0 B0
Figure 14. The change of the bush’s force in the x-direction Figure 16. The toe angle and camber angle of the front double
with the lateral force of the wheel. wishbone suspension vary with the lateral force of the wheel.
Figure 17. The toe angle and camber angle of the front double
wishbone suspension vary with the longitudinal force of the Figure 19. Changes in toe angle and camber angle of rear
wheel. multi-link suspension with wheel’s longitudinal force.
Figure 18. Changes in toe angle and camber angle of rear Figure 20. The effect of toe angle on wheel’s side slip angle.
multi-link suspension with wheel’s lateral force.
by the vehicle is a positive lateral force, the toe angle of
angle and camber angle both increase in the negative the wheels changes less, and the camber angle increases
direction as the positive lateral force increases. Figure in the negative direction. Figure 19 shows the change
17 shows the change of toe angle and camber angle of of the toe angle and camber angle of the rear multi-link
the front double wishbone suspension with the longitu- suspension wheels when subjected to longitudinal force.
dinal force of the wheel. In Figure 17, when the longitu- In Figure 19, whether the wheel receives the driving
dinal force received by the wheels is the braking force, force or the braking force, the toe angle changes little.
the toe angle increases in the negative direction with the For the camber angle, when the wheel receives the
increase of the braking force, and the camber angle braking force, the camber angle increases in the nega-
increases in the positive direction with the increase of tive direction, when the wheel receives the driving force,
the braking force. When the longitudinal force received the camber angle of the wheel increases in the positive
by the wheels is the driving force, the toe angle increases direction.
in the positive direction as the driving force increases,
and the camber angle decreases in the negative direction
as the driving force increases. Effect of toe angle change caused by suspension
Figure 18 shows the change of the toe angle and movement and bushing deformation on tire side slip
camber angle of the rear multi-link suspension with the
lateral force received by the wheels. In Figure 18, when
the lateral force received is the reverse lateral force, the When there is toe angle of the wheel, the side slip angle
toe angle of the wheels changes less, and the camber of the outer wheel is aa = a + d0 , and the side slip
angle increases in the positive direction as the reverse angle of the inner wheel is aa = a d0 , there will be a
lateral force increases. When the lateral force received deviation as shown in Figure 20. At this time, the sum
Gao and Wu 15
uV is the camber angle of the front wheels, uH is the Fy = 2Yf + 2Yr + 2Ycf + 2Ycr ð71Þ
camber angle of the rear wheels, uV 0 is the initial cam-
ber angle of the front wheels of the vehicle, and uH0 is
the initial camber angle of the rear wheels of the Multi-objective optimization of vehicle’s
vehicle. handling stability
When designing the suspension, for the wheel’s cam-
ber angle, when the centripetal acceleration is low, the There are multiple evaluation parameters for the transi-
deformation of the bushing is required to make the ent characteristics of vehicle. In order to explain these
front wheel camber change in positive direction/rear evaluation parameters in the form of formulas, the
wheel no change, or front wheel camber no change/rear three degree of freedom vehicle dynamics model is used.
wheel’s camber changes in negative direction, which will Since there are multiple optimization targets and multi-
increase the understeer tendency of the vehicle. When ple optimization variables in the optimization, there-
the lateral acceleration is high, let the front wheels have fore, optimizing the bushing of the suspension based on
negative camber/the rear wheels have no camber, so the sine swept input to improve the transient dynamics
that the vehicle has a slight oversteer to avoid strong of the vehicle requires multi-objective optimization.
oversteer characteristic. Therefore, on the basis of the three degree of freedom
vehicle’s dynamics, the optimization targets of vehicle’s
transient characteristic are derived, the multi-objective
Lateral force on vehicle’s tires optimization program are established.
During the vehicle’s movement, the lateral force
received by a vehicle’s tire can be calculated by two Optimize objective function
parts, one is the product of the tire’s side slip stiffness
For parameter-oriented vehicle’s dynamics models, the
and the cornering angle, and the other is the product of
three degree of freedom vehicle dynamics model is
the lateral camber thrust coefficient and the camber
mostly used at present, because the three degrees of
angle. The side slip angle and camber angle of the tire
freedom vehicle’s dynamic model is simpler than other
are obtained by the suspension movement and suspen-
dynamic models, but it can describe the main motion
sion bushing deformation. The force obtained by the
characteristic and force characteristic of the vehicle.
product of the tire side slip stiffness and the tire side
The vehicle’s three degree of freedom model considers
slip angle is:
the vehicle’s lateral, yaw and roll these three degrees of
freedom. For the transient characteristic of the vehicle,
Yf = Yf 1 + Yf 2 = kfL afL + kfR afR
ð69Þ the three degree of freedom vehicle dynamics model is
Yr = Yr1 + Yr2 = krL arL + krR arR
also easy to describe the frequency characteristic. The
The lateral force obtained by product of the tire’s lat- main parameters such as gain and delay time can also
eral thrust coefficient and the camber angle is: be derived with the help of the three degree of freedom
vehicle dynamics model. Because the sine swept steer-
2Ycf = 2Kcf ff ing input simulation is used in this article, the vehicle’s
ð70Þ roll, lateral and yaw these three degrees of freedom are
2Ycr = 2Kcr fr
also mainly considered. The three degree of freedom
The total lateral force produced by the suspension vehicle dynamics model is:
movement and the bushing’s deformation is:
> db _ d2k ∂af a _ ∂ar b _
> mV + c ms hs 2 = 2Kf d + k b c + 2Kr k b+ c
> dt dt ∂k V ∂k V
> ∂k f ∂kr
> 2 Kcf f + Kcr k
> ∂k ∂k
< dr 2
d k ∂af a ∂ar b
I Ixz 2 = 2Kf d + k b c_ a 2Kr k b + c_ b ð72Þ
> dt
> dt ∂k V ∂k V
> ∂kf ∂kr
> 2 aKcf k bKcr k
> ∂k ∂k
> d2k dr db dk
: Ik 2 Ixz ms hs V + c_ = ðKk + ms ghs Þk Ck
dt dt dt dt
Gao and Wu 17
mVs + 2(Kf + Kr ) 2Kf ms hs s2 2Yk
2(aKf bKr ) 2aKf 2
Ixz s 2Nk
_c(s) ms hs Vs 0 Ik s + Ck s + (Kk ms ghs )
= ð75Þ
d(s) 2(aKf bKr ) 2
mVs + 2(Kf + Kr ) mV + ms hs s 2Yk
2a2 Kf + b2 Kr 2
2(aKf bKr ) Is + Ixz s 2Nk
ms hs Vs Ixz s ms hs V Ik s2 + Ck s + (Kk ms ghs )
2(l K lr Kr )
mVs + 2(Kf + Kr ) mV + f f 2K f
2lf2 Kf + lr2 Kr
2(lf Kf lr Kr ) Is + 2lf f
k(s) ms hs Vs Ixz s ms hs V 0
= ð76Þ
d(s) 2(lf Kf lr Kr )
mVs + 2(Kf + Kr ) mV + ms hs s2 2Yk
2 2
2lf Kf + lr Kr
2(lf Kf lr Kr ) Is + I xz s 2N k
ms hs Vs Ixz s ms hs V Ik s + Ck s + (Kk ms ghs )
Sprung mass (kg) 1067 Height from center of mass to ground (mm) 330
Unsprung mass (kg) 595 Distance between rear wheels (mm) 1487.8
Center of mass to front wheelbase (mm) 1452.6 Distance between front wheels (mm) 1508.3
Center of mass to rear wheelbase (mm) 1249.5 Wheelbase (mm) 2702.1
it can be seen that the side slip angle and camber angle There are eight bushings connecting the connection
will also change further, which will cause the transient rods and the vehicle body in Figures 10 and 13, four for
characteristics of the vehicle to change. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the front suspension and four for the rear suspension,
In equations (74)–(76), make s = jv, where j = 1, and each bushing has stiffness in six directions. Taking
the frequency response characteristic function of the the upper rear control arm on the front suspension as
vehicle can be obtained, including the amplitude- an example, the bushing is named K2 , then the displace-
frequency characteristic and
the phase-frequency
ment stiffness of the bushing in the three directions x, y,
acteristic. Among them, cd ðvÞ, kd ðvÞ, and bd ðvÞ are z, and the rotational stiffness around the x, y, and z axis
the gains of the yaw rate, roll angle and the side slip are denoted as K2x , K2y , K2z ,K2tx , K2ty , and K2tz .
angle relative to the steering wheel angle respectively. There are eight bushings in Figures 10 and 12, so
The frequency corresponding to the maximum yaw rate there are 48 stiffness values, but some stiffness values
gain is the resonance frequency of the vehicle. The reso- have little effect on the handling stability of the vehicle,
nance frequency of the vehicle is set as one of the objec- and some stiffness values have a greater influence on
tive functions. uc ðvÞ, uk ðvÞ, and ub ðvÞ are the the handling stability of the vehicle. In order to find out
corresponding phase lag angles. Since the general driver the bushing stiffness values that have a greater impact
turns the steering wheel at a frequency of about 0.5 Hz, on the handling stability of the vehicle, the sensitivity
the gain of the yaw rate, roll angle, and side slip angle analysis of these 48 stiffness values is carried out first,
at 0.5 Hz relative to the steering wheel angle and the and then several stiffness values with higher sensitivity
corresponding delay time at 0.5 Hz are taken as opti- are selected for optimization analysis. After the sensitiv-
mize targets. The phase lag angle can be converted to ity analysis, five stiffness values with greater sensitivity
delay time by the following formula: are selected as shown in Table 2.
u + 180 u 180
t= or ð78Þ
360 f 360 f Optimization algorithm
The overall optimization objective functions are: By optimizing the stiffness of the suspension bushing to
improve the handling stability of the vehicle, the multi-
> c_ objective optimization method and algorithm are
> f = ð v Þ
> 1 d adopted. The NSGA-II algorithm is a relatively suc-
> v = 0:5Hz
> cessful algorithm used in multi-objective optimization
> k
> f2 = d ðvÞv = 0:5Hz
> algorithms.16 In non-dominated sorting, individuals
> close to the Pareto frontier are selected, which enhances
> b
> f = ð v Þ Pareto’s forward ability. Combined with the analysis of
< 3 d
v = 0:5Hz
ð79Þ section 7.2, the mathematical expression of multi-
> c objective optimization is as follows:
f4 = v ðvÞ
> d
> u + 180 uc 180 F ð X Þ = fmin F1 ff1 ð X Þ, f2 ð X Þ, f3 ð X Þ, f5 ð X Þ, f6 ð X Þg
> f5 =
> 360 f 360 f + max F2 ff4 gg
> u + 180 uk 180 ð80Þ
: f6 = k or
360 f 360 f
X = fx1 , x2 , . . . , x5 g
0 ł xi ł 2:5, i = 1, 2, . . . , 5
Sensitivity analysis of the influence of suspension
F ð X Þ is the objective function, fk ð X Þ is the sub-objective
bushing’s stiffness on vehicle handling stability function, X is the optimized variable. In the NSGA-II
The vehicle’s parameters used in the optimization are algorithm, the calculation mechanism of crossover and
shown in Table 1: sudden mutation is called SBX method. The crossover
Gao and Wu 19
Stiffness Resonance Yaw rate Max yaw Roll angle Delay time of Delay time of
frequency (f4 ) gain (f1 ) rate gain (f3 ) gain (f2 ) lateral acceleration (f6 ) yaw rate (f5 )
KA1 0.97 1.69 20.19 1.62 2.08 2.16
KA3 2.22 1.99 21.13 1.77 1.24 1.60
KA4 1.86 2.38 20.44 2.24 0.83 1.45
KA7 22.39 21.96 1.43 22.53 21.50 2.00
KA8 1.63 1.69 21.18 1.96 2.05 2.28
ð1, t = 1Þ ð1, tÞ
xi = xi + dq xUB LB
i xi ð83Þ
8h i1
< 2u + ð1 2uÞð1 dÞhm + 1 1, u ł 0:5
hm + 1
dq = h i1 Figure 22. Iterative diagram of the maximum gain value of the
: 1 2ð1 uÞ + 2ðu 0:5Þð1 dÞhm + 1 , u.0:5
hm + 1
yaw rate relative to the steering wheel angle.
d = min xi xLB UB
i , xi xi xi xLB
i , u 2 ½1, 0 ð85Þ
Figure 24. Iterative diagram of resonance frequency. Figure 26. Iterative diagram of lateral acceleration delay time.
Figure 25. Iteration diagram of roll angle gain relative to the Figure 27. Iterative diagram of yaw rate delay time.
lateral acceleration.
Figure 30. Pareto solution sets of delay time 1 with yaw rate Figure 33. Pareto solution sets of delay time 2 relative to yaw
gain at 0.5 Hz. rate gain.
Figure 34. Yaw rate gain relative to the steering wheel angle.
Figure 36. Roll angle gain relative to the lateral acceleration.
Figure 37. An enlarged view of roll angle gain relative to the Figure 39. The enlarged view of the lateral acceleration’s delay
lateral acceleration. time relative to the steering wheel angle.
Figure 40. The curve of steering wheel angle with the lateral
Figure 38. Delay time of lateral acceleration relative to the
steering wheel angle.
angle with the lateral acceleration shown in Figure 40
and the curve of the roll angle with the lateral accelera-
In Figures 38 and 39, the absolute value of the lat-
tion shown in Figure 41 are obtained.
eral acceleration’s delay time of the optimized vehicle is
In Figure 40, at the same lateral acceleration, the
reduced, but in general, the difference of the lateral
steering wheel angle of the optimized vehicle is larger,
acceleration’s delay time between the optimized vehicle
indicating that the understeer characteristic of the vehi-
and original vehicle in the entire frequency range is
cle is increased, and the vehicle tends to be more stable.
smaller. Because it is a multi-objective optimization, it
In Figure 41, under the same lateral acceleration, the
is difficult to achieve all the optimization objectives to
optimized vehicle’s roll angle has increased, but the
reach the optimal state, the lateral acceleration’s delay
increase value is not much and within in the acceptable
time after optimizing didn’t significantly reduced but it
is acceptable.
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Appendix h Rotation angle, degree
r Rotation angle, degree
z Rotation angle, degree
n Bushing radial stiffness coefficient f Bushing rotation angle, degree
W load, N n Scale factor
G Rubber shear modulus, Pa c Yaw rate angle, degree
L Length,m