Sikagard PW

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Sikagard® PW


Sikagard® PW is a two component, solvent free, non- ▪ Suitable for direct contact with potable water
toxic epoxy coating with outstanding mechanical and ▪ Easy to clean, tough glossy finish
chemical properties. ▪ Very good resistance to a wide range of chemicals
Therefor it is suitable to use in areas where contact and corrosive vapours
with potable water storage tanks as Sikagard® PW ▪ May be used as part of bridging lamination systems
does not support the growth of bacteria , and could be ▪ Durable
usded where hygienic requirment is needed such as ▪ Sewage resistant
food & beverage and pharmaceutical fields . ▪ Solvent free
▪ Good mechanical and chemical resistant
USES ▪ High build
▪ Impervious to liquids to be used as a waterproofing
Sikagard® PW may only be used by experienced pro- & protective coating
▪ Could be used on both concrete and steel surfaces . APPROVALS / CERTIFICATES
▪ As internal lining for tanks , silos and mills .
▪ Drinking & Potable water contact . For direct contact with drinking water & sewage , is-
▪ Water treatment plans & Sewage works . sued by the Egyptian National Organisation for Water
▪ Food processing plants . & Sewage .
▪ Agricultural enterprises . Sikagard® PW has been tested as per SCAQMD Rule
▪ Pharmaceutical facilities . 1168 .
▪ Hospitals .
▪ Oil refineries .
▪ Anti-corrosion coating on steel in chemical facilities
as a gas and vapour barrier .
▪ Power stations .
▪ Sugar manufacturing plants .

Composition Epoxy resin
Packaging 10 kg unit ( A+B )
Colour Normally light grey or white color .
Other colors are available upon request .
Shelf life 12 months from date of production.
Storage conditions Store in unopened, undamaged and sealed original packaging in dry condi-
tions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C. Protect from direct sun-
light, heat and moisture.

Product Data Sheet

Sikagard® PW
November 2019, Version 01.01

Density ~1.57 kg/l (23 °C)
Flash Point 140°C
Solid content by weight 100%
Solid content by volume 100%
Volatile organic compound (VOC) con- < 100 g/L

Shore D Hardness 80 tested according to ASTM D2240
Abrasion Resistance Medium to High in abrasion
Dry film thickness ~ 185 micron per layer for consumption 300 gm/m2
Tensile Strength ~ 12 N/mm2 tested according to ASTM D638
Tensile Adhesion Strength ~ 1.5 N/mm2 tested after 7 days according to ASTM C1583
~ 1.2 N/mm2 tested after 7 days according to ASTM D4541
Chemical Resistance Resistant to wide rang of chemicals & acids .
Please contact Sika Technical Department for specific information.
Temperature Resistance 50°C (dry heat)
65°C (wet heat ) , and could reach up to 80°C (wet heat ) temporary .
Permeability to Water Vapour Excellent Resistant
Watertightness 0.37% Water Absorption tested according to ASTM D570
Service Temperature 5°C to 80°C
System Structure Concrete
▪ Primer : apply 1 layer of Sikafloor 161 with consumption 150 - 200
gm/m2 , for highly porous surfaces a second layer of primer will be
needed .
▪ Putty : it is optional stage as it depends of the surface`s profile and if
needed it could be performed using a mix of Sikagard® PW ( A+B ) added
to fine filler ( C ) with consumption app 150 - 200 gm/m2 of the mix (
A+B+C ) .
▪ Top Coats : apply minimum 2 coats of Sikagard® PW ( A+B ) with con-
sumption 250 - 300 gm/m2 per coat .
▪ Primer : Apply primer layer using Sika Zinc rich with consumption app 250
- 300 gm/m2
▪ Top Coats : apply minimum 2 coats of Sikagard® PW ( A+B ) with con-
sumption 250 - 300 gm/m2 per coat .

Mixing Ratio (A : B) = (4 : 1) by weight
Consumption ~0.3 kg/m2 for a layer-thicknes of 180 micron.
This figure is theoretical and does not include for any additional material
required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level and
wastage etc..
Ambient Air Temperature +5 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Relative Air Humidity < 80 %
Dew Point Beware of condensation!
The substrate and uncured floor must be at least 3 °C above dew point to
reduce the risk of condensation or blooming on the floor finish.

Product Data Sheet

Sikagard® PW
November 2019, Version 01.01

Note: Low temperatures and high humidity conditions increase the prob-
ability of blooming.
Substrate Temperature +5 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Substrate Moisture Content < 4 % pbw moisture content.
Test method: Sika®-Tramex meter, CM-measurement or Oven-dry-meth-
No rising moisture according to ASTM (Polyethylene-sheet).
Pot Life ~40 min. (20 °C)
Curing Time Fully cured after 7 days (25 °C)
Drying time 6 - 8 hours @ (25 °C)
Waiting Time / Overcoating Min. 4 h (35 °C)
Min. 5 h (25 °C)
Max. 2 d (25 °C)


By airless spraying or roller or stiffed brush .
▪ The substrate must be sound and of sufficient com-
pressive strength (minimum 25 N/mm2) with a min- Tools and equipment should be cleaned with Sika®
imum pull off strength of 1.5 N/mm2 Thinner immediately after use. Hardened material can
▪ The substrate must be clean, dry and free of all con- only be removed
taminants such as dirt, oil, grease, coatings and sur- mechanically.
face treatments, etc.
▪ Concrete substrates must be prepared mechanically
using abrasive blast cleaning or scarifying equipment
to remove cement laitance and achieve an open tex- ▪ Do not apply Sikagard® PW on substrates with rising
tured surface. moisture.
▪ Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects ▪ Freshly applied Sikagard® PW should be protected
such as blow holes and voids must be fully exposed. from damp, condensation and water for at least 24
▪ Repairs to the substrate, filling of blowholes / voids
and surface levelling must be carried out using ap- ▪ Apply on a falling temperature. If applied during
propriate products from the Sikafloor®, Sikadur® and rising temperatures “pin holing” may occur from
Sikagard® range of materials. rising air.
▪ All dust, loose and friable material must be com- ▪ These pinholes can be closed after a soft grinding by
pletely removed from all surfaces before application applying a scratch coat of Sikafloor®-161 mixed with
of the product, preferably by brush or vacuum. approximately 3 % of Extender T, or by Sikafloor® PF
▪ Steel surfaces should be primed using a suitable
epoxy putty.
Sika® Zinc Rich as anti-corrosion primer. ▪ For potable water application, local authorities / reg-
MIXING ulations should be followed.
▪ The cleaning and disinfection procedures of installed
Stir the contents of the resin (Part A) to disperse membrane surfaces shall be performed according to
settled components, then add the hardener (Part B) the requirements of the local Water Authority.
and mix thoroughly until a uniform consistency is ob-
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Please note that as a result of specific local regulations
the performance of this product may vary from coun-
try to country. Please consult the local Product Data
Sheet for the exact description of the application


Product Data Sheet

Sikagard® PW
November 2019, Version 01.01

For information and advice on the safe handling, stor- LEGAL NOTES
age and disposal of chemical products, users shall
refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) con- The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
taining physical, ecological, toxicological and other tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
safety-related data. products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s cur-
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request. It may be necessary to ad-
apt the above disclaimer to specific local laws and reg-
ulations. Any changes to this disclaimer may only be
implemented with permission of Sika® Corporate Legal
in Baar.

Product Data Sheet

Sikagard® PW
November 2019, Version 01.01

Sika Egypt
1st Industrial Zone (A)
Section #10, Block 13035
El Obour City, Egypt
TEL: +202 44810580
FAX: +202 44810459


Product Data Sheet

Sikagard® PW
November 2019, Version 01.01


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