Component Data - Processing Cost

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Customer: Remi Electrotechnik Ltd, Mumbai DATE: December 29th, 2022

Machine Details: CLG:110 X 400-CNC

Component: CPR 23,24 Rotor Shaft

Wheel Dia 300 mm Motor RPM 1440 rev/min For Calculation purpose, assumption should be made on material to be removed, on the workpiece. For Grinding
Wheel Width 20 mm Pulley Ratio 1.33 process, assume value is 0.300mm above the finsh size value. Below calculation is just for your reference and
AirCut Material 0.05 mm Wheel RPM 1915.2 rev/min provide you estimation for single piece processing time for all diameter with Osciallations as well as plunge
Rough Cut Material 0.27 mm SFM Wheel 30 m/sec grinding process in single setup component finishing cycle***. (Process parameter greatly affect cycle time of
Finish Cut Material 0.03 mm Rapid Feed 3000 mm/min component such as RPM,feed rate, no of passes, no of sparkout time/passes, etc)..,
Total material removal 0.3 mm Dressing Feed 5~15 mm/sec

Component: CPR 23,24 Rotor Shaft Air Cut Rough Cut Spark out* Finish Cut SparkOUt* Grinding Time
Plunge Oscillation Plunge Oscillation Plunge-Sec Plunge Oscillation Plunge-sec Every step
Anotation Diameter Length Process F.Rate NOC DOC F.Rate F.Rate NOC DOC F.Rate Osci- Passes F.rate NOC DOC F.rate (T) Osci-Passes Approx(Sec)
d1/d2 13.0/14.61 37 Oscillation NA 2 0.02 20 NA 10 0.027 10 4 NA 5 0.01 5 4 122.1
d2 14.61 15 Plunge 0.020 NA NA NA 0.01 NA NA NA 4 0.005 NA NA NA 4 35.5
d3 15 15 Plunge 0.020 NA NA NA 0.01 NA NA NA 4 0.005 NA NA NA 4 76.5
d5 18.032 20.5 Oscillaiton 2 0.02 20 NA 10 0.027 10 4 NA 5 0.01 5 4 67.65
d7 11.998 11 Plunge 0.020 NA NA NA 0.01 NA NA NA 4 0.005 NA NA NA 4 76.5

*Sparkout is,no DOC applied to process,in this case "PASSES" for Oscillation step and "SECONDS interms of DELAY" for Plunge Process Comp.Grinding Time (Sec) 378.25

Total Grinding Time for Component including Setting and Dressing Acronyms Grinding process cost
Time for Setup 10 Sec Approx F.Rate- Feed Rate in mm/sec Power conumption 6.5 kW Approx
Position Time Per step X 5 steps 25 sec Approx NOC- Number of Cut Industrial Power tarrifs 8 Rs/Kwh Approx
Dressing Time after Component 20 sec Approx DOC- Depth of Cut in mm Power cost/hour 52 Rs Approx
Comp.Grinding Time in sec as per calculation 378.25 Sec Approx NA- NOT APPLICABLE FOR PERTICULAR PROCESS Component grinding time 14.44166667 in min Approx
Time/component (Sec) 433.25 sec Approx SFM: Surface velocity in m/sec Grinding Cost/Hour (Rs) 216 Rs
Time/component 14.44166667 minutes Approx Comp Processing cost/8hr shift 1728 Rs (Grinding)
Note: This cost does not include overhead, labor cost, tooling cost, administrative cost, downtime etc., This cost is hypothetical calculation on above parameter that shall estimate electrical power consumption approx value for single
piece process on machine. Acatual time may vary as per operator skill and other process related prameters
Oscillation Time calucation: (No or Aircut*Step.Length/Air Feed Rate)+(No.of Rough Cut*Step Length/Rough FeedRate)+(No.of Sparkout*Step Length/Rough Feedrate)+ (No.of Finsh Pass*Step Length/Finish Feed Rate) + (No.of finish Sparkout* Step Length/Finish Feedrate)
Plunge time calculation: (Aircut Material removal/Air Feedrate)+(RoughCut Material Removal/Rough Feed rate)+Sparout in sec+(Finishcut Material Removal/Finish Feed rate)+Sparkout in sec

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