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Product overview 1

Installation 2
Working with the Automation
License Manager 3
Icons in the Automation
License Manager 4
Automation License Manager Menu commands in the
Automation License Manager 5
Dialogs for the Automation
Programming and Operating Manual License Manager 6

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in
this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG A5E32921785-AC Copyright © Siemens AG 2017.

Division Digital Factory Ⓟ 07/2017 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Product overview..........................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Introduction to the Automation License Manager.....................................................................7
1.2 Overview of the functions.........................................................................................................8
1.3 Licenses in the Automation License Manager.........................................................................9
1.4 Scope of delivery....................................................................................................................11
1.5 Worldwide help from "Support for License Management"......................................................11
2 Installation..................................................................................................................................................13
2.1 Installation requirements........................................................................................................13
2.2 Installing the Automation License Manager...........................................................................13
2.3 Uninstalling the Automation License Manager.......................................................................14
2.4 Installing plug-ins...................................................................................................................15
2.5 Upgrade of licenses...............................................................................................................15
3 Working with the Automation License Manager.........................................................................................17
3.1 User interface.........................................................................................................................17
3.1.1 User Interface of the Automation License Manager...............................................................17
3.1.2 Table columns in the object area...........................................................................................18
3.1.3 Settings in the Automation License Manager.........................................................................20
3.1.4 Feedback if Program Execution is Delayed...........................................................................21
3.1.5 Status Icons in the Automation License Manager..................................................................21
3.1.6 Icons in the toolbar.................................................................................................................23
3.1.7 Keyboard shortcuts................................................................................................................24
3.2 Views in the Automation License Manager............................................................................25
3.2.1 Standard views.......................................................................................................................25
3.2.2 Overview of the "Management", "Find", and "Log" views.......................................................25
3.2.3 Working in the "Management" view.......................................................................................26
3.2.4 Views drop-down list..............................................................................................................27
3.2.5 Working in the "Find" View.....................................................................................................28
3.2.6 Working with the "Log" and "Check out log" views.................................................................29
3.3 Handling license keys............................................................................................................30
3.3.1 Installing License Keys...........................................................................................................30
3.3.2 Displaying Installed License Keys..........................................................................................31
3.3.3 Displaying Installed software..................................................................................................31
3.3.4 Checking license keys............................................................................................................32
3.3.5 Transferring license keys.......................................................................................................33
3.3.6 Recovering license keys........................................................................................................34
3.3.7 Recovering license keys with the wizard................................................................................35
3.3.8 Managing keys in folders.......................................................................................................36
3.3.9 Creating folders......................................................................................................................38
3.3.10 Determining and synchronizing license requirements............................................................40

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Table of contents

3.3.11 Overview of the offline transfer of license keys......................................................................41

3.3.12 Offline transfer - Generate start code.....................................................................................42
3.3.13 Offline transfer - Generate request code................................................................................43
3.3.14 Offline transfer - Generate activation code............................................................................44
3.3.15 Offline transfer - Activate license keys...................................................................................46
3.3.16 License profile files for the offline transfer of license keys.....................................................47
3.4 Web license key download.....................................................................................................48
3.4.1 Basics of Web license key download.....................................................................................48
3.4.2 Downloading a Web License Key..........................................................................................49
3.4.3 Overview of the buttons for a Web license key download......................................................50
3.5 Using license keys in the network..........................................................................................50
3.5.1 Browsing for existing license keys in the network..................................................................50
3.5.2 Connecting computers via a network.....................................................................................52
3.5.3 Browsing for computers in the network..................................................................................53
3.5.4 Failure of computer connections............................................................................................53
3.6 Access protection for the Automation License Manager........................................................55
3.6.1 Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role management......................................................55
3.6.2 Function rights and roles for the Automation License Manager.............................................56
3.6.3 Calling and activating role management................................................................................57
4 Icons in the Automation License Manager.................................................................................................59
4.1 Icons in the toolbar.................................................................................................................59
5 Menu commands in the Automation License Manager..............................................................................61
5.1 Overview of the menu commands..........................................................................................61
5.2 "File" menu.............................................................................................................................61
5.2.1 Overview of the "File" menu...................................................................................................61
5.2.2 Export (File menu)..................................................................................................................62
5.2.3 Page Setup (File menu).........................................................................................................62
5.2.4 Print Preview (File menu).......................................................................................................63
5.2.5 Print (File menu).....................................................................................................................63
5.2.6 Settings (File menu)...............................................................................................................64
5.2.7 Change Logon (File menu)....................................................................................................64
5.2.8 Role Management (File menu)...............................................................................................65
5.2.9 Exit (File menu)......................................................................................................................66
5.3 "Edit" menu............................................................................................................................66
5.3.1 Overview of the "Edit" menu..................................................................................................66
5.3.2 Undo (Edit menu)...................................................................................................................67
5.3.3 Redo (Edit menu)...................................................................................................................67
5.3.4 Connect Computer (Edit menu).............................................................................................67
5.3.5 New Folder (Edit menu).........................................................................................................68
5.3.6 Cut (Edit menu)......................................................................................................................69
5.3.7 Paste (Edit menu)..................................................................................................................69
5.3.8 Rename (Edit menu)..............................................................................................................70
5.3.9 Delete (Edit menu).................................................................................................................70
5.3.10 Delete Log (Edit menu)..........................................................................................................70
5.3.11 Select All (Edit menu).............................................................................................................71
5.3.12 Reverse Selection (Edit menu)..............................................................................................71
5.4 "License Key" menu...............................................................................................................71

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5.4.1 Overview of the "License Key" menu.....................................................................................71

5.4.2 Transfer (License Key menu).................................................................................................72
5.4.3 Synchronize License Requirements (License Key menu)......................................................73
5.4.4 Offline Transfer (License Key menu).....................................................................................73
5.4.5 Check (License Key menu)....................................................................................................74
5.4.6 Recover (License Key menu).................................................................................................74
5.4.7 Recover Wizard (License Key menu).....................................................................................74
5.4.8 Upgrade (License Key menu)................................................................................................75
5.5 "View" menu...........................................................................................................................75
5.5.1 Overview of the "View" menu.................................................................................................75
5.5.2 Define (View menu)................................................................................................................76
5.5.3 Management (View menu).....................................................................................................76
5.5.4 Find (View menu)...................................................................................................................77
5.5.5 Log (View menu)....................................................................................................................78
5.5.6 Update (View menu)..............................................................................................................79
5.5.7 Toolbar (View menu)..............................................................................................................79
5.5.8 Status Bar (View menu).........................................................................................................80
5.6 "Help" menu...........................................................................................................................81
5.6.1 Help on Automation License Manager...................................................................................81
5.6.2 Context-sensitive help............................................................................................................81
5.6.3 About......................................................................................................................................82
6 Dialogs for the Automation License Manager.............................................................................................83
6.1 "Define View" dialog...............................................................................................................83
6.2 "Columns" tab in the "Define View" dialog.............................................................................85
6.3 "Filter" tab in the "Define View" dialog....................................................................................87
6.4 "Groups" tab in the "Define View" dialog................................................................................89
6.5 "Sort" tab in the "Define View" dialog.....................................................................................91
6.6 "Insert a New Folder" dialog...................................................................................................92
6.7 "Search in a Folder or Computer" dialog................................................................................92
6.8 "About" dialog.........................................................................................................................93
6.9 "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog...................................................................................93
6.10 "Synchronize License Requirements" dialog.........................................................................94
6.11 "Transfer License Key" dialog................................................................................................95
6.12 "Settings" dialog.....................................................................................................................95
6.13 "General" tab in the "Settings" dialog.....................................................................................97
6.14 "Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog...................................................................................98
6.15 "Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog...............................................................................98
6.16 "Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog........................................................................................99
6.17 "License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog...........................................................................100
6.18 "MLK Report" tab in the "Settings" dialog.............................................................................101
6.19 "Recover License Key" Dialog.............................................................................................102

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Table of contents

6.20 "Connect Computer" dialog..................................................................................................102

6.21 Dialogs in the Recover Wizard.............................................................................................103
6.21.1 Recover Wizard Select license key......................................................................................103
6.21.2 Recover Wizard Enter repair codes.....................................................................................104
6.21.3 Recover Wizard Result........................................................................................................105
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer....................................................................................................105
6.22.1 "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog.................................................................................105
6.22.2 Transferring offline Generate start code..............................................................................106
6.22.3 Transferring offline Generate request code.........................................................................107
6.22.4 Offline transfer: Generate activation code............................................................................108
6.22.5 Offline transfer: Activate license keys..................................................................................110
6.22.6 Transferring offline Remove license key..............................................................................111
6.22.7 Transferring offline Display activation codes........................................................................112
6.22.8 Transferring offline Activation code incorrect.......................................................................112
6.22.9 Transferring offline Result activate license keys..................................................................112
6.22.10 Transferring offline Calculate Activation Codes...................................................................112
6.22.11 Transferring offline Load data..............................................................................................113

Automation License Manager

6 Programming and Operating Manual, 06/2017, A5E32921785-AC
Product overview 1
1.1 Introduction to the Automation License Manager

The Automation License Manager is a product of Siemens AG Industry Sector. It is used to
manage license keys (the technical implementations of licenses).
Software products requiring license keys automatically report this requirement to the
Automation License Manager. When the Automation License Manager finds a valid license
key for this software, the software can be used in conformity with the end user license

Conditions for secure operation of the Automation License Manager (ALM)
The ALM must be operated within a comprehensive security concept. The recommendations
on the Siemens Industrial Security website generally apply.
For more details, see: (https://
In the PCS 7 & WinCC environment, the recommendations from the PCS7 & WinCC Security
Concept apply.
For more details, see:
support/Pages/white-papers.aspx (
These include, among other features, defense in depth, partitioning into security cells, user
administration, access control, as well as the use of anti-virus solutions and firewalls.
In particular, the ALM may only be used in trustworthy networks.
Clients of the Automation License Manager must be operated within the same trusted zone
as the ALM server. Direct access from external networks (for example, the Internet) is not
supported and must be prevented.

Definitions of terms used

The following table explains important terms used in context with the Automation License

Automation License Manager

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Product overview
1.2 Overview of the functions

Term Description
Software A product installed on hardware and used to process data
Hardware Computer (PC), device or module on which software runs.
License A license gives the user a legal right to use the product.
Evidence of this right is provided by the following:
● the CoL (Certificate of License) and
● the license key
CoL (Certificate of License) The CoL is the proof of the license. The product may only be used by
the owner of the license or authorized persons.
License key The license key is the "technical form" of the license ("electronic license

Storage Locations for License Keys

You can store license keys on storage media, such as license key data storage media,
removable drives (but not on CD or CDRW) as well as on USB flash drives.
License keys can be located locally on your own computer as well as on a connected computer.

See also (

1.2 Overview of the functions

Functionality in the Automation License Manager

You can execute the following functions with the Automation License Manager:

Function Description
Management of license All functions required for managing license keys
Transferring license keys Moving license keys between storage locations (for example computers,
USB memory sticks, folders…)
Displaying license keys Display detailed information of license keys (for example, validity, status,
Storing license keys Storing license keys locally on your own computer or a connected com‐
Checking license keys Determining the status of license keys (for example, OK, used, etc.)
Determining and displaying Comparison between existing and required license keys
required license keys

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Product overview
1.3 Licenses in the Automation License Manager

Function Description
Checking out license keys License keys are temporarily transferred from a server for use on a con‐
nected computer.
Checking in license keys License keys are returned to the server from a connected computer.
Logging actions involving li‐ Logging license key-specific actions on a computer
cense keys
Blocking external access to Blocking external access when SIMATIC Logon is not available
license keys
Access protection support If SIMATIC Logon is installed on the computer, the Automation License
for license keys Manager can be used to activate access protection for license keys. (see

Access Protection for License Keys

To support access protection for license keys, certain requirements must be met. You will find
additional information in: Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role management (Page 55)

Opening the Online Help

The online help for the Automation License Manager provides you with all the necessary
information on the functionality and handling of license keys.
After starting the Automation License Manager, you can open the online help as follows:
● with the F1 button or
● the menu command "Help > Help on Automation License Manager".

1.3 Licenses in the Automation License Manager

Overview of the Standard License types

The standard license types listed below are available to you in the Automation License

Standard license types Description

Single Use of the software with this license is permitted on any computer. The
type of use is governed by the Certificate of License.
Floating Use of the software with this license includes right of use for simultaneous
usage. The software can be installed more than once.

Automation License Manager

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Product overview
1.3 Licenses in the Automation License Manager

Standard license types Description

Master Use of the software with this license is unlimited.
Upgrade Before an upgrade can be used, the system status may need to meet
certain requirements:
● Using an upgrade license, a license of an older version can be
converted to a newer version.
● An upgrade may become necessary, for example, when the
configuration limits need to be expanded.

Overview of the License Types

The standard license types listed below are available to you in the Automation License

License types Description

Unlimited Use of the software with this license is unlimited.
Count relevant The use of the software with this license is restricted to:
● The number of tags named in the agreement.
Countable Objects The use of the software with this license is restricted to:
● The number of objects named in the agreement.
Rental The use of the software with this license is restricted to:
● The number of operating hours named in the agreement.
● The number of days from first use named in the agreement.
● The expiration date named in the agreement.
Note: You can see brief information on the time left for the rental license
in the information area of the taskbar.
Trial The use of the software with this license is restricted to:
● A period of validity, for example, a maximum of 14 days.
● A certain number of days from first usage.
● Use for tests and validation (disclaimer of warranty).
Demo The use of the software with this license is restricted to:
● The number of operating hours named in the agreement.
● The number of days from first use named in the agreement.
● The expiration date named in the agreement.
Note: You can see brief information on the time left for the demo license
in the information area of the taskbar.

Missing License Keys

License keys that are required by software but are not available in a "valid" form on the network
are known as missing license keys.
Note that not all computers connected to the network will be searched, but only those
computers added to the "Search list" in the Automation License Manager.

Automation License Manager

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Product overview
1.5 Worldwide help from "Support for License Management"

You set the computers to be searched in the network with the menu command File > Settings
> Favorites.

See also
Determining and synchronizing license requirements (Page 40)
Settings in the Automation License Manager (Page 20)

1.4 Scope of delivery

Installation Software Included with Product

You will find the Automation License Manager on the installation medium of a software product
requiring a license key (e.g. a CD-ROM, USB stick).

Components of the Automation License Manager

The Automation License Manager ships as follows:

Component Description Must be in‐ Can be instal‐

stalled led
Automation Li‐ Contains the user interface for the Automation Li‐ x -
cense Manager cense Manager with all underlying services.
Plug-in Contains product-specific adaptations to the Auto‐ - x
mation License Manager.
TIA Administra‐ Contains the user interface for the TIA Administra‐ x -
tor license plug-in tor.

Automation License Manager
The Automation License Manager itself does not require a license key.

1.5 Worldwide help from "Support for License Management"

Support for License Management

You can obtain support for license management with the following link: Support for License
Management (

Automation License Manager

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Product overview
1.5 Worldwide help from "Support for License Management"

The teams at "Technical Support" and "Support for License Management" speak German and

Automation License Manager

12 Programming and Operating Manual, 06/2017, A5E32921785-AC
Installation 2
2.1 Installation requirements

You will find hardware requirements for using the Automation License Manager in the readme
file that ships with this version.

Operating system
The Automation License Manager is a Windows program. You will find the approved operating
systems for this version of the Automation License Manager in the supplied readme file.
The software can operate with all language versions of the supported operating systems.

Opening the readme file
You can open the supplied Readme file after installing the Automation License Manager with
Start > Programs > Siemens Automation > Documentation > Readmes. Then select the
readme file in your preferred language and then the Automation License Manager.

Product-Specific Plug-ins for Software Products and Components

When you install product-specific plug-ins, please note the information below.

Installation of Product-Specific Plug-ins
The Automation License Manager requires product-specific plug-ins for managing the license
keys of some software products and components. These plug-ins are always delivered with
the project when required and installed with their own setup.

2.2 Installing the Automation License Manager

The Automation License Manager is installed using a setup program that guides you step by
step through the installation process. You will find the installation software for the Automation
License Manager on the product CD.

Automation License Manager

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2.3 Uninstalling the Automation License Manager

The software components included with the Automation License Manager are listed in the
section "Scope of Delivery".

● Before you can begin the installation, the operating system must be started; see "Installation
● Close all programs before starting the installation.

To install the Automation License Manager, follow these steps:
1. Connect the data medium containing the software to your PG/PC.
You do not require an external data storage medium if the software to be installed is already
on the hard disk of the programming device or PC.
2. Double-click the "Setup.exe" file to start the setup program for the Automation License
The program guides you step by step through the entire installation process.
3. Follow the instructions displayed by the installation program.
During installation, you can return to the previous step or advance to the next step.

4. During the installation, you will be prompted to answer questions and make selections in
dialog boxes. Choose the settings that are suitable for your requirements. Completion of
the installation is displayed in the "Automation License Manager Setup" dialog.
5. Click the "Finish" button to exit the setup program.

See also
Installation requirements (Page 13)

2.3 Uninstalling the Automation License Manager

To uninstall the Automation License Manager, follow these steps:
1. Open the Control Panel by selecting "Start > Settings > Control Panel" from the Start menu
of your computer.
2. Open "Add or Remove Programs" in the detailed view.
3. Select the "Automation License Manager" entry.
4. Click the "Remove" button.

Automation License Manager

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2.5 Upgrade of licenses

5. Click "Yes" to confirm you want to uninstall the program.

6. Click "OK" when the program have been successfully uninstalled.
Result: The Automation License Manager has been uninstalled.

2.4 Installing plug-ins

Installing Product-Specific Plug-ins

Plug-ins are installed using a product-specific setup program. Follow the relevant instructions
in the setup program.

The Automation License Manager requires product-specific plug-ins for managing the license
keys of some applications and components. These plug-ins are supplied with the product if
they are not already available to you.

2.5 Upgrade of licenses

Different License Upgrades

To use the new software version, you must perform an upgrade of a license key to a new
license key.

Rules for License Upgrades

● Note that both the "old" license key as well as the upgrade itself should be stored on the
hard disk of the computer on which the upgrade will be performed.
● Note that upgrade license keys can not be installed during setup.

To upgrade a license key, the following requirements must be met:
● You require the CoL (Certificate of License) and the license key for the software version
you are upgrading.
● You also need the CoL and the upgrade license key from the target version.
● The license keys must be available on the local computer. License key data data storage
medium, drive or USB flash drive.

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2.5 Upgrade of licenses

Upgrading a License
To perform a license key upgrade, follow these steps:
1. Select the "View > Management" menu command.
2. In the navigation panel, select the location of the license key you want to upgrade.
3. In the object area, select the license key to be upgraded.
4. Select the "License Key > Upgrade" menu command.
– If there is only one possibility for an upgrade, the upgrade is made without further
messages or prompts.
– If there are several possibilities for upgrading, the "License Key Upgrade" dialog opens.
– Select the upgrade you require and click the "Upgrade" button.

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Working with the Automation License Manager 3
3.1 User interface

3.1.1 User Interface of the Automation License Manager

The user interface of the Automation License Manager has the following structure:

Title bar:
Contains the window title "Automation License Manager" and the icons for controlling the

Menu bar:
Contains all menus that are available in the Automation License Manager.

Contains icons for fast execution of frequently used commands plus the currently selected
view, here "License keys".

Work area:
Contains the navigation panel on the left (shown in white above) and the associated object
area on the right.

Status bar:
This is located at the bottom edge of the application and contains seven boxes for showing
status information.
The displayed information depends on the currently selected view and the objects selected in
the navigation panel.

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.1 User interface

Navigation Panel
You will find the following objects in the navigation panel on the left:

View Objects in the navigation panel

Management Here you see the objects you can manage, such as My Computer, connected
computers, folders configured in the Automation License Manager, and li‐
cense key folders.
Find Here you can select the following search options: Search term, Product, Stor‐
age location, Standard license type, License type, Status, Used by
Log Here you can select the corresponding computer as well as various filter cri‐

Object Area
Individual objects are displayed in the object area on the right depending on:
● The view set in the Automation License Manager
● The object selected in the navigation panel.
The object area consists of the following areas:

Area Description
Header The title allows the user to see the contents of the current view at a glance.
Large icons help to identify the relevant folder quickly.
Data area The data area shows all the elements within the folder selected in the naviga‐
tion panel.

No objects exist
When there are no objects for display in the object area, a message to this effect is shown
instead of objects.

3.1.2 Table columns in the object area

When you open the Automation License Manager, you see the navigation panel on the left
and the associated object area on the right. According to the displayed object, you will see
columns with the corresponding information for:
● License keys or
● Software
The "License keys" view displays the license keys available on the selected drive along with
the following related data in the object area on the right:

Automation License Manager

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.1 User interface

Column Description
Status Displays status information, such as OK, Defective, Used.
See also: Status Icons in the Automation License Manager (Page 21)
Family Displays the relevant family, e.g., "SIMATIC STEP 7".
Product Displays the relevant product, e.g., "STEP 7"
Version Displays the version identifier of the software product, e.g., "5.4".
Number of license keys Displays the number of available license keys.
Article number Optional
Standard license type Indicates the standard type of the license, e.g. Single, Floating, Master or
License type The following licenses are available:
● Unlimited
● Count relevant (tag/s)
● Countable objects
● Rental (limited hours, limited days, expiration date)
● Trial (limited days)
● Demo (limited hours, limited days, expiration date)
● PowerPack
Validity The following options are available for validity:
● Unlimited: Unlimited
● Count relevant: Number of variables or tags
● Countable objects: Counts application-specific objects.
Booked counter reading is retained after the computer is restarted.
● Rental: Remaining time + unit / date
● Trial: Remaining time (total runtime)
● Demo: Remaining time + unit / date
● Master: As stipulated in the agreement
● Upgrade: As stipulated in the agreement
● PowerPack: As stipulated in the agreement
License number Serial number of the software license (20 digits = License Key)
Optional columns:
Manufacturer For example, Siemens AG
Computer Name of the computer on which the license key is located.
License key Name of the license key.
Storage location Storage location: My Computer (local) or connected computer
Last used Currently, no function
User User of the license key
Computer used Computer that is using the license key.
HW serial number Displays the hardware serial number.
Amount of software Optional

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.1 User interface

3.1.3 Settings in the Automation License Manager

Opening the "Settings" Dialog

Follow these steps:
1. Select the "File > Settings" menu command.
The "Settings" dialog opens.
2. Enter the settings you require.
3. Close the dialog with "OK".

You can make the following settings in the "Settings" dialog:

Set what? Settings in: What to do:

Access protection "General" tab If you want to enable access protection, certain requirements must be met.
See also: Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role management
(Page 55)
Blocking of remote "General" tab If you want to prevent:
access ● Connected computers from using a license key, select the "Forbid
remote use of license keys" check box.
● License keys from being removed from the local computer, select the
"Forbid license keys transfer from local computer" check box.
● License keys from being added to the local computer, select the "Forbid
license keys transfer to local computer" check box.
All boxes can be combined.
The check boxes are disabled when SIMATIC Logon is installed and the
"Activate SIMATIC Logon access protection" check box has been selected.
See also: "General" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 97)
Language "General" tab Select one of the available languages in the drop-down list.
See also: "General" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 97)
Search order "Favorites" tab The list of "Known computers" on the left of the "Favorites" tab displays the
computers that have been connected to the local Automation License Man‐
ager at some point in the past.
License keys are only assigned on computers included in the "Search list"
on the right-hand side. The search order is from top to bottom. Select the
computers you want to be searched first for floating license keys and move
them to the top of the list.
See also: "Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
Connection to other "Connection" tab Define the required connection settings in this tab.
computers Remember that you will need to adapt your firewall settings to allow a con‐
nection to other computers.
See also: "Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)

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3.1 User interface

Set what? Settings in: What to do:

User-defined set‐ "Reset" tab In this tab, you can reset or delete the user-defined settings you have made.
tings See also:"Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 99)
Upgrade check and "License keys" tab In this tab you enable:
checkout of license ● The upgrade check
● The transfer mode for the checkout of license keys
If you select the "Upgrade" option, your computer automatically checks for
existing but as yet unused upgrade license keys when the program starts.
If you select the "Check out" option, a license key transfer to a connected
computer is logged as checking out. The checked out license keys can be
used on the connected computer and then later transferred back to the
computer that is acting as the server.
See also: "License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 100)

3.1.4 Feedback if Program Execution is Delayed

Feedback if Program Execution is Delayed

When there is a delay in program execution, the program provides you with feedback. The
following rules apply here:
● If there is a minor delay of up to approximately 10 seconds, the mouse pointer is displayed
as an "hourglass".
● If delays are longer and the time cannot be predicted, an animation indicates that the
process is running.

Information on the Current Process

When the animation is displayed, a message is also displayed indicating the current processing
step, for example, "Transfer license key...".

Canceling Processing
If cancellation of a function is permitted, you will see a "Cancel" button in the dialog.

3.1.5 Status Icons in the Automation License Manager

Status Icons in the Automation License Manager

The existing status icons and their significance for the license keys in the Automation License
Manager are explained below.

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3.1 User interface

Inactive icons
Some icons are labeled inactive in the Description column of the following table. License keys
with these icons cannot be used. This may be caused by an incomplete offline transfer in which
the activation code has not yet been received.

Meaning of the Status Icons for License Keys

Icon Meaning
Status of the license key unknown

License key "OK"

License key was in use when queried

License key is corrupt

(recover with support from hotline)
Inactive - status of the license key unknown

Inactive - license key available but not activated

Inactive - license key is damaged (recover with support from hotline)

Regular validity of a time-limited license key has expired

Additional grace period for use of a time-limited license key

Additional grace period for a time-limited license key that was being used at the time
of the query.
Regular validity and additional grace period of a time-limited license key have fully
The license key counter has reached the limit; it cannot be decremented further.

The license key cannot be transferred.

Meaning of the Status Icons for installed Software

Icon Meaning
Basic icon for software on the computer

Software with a valid license key exists

Software does not require a license key for use

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3.1 User interface

Icon Meaning
Software exists on the computer > license key is already being used

Software exists on the computer > there is no valid license key

Software exists on the computer > a license key is present but is corrupt

Meaning for the Status Icons in the "Log" View

Icon Meaning
Indicates information

Indicates a warning

Indicates an error

Meaning of the Folder

Icon Meaning
Indicates a folder in which computer connections can be stored.

Indicates a license key folder in which license keys can be stored.

3.1.6 Icons in the toolbar

With the "View > Toolbar" menu command, you enable or disable the display of the toolbar in
the Automation License Manager. In the figure below, you can see the toolbar in the Automation
License Manager with the standard view "License keys".

Display in the toolbar
A button shown as pressed indicates that a specific status is active (here, for example, the
"Management" view).
An icon with a dark gray background can have the following meaning:
● The function represented by the icon is not active
● The function represented by the icon is not available.

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3.1 User interface

The following icons are available in the toolbar:

Icon Menu command Keyboard short‐ Description

File > Export Ctrl + S Exports the information displayed in the object area.

File > Print Ctrl + P Prints the information displayed in the object area.

File > Print Pre‐ Shows a preview of the printout of the current object
view area.
Edit > Cut Ctrl + X Moves the license keys selected in the object area
to the clipboard.
Note: Use only in conjunction with "Paste".
Edit > Paste Ctrl + V Inserts the license keys stored on the clipboard.
Note: Use only in conjunction with "Cut".
Edit > Delete Del Deletes the objects selected in the object area.

View > Manage‐ Allows use of all the management tasks for license
ment management.
Brings the "Management" view to the foreground.
View > Find Shows a search screen and the results; this view is
used to define special queries.
Brings the "Find" view to the foreground.
View > Log Displays the recorded log.
Brings the "Log" view to the foreground.
View > Define ... Defines the content and appearance of the "Man‐
agement" view.
View > Update F5 Updates the information displayed in the object area.

Help > Context- F1 Calls up context-sensitive help for the selected ob‐
Sensitive Help ject or menu command.

3.1.7 Keyboard shortcuts

Overview of the Possible Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts described below correspond to the MICROSOFT standard.

Shortcut key Effect

F1 Call up online help
F5 Update active window
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + P Print current object view
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + V Paste
Alt + spacebar Open the system menu of the active window
Alt + F4 Close active element or active program

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3.2 Views in the Automation License Manager

3.2 Views in the Automation License Manager

3.2.1 Standard views

Overview of the Standard Views

The following standard views are available in the Automation License Manager after

View Description
Search results Displays the search options in the "Find" view on the left and, following a
successful search, the associated search results on the right.
License keys Displays all license keys that are available on the selected drive in the
"Management" view.
Installed software Shows the installed software products on the selected computer that re‐
quire a license key. If a second value is indicated in brackets in the "Ver‐
sion" column when displaying the installed software, then the version of
the license key shown in brackets is used for the installed product version.
Missing License Keys Shows the installed software products that are missing license keys.
Licensed software Displays the installed software products for which a license key is available
on the selected computer.

Editing Standard Views
Please note the following: Standard views can only be copied; they cannot be deleted or

3.2.2 Overview of the "Management", "Find", and "Log" views

Opening the Views in the Automation License Manager

You can open the various views in the Automation License Manager by selecting the "View >
Management/Find/Log" menu command.
You have the choice of the following views:

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3.2 Views in the Automation License Manager

View Description
Management ● Displays a structure with computers and folders
● Allows all the management tasks for license management to be performed
Find ● Displays a search dialog and the results of the search
Log ● Displays local and connected computers
● Displays information about the transfer of license keys
● Displays log entries
● Displays transfer actions for the check out and check in of license keys

Working with Multiple Views

You can only work with one view at a time in the work area of the Automation License Manager
(similar to Windows Explorer). However, the Automation License Manager can be started more
than once.
By the Automation License Manager more than once, you can move license keys within the
application and between two windows.

User-specific settings
The Automation License Manager has a session memory and user-specific settings are
therefore saved automatically.

3.2.3 Working in the "Management" view.

In the "Management" view, you can select and activate available views or define your own
views. Several predefined standard views for the Management view are installed with the
Automation License Manager.
Follow these steps:
1. Select the view using the "View > Management" menu command.
2. The currently selected view in the drop-down list on the menu bar is used to display
information in the object area.
3. Select the "View > Define" menu command.
The "Define View" dialog opens. Here, you can access information using existing views or
define a new view.

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3.2 Views in the Automation License Manager

Meaning of the Buttons in "Define View"

Button Meaning
OK The view selected in the "Available views" list is used to display information in
the object area.
Apply Views can be edited in the expanded "Edit view" area.
Changes become active when you click "Apply".
Cancel Closes the "Define View" dialog without applying the changes.
New Define a new view
Copy Copy an existing view
Delete Delete an existing view

"New", "Copy" and "Delete" buttons

The "New", "Copy" and "Delete" buttons operate on the views displayed in the "Available views"

"Edit view" area

The name of the view is entered in the "Name" box. This name appears in the view as the title
of the object area and in the drop-down list on the toolbar.
You can use the radio buttons to preselect the filtered contents of a view to be displayed:
● License keys – only license key information is available for selection.
● Software - Only software information is available for selection.

You can define the content and layout of the views in the following tabs:
● The columns
● The filters
● The groups
● The sorting

3.2.4 Views drop-down list

The "Views" drop-down list shows the "view" set for the "Management" view.
You can find the available standard views in the section "Standard views". In the example
shown, the standard view "License Keys" is active.

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3.2 Views in the Automation License Manager

3.2.5 Working in the "Find" View

You can search for information on license keys and installed software in the "Find" view in the
Automation License Manager.
Follow these steps:
1. Select the view using the "View > Find" menu command.
2. Make the following settings in the "Find" area:
– Enter a search term and/or product as necessary.
– Select criteria in the "Storage location", "Standard license type", "License type", "Status",
and "Used by" lists.
– Click the "Find Now" button to begin the search.
Result: The search results are displayed in the object area.

Example: Find a License Key in the Network

Follow these steps:
1. Select the view using the "View > Find" menu command.
2. Make the following settings in the "Find" area:
– Enter the term "STEP 7" for example in the "Search Term" input box.
– Select "All" in the "Storage location" drop-down list.
– Click the "Find Now" button.
Result: All license keys are displayed that
● Contain the term "STEP 7"
● Are present on your own computer or a connected computer

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3.2 Views in the Automation License Manager

3.2.6 Working with the "Log" and "Check out log" views

The "Log" view provides information on all operations that involve license keys (such as use
of a license key by software, transfer of license keys,check out of license keys...).
To call up a log, follow these steps:
1. Open the view using the "View > Log" menu command.
2. Select the required view from the drop-down list: Log view or Check out view.
3. In the object area, select the location (My Computer, connected computer) where you want
to open a stored log.
4. Select the number of entries you require or select the time period for which logs will be
5. Select the "System entries" check box if you want system entries to be displayed as well.
System entries are additional entries that are relevant for customer support and the
6. Select the "Filter" check box if you want to use a filter. Select the filter you require from the
drop-down list.
7. Click the "Update" button.
Result: The log entries corresponding to the selected criteria are displayed for the selected

Point to note about the check out log
The check out log displays all actions relating the check out of license keys that have not yet
been completed. It shows all license keys checked out from the server that have not yet been
checked in again.
If a license key has been checked out and then checked in again, the action has been
completed and is therefore not shown in the check out log.

Printing the Log

Follow these steps:
1. Open a log.
2. To print the log, select the "File > Print" menu command.
3. Correct the settings if necessary and confirm the dialog with "OK".
Result:The displayed log entries are printed out.

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3.3 Handling license keys

Archiving the Log

Follow these steps:
1. Open a log.
2. To archive the log, select the "File > Export" menu command.
3. Enter the drive and storage path.
Result: The displayed log entries are stored on the specified path in csv format.

Delete Log
Follow these steps:
1. To delete all the entries in the log, select the "Edit > Delete Log" menu command.
Result: All log entries of the selected computer are deleted.

3.3 Handling license keys

3.3.1 Installing License Keys

Installing License Keys

License keys can be installed during the installation of the software product
Some software products allow you to install the required license key during the installation
(setup) of the program itself. The license key is then installed on the computer where the
software is being installed.

Upgrade license keys
Note that upgrade license keys cannot be installed during setup.

See also
Transferring license keys (Page 33)

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3.3 Handling license keys

3.3.2 Displaying Installed License Keys

You can list all installed license keys using the "View > Management" menu command.
Follow these steps:
1. Select the view using the "View > Management" menu command.
2. In the navigation panel, select the computer (My Computer or connected computer) and
the drive from which you want to see the installed license keys
3. Select the "View > Define" menu command.
The "Define View" dialog opens.
4. Select the "License keys" view and click "OK".
Result: The license keys installed on the computer are displayed.

Unrecognized license keys
When available license keys are not recognized by corresponding components, check the
following columns:
● Version
● Validity
● Status (select license keys, select "View > Update", then "License Key > Check")

Printing or Exporting the List of Installed License Keys

You can edit the list of installed license keys as follows:
1. Print using the "File > Print" menu command.
2. Export to a CSV file with the "File > Export" menu command.

See also
Status Icons in the Automation License Manager (Page 21)

3.3.3 Displaying Installed software

You can list all installed software products that require a license key for operation by selecting
the "View > Management" menu command.

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3.3 Handling license keys

Follow these steps:

1. Select the view using the "View > Management" menu command.
2. Select the "View > Define" menu command.
The "Define View" dialog opens.
3. Select the "Installed software" view and click "OK".
Result: The Siemens AG software products installed on the computer that support the new
license concept (using license keys) are displayed.

Notes on the versions of license keys
If a second value is shown in brackets in the "Version" column when displaying the installed
software, this means that the version of the license key shown in brackets is used for the
installed product version.

Printing or Exporting the List of Installed Software

You can edit the list of installed software as follows:
1. Print using the "File > Print" menu command.
2. Export to a CSV file with the "File > Export" menu command.

See also
Status Icons in the Automation License Manager (Page 21)

3.3.4 Checking license keys

Follow these steps:
1. Select the view using the "View > Management" menu command.
2. In the object area, select the storage location (My Computer, connected computer, license
key folder) where the license key you want to check is stored.
3. Select the license key to be checked.
4. Select the License Key > Check menu command.
Result: The selected license key is checked, and the result is displayed using a status icon for
license keys.

See also
Status Icons in the Automation License Manager (Page 21)

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3.3 Handling license keys

3.3.5 Transferring license keys

The following options are available for transferring license keys between various storage
locations (for example, computers, USB memory sticks and license key folders):
● Using drag-and-drop
● Using cut and paste
● Using the "License Key > Transfer" menu command.
● Using the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command, you can transfer the start code,
request code, and activation code manually (see "License Key Offline Transfer" Dialog).

Transferring License Keys Using Drag-and-Drop

Follow these steps:
1. Select the view using the "View > Management" menu command.
2. Open the storage location on your own or a connected computer from which you want to
remove license keys.
3. Select the license keys and holding down the left mouse button, drag them to the storage
location where you want to insert the license keys.
Result: The license keys are transferred.

Transferring License Keys by Cutting and Pasting

Follow these steps:
1. Select the view using the "View > Management" menu command.
2. Open the storage location on your own or a connected computer from which you want to
remove license keys.
3. Select the license keys you want to transfer.
4. Select the "Edit > Cut" menu command.
5. Open the storage location on your own computer or a connected computer where you want
to insert the license keys.
6. Select the "Edit > Paste" menu command.
Result: The license keys are transferred.

Transferring License Keys with the "Transfer" Command

Follow these steps:
1. First, select the license keys you want to transfer to another storage location.
2. Open the "Transfer License Key" dialog with the "License Key > Transfer" menu command.

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3.3 Handling license keys

3. Select the destination drive you require in the drop-down list or click the "Network..." button
if the destination drive is on a different, connected computer.
The "Connect Computer" dialog opens
4. Enter the computer name or select the computer in the drop-down list.
5. As an alternative, click "Browse" to open the "Search for a Computer" dialog.
– Click "Entire network", and then click "Microsoft Windows Network".
– If the computer is located in a domain, select this domain.
– Then, select the computer you require and click "OK" to confirm your selection. Note
that the Automation License Manager must also be installed on the selected computer.
– Click "OK" to confirm your selection and close the each of the dialogs.
Result: The license keys are transferred.

See also
"License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog (Page 93)
Browsing for existing license keys in the network (Page 50)

3.3.6 Recovering license keys

With the License Key > Recover menu command, you open the dialog for recovering license
Follow these steps:
1. Select the license key to be recovered and select the "License Key > Recover" menu
2. Connect to "Support for License Management" and transfer the data displayed in the dialog:
– The product name
– The license key number
– The license number
– The request code
3. Enter the supplied activation code and click "OK".
Result: The defective license key has been restored and is available to you again.

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Recovering license keys
Note that license keys can only be restored on hard disks.

See also
Transferring license keys (Page 33)
"Recover License Key" Dialog (Page 102)
Dialogs in the Recover Wizard (Page 103)

3.3.7 Recovering license keys with the wizard

With the License Key > Recover Wizard menu command, you open the "Wizard for Recovering
License Key(s)" dialog.
You can use the "Recover Wizard" to repair one or more license keys that are no longer
available due to loss or a defect on the hard drive. Help from A&D Customer Support is required
to recover the license keys.
The wizard guides you step by step through the entire process. The following dialogs are called:
● Recover Wizard: Select license key
● Recover Wizard: Enter repair codes
● Recover Wizard: Result

See also
Recover Wizard Select license key (Page 103)
Recover Wizard Enter repair codes (Page 104)
Recover Wizard Result (Page 105)

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3.3 Handling license keys

3.3.8 Managing keys in folders

Storing and Managing License Keys

As of Version V5.2 of the Automation License Manager, special license key folders can be
created for managing license keys.
The folders in the Automation License Manager are identified by the following icons:

Icon Description
Indicates a folder in which computer connections can be stored.

Indicates a license key folder in which license keys can be stored.

Actions with License Key Folders

License key folders can be moved as usual by drag-and-drop, cutting and pasting and
Empty license key folders can also be deleted; this is, however, no longer possible if the folder
contains a license key.

Storing License Keys in License Key Folders

By creating license key folders, you can store license keys in a hierarchically structured
product- and version-specific system. This gives you a better overview of the existing license
keys, as the following example shows:

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You can also save license keys without a folder structure, as shown in the figure above. If
however, there is a license key folder present, it is shown first and then the individual license
keys after it.

Displaying the Validity of Licenses

An additional advantage of the license key folders is that when you are using license keys of
the type "Count relevant" or "Countable objects", the total number of available tags (variables
or application-specific objects) is displayed in brackets after the folder name. As the following
example shows, the opened folder contains several license keys with differing validity, which
are displayed as a total in brackets after the folder name.
The first number indicates how many tags are still available, the second number after the colon
indicates the total number of available tags.

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3.3 Handling license keys

Deleting license key folders
Please note that license key folders cannot be deleted if they contain license keys. License
key folders can only be deleted when they are empty.

See also
Creating folders (Page 38)

3.3.9 Creating folders

Using folders for structured storage

To achieve structured storage of existing computer connections and license keys, you can
create folders. Computer connections are stored in general folders. Special license key folders
are required to store license keys and these folders are identified by an additional icon.

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Conditions for creating new folders:

The new folder can be a general folder or a license key folder, depending on where it is created.

Icon Description
Indicates a folder in which computer connections can be stored.
Before creating such a folder, go to the navigation panel and select:
● My Desktop
Indicates a license key folder, in which license keys can be stored.
Before creating such a folder, go to the navigation panel and select one of the fol‐
lowing alternative objects:
● Local data medium
● Already existing license key folder

Creating folders
Follow these steps:

1. Select the "Management" view.

2. In the drop-down list within the menu bar, select the "License keys" view.
3. Selected the required object in the navigation panel, as described in the table above.
4. To create a general folder, select "My Desktop".
5. To create a license key folder, select a local data medium or an already existing license
key folder.
6. Using the shortcut menu or the menu, select the command "Edit > New Folder".
7. Enter a name for the new folder in the "Insert a New Folder" dialog.
8. Click "OK" to confirm.
Result: The new folder with the name you assigned is displayed in the navigation panel.

Deleting license key folders
Please note that license key folders cannot be deleted if they contain license keys. License
key folders can only be deleted when they are empty.

See also
Managing keys in folders (Page 36)

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3.3 Handling license keys

3.3.10 Determining and synchronizing license requirements

You can use the "Synchronize License Requirements" dialog box to license software products
on your own computer that do not yet have license keys, provided that license keys are

Follow these steps:

1. Select one of the predefined views "Installed software", "Missing license keys", or "Licensed
software" using the "View > Define" menu command.
2. Select the "License Key > Synchronize License Requirements" menu command.
Result: The "Synchronize License Requirements" dialog opens.
3. From the drop-down list, select the drive where you want to install the license keys.
4. Select the option for the source of the license keys to be transferred. You can use the
"Network" button to navigate to any computer in the network.

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5. The "Which software products are to be licensed?" box displays the software products on
your computer that lack a valid license. Already licensed software is listed but cannot be
selected. Click the "+" to see which licenses are available for the particular software.
6. Select which of the displayed software products you want to license and click "OK". The
"OK" button does not become active until you have selected a software product to be

No licensing possible
If the selected software package could not be licensed because, for example, the specified
source computer does not contain a valid license key, you will receive a message and the
dialog will appear again.

3.3.11 Overview of the offline transfer of license keys

With the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command, you open the dialog for offline
transfer of license keys.

Condition for offline transfer
To be able to transfer license keys offline, both the Automation License Manager as well as
the software that uses the license key must be installed on both computers (source and target).

Overview of the Steps for Offline Transfer

The transfer is performed with the aid of a wizard. Select the offline transfer step you want to
perform and click "Next".
You have the following options:
● Generate start code
● Generate request code
● Generate activation code
● Activate license key(s)
The wizard for the offline transfer guides you step by step through the transfer.

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3.3 Handling license keys

See also
Offline transfer - Generate start code (Page 42)
Offline transfer - Generate request code (Page 43)
Offline transfer - Generate activation code (Page 44)
Offline transfer - Activate license keys (Page 46)

3.3.12 Offline transfer - Generate start code

Generate start code

You perform this step on the source computer where a license key for the software exists.

Condition for offline transfer
To be able to transfer license keys offline, both the Automation License Manager as well as
the software using the license key must be installed on both computers (source and target).

Follow these steps:
1. Select the drive where the required license key is located in the navigation panel.
2. Select the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command.
The "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog opens.
3. Select the "Generate start code" option and click "Next".
The "Wizard for Sending License Key(s)" dialog opens. The list contains the start codes of
all available license keys.
4. Select the license keys you want to transfer in the table and click the "Save" button.
5. Select the path and the license profile file in which the start codes will be saved and click
6. Click the "Next" button.
7. Transfer the start codes to the target computer. For example:
– The license profile file by e-mail
– The start codes by phone
– A printout by fax
8. If you want to close the dialog and enter the request codes later, click "Cancel".

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3.3 Handling license keys

See also
Overview of the offline transfer of license keys (Page 41)
Offline transfer - Generate request code (Page 43)
Offline transfer - Generate activation code (Page 44)
Offline transfer - Activate license keys (Page 46)

3.3.13 Offline transfer - Generate request code

Generate request code

You perform this step on the target computer to which the license keys for software will be

Condition for offline transfer
To be able to transfer license keys offline, both the Automation License Manager as well as
the software using the license key must be installed on both computers (source and target).

Follow these steps:
1. Select the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command.
The "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog opens.
2. Select the "Generate request code" option and click "Next".
The "Wizard for Receiving License Key(s)" dialog opens with an "Enter start code" list.
3. Select the following steps depending on the type of data transfer:

Type of data transfer Steps

Data in electronic form (for 1. Click the "Load" button.
example, on diskette or by 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the license
profile file containing the start code.
3. Click the "Open" button.
The data is entered into the "Enter start code" list.
Data, for example as print‐ 1. Double-click the first row of the "Start code" column in the dialog
out, by fax or phone table.
2. Enter the start codes manually in the "Start code" column.

4. Click the "Next" button.

The "Wizard for Receiving License Keys" dialog opens with a "Select license keys" list.
5. Select the license keys to be transferred to a drive on your own computer.

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.3 Handling license keys

6. In the "Which drive do you want to install the license keys to?" drop-down list, select the
drive on your computer.
7. Click the "Next" button.
The "Wizard for Receiving License Key(s)" dialog opens with a "Display request code" list.
8. Click the "Save" button. Select the path and the license profile file in which the request
codes will be saved and click "Save".
9. Click the "Next" button.
The "Wizard for Receiving License Keys" dialog opens with the "Enter activation codes"
10.Transfer the request codes to the source computer. For example:
– The license profile file by e-mail
– The request codes by phone
– A printout by fax
11.If you want to close the dialog and enter the activation codes later, click "Cancel".

See also
Overview of the offline transfer of license keys (Page 41)
Offline transfer - Generate start code (Page 42)
Offline transfer - Generate activation code (Page 44)
Offline transfer - Activate license keys (Page 46)

3.3.14 Offline transfer - Generate activation code

Generate activation code

You perform this step on the source computer where a license key for the software exists.

Condition for offline transfer
To be able to transfer license keys offline, both the Automation License Manager as well as
the software using the license key must be installed on both computers (source and target).

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.3 Handling license keys

Follow these steps:
1. Select the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command.
The "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog opens.
2. Select the "Generate activation code" option and click "Next".
The "Wizard for Sending License Keys" dialog opens with an "Enter request code" list.
3. Select the following steps depending on the type of data transfer:

Type of data transfer Steps

Data in electronic form (for 1. Click the "Load" button.
example, on diskette or by 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the of the
license profile file containing the request codes.
3. Click the "Open" button.
The data is entered in the "Enter request code" list.
Data, for example as print‐ 1. Click the "Load" button.
out, by fax or phone 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the of the
license profile file containing the request code.
3. Double-click the corresponding row of the "Request code" column
in the dialog table.
4. Enter the request codes in the "Enter request code" list.

4. Click the "Next" button.

The "Remove license key(s)" list opens.
5. Click the "Save" button. Select the path and the license profile file in which the activation
codes will be saved and click "Save".
6. Click the "Next" button.
The "Calculate Activation Codes: Confirm" dialog window opens.
7. Confirm the dialog with "Yes".
The license keys displayed in the "Remove license key(s)" list in the "Wizard for Sending
License Key(s)" dialog are removed and the "Display activation codes" dialog opens.
8. Transfer the activation codes to the target computer. For example:
– The license profile file by e-mail
– The activation codes by phone
– A printout by fax
9. Click "Finish" to close the dialog.

See also
Overview of the offline transfer of license keys (Page 41)
Offline transfer - Generate start code (Page 42)

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3.3 Handling license keys

Offline transfer - Generate request code (Page 43)

Offline transfer - Activate license keys (Page 46)

3.3.15 Offline transfer - Activate license keys

Activate license keys

You perform this step on the target computer where the license key for software will be

Condition for offline transfer
To be able to transfer license keys offline, both the Automation License Manager as well as
the software using the license key must be installed on both computers (source and target).

Follow these steps:
1. Select the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command.
The "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog opens.
2. Select the "Activate license key(s)" option and click "Next".
The "Wizard for Receiving License Keys" dialog opens with the "Enter activation codes"
3. Select the following steps depending on the type of data transfer:

Type of data transfer Steps

Data in electronic form (for 1. Click the "Load" button.
example, on diskette or by 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the of the
license profile file containing the activation codes.
3. Click the "Open" button.
The data is entered in the "Enter activation codes" list.
Data, for example as print‐ 1. Click the "Load" button.
out, by fax or phone 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the of the
license profile file containing the activation codes.
3. Double-click in the corresponding row of the "Activation code"
column in the dialog table.
4. Enter the activation codes in the "Enter activation codes" list.

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3.3 Handling license keys

4. Click the "Next" button.

5. Click "Finish" to close the dialog.
Result: The activated license key is displayed in the "Result" list of the "Wizard for Receiving
License Keys" dialog. The license key is transferred from the source computer to the target

Error during transfer
If errors occur during transfer, the "Wizard for Receiving License Keys" dialog opens with an
"Incorrect activation codes" list.
In this case, contact "Support for License Management".

See also
Overview of the offline transfer of license keys (Page 41)
Offline transfer - Generate start code (Page 42)
Offline transfer - Generate request code (Page 43)
Offline transfer - Generate activation code (Page 44)

3.3.16 License profile files for the offline transfer of license keys

License profile files

A license profile file is used to exchange information for the offline transfer of license keys.
The offline transfer is performed in various steps.
● Generate start code
● Generate request code
● Generate activation code
● Activate license key(s)
Different data is included in the license profile file for each step of the process.
A license profile file can be transferred in electronic form (for example, on a diskette or by e-

Data of a License Profile File

The following data is saved in a license profile file for offline transfer:
● Product name - name of the component
● License number - specific number for the license key transfer

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.4 Web license key download

● Start code
● Request code
● Activation code

Validity of a license profile file
License profile files are only valid for one-time transfer of a group of license keys.
To repeat the transfer, new files are required.

See also
Overview of the offline transfer of license keys (Page 41)

3.4 Web license key download

3.4.1 Basics of Web license key download

Requirements for Web License Key Download

The software download allows you to access ordered license keys.
For access, you need:
● A personalized login that you can use to fetch all license keys assigned to "your company".
● An anonymous login that you can use to fetch an individual license key, and the
corresponding CoL (Certificate of License). This document contains all data required for
the anonymous download.

Overview of a Web License Key Download

If your computer is located in a stand-alone network or a network with a low security level, we
recommend the following procedure:
● Install the Automation License Manager additionally on a computer with Internet access
that is located outside of the automation system.
● Perform the Web license key download as described.
For more details, see: Downloading a Web License Key (Page 49).
● Transfer the license keys to a license key diskette and then from the license key diskette
to the computers of the automation system.

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.4 Web license key download

Checking a Web license key download
To ensure the authenticity and integrity of Internet pages you visit, it is highly recommended
to activate the check of the certificates of websites in the Internet options.
Prior to the download, check that the transfer media are virus-free.

See also
Downloading a Web License Key (Page 49)
Overview of the buttons for a Web license key download (Page 50)

3.4.2 Downloading a Web License Key

Downloading a Web License Key

Please note the requirements for the download described in Basics of Web license key
download (Page 48).
Follow these steps:
1. Set the "View > Management" view.
2. Click "Web License Key Download" in the navigation panel.
If the computer has Internet access, the Automation Download Manager opens the window
in the object area.
3. Follow the instructions for downloading a license key in the download window.

Error messages when downloading
If you receive an error message that the software download server is unavailable, check your
firewall settings and, if necessary, contact your system administrator.
If you receive an error message that the software download server is not ready for operation
at the moment, try again later.

See also
Basics of Web license key download (Page 48)
Overview of the buttons for a Web license key download (Page 50)

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.5 Using license keys in the network

3.4.3 Overview of the buttons for a Web license key download

Buttons for a Web License Key Download

The following buttons are available for the Web license key download:

Button Meaning
"Cancel" button
Use the "Cancel" button to stop downloading the current page.
"Start page" button
The "Start Page" button takes you to the start page of the "Web License Key
"Forward" button
Use the "Forward" button to return to the previously displayed page.
Note: The "Forward" button is available for selection only after you have clicked
the "Back" button.
"Back" button
Use the "Back" button to return to the previously displayed page.
Note: The "Forward" button displays the page you had visited before clicking the
"Back" button.

See also
Basics of Web license key download (Page 48)
Downloading a Web License Key (Page 49)

3.5 Using license keys in the network

3.5.1 Browsing for existing license keys in the network

Using Software with Free License Keys in the Network

A free floating license key (on a connected computer) allows the use of a protected software
product when there is no free license locally.

Browsing for license keys
To browse for license keys on a connected computer, the connected computer must be entered
in the Automation License Manager on the local computer.

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3.5 Using license keys in the network

Recommendation for Faster Access to Floating License Keys

To be able to access the floating license keys more quickly, you should install all floating license
keys of the plant on only a few computers.

Displaying the connected computers
In the menu "File > Settings > Favorites" tab you will see the computers that have been
connected to the local Automation License Manager at some point in the past under “Known

You can influence access to floating license keys as follows:

● Make sure that the computers where the floating license keys are located are entered in
the "Search list". To do this, select the "Edit > Connect Computer" menu command.
● Move the computers where the floating license keys are located to the top positions in the
"Search list" in the "Settings" dialog, and delete unnecessary entries.

The following buttons are available to you in the search list:

Button Meaning
"Shift up" button
Click this button to change the order in which the computer selected in the list will
be searched for a floating license key. Shifts the computer to the next higher
position (in the view: the top position corresponds to the 1st computer etc.)
"Shift down" button
Click this button to change the order in which the computer selected in the list will
be searched for a floating license key. Shifts the computer to the next lower po‐
sition (in the view: the top position corresponds to the 1st computer etc.)
"Delete" button
Click this button to delete the computer selected in the list from the search for a
floating license key.

See also
Connecting computers via a network (Page 52)
Failure of computer connections (Page 53)

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.5 Using license keys in the network

3.5.2 Connecting computers via a network

Connect Computer
The "Edit > Connect Computer" menu command opens the "Connect Computer" dialog. Here,
you can establish a connection to a computer that is reachable via a network and enable the
computer for the handling of license keys.

Connect Computer
Only computers that have the Automation License Manager installed can be connected.

Follow these steps:
1. In "Computer Name", enter the name of a reachable computer or select one from the drop-
down list.
The following can be used for the computer name: "ComputerName", or
"ComputerName.Domain" and "IP address".
2. To search for a computer in the network, click "Browse".
– Double-click on "Entire network".
– Double-click on "Microsoft Windows Network".
– If the computer is located in a domain, select this domain.
– Select the computer and click "OK" to confirm your selection.
3. Under "Display name", you can enter any display name for the computer (default =
computer name).
4. Select the "Always display in navigation window" check box if you want the entered
computer to be available after a restart of the Automation License Manager.
5. Select the "Add to search list" check box if you want the entered computer to be included
in the list of computers to be searched for license keys.
6. Click "OK" to confirm.

See also
Browsing for existing license keys in the network (Page 50)
Failure of computer connections (Page 53)

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3.5 Using license keys in the network

3.5.3 Browsing for computers in the network

Browsing for computers

In the dialog "Connect Computer" click "Browse" to open the dialog "Search for a Computer".
Follow these steps:
1. Double-click "Entire network".
2. Double-click on "Microsoft Windows Network".
3. If the computer is located in a domain, select this domain.
4. Select the computer and click "OK" to confirm your selection.
5. Click "OK" to confirm your selection.

3.5.4 Failure of computer connections

Notes on the Failure of Computer Connections

Computers connected over a network connection can use floating license keys.
The following description shows how a floating license key reacts to the failure of the computer

License Key Server

A license key server is a computer on which a floating license key is stored.

License Key Client

A license key client is a computer that uses a floating license key from a server.

Types of Connection Failure

When a floating license key on a license key server is used by a software product on a license
key client and the connection between the two computers fails, it may be due to the following:
● The software product has crashed
● The network connection has been interrupted.
● The license key client has crashed.
● The license key server has crashed.

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3.5 Using license keys in the network

The Software Product has Crashed

The Automation License Manager on the license key client monitors the use of the license
keys by the software product. If this crashes, the Automation License Manager immediately
releases the relevant license keys on the license key server.

Network Connection was Interrupted

Following a failure of the network connection to the license key server, the software product
on the license key client can continue to be used for up to 3 hours.
The floating license keys on the license key server remain "used" for a maximum of 3 hours.
The license key is, however, no longer found when the software product is restarted and
therefore cannot be reassigned.
The following situations are possible:
● If the interruption lasts less than 3 hours, then:
– The Automation License Manager on the license key server detects both the license
key client (the computer that used the license keys) and the "used" license keys.
– It allocates the still "used, previous" license keys to the detected license key client.
● If the interruption lasts more than 3 hours, then:
– The license keys on the license key server are released.
– License key clients are served the same as when initial contact is made.
– After 3 hours, the previously connected license key client automatically attempts to find
a valid license key. If no license key is available, the application-specific reaction to
unavailable license keys is started (for example, notification after a defined period).

License Key Client has Crashed

If the interruption last less than 3 hours, the license key client detects that the connection to
the server is established and automatically requests the "used" license keys once again.
The license key on the license key server is released if the interruption lasts longer than 3

License Key Server has Crashed

If the interruption last less than 3 hours, the license key client detects that the connection to
the server is established and automatically requests the "used" license keys once again.
If the interruption last more than 3 hours, the license key client automatically attempts to find
a valid license key. When no license key is available, the application-specific reaction to
unavailable license keys is started (for example, notification after a defined period).

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.6 Access protection for the Automation License Manager

See also
Browsing for existing license keys in the network (Page 50)
Connecting computers via a network (Page 52)

3.6 Access protection for the Automation License Manager

3.6.1 Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role management

Role Management with SIMATIC Logon

With the role management of the "SIMATIC Logon" optional package, access by users and
user groups to functions of the Automation License Manager can be controlled.
The access protection does not control access to the entire application but only to individual
● The access protection forces users to log onto the system if they want to use the Automation
License Manager and its functions.
● The role management is based on the users and user groups of the operating system.
● The assignment of specific tasks to roles (see table) allows simple assignment of rights to
users and user groups.
● If SIMATIC Logon is installed and access protection is activated, the applications check
directly to determine whether the logged-on person has the right to use certain functions.
To prevent duplicate administration and checking of these persons, the right to use license
keys is granted to all persons.

Definition of terms for role management

Below, you will find explanations of the most important terminology in SIMATIC Logon Role

Term Description
Rights Rights are defined by the SIMATIC Logon Role Management.
● Rights can neither be added or deleted.
Users / user groups The users and user groups are defined in user accounts on the computer.

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.6 Access protection for the Automation License Manager

Term Description
Access protection Access protection grants certain users and user groups the right to perform
certain operations. To simplify management, this is done indirectly by using
Roles A role includes the authorization for user groups/users to perform certain ac‐
tions within the Automation License Manager (for example, transfer data).
● Users and user groups can be assigned one or more roles. Users then
have all the rights of these roles.
● Basic roles are supplied with the SIMATIC Logon role management.
● Custom roles can be added or deleted as required.
● Rights can be assigned to roles or revoked.

See also
Function rights and roles for the Automation License Manager (Page 56)
Calling and activating role management (Page 57)

3.6.2 Function rights and roles for the Automation License Manager

The following function rights and roles are assigned for the Automation License Manager:

Function Role
License issuer Administrator Main user User
Transfer license keys x x x
Check license keys x x x x
Repair license keys x
Upgrade / downgrade x x x
license keys
Display license keys x x x x
Read the logbook x x x
Delete the logbook x x
Enable / disable ac‐ x x
cess control
Modify projects x x

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3.6 Access protection for the Automation License Manager

Right to modify projects
The “Change projects” right means that you can assign roles and function rights for access to
the Automation License Manager.

See also
Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role management (Page 55)
Calling and activating role management (Page 57)

3.6.3 Calling and activating role management

To use role management and activate the access protection, the following requirements must
be met:
● The users and user groups must be set up in Windows.
● The SIMATIC Logon optional package must be installed.
● The "Logon_Administrator" user group must have been set up (see online help for SIMATIC
● The user currently logged onto the computer must have the right "Activate/deactivate
access protection" (File > Settings).

Calling and Activating SIMATIC Logon Role Management

Follow these steps:
1. Call up SIMATIC Logon Role Management with the "File > Role Management" menu
The "SIMATIC Logon Role Management" dialog opens.
2. Assign at least one user the role of "administrator".
3. Save your changes and close the "SIMATIC Logon Role Management" dialog.
"SIMATIC Logon Role Management" dialog
You will find instructions for working in the "SIMATIC Logon Role Management" dialog in
the online help for SIMATIC Logon in the "SIMATIC Logon Role Management" dialog.

4. Select the "File > Change Logon" menu command to open the "SIMATIC Logon Service"
dialog, and log on with a user name that has at least the "administrator" role.

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Working with the Automation License Manager
3.6 Access protection for the Automation License Manager

5. Select the "File > Settings" menu command.

The "Settings" dialog opens.
6. Select the "Activate SIMATIC Logon access protection" check box.
"Activate SIMATIC Logon access protection" option
If the "Activate SIMATIC Logon access protection" check box not selected, all users can
make changes in the role management.
If the "Activate SIMATIC Logon access protection" option is selected, only users with the
“Activate/deactivate access protection” right can make changes in the role management.

7. Click "OK" to apply the settings.

See also
Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role management (Page 55)
Function rights and roles for the Automation License Manager (Page 56)

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Icons in the Automation License Manager 4
4.1 Icons in the toolbar

With the "View > Toolbar" menu command, you enable or disable the display of the toolbar in
the Automation License Manager. In the figure below, you can see the toolbar in the Automation
License Manager with the standard view "License keys".

Display in the toolbar
A button shown as pressed indicates that a specific status is active (here, for example, the
"Management" view).
An icon with a dark gray background can have the following meaning:
● The function represented by the icon is not active
● The function represented by the icon is not available.

The following icons are available in the toolbar:

Icon Menu command Keyboard short‐ Description

File > Export Ctrl + S Exports the information displayed in the object area.

File > Print Ctrl + P Prints the information displayed in the object area.

File > Print Pre‐ Shows a preview of the printout of the current object
view area.
Edit > Cut Ctrl + X Moves the license keys selected in the object area
to the clipboard.
Note: Use only in conjunction with "Paste".
Edit > Paste Ctrl + V Inserts the license keys stored on the clipboard.
Note: Use only in conjunction with "Cut".
Edit > Delete Del Deletes the objects selected in the object area.

View > Manage‐ Allows use of all the management tasks for license
ment management.
Brings the "Management" view to the foreground.
View > Find Shows a search screen and the results; this view is
used to define special queries.
Brings the "Find" view to the foreground.

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Icons in the Automation License Manager
4.1 Icons in the toolbar

Icon Menu command Keyboard short‐ Description

View > Log Displays the recorded log.
Brings the "Log" view to the foreground.
View > Define ... Defines the content and appearance of the "Man‐
agement" view.
View > Update F5 Updates the information displayed in the object area.

Help > Context- F1 Calls up context-sensitive help for the selected ob‐
Sensitive Help ject or menu command.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager 5
5.1 Overview of the menu commands

Menu commands in the Automation License Manager

The following menu commands are available:

● "File" menu
● "Edit" menu
● "License Key" menu
● "View" menu
● "Help" menu

5.2 "File" menu

5.2.1 Overview of the "File" menu

Commands in the "File" menu

The "File" menu contains the following commands:

● Export
● Page Setup
● Print Preview
● Print
● Settings
● Change Logon
● Role Management
● Exit

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.2 "File" menu

Calling up help
To obtain help on these menu commands, select the command and press F1.

See also
Export (File menu) (Page 62)
Page Setup (File menu) (Page 62)
Print Preview (File menu) (Page 63)
Print (File menu) (Page 63)
Settings (File menu) (Page 64)
Change Logon (File menu) (Page 64)
Role Management (File menu) (Page 65)
Exit (File menu) (Page 66)

5.2.2 Export (File menu)


With the File > Export menu command, you export the current display in the object area in
CSV format.

5.2.3 Page Setup (File menu)

Page Setup
The File > Page Setup menu command opens the "Page Setup" dialog where can select the
following options:
● Set the paper format
● Select the paper source for the selected printer.
● Set the page orientation (portrait, landscape).
● Set the page margins.
● Select the printer with the "Printer" button.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.2 "File" menu

● Close the dialog with the "Cancel" button.

● Accept the page settings by clicking "OK".

5.2.4 Print Preview (File menu)

Print Preview

The File > Print Preview menu command displays a preview of the printout of the current object
area so that you can check the expected print results.

5.2.5 Print (File menu)


With the File > Print menu command, you to print out the data in the current view in the object
The current view includes all data resulting from the selection in the navigation panel or a
search. The settings for filter, sorting, grouping and column selection remain in effect.
You have the following options in the "Print" dialog:
● Select the name of the printer in the "Name" list.
● Make settings for the specific printer using the "Properties" button.
● Save the documentation to a file by activating the "Print to file" option (for example, when
there is no printer connected to the computer).
● Set the print range (all or selected pages).
● Set the number of copies to be printed.
● Close the dialog with the "Cancel" button.
● Send the data to the printer by clicking the "OK" button.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.2 "File" menu

5.2.6 Settings (File menu)

The File > Settings menu command opens the "Settings" dialog where you can make the
following settings:
In the "General" tab:
● Activate access protection. SIMATIC Logon must be installed on your computer for this.
● Select both options for blocking external access.
● Specify a language for the Automation License Manager.
In the "Favorites" Tab:
● On the left-hand side below "Known computers“, you can see the computers that were
connected to the local Automation License Manager at least once in the past.
● On the right-hand side below “Search list”, set the search order for performing the search
for floating license keys on connected computers.
In the "Connection" tab
● Here, you define the settings for connections to other computers.
In the "Reset" tab
● You can reset your user-defined settings to the defaults or delete them.
In the "MLK Report" tab
● you define the options for reporting master license keys. This functionality is only fully
available to you when you have a special MLK Reporting license.

5.2.7 Change Logon (File menu)

Change Logon
The File > Change Logon menu command opens the "SIMATIC Logon Service" dialog. This
menu command is only active if SIMATIC Logon is installed.
Here, you change the user or the password for accessing the Automation License Manager.

SIMATIC Logon optional package
You will find additional information on working with the SIMATIC Logon optional package in
the online help for SIMATIC Logon.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.2 "File" menu

5.2.8 Role Management (File menu)

Role management
With the File > Role Management menu command, you specify which users are authorized for
the Automation License Manager and in which roles.
The SIMATIC Logon services are used for the role management of the Automation License
Manager. This menu command is only active if SIMATIC Logon is installed.
With the following dialog, roles and function rights can be assigned to the users set up in
Windows (see note). Roles and rights can be assigned to each function.

You can assign the following roles and function rights for the Automation License Manager:

Function Roles:
License issu‐ Administrator Main user User
Transfer license keys X X X
Check license keys X X X X
Repair license keys X
Upgrade / downgrade license keys X X X
Display license keys X X X X
Read the logbook X X X
Delete the logbook X X
Enable / disable access control X X
Modify projects X X
(This right means that you can assign
roles and function rights for access to
the Automation License Manager.)

If SIMATIC Logon is installed and access protection is activated, the applications check directly
to determine whether the logged-on person has the right to use certain functions.
To prevent duplicate administration and checking of these persons, the right to use license
keys is granted to all persons.

SIMATIC Logon optional package
You will find additional information on working with the SIMATIC Logon optional package in
the online help for SIMATIC Logon.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.3 "Edit" menu

5.2.9 Exit (File menu)

With the File > Exit menu command, you close the Automation License Manager.

5.3 "Edit" menu

5.3.1 Overview of the "Edit" menu

Commands in the "Edit" menu

The "Edit" menu contains the following commands:
● Undo
● Redo
● Connect Computer
● New Folder
● Cut
● Paste
● Rename
● Delete
● Delete Log
● Select All
● Reverse Selection

Calling up help
To obtain help on these menu commands, select the command and press F1.

Additional menu commands
Additional menu commands may be available if you have installed one or more plug-ins for
the Automation License Manager.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.3 "Edit" menu

See also
Undo (Edit menu) (Page 67)
Redo (Edit menu) (Page 67)
Connect Computer (Edit menu) (Page 67)
New Folder (Edit menu) (Page 68)
Cut (Edit menu) (Page 69)
Paste (Edit menu) (Page 69)
Rename (Edit menu) (Page 70)
Delete (Edit menu) (Page 70)
Delete Log (Edit menu) (Page 70)
Select All (Edit menu) (Page 71)
Reverse Selection (Edit menu) (Page 71)

5.3.2 Undo (Edit menu)

With the Edit > Undo menu command, you undo the last action performed.

5.3.3 Redo (Edit menu)

With the Edit > Redo menu command, you to restore the status that existed prior to undoing
an action (Edit > Undo).

5.3.4 Connect Computer (Edit menu)

Connect Computer
With the Edit > Connect Computer menu command, you open the "Connect Computer" dialog.
Here, you can establish a connection to a computer that is reachable via a network and enable
the computer for the handling of license keys.

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5.3 "Edit" menu

Only computers that have the Automation License Manager installed can be connected.

Further steps:
1. In "Computer Name", enter the name of a reachable computer or select one from the drop-
down list. The following can be used for the computer name: "ComputerName", or
"ComputerName.Domain" and "IP address".
2. To search for a computer in the network, click "Browse".
– Double-click "Entire network".
– Double-click on "Microsoft Windows Network".
– If the computer is located in a domain, select this domain.
– Select the computer and click "OK" to confirm your selection.
3. Under "Display name", you can enter any display name for the computer (default =
computer name).
4. Select the "Always display in navigation window" check box if you want the entered
computer to be available after a restart of the Automation License Manager.
5. Select the "Add to search list" check box if you want the entered computer to be included
in the list of computers to be searched for license keys.
6. Click "OK" to confirm.

5.3.5 New Folder (Edit menu)

New Folder
With the Edit > New Folder menu command, you open the "Insert a New Folder" dialog. This
creates a new folder, e.g., for creating work groups or for managing various license keys,
depending on which object is selected on the left in the navigation panel.
Conditions for creating new folders:
The new folder can be a general folder or a license key folder, depending on where it is created.

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5.3 "Edit" menu

Icon Description
Indicates a folder in which computer connections can be stored.
Before creating such a folder, go to the navigation panel and select "My Computer".
Indicates a license key folder, in which license keys can be stored.
Before creating such a folder, go to the navigation panel and select
● Local data medium
● Already existing license key folder

Further steps:
1. Select the "Management" view.
2. In the drop-down list within the menu bar, select the "License keys" view.
3. Selected the required object in the navigation panel, as described in the table above.
4. To create a general folder, select "My Desktop".
5. To create a license key folder, select a local data medium or an already existing license
key folder.
6. Using the shortcut menu or the menu, select the command "Edit > New Folder".
7. Enter a name for the new folder in the "Insert a New Folder" dialog.
8. Click "OK" to confirm.
Result: The new folder with the name you assigned is displayed in the navigation panel.

5.3.6 Cut (Edit menu)


With the Edit > Cut menu command, you remove objects (folders, computers, and license

5.3.7 Paste (Edit menu)


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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.3 "Edit" menu

With the Edit > Paste menu command, you move objects that are on the clipboard. Objects
are placed on the clipboard using the Edit > Cut command.
You can paste the following objects:
● Folder
● License key folder
● Computer
● License keys

5.3.8 Rename (Edit menu)

With the Edit > Rename menu command, you change the names of objects (e.g., folders in
the navigation panel).

5.3.9 Delete (Edit menu)


With the Edit > Delete menu command, you delete objects (e.g. delete folders, disconnect
connected computers).
License key folders can only be deleted if they are empty, i.e. no longer contain any license

5.3.10 Delete Log (Edit menu)

Delete Log
With the Edit > Delete Log menu command (available only if "Log" view is in the foreground),
you delete the contents of the log file.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.4 "License Key" menu

5.3.11 Select All (Edit menu)

Select All
With the Edit > Select All menu command, you select all objects in an area or list.

5.3.12 Reverse Selection (Edit menu)

Reverse Selection
With the Edit > Reverse Selection menu command, you reverse the selection of objects.
This menu command changes the selected objects in an area or list as follows:
● Selects all objects that were not previously selected.
● Deselects all objects previously selected.

5.4 "License Key" menu

5.4.1 Overview of the "License Key" menu

Commands in the "License Key" Menu

The "License Key" menu contains the following commands:
● Transfer
● Synchronize License Requirements
● Offline Transfer
● Check
● Recover
● Recover Wizard
● Upgrade
● Reporting

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.4 "License Key" menu

"Reporting" function
The "Reporting" function requires a special license key that is only provided to UCL/EPL

Calling up help
To obtain help on these menu commands, select the command and press F1.

Additional menu commands
Additional menu commands may be available if you have installed one or more plug-ins for
the Automation License Manager.

Reference table

See also
Transfer (License Key menu) (Page 72)
Synchronize License Requirements (License Key menu) (Page 73)
Offline Transfer (License Key menu) (Page 73)
Check (License Key menu) (Page 74)
Recover (License Key menu) (Page 74)
Recover Wizard (License Key menu) (Page 74)
Upgrade (License Key menu) (Page 75)

5.4.2 Transfer (License Key menu)

With the License Key > Transfer menu command, you open the "Transfer License Key" dialog.
You use this dialog box to transfer license keys to another target drive.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.4 "License Key" menu

5.4.3 Synchronize License Requirements (License Key menu)

Synchronize License Requirements

With the License Key > Synchronize License Requirements menu command, you open the
"Synchronize License Requirements" dialog. You use this dialog to license the software
products on your own computer.

Floating license keys
Instead of license keys on your own computer, you can use floating license keys, provided
they are available on the network.

5.4.4 Offline Transfer (License Key menu)

Offline Transfer
With the License Key > Offline Transfer menu command, you open the "License Key Offline
Transfer" dialog that leads you step-by-step through the offline transfer.
An offline transfer of license keys can only be performed between two computers. License
profile files are transferred between the computers in five steps.

Offline Transfer
Offline transfer means no connection (for example, via a network) is required to transfer the
license keys.

Steps for offline transfer of license keys

The target computer is the computer requiring a license key for software.
The source computer is the computer where a license key for software is available.
1. On the target computer:
– Identify software without license key
– Send a request for license keys (phone, fax, e-mail, etc.)
2. On the source computer: Generate start code
3. On the target computer: Generate request code

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5.4 "License Key" menu

4. On the source computer: Generate activation code

5. On the target computer: Activate license keys

5.4.5 Check (License Key menu)

With the License Key > Check menu command, you check the selected license keys. The
result of the check is displayed in the "Check License Keys" dialog with the relevant status
icon for license keys.

5.4.6 Recover (License Key menu)

With the License Key > Recover menu command, you recover license keys that are unavailable
due to loss or a defect on the hard drive.
The menu command opens the "Recover License Key" dialog where you can recover the
license key with the aid of "Support for License Management".

5.4.7 Recover Wizard (License Key menu)

Recover Wizard
With the License Key > Recover Wizard menu command, you open the "Wizard for Restoring
License Key(s)" dialog.
You can use the "Recover Wizard" to repair one or more license keys that are no longer
available due to loss or a defect on the hard drive. Help from A&D Customer Support is required
to recover the license keys.
The wizard guides you step by step through the entire process.
The following dialogs are called:
● Recover Wizard: Select license key
● Recover Wizard: Enter repair codes
● Recover Wizard: Result

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.5 "View" menu

5.4.8 Upgrade (License Key menu)

With the License Key > Upgrade menu command, you open the "License Key Upgrade" dialog.
This dialog shows the license keys for which upgrade possibilities were found.

5.5 "View" menu

5.5.1 Overview of the "View" menu

Commands in the "View" menu

The "View" menu contains the following commands:
● Define
● Management
● Find
● Log
● Update
● Toolbar
● Status Bar

Calling up help
To obtain help on these menu commands, select the command and press F1.

See also
Define (View menu) (Page 76)
Management (View menu) (Page 76)
Find (View menu) (Page 77)
Log (View menu) (Page 78)
Update (View menu) (Page 79)
Toolbar (View menu) (Page 79)
Status Bar (View menu) (Page 80)

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.5 "View" menu

5.5.2 Define (View menu)


With the View > Define menu command, you open the dialog for defining views.
Here, you can:
● Select and activate available views.
● Define new views according to your requirements.
Several predefined standard views for the Management view are installed with the Automation
License Manager.

5.5.3 Management (View menu)


With the View > Management menu command, you open the "Management" view in the
Automation License Manager.
This view is preset as the standard view. Information on the available license key data on the
computer is displayed in this view.
Select in the navigation panel, display in the object area
When a computer is selected in the navigation panel on the left, information about this computer
is displayed in the object area on the right (for example, information on the license keys stored
on this computer or the installed software).
● You will find the following folder structure in the navigation panel on the left:

Folder Description Subfolder

My Computer This is the local computer on which the user is Diskette drives and hard disks it
working. contains
Note: You can create additional objects (folders, license key folders and computers) in the navigation

● Depending on the object selected on the left, in the object area on the right, you will see all
elements belonging to the object in the form of icons in a table. The table can be printed
and exported.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.5 "View" menu

Icon Description
Icon for your own computer (My Computer) or a connected computer.

Icon for a diskette drive on your own computer or a connected computer.

Icon for a hard disk on your own computer or a connected computer.

With the "Define View", dialog you select the information to be displayed here. Select the View
> Define menu command to open this dialog.

5.5.4 Find (View menu)


With the View > Find menu command, you open the "Find" view in the Automation License
● You will find the boxes for search options in the navigation panel on the left. The following
can be entered as search options:

Input box or option Description and possible selection

Search Term General search term
Product Product-specific query option
Storage location Drive on a computer (all, own computer, connected computers)
Standard license type All, Master, Floating, Single, Upgrade
License type ● All
● Count relevant
● Countable objects
● Demo
● Unlimited
● PowerPack
● Rental
● Trial

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5.5 "View" menu

Input box or option Description and possible selection

Status Shows the status of a license key (select license key and then License
Key > Check)
Examples of possible statuses:
● License key OK
● License key corrupt
● License key in use
● License key OK - Inactive (e.g., not yet activated with offline transfer)
● Installed software, no license key necessary …
Used by ● All
● Name of the user

● The table containing the search results is shown in the object area on the right. Each row
is assigned an entry for the search criterion specified in the navigation panel on the left.
The table can be printed and exported.

5.5.5 Log (View menu)


With the View > Log menu command, you open the "Log" view in the Automation License
Manager. The logs contain information on all performed actions affecting the license keys (for
example, use of license key by software, transfer of license keys, etc.).
You will find the available options in the navigation panel on the left
1. In the object area, select the location (My Computer, connected computer) where you want
to open a stored log.
2. Select the number of entries you require or select the time period for which logs will be
3. Select the "Filter" check box if you want to use a filter. Select the filter you require from the
4. Click the "Update" button.
You will find the table containing the logs in the object area on the right
The table corresponds to the options selected on the left and it can be printed and exported.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.5 "View" menu

5.5.6 Update (View menu)


With the View > Update menu command, update the contents displayed in the selected area
of the dialog.

5.5.7 Toolbar (View menu)


With the View > Toolbar menu command, you activate or deactivate the view of the toolbar in
the Automation License Manager.
Functions in the toolbar
In the figure below, the default view "License keys" is active.

A button shown as pressed indicates that a specific status is active (here, for example, the
"Management" view).
An icon with a dark gray background can have the following meaning:
● The function represented by the icon is not active
● The function represented by the icon is not available.

The following functions are available in the toolbar:

Icon Menu command Keyboard Description

File > Export Ctrl + S Exports information displayed in the object area.

File > Print Ctrl + P Prints information displayed in the object area.

File > Print Preview Shows a preview of the printout for the current
object area.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.5 "View" menu

Icon Menu command Keyboard Description

Edit > Cut Ctrl + X Moves license keys selected in the object area
to the clipboard.
Note: Use only in conjunction with "Paste".
Edit > Paste Ctrl + V Inserts the license keys stored on the clipboard.
Note: Use only in conjunction with "Cut".
Edit > Delete Del Deletes the objects selected in the object area.

View > Management Enables execution of all tasks for license man‐
Brings the "Management" view to the fore‐
View > Find Shows a search screen and the results; this
view is used to define special queries etc.
Brings the "Find" view to the foreground.
View > Log Displays the recorded log.
Brings the "Log" view to the foreground
View > Define ... Allows you to define the content and layout of
the "Management" view.
View > Update F5 Updates the information displayed in the object
Help > Context-Sensitive F1 Calls up context-sensitive help for the selected
Help object or menu command.

Functions in the toolbar for "Web License Key Download"

The following toolbar buttons are also available for a Web License Key Download:

Icon Description
Use this icon to call the previously displayed page of the "Web License Key Download".

Use this icon to call the page of the "Web License Key Download" that was displayed before
the page you displayed with the "Back" button.
Use this icon to cancel the call of a page of the "Web License Key Download".

Use this icon to call the start page of the "Web License Key Download".

5.5.8 Status Bar (View menu)

Status Bar
The View > Status Bar menu command enables and disables the view of the status bar in the
Automation License Manager.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.6 "Help" menu

Displayed information
The status bar displays the following information in the various areas (from left to right):

Field Area name Description

1 Tooltips Displays tooltips for the selected object (buttons, etc.)
2 License key Displays the number of license keys in the selected window.
Displays a progress bar for an active Web license key download
3 User If SIMATIC Logon is installed, the user currently logged on via SIMATIC
Logon is displayed.
If SIMATIC Logon is not installed, displays "Unknown".
4 Filter Indicates that a view with filter settings is active.
5 Shift key Displays the status of the Shift key (Shift lock, CAP).
6 Num key Displays the status of the Num key (Num lock, Num).
7 Scroll key Displays the status of the scroll key (Scroll lock, SCRL).

5.6 "Help" menu

5.6.1 Help on Automation License Manager

Commands in the "Help" menu

With the Help > Help on Automation License Manager menu command, you open the online
help for the Automation License Manager.

See also
Context-sensitive help (Page 81)
About (Page 82)

5.6.2 Context-sensitive help

Context-sensitive help
With the Help > Context-Sensitive Help menu command, you activate the question mark cursor.
If you click an object in the Automation License Manager with the activated question mark
cursor, the online help for this object will be displayed.

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Menu commands in the Automation License Manager
5.6 "Help" menu

5.6.3 About

With the Help > About menu command, you open the display dialog for the currently installed
version of the Automation License Manager.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager 6
6.1 "Define View" dialog

Settings in the "Define View" dialog

With "View > Define" menu command, you open the "Define View" dialog.
Here, you can select an available view or create and edit a new view.

Available views
The "Available views" list displays all the available views.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.1 "Define View" dialog

In addition to the standard views mentioned above that exist automatically, views you yourself
have created are also displayed here.

Editing the views in the Automation License Manager
The automatically available standard views (Search results, License keys, Installed software,
Missing license keys, and Licensed software) can be copied and changed, but they cannot be
You can delete any views that you have created as well as any copied or new views.

Meaning of the Buttons in "Define View" dialog

"New" button
Click this button if you want to create a new view.
In the "Name" box, enter a name for the view and edit the view using the "Columns", "Filter",
"Groups", and "Sort" tabs.

"Copy" Button
In "Available views", select the view you want to copy and then click "Copy".
In the "Name" box, enter a name for the view and edit the view using the "Columns", "Filter",
"Groups", and "Sort" tabs.

"Delete" button
In "Available views", select the view you want to delete and then click "Delete".

Edit view
The view selected in "Available views" is entered in this box.
You can enter a new name for the view after clicking the "New" or "Copy" button. You can
select the "License keys" or "Software" option depending on whether you want to create the
new view for license keys or for software. The "Apply" button applies your entries.

"Columns" tab
In this tab, you configure the selection and order of the columns displayed in a view.

"Filter" tab
In this tab, you can configure two filters to limit the information displayed.

"Groups" tab
In this tab, you can define a grouping.

"Sort" tab
In this tab, you specify the order for sorting.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.2 "Columns" tab in the "Define View" dialog

See also
"Columns" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 85)
"Filter" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 87)
"Groups" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 89)
"Sort" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 91)

6.2 "Columns" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Settings in the "Columns" tab

The "Columns" tab is part of the "Define View" dialog.
In this tab, you configure the columns to be displayed and the order of the columns for a view
that you have created or that you have copied and want to change.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.2 "Columns" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Available columns
The columns shown in the "Available columns" list can be added to the "New view".

Selected columns
The columns shown in the "Selected columns" list will be displayed in the "New view".
The order (from top to bottom) corresponds to the displayed order of the columns (from left to
Use the buttons described below to add, delete, or move columns.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.3 "Filter" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Button Icon Description

Move right The columns selected in the "Selected columns" list can be moved by clicking the
"Move right" icon.
Move left The columns selected in the "Selected columns" list can be moved by clicking the
"Move left" icon.
Move up By clicking the "Move up" icon, you can move selected columns up in the "Select
columns" list (display in the view: the top position corresponds to the 1st column
Move down By clicking the "Move down" icon, you can move selected columns down in the
"Select columns" list (display in the view: the top position corresponds to the 1st
column etc.).

See also
"Define View" dialog (Page 83)
"Filter" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 87)
"Sort" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 91)
"Groups" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 89)

6.3 "Filter" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Settings in the "Filter" tab

The "Filter" tab is part of the "Define View" dialog.
In this tab, you can configure two filters to limit the information displayed.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.3 "Filter" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Filter settings
The values of a filter are linked by an OR operation.
If the "Use 1st Filter" and "Use 2nd Filter" check boxes are selected, these filters are linked by
an AND operation.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.4 "Groups" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Using a Filter
To use a filter, follow these steps:
1. To use the filters, select the "Use filter" check boxes ("Use 1st Filter" and/or "Use 2nd Filter").
2. In the "Column" list, select the column to which the filter will be applied.
3. In the "Must contain:" list:
– If this list contains check boxes, you can make a selection (multiple selection is linked
by an OR operation).
– If this list does not contain check boxes, you can enter search criteria of your choice (for
example, the name of a user).

See also
"Define View" dialog (Page 83)
"Columns" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 85)
"Groups" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 89)
"Sort" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 91)

6.4 "Groups" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Settings in the "Groups" tab

The "Groups" tab is part of the "Define View" dialog.
In this tab, you can define a grouping.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.4 "Groups" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Creating a group
In the "First group by" and "Then group by" drop-down lists, set the order in which search
results are automatically grouped. You can choose between the following options:
● First group by:
● Then group by:

Priority between grouping and sorting

The priority between grouping and sorting is decided by the grouped display.
If grouping and sorting are active, the results are put together in groups and shown sorted
within the groups.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.5 "Sort" tab in the "Define View" dialog

See also
"Define View" dialog (Page 83)
"Columns" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 85)
"Filter" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 87)
"Sort" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 91)

6.5 "Sort" tab in the "Define View" dialog

Settings in the "Sort" tab

The "Sort" tab is part of the "Define View" dialog.
In this tab, you can define the sorting.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.7 "Search in a Folder or Computer" dialog

In the "First/Then sort by" drop-down lists in the "Sort" tab, select the order in which search
results will be sorted automatically. The sorting performed line by line:
● First sort by
● Then sort by

Priority between grouping and sorting

The priority between grouping and sorting is decided by the grouped display.
If grouping and sorting are active, the results are put together in groups and shown sorted
within the groups.

See also
"Define View" dialog (Page 83)
"Columns" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 85)
"Filter" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 87)
"Groups" tab in the "Define View" dialog (Page 89)

6.6 "Insert a New Folder" dialog

Settings in the "Insert a New Folder" Dialog

With the "Edit > New Folder" menu command, you open the "Insert a New Folder" dialog.
Depending on where it is inserted, the new folder can be a general folder or a license key folder
for managing license keys. License key folders are indicated by a special icon.
Follow these steps:
1. Enter a name for the new folder.
2. Click "OK". The new folder is inserted.

6.7 "Search in a Folder or Computer" dialog

Settings in the "Search in a Folder or Computer" dialog

In this dialog, you can select the folder or computer you want to search in.
Confirm the dialog with "OK".

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.9 "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog

6.8 "About" dialog

Settings in the "About" dialog

The "Help > About" menu command opens the "About" dialog containing the version of the
Automatic License Manager that is currently installed. You can obtain additional information
by clicking "Details".
You can also print this information.

6.9 "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog

Settings in the "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog

The "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command opens the "License Keys Offline
Transfer" dialog.
Select the offline transfer step you want to perform and then click "Next". You can make the
following selections:
● Generate start code
● Generate request code
● Generate activation code
● Activate license key(s)
The wizard for the offline transfer guides you step by step through the transfer.

See also
Offline transfer - Generate start code (Page 42)
Offline transfer - Generate request code (Page 43)
Offline transfer - Generate activation code (Page 44)
Offline transfer - Activate license keys (Page 46)

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.10 "Synchronize License Requirements" dialog

6.10 "Synchronize License Requirements" dialog

Settings in the "Synchronize License Requirements" Dialog

The "License Key > Synchronize License Requirements" menu command opens this dialog
The dialog can only be opened if you have selected either the "Installed software", "Missing
license keys", or "Licensed software" view.
You use this dialog box to license software products on your own computer for which license
keys are not yet available.

Which drive do you want to install the license keys to?

Select the drive from the drop-down list.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.12 "Settings" dialog

From where do you want to transfer license keys?

Select the option you require. You can use the "Network" button to navigate to any computer
in the network.

Which software products are to be licensed?

In this box, you see which software products on your computer lack valid license keys. Already
licensed software is listed but cannot be selected. Click the "+" to see which license keys are
available for the relevant software.
Here, you select the displayed software products to be licensed and then click "Synchronize".
The "Synchronize" button does not become active until you have selected a software product
to be licensed.
If the selected software package could not be licensed because, for example, the specified
source computer does not contain a valid license key, you will receive a message and the
dialog will appear again.

See also
Determining and synchronizing license requirements (Page 40)

6.11 "Transfer License Key" dialog

Settings in the "Transfer License Key" Dialog

With the "License Key > Transfer" menu command, you open the "Transfer License Key"
This dialog can be used to transfer license keys from a computer to another storage location.

See also
Transferring license keys (Page 33)

6.12 "Settings" dialog

Possible Settings in the "Settings" Dialog

The "File > Settings" menu command opens the "Settings" dialog where you can make the
following settings.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.12 "Settings" dialog

In the "General" tab:

● Activate/deactivate access protection for the Automation License Manager. (see note)
● Activate/deactivate the options for blocking external access. The check boxes are only
active when SIMATIC Logon is installed and the "Activate SIMATIC Logon access
protection" check box has been selected.
● Specify a language for the Automation License Manager.
Setting the language in the Automation License Manager
In this case, certain requirements must be met.
See "Role Management with SIMATIC Logon" for the requirements.

In the "Favorites" Tab:

● On the left-hand side under "Known computers", you can see the computers that were
already connected to the local Automation License Manager at some time in the past.
● On the right-hand side under "Search list", you set the order for searching for floating license
keys on connected computers.

In the "Connection" tab

● Here, you define the settings for connections to other computers.

In the "Reset" tab

● You can reset your user-defined settings to the defaults or delete them.

In the "License keys" tab

● Specify whether your computer will be searched for existing but as yet unused license keys
when the program starts. Specify whether the transfer mode will be activated on your
computer for the check out of license keys.

See also
"General" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 97)
"Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 99)
"License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 100)
Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role management (Page 55)
Calling and activating role management (Page 57)

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.13 "General" tab in the "Settings" dialog

6.13 "General" tab in the "Settings" dialog

Settings in the "General" Tab

The "File > Settings" menu command opens the "Settings" dialog where you can make the
following settings in the "General" tab:

Access to remote computer Description

Activate SIMATIC Logon access pro‐ If you want to activate the access protection, certain requirements need to be met.
tection See "Role Management with SIMATIC Logon" for the requirements.
Forbid remote use of license keys* Select this check box If you want to prevent a connected computer from using a
license key.
Forbid license keys transfer from local Select this check box if you want to prevent license keys from being removed from
computer* the local computer.
Forbid license keys transfer to local Select this check box if you want to prevent license keys from being added to the
computer* local computer.
Language Select one of the available languages in the drop-down list.

When SIMATIC Logon is installed
The check boxes marked with "*" are disabled when SIMATIC Logon is installed and the
"Activate SIMATIC Logon access protection" check box has been selected.

See also
"Settings" dialog (Page 95)
"Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 99)
"License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 100)
Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role management (Page 55)
Calling and activating role management (Page 57)
"MLK Report" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 101)

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.15 "Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog

6.14 "Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog

Settings in the "Favorites" tab

The "File > Settings" menu command opens the "Settings" dialog where you can make the
following settings in the "Favorites" tab.

Display Function
Known computers Here, the computers that have been connected to the local Automation License Manager
at some point in the past are displayed.
Search list A search for available floating license keys will be performed on the computers listed here.
"Add" button Use this button to move computers shown in the left pane to the right pane in order to include
them in the search for available floating license keys.

"Remove" button Use this button to move computers shown in the right pane to the left pane if you do not
want to include them in the search for available floating license keys.

"Upward" button Use this button to arrange the order of the computers in the right pane. The computer at the
top of the list will be searched for valid floating license keys first.

"Downward" button Use this button to arrange the order of the computers in the right pane. The computer at the
bottom of the list will be searched for valid floating license keys last.

"Delete" button Use this button to delete the selected computer.

See also
"Settings" dialog (Page 95)
"General" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 97)
"Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 99)
"License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 100)
"MLK Report" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 101)

6.15 "Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog

Settings in the "Connection" tab

The "File > Settings" menu command opens the "Settings" dialog where you can make the
following settings in the "Connection" tab.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.16 "Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog

Connection settings Description

Port Enter the port required for the connection setting under "New settings" if you want to
change the default setting (port 4410) displayed under "Current".
Allow remote connections Select the check box under "New settings" if you want to change the default setting
displayed under "Current".
Compatibility mode with clients < V4.0 Select this check box to allow connection of computers with "older versions" (earlier
than V4.0) of the Automation License Manager.
Immediate restart of service This check box is only displayed in this dialog, if you have changed the displayed
options under "New settings".
Select this check box if you want your changes to take effect immediately.
If the check box is not selected, the changes you make will only take effect after you
restart the Automation License Manager service or after you restart the computer.

Settings in the Windows firewall
A computer connection is only possible if either the port you defined or the Automation License
Manager Service is entered as an exception in your Windows firewall in the "Exceptions" tab.
To make these settings, you require administrator privileges.

See also
"Settings" dialog (Page 95)
"General" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 97)
"Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 99)
"License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 100)
"MLK Report" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 101)

6.16 "Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog

Settings in the "Reset" tab

The "File > Settings" menu command opens the "Settings" dialog where you can make the
following settings in the "Reset" tab:

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.17 "License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog

User-defined settings Description

Set columns to standard width If you select this check box, all columns are reset to the default width and any
changes you have made will be undone.
Reset dialogs to standard size If you select this check box, all dialogs are reset to the default size.
Reset sorting to standard views If you select this check box, all sorting settings are reset to the default views
and any changes you have made will be undone.
Delete all self-defined views If you select this check box, all self-defined views are deleted. The standard
views are retained.
Delete all permanently connected computers If you select this check box, all permanently connected computers are deleted.
Delete the list of "known computers" under If you select this check box, all the computers from the list of "Known com‐
"Settings > Favorites" puters" are deleted in the "Favorites" tab (menu command Settings > Favor‐
Reset / delete all If you select this check box, all the user-defined settings listed in this tab are
reset or deleted.

See also
"Settings" dialog (Page 95)
"General" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 97)
"Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 100)
"MLK Report" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 101)

6.17 "License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog

Settings In the "License keys" Tab

The "File > Settings" menu command opens the "Settings" dialog where you can make the
following settings in the "License keys" tab:

User-defined settings Description

Check on program start If you select this check box, your computer automatically checks for existing but
as yet unused upgrade license keys when the program starts.
If such upgrade license keys are found, you will receive a message that you can
now use them.
Check out If you enable this check box, the transfer mode for the check out of license keys
is possible.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.18 "MLK Report" tab in the "Settings" dialog

See also
"Settings" dialog (Page 95)
"General" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 97)
"Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 99)
"MLK Report" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 101)

6.18 "MLK Report" tab in the "Settings" dialog

Settings in the "MLK Report" tab

The menu command File > Settings opens the "Settings" dialog. There you can make the
following settings in the "MLK Report" tab:

User-defined settings Description

Off Shows the default setting for the MLK report.
If you want to use the MLK report and have the appropriate license, you can select
the following displayed options. This changes the default settings.
Weekly on: Enter the desired day of week for a MLK report here.
Monthly on: Select the desired monthly schedule for the MLK report from the drop-down list.
Report starts at: Select the desired time of day for the MLK report from the drop-down list or alter‐
natively select the "Random" check box.
Server Enter the desired server for a MLK report here.

See also
"Settings" dialog (Page 95)
"General" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 97)
"Favorites" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Connection" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 98)
"Reset" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 99)
"License keys" tab in the "Settings" dialog (Page 100)

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.20 "Connect Computer" dialog

6.19 "Recover License Key" Dialog

Settings in the "Recover License Key" Dialog

The "License Key > Recover" menu command opens the dialog for recovering license keys.
Follow these steps:
1. Select the license key to be recovered and select the "License Key > Recover" menu
2. Connect to "Support for License Management" and transfer the data displayed in the dialog:
– The product
– The license key
– The license number
– The request code
3. Enter the supplied activation code and click "OK".
Result: The corrupt license key is restored and is now available.

Repairing license keys
License keys can only be repaired on hard disks.

See also
Transferring license keys (Page 33)

6.20 "Connect Computer" dialog

Settings in the "Connect Computer" dialog

The "Edit > Connect Computer" menu command opens the "Connect Computer" dialog. Here,
you can establish a connection to a computer that can be accessed via a network.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.21 Dialogs in the Recover Wizard

1. Under "Computer Name", enter the name of a reachable computer and the port you want
to connect to or select a computer from the drop-down list box.
The following can be used for the computer name, for example "ComputerName", or
"ComputerName.Domain" and "IP address".
Port 4410 is defined as the default port. If you want to use this port, this port must be entered
in your Windows firewall in the "Exceptions" tab. Instead of a special port number, you can
also enter the Automation License Manager service as an "Exception" in your Windows
firewall. To make these settings, you require administrator privileges.
2. To search for a computer in the network, click "Browse".
– Double-click "Entire network".
– Double-click on "Microsoft Windows Network".
– If the computer is located in a domain, select this domain.
– Select the computer and click "OK" to confirm your selection.
3. Under "Display name", you can enter any display name for the computer (default =
computer name).
4. Select the "Always display in navigation window" check box if you want the entered
computer to be available after a restart of the Automation License Manager.
5. Select the "Add to search list" check box if you want the entered computer to be included
in the list of computers to be searched for license keys.
Computers included in the search list are indicated by a blue star in the navigation pane of
the user interface.
6. Click "OK" to confirm

6.21 Dialogs in the Recover Wizard

6.21.1 Recover Wizard Select license key

Select license key

You can use the "Recover Wizard" to repair one or more license keys. Help from A&D Customer
Support is required to recover the license keys.
"Support for License Management" can help you to recover license keys that are no longer
available due to loss or defects on the hard disk.
"Wizard for Recovering License Keys – Select license keys"
● Select license keys
● Select installation drive

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6.21 Dialogs in the Recover Wizard

Follow these steps:

1. Select the License Key > Recover Wizard menu command.
The "Wizard for Recovering License Key(s) - Select license keys" dialog opens.
2. Here, you select the license keys to be recovered. If there are license keys that need repair,
they are displayed with the corresponding license numbers.
3. Select the installation drive on which the license keys will be recovered.
4. Click the "Next" button.
The "Wizard for Recovering License Key(s) - Enter repair Codes" dialog opens.

See also
Recover Wizard Enter repair codes (Page 104)
Recover Wizard Result (Page 105)

6.21.2 Recover Wizard Enter repair codes

Enter repair codes

You can use the "Recover Wizard" to repair one or more license keys. Help from A&D Customer
Support is required to recover the license keys.
"Support for License Management" can help you to recover license keys that are no longer
available due to loss or defects on the hard disk.
"Wizard for Recovering License Key(s) – Enter repair codes" dialog
● Call Support for License Management
● Transfer request code
● Enter repair codes (activation code)
Follow these steps:
1. Contact "Support for License Management" (see above) and provide the displayed data for
each license key to be repaired as follows:
– The product
– The license number
– The request code
2. Customer Support will then notify you of the corresponding repair codes (activation codes).
3. Enter the relevant activation code and click on the "Next" button.
The "Wizard for Restoring License Keys - Result" dialog opens.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

See also
Recover Wizard Select license key (Page 103)
Recover Wizard Result (Page 105)

6.21.3 Recover Wizard Result

You can use the "Recover Wizard" to repair one or more license keys. Help from A&D Customer
Support is required to recover the license keys.
"Support for License Management" can help you to recover license keys that are no longer
available due to loss or defects on the hard disk.
"Wizard for Recovering License Key(s) – Result" dialog
● Display of recovered license keys
● Display of a status message
Follow these steps:
1. This dialog box displays the recovered license keys. Check the additional status information
in the "Status" column.
2. To close the dialog, click the "Finish" button. This finishes the recovery operation and closes
the wizard.

See also
Recover Wizard Select license key (Page 103)
Recover Wizard Enter repair codes (Page 104)

6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

6.22.1 "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog

Settings in the "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog

The "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command opens the "License Keys Offline
Transfer" dialog.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

Select the offline transfer step you want to perform and then click "Next". You can make the
following selections:
● Generate start code
● Generate request code
● Generate activation code
● Activate license key(s)
The wizard for the offline transfer guides you step by step through the transfer.

See also
Transferring offline Generate start code (Page 106)
Transferring offline Generate request code (Page 107)
Offline transfer: Generate activation code (Page 108)
Offline transfer: Activate license keys (Page 110)

6.22.2 Transferring offline Generate start code

Transferring offline Generate start code

You perform this step on the source computer where a license key for the software exists.

"Wizard for Sending License Key(s)" dialog

● Select license key
● Generate start code

Follow these steps:

1. Select the drive where the required license key is located in the navigation panel.
2. Select the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command.
The "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog opens.
3. Select the "Generate start code" option and click "Next".
The "Wizard for Sending License Key(s)" dialog opens.
The list contains the start codes of all available license keys.
4. Select the license keys you want to transfer in the table.
5. Click the "Save" button. Select the path and the license profile file in which the start codes
will be saved and click "Save".
6. Click the "Next" button.

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6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

7. Transfer the start codes to the target computer. For example:

– The license profile file by e-mail
– The start codes by phone
– A printout by fax
8. If you want to close the dialog and enter the request codes later, click "Cancel".

See also
"License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog (Page 105)
Transferring offline Generate request code (Page 107)
Offline transfer: Generate activation code (Page 108)
Offline transfer: Activate license keys (Page 110)

6.22.3 Transferring offline Generate request code

Transferring offline Generate request code

You perform this step on the target computer to which the license keys for software will be

"Wizard for Receiving License Key(s)" dialog

● Enter start codes
● Generate request code

Offline transfer of license keys
To be able to transfer license keys offline, both the Automation License Manager as well as
the software using the license key must be installed on both computers (source and target).

Follow these steps:

1. Select the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command.
The "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog opens.
2. Select the "Generate request code" option and click "Next".
The "Wizard for Receiving License Key(s)" dialog opens with an "Enter start code" list.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

3. Select the following steps depending on the type of data transfer:

Type of data transfer Steps

Data transfer in electronic 1. Click the "Load" button.
form (for example, on diskette 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the license
or by e-mail)
profile file containing the start code.
3. Click the "Open" button.
The data is entered into the "Enter start code" list.
Data transfer, e.g., in the form 1. Double-click the first row of the "Start code" column in the dialog
of a printout, by FAX or phone table.
(data must be manually en‐
2. Enter the start codes in the "Start code" column.
tered by the operator)

4. Click the "Next" button. The "Wizard for Receiving License Keys" dialog opens with a "Select
license keys" list.
5. Select the license keys to be transferred to a drive on your own computer.
6. In the "Which drive do you want to install the license keys to?" drop-down list, select the
drive on your computer.
7. Click the "Next" button. The "Wizard for Receiving License Key(s)" dialog opens with a
"Display request code" list.
8. Click the "Save" button. Select the path and the license profile file in which the request
codes will be saved and click "Save".
9. Click the "Next" button. The "Wizard for Receiving License Keys" dialog opens with the
"Enter activation codes" list.
10.Transfer the request codes to the source computer, for example:
– The license profile file by e-mail
– The request codes by phone
– A printout by fax
11.If you want to close the dialog and enter the activation codes later, click "Cancel".

See also
"License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog (Page 105)
Transferring offline Generate start code (Page 106)
Offline transfer: Generate activation code (Page 108)
Offline transfer: Activate license keys (Page 110)

6.22.4 Offline transfer: Generate activation code

Offline transfer: Generate activation code

You perform this step on the source computer where a license key for the software exists.

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6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

"Wizard for Sending License Key(s)" dialog

● Enter request code
● Remove license key
● Generate activation code
Follow these steps:
1. Select the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command.
The "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog opens.
2. Select the "Generate activation code" option and click "Next".
The "Wizard for Sending License Keys" dialog opens with an "Enter request code" list.
3. Select the following steps depending on the type of data transfer:

Type of data transfer Steps

Data transfer in electronic 1. Click the "Load" button.
form (for example, on diskette 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the of the
or by e-mail)
license profile file containing these request codes.
3. Click the "Open" button.
Result:The data is entered in the "Enter request code" list.
Data transfer, e.g., in the form 1. Click the "Load" button.
of a printout, by FAX or phone 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the of the
(data must be manually en‐
license profile file containing these request codes.
tered by the operator)
3. Double-click the corresponding row of the "Request code"
column in the dialog table.
4. Enter the request codes in the "Enter request code" list.

4. Click the "Next" button. The "Remove license key(s)" list opens.
5. Click the "Save" button. Select the path and the license profile file in which the activation
codes will be saved and click "Save".
6. Click the "Next" button.
The "Calculate Activation Codes: Confirm" dialog window opens.
7. Confirm the dialog with "Yes".
The license keys displayed in the "Remove license key(s)" list in the "Wizard for Sending
License Key(s)" dialog are removed and the "Display activation codes" dialog opens.
8. Transfer the activation codes to the target computer. For example:
– The license profile file by e-mail
– The activation codes by phone
– A printout by fax
9. Click "Finish" to close the dialog.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

See also
"License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog (Page 105)
Transferring offline Generate start code (Page 106)
Transferring offline Generate request code (Page 107)
Offline transfer: Activate license keys (Page 110)

6.22.5 Offline transfer: Activate license keys

Offline transfer: Activate license keys

You perform this step on the target computer where the license key for software will be
"Wizard for Receiving License Key(s)" dialog
● Enter activation code
● Activate license keys
Follow these steps:
1. Select the "License Key > Offline Transfer" menu command.
The "License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog opens.
2. Select the "Activate license key(s)" option and click "Next". The "Wizard for Receiving
License Key(s)" dialog opens with the "Enter activation codes" list.
Select the following steps depending on the type of data transfer:

Type of data transfer Steps

Data transfer in electronic 1. Click the "Load" button.
form (for example, on diskette 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the of the
or by e-mail)
license profile file containing these activation codes.
3. Click the "Open" button.
Result:The data is entered in the "Enter activation code" list.
Data transfer, e.g., in the form 1. Click the "Load" button.
of a printout, by FAX or phone 2. In the "Open" dialog, select the path and file name of the of the
(data must be manually en‐
license profile file containing these activation codes.
tered by the operator)
3. Double-click in the corresponding row of the "Activation code"
column in the dialog table.

3. Select the following steps depending on the type of data transfer:

4. Click the "Next" button.
5. Click "Finish" to close the dialog.
Result: The activated license key is displayed in the "Result" list of the "Wizard for Receiving
License Keys" dialog.
The license key is transferred from the source computer to the target computer.

Automation License Manager

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

Error message
When an error occurs during transfer, the "Wizard for Receiving License Keys" dialog opens
with an "Incorrect activation codes" list. In this case, contact

See also
"License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog (Page 105)
Transferring offline Generate start code (Page 106)
Transferring offline Generate request code (Page 107)
Offline transfer: Generate activation code (Page 108)

6.22.6 Transferring offline Remove license key

Transferring offline Remove license key

Follow these steps:
1. The "Remove license key(s)" list opens.
2. Click the "Save" button.
Select the path and the license profile file in which the activation codes will be saved and
click "Save".
3. Click the "Next" button.
The "Calculate Activation Codes: Confirm" dialog window opens.
4. Confirm the dialog with "Yes".
The license keys displayed in the "Remove license key(s)" list in the "Wizard for Sending
License Key(s)" dialog are removed and the "Display activation codes" dialog opens.
5. Transfer the activation codes to the target computer.
– For example as follows:
The license profile file by e-mail
The activation codes by phone
A printout by fax
6. Click "Finish" to close the dialog.

Automation License Manager

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

6.22.7 Transferring offline Display activation codes

Transferring offline Display activation codes

Follow these steps:
1. Send the activation codes to the target computer (for example, a license profile file by e-
mail or the activation codes by phone).
2. Click "Finish" to close the dialog.

6.22.8 Transferring offline Activation code incorrect

Transferring offline Activation code incorrect

This dialog box is displayed if errors occur when the activation code is generated.
Follow these steps:
● Check the information in the displayed error messages.
● Check the codes entered for the offline transfer.
● If necessary, consult the hotline.

6.22.9 Transferring offline Result activate license keys

Transferring offline Result activate license keys

This dialog displays the "Result" list from the "Wizard for Receiving License Key(s)".

6.22.10 Transferring offline Calculate Activation Codes

Transferring offline Calculate Activation Codes

This dialog prompts you to confirm the request to calculate the activation code.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

Confirming calculation of the activation codes
After confirmation, the selected license keys will be deleted from the local computer.

6.22.11 Transferring offline Load data

Transferring offline Load data

This dialog prompts you to load a license profile file.

Confirming loading of a license profile file
Manually entered codes will be overwritten.

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Dialogs for the Automation License Manager
6.22 Dialogs for offline transfer

Automation License Manager

114 Programming and Operating Manual, 06/2017, A5E32921785-AC

"Define" view
Defines the content and appearance of the "Management" view.

Assignable license key

License key that can only be used on hardware with the specified hardware serial number.
The licenses associated with the license key are assigned to the hardware.

Assigned license key

This license key is assigned to a system for its use.

Certificate of License (CoL)

Confirmation in writing of the license; documents the owner of the license in a legal sense.
Contains the license number for unique identification of the license.

Count relevant license

Use of the software with this license is limited to the number of tags named in the agreement.

Countable Objects License

The use of the software with this license is limited to the number of application-specific objects
named in the agreement.

Demo license
Use of the software with this license is limited to the conditions for use named in the agreement.
Brief information on the time remaining for the demo license is displayed in the information
area of the taskbar.

Embedded (runtime) System

Identifies a non-Windows system on which the runtime software is running and typically
features special hardware.

Engineering software
Identifies software that is used to create, test and commission automation solutions.

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Floating license
Right to use software simultaneously for an unlimited period. The software can be installed
more than once.

Installed software
Software that is installed on a computer.

Right of the license owner to use software according to the rules of the license agreement.

License key
Stored information that technically represents the ownership of one or more licenses.

License number
The license number is the unique identifier of a license.

Master License
Use of the software with this license is unlimited.

PG = programming device
PC = personal computer

Rental license
This license permits the use of the software limited to a period of operating hours or days or
until a period expires as stipulated by the agreement.

Service pack
Officially available pack that eliminates errors in existing software; this does not require a new

Single license
The use of the software with this type of license is permitted on one computer for an unlimited
period. The type of use is governed by the Certificate of License.

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Software option
From the point of view of license management, software that is technically dependent on other
software or firmware.

Storage location for license keys

The following storage locations are suitable for license keys: Drive (hard disk, diskette drive,
USB memory stick), computer (My Computer or connected computer) and license key folders
where a license key is or can be stored.

Trial license
This license limits the use of the software to a specified number of days from the time it is first
used. The software may only be used for purposes of testing and validation (liability excluded).

Unlimited license
This license allows unlimited use of the software.

Upgrade license
Using an upgrade license, a license of an older version can be converted to a newer version.
An upgrade may demand specific requirements of the system status. An upgrade may be
required if you want to expand the configuration limits.

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Automation License Manager

118 Programming and Operating Manual, 06/2017, A5E32921785-AC
Installing, 13
Installing plug-ins, 15
" Introduction, 7
Keyboard shortcuts, 24
"About" dialog, 93
License requirements, 40
"Connect Computer" dialog, 102
Menu commands, 61
"Define View" dialog, 83
Navigation panel and object area, 18
Settings in the "Columns" tab, 85
Overview of the functions, 8
Settings in the "Filter" tab, 87
Overview of the Standard License types, 9
Settings in the "Groups" tab, 89
Recovering license keys, 34
Settings in the "Sort" tab, 91
Scope of delivery, 11
"Edit" menu, 66
Support for License Management, 11
"File" menu, 61
Transferring license keys, 33
"Help" menu, 81
Uninstalling, 14
"Insert a New Folder" dialog, 92
Upgrade of licenses, 15
"License Key" menu, 71
User interface, 17
"License Keys Offline Transfer" dialog, 93, 105
"Recover License Key" Dialog, 102
"Search in a Folder or Computer" dialog, 92
"Settings" dialog, 95
Settings in the "Connection" tab, 98 Basics of Web license key download, 48
Settings in the "Favorites" tab, 98 Browsing for computers in the network, 53
Settings in the "General" Tab, 97 Browsing for existing license keys in the network, 50
Settings In the "License keys" Tab, 100 Buttons for a Web License Key Download, 50
Settings in the "MLK Report" tab, 101
Settings in the "Reset" tab, 99
"Synchronize License Requirements" dialog, 94 C
"Transfer License Key" dialog, 95
Calculate Activation Codes, 112
"View" menu, 75
Calling and activating role management, 57
Checking license keys, 32
Commands in the "Edit" menu, 66
A Commands in the "File" menu, 61
Access protection by SIMATIC Logon role Commands in the "Help" menu, 81
management, 55 Commands in the "License Key" Menu, 71
Access to floating license keys, 51 Commands in the "View" menu, 75
Actions with License Key Folders, 36 Components of the Automation License
Activate license keys, 46 Manager, 11
Automation License Manager Connect Computer, 52
"Help" menu, 81 Connecting computers via a network, 52
Checking license keys, 32 Creating folders, 38
Commands in the "Edit" menu, 66
Commands in the "File" menu, 61
Commands in the "License Key" Menu, 71 D
Commands in the "View" menu, 75
Data of a License Profile File, 47
Creating folders, 38
Definition of terms for role management, 55
Displaying Installed License Keys, 31
Determining and synchronizing license
Function rights and role assignment, 56
requirements, 40
Icons in the toolbar, (Toolbar)
Display activation codes, 112
Installation requirements, 13
Displaying Installed License Keys, 31

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Programming and Operating Manual, 06/2017, A5E32921785-AC 119

Displaying Installed software, 31 Management of license keys, 36

Displaying the Installed license keys, 31 Meaning for the Status Icons in the "Log" View, 23
Displaying the installed software, 31 Meaning of the Folder, 23
Displaying the Validity of Licenses, 37 Meaning of the Status Icons for installed
Downloading a Web License Key, 49 Software, 22
Meaning of the Status Icons for License Keys, 22
Menu commands in the Automation License
E Manager, 61
Enter repair codes, 104
F Notes on the Failure of Computer Connections, 53
Failure of computer connections, 53
Feedback if Program Execution is Delayed, 21
Function rights and role assignment in the Automation
License Manager, 56 Offline transfer - Activate license keys, 46
Functionality in the Automation License Manager, 8 Offline transfer - Generate activation code, 44
Offline transfer - Generate request code, 43
Offline transfer - Generate start code, 42
G Offline transfer of license keys, 41
Offline transfer: Activate license keys
Generate activation code, 44, 108
Activate license keys, 110
Generate request code, 43, 107
Offline transfer: Generate activation code, 108
Generate start code, 42, 106
Opening the "Settings" Dialog, 20
Overview of a Web License Key Download, 48
Overview of the menu commands, 61
H Overview of the Possible Keyboard Shortcuts, 24
Help on Automation License Manager, 81 Overview of the Standard Views, 25
Overview of the Steps for Offline Transfer, 41

Icons in the toolbar, 23, 59
Information on the Current Process, 21 Recover Wizard Enter repair codes, 104
Installation requirements, 13 Recover Wizard Result, 105
Installing License Keys, 30 Recover Wizard Select license key, 103
Installing plug-ins, 15 Recovering license keys, 34
Installing the Automation License Manager, 13 Recovering license keys with the wizard, 35
Introduction to the Automation License Manager, 7 Remove license key, 111
Requirements for Web License Key Download, 48
Result activate license keys, 112
L Role Management with SIMATIC Logon, 55
License profile files, 47
License profile files for the offline transfer of license
keys, 47
Licenses in the Automation License Manager, 9 Scope of delivery, 11
Load data, 113 Select license key, 103
Settings in the "Columns" tab, 85
Settings in the "Connection" tab, 98
M Settings in the "Define View" dialog, 83
Settings in the "Favorites" tab, 98
Main entry, 36

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120 Programming and Operating Manual, 06/2017, A5E32921785-AC

Settings in the "Filter" tab, 87 "Management" view, 26

Settings in the "General" Tab, 97 Standard views, 25
Settings in the "Groups" tab, 89
Settings In the "License keys" Tab, 100
Settings in the "MLK Report" tab, 101 W
Settings in the "Reset" tab, 99
Web license key download
Settings in the "Sort" tab, 91
Basics, 48
Settings in the Automation License Manager, 20
Meaning of the buttons, 50
SIMATIC Logon role management
Overview, 48
Calling and activating, (Requirements)
Wizard for recovering license keys, 35
Status Icons in the Automation License Manager, 21
Working in the "Find" View, 28
Steps for offline transfer, 41
Working in the "Management" view, 26
Storing and managing license keys in folders, 36
Working with the "Log" and "Check out log"
Storing License Keys in License Key Folders, 36
views, 29
Worldwide help from "Support for License
Management", 11
Table columns in the object area, 18
Transferring license keys, 33
Transferring License Keys by Cutting and
Pasting, 33
Transferring License Keys Using Drag-and-Drop, 33
Transferring License Keys with the "Transfer"
Command, 33
Transferring offline Activation code incorrect
Activation code incorrect, 112
Transferring offline Calculate Activation Codes, 112
Transferring offline Display activation codes, 112
Transferring offline Generate request code, 107
Transferring offline Generate start code, 106
Transferring offline Load data, 113
Transferring offline Remove license key, 111
Transferring offline Result activate license keys, 112

Uninstalling the Automation License Manager, 14
Upgrade of licenses, 15
User Interface of the Automation License
Manager, 17
Using folders for structured storage, 38
Using Software with Free License Keys in the
Network, 50

Validity of licenses, 37
Views in the Automation License Manager
"Find" view, 28
"Log" and "Check out log" view, 29

Automation License Manager

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Automation License Manager

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