QB Endsem FMA

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Subject:203149: Fundamental of Microcontroller and Applications

Question Bank
End-Sem Test
A.C :2022-23(SEM-II)
1. Draw the format of TCON register and explain each bit in the register.
2. Write program to transfer letter 'A' serially at baud rate 9600,use serial pin in mode 1.
Assume crystal frequency 11.0592 MHz.
3. Write an assembly language program for 8051 to rotate stepper motor in clockwise
and anticlockwise direction with step angle1.8º.
4. Write a note on the different interrupts available in 8051.
5. Write the steps taken by CPU to transfer data serially.
6. Write down the steps to program ADC 0809. Also draw the interfacing diagram with
8051 Microcontroller.
7. Draw an interfacing diagram and write program for speed control of a stepper motor.
8. Draw circuit diagram and write program for relay interfacing using 8051.
9. Explain the interrupt structure of 8051 microcontroller. Explain how interrupts are
10. Explain the different serial communication modes in 8051.
11. Write an assembly level program to generate a square wave of 2 kHz with timer 0 on
port pin 2.2 .
12. Write a program to rotate a motor 64° in the clockwise direction.The motor has a step
angle of 2°.Use the normal 4 step sequence.
13. Draw and Explain TMOD register.
14. Draw and Explain SCON register.
15. Draw and Explain PCON register.
16. Draw and Explain interfacing diagram of ADC 0809 with 8051.
17. Explain the function of following pins of ADC 0809
a. SOC b. EOC c. Output Enable d. ALE
18. Write a program in C language to copy the contents of Port 2 to Port 1.
19. Write a program in C language to enable hardware interrupts INT0 and INT1.
20. Write down the steps to program ADC 0809.
21. Write a short note on interrupt structure of 8051.
22. Draw the IE register and explain the functions of bits EA, ET0 and EX0.
23. Write down the steps to be followed to receive a data serially using 8051
24. Write down a short note on interfacing of a GSM module with 8051 Microcontroller.
25. Write a program to transfer a character “P” serially at baud rate of 9600,Use serial
port in Mode 1. Crystal frequency is 11.0592 MHz.
26. With a neat block diagram explain AC voltage measurement using 8051
27. Draw and explain interfacing of LED in common anode and common cathode
configurations. Write a program in C language for blinking display of a LED
connected to port pin P1.0. Use a suitable delay.
28. Find the delay generated by timer 0 if TL0=03H and TH0=0B8H.
29. Assume that a 1-Hz external clock is being fed into pin TO (P3.4). Write a C program
for counter 0 in mode -1 (16-bit) to count the pulses and display the THO and TLO
registers on P2 and PI, respectively.
30. Discuss the role of timers in 8051.
31. Draw Interfacing diagram of ADC 0809 with 8051 and write C-code for same.
32. Explain interrupt structure of 8051 microcontroller and ISR table.
33. Write c program for Transmitting data serially on serial port of 8051 microcontroller.
assume serial communication Mode 1 and receive enable.

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