Question Bank CAM - Module 4

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Question Bank – Module 4

1. Explain the characteristics and operations of mode 1 programming of Timers in

8051 microcontroller.

2. Explain the characteristics and operations of mode 2 programming of Timers in

8051 microcontroller.

3. Explain the steps to transfer data serially in 8051. Write an 8051 assembly

language program to transfer ‘Y’ serially at baud rate 9600 continuously through

Port 0.

4. Explain ARM 7 register architecture.

5. Explain ARM 7 Programmer’s Model.

6. Explain the operation of following System Software. a) Assembler b) compiler c)


7. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter.

8. Differentiate between Compiler and Assembler.

9. Explain how a HLL (High Level Language) program is executed as machine

language in a processor.

10. Explain the procedure of doubling the baud rate of data transfer in 8051 serial


11. Which are the SFRs used for serial communication in 8051 microcontroller. Give

there functions. (SBUF, SCON, PCON)

12. Briefly explain about CPSR register in ARM microcontroller.

13. Assume a switch is connected to pin P1.7. Write an Embedded C program for
8051 microcontroller to monitor its status and send two messages to serial port
continuously as follows:
a. SW = 0 , send “NO”
b. SW = 1 , send “YES”
Assume crystal frequency = 11.0592 MHz, 8 bit data, 1 stop bit and 1 start bit.

(Hint: For every serial program just follow the steps discussed in class. 8 bit data,

1 stop bit and 1 start bit -- It indicates serial mode 1, this information give only to

make confusion.)

14. Write an embedded C program for 8051 microcontroller to send the message

”Hello World !” to serial port. Assume a SW is connected to port pin P1.2. Monitor

the status and set the baud rate as follows:

a. SW = 0, 4800 baud rate

b. SW = 1, 9600 baud rate

Assume crystal frequency = 11.05920 MHz, 8 bit data, 1 stop bit and 1 start bit.

15. Explain the importance of RI and TI flags located in SCON register.

16. Which are the SFRs used for timer programming in 8051 microcontroller. Give

there functions. (TMOD and TCON).

17. Explain the steps to receive data serially in 8051 microcontroller.

18. Assume XTAL=11.0592 MHz. Compute the value to be loaded into TH0 and TL0

(mode 1) to incorporate a time delay of 5 ms. (sample questio only)

19. With a frequency of 22 MHz, generate a frequency of 100 KHz on pin P2.3. Use

Timer 1 in Mode 1. (sample program only)

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