Ass Dca2101

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Roll Number 2114501437

Semester 3
Course Code DCA2101
SET - 1

(Answer #1) (A)

We know Taylor’s series expansion of function f ( x) at the point x 0 is,

2 3 n n
(x−x 0)f ' (x 0) (x−x 0 ) f ' ' ( x 0) ( x−x 0 ) f ' ' ' (x 0) ( x−x 0) f ( x0 )
f ( x)=f ( x 0) + + + + ............. +
1! 2! 3! n!

So at x 0=3 we have, ---- (1)

(x−3) f ' (3) ( x−3)2 f ' ' (3) (x−3)3 f ' ' ' (3) (x−3)n f n (3)
f ( x)=f (3) + + + + ............. +
1! 2! 3! n!

Now, Differentiate the given equation,

3 2
f ( x ) = x −10 x +6

f ' ( x ) = 3 x 2−20 x

f ' ' ( x ) = 6 x−20

f ' ' ' (x) = 6

f '' ' ' (x) = 0

At x 0=3 we have,

f ( 3 ) = 27−90+ 6=−57

f ' ( 3 ) = 27−60=−33

f ' ' ( 3 ) = 18−20=−2

f ' ' ' (3) = 6

Putting these values (1) we get,

2 3
f ( x)=−57 − 33 ( x−3) − ( x−3) + ( x−3) + 0

f ( x)= +( x−3)3 − (x−3)2− 33( x−3)−57

(Answer #1) (B)

We have the equation,

2 2 2 2 2 2
f ( x , y , z )=3 x y +5 y z −7 x z +38 —— (1)

Where we have,

x= y=z =1 & ∆ x=−0.05 , ∆ y=0.001 , ∆ z=0.02 ——(2)

We know that,
If f(x, y, z) be a function of 3-variables (x, y, z). Let Δ f represents the error f,

Δf = | ∂∂ fx ×Δ x | + | ∂∂fy ×Δ y | + | ∂∂ fz ×Δ z | ——(3)

from equ(1), differentiating it with respect to x ,

∂f 2 2
= 6 x y −14 x z

from equ(1), differentiating it with respect to y,

= 6 y x 2 +10 y z 2

from equ(1), differentiating it with respect to z ,

= 10 z y 2−14 z x 2

Then putting all the values in equ(3)

Δ f = | (6 x y −14 x z )×Δ x | + | ( 6 y x +10 y z )×Δ y | + | (10 z y −14 z x )×Δ z |

2 2 2 2 2 2

from equ(2)

Δ f = | (−8)×(−0.05) | + | (16)×(0.001) | + | (−4)×(0.02) |

Δ f = 0.4 + 0.016 − 0.08 = 0.336


f ( 1,1,1 )= 39

Finanlly relative error for the given function,

Δ f = 0.4 + 0.016 − 0.08 = 0.336

Δf 0.336
Er = = = 0.00861538461
f 39
(Answer #2)

the given series: 8,12,19,29,42

let assume the 6th term as X.

so: 8,12,19,29,42, X
given that the second-order difference is constant, constructing a difference table

Difference table,

X Y ∆ ∆^2 ∆^3
1 8 4 3 0
2 12 7 3 0
3 19 10 3 X-58
4 29 13 X-55
5 42 X-42
6 X

Because second-order difference is constant so third-order difference must be 0 in all conditions,

X-58 = 0
X = 58

so the 6th term will be: 58

and series: 8,12,19,29,42, 58

(Answer #3) (A)

Let a function f(x) is given at point (0,2), (2,10), (4,15), (6,18), (8,22), (10,10). Find .
∇ y 4 ,∇ 3 y 3

The F(x) is given at points (0,2), (2,10), (4,15), (6,18), (8,22), (10,10),
which mean,

x 0=0 , y 0=2 ,

x 1=2 , y 1=10 ,

x 2=4 , y 2=15 ,

x 3=6 , y3 =18 ,

x 4=8 , y 4 =22 ,

x 5=10 , y 5=10
So, backward differences of 1st order.

∇ y 1= y 1− y 0 =10−2=8 ,

∇ y 2= y 2− y1 =15−10=5 ,

∇ y 3= y 3 − y 2=18−15=3 ,

∇ y 4 = y 4 − y 3=22−18=4 ,

∇ y 5= y 5 − y 4=10−22=−12

So, backward differences of 2nd order.

∇ y 1=∇ y 2−∇ y 1=5−8=−3 ,

∇ y 2=∇ y 3 −∇ y 2=3−5=−2 ,

∇ y 3=∇ y 4−∇ y3 =4−3=1 ,

∇ y 4 =∇ y 5−∇ y 4=−12−4=−16 ,

So, backward differences of 3rd order.

3 2 2
∇ y 1=∇ y 2−∇ y 1=1 ,

3 2 2
∇ y 2=∇ y 3 −∇ y 2=3 ,

3 2 2
∇ y 3=∇ y 4−∇ y 3=−17 ,

So, ∇ y 4=4 , ∇ 3 y 3=−17

(Answer #3) (B)

Let x = √ 12 , so that it can be x 2 − 12 = 0

taking the function f ( x) = x 2 − 12

Now putting x = 0, f (0) = −12

Now putting x = 1, f (1) = −11

Now putting x = 2, f (2) = −8

Now putting x = 3, f (3) = −3

Now putting x = 4, f (4) = 4

f (3) < 0 < f (4) Therefore a root of f(x) lies between 3 and 4, so x 0=3

f ' (x) = 2 x —— (1)

By Newton’s – Raphson formula

f (x n )
x(n+1) = x n − where n = 0,1,2,3….. & f ' (x n)≠0
f '( x n )

from equ(1) and given equ we will have,

x 2n−12
x(n+1) = x n − —— (2)
2 xn

1st iteration from equ(2) and putting, n = 0

x 0−12 9−12 1
x1 = x0 − =3− = 3 + = 3.5
2 x0 6 2

2nd iteration from equ(2) and putting, n = 1

x 1−12 12.25−12 0.25
x2 = x1 − = 3.5 − = 3.5 − = 3.5 − 0.0357142 = 3.4642
2 x1 7 7

3rd iteration from equ(2) and putting, n = 2

x 2−12 12.0006−12 0.0006
x 3 = x2 − = 3.4642 − = 3.4642 − = 3.4642−8.6705=−5.2063
2 x2 6.92 6.92

4th iteration from equ(2) and putting, n = 3

x 3−12 27.1055−12 15.1055
x4 = x3 − = −5.2063 − = −5.2063 − = −5.2063+1.4506=−3.7557
2 x3 −10.4126 −10.4126

SET - 2

(Answer #4)

From the given system of equations,

83 x +11 y – 4 z=95 , |83| > |11| + |4|

7 x +52 y +13 z=104 , |52| > |7| + |13|

3 x+ 8 y+ 29 z=71 , |71| > |3| + |8|

So, rewriting the given system as,

x=( )∗(95−11 y +4 z) ——(1)

y=( )∗( 104−13 z−7 x) ——(1)

z=( )∗( 71−8 y−3 x) ——(1)

Take the initial approximation vector as,

x = x 0 = 0, y = y 0 = 0, z = z 0 = 0.

Now, from equation(1) and Substituting initial approximation vector, we gets the 1st iteration.

x 1=( )=1.1445 ——(2)

y 1=( )=2 ——(2)

z 1=( )=2.4482 ——(2)

Now, from equation(1) and Substituting equation (2), we gets the 2nd iteration.

1 1
x 2=( )∗(95−11∗2+ 4∗2.4482)=( )∗( 82.7928)=0.9975 ——(3)
83 83

1 1
y 2=( )∗(104−13∗2.4482−7∗1.1445)=( )∗(64.1928)=1.2344 ——(3)
52 52

1 1
z 2=z=( )∗(71−8∗2−3∗1.145)=( )∗(51.565)=1.7781 ——(3)
29 29

Now, from equation(1) and Substituting equation (3), we gets the 3rd iteration.

1 1
x 3=( )∗(95−11∗1.2344+ 4∗1.7781)=( )∗(88.534)=1.0666 ——(4)
83 83

1 1
y 3=( )∗(104−13∗1.7781−7∗0.9975)=( )∗(73.9022)=1.4211 ——(4)
52 52
1 1
z 3=z=( )∗( 71−8∗1.2344−3∗0.9975)=( )∗( 58.1323)=2.0045 ——(4)
29 29

Now, from equation(1) and Substituting equation (4), we gets the 4th iteration.

1 1
x 4=( )∗(95−11∗1.4211+ 4∗2.0045)=( )∗(87.3859)=1.052 ——(5)
83 83

1 1
y 4 =( )∗(104−13∗2.0045−7∗1.0666)=( )∗(70.4753)=1.355 ——(5)
52 52

1 1
z 4=z =( )∗(71−8∗1.4211−3∗1.0666)=( )∗(56.4314)=1.945 ——(5)
29 29

Now, from equation(1) and Substituting equation (5), we gets the 5th iteration.

1 1
x 5=( )∗(95−11∗1.355+4∗1.945)=( )∗(87.875)=1.058 ——(6)
83 83

1 1
y 5=( )∗(104−13∗1.945−7∗1.052)=( )∗(71.351)=1.372 ——(6)
52 52

1 1
z 2=z=( )∗(71−8∗1.355−3∗1.052)=( )∗(57.004)=1.9655 ——(6)
29 29

the 4th and 5th iteratios given almost the same values,
Hence the solution to the given system of equations, are:

x = 1.058 , y = 1.372, z = 1.965

(Answer #5)

the given equation for the straight line is,

y=ax+ b

And The normal equations of least square fit are,

∑ y = nb + a ∑ x
∑ xy = b ∑ x + a ∑ x2
From the given data, we get,

x y xy x

0.5 15 7.5 0.25

1.0 17 17 1
1.5 19 28.5 2.25
2.0 14 28 4
2.5 10 25 6.25
3.0 7 21 9
∑ x=10.5 ∑ y =82 ∑ xy=127 ∑ x 2=22.75
Because we have 6 endpoints so n = 6,
Putting these summations into normal equations of least square fit. we gets,

82 = 6b + 10.5a ——(1)
127 = 10.5b + 22.75a ——(2)

Sloving equations 1 & 2,

(82 – 10.5a) / 6 = b ——(3)

127 = 10.5*(82 – 10.5a) / 6 + 22.75a

861 110.25∗a
127= − +22.75 a
6 6

127=143.5−18.375 a+22.75 a

127=143.5−4.375 a

a= =3.771

b=13.667− =13.667−6.56=7.107

Therefore the required straight line that fits for the given data is,

y = 3.771x + 7.107

(Answer #6)

Let consider,

x y
21 = x−1 18.4708 = y−2
25 = x−1 17.8144 = y−1
29 = x 0 17.1070 = y 0
33 = x 1 16.3432 = x 1
37 = x 2 15.5154 = x 2

The difference table,

x y Δy Δ^2y Δ^3y Δ^4y

21 18.4708
25 17.8144 -0.051
-0.7074 -0.005
29 17.1070 -0.056 -0.003
-0.7638 -0.008
33 16.3432 -0.064
37 15.5154

So from the Gauss Forward formula, we have:

2 3
u (u−1)× Δ ( y−1 ) u( u−1)(u+1)×Δ ( y−1)
y = y 0 + uΔy 0 + + + ......... .
2! 3!

x '−x 0
u stands for: ,
and we have given h = x 2−x1 =4 & x '=0

So, u= =−7.25

Substituting values from the difference table,

y = 17.1070 + −7.25∗−0.7638 +

−7.25(−7.25−1)(−7.25+1)×(−0.008) −7.25(−7.25−1)(−7.25+1)(−7.25−2)×(−0.003)
+ +
3! 4!

y = 17.1070 + 5.53755 + −1.67475 + 0.4984375 − 0.4322387

y = 21.0359988

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