Uas Ananda Tri Herawati

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Jalan. R.E. Martadinata, No. 150 Ciamis


Mata Kuliah : Advance English Grammar

Dosen : Andi Rustandi, S.Pd., M.Pd
Kelas : 1 ABC
Waktu : Take Home


Nama : Anggi Puspitawati

Kelas : 1 A

NIM : 2109220028

1. Identify direct or indirect object based on the underlined phrase in the sentences below.

a. The chauffeur accidentally locked his keys in his limousine. (Indirect Object)

b. My mother bought me a necklace. (Direct Object)
c. The candidate gave voters a chance for questions (Indirect Object)
d. I gave the clerk a ten-dollar bill. (Indirect Object)
e. Mrs. carl made me a costume for the show (Direct Object)
f. Yvone pitched Claire the baseball. (Indirect Object)
g. Clara sent his aunt a postcard from Elena’s Vineyard. (Indirect Object)
h. My brother paid the woodworker ten dollars to repair his front door (Direct Object)
i. Clara knit a sweater for her boyfriend. (Direct Object)
j. The college awarded my sister a full scholarship (Indirect Object)
2. Fill in the blanks the sentences below with infinitive or gerund

1. My dad said he would like to stop (smoke) Smoking for a healthy life forever.
2. When we were on the way to Bali,
3. The driver stop (eat) to eat beacuse he is so hungry.
4. Mrs. Evy stops (shop) Shopping like an expensive bag to save her money.
5. She stops (take a rest) to take a rest because she is so tired of it.
6. He forgets (give) to give a gift on my birthday tonight.
7. My teacher forgets (give) to give the homework to the students yesterday.
8. My sister regrets (speak) Speaking so rudely to me last night.
9. Siska regrets (tell) Telling about her boyfriend to her mother last week.
10. He remembered (tome) Coming to my party yesterday.
11. She remembers (lend) Lending me some money the day before yesterday.

3. Change indirect speech below become direct speech.

1. Paul came in and said, “I’m really hungry.” (Paul came in and said that he is really
2. The local MP said, “We plan to make this city a safer place for everyone.”(The
local mp said that they have plans to make this city a safer place for everyone)
3. When Mrs Diaz opened the door, I asked, “Have you seen Lee?” ( I asked Mrs
Diaz when she opened the door if she had seen lee)
4. She replied, “No, I haven’t seen him since lunchtime.” (She told me that she
haven't see him since lunchtime)
5. The boss was angry and shouted, “Why isn’t he here? He hasn’t finished that
report yet!” (The boss was yelling because he isn't here even thought he hasn't
finished his report)

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