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M Prakash Institute STD VII

Pre Foundation Lecture 10

• Percent means ‘for every hundred’ or a percent is a fraction whose denominator is 100.
• It is denoted by the symbol %
• Percentage is another way of comparing quantities.
• We can convert fractions, decimals, and ratios to percentages and vice versa.
• To increase a number by 30%, we multiply it by 130/100.
• To decrease a number by 30%, we multiply it by 70/100

To convert a given fraction or decimal into percentage, multiply it by 100 and put the
a a 
sign %. e.g., = × 100 %
b b
If A ’s income is x% more than that of B. Then B ’s income is less than that of A by
× 100 %
(100 + x)
If A ’s income is x% less than that of B. Then B ’s income is more than that of A by
× 100 %
(100 − x)

Profit and Loss

• The calculation for profit and loss in a transaction is an application of percentage.
• Commonly used terms:
1. Cost price (CP) : The price at which a commodity is bought
2. Selling price (SP) : The price at which a commodity is sold
3. Profit (P): If SP > CP ; P = SP − CP
4. Loss (L) : If CP > SP ; L = CP − SP
Gain × 100
5. Profit % = Gain % = ,
Loss × 100
Loss % =
100 + gain%
• S.P. = × C.P.
100 − loss%
• S.P. = × C.P.

1. Profit and loss are always calculated on the cost price and not the selling price.
2. If the CP is not given, assume it to be ‘X’ or ‘100’ and calculate.
Discount means reduction in the price. This reduction is always given on the marked
price (M.P.) or list price or advertised price.
Important Formulae
• When discount is offered on an article, then we calculate the selling price (S.P.) as:
S.P. = Marked price - Discount.
• Discount = M.P. - S.P. = Marked price - Selling price
• Discount % = × 100.
• S.P. = M.P. - Discount
Discount% × M.P.
. = M.P. −


1. Find the percent value of the following :

(a) 10% of 20% of 100 (b) 420 gm of 6 Kg (c) 0.25 of x
(d) 125 paise of Rs. 25 (e) 150 m of 5 Km (f) th of x
2. If 20% of x + 40% of + 20% of 3x = 100, then find the value of x.
3. ‘A’ has scored 16 marks out of 20 and ‘B’ has scored 35 marks out of 50. Whose score
is higher?

4. If 15% of 40 is greater than 25% of an unknown number by 2. Find the unknown


5. ‘A’ bought an article for Rs. 10. He sold it to ‘B’ with 10% profit. ‘B’ sold it to ‘C’
with 10% profit on his cost price. Find the price at which ‘C ’ bought the article.

6. A watch is sold at 10% profit. If it is sold at Rs. 30 less, there is a loss of 5%, Find
the cost price of the watch.

7. The S.P. of 6 toys is equal to the C.P. of 5 toys. What will be the percent profit or
loss in the transaction?

8. Meenu bought two fans for Rs. 1200 each. She sold one at a loss of 5% and the other
at a profit of 10%. Find the selling price of each and then find out the total profit or loss.

9. 40% of 400 is calculated and again 40% of that number is calculated. What is the ratio
of the number obtained to the original number (400) ?

10. A medical student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He scores 40 marks but fails by
40 marks. Find the maximum marks of the question paper.

1. Find the values of the following expressions:

(a) 72% of 250 (b) 37.5% of 800 (c) 110% of x
(d) 8 13 % of 270 (e) 62% of 19 + 38% of 19 (f) 75% of 1

2. In a certain examination there are three papers and it is necessary for a candidate to
get 35% of the total to pass . In the 1st paper he obtained 62 out of 120, and in the 2nd
paper he obtained 35 out of 150. How much must he score out of 180 in the 3rd paper to
just qualify or pass?

3.The rent for a room is increased by 20% after 1 year and by 25% after 2 years. Find
the total percent increase in the original rent.

4. Swaraj’s marks are 20% more than Kiran’s marks. Find how much percent are Kiran’s
marks less then Swaraj’s marks?

5. A shop owner bought 4 dozen notebooks at Rs.120 per dozen and 2 dozen notebooks
for Rs.160 per dozen. He sold all of them and earned 20% profit. At what price per dozen
did he sell the notebooks?

6. If p% of q is the same as three seventh of 35, then find the value of pq.

7. If 12% of 2500 = 15% of ‘x’; find the value of ‘x ’.

8. An article was sold at Rs.120 after getting 25% profit on it. Find the cost price of the
article and the actual profit in the transaction.

9. If A earns 25% more than B, by how much percent does B earn less than A ?

10. A shopkeeper purchased 200 bulbs for Rs.10 each. However 5 bulbs were fused and
had to be thrown away. The remaining were sold at Rs.12 each. Find the gain/loss %.
Answer Key:

Que no. Answer
1 (a) 2 (b) 7 (c) 25 (d) 5 (e) 3 (f) 60
2 100
3 A
4 16
5 12.10
6 200
7 100/6 or 16.67
8 1140, 1320, 60
9 4/25
10 200

Que no. Answer
1 (a) 180 (b) 300 (c) 1.1x (d) 22.5 (e) 19 (f) 0.75
2 60.5
3 50 %
4 16.67%
5 160
6 1500
7 2000
8 96 & 24
9 20%
10 17%

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