S5LT-IIf-6 - Flower's Parts and Functions
S5LT-IIf-6 - Flower's Parts and Functions
S5LT-IIf-6 - Flower's Parts and Functions
Grade 5 Science Reading Intervention Worksheet
Flowers, like human being, are unique individually. Each has its own beauty and
different characteristics. They also serve different purposes and uses in peoples’ lives. They
could be an ornament or a livelihood to others. But do you know that flowers have different
parts and functions as well?
There are what we called complete and incomplete flowers. Complete flowers contain
sepals - the outer covering of the flower which supports and protects the petals as well as
flower buds; and the petals which makes the flower attractive protecting the reproductive
organ of the flower. Complete flower also has both male and female reproductive parts. The
male reproductive organ of a flower is called stamen. It comprises anther which is
responsible in holding the pollens, and the filament which supports the anther. On the other
hand, female reproductive organ known as pistil comprises the stigma which pollen sticks to
during pollination; style wherein the pollen travels through from stigma to ovary; and the
ovary where fertilization takes place.
While complete flowers contain sepal, petals, stamen and pistils, the incomplete
flower on the contrary misses one of those parts. Though flowers could be complete or
incomplete in form, this doesn’t make it less of perfection. Flowers liven-up one’s mood and
bring positive perspective in life.
Writer: Marivic L. Palmes
Sayon Elementary School
[email protected]
5. As a responsible pupil, how would you show concern towards flowers and other plants in
the environment?
a. Put warning signs to aware others of not harming flowers in the garden
b. Water the flowers regularly
c. Avoid harming insects that contribute for pollination.
d. All of the above
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. d