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(11) EP 2 891 690 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: C09D 7/00 (2006.01)
27.07.2016 Bulletin 2016/30

(21) Application number: 15153551.5

(22) Date of filing: 23.02.2012



(84) Designated Contracting States: (73) Proprietor: Omya International AG

PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (72) Inventors:
• McJunkins, Joseph
(30) Priority: 23.02.2011 US 201161446006 P 6353 Weggis (CH)
• Freeman, Charles
(43) Date of publication of application: Rutland, VT Vermont 057011 (US)
08.07.2015 Bulletin 2015/28
(74) Representative: Plougmann Vingtoft a/s
(62) Document number(s) of the earlier application(s) in Rued Langgaards Vej 8
accordance with Art. 76 EPC: 2300 Copenhagen S (DK)
12707260.1 / 2 678 395
(56) References cited:
EP 2 891 690 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

EP 2 891 690 B1


Technical Field

5 [0001] The present invention relates to coating compositions comprising submicron natural ground calcium carbonate-
comprising particles (hereafter SMGCC). The invention further relates to a process for preparing coating compositions
containing SMGCC, and to the use of SMGCC in coating compositions. The coating composition(s), depending upon
their composition, may be used to form either clear coatings, or else they may be formulated as glossing and opacifying
coating compositions. The entire contents of provisional patent application no. 61/400,648 filed July 30, 2010 and entitled
10 "Coating Composition Comprising Submicron Calcium Carbonate Comprising Particles, Process to Prepare Same and
Use of Submicron Calcium Carbonate-Containing Particles in Coating Compositions" are specifically incorporated herein
by reference.

Brief Description of the Drawings


Figures 1A and 1B are photomicrographs of Omya XC-6600-34 CaCO3; and

20 Figure 2 is a series of particle size distribution curves containing data for a series of samples whose D98 value is <
0.3 mm. The values for D90, D50 and D20 for these samples can be determined by comparing the x and y-axis.

Background and Detailed Description

25 [0003] The aqueous nanoparticle dispersion of this invention can be used to make coatings and films for porous and
non-porous substrates, such as papers, non-woven materials, textiles, leather, wood, concrete, masonry, metals, house
wrap and other building materials, fibreglass, polymeric articles, personal protective equipment (such as hazardous
material protective apparel, including face masks, medical drapes and gowns and firemen’s turnout gear) and the like.
Applications include papers and non-woven materials, fibrous materials, films, sheets, composites and other articles,
30 inks and decorative and industrial coatings, flock and other adhesives and personal care products such as skin care,
hair care and nail care products, livestock and seed applications, and the like.
[0004] Any fibrous material can be coated, impregnated or otherwise treated with the compositions according to the
invention by methods well known to those skilled in the art, including carpets as well as textiles used in clothing, upholstery,
tents, awnings, airbags and the like. Suitable textiles include fabrics, yarns and blends, whether woven, non-woven or
35 knitted and whether natural, synthetic or regenerated. Examples of suitable textiles include cellulose acetate, acrylics,
wool, cotton, jute, linen, polyesters, polyamides, regenerated cellulose (i.e., rayon) and the like.
[0005] The compositions, depending upon their intended application, may be dispersed in a variety of binders including,
but not limited to, vinyl-acrylic, styrene-acrylic, acrylic dispersions, solution acrylics, alkyds (e.g., SOYA, TOFA, sunflower,
etc.), polyurethanes dispersed in either water or solvent, etc., hereinafter referred to as "binder media".
40 [0006] Additionally, the compositions according to the invention can be used as adhesives or to augment or supplement
adhesive types well known to those skilled in the art. Thus, in the application discussed above wherein the compositions
are used as adhesives or to augment or supplement various known adhesive types, particularly desirable properties
can be obtained by varying the type and amount of the aqueous nanoparticles used, along with choosing a complementary
binder medium from one or more of those listed above, or by incorporating other binder media that would be well known
45 to those of ordinary skill in this art.
[0007] As noted above, coatings containing the compositions according to the invention may optionally be formulated
as substantially transparent coatings, i.e., typically referred to as ’clear coats’, or alternately as coatings that serve a
glossing and opacifying function. The clear coating composites produced when the aqueous dispersions are applied
and dried, exhibit excellent gloss and clarity. Moreover, so long as the D98 particle size of the substantially dispersed
50 nanoparticles contained in the coating composition is ≤ 350 nm, preferably ≤300 nm and the D50 is ≤ 200 nm, preferably
≤150 nm, the coatings obtained will be essentially transparent, provided of course that they are free or essentially free
of additional components which would comprise their transparency properties.
[0008] WO 2008//003672 discloses a powdered plaster comprising a drying indicatior. The powdered plaster may
comprise comstituent M which is stated to be a single calcium carbonate (such as ground marble powder) or dolomite
55 (ground calcium magnesium carbonate) in a quantity of 35-60% by weight of the total weight of the plaster.For purposes
of exemplifying and not limiting, the invention, one useful binder medium for forming, e.g., clear coatings according to
the invention are polymers containing ester groups such as, for example, polyesters, polyester-based polyurethanes,
polyester-based polyureas and polyester-based polyamides. These various binders, however, have less than desirable

EP 2 891 690 B1

water-resistance properties due to the hydrolysis group contained therein.

[0009] It has been determined, furthermore, that the water resistant properties of such polyester-based polyurethanes
can be remarkably enhanced, without affecting the transparency properties of these materials to any significant degree,
by combining with the polymer binder a substantially dispersed nano-particle proton scavenger, such as natural ground
5 calcium carbonate-comprising particles. The resultant coating composition, therefore, which again is described only for
exemplifying (and not limiting) the invention, thus constitutes a hydrolytically stable polyurethane nanocomposite com-
prising a solid polyester-polyurethane polymer binder containing proton-scavenger nanoparticles in a substantially dis-
persed form. One particular useful example of such a formulation would constitute a colloidally stable aqueous dispersion
comprising water, a polyester-polyurethane polymer binder and substantially dispersed proton scavenger nanoparticles
10 such as SMGCC.
[0010] In the meaning of the present invention the term "substantially dispersed" means that the nanoparticles are
properly dispersed in the aqueous medium in order to prevent settling or syneresis of the nanoparticles. This is usually
achieved via the addition of well-known dispersants comprising homo- or copolymer chains. If necessary, the chains
may be partially or completely neutralized by cations such as sodium, lithium, magnesium, calcium, potassium or am-
15 monium.
[0011] Coatings having the composition of the exemplary formulation described above, therefore, constitute poly-
urethane compositions which, e.g., have improved hydrolytic stability over prior art polyurethane compositions. As used
herein the term polyurethane is used generically to describe polymers including oligomers (e.g., prepolymers) which
contain the urethane group, i.e., -O-C(=O)-NH- regardless of how they are made. As is well known, these polyurethanes
20 can contain additional groups such as urea, allophanate, biuret, carbodiimide, oxazolidinyl, isocynurate, uretdione,
alcohol, amine, hydrazide, siloxane, silane, ketone, olefin, etc., in addition to the urethane groups.
[0012] This invention includes, as noted herein the use of substantially dispersed nanoparticles (referring to the primary
crystallites or particles of the proton scavenger and or the aggregates of the proton scavenger) of proton scavenger
nanoparticles to enhance the water-resistant (hydrolytic stability) of thermoplastic polyurethanes containing polyester
25 segments within the polyurethane polymer or prepolymer. Thermoplastic polyurethanes are made with the same com-
ponents as waterborne polyester polyurethanes (polyurethane dispersions in water) immediately below but typically the
thermoplastic polyurethanes have substantially less or no water-dispersibility enhancing compound(s). In one embodi-
ment the hydrolytically stable polyurethane is a thermoplastic polyurethane. The technology for making and using ther-
moplastic polyurethanes are well known and described for example in US 6,777,466 B2 and J. K. Backus et al., "Poly-
30 urethanes," in: Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering. Vol. 13, H F. Mark et al., Ed, pp. 243-303 (1988),
the entire disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.
[0013] Furthermore, the invention in one embodiment relates to polyester polyurethanes which are derived from aque-
ous dispersions and which, when dried and cured, produce solid polyester segment containing polyurethane products
which are tough and, depending on the other ingredients present (e.g., absence of TiO2 or other pigment), can be a
35 transparent.
[0014] Further in accordance with this invention, it has been found that the susceptibility of polyester polyurethanes
to degrade through hydrolysis can be essentially completely eliminated by incorporating into the polymer a substantially
dispersed nanoparticle (referring to the aggregate and/or the ultimate particles/crystallite) proton scavenger.
[0015] Certain materials are known to react with, bind to, or otherwise capture protons, i.e., hydrogen ions, when
40 exposed thereto in solid, liquid and/or gaseous media. Calcium carbonate, is a good example as are the other alkali and
earth-alkali metal carbonates, i.e., Li2CO3, BeCO3, MgCO3, SrCO3, BaCO3, and RaCO3. Other examples of carbonates
which will scavenge protons include carbonates of Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Bi(III).
[0016] Calcium carbonate has the formula CaCO3. It is a common substance found in rock in all parts of the world,
and is the main component of shells of marine organisms, snails, pearls, and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is found
45 naturally as the following minerals and rocks: aragonite, calcite, vaterite or (m-CaCO3), chalk, limestone, marble, tra-
vertine. The vast majority of calcium carbonate used in industry is extracted by mining or quarrying. Pure calcium
carbonate (e.g., for food or pharmaceutical use), can be produced from a pure quarried source (usually marble). Ground
calcium carbonate (GCC) is produced through mechanical grinding of naturally occurring calcium carbonate rocks:
marble, limestone and chalk. GCC in pigment formulations provides good rheology and high brightness at low cost.
50 Alternatively, crude calcium carbonate is calcinated into calcium oxide (quicklime). Water is added to give calcium
hydroxide, and carbon dioxide is passed through this solution to precipitate the desired calcium carbonate, known as
precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC). This process produces very pure calcium carbonate crystals. The crystals can
be tailored to a variety of different shapes and sizes, depending on the specific reaction process used. The three main
shapes of PCC crystals are aragonite, rhombohedral, and scalenohedral. Within each crystal type, the PCC process
55 can control mean particle size, size distribution, and surface area. Precipitated calcium carbonate is used as a mineral
pigment throughout the world for paper production. It is valued for its high brightness and light scattering characteristics
in paper filling and coating applications.
[0017] Other examples of inorganic compounds which will scavenge protons include silicates of Ba, Ca, Mg, Al, Cr(III),

EP 2 891 690 B1

Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Cu(II), Pb(II); sulfides of Fe(II), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Bi(III), Sn(II);
oxides and hydroxides of the above metals; and hydroxyapatite, which is a naturally occurring mineral form of calcium
[0018] Examples of organic compounds which will scavenge protons include 1,8-bis-(dimethylamino)naphthalene,
5 1,8-bis(hexamethyltriaminophosphazenyl)naphthalene and 2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine.
[0019] Any combination of the above scavenges may be used.
[0020] In accordance with this invention, it has been found that these proton scavengers materials form will substantially
reduce or even completely eliminate the susceptibility of polyester polyurethanes to degrade though hydrolysis without
introducing any significant haze into the polymer, but only if they are incorporated into the polymer in a substantially
10 dispersed nanoparticle and/or high surface area form.
[0021] In this regard, nanoparticles are typically obtained commercially in powder or dispersion form, both aqueous
and organic. Although the individual/primary (crystallites for CaCO3) particles in these products may be in the nano size
range, these particles usually combine into larger agglomerates in which the nanoparticles are relatively closely-packed
with one another usually in three dimensions. Therefore, when these nanoparticle powders and dispersions are used
15 to make nanoparticle-containing polymers, the nanoparticles remain in the form of these larger agglomerates. In other
words, the nanoparticles are not substantially dispersed in the polymer mass. In accordance with this invention, it has
been found that proton scavenger nanoparticles will substantially reduce or even completely eliminate the susceptibility
of polyester polyurethanes to degrade though hydrolysis, but only if they are incorporated into the polymer mass ultimately
formed in a substantially dispersed and/or high surface area form.
20 [0022] An example of substantially dispersed (but loosely aggregated having a high surface area (e.g. 41 m2/g)
arrangement is shown in Figs. 1A and 1B. The primary nano crystallites of Omya XC-6600-34 from Omya form flocks
of various shape and dimensions with a substantial portion of the surface exposed to the matrix they are in. From this
perspective, the most effective form of flocculation is a trains or chains of particles. Such an arrangement into relatively
large floc particles can introduce some haze to the nanocomposites, but will still be effective in retarding ester hydrolysis
25 because large portion of the nanoparticles surfaces is exposed to the matrix.
[0023] In one embodiment where the ultimate particle/crystallite diameter is small, desirably the D50 is less than 1
micron, more desirably less than 500 nm, more desirably less than 100 nm, and preferably less than 50 nm. In a similar
embodiment, desirably the D90 is less than 1 micron, more desirably less than 500 nm, more desirably less than 100
nm, and preferably less than 50 nm. In one embodiment, the nitrogen BET surface area is greater than 20 m2/g; more
30 desirably greater than 30 m2/g; still more desirably greater than 35 m2/g and preferably about 40 or more m 2/g.
[0024] In one embodiment, the particle size of the proton scavenger nanoparticles when in the substantially dispersed
form desired by this invention can vary widely, and essentially any particle size in the nanoparticle size range can be
used. For the purposes of the present invention, nano particles and substantially dispersed nanoparticles are defined
as particles which have at least one of the three dimensions of less than about 250 nm (D90) but will normally be less
35 than about 150 nm. In other embodiments, the mean particle size will be about 100 nm or less (D 90), 75 nm or less, or
even 50 nm or less. In some embodiments, the particle size may even be as low as 25 nm or less, 10 nm or less, or
even 5 nm or less. In general, the mean particle size, D50, of these substantially dispersed nanoparticles may be as
large as 250 nm (nanometers) but will normally be less than 100 nm. Substantially dispersed nanoparticles having a
mean particle size of about 75 nm or less, more typically 50 nm or less, or even 40 nm or less are interesting. In other
40 embodiments, the mean particle size will be 30 nm or less, 25 nm or less, or even 10 nm or less. In some embodiments,
the particle size may even be as low as 5 nm or less, 2 nm or less, or even 1 nm or less.
[0025] Particle size is usually characterized by particle size distribution, since all particles in a batch of particles do
not have an identical particle size. Thus, in some embodiments of the invention, it is desirable that the nanoparticle batch
have a D90 of less than 250 nm (i.e., 90% of volume of the particles in the batch have equivalent diameters less than
45 250 nm). Nanoparticle batches with D90’s of 150 nm or less, 100 nm or less, more typically 75 nm or less, or even 50
nm or less, 25 nm or less, 10 nm or less, or even 5 nm or less are especially interesting.
[0026] Of particular interest are nanoparticle batches having D90’s of about 100 nm or less, and especially 75 nm or
less, or even 50 nm or less, since nanoparticles of this size when substantially dispersed in a polymer matrix become
essentially transparent to the naked eye.
50 [0027] The aqueous nanoparticle/polyester-polyurethane dispersions of this invention, both in prepolymer and chain
extended form, can be used to make coatings and films for porous and non-porous substrates such as papers, non-
woven materials, textiles, leather, wood, concrete, masonry, metals, house wrap and other building materials, fiberglass,
polymeric articles, personal protective equipment (such as hazardous material protective apparel, including face masks,
medical drapes and gowns, and firemen’s turnout gear), and the like. Applications include papers and non-wovens,
55 fibrous materials, films, sheets, composites, and other articles, inks and printing binders, flock and other adhesives, and
personal care products such as skin care, hair care, and nail care products, livestock and seed applications, and the like.
[0028] Any fibrous material can be coated, impregnated or otherwise treated with the compositions of this invention
by methods well known to those skilled in the art, including carpets as well as textiles used in clothing, upholstery, tents,

EP 2 891 690 B1

awnings, air bags, and the like. Suitable textiles include fabrics, yarns, and blends, whether woven, non-woven, or
knitted, and whether natural, synthetic, or regenerated. Examples of suitable textiles include cellulose acetate, acrylics,
wool, cotton, jute, linen, polyesters, polyamides, regenerated cellulose (Rayon), and the like.
[0029] Compositions of this invention can also be used to produce articles made of stand-alone films and objects such
5 as personal protective equipment. Examples of protective items include gloves and condoms.
[0030] In addition, the compositions of this invention can be used as adhesives or to augment or supplement adhesive
types well known to those skilled in the art. For example, particular adhesive properties can be achieved by varying type
and amount of isocyanates, type, amount, and molecular weight of polyols, and the amount of poly(alkylene oxide) side
chain units.
10 [0031] The polyester-polyurethane nanoparticle composites produced when the aqueous dispersions of this invention
are applied and dried, whether or not the polyester-polyurethane is chain extended, exhibit exceptional resistance to
degradation by hydrolysis, in particular a resistance to hydrolysis comparable to that of the much more expensive
polycarbonate polyurethane resins. Moreover, so long as the D90 particle size of the substantially dispersed nanoparticles
used is ≤ 75 nm, preferably ≤ 50 nm or even ≤ 40 nm, the polyurethanes obtained will be essentially transparent, provided
15 of course that they are free or essentially free of other materials which would compromise their transparency properties.
[0032] Finally, the principles of the present invention can be applied to other technologies for manufacturing aqueous
polyurethane dispersions. For example, this invention can be applied to the technique for manufacturing breathable
polyurethane dispersions (i.e. dispersions which form layers of breathable polyurethanes) described in U.S. Patent No.
6,897,281, as well as to the technique for manufacturing core-shell polyurethane dispersions described in U.S. Published
20 Patent Application No. 20050004306. The disclosures of the above patent and published applications are incorporated
herein by reference.
[0033] Polyurethanes based on polyester macroglycols are known to be susceptible to hydrolysis. The hydrolytic
stability of the improved product is attributed to the presence of a proton scavenger in highly dispersed form having
significant surface area (increasing the probability that the proton scavenger will be able to scavenge protonic species
25 before the cause hydrolytic chain scission in the polyester portion of the polyurethane). The polyurethane can be in the
form of a film, coating or shaped article. The proton scavenger is preferably an inorganic carbonate salt such as calcium
carbonate. If the aggregates of the proton scavenger are small relative to the wavelength of light the polyurethane
composition will be substantially transparent to visible light. If the proton scavenger, e.g. calcium carbonate, is comprised
of loosely aggregated primary crystallites, that are in the 5-100 nanometer weight average diameter, it will have high
30 surface area (e.g. >40 m2/g) will be effective at scavenging protons.
[0034] In order to further exemplify the clear coatings formulated according to the invention, several working examples
of such clear coat formulations are provided below. In these examples, the following raw materials were used:

• DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex (binder medium)

35 • Bayhydrol 110 - Polyurethane Dispersion (binder medium)
• Deionized Water
• Various Omya experimental SM-GCC slurries.

[0035] In addition, the following analytical and testing procedures were used in carrying out these examples:
• Gloss was measured at 20°, 60°, and 75° angles utilizing a Micro TriGloss unit from BYK-Gardner, catalog #4446
• Sheen at 85° angle utilizing a Micro TriGloss unit from BYK-Gardner, catalog #4446
• Solids Content - total solids were measured by Moisture/Solids Analyzer Toledo HB 43 (Mettler Toledo Corporation)
• pH Measurements - pH readings were taken using pH 510 Meter, a pH meter from BYK-Gardner, Catalog #PH-2643.
45 • Gloss / Haze. The preferred evaluation of haze is visual because perceived haze and clarity are one of the most
important properties of coatings and other articles. Haze can also be measured by objective instrumental means.
Examples include the method described in ASTM D 1003-07 "Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Trans-
mittance of Transparent Plastics", measurement of gloss at different angles, measurement of L,a,b values, and also
other methods described in ASTM Guide E179-96(2003) "Standard Guide for Selection of Geometric Conditions
50 for Measurement of Reflection and Transmission Properties of Materials", D1455 "Test Method for 60-deg Specular
Gloss of Emulsion Floor Polish", D1746 "Test Method for Transparency of Plastic Sheeting", D4039 "Test Method
for Reflection Haze of High-Gloss Surfaces", D4061 "Test Method for Retroreflectance of Horizontal Coatings" and
D523 "Test Method for Specular Gloss".

55 Preparation of a Clear Gloss coating containing Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticle Dispersion

[0036] In each case, an aqueous dispersion of substantially dispersed calcium carbonate nanoparticles was produced
by from the following ingredients:

EP 2 891 690 B1

Ingredients Used in Example 1

Ingredient Wt., g

5 Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 59.7

Water 12.3
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100

Ingredients Used in Example 2

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 61.2
Water 10.8
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100

20 TOTAL 172

Ingredients Used in Example 3

25 Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 62.2
Water 9.8
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100

Ingredients Used in Example 4

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 61.7
Water 10.3

40 DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100


Ingredients Used in Example 5
Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 61.2
Water 10.8
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100


EP 2 891 690 B1

Ingredients Used in Example 6

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 62.1
Water 9.9
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100


Ingredients Used in Example 7

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 60.2
Water 11.8
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100

Ingredients Used in Example 8

Ingredient Wt., g
25 Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 61.3
Water 10.7
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100

Ingredients Used in Example 9

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 60
Water 12
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100
40 TOTAL 172

Ingredients Used in Example 10

45 Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 60.6
Water 11.4
DOW - SG30 Acrylic Latex binder 100

Table 1
75° 20° 60° 85° Malvern D(50) Malvern D(98)
SG 30 Control 93 63.3 83.3 92.5 N/A N/A

EP 2 891 690 B1

75° 20° 60° 85° Malvern D(50) Malvern D(98)
5 Example 1 88.4 33 70.7 89.9 0.12 0.3
Example 2 83.7 19 60.2 91 0.12 0.4
Example 3 85.1 22.6 61.5 87.2 0.13 0.5
Example 4 83.2 17.7 57.8 90.5 0.13 0.3
Example 5 88.1 33.1 69.6 89 0.12 0.4
Example 6 83.6 16.6 56.5 91.4 0.13 0.5
Example 7 80.3 14.5 53 88.7 0.12 0.3
Example 8 88.4 36.6 71.9 89.8 0.13 0.4
Example 9 82.2 16.8 54.2 88.5 0.13 0.5
15 Example 10 81.5 16.2 53.9 90.2 0.13 0.6

[0037] The samples made with Dow SG-30 all acrylic latex were prepared using a Premier Mill Model #CM 100 high
speed dissolver with a 2.5in blade. They were dispersed for 30 minutes at 900 rpm.

20 Ingredients Used in Example 11

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 2.3
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
TOTAL 77.3

Ingredients Used in Example 12

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 2.4
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
35 TOTAL 77.4

Ingredients Used in Example 13

40 Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 2.4
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
TOTAL 77.4

Ingredients Used in Example 14

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 2.8
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
TOTAL 77.8


EP 2 891 690 B1

Ingredients Used in Example 15

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 2.8
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
TOTAL 77.8

10 Ingredients Used in Example 16

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 4.6
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
TOTAL 79.6

Ingredients Used in Example 17

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 4.8
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
25 TOTAL 79.8

Ingredients Used in Example 18

30 Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 4.8
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
TOTAL 79.8

Ingredients Used in Example 19

Ingredient Wt., g
Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 5.6
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
TOTAL 80.6

Ingredients Used in Example 20

Ingredient Wt., g
50 Omya experimental SMGCC (Calcium Carbonate) 5.6
Bayhydrol 110 PUD binder 75
TOTAL 80.6


EP 2 891 690 B1

Table 2
Bayhydrol with 5% GCC loading
20° 60° 85°
Bayhydrol 110
(Control) 67.5 90.9 95.9
Example 11 65.8 87.2 96.1
Example 12 74.1 88.6 97.9
10 Example 13 71.3 88.4 97.7
Example 14 72.5 88.5 98
Example 15 75.6 88.4 97.8

Table 3
Bayhydrol with 10% GCC loading
20° 60° 85°
20 Bayhydrol 110
(Control) 67.5 90.9 95.9
Example 16 60 87 95
Example 17 64.2 89.9 95.5
Example 18 64.9 86.6 95.5
Example 19 64.3 87 95.8
Example 20 62.1 86.3 95.7

[0038] The samples made with Bayhydrol 110 were prepared using a Speed Mixer Model # DAC 150.1 FVZ-K. They
30 were dispersed for 1 min at 2500 rpm.
[0039] Turning next, then, to a discussion of an alternate embodiment of the present invention wherein the aqueous
nanoparticle dispersions described herein are utilized in forming glossing and opacifying coating compositions, it is noted
that mineral pigments are widely used in known glossing and opacifying coating systems, not only to decrease formulation
costs but further to improve certain properties of the coating formulation during its preparation or storage, or during or
35 following its application to a substrate. In the realm of paint formulations, coating systems almost invariably implement
titanium dioxide.
[0040] In the context of paint applications, titanium dioxide (TiO2) is commonly used, particularly in its rutile form, for
providing significant opacity or hiding power. Titanium dioxide pigments marketed for use in paint formulation are well
known to present a narrow particle size distribution along with a median particle diameter of between 0.2 and 0.6 mm,
40 depending on the material and the mean particle size measurement method. Zinc sulphide and zinc oxide are similarly
[0041] Titanium dioxide suffers however from being relatively high in cost, resulting in a continuing desire to find lower-
cost TiO2 partial replacement pigments that do not translate in a reduction of optical and other coating composition
45 [0042] GB1404564 describes ultrafine natural calcium carbonate filled paints and pigments, wherein said natural
calcium carbonate has a particle diameter of from 0.5 to 4 mm and is employed to partially replace titanium dioxide. In
this vein, Imerys has commercialised Polcarb, said to be suitable for glossing paint formulations, which has a mean
particle size of 0.9 mm. However, such natural calcium carbonate products do not allow the replacement of a part of
TiO2 in glossing paint formulation having a pigment volume concentration below the critical pigment volume concentration
50 without loss of gloss or opacity.
[0043] For the purpose of describing the glossing and opacifying coating compositions according to the present in-
vention, the pigment volume concentration (PVC) is understood to refer to the fraction, quoted in %, of pigment volume
relative to the total volume of the pigment plus the other components of the formulation, i.e., it accounts for the pigment
volume relative to the total formulation volume.
55 [0044] The critical pigment volume concentration (CPVC) is defined as the pigment volume concentration whereupon
the resin component of the coating formulation is no longer sufficient to entirely coat all of the pigment particles in a
coating. It is well known that above the CPVC, formulations generally provide a matt finish. By contrast glossy paint
formulations implement a PVC that is below the CPVC.

EP 2 891 690 B1

[0045] US 5,171,631 discloses a coating composition for developing hiding on a suitable substrate, the coating com-
position having a pigment volume concentration (PVC) up to a critical pigment volume concentration (CPVC) and a
pigment system comprising about 70-98% by volume of titanium dioxide and about 2-30% by volume of an aluminium
trihydrate (ATH) spacer/extender pigment having a medium particle size of about 0.2 microns. Figure 1 of US 5,171,631
5 shows a D98/D50 ratio value of approximately 2.7, which corresponds to a relatively narrow particle size distribution.
Although it is stated that, provided this ATH has a median particle size and particle size distribution generally similar to
the median particle size and particle size distribution curve of TiO2, a portion of TiO2 may be replaced with an equal
volume of ATH with no loss of hiding, Figure 2 of US 5,171,631 shows that the ATH-TiO2-comprising paint formulations
generally fail to achieve the same opacity values as the control paint formulation comprising TiO2 alone.
10 [0046] Natural ground calcium carbonate as opposed to its synthetic counterpart, precipitated calcium carbonate
(PCC), generally suffers from a broad particle size distribution and irregular particle shapes. Indeed, as natural ground
calcium carbonate is prepared by the grinding down of mined calcite, marble, chalk or limestone-containing stones, it is
difficult to ensure that these stones are ultimately fractioned to form fine particles having a very uniform particle size.
[0047] By contrast, PCC is formed by a process of building crystals around nucleation sites. Control of nucleation and
15 particle size development, particularly in the size domain under a few micrometers, during PCC precipitation has, over
the years, become a well studied science and PCC particles having small and very uniform particle sizes and shapes
are now widely available. As in US 5,171,631, the advantages of employing a uniform particle size product as a titanium
dioxide spacer are alluded to in the publication made at http://www.specialtyminerals.com/specialty-applications/spe-
cialty-markets-for-minerals/paint-and-coatings/precipitated-calcium-carbonate-pcc-in-paint/: "precipitated calcium car-
20 bonate (PCC) is most commonly used in paint as an extender for titanium dioxide, or TiO2. The small and narrowly
distributed PCC particles help space the individual TiO2 particles and maximize their hiding power." In this domain,
Specialty Minerals advertises Albafil PCC, a fine, 0.7 micron prismatic calcite, and a range of ultrafine or nano PCCs,
namely Calofort S PCC, Calofort U PCC, Ultra-Pflex PCC and Multifex MM PCC, each having a median diameter of
0.07 micron.
25 [0048] In view of the above-discussed teachings found in the prior art, it was remarkable that the present inventors
found that a ground natural calcium carbonate that is finer than ground natural calcium carbonate products previously
offered in this domain, may be used to form an aqueous nanoparticle dispersion in one or more of the binder systems
described above for use in forming a variety of (1) clear-coat coating compositions (see the discussion above), as well
as serving as (2) a TiO2 replacement or complementary pigment in the formation of glossing and opacifying coating
30 compositions, even in the case when this ground natural calcium carbonate features a relatively broad particle size
distribution and/or a median diameter that is different from that of TiO2. By contrast to the results of US 5,171,631
achieved with ATH, the ground natural calcium carbonate employed in the present invention not only more fully maintains
the gloss and opacity of the paint formulation when used to replace part of the formulation TiO2 at constant PVC, it may
even lead to a gloss and/or opacity improvement.
35 [0049] One embodiment of a glossing and opacifying coating composition according to the invention is a composition
having a PVC of from 5% up to the CPVC and characterised in that comprises at least one ground natural calcium
carbonate having a median diameter (d50 (Mal)) of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm, (hereafter submicron ground natural
calcium carbonate, SMGCC), and at least one pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5.
[0050] For the purpose of describing the glossing and opacifying coating compositions of the present application,
40 CPVC was determined according to the measurement method given in the examples section below.
[0051] Moreover, for the purpose of further describing the glossing and opacifying coating compositions according to
the present invention, the median diameter (d50 (Mal)) and d98 (Mal) were measured according to the measurement
method provided in the examples section below.
[0052] Another object of the present invention resides in a process to prepare a glossing and opacifying coating
45 composition having a PVC of from 5% up to the CPVC, characterised in that:

a) at least one ground natural calcium carbonate (SMGCC) having a D50 (Mal) of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm is provided;
b) at least one pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5 is provided;
c) at least one resin (binder) is provided;
50 d) the SMGCC of step a) is mixed with the pigment of step b) and the resin of step c).

[0053] A third object of producing the glossing and opacifying coatings according to the present invention lies in the
use of at least one ground natural calcium carbonate having a d50 (Mal) of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm, in a coating
composition comprising at least one pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5, characterised in
55 that for a coating composition having a constant PVC in the range of from 5% up to the CPVC, the gloss and/or opacity
of the composition is equal to or greater than the gloss and/or opacity of the same composition implementing the pigment
having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5 in place of the ground natural calcium carbonate having a d50
of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm.

EP 2 891 690 B1

[0054] The gloss of a coating composition applied to a substrate was measured according to the measurement method
provided in the examples section below.
[0055] The opacity of a coating composition applied to a substrate was measured according to the measurement
method provided in the examples section below.
5 [0056] In order to more thoroughly describe the formulation of glossing and opacifying coating compositions according
to the invention, the following examples are provided below.
[0057] A first embodiment of such a glossing and opacifying coating comprises a coating composition having a PVC
of from 5% up to the CPVC and characterised in that comprises at least one ground natural calcium carbonate having
a median diameter (D50 (Mal)) of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm (hereafter submicron ground natural calcium carbonate,
10 SMGCC), and at least one pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5. Preferably, the coating
composition has a PVC of from 15 to 25%.
[0058] Preferably, the SMGCC has a median diameter (D 50 (Mal)) of between 0.1 and 0.3 mm.
[0059] In another embodiment, the SMGCC has a D98/D50 (Mal) of greater than 3. As indicated above and in contrast
to the prior art, this ground natural calcium carbonate may, in an optional embodiment, have a particle size distribution
15 that is broad and dissimilar to the particle size distribution said pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal
to 2.5 employed in the composition. Indeed, even a bi- or multimodal SMGCC particle size distribution may be envisioned.
[0060] In a preferred embodiment, said SMGCC has a D98 of less than or equal to 1 mm, more preferably of less than
or equal to 0.8 mm, even more preferably of less than or equal to 0.6 mm, and even more preferably of less than or equal
to 0.4 mm.
20 [0061] Preferably, the SMGCC has a refraction index of approximately 1.5 to 1.7.
[0062] In another preferred embodiment, the pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5 is selected
from one or more of the following: titanium dioxide and/or zinc sulphide and/or zinc oxide. In a more preferred embodiment,
the pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5 is titanium dioxide. In such a case, it is preferred
that the titanium dioxide : SMGCC weight ratio is of 70 : 30 to 98 : 2, and it is even more preferred that the titanium
25 dioxide : SMGCC weight ratio is of 85 : 15 to 90 : 10.
[0063] In an alternate embodiment, the pigment contributing to the PVC of the composition is a mixture of at least one
pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5, SMGCC and one or more of the following: clay, talc,
magnesium carbonate, PCC, barium sulphate, mica and bentonite. In the case where magnesium carbonate is imple-
mented in combination with SMGCC, this may be in the form of a dolomite.
30 [0064] This coating composition is characterised in that when all of said SMGCC is replaced by said pigment having
a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5 while maintaining a constant PVC value in the range of from 15% up
to the CPVC, the gloss of the SMGCC-comprising composition is within 10 % of the gloss of the composition wherein
the SMGCC is fully replaced by said pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5. Preferably, the
gloss of the SMGCC-comprising composition is within 5 %, and more preferably within 3%, of the gloss of the composition
35 having only said pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5.
[0065] As shown in the examples below, it is not necessary that the SMGCC have a median diameter (D50 (Mal)) that
is equivalent to the median diameter (D50 (Mal)) of said pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to
2.5, though this embodiment is not excluded from the present invention. The median diameter (D50 (Mal)) of SMGCC
may differ from the median diameter (D50 (Mal)) of said pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5
40 by up to approximately 0.4 mm.
[0066] As also demonstrated by the examples below, said SMGCC may feature a broad and even non-uniform particle
size distribution relative to the distribution of the pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5 is,
though again this does not exclude the case where the particle size distributions of SMGCC and the pigment having a
refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5 is are similar in breadth.
45 [0067] Alternatively, the gloss of the SMGCC-comprising composition may be increased by at least 1 % relative to the
gloss of the composition wherein the SMGCC is fully replaced by the pigment having a refractive index of greater than
or equal to 2.5. Relative to this embodiment, the gloss of the SMGCC-comprising composition is preferably increased
by at least 5 % relative to the gloss of the composition wherein the SMGCC is fully replaced by the pigment having a
refractive index of greater than or equal to 2.5.
50 [0068] In a preferred embodiment, said SMGCC is dispersed with one or more dispersants. Conventional dispersants
known to the skilled person can be used. The dispersant can be anionic, cationic or non-ionic. A preferred dispersant
is polyacrylic acid.
[0069] The coating compositions according to the present invention (i.e., when used in forming the clear coatings as
well as glossing and opacifying coatings) may be applied to a variety of substrates as discussed above, including but
55 not limited to, concrete, wood, paper, metal and board.
[0070] In a preferred embodiment, the coating composition is applied to a substrate in an amount so as to form a layer
having a thickness of between 100 and 400 um.
[0071] Following application to a substrate, a glossing and opacifying coating composition according to the invention

EP 2 891 690 B1

preferably provides a gloss measured at 60° of greater than 70 %. Furthermore, following application to a substrate, the
coating composition preferably provides an opacity (contrast ratio) of greater than 97%.
[0072] The present coating compositions may further include one or more of the following: optical brightener, resin
(such as a latex or acrylate-based binder, preferably in the form of an aqueous emulsion), defoamer, thickener, solvent,
5 glycol ethers and dispersant. Preferably, the coating composition has a Brookfield viscosity of from 200 to 500 mPa.s,
as measured according to the measurement method provided in the examples below.

Process For Preparing a Glossing/Opacifying Coating Composition In Accordance With the Present Invention

10 [0073] The process results in the preparation of a coating composition having a PVC of from 5% up to the CPVC,
characterised in that:

a) at least one ground natural calcium carbonate (SMGCC) having a D50 of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm is provided;
b) at least one resin (binder) is provided;
15 c) the SMGCC of step a) is mixed with the resin of step b).

[0074] The SMGCC of step a) may be provided in the form of an aqueous suspension, an aqueous dispersion or as
a dry powder. In a preferred embodiment, the SMGCC of step a) is provided in the form of an aqueous suspension or
20 [0075] The resin is preferably a latex and/or acrylate-based binder, said acrylate-based binder preferably being in the
form of an aqueous emulsion.

Use of SMGCC in Glossing/Opacifying Coating Compositions

25 [0076] Another object of the present invention lies in the use of at least one ground natural calcium carbonate having
a D50 (Mal) of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm, in a glossing/opacifying coating composition, characterised in that for a coating
composition having a constant PVC in the range of from 15% up to the CPVC, the gloss and/or opacity of the composition
is equal to or greater than the gloss and/or opacity of the same composition implementing TiO2 in place of said ground
natural calcium carbonate having a d50 of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm.
30 [0077] Another object of the present invention is the production of a paint comprising the glossing/opacifying coating
composition of the invention.

Examples of Glossing/Opacifying Coating Compositions

35 Suspension or dispersion solids content (% equivalent dry weight)

[0078] The weight of the solid material in a suspension or dispersion is determined by weighing the solid material
obtained by evaporating the aqueous phase of suspension and drying the obtained material to a constant weight.

40 Particle size distribution (mass % particles with a diameter < X) and median grain diameter (d50 (Sedi), d50 (Mal)
and d98 (Mal)) of particulate material

[0079] Weight median grain diameter (d50 (Sedi)) and grain diameter mass distribution of a particulate material are
determined via the sedimentation method, i.e. an analysis of sedimentation behavior in a gravimetric field. The meas-
45 urement is made with a Sedigraph™ 5100.
[0080] The method and the instrument are known to the skilled person and are commonly used to determine grain
size of fillers and pigments. The measurement is carried out in an aqueous solution of 0.1 % by weight of Na4P2O7. The
samples were dispersed using a high-speed stirrer and ultrasonic means.
[0081] Weight median grain diameter (d50 (Mal)) was evaluated using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 (Frauenhofer). The
50 d98 (Mal) value, measured using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 (Frauenhofer), indicates a diameter value such that 98 %
by weight of the particles have a diameter of less than this value.

BET specific surface area (m2/g)

55 [0082] BET specific surface area values were determined using nitrogen and the BET method according to ISO 9277.

EP 2 891 690 B1

Gloss of a coated surface

[0083] Gloss values are measured at the listed angles according to DIN 67 530 on painted surfaces prepared with a
coater gap of 150 and 300 mm on contrast cards.
Contrast Ratio (opacity) of a coated surface

[0084] Contrast ratio values are determined according to ISO 6504/3 at a spreading rate of 7.5 m2/l.

10 Suspension or dispersion Brookfield-viscosity (mPas)

[0085] Brookfield-viscosities are measured with a Brookfield DV-II Viscometer equipped with a LV-3 spindle at a speed
of 100 rpm and room temperature (20 6 3 °C).

15 Pigment Volume Concentration (PVC, %)

[0086] The pigment volume concentration is calculated as described in Section 6.2.3 of the book entitled "Fuellstoff"
by Detlef Gysau (Hannover: Vincentz Network 2005).


25 Critical Pigment Volume Concentration (CPVC, %)

[0087] The critical pigment volume concentration is a well known concentration widely used in the paint industry. It is
generally considered to represent the point at which there is just enough resin to wet the pigment particles, and changes
to the PVC near to the CPVC can result in abrupt changes to coating properties, such as porosity and gloss. The CPVC
30 and its measurement method according to ISO 4618 are discussed in Section 6.2.4 of the book entitled "Fuellstoff" by
Detlef Gysau (Hannover: Vincentz Network 2005).



[0088] SMGCC dispersions used in the following examples are natural ground calcium carbonate (marble from Ver-
mont) having the median particle size d50 and particle size characteristics given in the table below.

40 Table 4
SMGCC Solids (%) SSA (m2/g) % < 1 mm % < 0.5 mm % < 0.2 mm d98 (Mal) mm d50 (Mal) mm d98/d50 (Mal)
1 60 36.0 98.3 94.3 65.1 0.53 0.62 5
2 49 37.7 98.3 94.8 65.7 0.55 0.122 4.5
3 46 38.6 97.7 94.8 69.5 0.31 0.128 2.4

Titanium dioxide

[0089] The titanium dioxide employed in the examples herebelow consists of 95% by weight of pure rutile TiO2, with
the remaining weight being accounted for in a surface treatment of alumina, zirconia and an organic surface treatment
agent. This pigment features a d50 (Mal) of approximately 0.55 mm and is provided in the form of an aqueous paste
having a 75% solids content. By scanning electron microscope imaging, the particles appear to be in the range of 0.2
to 0.25 mm. The refractive index of TiO2 is 2.7.

EP 2 891 690 B1

Example 21:

[0090] The following example illustrates a comparative paint composition and paint compositions according to the
invention. The formulated paints were applied to a contrast card in the necessary amounts in order to measure both
5 gloss and opacity.

Table 5
Example 1 2 3 4

10 Comparison (CO)/Invention (IN) CO IN IN IN

Paint composition formulation
Water (g) 133.6 119.8 110.9 108.0
Hydrophilic copolymer dispersant, 50% solids content (g) 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5
Ammonia, 24% active content (g) 4 4 4 4
Paraffin-based mineral oil mixture containing silicone (g) 7 7 7 7
Rheotech 200 thickener from Coatex (g) 15 15 15 15

20 Propylene glycol (g) 10 10 10 10

Butyl diglycol (g) 5 5 5 5
Dipropylene Glycol n-Butyl Ether (g) 10 10 10 10
Ester alcohol with Mw = 216 g/mol (g) 9 9.11 9.11 9.11
Acrylate binder emulsion, 48% active content (g) 550 557 557 557
TiO2 (g) 250 218 218 218
SMGCC1 (g) 39
30 SMGCC2 (g) 48
SMGCC3 (g) 51
% weight TiO2 replaced by SMGCC 0 12 12 12
PVC (%), approx. 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1
Properties on application of the paint formulation
Contrast ratio at 7.5 m2/1 spreading rate
(%) 98.6 98.5 98.6 98.5
40 Gloss obtained using a coater gap of 150 mm
20° 51.8 50.6 50.6 55.7
60° 80.3 79.7 79.7 81.7
85° 93.6 95.9 96.2 96.8
Gloss obtained using a coater gap of 150 mm
20° 55.6 52.4 54.7 56.8
60° 79.4 78.7 80.1 80.5
50 85° 95.6 95.7 96.5 95.8

[0091] The results set forth in table 5 above demonstrate that replacing a part of TiO2 with the SMGCC according to
the invention, and having d98/d50 values ranging from 2.4 to 5, results in coatings having essentially the same opacity
55 (contrast ratio) as the comparison formulation having equal PVC but only TiO2. Gloss values are observed to be equivalent
or improved relative to the comparison formulation having equal PVC but only TiO2.

EP 2 891 690 B1


1. A glossing and opacifying coating composition comprising an aqueous nanoparticle dispersion, wherein the nano-
particles are substantially dispersed and have a mean particle size D50 (Mal) of less than 1 micron, wherein said
5 nanoparticles are ground calcium carbonate.

2. The glossing and opacifying coating composition according to claim 1, wherein the nanoparticles have a mean
particle size D50 (Mal) of less than 500 nm, preferably of less than 100 nm, and more preferably of less than 50 nm
and/or have a particle size D90 of less than 1 micron, preferably of less than 500 nm, more preferably of less than
10 100 nm, and even more preferably of less than 50 nm and/or wherein the nitrogen BET surface area of the nano-
particles is greater than 20 m2/g, preferably greater than 30 m2/g, more preferably greater than 35 m2/g, and even
more preferably about 40 m2/g.

3. The glossing and opacifying coating composition according to any one of claims 1 to 2, wherein the nanoparticles
15 are selected from the group comprising ground calcium carbonate derived from grinding of chalk, limestone, marble,
or is precipitated calcium carbonate, , and preferably is submicron ground calcium carbonate (SMGCC), other alkali
and earth-alkali carbonates including Li2CO3, BeCO3, MgCO3, SrCO3, BaCO3, and RaCO3; carbonates of Fe(II),
Fe(III), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Bi(III); silicates of Ba, Ca, Mg, Al, Cr(III), Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Zn,
Ag, Cu(II), Pb(II); sulfides of Fe(II), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Bi(III), Sn(II); oxides and hydroxides
20 of the above metals; hydroxyapatite; organic compounds including 1,8-bis-(dimethylamino)naphthalene, 1,8-bis(hex-
amethyltriaminophosphazenyl)naphthalene and 2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine; or any combination of the aforementioned
and/or wherein the nanoparticles are dispersed in at least one binder including vinyl-acrylic, styrene-acrylic, acrylic
dispersions, solution acrylics, alkyds, polyurethanes dispersed either in water or solvent, polymers containing ester
groups including polyesters, polyester-based polyurethanes, polyester-based polyureas and polyester-based polya-
25 mides, preferably the binder is a polyester-polyurethane polymer binder.

4. The glossing and opacifying composition according to any one of claims 1 to 3, having a pigment volume concentration
(PVC) of from 5 % up to the critical pigment volume concentration (CPVC) and comprising at least one ground
calcium carbonate having a D50 (Mal) of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm, preferably of between 0.1 and 0.3 mm and at
30 least one pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal 2.5.

5. The glossing and opacifying composition according to any of claims 1 to 4, wherein the ground calcium carbonate
has a D98/D50 (Mal) of greater than 3.

35 6. The glossing and opacifying composition according to claim 5, wherein the ground calcium carbonate has a D98 of
less than or equal to 1 mm, preferably of less than or equal to 0.6 mm, more preferably of less than or equal to 0.4 mm.

7. The glossing and opacifying composition according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein the ground calcium carbonate
has a refraction index of approximately 1.5 to 1.7.
8. The glossing and opacifying composition according to any one of claims 4 to 7 wherein the pigment having a refractive
index of greater than or equal 2.5 is selected from one or more of the following: titanium dioxide and/or zinc sulphide
and/or zinc oxide, and preferably is titanium dioxide.

45 9. The glossing and opacifying composition according to claim 8 wherein the pigment having a refractive index of
greater than or equal 2.5 is titanium dioxide and the titanium dioxide : ground calcium carbonate weight ratio is of
70 : 30 to 98 : 2, more preferably the titanium dioxide : ground calcium carbonate weight ratio is of 85 : 15 to 90 : 10.

10. A method of forming a glossing and opacifying composition wherein:

a) at least one ground calcium carbonate having a D50 (Mal) of between 0.05 and 0.3 mm is provided,
b) at least one pigment having a refractive index of greater than or equal 2.5 is provided,
c) at least one binder is provided, and
d) the ground calcium carbonate of step a) is mixed with the pigment of step b) and the binder of step c).
11. Use of a glossing and opacifying composition according to any one of claims 1 to 9 for coating substrates.

12. A coated substrate coated with a glossing and opacifying composition according to any one of claims 1 to 9.

EP 2 891 690 B1

13. The coated substrate according to claim 12, wherein the substrate is selected from porous and non-porous substrates
including papers, non-woven materials, textiles, leather, wood, concrete, masonry, metals, house wrap and other
building materials, fiberglass, polymeric articles, personal protective equipment, carpets, textiles used in clothing,
upholstery, tents, awnings, air bags, fabrics, yarns, and blends, whether woven, non-woven, or knitted, and whether
5 natural, synthetic, or regenerated.

14. The coated substrate according to claim 12 or 13, wherein the coated substrate includes papers and non-wovens,
fibrous materials, films, sheets, composites inks, printing binders, flock and other adhesives, and personal hair
products including skin care, hair care, and nail care products, livestock and feed applications.
15. The coated substrate according to any one of claims 12 to 14, wherein the coating composition is applied to the
substrate in an amount so as to form a layer having a thickness of between 100 and 400 nm and/or wherein the
glossing and opacifying coating composition provides a gloss measured at 60° of greater than 70 % and an opacity
of greater than 97 %.
16. A method of forming a coated substrate coated with a glossing and opacifying composition, wherein a glossing and
opacifying composition according to any one of claims 1 to 9 is applied to the substrate preferably by coating,
impregnating or otherwise treating.

20 17. The method according to claim 16, wherein the coating composition is applied to the substrate in an amount so as
to form a layer having a thickness of between 100 and 400 nm and/or wherein the coated substrate is further dried
and optionally cured.

18. A colloidally stable aqueous dispersion comprising water, a polyester-polyurethane polymer binder and a plurality
25 of substantially dispersed submicron natural ground calcium-carbonate comprising particles according to any of
claims 1-9.

19. A composition comprising a binder containing submicron natural ground calcium-carbonate comprising particles in
a substantially dispersed form according to any of claims 1-9.


1. Eine glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung, umfassend eine wässrige Nanopartikeldispersion,

35 worin die Nanopartikel im Wesentlichen dispergiert sind und eine mittlere Partikelgrösse D50 (Mal) von kleiner 1
Mikrometer aufweisen, wobei die Nanopartikel vermahlenes Calciumcarbonat sind.

2. Glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach Anspruch 1, worin die Nanopartikel eine mittlere
Partikelgrösse D50 (Mal) von kleiner 500 nm aufweisen, bevorzugt von kleiner 100 nm, und bevorzugter von kleiner
40 50 nm, und/oder eine Partikelgrösse D90 (Mal) von kleiner 1 Mikrometer aufweisen, bevorzugt von kleiner 500 nm,
bevorzugter von kleiner 100 nm, und noch bevorzugter von kleiner 50 nm, und/oder worin die Stickstoff BET-
Oberfläche der Nanopartikel grösser 20 m2/g beträgt, bevorzugt grösser 30 m2/g, bevorzugter grösser 35 m2/g, und
noch bevorzugter etwa 40 m2/g.

45 3. Glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 2, worin die Nanop-
artikel ausgewählt sind aus der Gruppe umfassend vermahlenes Calciumcarbonat stammend aus dem Vermahlen
von Kreide, Kalkstein, Marmor, oder ist gefälltes Calciumcarbonat, und ist bevorzugt submikron vermahlenes Cal-
ciumcarbonat (SMGCC), anderen Alkali- und Erdalkalicarbonaten, einschliesslich Li2CO3, BeCO3, MgCO3, SrCO3,
BaCO3 und RaCO3; Carbonaten von Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Bi(III); Silikaten von
50 Ba, Ca, Mg, Al, Cr(III), Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Cu(II), Pb(II); Sulfiden von Fe(II), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II),
Cu(II), Pb(II), Bi(III), Sn(II); Oxiden und Hydroxiden der obigen Metalle; Hydroxyapatit; organischen Verbindungen,
einschliesslich 1,8-Bis-(dimethylamino)-naphathalin, 1,8-Bis(hexamethyltriaminophosphazenyl)naphthalin und 2,6-
Di-tert-butylpyridin; oder jegliche Kombination der Vorgenannten, und/oder worin die Nanopartikel dispergiert sind
in wenigstens einem Bindemittel, einschliesslich Vinylacryl, Styrolacryl, Acryl-Dispersionen, Acryllösungen, Alkyd-
55 harze, Polyurethane dispergiert entweder in Wasser oder Lösungsmittel, Polymere enthaltend Estergruppen, ein-
schliesslich Polyester und Polyester basierte Polyurethane, Polyester basierte Polyharnstoffe, Polyester basierte
Polyamide, bevorzugt ist das Bindemittel ein Polyester-Polyurethan-Polymerbindemittel.

EP 2 891 690 B1

4. Glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 3, mit einer Pigment-
volumenkonzentration (PVC) von 5 % bis zu der kritischen Pigmentvolumenkonzentration (CPVC) und umfassend
wenigstens ein vermahlenes Calciumcarbonat mit einem D50 (Mal) von zwischen 0,05 und 0,3 mm, bevorzugt von
zwischen 0,1 und 0,3 mm, und wenigstens einem Pigment mit einem Brechungsindex von grösser oder gleich 2,5.
5. Glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 4, worin das vermah-
lene Calciumcarbonat einen D98/D50 (Mal) von grösser 3 aufweist.

6. Glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach Anspruch 5, worin das vermahlene Calciumcar-
10 bonat einen D98 von kleiner oder gleich 1 mm aufweist, bevorzugt von kleiner oder gleich 0,6 mm, bevorzugter von
kleiner oder gleich 0,4 mm.

7. Glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 6, worin das vermah-
lene Calciumcarbonat einen Brechungsindex von ungefähr 1,5 bis 1,7 aufweist.
8. Glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach einem der Ansprüche 4 bis 7, worin das Pigment
mit einem Brechungsindex von grösser oder gleich 2,5 ausgewählt ist aus einem oder mehreren der folgenden:
Titandioxid und/oder Zinksulfid und/oder Zinkoxid, und ist bevorzugt Titandioxid.

20 9. Glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach Anspruch 8, worin das Pigment mit einem Bre-
chungsindex von grösser oder gleich 2,5 Titandioxid ist und das Titandioxid : vermahlenem Calciumcarbonat-Ge-
wichtsverhältnis von 70 : 30 bis 98 : 2 beträgt, bevorzugter beträgt das Titandioxid : vermahlenem Calciumcarbonat-
Gewichtsverhältnis von 85: 15 bis 90 : 10.

25 10. Verfahren zur Bildung einer glänzenden und trübenden Beschichtungszusammensetzung, bei dem:

a) wenigstens ein vermahlenes Calciumcarbonat mit einem D50 (Mal) von zwischen 0,05 und 0,3 mm bereit-
gestellt wird,
b) wenigstens ein Pigment mit einem Brechungsindex von grösser oder gleich 2,5 bereitgestellt wird,
30 c) wenigstens ein Bindemittel bereitgestellt wird, und
d) das vermahlene Calciumcarbonat von Schritt a) mit dem Pigment von Schritt b) und dem Bindemittel von
Schritt c) vermischt wird.

11. Verwendung von einer glänzenden und trübenden Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach einem der Ansprüche 1
35 bis 9 zum Beschichten von Substraten.

12. Ein beschichtetes Substrat, beschichtet mit einer glänzenden und trübenden Beschichtungszusammensetzung nach
einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 9.

40 13. Beschichtetes Substrat nach Anspruch 12, bei dem das Substrat ausgewählt ist aus porösen und nichtporösen
Substraten, einschliesslich Papieren, Vliesmaterialien, Textilien, Leder, Holz, Beton, Mauerwerk, Metallen, Haus-
hüllen und anderen Baustoffen, Fiberglas, Polymergegenständen, Personenschutzausrüstung, Teppichen, Textili-
en, verwendet in Bekleidung, Polsterungen, Zelten, Markisen, Airbags, Stoffen, Garnen, und Gemischen, entweder
gewebt, nichtgewebt oder gestrickt, und entweder natürlich, synthetisch oder regeneriert.
14. Beschichtetes Substrat nach Anspruch 12 oder 13, bei dem das beschichtete Substrat beinhaltet Papiere und Vliese,
faserförmige Materialien, Filme, Bögen, Komposit-Tinten, Druckbindemittel, Flock und andere Haftmittel, und per-
sönliche Haarprodukte, einschliesslich Hautpflege-, Haarpflege- und Nagelpflegeprodukte, Vieh- und Nahrungsmit-
15. Beschichtetes Substrat nach einem der Ansprüche 12 bis 14, bei dem die Beschichtungszusammensetzung auf
das Substrat in einer Menge aufgebracht wird, so dass eine Schicht mit einer Dicke von zwischen 100 und 400 nm
gebildet wird, und/oder bei dem die glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung einen Glanz, ge-
messen bei 60°, von grösser 70 % und eine Opazität von grösser 97 % bereitstellt.
16. Verfahren zur Bildung eines beschichteten Substrats, beschichtet mit einer glänzenden und trübenden Beschich-
tungszusammensetzung, bei dem eine glänzende und trübende Beschichtungszusammensetzung gemäss einem
der Ansprüche 1 bis 9 auf das Substrat aufgebracht wird, bevorzugt durch Beschichten, Imprägnieren oder sonstiges

EP 2 891 690 B1


17. Verfahren nach Anspruch 16, bei dem die Beschichtungszusammensetzung auf das Substrat in einer Menge auf-
gebracht wird, so dass eine Schicht mit einer Dicke von zwischen 100 und 400 nm gebildet wird, und/oder bei dem
5 das beschichtete Substrat ferner getrocknet und gegebenenfalls ausgehärtet wird.

18. Kolloidale, stabile wässrige Dispersion, umfassend Wasser, ein Polyester-Polyurethan-Polymerbindemittel und eine
Vielzahl an im Wesentlichen dispergierten submikron natürlichen, vermahlenen Calciumcarbonat umfassenden
Partikeln gemäss einem der Ansprüche 1 - 9.
19. Zusammensetzung, umfassend ein Bindemittel enthaltend submikron natürliche, vermahlene Calciumcarbonat um-
fassende Partikel in einer im Wesentlichen dispergierten Form gemäss einem der Ansprüche 1 - 9.

15 Revendications

1. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante comprenant une dispersion aqueuse de nanoparticules, dans
laquelle les nanoparticules sont sensiblement dispersées et ont une taille moyenne de particule D50 (Mal) inférieure
à 1 mm, dans laquelle lesdites nanoparticules sont du carbonate de calcium broyé.
2. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante selon la revendication 1, dans laquelle les nanoparticules ont
une taille moyenne de particule D50 (Mal) inférieure à 500 nm, de préférence inférieure à 100 nm, et plus préféra-
blement inférieure à 50 nm et/ou ont une taille de particule D90 inférieure à 1 mm, de préférence inférieure à 500
nm, plus préférablement inférieure à 100 nm, et encore plus préférablement inférieure à 50 nm et/ou dans laquelle
25 la surface BET par absorption d’azote des nanoparticules est supérieure à 20 m2/g, de préférence supérieure à 30
m2/g, plus préférablement supérieure à 35 m2/g, et encore plus préférablement d’environ 40 m2/g.

3. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 2, dans laquelle
les nanoparticules sont choisies dans le groupe comprenant le carbonate de calcium broyé dérivé du broyage de
30 craie, calcaire, marbre, ou le carbonate de calcium précipité, et est de préférence du carbonate de calcium broyé
submicronique (SMGCC), d’autres carbonates de métaux alcalins et alcalino-terreux, y compris Li2CO3, BeCO3,
MgCO3, SrCO3, BaCO3, et RaCO3 ; les carbonates de Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu(II), Pb(II),
Bi(III) ; les silicates de Ba, Ca, Mg, Al, Cr(III), Fe(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Cu(II), Pb(II) ; les sulfures de Fe(II),
Mn(II), Zn, Ag, Hg(I), Hg(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Bi(III), Sn(II) ; les oxydes et les hydroxydes des métaux ci-dessus ;
35 l’hydroxyapatite ; les composés organiques incluant le 1,8-bis-(diméthylamino)naphtalène, le 1,8-bis(hexaméthyl-
triaminophosphazényl)naphtalène et la 2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine ; ou n’importe quelle combinaison des composés
susmentionnés et/ou dans laquelle les nanoparticules sont dispersées dans au moins un liant incluant les dispersions
de vinyle-acrylique, styrène-acrylique, acrylique, les acryliques en solution, les alkydes, les polyuréthanes dispersés
dans de l’eau ou dans un solvant, les polymères contenant des groupes ester incluant les polyesters, les polyuré-
40 thanes à base de polyester, les polyurées à base de polyester et les polyamides à base de polyester, de préférence
le liant est un liant polymère de polyester-polyuréthane.

4. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 3, ayant une
concentration volumique de pigment (PVC) de 5 % jusqu’à la concentration volumique de pigment critique (CPVC)
45 et comprenant au moins du carbonate de calcium broyé ayant une D50 (Mal) comprise entre 0,05 et 0,3 mm, de
préférence entre 0,1 et 0,3 mm et au moins un pigment ayant un indice de réfraction supérieur ou égal à 2,5.

5. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 4, dans laquelle
le carbonate de calcium broyé a un D98/D50 (Mal) supérieur à 3.
6. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante selon la revendication 5, dans laquelle le carbonate de calcium
broyé a une D98 inférieure ou égale à 1 mm, de préférence inférieure ou égale à 0,6 mm, plus préférablement
inférieure ou égale à 0,4 mm.

55 7. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 6, dans laquelle
le carbonate de calcium broyé a un indice de réfraction d’environ 1,5 à 1,7.

8. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante selon l’une quelconque des revendications 4 à 7, dans laquelle

EP 2 891 690 B1

le pigment ayant un indice de réfraction supérieur ou égal à 2,5 est choisi parmi un ou plusieurs des suivants :
dioxyde de titane et/ou sulfure de zinc et/ou oxyde de zinc, et de préférence est le dioxyde de titane.

9. Composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante selon la revendication 8, dans laquelle le pigment ayant un indice
5 de réfraction supérieur ou égal à 2,5 est le dioxyde de titane et le rapport en poids de dioxyde de titane:carbonate
de calcium broyé est de 70:30 à 98:2, plus préférablement le rapport en poids de dioxyde de titane:carbonate de
calcium broyé est de 85:15 à 90:10.

10. Procédé de formation d’une composition opacifiante et brillante, dans lequel :

a) on fournit au moins un carbonate de calcium broyé ayant une D50 (Mal) comprise entre 0,05 et 0,3 mm,
b) on fournit au moins un pigment ayant un indice de réfraction supérieur ou égal à 2,5,
c) on fournit au moins un liant, et
d) le carbonate de calcium broyé de l’étape a) est mélangé avec le pigment de l’étape b) et le liant de l’étape c).
11. Utilisation d’une composition opacifiante et brillante selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 9 pour des
substrats de revêtement.

12. Substrat revêtu avec une composition opacifiante et brillante selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 9.
13. Substrat revêtu selon la revendication 12, dans lequel le substrat est choisi parmi les substrats poreux et non poreux,
y compris les papiers, les matériaux non-tissés, les textiles, le cuir, le bois, le béton, la maçonnerie, les métaux, les
matériaux d’enveloppe isolante et d’autres matériaux de construction, les fibres de verre, les articles polymères,
les équipements de protection individuelle, les tapis, les textiles utilisés dans les vêtements, les tissus d’ameuble-
25 ment, les tentes, les bâches, les coussins autogonflables, les tissus, les fils et des mélanges, qu’ils soient tissés,
non-tissés, ou tricotés, et naturels, synthétiques ou régénérés.

14. Substrat revêtu selon la revendication 12 ou 13, dans lequel le substrat revêtu comprend les papiers et les matériaux
non tissés, fibreux, les films, les feuilles, les encres composites, les liants d’impression, les bourres et d’autres
30 adhésifs, et les produits de soin personnel incluant les produits de soin de la peau, de soin des cheveux et de soin
des ongles, les applications pour le bétail et l’alimentation.

15. Substrat revêtu selon l’une quelconque des revendications 12 à 14, dans lequel la composition de revêtement est
appliquée sur le substrat en une quantité formant une couche ayant une épaisseur comprise entre 100 et 400 nm
35 et/ou dans lequel la composition de revêtement opacifiante et brillante offre une brillance mesurée à 60° supérieure
à 70 % et une opacité supérieure à 97 %.

16. Procédé de formation d’un substrat revêtu avec une composition opacifiante et brillante, dans lequel une composition
opacifiante et brillante selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 9 est appliquée sur le substrat, de préférence
40 par revêtement, imprégnation ou sinon traitement.

17. Procédé selon la revendication 16, dans lequel la composition de revêtement est appliquée sur le substrat en une
quantité formant une couche ayant une épaisseur comprise entre 100 et 400 nm et/ou dans lequel le substrat revêtu
est en outre séché et éventuellement durci.
18. Dispersion aqueuse colloïdalement stable comprenant de l’eau, un liant polymère de polyester-polyuréthane et une
pluralité de particules comprenant du carbonate de calcium broyé naturel submicronique sensiblement dispersées
selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 9.

50 19. Composition comprenant un liant contenant des particules comprenant du carbonate de calcium broyé naturel
submicronique sous une forme sensiblement dispersée selon l’une quelconque des revendications 1 à 9.


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EP 2 891 690 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• WO 61400648 A [0001] • US 20050004306 A [0032]

• WO 2008003672 A [0008] • GB 1404564 A [0042]
• US 6777466 B2 [0012] • US 5171631 A [0045] [0047] [0048]
• US 6897281 B [0032]

Non-patent literature cited in the description

• Polyurethanes. J. K. BACKUS et al. Encyclopedia • DETLEF GYSAU. Fuellstoff. 2005 [0086] [0087]
of Polymer Science and Engineering. 1988, vol. 13,
243-303 [0012]


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