Jyothisha Praveena Syllabus
Jyothisha Praveena Syllabus
Jyothisha Praveena Syllabus
- Paper - 1
(50 marks)
2. Relevance of Astrology
Rationale of Astrology
Relevance/ Utility/ Uses of Astrology in various fields
Qualifications of a good Astrologer
3. History of Astrology
Dating Techniques in Astrology
Timeline of Astrology
Astrology during Vedic period
Astrology during Puranic period (Ramayana, Mahabharata, 18 Pravartakas)
Astrology during Parasari Period (Aryans, Babilonian, Greek period) Parasara, Jaimini,
Garg etc.
Astrology during Varahamihira period
Astrology during Teacher’s period
Astrology treaties written during above periods
4. Astrology & Karma Theory
Fate (Destiny) and Freewill (Purushartha)
Physical, Astral & Casual Bodies & their importance
Laws of Karma
Categories of Karma :
Sanchita, Prarabdha (Drida Karma, Adrida Karma, Drida-Adrida Karma)
Kriyamana and Agaami Karma
Satwik, Rajasik and Tamasik Karmas
Vaachika Karma, Kaayaka Karma, Manasika Karma etc.
Effectiveness of Remedial measures on different Prarabdha karmas
Divisions of Houses # Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha # Kendra, Apoklim, # apchay,
upchay, trik, ......
3. The Moon
Phases of Moon (Cycle of Moon), Nodes, Rahu & Ketu
4. The Earth
Earth & facts
Inclination, Pole Star, Poles, Hemisphere
5. Zodiac
Meaning of Ecliptic – (Ravi Marg),
Zodiac & types of Zodiac – Movable, fixed, tropical, sidereal zodiac.
Zodiac of Constellations, Signs
6. Eclipses
Occultation and combustion and eclipses
Lunar eclipse (Total, Partial, Penumbral) and Solar eclipse (Total, Partial, Annual).
Role of Rahu/ Ketu in eclipses
7. Aprakashit Upagrahas
Astronomical points on Ecliptic- Dhuma, Vyatipata, Paridhi, Indrachapa, Sikhi or Upaketu
and their Calculations and positions.
Utility of Upgrahas in hora, prasna, tajik and muhurtha.
8. Ayanamsha
Equinoxes – Vernal and Autumnal.
Four Cardinal points – Equinotical Points.
Precession of Equinoxes, Nutation, Ayanamsa.
Sayana & Nirayana systems
9. Planetary Motion
Types of Planetary Motion, Rotation & Revolution, Retrograde motion
Direct (Margi); Mand, Mandata (Slow); Chara, Atichara (Fast); Sama (Normal)
Stationery, Sthambana (Vikal); Vakra, Anuvakra (Retrograde)
10. Terminologies
Astronomical Coordinate System: Terrestrial and celestial sphere, Great and small circle,
Terrestrial and Celestial Equators,
Celestial Poles, Meridian, Longitude, Latitudes, Perihelion, Aphelion, Apogee, Perigee.
Horizontal Coordinate System: Fundamental plane, Horizon, Poles, Zenith, Nadir,
Altitude, Azimuth, Celestial meridian.
Equatorial Coordinate System: Fundamental plane, Celestail Equator & Poles,
Declination (Kranti) and Right Ascension (Druva) (Hour Angle).
ICAS Text Books
1. Astronomy relevant to Astrology
Prescribed Classicals
1. Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra by Sage Parashara
2. Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira
3. Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira
Recommended Books
1. Hindu Predictive Astrology by Dr. B.V. Raman
2. Astronomy relevant to Astrology by Dr. B.V. Raman
Reference Books
1. Aryabhattaya by Aryabhatta I
2. Sidanta Siromani by Bhaskara - II
3. Introducation to Astronomy by Rick Shaffer
4. Astronomy Encyclopedia by Sivpatrik Moore
5. Universe by Discovery Channel – Science collections
6. Laws of Nature by M Anjaneyulu
7. Elements of Vedic Astrology (Vol. 1 & 2) by Dr K S Charak
2. Time Differences
Latitude & Longitude
Concept of Prime Meridian
Time Zones
LMT, Standard Time, GMT
LMT corrections
3. Time Conversions
LMT to IST and reverse
GMT to IST and reverse
ZST to GMT and reverse
4. Sidereal Time
Necessity to have Sidereal Time System
Sidereal Time of given moment
6. Panchanga
Meaning of Panchanga Elements
Calculations of : Vaara, Nakshatra, Tithi, Karana, Yoga
Modern Ephemeris
7. Horoscopes
Definition of horoscope
Forms & Components of Horoscopes
Tools for Calculation
Table of Ascendants
Table of Houses
8. Ascendant
Calculation of Ascendant (Indian, Foreign & Southern Hemisphere)
9. Planetary Positions
Calculation of Longitude of Planets (using yearly ephemeris)
Calculation of Longitude of Planets (using condensed ephemeris)
12. Bhavas
Bhava (House)
Various house systems
Tenth Cusp (MC)
Calculation of Bhavas (Shripati paddhati)
3. The Lagna
Lagna / Ascendant / Rising sign
Characteristics of people born in each lagna
Result of Lagna lord in twelve rashis
Moon sign as Lagna (Chandra lagna)
6. Nakshatra (Constellations)
The 27 nakshatra.
28th Abhijit Nakshatra
Nakshatra mapping in each sign
Birth Nakshatras
Characteristics of people born in each Nakshatra
7. Yogas (Astrological Combinations)
What is yoga
Yogas from Lagna - Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga, Lagnadi Yoga, Mahabhagya Yoga,
Saral Yoga, Jaya Yoga, Vimala Yoga, Shubha/Paap Kartari Yoga
Solar Yogas - Vesi Yoga, Vosi Yoga, Ubhayachari Yoga Bhudhaditya Yoga.
Lunar Yogas - Sunapha Yoga, Anapha Yoga, Durudhara Yoga, Kemadruma Yoga &
cancellation (Bhanga), Gaja Kesari Yoga, Chandradhi Yoga, Chandra Mangala Yoga,
Shakata Yoga.
ICAS Text Books
1. Astronomy relevant to Astrology
Prescribed Classicals
1. Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra by Sage Parashara
2. Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira
3. Phaladeepika by Mantreshwar
4. Jataka Chnadrika; Laghu Parashari
Recommended Books
1. Hindu Predictive Astrology by Dr. B.V. Raman
2. Yogas by Dr K S Charak
Reference Books
1. Predictive astrology by M N Kedar
2. Laws of Nature - Vedic Wisdom: Predictive Principles of Astrology by M
3. Elements of Vedic Astrology (Vol. 1 & 2) by Dr K S Charak