Jyothisha Praveena Syllabus

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- Paper - 1                                                                         
(50 marks)


1. Introduction to Astrology
 Definition of Astrology
 Difference between Astrology & Jyotish
 Four Vedas & Six Vedangas
 Jyotish as a Vedanga
 Branches of Jyotish (Skandatraya)
 Systems of Jyotish (Parashari/ Jaimini/ Prashna/ Tajik/ Naadi)

2. Relevance of Astrology
 Rationale of Astrology
 Relevance/ Utility/ Uses of Astrology in various fields
 Qualifications of a good Astrologer

3. History of Astrology
 Dating Techniques in Astrology
 Timeline of Astrology
 Astrology during Vedic period
 Astrology during Puranic period (Ramayana, Mahabharata, 18 Pravartakas)
 Astrology during Parasari Period (Aryans, Babilonian, Greek period) Parasara, Jaimini,
Garg etc.
 Astrology during Varahamihira period
 Astrology during Teacher’s period
 Astrology treaties written during above periods
4. Astrology & Karma Theory
 Fate (Destiny) and Freewill (Purushartha)
 Physical, Astral & Casual Bodies & their importance
 Laws of Karma
 Categories of Karma :
 Sanchita, Prarabdha (Drida Karma, Adrida Karma, Drida-Adrida Karma)
Kriyamana and Agaami Karma
 Satwik, Rajasik and Tamasik Karmas
 Vaachika Karma, Kaayaka Karma, Manasika Karma etc.
 Effectiveness of Remedial measures on different Prarabdha karmas
 Divisions of Houses # Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha # Kendra, Apoklim, # apchay,
upchay, trik, ......

5. Astrology, Modern Science & Psychology

 Scientific basis of Astrological Principles.
 Astrology & Modern Science/ art
 Astrology & Psychology
 ICAS Text Books
1. General Astrology
 Prescribed Classicals
1. Brihat Parashara Horasastra By Sage Parashara
 Recommended Books
1. Hindu Predictive Astrology by Dr. B.V.Raman
2. A Cathechism of Astrology by Dr. B.V.Raman
3. Planetary influences on human affairs By Dr. B.V.Raman
4. Astrology for Beginners By Dr. B.V.Raman
 Reference Books
1. Brihat Jataka By Varahamihira
2. Brihat Samhita By Varahamihira
3. Arya Bhatteya By Aryabhatta-I
4. Siddhanta Shiromani By Bhaskara-II


1. Introduction
 Introduction of Astronomy  & Modern trends
 Historical Background
 Ancient astronomical scholars  (Indian and Western)
 Various Astronomical Siddhantas (treaties) available in brief.

2. The Solar System

 Solar System
 Basic physical features of planets, Dwarf Planets, Satellites, Asteroids, Minor Planets,
Meteors, Meteorites.
 Inner and outer Planets - inferior conjunctions and superior conjunction
 Extra saturnine planets  and Comets – Halleys Comets, Enckes Comet etc.

3. The Moon
 Phases of Moon (Cycle of Moon), Nodes, Rahu & Ketu
4. The Earth
 Earth & facts
 Inclination, Pole Star, Poles, Hemisphere

5. Zodiac
 Meaning of Ecliptic – (Ravi Marg),
 Zodiac & types of Zodiac – Movable, fixed, tropical, sidereal zodiac.
 Zodiac of Constellations, Signs

6. Eclipses
 Occultation and combustion and eclipses
 Lunar eclipse (Total, Partial, Penumbral) and Solar eclipse (Total, Partial, Annual).
 Role of Rahu/ Ketu in eclipses

7. Aprakashit Upagrahas
 Astronomical points on Ecliptic- Dhuma, Vyatipata, Paridhi, Indrachapa, Sikhi or Upaketu
and their Calculations and positions.
 Utility of Upgrahas in hora, prasna, tajik and muhurtha.

8. Ayanamsha
 Equinoxes – Vernal and Autumnal.
 Four Cardinal points – Equinotical Points.
 Precession of Equinoxes, Nutation, Ayanamsa.
 Sayana & Nirayana systems

9. Planetary Motion
 Types of Planetary Motion, Rotation & Revolution, Retrograde motion
 Direct (Margi); Mand, Mandata (Slow); Chara, Atichara (Fast); Sama (Normal)
 Stationery, Sthambana (Vikal); Vakra, Anuvakra (Retrograde)

10. Terminologies
 Astronomical Coordinate System: Terrestrial and celestial sphere, Great and small circle,
Terrestrial and Celestial Equators,
 Celestial Poles, Meridian, Longitude, Latitudes, Perihelion, Aphelion, Apogee, Perigee.
 Horizontal Coordinate System: Fundamental plane, Horizon, Poles, Zenith, Nadir,
Altitude, Azimuth, Celestial meridian.
 Equatorial Coordinate System: Fundamental plane, Celestail Equator & Poles,
Declination (Kranti) and Right Ascension (Druva) (Hour Angle). 
 ICAS Text Books
1. Astronomy relevant to Astrology
 Prescribed Classicals
1. Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra by Sage Parashara
2. Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira
3. Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira
 Recommended Books
1. Hindu Predictive Astrology by Dr. B.V. Raman
2. Astronomy relevant to Astrology by Dr. B.V. Raman
 Reference Books
1. Aryabhattaya by Aryabhatta I
2. Sidanta Siromani by Bhaskara - II
3. Introducation to Astronomy by Rick Shaffer
4. Astronomy Encyclopedia by Sivpatrik Moore
5. Universe by Discovery Channel – Science collections
6. Laws of Nature by M Anjaneyulu
7. Elements of Vedic Astrology (Vol. 1 & 2) by Dr K S Charak

JYOTISH PRAVEENA - Paper - 2                                                                         

(50 marks)


1. Time Measure
 Hindu Measurement of Time
 Sidereal Metrics Lunar Metrics, Tropical Metrics
 Concept of Adhika Maas & Kshaya Maas
 Modern measurement of Time
 Conversions (Ghati-Pal-Vipal to H:M:S, etc)

2. Time Differences
 Latitude & Longitude
 Concept of Prime Meridian
 Time Zones
 LMT, Standard Time, GMT
 LMT corrections
3. Time Conversions
 LMT to IST and reverse
 GMT to IST and reverse
 ZST to GMT and reverse

4. Sidereal Time
 Necessity to have Sidereal Time System
 Sidereal Time of given moment

5. Sunrise & Sunset

 Sunrise, Sunset
 Apparent Noon, Ahas & ratri
 Calculation of Sunrise & Sunset time
 Calculation by method of interpolation

6. Panchanga
 Meaning of Panchanga Elements
 Calculations of : Vaara, Nakshatra, Tithi, Karana, Yoga
 Modern Ephemeris

7. Horoscopes
 Definition of horoscope
 Forms & Components of Horoscopes
 Tools for Calculation
 Table of Ascendants
 Table of Houses
 Ephemeris

8. Ascendant
 Calculation of Ascendant (Indian, Foreign & Southern Hemisphere)

9. Planetary Positions
 Calculation of Longitude of Planets (using yearly ephemeris)
 Calculation of Longitude of Planets (using condensed ephemeris)

10. Dasha System

 Various Dasha Systems (Brief mention)
 Basis of Vimshottari Dasha System
 Calculation of Dasha balance at birth
 Major & Sub Periods
11. Casting of Horoscope (Modern)
 Calculation of Lagna
 Calculation of Planetary Longitudes
 Calculation of Dasha balance
 Calculation of Dasha periods
 Casting of Horoscope (Modern method)

12. Bhavas
 Bhava (House)
 Various house systems
 Tenth Cusp (MC)
 Calculation of Bhavas (Shripati paddhati)

13. Varga Charts

 Classification of Vargas
 ShadVargas, SaptaVargas, DashaVargas, ShodashVargas
 Calculation of Shodash vargas Charts
 ICAS Text Books
1. Mathematical Astrology
 Prescribed Classicals
1. Brihat Parashara Horasastra By Sage Parashara
2. Brihat Samhita By Varahamihira
 Recommended Books
1. Hindu Predictive Astrology by Dr. B.V.Raman
2. Elements of Vedic Astrology (Vol. 1 & 2) by Dr. K. S. Charak


. Basic Components of Prediction
 Rashi (Signs)
 Lagna (Ascendant)
 Bhavas (House)
 Grahas (Planets)
 Nakshatras (Constellations)

2. The Rashis (Signs)

 Twelve Rashi names (Hindu & Western)
 Ruler (lord) of each rashi
 Natural characteristics of each rashi
    Classification of Signs based on
 Odd - Even // Male - Female // Moveable - Fixed - Dual signs
 Fiery-Earth-Airy-Watery // Diurnal-Nocturnal-Twilight Signs
 Sheershodaya-Prishthodaya-Ubhayodaya // Biped-Quadraped Signs
 Short-Medium-Long // Brahmin-Kshatriya-Vaishya-Shudra signs

3. The Lagna
 Lagna / Ascendant / Rising sign
 Characteristics of people born in each lagna
 Result of Lagna lord in twelve rashis
 Moon sign as Lagna (Chandra lagna)

4. The Bhavas (Houses)

 The Twelve Houses from Lagna
 Significator/s (Karka/s) for Bhava
 Significations (Karkatwa) of Bhava
 Classification of bhavas : Kendra, Trikona, Panaphara, Apoklima, Upchaya, Apchaya,
Trishadaya, Trika/Dusthana, Chaturashtaya, Badhakasthan

5. NavaGraha (The Nine Planets)

 The Nine planets as per Vedic Astrology
 Natural Characteristics of planets
 Significations (Karkatwa) of planets
 Natural benefic & malefic planets
 Functional benefic & malefic planets
 Avasthas of planets
 Dignities of Planets: Exaltation/ Debilitation/ Mooltrikona
 Ucchabhilashi / Neechabhilashi
 Friendship of Planets: Permanent, Temporary, Compound (Panchadha Maitri)
 Key planets for each Lagna sign
 Aspects of planets (Drishti)
 Relationship between planets (Sambandha)
 Effects of planets in each Rashi
 Effects of planets ib each Bhava

6. Nakshatra (Constellations)
 The 27 nakshatra.
 28th Abhijit Nakshatra
 Nakshatra mapping in each sign
 Birth Nakshatras
 Characteristics of people born in each Nakshatra
7. Yogas (Astrological Combinations)
 What is yoga
 Yogas from Lagna - Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga, Lagnadi Yoga, Mahabhagya Yoga,
Saral Yoga, Jaya Yoga, Vimala Yoga, Shubha/Paap Kartari Yoga
 Solar Yogas - Vesi Yoga, Vosi Yoga, Ubhayachari Yoga Bhudhaditya Yoga.
 Lunar Yogas - Sunapha Yoga, Anapha Yoga, Durudhara Yoga, Kemadruma Yoga &
cancellation (Bhanga), Gaja Kesari Yoga, Chandradhi Yoga, Chandra Mangala Yoga,
Shakata Yoga.
 ICAS Text Books
1. Astronomy relevant to Astrology
 Prescribed Classicals
1. Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra by Sage Parashara
2. Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira
3. Phaladeepika by Mantreshwar
4. Jataka Chnadrika; Laghu Parashari
 Recommended Books
1. Hindu Predictive Astrology by Dr. B.V. Raman
2. Yogas by Dr K S Charak
 Reference Books
1. Predictive astrology by M N Kedar
2. Laws of Nature - Vedic Wisdom: Predictive Principles of Astrology by M
3. Elements of Vedic Astrology (Vol. 1 & 2) by Dr K S Charak

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