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Dublin Airport

Airport Collaborative Decision Making

Dublin A-CDM Operational Procedures

Final Document
1 DOCUMENT CONTROL ................................................................................................. 4
1.1 CHANGE RECORD ........................................................................................................ 4
1.2 REVIEWERS ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 APPROVALS................................................................................................................. 4
2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE ................................................................................................ 5
2.2 PURPOSE AND FORMAT OF THIS DOCUMENT ................................................................... 5
2.3 OBJECTIVES OF AIRPORT CDM..................................................................................... 6
2.4 COORDINATION WITH THE NETWORK MANAGER ............................................................. 6
3 OVERVIEW OF A-CDM AT DUBLIN AIRPORT ............................................................. 7
3.1 INFORMATION SHARING ................................................................................................ 7
3.1.1 Information Sharing Platform – Airport Operation System (AOS) ........................ 7
3.1.2 Situational Awareness Tool – Real Time Radar View of the Operation ............... 8
3.2 THE MILESTONE APPROACH (TURN-ROUND PROCESS) ................................................... 9
3.3 VARIABLE TAXI TIMES (VTT)....................................................................................... 10
3.4 PRE-DEPARTURE SEQUENCING .................................................................................. 12
3.4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 12
3.4.2 Partner information exchange ........................................................................... 12
3.5 CDM IN ADVERSE CONDITIONS ................................................................................... 13
3.6 COLLABORATIVE MANAGEMENT OF FLIGHT UPDATES .................................................... 13
4 DUBLIN AIRPORT A-CDM PROCEDURES................................................................. 14
4.1 CORRELATION OF FLIGHT INFORMATION ...................................................................... 14
4.2 AIRPORT SLOT DISCREPANCY ..................................................................................... 14
4.3 AIRPORT SLOT MISSING ............................................................................................. 14
4.4 NETWORK SLOT TOLERANCE WINDOW (STW) ............................................................... 14
4.5 FLIGHT PLAN MISSING ................................................................................................ 15
4.6 CONTACT POINTS ...................................................................................................... 15
4.7 TARGET OFF-BLOCK TIME (TOBT) ............................................................................. 16
4.8 WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR UPDATING TOBT? ............................................................. 17
4.9 TOBT INPUT AND ADJUSTMENT .................................................................................. 18
4.10 DEVIATIONS FROM TOBT AND EOBT ....................................................................... 19
4.11 TOBT DELETION OR CHANGE .................................................................................. 19
4.12 POTENTIAL TOBT ALERTS ...................................................................................... 21
4.13 TARGET START UP APPROVAL TIME (TSAT) ............................................................. 21
4.14 TSAT CHARACTERISTICS OVERVIEW ....................................................................... 21
4.15 HOW DO YOU ENSURE YOU GET A TIMELY TSAT ........................................................ 22
4.16 HOW DO YOU UPDATE THE TOBT FOLLOWING ISSUE OF TSAT? ................................. 22
4.18 TSAT REPORTING CHANNELS ................................................................................. 23
4.19 UPDATE OF TSAT................................................................................................... 23
4.20 EARLY READY ........................................................................................................ 24
4.21 POTENTIAL AIRPORT A-CDM ALERTS ....................................................................... 24
4.22 START- UP AND PUSH BACK - THE ROLE OF FLIGHT CREW ......................................... 24
4.22.1 TOBT / TSAT .................................................................................................. 24
4.22.2 Pushback and/or Start – Dublin ATC .............................................................. 25
4.22.3 Pushback Procedures - Dublin ....................................................................... 25
4.22.4 Push and hold Procedures ............................................................................. 25
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4.23 DELAY CODES ........................................................................................................ 25
5 DEPARTURE PLANNING INFORMATION (DPI) MESSAGES.................................... 26
5.1 PURPOSE OF A DPI .................................................................................................... 26
5.2 DPI BENEFITS ........................................................................................................... 26
5.3 DPI MESSAGE TYPES ................................................................................................ 27
5.4 DPI MESSAGE TIMING ................................................................................................ 27
6 A-CDM ALERTING AT DUBLIN AIRPORT .................................................................. 29
7 USE CASE .................................................................................................................... 31
8 CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES.................................................................................. 33
8.1 EFS OR PDS OR A-SMGCS FAILURE; ........................................................................ 33
8.1.1 The ADM will undertake the following actions; .................................................. 33
8.1.2 EFS or PDS or A-SMGCS resumption of A-CDM; ............................................. 33
8.1.3 The ADM will undertake the following actions; .................................................. 34
8.2 AOS SCHEDULE OR UNSCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES; ................................................. 34
8.2.1 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions: ........................... 34
8.2.2 AOS resumption of service; ............................................................................... 35
8.2.3 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions: ........................... 35
8.3 DAA / IAA INTERFACE FAILURE OR PARTIAL FAILURE (AFTN, IB, ETC); ............................ 35
8.3.1 The ADM will undertake the following actions; .................................................. 36
8.3.2 daa / IAA interface resumption of A-CDM;......................................................... 36
8.3.3 The ADM will undertake the following actions; .................................................. 36
8.3.4 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions: ........................... 36
8.4 AIRLINES / HANDLING AGENT IT FAILURE; .................................................................... 37
8.4.1 Resumption of Airlines / Handling IT interface................................................... 37
8.5 AOS MOBILE APP FAILURE; ......................................................................................... 37
8.5.1 Resumption of AOS mobile app ........................................................................ 37
8.6 ADVERSE WEATHER; .................................................................................................. 37
8.6.1 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions: ........................... 37
8.6.2 The ADM will undertake the following actions; .................................................. 38
8.6.3 Resumption of service after adverse weather; .................................................. 38
8.6.4 The ADM will undertake the following actions; .................................................. 38
8.6.5 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions: ........................... 38
8.7 GENERAL NOTE;......................................................................................................... 38
8.8 DAA IT – INCIDENT LOGGING FOR ACDM; ................................................................... 39
9 A-CDM WEBPAGE ....................................................................................................... 40
APPENDIX A – REFERENCES & INFORMATION SOURCES.......................................... 41
APPENDIX B – PUSH AND HOLD PROCEDURES .......................................................... 42

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1.1 Change Record
Date: Author: Version: Comments:
20/03/2018 C. Martin 7.3 Final draft document issued to the
R. Reid A-CDM Steering Group
S. Byrne
D. Reddington
31/01/2017 C. Martin 7.2 Draft document updated
R. Reid
S. Byrne
D. Reddington
D. Aylward
31/03/2016 C. Martin 7.1 Draft document issued to the A-
R. Reid CDM Steering Group
S. Byrne
D. Aylward
D. Reddington
K. Ross

1.2 Reviewers
Name: Description:
Robert Hilliard Director of strategic projects, Dublin Airport
Patrick Tarrant IAA manager FDP systems & A-CDM project manager, IAA
David A-CDM business project manager, Dublin Airport
Mary Herbert A-CDM IT project manager, Dublin Airport
Robbie Reid & AOS & stand allocation experts, Dublin Airport
Ciaran Martin
Stephen Byrne Station manager, Dublin ACC, IAA
Kate Ross ATM specialists, operational requirements domain, IAA
Declan Airport applications support, airport systems
Jean Halpin Head of forecasting and capacity analysis, Dublin Airport
A-CDM Representatives from aircraft operators, handling agents, IAA,
Steering Group and Dublin Airport

1.3 Approvals
Date: Approval: Version: Comments:
26/02/2018 Steering G. 7.3 Final draft sign-off
31/03/2016 Steering G. 7.1 Draft sign-off

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2.1 Terms of Reference
The Dublin Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) project is a joint initiative
between Dublin Airport, Irish Aviation Authority (IAA), Aircraft operators and handling
agents. The aim of A-CDM at Dublin is to facilitate the sharing of operational
processes and data to allow better decision making, throughout the A-CDM process.

A-CDM is being developed with our core operational business partners to share and
update data in a common operational system, to optimise the airport turn-round
process of a flight, make collaborative operational decisions, help reduce delays and
ensure resources are coordinated as efficiently as possible.

The key feature of A-CDM is that it will link the European Air Traffic System and the
Airports’ systems for the first time to help minimise delays at airports, improve
punctuality and enhance ATFM slot management across Europe. Implementation of
A-CDM will follow the Milestone approach as recommended by EUROCONTROL.

The detailed terms of reference for this project are outlined in Airport A-CDM
Implementation Manual v5 – March 2017 (a EUROCONTROL publication):

2.2 Purpose and format of this document

This document is intended to:

• Outline the scope of the Dublin A-CDM project.

• Define the operational and local departure planning procedures and clearly
define associated responsibilities.

• Outline the A-CDM contingency procedures

• Support the successful implementation of A-CDM in Dublin.

The most important features of Dublin A-CDM are highlighted in green

throughout this document, to identify the information sharing elements and key
processes required to be progressed by the A-CDM stakeholders.

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2.3 Objectives of Airport CDM
A-CDM aims at optimally utilising the available capacities and operational resources
at the airport by increasing the efficiency of the individual steps of the turn-round
Airports can be integrated into the European ATM network through the exchange of
reliable estimated arrival and departure times between Airport CDM and the Network
Manager Operations Centre (NMOC).
Airport CDM optimises operational cooperation between the following partners:
• Dublin Airport (daa)
• Airlines
• Handling agents
• Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) / ANSP
• Network Manager Operations Centre (NMOC)

2.4 Coordination with the Network Manager

Due to a fully automated data exchange with the NMOC, landing and take-off times
can be forecasted in a timely and reliable manner and/or precisely Calculated Take-
Off Times (CTOT) can be given, based on local Target Take-Off Times (TTOT). The
following messages are used:
• Flight Update Message (FUM)
• Early Departure Planning Information Message (E-DPI)
• Target Departure Planning Information Message (T-DPI target)
• Target Departure Planning Information Message (T-DPI sequenced)
• ATC Departure Planning Information Message (A-DPI)
• Cancel Departure Planning Information Message (C-DPI)

The basic procedures for cooperation between airlines / handling agents and / or
Dublin Airport and NMOC remain the same. Furthermore, all estimated departure
times are automatically transmitted to the NMOC during the turn-round process. In
case of delays caused by the airlines, the common CTOT allocation mechanisms
apply. These allocation mechanisms are confirmed and/or refined via DPI
messages. The NMOC determines and allocates the CTOT based on these
estimated departure times, i.e. DPI’s.

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A-CDM is implemented through the introduction of a set of operational procedures
and processes. The main characteristics of said procedures follow the six-step cycle
as outlined below and are explained further throughout this document.

3.1 Information Sharing

An up-to-date flight plan is a pre-requisite for the first milestone for A-CDM (see
clause 3.2). Information sharing is a key element of A-CDM and requires the sharing
of accurate and timely information between all airport partners to achieve common
situational awareness and to improve traffic event predictability.

3.1.1 Information Sharing Platform – Airport Operation System (AOS)

Information sharing will be delivered via the AOS platform providing real-time
information to all partners on flights operating to or from Dublin Airport and will be the
primary display for:

• Accurate arrival information through Flight Update Messages (FUMs) from


• Various interfaces to / from airlines / handling agents and IAA.

• Target Off-Block Time (TOBT), which will be input by the airlines and handling
agents and forward onto ATC Dublin.

• Target Start Up Approval Time (TSAT), which will be calculated by ATC

Dublin via the pre-departure sequencer.

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The AOS platform will alert
A-CDM stakeholders to
potential delays and
discrepancies by alarms
and they will be prompted
to take corrective action to
comply with the A-CDM

Figure 1: Sample view of the A-CDM screen within AOS

3.1.2 Situational Awareness Tool – Real Time Radar View of the Operation
In 2010, Dublin Airport and the IAA collaborated to provide a real-time radar view of
the operation to our base aircraft operators and handling agents in Dublin Airport.
This tool provides stakeholders with a view of flights at or on approach to Dublin
Airport and fed from the IAA live radar.

The provision of this tool was widely welcomed by all A-CDM partners.

Quote from airline user: ‘This tool allows us to monitor aircraft on the aprons,
taxiways and on approach
and helps us to mobilise
manpower accordingly. It is
a particularly valuable tool
during times of disruption as
it helps us plan ahead and
re-allocate resources more
Figure 2: Sample display of the situational awareness tool (opsview) at Dublin Airport.

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3.2 The Milestone Approach (Turn-round Process)
The milestone approach element as developed by EUROCONTROL describes the
progress of a flight from the initial planning to the take-off, by defining milestones to
enable close monitoring of significant events. The aim is to achieve a common
situational awareness and to predict the forthcoming events for each flight with off-
block and take off as the most critical events.

The concept element information sharing needs to be operational before

successful implementation of the Milestone Approach

Figure 3: The Milestone Approach to A-CDM Implementation

The Milestone Approach combined with the information sharing element is the
foundation for all other concept elements and Dublin will follow this best practice
approach in implementing A-CDM.

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Figure 4: Milestones of A-CDM implemented at Dublin; outlining data sources

3.3 Variable Taxi Times (VTT)

Prior to implementing A-CDM, the airport used pre-defined fixed standard taxi-times
for all aircraft based on landing / take-off runway times. Post A-CDM, IAA will provide
dynamic taxi-time through the Pre Departure Sequencer (PDS) for all arrival and
departure times. This dynamic VTT enables Dublin Airport to provide more accurate
information to the NMOC through the update of the Target Take Off Time (TTOT)
and more precise sequencing of flights through administration of Target Start Up
Approval Time (TSAT).

For arrivals at Dublin, an Estimated taXi-In Time (EXIT), added to the Estimated
Landing Time (ELDT), will provide an accurate Estimated In-Block Time (EIBT)
which will benefit stand and gate planning, pre-departure sequencing and ground
handling resource management.

For departures at Dublin, an Estimated taXi-Out Time (EXOT), added to the

Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT) or Target Start up Approval Time (TSAT) will
provide an ETOT or TTOT. This time can be used by the Network Manager to
provide a realistic CTOT and to update the flight profile. This will optimise flow and
capacity management at Dublin and onwards to the European air traffic network.

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Accurate taxi times are essential for calculating the following important times in the
Milestone Approach:
• Estimated In-Block Time (EIBT).
• Estimated and Target Take Off Time (ETOT and TTOT).
• Calculated TSAT for all departing flights.

In return for the above and the full A-CDM implementation we will all benefit from
more realistic and less constraining Calculated Take Off Times (CTOTs) that are
currently experienced via absolute and inaccurate use of standard taxi-times for
different scenarios.

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3.4 Pre-Departure Sequencing

3.4.1 Introduction
In most situations in air traffic management today, the principle of “first come first
served” is applied. The result is that flights may be pushed back in an order that is
not the preference of the Aircraft Operators.

Pre-departure sequencing allows ATC to plan based on the Target Off-Block

Times (TOBTs) obtained from the turn-round process or initial departure so that
flights can depart from their stands in a more efficient and optimal order.

Based on TOBTs and the operational traffic situation on the aprons, taxiways and
runways, the Pre-Departure Sequencer (PDS) will calculate a TSAT which places
each aircraft in an efficient pre-departure sequence (off-blocks), standardising start-
up and push-back procedures. This results in enhanced traffic flows towards the
runways and improves on today’s “first come first served” method.

The main objectives of Pre-departure Sequencing aim to:

• Enhance sequence transparency.
• Improve event predictability by creating TSAT and TTOT predictability.
• Improve punctuality, e.g. slot adherence, airline operator schedule, etc.

3.4.2 Partner information exchange

The essential requirement of this pre-departure

sequence element is:
• Capability of airlines or handling agents to
communicate accurate TOBTs.
• Capability of the PDS to calculate accurate

Once a new or updated TOBT is inserted by the aircraft operator (AO) or handling
agent (HA), the generic processes perform consistency checks and send out alerts in
case of discrepancy. A TSAT is derived and issued 40mins prior to TOBT.

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3.5 CDM in Adverse Conditions
Adverse conditions will be a future phase of the A-CDM project. Procedures will be
developed in due course with the A-CDM partners, IAA & Dublin Airport.

3.6 Collaborative Management of Flight Updates

Following the local implementation of A-CDM, the final stage of the project is for the
AOS platform to be connected to the Network Manager through the exchange of

In Collaborative Management of Flight Updates the exchange of information

between the Network Manager and the airport is realised by:
• Sending Departure Planning Information (DPI) messages from the
airport concerned to the network manager.
• Receiving Flight Update Messages (FUM) from the network manager to
the airports concerned.
• Flight plans and various message types (DLA’s, CHG, SAM’s, SLC’s,
SRM’s, etc.)

The main benefits of Collaborative Management of Flight Updates are:

• Enhanced arrivals information - it ensures the completeness of information
between en-route and airport operations.
• Enhanced turn-round information -
it improves predictability of ground
operations through enhanced
information updates on inbound
• Enhanced departures information -
it improves estimates of take-off
times, allowing a more accurate
and more predictable view of the
traffic situation, resulting in
improved ATFM slot allocation.

Figure 5: Information flow of Flight Updates for Stakeholders

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This section provides a more detailed look at the procedural elements of a flight that
will operate in accordance with the A-CDM procedures defined for Dublin Airport.
Note: Certain flights such as VFR and helicopter movements are exempt from the A-
CDM process but may still require an airport slot.

4.1 Correlation of Flight Information

The A-CDM procedure begins with the transmission of the ATC flight plan to AOS.
The ATC flight plan will be correlated with the flight data submitted to the airport by
the Airport Slot Coordinator. The focus is on:

• Linking inbound and outbound flights.

• Comparing the airport Scheduled Off-Block Time (SOBT) for the outbound
flight with the Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT) in the ATC flight-plan i.e.
matching the ICAO flight plan reference with the IATA flight number from the
airport slot co-ordinator.

This comparison is made as soon as a flight plan is received. If the ATC flight plan is
filed at a later stage, the commencement of the A-CDM procedure is postponed to
that time.

4.2 Airport Slot Discrepancy

If Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT ATC) deviates from the Scheduled Off-Block
Time (SOBT), the contact person of the AO or HA is advised by the A-CDM alerting
function that either the flight plan or the airport slot should be corrected.

4.3 Airport Slot Missing

If no airport slot is available the flight cannot be sequenced. All flights from Dublin
must have a valid airport runway slot.

4.4 Network slot tolerance window (STW)

If ATC received STW extension, this information must be forward to Dublin Airport by
Email ([email protected] & [email protected]) so that the A-CDM
information platform matches the ATC systems.

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4.5 Flight Plan Missing
If no flight plan is available the flight cannot be sequenced. All flights from Dublin
must have a valid flight plan.

4.6 Contact Points

The Stand Allocation Unit (SAU) can be contacted for any tactical matters
concerning activities relating to the correlation of flight information. However, it
should be noted that Dublin Airport is designated a coordinated airport under the EU
slot regulations 2004 and queries relating to airport slot times (SOBT) should be filed
/ amended with the airport slot coordinator.

For short notice ad hoc slot requests outside of the airport slot coordinator hours,
applicants should contact the stand allocation, contact details are as follows:
Stand Allocation Unit,
Level 5, Terminal 1,
Dublin Airport
Tel: +353 (0)1 8144352
E mail: [email protected]

The A-CDM Manager for Dublin Airport can be contacted on;

Tel: TBC
Email: [email protected]

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4.7 Target Off-Block Time (TOBT)

The TOBT, is the time that an aircraft operator / ground handler estimates that an
aircraft will be ready, all doors closed, boarding bridge removed, push back
vehicle available, de-icing complete and ready to start up / push back
immediately once cleared by ATC.

Airlines / Ground Handlers are responsible for the update of the TOBT.

The aim of TOBT is to provide a timely, accurate and reliable estimate of an aircraft
off block time to the community as a whole. Accurate TOBTs enhance operations on
the ground as they provide all airport partners with a clear picture of the intentions of
the aircraft on the ground.

A TOBT can be anticipated before the aircraft lands or during the turn-round process.
It is important that TOBT estimates should be as accurate and reliable as possible.
This will ensure that the Target Start-Up Approval Time (TSAT) calculated by the
PDS in respect of TOBT to sequence the flight for departure, can be complied with. If
the TSAT cannot be complied with, the flight will lose its place in the sequence and
an updated TOBT will have to be processed by the AO or HA to re-sequence the
flight. After TSAT issue the TOBT can be updated up to three times. If a fourth
update is required the flight will be removed from the sequence and re-sequenced.
Within 20 minutes of TSAT, improvements to the TOBT can be inserted, but no
improvement to TSAT will be available. This is to ensure the stability of the departure

Sources of TOBT:
The TOBT will come from either one of the following:

1. AOS defaulted. In the event that no TOBT has been input for a flight
at SOBT -90minutes, the system will default the TOBT to EOBT, unless the
linked arrival flight has an ELDT, and the ELDT -30mins is greater than SOBT
+90mins, in which case the TOBT will be set at this time.

2. Provided by Airline / Handling Agent (directly or indirectly into AOS).

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4.8 Who is Responsible for Updating TOBT?

The Airlines or their Handling Agents have the accountability to ensure that
timely and accurate TOBTs are input. Airlines may choose to delegate this
formal service to their Handling Agents, however ultimately, they are
responsible for ensuring that:

• One party is responsible for the TOBT on operational day / shift.

• Communication with the relevant airline, Operational Control Centre

(ATC flight plan / person responsible for the EOBT) ref any slot

• Coordination of internal working procedures to comply with published


The Airline or handling agent is responsible for inputting, maintaining and

deleting the TOBT. Airline or handling agents will be responsible for the
accuracy of and the adherence to the TOBT.

An inaccurate TOBT leads to disadvantages for further sequencing and/or CTOT

allocation of regulated flights. Therefore, the TOBT must be adjusted as early as
possible. All AO and HA at Dublin Airport must communicate any change to their
TOBT of +/- 5 minutes or greater. Timely, accurate and stable TOBTs will enhance
your operation from Dublin Airport. To further improve the operation at Dublin
Airport, it may be necessary to adjust these time parameters.

Airlines and Ground Handlers must ensure that they have an active systemised
means to update TOBT. The Pre-departure sequencer will calculate the TSAT
and this time will be available in the AOS. It is the responsibility of the AO / HA
to ensure each flight crew has the correct TOBT & TSAT assigned to it.

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4.9 TOBT Input and Adjustment
The following facts must be taken into account for the input and/or adjustment of the

1. The TOBT can only be accepted from EOBT (-)120minutes

2. If no TOBT is present at (-)90mins the TOBT will be defaulted to EOBT,

unless the EIBT + MTTT > EOBT. In this case a manual TOBT is

3. A manually set TOBT will never be overwritten by an automatically

generated TOBT.

4. The TOBT can be adjusted as often as necessary until the TSAT has
been issued i.e. at TOBT – 40mins.

5. After TSAT issue, the TOBT can be updated three times without losing
priority in the pre-departure sequence. If a fourth update is required the
flight will be removed from the sequence and re-sequenced. Within 20
minutes of TSAT, improvements to the TOBT can be inserted, but no
improvement to TSAT will be available. This is to ensure the stability of
the departure sequence.

6. It should be noted that after the issue of the TSAT, any subsequent
change to TOBT may trigger a new TSAT. This is to ensure fairness and
equity across the community for those flights ready to enter the pre-
departure sequence. Note: TSATs will be issued by the IAA pre-departure
sequencer and will be displayed in the AOS system.

7. New TOBTs cannot be inserted if they do not differ by a minimum of +/- 5

minutes from the previous TOBT.

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4.10 Deviations from TOBT and EOBT

If the TOBT deviates from the EOBT of the ATC flight plan by more than 15
minutes, the airline shall initiate an additional flight plan delay message. This
new EOBT must be based on the last and valid TOBT anticipated as the
departure time. This is as per current procedures.

4.11 TOBT Deletion or Change

The TOBT will be automatically deleted when:

• Operational flight gets cancelled in AOS.

• Unlinking of ATC flight plan and operational flight in AOS.

• Cancellation of the ATC flight plan.

• TOBT will be automatically be deleted by TOBT+20mins if no ASAT.

In case of delays (> 5 minutes) after ATC clearance has been received and /
or a call ready at TOBT has been made, the pilot should inform ATC of the
delay and a new TOBT must be issued by the Aircraft agent. If a TSAT
changes post clearance, ATC will communicate the revised TSAT verbally to
the pilot. A revised DCL message will not be issued, post ATC clearance.

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Example A:

At 09:40

A flight was scheduled to depart at 10:00 and

the TOBT was set accordingly. Subsequently
a TSAT was generated to show 10:05 and if
the aircraft had complied with that it would
have reached position ‘A’ in the departure

At 09:55

However, an issue was identified (at 09:55)

and the TOBT was changed to 10:05. In
consequence, a new TSAT of 10:10 was calculated. Consequently, the aircraft will
now have to remain at position ‘B’ until its later TSAT (10:10), when push-back will
become available.

Example B

At 09:40

A flight was scheduled to depart at 10:00 and

the TOBT was set accordingly. Subsequently
a TSAT was generated to show 10:05 and if
the aircraft had complied with that it would
have reached position ‘A’ in the departure

At 09:55

However, an issue was identified (at 09:55)

and the TOBT was changed to 10:50.

Consequently, the aircraft was removed from the departure sequence and TSAT is
blanked out on screen to the user.

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4.12 Potential TOBT Alerts
Potential A-CDM alerts are fully explained in Section 6 of this document and include
the TOBT alerts as follows:

CDM Alarm: Short Description:

CDM07a EIBT + MTTT discrepancy with TOBT

CDM08 EOBT Compliance Alert

CDM09 Boarding Not Started (Define rules / alerts)

CDM10 TOBT Rejected or Deleted

CDM11 Flight not compliant with TOBT / TSAT

CDM11a Flight not compliant with TOBT for de-icing

CDM14 Automatic TOBT generation not possible.

4.13 Target Start up Approval Time (TSAT)

The time provided by PDS, takes into account the TOBT, CTOT, VTT, runway in
use, and the traffic situation that an aircraft can expect start up / push back

4.14 TSAT Characteristics Overview

• The time calculated by PDS that an aircraft can expect to receive “start up”
approval (+/-5mins).

• Is issued at TOBT -40 minutes.

• TSAT can be up to 5 minutes before its TOBT, e.g. TOBT = 10:00 and TSAT
could = 09:55. Pilots will be notified of their TSAT by their Airline / Handling

• Based on the TSAT, ATC will endeavour to ensure start-up clearance subject
to the traffic situation (see start-up request section below).

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4.15 How do you ensure you get a timely TSAT
As a core component of the departure process, it is very important that there is clarity
as to the elements that are required to ensure either:

1. A TSAT is released in a timely manner at (-)40mins to TOBT.

A TSAT request will only be processed and displayed in AOS if at TOBT

(-)40mins there are ‘No Gaps’ in information to either TOBT, STAND and CALL
SIGN / flight number correlation.

If there are gaps in the data, no TSAT will be displayed and the aircraft will NOT
be sequenced.

2. If information is amended, to the key fields, this may affect the original allocated

If a TSAT already exists from (-)40mins to TOBT, and if there are any
subsequent changes to either, IFPLID (Flight Plan), CALL SIGN, AIRCRAFT
TYPE, SID, CTOT or departure runway, this may trigger the generation of a new
TSAT. For example; if a new CTOT is issued, then the existing TSAT may be
replaced with a new TSAT.

4.16 How do you update the TOBT following issue of TSAT?

If any changes to the TOBT are made after the initial TSAT has been calculated
(maximum 3 changes), a new TSAT may be generated. The latest TSAT will be
displayed in the AOS. On the forth TOBT change, the TOBT time must be
deleted from the AOS system and re-entered. Once a forth TOBT is entered a
new TSAT will be issued.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 22 | P a g e

4.17 Apart from changes in data, can I lose my TSAT for other reasons?

Yes. When procedures have not been followed by the flight crew this may
generate a loss of the existing TSAT. Namely, if ATC calls Aircraft at TSAT
+5minutes and no reply is received or the aircraft is not ready to start, ATC will
not push the aircraft until a new TOBT is received and a new TSAT generated.
A new TSAT will be generated when a new TOBT is received from the AO or

Pilots will be advised by ATC that they must contact their company for a new
TOBT to be entered.

4.18 TSAT Reporting Channels

The active TSAT will always be displayed in AOS. It is the responsibility of the AO /
HA to ensure that the pilot is advised of the flight’s TSAT.

4.19 Update of TSAT

In certain situations, the PDS may have to re-sequence a flight, even if no new TOBT
has been sent (e.g. congestion, reduced visibility etc). PDS will calculate a new
TSAT which will be displayed in AOS and it is the AO / HA responsibility to
communicate the new TSAT to the pilot.
If pilots have received their clearance and called at TOBT and Ground has not called
to give push and start clearance by TSAT +5minutes, pilots are requested to call
Ground requesting push and start clearance.

Optimal TSAT
In the case of regulated flights with a distant CTOT (i.e. TOBT 1200 CTOT
1345), PDS will calculate a TSAT to meet that CTOT and will continuously seek
to improve the CTOT through automated dynamic communication with the
Network Manager. If the CTOT is advanced a new TSAT will be calculated to
allow the aircraft to meet this. The pilot should contact the appropriate ATC
frequency for start as usual at TOBT -/+5mins and any subsequent changes to
TSAT, will be issued to the pilot by ATC.

NOTE: For flights with a regulation (CTOT), the AO / HA should not amend their
TOBT (e.g. to advise the outstation of a late DUB Departure) unless they have
consciously decided to potentially delay the departure.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 23 | P a g e

4.20 Early Ready
If the aircraft is ready in advance of the TOBT by greater than or equal to (-)5
minutes, the AO / HA may provide an updated TOBT message in AOS or electronic
update method & await a TSAT improvement if available.

4.21 Potential Airport A-CDM alerts

Potential A-CDM alerts concerning the TSAT include: *

CDM Alarm: Short Description:

CDM08 EOBT Compliance Alert

CDM10 TOBT Rejected or Deleted

CDM11 Flight not compliant with TOBT / TSAT

*Details on the full A-CDM alerts are outlined in Section 6.

4.22 Start- Up and Push Back - The Role of Flight crew

4.22.1 TOBT / TSAT

The Pilot shall ensure that the flight is ready to depart at TOBT (window of -/+5
minutes). The AO / HA must update the TOBT in AOS if the flight is not ready within
this window. Prior to reporting ready to ATC at TOBT +/-5 minutes it is responsibility
of the AO / HA to issue the TSAT to the Pilot. The current TSAT will also be included
in DCL messages. If a TSAT changes post clearance, ATC will communicate the
revised TSAT verbally to the pilot. A revised DCL message will not be issued, post
ATC clearance

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 24 | P a g e

4.22.2 Pushback and/or Start – Dublin ATC

The Pilot will contact the appropriate ATC frequency and report ready to start
at -/+ 5 minutes of TOBT. Following this call, ATC will either approve Start Up
or advise to wait until TSAT. Once the pilot reports ready for push and start at
TOBT (+/-5mins), there is no requirement for the TOBT to be updated, if the
flight is required to wait on stand to comply with TSAT. If subsequently a flight
is unable to meet its TSAT, a new TOBT is required (+/-5mins of TSAT).

If a TSAT expires;

• Dublin ATC will advise the pilot that a new TOBT is required by his
Airline / HA.

• A new TOBT must be entered for the flight to be re-sequenced with a

new TSAT.

• Aircraft will not be allowed to depart until a valid TOBT is entered and a
revised TSAT is issued.

4.22.3 Pushback Procedures - Dublin

The push back procedures in Aerodrome Manual, Part D-O Aircraft Stand Allocation,
will be followed at Dublin Airport. To access this manual, please contact
[email protected]

4.22.4 Push and hold Procedures

If an aircraft has reported ready at TOBT, but push and start is not available due to a
later TSAT, and an arriving aircraft needs the stand position, the aircraft may be
requested by ATC / Dublin Airport to push and hold in accordance with procedures at
Dublin Airport, included in D-O Aircraft Stand Allocation Procedures. ATC & Dublin
Airport have local procedures for remote holding. Please refer to appendix B.

4.23 Delay Codes

A new delay code for A-CDM is being discussed at a European level. Until this new
delay code comes in, delays should be recorded in the normal way, i.e. under
existing delay codes.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 25 | P a g e

5.1 Purpose of a DPI
Departure Planning Information (DPI)
messages provide flight data related updates
for the NMOC for planned departure flights at
Dublin Airport.

DPI messages contain information concerning

departure flights, and subsequently sent DPI
messages update previously sent information
with more recent and accurate flight plan data.

Each DPI message relates to a single flight only.

5.2 DPI Benefits

The messages provide a way for the A-CDM Airports to be integrated into the
Network Manager process, supporting the most efficient management of the

The following benefits apply:

• Common picture of the network situation, facilitating its understanding and

enhanced decision making.

• Allow the Network Manager to understand the A-CDM Airport constraints for a
given flight and to take them into account in its own processes.

• Allows the best adjustment between Dublin Airport and ATC capacity.

• Provide more accurate timing of the traffic, enabling automatic processes such
as slot allocation to be more effective.

• Improve short term forecast of the traffic situation.

• Enables airlines to get a better view of their respective fleet situation before
the departure of flights (especially when Dublin is an out-station).

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 26 | P a g e

5.3 DPI Message Types
There are five types of DPI messages that are relevant to the pre-departure
sequence. Each DPI message type gives a more progressive accurate update of the
flight. The message types are:

DPI Description: Notes:


E-DPI Early DPI First DPI message that is sent from Dublin Airport to
the NMOC notifying the Estimated Take Off Time
(Sent @ EOBT
(-) 3Hrs)
T-DPI-t Target DPI This DPI message is sent from Dublin Airport to the
target NMOC, providing a provisional TOBT, calculated by
the system, not yet acknowledged by the Aircraft
(Sent @ EOBT
Operator (or their agent).
(-) 2Hrs)
T-DPI-s Target DPI This DPI message is sent from Dublin Airport to the
sequence NMOC when; (a). For Regulated flights; once a TSAT
(Sent @ TOBT is generated. (b) For Non regulated flights; following
any changes to TTOT, SID etc.
A-DPI ATC DPI DPI message sent from Dublin Airport to the NMOC
(Sent @ AOBT) notifying them of the TTOT, between ATC time of pre-
departure sequencing and Actual Take off Time
C-DPI Cancel DPI This message informs the NMOC that a previously
sent DPI is no longer valid.

5.4 DPI Message Timing

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 27 | P a g e

5.5 TOBT/EOBT changes post full A-CDM and DPI network integration
Following full integration of Dublin Airport into the network via dynamic DPI message
exchange, the Network Manager will start to receive Off-block time updates via two
different sources.

• via DLA or CHG [direct from the AO reflect the EOBT].

• via DPI (T-DPI-t, T-DPI-s and/or E-DPI) from the A-CDM / IAA interface
reflecting the TOBT.

Upon receipt of a revised T-DPI-t, the Network Manager will assess the network
impact and in some cases a flight may get a new CTOT or become suspended.
Experience from A-CDM airports show that if additional delay occurs, the
Network Manager may find a new CTOT within minutes.

Post full integration we must remember that, DLA messages are often sent at the
very last moment while TOBT updates are sent earlier. This early reception of the
TOBT / TSAT gives the Network Manager time to find CTOT improvements.

If the NMOC receives a DLA / CHG with a new EOBT after a T-DPI-t, then they will
automatically compare the content of the TOBT field, with the new EOBT.

It is therefore important that the EOBT and TOBT are kept in close alignment post
full A-CDM integration.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 28 | P a g e

Alerting is an important result of information sharing and information processing.
Once new information is entered in the AOS system, it must be validated so that the
value of the new information is compliant with tolerances and limits.

Alerts will be automatically generated within the AOS system and issued to users for
resolution after an inconsistency is detected. A-CDM alerts and their short
description are set out below:

CDM Alarm: Short Description:

CDM01 No Airport Slot Available, or Slot already correlated

CDM02 SOBT vs. EOBT discrepancy
CDM03 Aircraft Type discrepancy
CDM04 Aircraft Registration discrepancy
CDM05 First Destination discrepancy
CDM07 EIBT + MTTT discrepancy with EOBT
CDM07a EIBT + MTTT discrepancy with TOBT
CDM08 EOBT Compliance Alert (deviation of 15mins)
CDM09 Boarding not started
CDM10 TOBT Rejected or Deleted
CDM11 Flight not compliant with TOBT / TSAT
CDM11a Flight not compliant with TOBT for de-icing
CDM13 No ATC Flight Plan available
CDM14 Automatic TOBT generation not possible

It is important to understand and acknowledge which alerts will prevent the

aircraft from being sequenced when activated. The highest ranked alert will be
displayed in colour in the AOS system. Alerts are coded Grey, Green, Red,
Amber & yellow with potential consequences if not addressed set out below.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 29 | P a g e

Sample alerts from Dublin Airport and the advisory information are set out below;

CDM02 – SOBT vs. EOBT discrepancy; X

17/03/2017 0135UTC
ATC Flight Plan ETH500/ET500 EOBT 17/03/2017 0535 (UTC) is not consistent with
Airport Slot SOBT 17/03/2017 0520 (UTC).
Immediate update of Airport Slot or ATC Flight Plan EOBT needed.


CDM10 – TOBT Rejected or Deleted; X

12/01/2018 1604 UTC
EIN23H/EI236 TOBT was rejected or deleted.
New TOBT is required.


DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 30 | P a g e

Use Case: Expected Outcome:
Blocked Flights; PDS: If 5min after TSAT no ASRT has been
set, the system will remove the flight from the
A flight has a TSAT assigned sequence: delete TSAT TTOTSequence and
but for some reason misses it send update to A-CDM system. The NMOC is
and will therefore not push informed at TSAT+10 if still no new TOBT is
back at the allocated time. provided (and flight is suspended).

A-CDM: CDM10 alert.

To get re-sequenced (by PDS) a new TOBT is

AO: Need to insert a new TOBT with the

expected ready time.

PDS: Should remove the flight from the

sequence and only calculate a new sequence
for it when an update of the TOBT is sent.

Widening of the CTOT Slot ATC: Contact NMOC and put in request to
Tolerance Window; widen CTOT slot tolerance window. If NMOC
confirms this, ATC shift leader should contact
The normal A-CDM slot DUBLIN AIRPORT and inform of the widening
tolerance window defined by of the slot tolerance window.
NMOC is (-)5, +10min from
CTOT. In adverse conditions, DUBLIN AIRPORT: Insert the new slot
ATC can widen this window tolerance window into the A-CDM system.
following agreement with
Network Managerif the normal PDS: Must conform sequence to the NMOC
time window is not sufficient. CTOT.

Push and Hold; PDS: No change.

If a departing aircraft is asked ATC / Dublin Airport have agreed procedures

to push and hold to allow for in place to deal with these occurrences (see
an arrival aircraft to park, the appendix B).
TTOT sent to NMOC should
still be accurate, or updated if

Correcting the call sign in A-CDM: Authorised users may need to

AOS; manually assign a flight plan to the flight in
AOS. (Automatic matching does not take place
Currently it is possible to due to the different callsign values.) Once the
update the Callsign manually update is received a message will be sent out
in AOS. to PDS.

Once flight plans are

processed, the callsign should

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 31 | P a g e

only change if there is a
difference between AOS data
and the flight plan data.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 32 | P a g e

8.1 EFS or PDS or A-SMGCS failure;

In this event, the IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions:

• Inform the Dublin Airport ADM that A-CDM has been suspended

• Inform London FMP / EUROCONTROL of the suspension of A-CDM at Dublin

• Send Ready Messages on flight plans if required

• Enter taxi times in CHMI

• Inform TCD (IAA Engineering)

• The following message shall be included in the ATIS; “A-CDM Procedures

suspended. Pilots call Clearance Delivery for flight plan clearance and start-up

8.1.1 The ADM will undertake the following actions;

• Inform the AO / HA’s that A-CDM has been suspended via text messages,
Email, or by phone.

• Remind the AO/HA’s that TOBTs should continue to be input to the AOS to
enable the resumption of A-CDM operations, as soon as possible

• Inform the Stand Allocation Unit to switch off DPI sending in AOS.

• Issue a NOTAM stating A-CDM at Dublin Airport has been temporary


• Inform daa IT

8.1.2 EFS or PDS or A-SMGCS resumption of A-CDM;

The IAA Station Manager and daa ADM will agree the time for the resumption of A-

In this event, the IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions:

• IAA will inform ADM that their systems are back on-line.

• Inform London FMP / EUROCONTROL of the resumption of A-CDM at Dublin

• Inform TCD (IAA Engineering), if required

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 33 | P a g e

• Remove the following message from the ATIS; “A-CDM Procedures
suspended. Pilots call Clearance Delivery for flight plan clearance and start-
up approval”.

8.1.3 The ADM will undertake the following actions;

• Inform the AO / HA’s that A-CDM will be resumed via text messages, Email, or
by phone.

• Inform the Stand Allocation Unit to switch on DPI sending in AOS at the
agreed time.

• Cancel the temporary NOTAM

• Inform daa IT

8.2 AOS schedule or unscheduled system outages;

The ADM will undertake the following actions;

• Inform IAA and AO / HA’s that AOS has failed and A-CDM has been
suspended via text messages, Email or by phone.

• Issue a NOTAM stating A-CDM at Dublin Airport has been temporary


8.2.1 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions:

• Inform London FMP / EUROCONTROL of the suspension of A-CDM at Dublin

• Send Ready Messages on flight plans if required

• Enter taxi times in CHMI

• Inform TCD (IAA Engineering)

• The following message shall be included in the ATIS; “A-CDM Procedures

suspended. Pilots call Clearance Delivery for flight plan clearance and start-up

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 34 | P a g e

8.2.2 AOS resumption of service;

The IAA Station Manager and daa ADM will agree the time for the resumption of A-

The ADM will undertake the following actions;

• Inform the AO / HA’s that A-CDM will be resumed via text messages, Email, or
by phone.

• Inform the Stand Allocation Unit to switch on DPI sending in AOS at the
agreed time.

• Cancel the temporary NOTAM

• Inform daa IT

8.2.3 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions:

• Inform London FMP / EUROCONTROL of the resumption of A-CDM at Dublin

• Inform TCD (IAA Engineering)

• Remove the following message from the ATIS; “A-CDM Procedures

suspended. Pilots call Clearance Delivery for flight plan clearance and start-
up approval”.

8.3 daa / IAA interface failure or partial failure (AFTN, IB, etc);

In this event, the IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions:

• Inform the Dublin Airport ADM that A-CDM has been suspended

• Inform London FMP / EUROCONTROL of the suspension of A-CDM at Dublin

• Send Ready Messages on flight plans if required

• Enter taxi times in CHMI

• Inform TCD (IAA Engineering)

• The following message shall be included in the ATIS; “A-CDM Procedures

suspended. Pilots call Clearance Delivery for flight plan clearance and start-up

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 35 | P a g e

8.3.1 The ADM will undertake the following actions;

• Inform the AO / HA’s that A-CDM has been suspended via text messages,
Email, or by phone.

• Remind AO/HA’s that TOBTs should continue to be input to the AOS to

enable the resumption of A-CDM operations, as soon as possible

• Inform the Stand Allocation Unit to switch off DPI sending in AOS

• Issue a NOTAM stating A-CDM at Dublin Airport has been temporary


• Inform daa IT

8.3.2 daa / IAA interface resumption of A-CDM;

The IAA Station Manager and daa ADM will agree the time for the resumption of A-

8.3.3 The ADM will undertake the following actions;

• Inform the AO / HA’s that A-CDM will be resumed via text messages, Email, or
by phone.

• Inform the Stand Allocation Unit to switch on DPI sending in AOS at the
agreed time.

• Cancel the temporary NOTAM

• Inform daa IT

8.3.4 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions:

• Inform London FMP / EUROCONTROL of the resumption of A-CDM at Dublin

• Inform TCD (IAA Engineering)

• Remove the following message from the ATIS; “A-CDM Procedures

suspended. Pilots call Clearance Delivery for flight plan clearance and start-
up approval”.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 36 | P a g e

8.4 Airlines / Handling Agent IT failure;

If the I.T. interface between AO / HA systems and AOS fails, the AO / HA must insert
A-CDM data directly into AOS and undertake the following actions;

• AO/HA inform Stand Allocation Unit

• Stand Allocation Unit will inform the ADM and Daa IT

8.4.1 Resumption of Airlines / Handling IT interface

• AO/HA inform Stand Allocation Unit

• Stand Allocation Unit will inform the ADM and Daa IT

8.5 AOS mobile app failure;

• Inform daa IT

• The ADM will inform the AO / HA’s that the AOS mobile app service is down
via text messages, Email, or by phone

• AOS mobile app users should insert / view A-CDM data into AOS rich client

8.5.1 Resumption of AOS mobile app

• daa IT will inform the ADM that the AOS mobile app is back in operation.

• The ADM will inform the AO / HA’s that the AOS mobile app service has
resumed via text messages, Email, or by phone

8.6 Adverse weather;

In the event of adverse weather, the ADM and IAA Station Manager may agree to
suspend A-CDM. Low visibility operations will not normally lead to a suspension to

8.6.1 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions:

• Inform London FMP / EUROCONTROL of the suspension of A-CDM at Dublin

• Send Ready Messages on flight plans if required

• Enter taxi times in CHMI

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 37 | P a g e

• The following message shall be included in the ATIS; “A-CDM Procedures
suspended. Pilots call Clearance Delivery for flight plan clearance and start-up

8.6.2 The ADM will undertake the following actions;

• Inform the AO / HA’s that A-CDM has been suspended via text messages,
Email, or by phone.

• Remind AO/HA’s that TOBTs should continue to be input to the AOS to

enable the resumption of A-CDM operations, as soon as possible

• Issue a NOTAM stating A-CDM at Dublin Airport has been temporary


• Inform the Stand Allocation Unit to switch off DPI sending in AOS.

8.6.3 Resumption of service after adverse weather;

The IAA Station Manager and daa ADM will agree the time for the resumption of A-

8.6.4 The ADM will undertake the following actions;

• Inform the AO / HA’s that A-CDM will be resumed via text messages, Email, or
by phone.

• Cancel the temporary NOTAM

• Inform the Stand Allocation Unit to switch on DPI sending in AOS at the
agreed time.

8.6.5 The IAA Station Manager will carry out the following actions:

• Inform London FMP / EUROCONTROL of the resumption of A-CDM at Dublin

• Remove the following message from the ATIS; “A-CDM Procedures

suspended. Pilots call Clearance Delivery for flight plan clearance and start-
up approval”.

8.7 General note;

For other reasons outside the list above, the daa ADM and the IAA Station Manager
may suspend A-CDM, if they deem necessary.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 38 | P a g e

8.8 DAA IT – Incident logging for ACDM;

The following daa IT numbers should be used to report all A-CDM incident;
DAA IT: Availability: Contact:

Level 1 - IT Service 24x7 +353 1 9440800

Desk & AITS +353 87 9297842
+353 87 9964616
Level 2 - Airport 24x7 +353 1 9440455
Applications Support

IT Escalations - IT 24x7 +353 1 9440736

Service Delivery

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 39 | P a g e

The following A-CDM webpage was developed for Dublin Airport;

The A-CDM website went live in April 2016. On this webpage, you will find;

• General information about A-CDM and the project

• Benefits to all partners

• Seven information leaflets

• Useful documents

• DUB A-CDM video and EUROCONTROL A-CDM video

• Training (E-learning)

• A-CDM Operational Procedures

• Other related websites, i.e. IAA, EUROCONTROL, etc.

• Contact details

If you experience any technical issues with the DUB A-CDM webpage, please
contact the Dublin Airport IT Service Desk on 00353 1 8141441.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 40 | P a g e


Reference Material: Sourced From:

Dublin Airport A-CDM MoU – Nov. 2014 Dublin Stakeholders

A-CDM Implementation Manual v5 – March EUROCONTROL


DPI & FUM Implementation road map – August EUROCONTROL



DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 41 | P a g e

Please refer to the existing Dublin Airport push and hold procedures.

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 42 | P a g e

ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
ACC Area Control Centre
ACGT Actual Commence of Ground Handling Time
ACISP Airport CDM Information Sharing Platform
ACZT Actual Commencement of De-icing Time
ADEP Aerodrome of Departure
ADES Aerodrome of Destination
ADEXP ATS Data Exchange Presentation
ADIT Actual De-icing Time
ADM Airport Duty Manager
A-DPI ATC-Departure Planning Information message
AEGT Actual End of Ground handling Time
AEZT Actual End of De-icing Time
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AGHT Actual Ground Handling Time
AIBT Actual In-Block Time
ALDT Actual Landing Time
AMAN Arrival Manager
ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider
AO Aircraft Operator
AOBT Actual Off-Block Time
AOC Airport Operator Committee
APP Approach Control Unit
ARDT Actual Ready Time (for Movement)
ARR Arrival
ARZT Actual Ready for De-icing Time
ASAT Actual Start Up Approval Time
ASBT Actual Start Boarding Time
A-SMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
ASRT Actual Start Up Request Time
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATFCM Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management
ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 43 | P a g e

ATM Air Traffic Management
ATOT Actual Take Off Time
ATS Air Traffic Services
ATTT Actual Turn-round Time
AXIT Actual Taxi-In Time
AXOT Actual Taxi-Out Time
C-DPI Cancel – Departure Planning Information message
NMOC Central Flow Management Unit
CHG Modification message
CNL Flight Plan Cancellation
CPDLC Controller Pilot data Link Communication
CTOT Calculated Take Off Time
DCL Departure Clearance (Data link)
DEP Departure
DLA Delay message
DMAN Departure Manager
DPI Departure Planning Information message
ECZT Estimated Commencement of De-icing Time
EDIT Estimated De-icing Time
E-DPI Early – Departure Planning Information Message
EET Estimated Elapsed Time
EEZT Estimated End of De-icing Time
EIBT Estimated In-Block Time
ELDT Estimated Landing Time
EOBT Estimated Off-Block Time
ERZT Estimated Ready for De-icing Time
ETFMS Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System
ETO Estimated Time Over
ETOT Estimated Take Off Time
ETTT Estimated Turn-round Time
EXIT Estimated Taxi-In Time
EXOT Estimated Taxi-Out Time
FIDS Flight Information Display System
FIR Flight Information Region

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 44 | P a g e

FLS Flight Suspension message
FMP Flow Management Position
FPL Filed Flight Plan
FRD Functional Requirements Document
FSA First System Activation
FUM Flight Update Message
GH Ground Handler
HMI Human-Machine Interface
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IFPS Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LoA Letter of Agreement
LVP Low Visibility Procedures
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MTTT Minimum Turn-round Time
MVT Movement message
OCD Operational Concept Document
PAX Passengers
PDS Pre-departure sequencer
PMP Project Management Plan
REA Ready message
REJ Rejection message
RFP Replacement Flight Plan
RWY Runway
SAM Slot Allocation Message
SIBT Scheduled In-Block Time
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIT1 NMOC Slot Issue Time
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLC Slot Cancellation message
SOBT Scheduled Off-Block Time
SRM Slot Revision Message
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar

DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 45 | P a g e

STAR Standard Arrival Route
STTT Scheduled Turn-round Time
TBC To Be Confirmed
T-DPI Target - Departure Planning Information message
TOBT Target Off-Block Time
TSAT Target Start Up Approval Time
TLDT Target Landing Time
TTOT Target Take Off Time
TWR Aerodrome Control Tower
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VTT Variable Taxi Time
WP Work Package

Please refer to EUROCONTROL A-CDM Implementation Manual for full list of

definitions (document link included on page 5).


DUB A-CDM Operational Procedures_v7.3 46 | P a g e

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