Building Ai Neobank
Building Ai Neobank
Building Ai Neobank
Building a winning
AI neobank
Firms launching a neobank can increase their odds of success in
today’s uncertain environment by targeting specific characteristics
and capabilities in their strategy and execution plans.
by Anubhav Bhattacharjee, Violet Chung, Shwaitang Singh, and Renny Thomas
November 2022
Licensed neobanks are disrupting the global of these banks, directing approximately $32 billion
financial services industry on the back of strong in estimated global venture capital funding to
trends, but their long-term success hinges on neobanks between 2017 and 2021.2
their ability to create an artificial-intelligence-
When it comes to financial performance, however,
powered banking model that is customer centric,
only a handful of neobanks have demonstrated
operationally efficient, and profitable at scale.
success. The rest have struggled to create value.
The last decade has seen around 400 launches Some of the world’s biggest neobanks have, in
of licensed neobanks,1 an overarching category fact, seen their valuations plummet in recent
that includes digital-only banks, virtual banks, months, responding to ongoing macroeconomic
and challenger banks (see sidebar, “What is volatility and shifting investor perceptions on the
a neobank?”). Incumbent banks, nonbank neobanks’ valuation drivers.
challengers (such as fintech players), stand-
In such a scenario, how can neobank start-ups
alone digital attackers, and large consumer and
set themselves up for success today? While we
payments platforms have all launched neobanks
believe long-term trends will keep the digital-
in recent years, making the competitive pool
banking industry relevant and appealing, even
increasingly vast and diverse.
amid an economic downturn, they will not
Neobanks have reset the paradigm for the guarantee profitability. In this article, we will
traditional banking industry in terms of customer describe a framework of winning characteristics
experience, product innovation, and pricing, and capabilities that any new entrant should
enabled by burgeoning consumer demand and incorporate in its strategy and execution to
supportive regulation of licensing frameworks. become a future-ready neobank.
Investors have been drawn to the disruptive power
What is a neobank?
The term neobank has been used at least been called challenger banks, virtual Today, licensed neobanks—entities
since the mid-2010s to describe fintechs banks, digital banks, online banks, and that have a regulatory license in their
that are challenging traditional banks by internet-only banks. respective geography to provide digital
providing an increasingly comprehensive banking services—may exist as stand-
Over the years, the definition of neobank
suite of banking services (as opposed alone fintechs, digital units launched by
has expanded and blurred. Many
to just payments, personal financial traditional banks, or as digital financial
traditional banks have launched their own
management, etc.) through innovative and services plays by other institutions.
exclusively digital plays, and fintechs have
low-cost digital channels. Depending on
partnered with traditional banks to provide
geography, these institutions have also
banking services.
“Simon-Kucher introduces the Global Neobanking Radar database to rank and track challenger banks and their path to profitability,” press
release, Simon-Kucher, May 27, 2022.
Data were aggregated from multiple sources, including S&P Capital IQ and Panorama Fintech.
“Revolut: Neo-bank strategy deep dive,” WhiteSight, November 11, 2020.
“WeBank: The world’s leading digital bank decoded,” press release, WeBank, October 31, 2019.
“Bank cost savings via chatbots to reach $7.3 billion by 2023,” press release, Juniper Research, February 20, 2019.
APIs enable data sharing between banks and third parties.
See, for example, Catherine Bakewell, “A better banking platform: Chime aims to help its members get ahead by making money management
easy,” Plaid.
Chris Wright, “KakaoBank turns to platform growth,” Euromoney, March 31, 2022.
Web <2022>
Exhibit <1>
Exhibit 1 of <2>
Cohort analysiscan
Cohort analysis canshow
customer acquisition
acquisition andand
monetization strategies
monetization strategies forfor neobanks.
Cohort return on customer 10× Year 1
acquisition cost, illustrative, Year 2
multiple Year 3
Year 4
0 12 24
Months after joining
Amrita Ahuja, “Block Investor Day—business model,” Block Finance, May 18, 2022, available on YouTube.
Engagement layer
Intelligent Beyond-bank Low-friction Embeddable AI-enabled Digital-first
products and engagement omnichannel (into platforms) conversational brand and
services modules journeys user interfaces interfaces identity
Edge technologies
Natural- Virtual Facial Robotics Voice Computer Blockchain Behavioral
language agents/ recognition script vision analytics
processing bots analysis
Operating-model layer
Autonomous Agile, learn-fast Modern, Digital-native Hybrid teams and
full-stack business way of working nontraditional culture and operating model
and technology talent capabilities
experiences that are not only easy, intuitive, fast, Third, the experiences need to be tailored to each
and responsive but also delightful. To do this, they customer’s needs and context and be hyper-
could create low-friction, low-latency, and highly personalized. For this, neobanks need to set
customizable mobile-first journeys. up a product innovation engine that allows for
the discovery of unarticulated customer needs
Second, these experiences need to be available
and the flexibility to introduce innovative new
where customers need them the most. One way for
products. Equally important is to ensure the
banks to do this would be to build their products
flexibility of the entire interface (for example,
and interfaces in a way that they can be seamlessly
enabling it to change the products and journeys in
integrated with various ecosystem partners,
varied ways for each customer). The engagement
allowing customers to discover and consume
layer should also be suitably linked to the models
propositions beyond the bank’s core platforms.
Anubhav Bhattacharjee is a consultant in McKinsey’s Mumbai office, where Shwaitang Singh is a partner and Renny Thomas
is a senior partner. Violet Chung is a partner in the Hong Kong office.