Manual de Reparacion MCR

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BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00

RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R

MCR Motors Service Manual

2002,BRM MS
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. 1

Series 32

Low Speed High Torque Motor

MCR3, 5, 10, 15, 20 & 40 2002,BRM MS
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. 1

AOM, B-M, C-M Two Speed

Displacement 160 to 4200 cc/rev

MCR5C ... F180Z -32/B4M/../S

BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00 Series 32 Service Manual

Notice: Designations, descriptions and presentations correspond to the state of information at the date of impression of this manual.
Modifications may influence the product service without any obligations for us arising there from. Methods and set-ups are
recommendations only, no liability is undertaken by Rexroth for the results.
2002,BRM MS
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.


Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................................................. 3

2002,BRM MS
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. 1

Installation ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Commissioning ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Operation .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

Mechanical brake release ...................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Dismantling Instructions ................................................................................................................................ 5

1.0 Park brake disassembly (B-M) ..................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Drum brake shoe inspection and removal (C-M)........................................................................................... 6
1.2 Motor disassembly ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Drum brake/Front casing disassembly ('F' type with C-M) ............................................................................. 6
1.4 Front casing disassembly (All types) ............................................................................................................ 7
1.5 Rear casing disassembly ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.6 Rotating group disassembly ........................................................................................................................ 9

2. Reassembly Instructions .............................................................................................................................. 10

2.1 Front casing assembly (All types) .............................................................................................................. 10

2.2 Drum/Dynamic brake assembly ................................................................................................................. 12
2.3 Dynamic brake/Front casing assembly/setting ('F' type with C-M) ............................................................... 13
2.4 Rotating group assembly ........................................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Rear casing assembly ............................................................................................................................... 15
2.6 Motor assembly ........................................................................................................................................ 17
2.7 Park brake assembly (B-M) ....................................................................................................................... 17
2.8 Park brake test (B-M) ................................................................................................................................ 18

3. Options ......................................................................................................................................................... 19

3.1 Flushing valve disassembly ....................................................................................................................... 19

3.2 Flushing valve assembly ........................................................................................................................... 19

Appendices: Page

A. Tooling ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

B. Grease specification ........................................................................................................................................ 20

C. Fault finding .................................................................................................................................................... 20

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BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

Series 32 Service Manual RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00

Safety Instructions Oil contamination must not exceed NAS 1638 class 9 (or SAE
class 6, ISO / DIN 4406 class 18/15). The maximum permissible
Warning: Damage or injury may result if any of the instructions in interval between system oil changes is every 2,000 hours running
this manual are not followed. If in doubt contact an
2002,BRM MS
time or yearly, whichever is the1 shortest.
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.

authorised Rexroth agent.

The required level of cleanliness may normally be achieved by
a. All shipping plugs shall be removed prior to connection of hydraulic filters with a minimum retention rate of b10³75.
lines to motor. i.e. Typically a 10 micron filter.
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b. Prior to attempting any maintenance work on motor ensure all Care should be taken in placement of filters in the system and
pressure sources have been disconnected. consequent pressure drops across filters.

c. Motors contain stored energy in the form of compressed springs d. Motor connections should be accordance with relevant international
and this must be released using the method specified in the standards and rated for maximum system pressure. Connection
disassembly instructions. lines are to be designed such as to impose minimum loading on
motor due to vibration, movement, temperature changes of system,
d. Motor output shaft rotates on supply of pressure to the motor. etc.

e. Motors shall be fully supported as specified in installation All connections must be completed prior to motor operation.
instructions prior to application of pressure.
Connections shall be sized to minimise pressure losses.
f. Maximum pressures, speeds, and shaft loads applied to motor Recommended minimum bore of hydraulic lines is 8mm.
shall not exceed relevant data sheet limits. If in doubt consult
authorised Rexroth agent. Pressure at leakage port must not exceed 10 bar. Hydraulic line
should be sized accordingly, using the maximum motor leakage
g. When lifting motors use slings/shackles rated for motor weight. flow in the relevant data sheet.

e. Prior to operation the motor will be securely mounted using all the
motor mounting holes with an arrangement capable of with standing
General maximum torque and all external loads placed on motor shaft.
The following repair instructions are intended to assist in inspections
and repairs to be carried out. It is prerequisite that work is carried out Ensure mounting face is flat and perpendicular to motor axis,
only by qualified personnel. These units are manufactured with great allowing no distortion of motor mounting flange.
care and with adherence to defined tolerances to the highest
manufacturing accuracy. Leakage port should be mounted near the top to ensure motor is
permanently oil filled. Alternatively a check valve may be placed in
drain line to ensure motor is permanently oil filled. Ensure leakage
Installation port pressure does not exceed 10 bar.
a. Ensure all packing/shipping plugs are removed prior to use.
f. Shaft connection to mechanical drive must use all mounting holes
b. Hydraulic fluid used is mineral oil (HL, HLP) to DIN 51524. specified on output shaft. Care must be taken to ensure no loading
Environmentally acceptable hydraulic fluid. (HTG, HPG, HE to is generated by eccentric mounting of motor to a load. A suitable
RE90221) are acceptable subject to reduced guarantee. flexible coupling should be used if this loading cannot be avoided.

Note : Motors are tested with mineral oil and system must be fully g. Brake shoes on new drum brake assemblies should be run in by
flushed prior to use of any alternative fluid type. driving with the brakes partially on for a period of 2 minutes.

For acceptability of other fluids please refer to authorized Rexroth


Viscosity should be greater than 10mm2/s and less than 2000mm2/s

under all conditions. Operational limits for full functionality are
16mm2/s < a < 100mm2/s with optimum results obtained at 16mm2/s <
a < 36mm2/s.

c. Oil cleanliness is vital to obtaining long service life, therefore well

maintained filtration is essential.

3/20 Rexroth Hydraulics

BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00 Series 32 Service Manual

Motor Rotation

Standard Design
2002,BRM MS
All Single Speed & (Preferred Rotation)
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. 1

Two Speed Code 2W Two speed Code 2L or 2R

2002,BRM MS
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Motor code "2L" Motor code "2R"

Slot "L" on Slot "R" on
Distributor Distributor

Viewed on Shaft End

a. Ensure system is completely flushed to rated oil cleanliness e. Storage. For up to 36 months :- Fill with hydraulic fluid. Package if
levels prior to commissioning. in open air.

b. Warning : During the running in period (minimum 24 hours) the Mechanical brake release
motor should not be run unloaded at greater than 50% See Fig. 1, Page 6.
of maximum speed.
Remove screwed cap, item 73. Position a screw, as per table 1
c. Check motor is free from leaks. shown below, fitted with special tool 12, washer, (on MCR10, 15,
20 & 40 motors a bar, special tool 13, is to used instead of the tool
d. If braked motor, check brake functions. 12) through the centre of end plate, item 72, into item 67. Hand
tighten screw to brake piston, item 67. Turn screw until brake is
Operation released (Approx 1 turn).
a. Under operating conditions confirm:
Important : Mechanical brake release should only be used in the
- Case drain pressure is <10 bar (145 psi). event of hydraulic failure. Ensure mechanical release
- Charge pressure of >15 bar (210 psi) is recommended. is disengaged after use to maintain fail-safe operation
- Park brake pressure is >15 bar (210 psi) and <30 bar (435 psi). of brake.
- 2 speed switching pressure is >15 bar (210 psi) over case
pressure and <30 bar (435 psi).
- Case drain oil leakage temperature <80°C (176°F). For
operations above this temperature please consult Rexroth. Table 1
- Operating speeds, pressures, charge pressure and power are
within current datasheet recommendations. Motor Type Screw Size Screw Length Torque

MCR3 M12 30mm 60Nm Approx.

b. For extreme load or speed conditions, flushing may be added to
obtain temperature reduction. Flush using both motor drain ports L MCR5 M16 30mm 120Nm Approx.
and F. If in doubt consult authorised Rexroth agent.
MCR10 M16 40mm 160Nm Approx.
c. Monitor oil cleanliness at regular intervals. MCR15 M20 45mm 230Nm Approx.

d. Periodically check motor is still securely mounted and running at MCR20 M20 50mm 340Nm Approx.
normal temperature, sound level and leakage. Confirm unit is oil

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BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

Series 32 Service Manual RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00

Important : Always refer to relevant assembly drawing.

Figure 1, B-M Park Brake.

2002,BRM MS
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2002,BRM MS
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. 1

a. When dismantling the unit from the machine, immediately close 1.0.2 Drain oil from the motor by removing drainage plug, item 100.
openings with plugs to prevent ingress of contamination.
1.0.3 Remove all S.H.C.S. (Socket Head Cap Screw), item 90.
b. Make note of the details on code plate such as serial number, Unscrew alternately, one turn at a time.
type number and running time of unit (for ordering spare parts).
1.0.4 Remove cover plate, item 72, gasket, item 74, disc spring, item 92.
c. Remove external dirt.
1.0.5 Remove piston, item 67, using tapped hole.
d. Have ready a clean work place, lay out tools ready.
1.0.6 Remove piston seal, item 82, from piston, item 67.
e. Use only non-threading cleaning cloths.
1.0.7 Remove all S.H.C.S., item 88 and all washers, item 89.
f. Prior to applying Loctite to a part ensure it and its mating part
are clean, free from oil, grease and all old Loctite. 1.0.8 The brake housing, item 65, brake discs, items 77 & 78, shims,
items 79, 80 and brake shaft, item 66 can now be removed.
g. Carry out step by step dismantling.
1.0.9 Remove seal, item 70, from brake housing, item 65.
h. The appearance of the parts removed often gives an indication
of the condition of the system. 1.0.10 Bush, item 94, should remain fixed to shaft, item 66, unless
For example :-
damaged in which case it should be replaced.
Scored sliding surfaces, - contaminated operating fluid.
heavy abrasion. 1.1 Drum Brake shoe inspection and removal.
(C-M motors only) See figures 2 & 3.
Discolouration of - overheating of operating fluid,
components with incorrect choice of viscosity or 1.1.1 Fully release dynamic brake.
heavy loading. inadequate specification of
operating fluid. 1.1.2 Plug brake port.
- insufficient oil.
1.1.3 Remove brake drum, item 5. If it is tight, clean off the rust at its
joints and apply a small amount of penetrating fluid. Take care
1.0 Park Brake Dismantling Instructions (B-M only) to avoid oil on brake shoes.
See figure 1.

1.0.1 Mark rotational position of brake housing, item 65, relative to 1.1.4 Check the thickness of the brake shoe friction lining. If friction
rear case, item 26.

5/20 Rexroth Hydraulics

BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00 Series 32 Service Manual

Figure 2, Dynamic Brake C-M Figure 3, Front Case ‘F’ Type with C-M Brake

2002,BRM MS
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2002,BRM MS
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E x2

lining thickness is 1.5mm (0.06in) or less, the shoe must be


1.1.5 Note the position of the shoes, the brake cable position relative
to the motor and the holes fixing the retaining springs.

1.1.6 Remove brake cable. Note how cable hooks onto dynamic
1.3 Dismantling Front Casing Motor type F with Drum
1.1.7 Depress retaining springs, item A (2 off), and unhook from back brake(C-M motor only) See figures 2 & 3.
1.3.1 Remove O-ring, item 41.
1.1.8 Remove bolts, item B (2 off). Allowing plate, item C, to be
removed. 1.3.2 Remove split ring, item 4, using a soft steel drift to separate.
Then remove washer, item 3.
1.1.9 Remove retaining springs, item D (2off).
1.3.3 Support front casing on blocks and press shaft, item 1, out of
1.1.10 Remove retaining spring, item E. bearings. Remove rear bearing cone, item 7, from assembly.
Part section
1.1.11 Remove brake shoes, item F (2 off). 1.3.4 Remove wiper seal, item 10. Drum Brake fixing screws.

1.1.12 If brake shoes, item F, are glazed then roughen surface with 1.3.5 Remove all S.H.C.S, item 63,
emery paper. from front case, item 2.

1.2 Motor Dismantling Instruction 1.3.6 Lift dynamic brake from front
See figure 1 on page 5. case assembly.

1.2.1 Mark the relative rotational positions of the front case, rear case 1.3.7 Lever lip seal, item 11 (and 14 if fitted), from front case.
and rotational assemblies.
1.3.8 Remove rear bearing cup, of item 7, from front case using a
1.2.2 If not previously done, remove plug, item 100 and drain oil from mechanical puller or a soft steel drift.
1.3.9 Remove front bearing cup, of item 6, from front case using a
1.2.3 Remove all capscrews, item 53. mechanical puller or a soft steel drift.

1.2.4 Remove rear case assembly, items 26 to 60 and rotational 1.3.10 Remove bearing cone, item 6, from the shaft, item 1, using a
assemblies items 18 to 25. For motors fitted with piston springs mechanical puller.
(motor codes containing XM) take care to hold pistons, item 22,
in cylinder block, item 20, using cam, item 25. 1.3.11 If fitted, remove spacer, item 12, from shaft, item 1.

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BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

Series 32 Service Manual RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00

Figure 4, MCR3 & 5 Front Case ‘C’, ‘F’ & ‘G’ Type
1.4 Dismantling Front Casing, all Types
See figures 4, 5, 6 & 7.

1.4.1 Remove O-ring, item 41. 2002,BRM MS

© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. 1

1.4.2 Remove split ring, item 4, using a soft steel drift to separate.
Then remove washer, item 3.

1.4.3 Support front casing on blocks and press shaft, item 1, out of 2002,BRM MS
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bearings. Remove rear bearing cone, item 7, from assembly.

1.4.4 Remove bearing cup, of item 7, using mechanical puller.

1.4.5 Carefully remove seal, item 10, from shaft, item 1, and/or front
case, item 2.

1.4.6 Carefully remove seal, item 11, from front case, item 2.

1.4.7 Remove rear bearing cup, of item 6, from rear case using a
mechanical puller or soft steel drift.
Figure 5, MCR3 & 5 Front Case ‘A’, ‘D’ & ‘E’ Type
1.4.8 Remove bearing cones, items 6 & 7, from the shaft, item 1,
using a mechanical puller or soft steel drift.

1.4.9 If fitted, remove shaft spacer, item 12, from shaft, item 1.

Figure 6, MCR10, 15, 20 & 40 Front Case ‘C’ & ‘F’ Type

Figure 7, MCR10 Front Case ‘D’ Type

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BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00 Series 32 Service Manual

1.5.4 Drop the rear case assembly from approximately 80mm onto a
1.5 Dismantling the Rear Casing Assembly
See figures 8, 9 & 10.
wooden or plastic surface (timing face down). This will release
distributor, item 27, from assembly. At all times take care not to
1.5.1 A_M & C_M Motors only. Remove all hex head screws, item
2002,BRM MS damage timing face. 1
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39, from rear case, item 26.

1.5.5 Remove stop pin, item 28, from rear case, item 26.
1.5.2 A_M & C_M Motors only. Remove end cover, item 38.
1.5.6 Check timing face of distributor. If necessary lap timing face.
1.5.3 Remove O-rings, item 31, 41 (and 36 if fitted), from rear case, 2002,BRM MS
item 26. 1.5.7 Remove and discard all the seal rings if fitted, items 47 to 51.
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Figure 9, MCR3 & 5 Low Displacement, A0M, Two Speed

Figure 8, MCR3 & 5 Low Displacement, A0M, Single Speed MCR10 & 15 Low Displacement, A0M, Single & Two Speed

Figure 10, MCR20 & 40 Low Displacement, A0M, Single & Two Speed

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BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

Series 32 Service Manual RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00

Figure 13, Low Displacement

Two Speed Motors Only Figure 11, Code "2L/2R"
See figures 11, 12 & 12b. Two Speed Spool Valve

1.5.8 Remove spool valve assembly, items 55, 56, 58 and Code 2W
2002,BRM MS
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only items 71 & 76.

1.5.9 2W figure 12 only. Remove internal spool and spring, item 71,
from spool valve assembly.
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1.5.10 Remove spring, item 57.

1.5.11 Remove circlip, item 58, and washer, item 56, from spool valve,
item 55.

1.5.12 2W figure 12 only. Remove seal ring, item 54, and seal, item
60, from cover or brake housing. Figure 12, Code "2W"
Two Speed Spool Valve
1.5.13 Remove seal, item 59, from cover or brake housing.

1.5.14 Inspect spool for damage, replace if required.

1.6 Dismantling Rotating Assembly

See figures 13 & 14.

1.6.1 Piston spring motors only (motor codes contain-

ing XM). If optional springs fitted, care should be taken
when dismantling the piston assemblies. To prevent
Figure 14, High Displacement
piston assemblies, items 21, 22 and the springs, item
18, becoming damaged or lost, cloths should be
held firmly over the entire rotating group when Figure 12b, Code "2W"
removing cam, item 25. Two Speed Spool Valve, Alternative design.

1.6.2 Remove cam, item 25, from rotational assem-


High displacement motors only.

1.6.3 Supporting cylinder block, item 20, at the edges
with blocks, remove circlip, item 23, (2 off).

1.6.4 Remove retaining rings, item 24 (2 off).

All motors
1.6.5 Each piston assembly, item 21 & 22, can be
removed under gravity or by low air pressure
applied to the ports in the cylinder block, item

1.6.6 Remove rollers, item 21, from piston assembly and check for
wear on rollers piston seats.

1.6.7 Check timing face of cylinder block. If necessary lap timing face.

9/20 Rexroth Hydraulics

BRM Mobilservice The Global Concept

RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00 Series 32 Service Manual

Figure 15, MCR3 & 5 Front Case ‘C’, ‘F’ & ‘G’ Type

a. Use only genuine Rexroth Spare Parts. We recommend the

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use of pre-assembled, co-ordinated and tested component

groups. The required component groups and seal kits should
be selected from the spares list and ordered by quoting the
name plate details. If in doubt contact the local authorised
Rexroth agent. 2002,BRM MS
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b. Assembly should be carried out observing the maximum clean-


c. On completion of repair, close all openings with plugs. Should

difficulties arise, please contact your nearest service centre.

d. Do not re-use old seals.

e. Oil all seal contact areas before assembly using system hy-
draulic oil unless otherwise stated in text.

f. Tighten screws with torque wrench according to specification.

We recommend that all fastening screws, items 53, 88 and 90,
are changed at reassembly.

2.1 Reassembling Front Casing, All Types (except C-M motors.)

See figures 15, 16, 17 & 18.

Figure 16, MCR3 & 5 Front Case ‘A’, ‘D’ & ‘E’ Type
2.1.1 Ensure all components are clean and free from debris.

2.1.2 Insert bearing cup, item 6, into front case, item 2, using special
assembly tool 3.

2.1.3 MCR3, 5 & MCR10 ‘D’ Only. Insert seal item 11, into front
case, item 2, using special assembly tool 4. Smear lip of seal,
item 11, with G3 grease.

2.1.4 Insert rear bearing cup, item 7, into front case, item 2, using
special assembly tool 5.

2.1.5 MCR3 & 5 only. Fit seal, item 10, to shaft, item 1. Smear lip of
seal with G3 grease.

2.1.6 MCR10, 15, 20, 40 ‘C’ & ‘F’ Only. Fit both halves of seal, item
10, to front case, item 2, and shaft, item 1, using special
assembly tool 1. Smear contact faces with system oil.

2.1.7 MCR5 ‘F’, MCR20 & 40 Only. Place spacer item 12, onto shaft,
item 1.

2.1.8 Place drive shaft, item 1, vertically on a press.

2.1.9 If required, place suitable sized cylinder underneath shaft 2.1.11 MCR3, 5 and MCR10 ‘D’ Type only. Pack front bearing cone,
flange, item 1. (Cylinder should be large enough to ensure item 6, with G3 grease.
shaft rests on cylinder not wheel studs).
2.1.12 Cover shaft spline diameter with tape, to protect lip seal.
2.1.10 Warm front bearing cone, item 6, then press onto shaft, item 1,
using bench press and special assembly tool 2. 2.1.13 Fit front case assembly to shaft assembly.

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Series 32 Service Manual RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00

Figure 17, MCR10 Front Case ‘D’ Type 2.1.21 MCR10, 15, 20 & 40 only. Remove split ring, item 4, and fit a
washer, item 3, with thickness 0.2 to 0.3mm (0.008" to 0.012")
2002,BRM MS
greater than measured gap, then refit split ring.
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2.1.22 Check shaft, item 1, rotates in front casing assembly.

2.1.22 MCR10, 15, 20 & 40 'C' and 'F' Only. Half fill volume with
system oil, apply Loctite 542 to plug, item 17, and insert in drive
2002,BRM MS
shaft, item 1. 1
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2.1.23 MCR10 ‘D’ Type Only. Fit Seal, item 10, into front case, item
2. Smear lip of seal with G3 grease, prior to assembly.

2.1.24 Place aside and cover to protect against ingress of dirt.

Figure 18, MCR10, 15, 20 & 40 Front Case ‘C’ & ‘F’ Type

2.1.14 MCR10, 15, 20 & 40 ‘C’ and ‘F’ Only. Insert seal, item 11, into
front case, item 2, using special tool 4. Smear lip of seal, item
11, with G3 grease. Ensure hole for plug, item 17, is ventilated
during assembly of seal, item 11.

2.1.15 Remove tape from spline.

2.1.16 Warm rear bearing cone, item 7, and fit to shaft, item 1, by
pressing onto shaft using bench press and special assembly
tool 6 to a load of 4 tonnes. Rotate the front case 5 times
during this process.

2.1.17 Using bench press and special assembly tool 7, apply a load
of 4 tonne to rear bearing, item 7 and fit split ring, item 4, onto
shaft, item 1. Rotate case during this process.

2.1.18 With pre-load still applied, measure gap between bearing and
split ring with slip gauges (This step should be completed less
than 10 minutes after removing bearing from heater).

2.1.19 Remove load.

2.1.20 MCR3 & 5 only. Remove split ring, item 4, and fit a washer,
item 3, with thickness 0.1 to 0.2mm (0.004" to 0.008") greater
than measured gap, then refit split ring.

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RE 15205 R to RE 15210 R 06.00 Series 32 Service Manual

2.2 Reassembling Dynamic Brake

(C-M motors only) See figure 19. Firgure 19, Dynamic Brake C-M

2.2.1 Fit plate, item C, to back plate. 2002,BRM MS

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2.2.2 Insert (2 off) screws, item B.
2.2.3 Fit first brake shoe with attached lever. x2
2002,BRM MS
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2.2.4 Fit second brake shoe without lever and hook lever with first
brake shoe.

2.2.5 With a soft mallet tap shoes inward. This decrease's brake shoe
O.D. so allowing brake drum to be fitted.

2.2.6 With pliers fit lower retaining spring, item E.

2.2.7 With pliers fit upper retaining springs, item D (2 off).

2.2.8 Insert retaining springs, item A (2 off).

2.2.9 Depress retaining springs, item A (2 off) and hook springs onto
back plate. x2
2.2.10 Fit brake cable.

2.2.11 If brake shoe has oil on it then remove all evidence of oil from
shoe. (Use brake and clutch cleaner).
2.3 Reassembling Casing, 'F' Type with Drum Figure 20, Front Case ‘F’ Type with C-M brake (MCR15 shown)
brake (C-M)
See figure 20.
Part Section Drum
Brake Fixing Screws
2.3.1 Ensure all components are clean and free from debris.

2.3.2 Insert bearing cup, item 6, into front case, item 2, using
special assembly tool 3.

2.3.3 Combine back up ring, item 14, with lip seal, item 11
(MCR10 only).
2.3.4 Insert seal, item 11, or seal assembly (MCR10 only), Seal Detail
items 11 & 14, into front case, item 2, using special
assembly tool 4.
2.3.5 Smear lip of seal, item 11, with G3 grease. Seal Detail

2.3.6 Insert rear bearing cup, item 7, into front case, item 2,
using special assembly tool 5.

2.3.7 Lift dynamic brake, item 62, onto front case assembly.
Align bolt holes.
2.3.8 MCR3 and 10 only; Insert socket head capscrew, item Seal Detail
63 (6 off), into front case, item 2.
MCR5 and 15 only; Fit washers, (6 off), to hex head
screw, item 63 (6 off), and insert into front case, item 2.

2.3.9 Torque screws, item 63 (6 off), in accordance with Table 2.

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Table 2
2.3.21 With pre-load still applied, measure gap between bearing and
Motor Type Item 63 Torque split ring with slip gauges (this step should be completed less
2002,BRM MS than 10 minutes after removing
bearing from heater).
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.

MCR3 117-122 Nm (89-90 lbf.ft)

2.3.22 Remove split ring, item 4, and fit washer, item 3, thickness
MCR5 170-176 Nm (129-134 lbf.ft) 0.05 to 0.1mm (0.002" to 0.004") greater than measured gap,
then refit split ring.
MCR10 560-580 Nm (426-441 lbf.ft) 2002,BRM MS
2.3.23 Remove load.
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.

MCR15 560-580 Nm (426-441 lbf.ft)

2.3.24 MCR3 & 5 only. Remove split ring, item 4, and fit a washer,
item 3, with thickness 0.1 to 0.2mm (0.004" to 0.008") greater
2.3.10 MCR5, 10 and 15 only; Insert spacer, item 12, onto shaft, item 1.
than measured gap, then refit split ring.
2.3.11 Place suitable sized cylinder underneath shaft, item 1. Cylinder
2.3.25 MCR10, 15, 20 & 40 only. Remove split ring, item 4, and fit a
should be large enough to ensure shaft rests on cylinder not
washer, item 3, with thickness 0.2 to 0.3mm (0.008" to 0.012")
wheel studs, if fitted.
greater than measured gap, then refit split ring.
2.3.12 Warm front bearing cone, item 6, then press onto shaft, item 1,
using bench press and special assembly tool 2. 2.3.26 Check shaft, item 1, runs free but slightly stiff in front casing
2.3.13 Pack front bearing cone, item 6, with G3 grease.
2.3.27 Fit brake drum, item 5, to front case assembly.
2.3.14 Fit wiper seal, item 10, to shaft (MCR3 & 5 only), item 1, or
front casing (MCR10 & 15 only), item 2, as shown in Figure Setting Drum Brake
20. Smear wiper seal with G3 grease. 2.3.28 Remove plastic plugs (4 off) from holes in drum brake back
plate, see Figure 19.
2.3.15 Place front casing assembly, shaft assembly, rear bearing, item
7, washer, item 3, and split ring, item 4, on bench. 2.3.29 Using feeler guages/shims measure gap between brake drum,
item 5, and brake shoe, item F, on each side through measure-
2.3.16 Cover shaft spline diameter with tape, to protect lip seal, ment holes (2 off), see Figure 19 & 20.
item 11.
2.3.30 MCR5, 10 & 15 only: Set each gap in turn to 0.5mm (0.020'')
2.3.17 Fit front case assembly to shaft assembly. by rotating relevant adjustor with a screwdriver through adjust-
ment holes, see Figure 19.
2.3.18 Remove tape from spline.
2.3.31 MCR3 only: Set gap on one side to 0.5mm (0.020'') and greater
2.3.19 Warm rear bearing cone, item 7, and fit to shaft, item 1, by than 0.5mm (0.020'') on the other by rotating single adjustor
pressing onto shaft using bench press and special assembly with a screwdriver through adjustment hole, see figure 19.
tool 6 to a load of 4 tonnes. Rotate front case 5 times during
this process. 2.3.32 Replace plastic plugs (4 off) in drum brake back plate.

2.3.20 Using bench press and special assembly tool 7, apply a load 2.3.33 Place aside and cover to protect against ingress of dirt.
of 4 tonne to rear bearing, item 7, and fit split ring, item 4, onto
shaft, item 1. Rotate case during this process.

Table 3
Motor Type Items 21 & 22 No. of Low Displacement (cc/rev) High Displacement (cc/rev)

MCR3 8 160, 225, 255, 280 325, 365, 400

MCR5 8 380, 470, 520, 565 680, 750, 820

MCR10 10 780, 940 1120, 1250, 1340

MCR15 10 1130, 1250, 1500 1780, 2150

MCR20 10 1750, 2100 2500, 3000

MCR40 10 2500, 3000, 3500, 4200 -

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2.4 Reassembling Rotating Assembly Figure 21, Low Displacement

See figures 21 & 22.
2002,BRM MS
2.4.1 Check all components are clean and free from debris. Take
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.

care not to damage timing face.

2.4.2 Fit roller, item 21, to piston assembly, item 22. Dip piston
assembly into oil. 2002,BRM MS
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2.4.3 Fit piston, item 22, and roller, item 21, to piston bore in cylinder
block, item 20.

2.4.4 Repeat for each piston bore in cylinder block, item 20.

Piston Spring motors only (motor codes containing XM)

2.4.5 If optional springs are fitted, insert piston assemblies, items 21
& 22, and springs, item 18, into the cylinder block and hold in
position using special tool 10.

2.4.6 Place the cam, item 25, over the assembled rotary group and
carefully remove each special tool 10.

High displacement motors only

2.4.7 Fit retaining rings, item 24 (2 off) to cylinder block, item 20
(Ensuring orientation of ring area as shown in part view). Align
and secure using circlips, item 23 (2 off).

Figure 22, High Displacement

Figure 23, Low Displacement, A0M

MCR3, 5 Two Speed & MCR10, 15 Single & Two Speed

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Figure 24, MCR3 Low Displacement, A0M, Single Speed

2002,BRM MS
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2.5 Reassembling Rear

Casing Assembly
See figures 23, 24 & 25.

2.5.1 Check all components 1are clean

2002,BRM MS
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and free from debris.

Part Section
MCR5 A0M, Single Speed
2.5.2 Place springs, item 29 (see table
4), into recesses in distributor, item
22, using a small amount of min-
eral based grease to hold springs
in position.

2.5.3 Insert distributor seals, items 47

to 51 as depicted in relevant fig-
ures 23, 24 & 25, into correct
grooves with minimum distortion
of seals.

Figure 25, MCR20 & 40

Low Displacement, A0M, Single & Two Speed

2.5.4 MCR5 Single speed & MCR10 only. Fit

O-ring item 33, to stop pin, item 28.
MCR5 Single speed A0M only. Fit
capscrew, item 35, to stop pin, item 28.

2.5.5 MCR20 & 40 only. Assemble circlip, item

32, onto stop pin, item 28.

2.5.6 All motor except MCR5 Single speed

& MCR10. Insert stop pin, item 28, into
correct distributor stop pin hole stamped
L & R, per motor code, see page 4.

2.5.7 Using special tool 11, fit and align dis-

tributor, item 27, into rear case, item 26,
in line with stop pin hole in rear case.

2.5.8 MCR5 Single speed & MCR10 only.

Insert stop pin, item 28, into rear case,
item 26, ensuring the stop pin fully en-
gages with the correct distributor slot per
motor code, see page 4.

2.5.9 Insert plug assembly, item 100, and se-

cure with Allen key.

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Table 4
Motor Type Items 29 No. of Items 53 No. of Item 53 Torque Item 39 Torque
MCR3 6 2002,BRM MS
6 150-155 Nm (111-114 lbf.ft)
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. 40-45
1 Nm (29-33 lbf.ft)
MCR5 6 12 117-122 Nm (86-90 lbf.ft) 40-45 Nm (29-33 lbf.ft)
MCR10 12 8 282-300 Nm (208-221 lbf.ft) 75-80 Nm (55-59 lbf.ft)
MCR15 14 16 2002,BRM MS
282-300 Nm (208-221 lbf.ft) 150-160 Nm (111-118 lbf.ft)
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.

MCR20 16 16 282-300 Nm (208-221 lbf.ft) 150-160 Nm (111-118 lbf.ft)

MCR40 16 16 282-300 Nm (208-221 lbf.ft) 150-160 Nm (111-118 lbf.ft)
Figure 26, Code "2L/2R" Two Speed Only
Two Speed Motors, code 2L/2R only.
See figure 26.

2.5.10 Fit circlip, item 58, and washer, item 56, onto spool, item 55.

2.5.11 Insert spring, item 57, into rear case, item 26.

2.5.12 Insert O-ring, item 59, into cover or brake housing, item 38.

2.5.13 Oil spool and fit spool assembly, items 55, 56 and 58, into rear
case, item 26 (Check that assembly is free to move).

Two Speed Motors, code 2W, only. Figure 27, Code "2W" Two Speed Only
See figure 27.

2.5.14 Fit circlip, item 58, and washer, item 56, onto spool, item 55.

2.5.15 Insert spring, item 57, into rear case, item 26.

2.5.16 2W figure 27 only. Insert spring, item 71, and poppet, item 76,
into spool valve, item 55.

2.5.17 Insert O-rings, item 59 and item 60 into seal ring, item 54 and
fit seal ring to brake housing or end cover, item 38.

2.5.18 Oil spool and fit shuttle valve assembly, items 55, 56, 58, 71 and
76 into rear case, item 26 (Check that assembly is free to

Two Speed Motors, code 2W, Alternative design only.

See figure 27b. Figure 27a, Code "2W" Two Speed Only Alternative design.

2.5.19 Ensure the correct combination of washer and spring is

selected before assembly. Fit circlip, item 58, and washer, item
56, onto spool, item 55.

2.5.20 Insert spring, item 57, into rear case, item 26.

2.5.21 Insert O-ring, item 59, into cover or brake housing, item 38.

2.5.22 Oil spool and fit shuttle valve assembly, items 55, 56, 58 and 76
into rear case, item 26 (Check that assembly is free to move).

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MCR10, 15 & 20 Single Speed Motors only. Figure 28, MCR40 Single Speed Only
See figures 29 & 30.

2.5.23 Assemble plug, item 62, into spool bore using loctite 542 and
2002,BRM MS
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torque plug to 42-45 Nm.

2.5.24 Assemble plug, item 63 (x2 on MCR20), into spool bore(s) and
torque to 79-85 Nm.
2002,BRM MS
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MCR40 Single Speed Motors only.
See figure 28.

2.5.25 Fit circlip, item 58, onto spool, item 55. Insert O-ring, item 59,
into cover or brake housing. Oil spool and fit into rear case.

A0M C-M Motors only.

2.5.26 Place end cover, item 38, onto rear case, item 26.

2.5.27 Insert capscrews, item 39, into rear case, item 26. Start bolts by Figure 29, MCR20 Single Speed Only

2.5.28 Torque capscrews, item 39, per table 4. Tighten opposites to

maintain squareness.

2.6 Motor Assembly.

See figures 23, 24 & 25.

2.6.1 Check all components are clean and free from debris.

2.6.2 Fit face O-ring, item 41, to front casing assembly, item 2.

2.6.3 Fit rotating assembly to front casing assembly, being careful

not to damage splines on shaft, item 1, or cylinder block, item
20. Position cam, item 25, on front casing assembly, aligning
reference marks made before dismantling. Figure 30, MCR10 & 15 Single Speed Only

2.6.4 Fit O-ring, item 41, to rear casing assembly and position rear
case assembly on cam, aligning reference marks.

2.6.5 Put Loctite 243 on capscrews, item 53.

2.6.6 Fit capscrews, item 53, to assembly and start all capscrews by
hand before tightening.

2.6.7 Torque capscrews, item 53, as per table 4. Tighten opposites

to maintain squareness.

2.6.8 Check drive shaft to ensure motor rotates freely.

2.6.9 A_M or C_M motors only. Remove plug, item 100, from rear
case, item 26, and fill motor with clean hydraulic system oil.
Replace plug, item 100.

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2.7 Reassembly of Park Brake (B-M motor only)

See Figure 31. 2.7.5 Check pack height adding shims, items 79 & 80, as required to
obtain a pack height as per table 5. An extra outer plate is
2.7.1 Check all components are clean and free from debris. preferred to reduce the number of required shims. Shims
2002,BRM MS

should be placed at end of pack1 in contact with rear case, item

© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.

2.7.2 If bush, item 94, has been removed, press fit new bush to shaft, 26 (or washer, item 61).
item 66 (or brake piston, item 67, on MCR15, 20 & 40). Ensure
bush is assembled fully home in shaft, item 66 (or brake piston, 2.7.6 MCR5 only. Fit washer, item 61, to rear case, item 26.
item 67, on MCR15, 20 & 40).
2.7.7 Fit brake housing, item 65, to rear casing assembly. Aligning
2002,BRM MS
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2.7.3 Insert brake shaft, item 66, through distributor, item 27, to reference marks made prior to disassembly
cylinder block, item 20. Ensure shaft fully enters cylinder block,
item 20. 2.7.8 Apply Loctite 243 to socket head capscrews, item 88 (see table
5). Fit capscrew, item 88, with washers, item 89, to rear case,
2.7.4 Assemble brake discs, items 77 & 78 (see table 5), into a pack. item 26. Start each screw by hand then tighten as per table 5.
Clamp pack in vice. Ensure inner discs, item 77, alternates with Tighten opposites to maintain squareness.
outer discs, item 78, and an outer disc is placed at each end of
the pack. MCR5 only. Washer, item 61, is to be included when 2.7.9 Fit brake pack, items 77, 78, 79 & 80 to brake shaft, item 66.
assembling the pack.
2.7.10 Fit outer seal, item 70, to brake housing, item 65, ensuring
Figure 31, Low Displacement, Single Speed, B-M correct orientation of seal to groove.
(On latest motors this seal has been revised and may required
a tool for assembly)

2.7.11 Fit piston seal, item 82, to piston, item 67.

2.7.12 Fit piston, item 67, and seal, item 82, to brake assembly. Oil
seals prior to fitting and ensure no damage to seals occurs on

2.7.13 Fit disc spring, item 92. Ensure contact surfaces are coated with
S1 grease.

2.7.14 Place end cover, item 72, and gasket item 74, onto brake
housing, item 65.

2.7.15 Insert bolts, item 90 (see table 5), into brake housing, item 65.
Start bolts by hand.

2.7.16 Torque bolts, item 90, as per table 5. Tighten opposites to

maintain squareness.

2.7.17 Refit plug assembly, item 73, and tighten.

2.7.18 Close all openings with plugs.

2.7.19 Remove plug, item 100, from rear case, item 26, and fill motor
with clean hydraulic system oil. Replace plug, item 100.

Table 5
No of No of No of No of Item
Motor Type Pack Height Item 90 Torque Item 88 Torque
Item 77 Item 78 Item 90 88 & 90
MCR3 28.2±0.1 15 13 12 8 14-16 Nm (10-12lbf.ft) 70-77 Nm (52-57 lbf.ft)
MCR5 36.45±0.05 16 14 24 8 35-39 Nm (26-29 lbf.ft) 70-77 Nm (52-57 lbf.ft)
MCR10 41±0.1 19 17 24 8 70-77 Nm (52-57 lbf.ft) 117-122 Nm (86-90 lbf.ft)
MCR15 39.7±0.1 19 17 24 8 70-77 Nm (52-57 lbf.ft) 282-300 Nm (208-221 lbf.ft)
MCR20 48.5±0.1 20 18 24 8 117-122 Nm (86-90 lbf.ft) 282-300 Nm (208-221 lbf.ft)

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2.8 Park Brake Test (B-M motor only) Reassembly

See figure 31.
2002,BRM MS
3.2.1 Fit spring, item 108, into rear case spool bore.
2.8.1 Increase pressure to brake port until motor shaft just begins to
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.

move by hand. This brake release pressure should not exceed 3.2.2 Oil and insert flushing spool, item 100, into rear case spool
15 bar g (217 psi g). bore. Ensure that it is free to move.

2.8.2 With 250 bar (3625 psi) differential pressure applied to motor, 3.2.3 Fit flushing washer, item 102.
and zero brake release pressure, the brake should hold the
2002,BRM MS
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motor torque. 3.2.4 Fit spring, item 109.

3.0 Optional Accessories 3.2.5 Fit plug and O-ring, items 43 and 44.

3.1 Flushing Valve. 3.2.6 Torque plug to 35-40 Nm.

See figure 32.
3.2.7 Assemble shim (if required), item 103, and spring, item 105, to
Disassembly poppet, item 104, before inserting poppet in to rear case.
(motor may require to be disassembled prior to starting
work. See section 1.2) 3.2.8 Oil and insert poppet assembly items 103, 104 and 105.

3.1.1 Remove plug, item 106, and O-ring, item 107, from rear case, 3.2.9 Fit plug and O-ring, items 106 and 107.
item 26.
3.2.10 Torque plugs to 12-15 Nm.
3.1.2 Remove spring, item 105.

3.1.3 Remove poppet, item 104, and shim, item 103, if fitted.

3.1.4 Remove plug, item 43,

Figure 32, Flushing Valve
and O-ring, item 44,
from rear case, item

3.1.5 Remove spring, item


3.1.6 Remove flushing

spool, item 100 and
washer, item 102.

3.1.7 Remove spring, item

108, from rear case
spool bore.

3.1.8 Inspect spool and pop-

pet for any damage,
scores or debris. If
necessary replace.

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Appendix A Appendix B
See figure 33 for special tools
Figure 33, Special Assembly Tools Grease Specification
2002,BRM MS
© Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. 1
Face Seal
Assembly Tool
S1 Lithium-base high temperature grease containing molybdenum
disulphide (Mo S2) for specific high load/ temperature use.
Front Bearing (Cone)
Assembly Tool
Only to be used where specifically called out on drawing.
2002,BRM MS
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Front Bearing (Cup) eg. B.P. Energrease L21-M, Castrol LMM, Esso Multipurpose
Assembly Tool Grease Moly, Shell Retinax M
Shaft Seal
Assembly Tool G3 A high performance industrial grease of medium/hard
consistency (NLG1 No 3). Temperature range -30°C to 150°C.
Rear Bearing (Cup)
(-22°F to 302°F)
Assembly Tool
Rear Bearing (Cone)
eg. Shell Alvania G3
Assembly Tool
Shaft Spacer
Assembly Tool Appendix C
Piston Spring
Fault Finding
Assembly Tool
a. Motor does not rotate :-
Distributor Alignment
Assembly Tool - Confirm there is pressure and oil flow supplied to the motor
and the return line is clear.
Mechanical Brake - Disconnect motor from mechanical load (ensure no pressure
Release Washer is applied to motor during disconnection). Then confirm motor
- Check motor case drain leakage is within datasheet
Mechanical Brake recommendations.
Release Bar - If still jammed confirm pump is outputting correct oil flow.
- Strip and inspect motor for damage.
Special tools can be obtained from Mannesmann Rexroth (Scotland). b. External oil leaks :-
State full motor code, tool description and number required. - Check oil cleanliness and motor pressure.
- Confirm leakage line is unblocked and case drain pressure
General Equipment (Assembly and Dismantling) is less than 10 bar (145 psi).
1. Allen key set and double ended ring spanner set. - Strip and inspect motor. Replace seals.
- Ensure all bolts are torqued to correct setting.
2. Soft mallet.
c. High temperature/noisy operation :-
3. Torque wrench covering the ranges: - Check case drain pressure is less than 10 bar (145 psi).
a. 14-19 Nm (10-12 lbf.ft f. 117-122 Nm (86-90 Ibf.ft) - Check charge pressure is above case drain pressure and in
b. 35-39 Nm (26-29 lbf.ft) g. 150-160 Nm (111-118 lbf.ft) accordance with datasheet recommendations for operation
c. 40-45 Nm (30-33 lbf.ft) h. 170-176 Nm (129-134 lbf.ft) as a pump.
d. 70-77 Nm (52-57 lbf.ft) i. 282-300 Nm (208-221 lbf.ft) - Check motor mounting is correct (see installation).
e. 75-80 Nm (55-59 lbf.ft) j. 560-580 Nm (426-441 lbf.ft) - Strip motor and inspect cam, rollers, pistons and main
4. Soft steel drift. bearings for wear.

5. Small screwdriver (no sharp edges). d. Motor speed incorrect :-

6. Bench press max load at least 4 tonnes. - Check pump flow is sufficient for desired motor speed.
- Check motor leakage flow. If higher than maximum specified
7. Slip gauges & mechanical (or hydraulic) puller. in data sheet, inspect motor.
- Check motor differential pressure is correct.

Mannesmann Rexroth Scotland

Rexroth Hydraulics
Viewfield Industrial Estate, Glenrothes,
Fife, Scotland. KY6 2RD.
Tel : 01592 631777
Fax : 01592 631888 01592 631936 (Sales/Engineering) Email address : [email protected]

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