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Mobile Information Systems

Volume 2022, Article ID 8327451, 12 pages

Research Article
Artificial Intelligence-Based Framework for Scheduling
Distributed Systems Using a Combination of Neural Networks and
Genetic Algorithms

Abdolreza Pirhoseinlo , Nafiseh Osati Eraghi , and Javad Akbari Torkestani

Department of Computer Engineering, Arak Branch Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran

Correspondence should be addressed to Nafiseh Osati Eraghi; [email protected]

Received 21 October 2021; Revised 19 January 2022; Accepted 21 January 2022; Published 8 February 2022

Academic Editor: Sang-Bing Tsai

Copyright © 2022 Abdolreza Pirhoseinlo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

High-performance distributed computation has emerged as a new development in which demand for access to resources over the
Internet is being delivered to distributed servers that are dynamically scalable. One of the important research issues that must be
considered in order to achieve efficient performance is timing. The goal is to map tasks to the right resources and optimize one or
more subgoals so that users get the most out of their resources as quickly as possible. Therefore, in this study, in order to find a
suitable solution to the scheduling problem and reduce the total time of task completion, a hybrid approach is proposed by neural
networks and genetic algorithms. In this hybrid algorithm, the predictive power of artificial neural networks is used to improve
scheduling problem task in order to predict the time of tasks completion on resources and the meta-heuristic of genetic algorithm
is used in order to find optimal resources for tasks. Experimental results show that the performance of the proposed method is
improved in Makespan compared to other methods available in the journals and can adhere to the principles of service quality.

1. Introduction environment. So, resource provision is emerging as a stage to

identify sufficient resources in distributed systems for a
Recent advances in hardware, software, and communication given amount of work based on resource performance
technologies, as well as the creation of heavy computing criteria [4, 5].
tasks, have stimulated the development of parallel and Currently, applications in distributed systems include
distributed systems for real-time computing tasks. As such, web service, scientific computing, and file storage. In gen-
distributed systems are widely available to users, and users eral, a program in a distributed system can be divided into a
process their computing resources without worry [1]. The number of tasks and run on different sources. The perfor-
distributed system consists of heterogeneous interconnected mance of a program in a distributed system depends on the
sources with poor connectivity, and through communica- allocation of program-related tasks over available resources,
tion, media communicate only by sending messages and known as task scheduling and allocation. The performance
have no shared memory [2]. On the other hand, the pop- of a program in a distributed system depends on the allo-
ularity of distributed systems due to transparency in user cation of program-related tasks over existing resources,
interaction has led to the creation of responsibilities for the which is known as scheduling and task allocation problems.
proper distribution of user tasks across resources satisfying Distributed systems can, in this case, shift tasks from heavy
performance metrics such as runtime, resource efficiency, sources to light-loaded sources to reduce waiting times in
and throughput and response time [3]. With the develop- resources, which is called load balancing. It is commonly
ment of distributed systems, the number of resource access said that workload and load balancing are very important for
requests is increasing and is creating a competitive distributed systems [6].
2 Mobile Information Systems

The purpose of scheduling different tasks in resources is completion time and overall deadline of each task [9]. Aditi
to increase execution speed, reduce execution time, and et al. have proposed a genetic algorithm-based scheduling
minimize communication delays, communication costs, and program with three conflicting goals. This algorithm pro-
priority problems. In distributed scheduling, the whole task vides an efficient representation of the chromosomes, which
is subdivided into subtasks and assigned to multiple sources, is the complete solution to the problem, and the validity of
so they perform faster than single sources [7, 8]. the chromosomes is reliable even after fitting and mutation
Therefore, in this paper, a multilevel approach is used in [10]. Izadkhah has developed a genetic learning algorithm
order to optimally schedule tasks in distributed systems by a for static scheduling in homogeneous distributed systems by
combination of predictive neural networks and meta-heu- two learning criteria, namely steepest ascent and next ascent
ristic and evolutionary features of the genetic algorithm. In learning, which use penalty and reward concepts in learning
this new approach, by neural network prediction, we first [11]. Akbari et al. have proposed a genetic-based algorithm
estimate the time taken to complete the existing work on as a meta-heuristic to deal with static task scheduling of
computational resources. On the other hand, by considering processors in heterogeneous computing systems. This al-
computational resources in addition to the duration of tasks gorithm is introduced through significant changes in its
on resources, the cost of executing tasks is also significant and genetic functions, and the introduction of new operators
is a concern of the user that addressed the issue. In this article, guarantees population diversity and continuous coverage of
given the cost of executing the tasks, we used the clustering the whole space and improves the performance of the ge-
method in the second level. After this step, in the third level, to netic algorithm [12]. To solve the problem of resource al-
find efficient resources to execute the selected tasks, we use the location in heterogeneous distributed systems, Pan et al.
meta-heuristic of the genetic algorithm to improve population have proposed a distributed resource scheduling based on a
production and combine them and improve the total exe- hybrid genetic algorithm [13].
cution time of the tasks. At this level, the produced chro- About the issue of resource scheduling in a distributed
mosomes are the same line of each source and in each cluster, cloud environment, Casas et al. have proposed a GA-ETI
which includes the previous tasks in the line of each new scheduling plan to address all the challenges in cloud
assigned resource and task, and the cutoff point is to jump to scheduling by providing some efficient solutions for sci-
the same point of entry of the new task into the queue of a entific implementation in the cloud resources [14]. Dasgupta
generator. The chromosomes corresponding to the sources in et al. proposed a novel load balancing method by the genetic
a cluster are compared, and the best combination is selected algorithm. This algorithm is set to balance the load on the
for the chromosomes. The new tasks are then joined to the cloud infrastructure while trying to minimize the length of
queue of the most appropriate combination between the the given tasks [15]. Kashanchi et al. have used the benefits of
resources in the cluster. In this way, the proposed method can evolutionary genetic algorithms and heuristic approaches to
produce an optimal solution for mapping tasks in resources. analyze and model behavioral scheduling. In this method,
The contribution of this paper is summarized as follows: the expected specifications for scheduling are extracted in
the form of linear time logic (LTL) formulas, which are used
(i) Predicting the completion time of tasks in resources
to achieve optimal scheduling of the LTS-labeled transfer
according to the characteristics of resources and
system [16]. Amjad Mahmoud et al. have presented a greedy
tasks using neural networks
genetic algorithm with an appropriate selection of fit and
(ii) Ranking the tasks based on less completion time and jump operators (called AGAs) for the assignment and timing
their execution deadline of real-time tasks that have precedence constraints on
(iii) Determination of primary chromosomes of genetic heterogeneous virtual machines [17].
algorithm based on the order of execution of tasks In [18], a graph-based extreme learning machine method
(iv) Using the multicriteria fit function in accordance (G-ELM) is proposed for imbalanced epileptic EEG signal
with service quality goals in the genetic algorithm recognition. In [19], a method aimed to improve the early
clinical diagnosis rate of atrophic gastritis (AG) and reduce
(v) Mapping tasks to resources based on finding the
the risk of disease deterioration or cancerization has been
optimal solution in a genetic algorithm
proposed. In [20], a group of dummy query sequences, to
The structure of the article is as follows: in Section 2, we cover up the query locations and query attributes of mobile
will discuss the tasks related to the timing of distributed users and thus protect users’ privacy in LBS, has been
systems. Section 3 will detail the proposed method. In constructed. In [21], a location privacy-preserving system
Section 4, the results of the experiments will be stated. Fi- for LBS by constructing “cover-up ranges” to protect the
nally, in Section 5, we will discuss and conclude the article. query ranges associated with a location query sequence has
been proposed. In [22], a dummy-based approach for text
2. Related Work retrieval privacy protection has been proposed.

About the problem of distributed scheduling of multipro- 3. Methodology

cessor system resources, Konar et al. have proposed a
multipurpose real-time scheduling algorithm for a multi- As mentioned earlier, in this research, a multilevel approach
objective multiprocessor system called Mo-QIGA. This al- is proposed to improve the scheduling and reduce the total
gorithm is implemented in real time to minimize the time of completion in distributed systems by a combination
Mobile Information Systems 3

of neural network prediction that cluster meta-heuristic and measurement and simplicity of calculation, the character-
evolutionary feature of genetic algorithm. In this new ap- istics of the resources in the computing environment to
proach, by the predictive neural network, we first estimate predict the execution time in tasks. These parameters are
the time spent on the available resources. On the other hand, considered as inputs of the artificial neural network, and by
in distributed systems, in addition to the time-consuming determining the weight in the middle layer of the neural
tasks on resources, the cost of executing tasks is also sig- network, the output will be the predicted completion time
nificant and is a concern of the user, and this study addresses for the computing environment resources of the distributed
this case and considers the cost of executing the tasks, and in systems. Quadratic properties of distributed computing
the second level, we have used a cost-based resource clus- environment sources derived from standard CPU-perfor-
tering approach. After this step, in the third level, to find mance-dataset in the standard UCI data repository.
efficient resources to execute the selected tasks, we use the It should be noted, however, that with respect to the
meta-heuristic and evolutionary feature of the genetic al- properties of computational resources, artificial neural
gorithm to improve population production and their networks can somewhat predict the execution time of tasks.
combination, and then, we improve the total execution time This prediction value from the neural network output as a
of the tasks. At this level, the produced chromosomes are in parameter of similarity, together with the cost required for
the same queues of each source as previous tasks, and the each source, contributes to cluster the computing envi-
cutoff point jumps to the same entry point of the new task on ronment resources of the distributed systems. The resources
the one-source queue. The corresponding chromosomes in within the clusters will have approximately similar features,
the sources of a cluster are compared pairwise, and the best and the user will be aware of the completion time (waiting
combination is selected for the chromosomes. In this way, time for their task) and the cost of each resource. The new
the new tasks are joined to the queue of the most appropriate task that comes up is assigned to a resource with the least
combination between the two sources. In this way, the expected completion time. The genetic algorithm is then
proposed method can produce an optimal solution for implemented to optimize resource allocation tasks and re-
mapping tasks on resources. duce work completion time, and a resource queue with the
Based on the investigations among the types of dis- least job completion time is anticipated for the newly
tributed scheduling algorithms, the genetic algorithm has assigned task and a resource queue that assigned for the
been exploited as the main algorithm for discussing the completion time of the predicted task received the second
scheduling tasks of distributed systems in terms of speed of rank as the primary population. The genetic algorithm, by
execution and its ability to search for possible solutions in jumping between these two queues, determines the most
distributed scheduling tasks. Genetic algorithm is one of the appropriate place where a new task can be added. The ar-
most common evolutionary optimization algorithms that chitecture of the proposed method is shown in Figure 1.
search the answer to find optimal solutions to an optimi-
zation problem with incompatible and conflicting goals. But
3.2. Proposed Scheduling Algorithm. The proposed method
as mentioned earlier, the problem of the above algorithm is
combines the strengths of the two genetic algorithms and the
that the initial solution is a random mapping of tasks on
neural network in order to achieve a more optimal algo-
resources. Therefore, the use of prediction tools for some of
rithm. These methods are combined in such a way that they
the required parameters will, to some extent, lead us to better
cover each other’s weaknesses so that they result in an in-
performance. It also deliberately performs scheduling of
tegrated and optimized algorithm. Scheduling operations
resource clusters tailored to the task demanded by the user,
start by the neural network capability to predict the com-
scheduling and distributing loads between the resources of
pletion time of the tasks in terms of the four mentioned
the distributed systems.
parameters in the previous sections. The structural features
of the used neural network are as follows: (a) formation of 12
hidden layers, (b) application of the back-propagation al-
3.1. Prerequisites. The first action to be taken by the
gorithm, and (c) and application of evaluation function. This
scheduler in scheduling the tasks of the distributed systems
neural network is used in CPU-performance-dataset stan-
is to identify the appropriate set of resources that perform
dard data of the standard UCI data repository, using
the tasks. The resources that can be used to execute tasks as
MATLAB simulator based on learned resource attribute
well as gain capabilities are identified based on some of the
values and its suitable outputs in the task scheduling process
features gained through distributed systems intelligence.
to optimize the task mapping process.
Therefore, in order to improve the situation and to reduce
the impact of the above problem in the process of allocating
tasks on resources to execute, we have used neural network 3.2.1. Prediction Completion Time Using Neural Networks.
capability in predicting the execution time of tasks and Due to the fact that in the proposed method, various tasks
aiming to find a suitable solution based on the prediction of are sent, and there are also heterogeneous resources in
runtime as the key to achieve optimal scheduling in dis- distributed systems, so each task and resource will have its
tributed systems. In order to realize the performance of the own characteristics. One of the features of workflow tasks is
neural network are considered these parameters as reasons the number of instructions in each task. In order to perform
of impact on runtime, being independent of each other in a task, each task must execute the instructions in the task text
measurement and control, simplicity of estimation or in order to produce output results based on these
4 Mobile Information Systems

T1 T2 Tn


Figure 1: Architecture of the proposed method.

instructions. The unit of measurement is the number of This method has been used to predict the completion
instructions based on MI, which indicates the number of time of tasks in resources using neural networks. The input
instructions on a million scale. In contrast, for processing of neural networks includes the characteristics of the
instructions in virtual machines, the power of virtual ma- number of task instructions, the task execution deadline, and
chines is introduced based on MIPS, which is on the scale of the minimum and maximum time required to execute in-
millions of instructions per unit time. structions in the resources. Task completion times in pri-
The second feature that is considered in the proposed oritization sources in order to find eligible tasks for early
method for tasks is the deadline for performing tasks. In the execution are predicted. Hence, the existing tasks are trained
proposed method, a deadline has been set for each of the based on the features mentioned in the neural networks.
tasks, according to which the tasks must be completed by the Hence, the output of neural networks is used as a predictor
time they arrive. The deadline for performing tasks starts for the completion of tasks in resources. In the proposed
from the moment of entering each task. Depending on the neural network, in order to evaluate the tasks, the proposed
length of each task, the deadline for performing tasks is fitness function in the following relation has been used.
naturally different. Therefore, tasks that have a shorter n m n m
deadline should be performed sooner so as not to disrupt the min f � 􏽘 􏽘 deadline(i, j) + 􏽘 􏽘 Tlen(i, j),
workflow process. i�1 j�1 i�1 j�1
In the proposed method, resource properties are pre- s.t.,
pared from the standard data set and include the minimum n
cost required to execute an instruction in the resource, the 􏽘 εj ∗ Tlen (i, j) ≤ deadline(i, j),
maximum cost required to execute an instruction in the i�1
resource, the minimum time required to execute an in- i, j > 0,
struction in the resource, the maximum time required to
execute an instruction in the resource, the maximum length where n represents the total number of tasks, m represents
of the resource queue to store the instruction, the minimum the total number of resources, i represents the task index, j
time required to transfer instruction to the resource, the represents the source, deadline, (i, j) represents the deadline
minimum cost required to transmit an instruction to the for performing the task in resource allocation, Tlen (i, j)
resource, and the energy constant to execute an instruction indicates the number of task instructions i that need to be
in the resource. processed in virtual machine j, and εj represents the average
Mobile Information Systems 5

execution time of instruction in virtual machine j. According G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 … GM

to (1), as can be seen in this optimization problem, the 5 2 4 7 6 1 … n
proposed method is required to complete the tasks before
the deadline. According to the proposed evaluation function, Figure 2: Inscription of initial chromosomes based on tasks.
each task will have a value of the function that is the less
value, the shorter the estimated time to complete the task. In performing tasks in cloud resources is not disturbed. Given
other words, having shorter execution times and shorter that in optimal chromosomes, high-ranking tasks are allo-
instructions lengths can be a good option for early execution, cated to powerful resources, fitting and mutation should be
and an estimate of the completion of such tasks in resources in line with improved scheduling. Therefore, in this method,
will be needed to obtain a ranking. the fitting point and the adaptive jump will be used. Thus, if
one fitting point and mutation cause the value of the fit
function to deteriorate, another fitting point and mutation
3.2.2. Scheduling Tasks Based on Genetic Algorithms. As will be selected for the chromosomes. This operation is
mentioned, in this research, genetic algorithm has been used repeated until the optimal fitting and jumping points are
to schedule the ranked tasks of the distributed system. selected. In this case, we will be sure that the generation of
Genetic algorithm is one of the effective optimization al- chromosomes will evolve and converge towards the optimal
gorithms used in complex problems that are inspired by points.
genetic and evolutionary mechanisms in natural systems. Proposed fitness function: as mentioned in the proposed
Genetic algorithm as a population-based meta-heuristic method, we will use the multicriteria fit function. Criteria for
approach has different operators that generate optimized use in the fit function will include task completion time, task
chromosomes from a primary random population. Genetic length, and source processing power. The main purpose of
algorithm operators are essential for the convergence of the proportionality function is to reduce the completion
population chromosomes toward optimal points. The ge- time of all tasks in resources, also called Makespan. The most
netic algorithm in the basic form has three main genetic important purpose of the task scheduling is to minimize
operations of selection, crossover, and mutation. Some Makespan. Makespan equals the total required time to
solutions are selected as chromosomes by the population complete all input tasks. Each scheduler uses a performance-
selector operator as the parent and combine the appropriate matching function to perform the scheduling. And by using
parent operator to create offspring. Parents combine to time and cost parameters, it determines the suitability of
replace several genes on the first chromosome with the different resources to perform a task. Relation (2) shows the
second chromosome. The mutant operator also modifies the fitness function considered for the proposed algorithm.
offspring according to the laws of mutation by changing the
n m n m n m
amount of one or more genes in the direction of the optimal
min f � 􏽘 􏽘 wti (i, j) + 􏽘 􏽘 wci (i, j) + 􏽘 􏽘 wri (i, j),
solution. i�1 j�1 i�1 j�1 i�1 j�1
Initial Population Creation: the first step in using a
genetic algorithm is to encode and generate a random S.t.,
primary population. Coding refers to how genes are de- n
termined on chromosomes, where the arrangement of genes 􏽘 wti (i, j) ≤ wtseq (i, j),
together leads to a solution to a scheduling problem. i�1
Therefore, each chromosome carries genes that are equal to n
the number of virtual machines. The index of each gene 􏽘 wci (i, j) ≤ α,
represents the virtual machine index, and the value inside
the gene represents the task index. Figure 2 shows an ex- n

ample of the chromosomes presented in the proposed 􏽘 wri (i, j) ≤ deadline(i, j),
method. In this type of encoding, tasks are assigned to virtual
machines. i, j > 0,
In the proposed method, this type of coding is used in
which the value of each gene represents the virtual task
index. In the proposed method, since the tasks are ranked in where wti is the time required to complete task i in resource j,
the first step, but the distribution of values within the genes wci is the cost required to complete task i in resource j, wri is
is random, the processing power of the virtual machine is the estimated time based on the processing power of source j
also considered as one of the parameters of the fit function of to perform task i, and α is the cost threshold for performing
the genetic algorithm. Therefore, in chromosomes where tasks. In this function, the weight of the completion time and
high-ranking tasks are assigned to powerful resources to be the performing cost of the task (wt and wc) are taken into
processed faster, the value of the fit function will be more account by the user. Time and cost are not of the same scale,
optimal. and they are not in the same range; to solve this problem, we
Crossover and mutation algorithm in the proposed have to normalize them and mapped them in the range of
method: given that in the proposed method, input tasks are zero to one. It should be noted that the weighting coefficients
prioritized, and naturally, there should be a slight change in are specified by the user in introducing the task. Wt and Wc
the fitting and jump operators so that the priority of give more freedom to user in presenting his work to
6 Mobile Information Systems

distributed systems. The purpose of the scheduler is to find a R1 R2 R3 R4 … RM

source j for each task i so that EF (ti, rj) be minimum. 100 250 270 165 … 300
The above objective function determines the source
fitting of j to execute task i. As can be seen in the above Figure 3: An example of a running time matrix.
function, the normalization of time and cost is multiplied by
their weight. In the above function, tmax and tmin are the
maximum and minimum completion times of tasks on the T1 T2 T3 T4 … Tn
appropriate resources (in the previous sections are described 1 5 3 7 … N
the appropriate resource indicators). cmax and cmin are the
maximum and minimum cost of executing tasks on ap- Figure 4: An example of a Job-CPUj matrix.
propriate resources. ti,j and ci,j are the time and cost of
executing i task on j source. The execution time of tasks 4.1. Performance Evaluation of Neural Networks. This paper
assigned to a resource is obtained by the relation as follows: assumes that a task has been handed over to users of dis-
n m JobCyclej tributed systems or other applications. The timing of these
wti (i, j) � 􏽘 􏽘 Tleni ∗ + wwi (i, j), (3) tasks is considered at random. A number of resident tasks
i�1 j�1
are also randomly distributed in the queue of processors in
the distributed systems where new tasks will be assigned to
k m
JobCyclei the processor upon completion of these tasks (waiting time
wwi (i, j) � 􏽘 􏽘 QTj ∗ Tleni ∗ , (4) of the processor to be assigned to the new task or the time
i�1 j�1
that tasks are completed on the processor). As mentioned,
where the Tleni parameter represents the length (number of the neural network has been used to predict the time of tasks
instructions) of task i, JobCyclej /Processorspeedj deter- completed in the queue of a processor consisting of three
mines the speed of resource processor j, and wwi is the layers: input, midst (middle), and output. The input data
waiting time to access the resource QTj and number of tasks contain CPU-related features to apply in the neural network
within the source queue. Running time is considered to be a input layer as shown in Figure 4. The neural network in the
1 ∗ M matrix where M is the number of resources. The value middle layer performs the process necessary to train the
of the j-element of this matrix indicates the execution time of model on the received input data from the input layer and
the tasks assigned to the source of the number j. Figure 3 presents the results to the output layer. As mentioned in the
shows an example of this matrix, in which the execution time previous chapter, the applied neural network structure uses
of the assigned tasks to the second source is 250. the evaluation function, which is a function of error back-
In each iteration, the updated population evaluated the propagation to correct weights. Figure 5 shows the accuracy
produced solutions. This evaluation is based on the fitness of the evaluation function.
function. To evaluate a member of the population (a solution As shown in Figure 5, the performance of the neural
to the problem), each of the independent input tasks is network using the evaluation function after 40 iterations is
allocated to resources based on the strategy of the scheduling better both in model training and validation and in the test
algorithm. After allocating tasks to resources, to determine stage of trained samples (lines shown by dot).
what tasks are assigned to each resource and for each re- In this study, another criterion used to evaluate the
source j, a 1 ∗ N matrix is called Job-CPUj (N is the number accuracy of the proposed model is the correct prediction rate
of independent input tasks). The values within the Job-CPUj of the samples in the model training stages: validation and
matrix are the number of tasks assigned to the source j. experimental data of the model replication stages. For this
Figure 4 shows an example of this matrix in which the first, purpose, a graph is drawn as confusion, which specifies the
second, and seventh tasks are assigned to source j. number of correctly classified data against the incorrect data
The total execution time of tasks assigned to source j classified in the training, validation, and testing stages of the
(tasks within the Job-CPUj matrix) is calculated by relation data. Figure 6 shows the confusion diagram of the proposed
(3), and finally, the execution time of the tasks is calculated model in steps.
in each resource and placed in the running time matrix. As shown in Figure 6, the proposed neural network
Then, the maximum runtime in the running time matrix is model in this study has correctly predicted 100% of training
considered as Makespan. The proposed method algorithm is samples in the training phase, 87.5% of training samples in
shown in Table 1. the validation stage, and 75% of experimental samples in the
testing phase. Therefore, the average accuracy of the whole
proposed neural network model to predict the completion
4. Performance Evaluation time of tasks residing on the CPU is 94%.

Since the proposed method uses a combination of two ar-

tificial neural network algorithms and a genetic algorithm, in 4.2. Implementation of the Clustering Method. As mentioned,
order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the K-means clustering method is one of the most popular
the performance accuracy of both algorithms is estimated by unsupervised learning algorithms that solve the problem of
the neural network in ready tools and genetic algorithm in well-structured clustering. This method looks for a simple
the Matlab toolbox. and easy way to classify data according to a set of
Mobile Information Systems 7

Table 1: Proposed method algorithm.

Proposed method algorithm
Input data:
F: similarity criteria features of processors;
C: similarity criteria features of clusters’ center;
N: number of processors;
T: the task with different process time;
For i � 1 to N
P � predict the �end time of task in each processor’s queue using neural network
D � (Cj − Fi )2 ;//Clustering processors in different clusters, j � 1, 2, 3//End
For i � 1 to size of max cluster members ( ≈ N/3).
G � GA(P,T)
Makespan � sum (G,P)

Best Validation Performance is 0.1621 at epoch 1000

Mean Squared Error (mse)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
1000 Epochs
Train Test
Validation Best
Figure 5: Evaluation function accuracy.

predetermined number of clusters (K cluster). The basic idea result of this loop, we may find that the central points of K in
behind this method is to define the k as the central focal each time shift their position until a step is completed
point, one for each cluster. This focal point should be chosen without any change. In other words, the focal point has no
wisely because different situations give different results. further movement. Table 2 shows resources allocated to
Therefore, it can be concluded that the best choice is to keep clusters based on resource characteristics.
them as far apart as possible. In this study, K is equal to 3, at As shown in Table 2, the processors belong to a cluster
which the focal point of the first cluster has the lowest value, that is less distant than the focal point of that cluster.
the focal point of the second cluster has the midst data, and Processors within identical clusters are very similar. If the
the focal point of the third cluster has the highest value. The CPUs in different clusters are more cost-effective and time-
clusters are divided into three clusters: cheap, medium, and consuming, tasks delivered to the distributed system envi-
economically expensive, based on the amount of time and ronment are driven to one of these clusters that are more in
cost of completing their tasks. The next step is to capture line with their preference, depending on user or application
each point in the dataset and connect it to the nearest central concerns about the cost and deadline of the tasks.
point. When no point is waiting, the first stage is over, and
the initial groups are formed. At this point, it is necessary to
calculate the points at K of the new central point as the 4.3. Performance Evaluation of Genetic Algorithm. As
centerline of clusters delivered from the previous step. After mentioned, the genetic algorithm is used to map the task in
obtaining this new K focal point, a new connection must be the appropriate processor to reduce the total execution time
established between the same set of data points and the of a task. Therefore, it is expected that the total waiting time
nearest new focal point. Hence, a loop is generated, and as a and task processing time before applying the genetic
8 Mobile Information Systems

Training Confusion Matrix Validation Confusion Matrix

15 0 100% 5 1 83.3%
1 1
44.1% 0.0% 0.0% 62.5% 12.5% 16.7%
Output Class

Output Class
0 19 100% 0 2 100%
2 2
0.0% 55.9% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 0.0%

100% 100% 100% 100% 66.7% 87.5%

0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3% 12.5%

1 2 1 2
Target Class Target Class
Test Confusion Matrix All Confusion Matrix

5 2 71.4% 25 3 89.3%
1 1
62.5% 25.0% 28.6% 50.0% 6.0% 10.7%
Output Class

Output Class

0 1 100% 0 22 100%
2 2
0.0% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% 44.0% 0.0%

100% 33.3% 75.0% 100% 88.0% 94.0%

0.0% 66.7% 25.0% 0.0% 12.0% 6.0%

1 2 1 2
Target Class Target Class
Figure 6: Confusion diagram of the proposed model.

Table 2: Assigned resources to clusters based on processing power.

Source# Cluster# Source# Cluster# Source# Cluster# Source# Cluster# Source# Cluster#
1 3 11 2 21 1 31 2 41 2
2 2 12 1 22 1 32 2 42 1
3 3 13 2 23 1 33 1 43 1
4 2 14 3 24 2 34 1 44 2
5 1 15 1 25 1 35 1 45 1
6 1 16 3 26 3 36 2 46 1
7 1 17 2 27 2 37 1 47 3
8 2 18 2 28 2 38 2 48 2
9 2 19 1 29 1 39 3 49 1
10 2 20 1 30 2 40 1 50 2

algorithm will be different compared to the same amount optimal solution in Gantt’s proposed genetic algorithm, the
after applying the genetic algorithm and allocating tasks on assignment of tasks to resources is shown in Figure 8.
the most appropriate processor to reduce runtime. Due to As shown in Figure 8, the computational tasks are
the evolution of solutions, the genetic algorithm converges assigned to the appropriate virtual machines based on the
to the optimal solution during the iteration steps. Figure 7 proposed method. Then, in Figure 9, the completion time of
shows the convergence of the genetic algorithm towards the the tasks is compared based on the proposed method and the
optimal solution. neural networks without using a genetic algorithm.
As shown in Figure 7, the genetic algorithm achieves the As shown in Figure 9, the time to complete tasks in each
optimal solution after the iteration steps. Based on the resource in the proposed method is less than the neural
Mobile Information Systems 9

Convergence of genetic algorithm towards optimal solution


Fitness function value

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 7: Convergence of genetic algorithm towards the optimal solution.

8, 59, 64,
3, 81, 4, 63, 6, 57, 10, 53,
Tasks 1, 68 2, 95 5, 92 7, 117 75, 83, 9, 5, 110
116 147 109, 140 56, 73, 93

Source S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10

20, 51,
Tasks 11, 96 12, 106 13, 94, 142 14, 97 15, 123 16, 79 17, 98 18, 76, 148 19, 118 54, 80,
119, 143

Source S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20

21, 124, 24, 85, 25, 65, 26, 85, 27, 89, 28, 90,
Tasks 22, 84, 111 23, 69, 149 29, 99 30, 70
134 133, 144 107, 135 136 137 146, 150

Source S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30

31, 66, 32, 71, 77, 36, 67, 37, 88,

Tasks 33, 72, 100 34, 120 35, 101 38, 103, 129 39, 108, 113 40, 122
138 125, 128 121 102, 112

Source S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40

41, 86, 42, 55, 74, 46, 91, 47, 105, 50, 62,
Tasks 43, 60, 126 44, 114 45, 78 48, 61, 132 49, 87, 115
130 82,104 131 139 145

Source S41 S42 S43 S44 S45 S46 S47 S48 S49 S50

Figure 8: Assigned tasks to appropriate resources.

network without genetic algorithm for finding optimal re- use of genetic algorithm is greater than the sum of the same
sources. Therefore, resource selection is not optimal on the time in the proposed method. The graph of the proposed
basis of resource processing power and the provision of method is linearly increasing with a slope lower than the
server services and estimated time to complete tasks in previous graph, with respect to the tasks in the queue and the
resources, and the combination of time and cost in task allocation of tasks to the most appropriate resource using the
allocation can make this approach more optimal. Figure 10 genetic algorithm proportional function. As shown in Fig-
also shows the total execution time of all tasks under all ure 9, the neural network combinatorial method and genetic
sources in the neural network-based method and the pro- algorithm improve the Makespan criterion better than the
posed method. neural-network-based scheduling method. In other words,
As shown in Figure 10, the total execution time of all the total execution time of the assigned tasks in the proposed
tasks under all sources plus the waiting time to release all method is about 24% less than the neural-network-based
resources in the neural-network-based approach without the scheduling method.
10 Mobile Information Systems

Comparison of Makespan in each sources


Makespan (ms) 0.8




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Neural network
Proposed method
Figure 9: Comparison of the Makespan criterion for each source in the proposed method before and after applying the genetic algorithm.

Comparison of sum of Makespan



Makespan (sec)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Neural network
Proposed method
Figure 10: Comparison of the total execution time of all tasks under all sources in the neural network method and the proposed method.

We also compare it with previous methods to evaluate Therefore, Figure 11 shows the comparison of previous
the validity of the proposed method. As shown in Figure 9, methods with the proposed method in this study based on
the accuracy of the proposed method in distributed systems the Makespan criterion.
is optimized by allocating tasks to resources and combining As shown in Figure 11, the performance of the proposed
the parameters in the form of a proportional function. The method was better than other methods available in the
proposed method can now be compared with previous journals in allocating tasks to resources and reducing the
methods based on the same criteria with equal conditions. time required to perform the whole task. Therefore, the
Mobile Information Systems 11

Makespan (sec)










Proposed Method

Figure 11: Comparison of the proposed method with previous methods.

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