The Standard Model
The Standard Model
The Standard Model
Up Quarks
Down Quarks
Neutrinos - Don't interact with anything
(These are the four matter particles)
Strange quarks
Bottom quarks
These are just like down quarks, but they are heavier
Charm quarks
Top quarks
Muon neutrino
Tau neutrino
The Second and Third generation particles are heavier and unstable and quickly
decay into the first generation particles.
Weak force - It too like the strong force occurs at subatomic levels but it is
associated with decay.
A down quark can turn into an up quark releasing an electron and neutrino in this
process. So a neutron can turn into a proton by radioactive beta decay.
Neutron -> Proton + Electron + Neutrino
So it helps in nuclear fusion.
It is also the reason why the heavier particles (like muons) turn down into the lighter
particles (like electrons).
It acts on all the particles. It is the only force the neutrinos feel.
Particles - W bosons (W+ bosons, W- bosons), Z bosons
Higgs boson -
None of the elementary particles have a mass. It's role is to endow all the fermions
with a mass.
The higgs field is like a field going through the universe, capturing the elementary
fermions and giving them what seems to us as mass.
It is the most important particle in the Standard Model.
The Standard Model aims towards a Grand Unified Theory along with the inclusion of
Quantum Gravity.
Gauge Theory