NCERT Class 11 Physics Chapter 1 Fundamental Forces YouTube Lecture Handouts
NCERT Class 11 Physics Chapter 1 Fundamental Forces YouTube Lecture Handouts
NCERT Class 11 Physics Chapter 1 Fundamental Forces YouTube Lecture Handouts
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Gravitational Force
Inverse Square- works over large distances
No medium
Always attractive
Always present between two bodies with mass
The gravitational force is the force of mutual attraction between any two objects by virtue of
their masses. It is a universal force. Every object experiences this force due to every other
object in the universe. All objects on the earth, for example, experience the force of gravity
due to the earth. In particular, gravity governs the motion of the moon and artificial satellites
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around the earth, motion of the earth and planets around the sun, and, of course, the
motion of bodies falling to the earth. It plays a key role in the large-scale phenomena of the
universe, such as formation and evolution of stars, galaxies and galactic clusters
Electromagnetic Force
Inverse Square- works over large distances
No medium
Attractive between unlike charges and repulsive between like charges (Coulomb՚s Law)
Present between two bodies with charge
Moving charges produce magnetic effects
The electric force between two protons, for example, is 1036 times the gravitational
force between them, for any fixed distance. Matter, as we know, consists of elementary
charged constituents like electrons and protons. Since the electromagnetic force is so
much stronger than the gravitational force, it dominates all phenomena at atomic and
molecular scales. (The other two forces, as we shall see, operate only at nuclear scales.)
Thus, it is mainly the electromagnetic force that governs the structure of atoms and
molecules, the dynamics of chemical reactions and the mechanical, thermal and other
properties of materials.
It underlies the macroscopic forces like ‘tension’ , ‘friction’ , ‘normal force’ , ‘spring force’
, etc. Gravity is always attractive, while electromagnetic force can be attractive or
repulsive. Another way of putting it is that mass comes only in one variety (there is no
negative mass) , but charge comes in two varieties: positive and negative charge. This is
what makes all the difference. Matter is mostly electrically neutral (net charge is zero) .
Thus, electric force is largely zero and gravitational force dominates terrestrial
phenomena. Electric force manifests itself in atmosphere where the atoms are ionised
and that leads to lightning.
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Another way of putting it is that mass comes only in one variety (there is no negative
mass) , but charge comes in two varieties: positive and negative charge.
Matter is mostly electrically neutral (net charge is zero) . Thus, electric force is largely
zero and gravitational force dominates terrestrial phenomena.
Electric force manifests itself in atmosphere where the atoms are ionized and that leads
to lightning and aurora burel Eolis.
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Comparing Forces
Unifying Forces
Isaac Newton 1687 Unified celestial and terrestrial mechanics; showed that
the same laws of motion and the law of gravitation
apply to both the domains.
Hans Christian 1820 Showed that electric and magnetic phenomena are
Oersted 1830 inseparable aspects of a unified domain;
Michael Faraday electromagnetism.
James Clerk Maxwell 1873 Unified electricity. magnetism and optics: showed that
light is an electromagnetic wave.
Sheldon Glashow, 1979 Showed that the weak nuclear force and the
Abdus Salam, Steven electromagnetic force could be viewed as different
Weinberg aspects of a single electro-weak force.
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Carlo Rubia, Simon 1984 Verified experimentally the predictions of the theory of
Vander Meer electro-weak force.
✍ Mayank
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