Notice of Rights Notorized

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To Whom It May Concern,

I, the undersigned, do hereby attest to possessing full knowledge and understanding of the Bill of
Rights, my civil rights, constitutional rights, and natural rights as a man. This document serves as
irrefutable evidence of my awareness of said rights. Furthermore, I hereby declare any and all
contracts that pertain to me to be null and void, including any that may have unintentionally
waived or surrendered my rights, or in any way compromised my status, due to lack of full
disclosure, clean hands, good faith, and fair business practices.

I acknowledge my full responsibility and liability as the Grantor and Beneficiary of any and all
of my legal proceedings, whether they be legal, lawful, unlawful, or civil. I demand that no
person or entity presume or treat me as anything other than what I officially declare myself to be.

It is hereby required that any person, corporation, organization, or government agency that
violates any of these rights shall be held accountable and obligated to pay me in the monetary
amount that I deem necessary.

You are hereby mandated to inform all of your superiors and subordinates who may have future
interactions with me or my person. Should there be any uncertainties or misunderstandings
regarding this document, you are responsible for seeking legal counsel from a superior officer,
special prosecutor, federal judge, or other competent legal counsel to explain the significance of
this document as per your duties and obligations in respect to this private formal instrument.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns within 21 days of
receipt of this document. Acquiescence is required.

I hereby testify under oath in the presence of God and Men that this document is binding and


[Your Name]

STATE OF _______________________

COUNTY OF ____________________

Be it known to all that on this day, before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforementioned
County and State, appeared _________________, who affirmed the veracity of the foregoing
statements. The affiant, having been duly sworn, attested to me that the execution of said
instrument was a voluntary act performed for the specific uses and purposes specified therein.

In witness whereof, I affix my signature and Notarial Seal on this __________ day of
________________, in the year of our Lord __________.

My Commission Expires on: _____________________

Notary Public of the State of ___________________

County of ___________________________


Printed Name of Notary Public

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