2PJJC M Iqbal Final Report

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Name : M Iqbal

Class : 2 PJJ C

Student Number : 062040111997

“English Course Report”

❖ Meeting 1
(March 15 th , 2021)

In our first meeting, Monday, March 15 th, 2021, that's supposed to use LMS, apparently it didn’t
work yet. And at that moment, we should be held our introduction by using Zoom. But, Ms.
Henny can not hold a zoom meeting at that moment.
So, we held our first conversation with record our presence by using WhatsApp Group Ma ssage.

(March 16 th , 2021)
On Tuesday, March 16 th, 2021, there is an exchange schedule from our department, Mr. Kosim
says that we will do classroom exchange. And now, Sir Beni will be teaching in Ms Henny Class
( 2 PJJ C) and Ms Henny will be teaching in Sir Beni Class ( 2 PJJ B).

After inform about the schedule exchange, Sir Beni tell the students of the class to list our f ull
name with our WhatsApp number one by one.
All of the student should enroll each account to Sir Beni Course on the LMS.

❖ Meeting 2
(March 22 nd, 2021)
On Monday, March 22 nd, 2021, Sir Beni gave all of the students the instruction about the

Sir Beni tell us about the rules of the classroom.

Sir Beni gave all of the students a task about presentation video in 3 until 5 minutes and the
presentation schedule.
Here is the explanation about the task :

Need Analysis

Answer the following questions honestly. The longer, the better. Be free with your ideas.
Write your answers here in this group by 14:20.

1. Do you like English? Why? or Why not?

2. How long have you been studying English?

3. What are the problems you usually face when you study English?

4. What did you learn from your previous English class in the last semester?

5. What were your difficulties in that class?

6. What do you really want to learn f rom your current English class?

7. In what ways do you expect me to do in order to improve your English skills?


1. Yes , because i just love learning English from hearing people use English such as
movies and songs
2. From junior high school

3. Difficult to understand and difficult to interact in English

4. Sentences, adverb of time, dialog text and description text

5. Difficult to compose words in the English form

6. How to present the presentation correctly in English like the topic now

7. Teach using English and be patient in teaching , hopefully i can increase my English

Here is the result of my introduction in English :

Nama : M Iqbal
NPM : 062040111997
Kelas : 2 PJJ C

Hello, friends… Let me introduce myself, my name is M Iqbal and you can call me
Iqbal. I live at Perumahan Tiga Putri, Blok CC4. I was born in the city of Jambi on
June 11, 2002. And now I was 18 years old. I am the second child of four siblin gs.
About my parents, my father is a general emplooyes named Kgs Ubaidillah and my
mother named Ita is just a housewife.

I have finished my school in Senior High School 10 Palembang. Now, I con t inue
my education in Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. For the major, I choose Civil
Engineering because I really like the things that related to building and design. In
Civil Engineering, we taught everything that is related to the needs of civil societ y
in the aspects of building. Civil engineering itself is a science that learns about t he
methodology of civil buildings ranging from planning to implementation. so wh en
becoming a graduate of the civil engineering department many jobs await.

My hobby of playing games, when again empty time I definitely play games, a lot
that I have got from games,
from award trophies, money, to departing about of town from tournaments
representing Palembang to national events. there also I get t o kn ow a lot of n ew
friends from the game, from the area, palembang city even through about
❖ Meeting 3
(March 29 th , 2021)

On Monday, March 26 th, 2021, we start to studying by use LMS Website. And, the first
presentation, start with Amarul presentation, about " How To Make an Instagram Account”, and
Adinda presentation, about " How to Use Microsoft Excel for Beginner" .

Here is the video link of Amarul Presentation about " How To Make an Instagram Account” :

Here is the video link of Amarul Presentation about " How to Use Microsoft Excel for
Sir Beni gave us the intstruction about to watch the yaboutube video and gave us a task to
explain what would be learned from the video.

Skills for Civil Engineer

Write what can be learned about the video “ Skills for Civil Engineer”
Video Link :
Learn various things about designing, building to renovating buildings, infrastructure to the
environment for the benefit of human lige. From the video I got 7 skills that must be mastered
from Technical Skills, Project management, Leadership skills, Communication skills, Creativity,
Visualization, CreativityI personally dare to say that civil engineering is one of the majors with
great job opportunities in the world of work.

(April 3 rd, 2021)

On Saturday, April 3 rd, 2021, all of the students got a assignment that order us to find one
famous civil engineer in the world in field of road and bridge construction . And then make a
biography of the famous civil engineer that we choose.

Here is the result of my task:

❖ Meeting 4

(April 5 th, 2021)

Monday, April 5 th, 2021 is the turn of Anggun and Annisa presentation.

Here is the video link of Anggun Presentation about "Introduction the basic of AutoCAD” :

Here is the video link of Annisa Presentation about "The impact of technology for study habits” :
From the video of Annisa Presentation I ask a question.

Hi Annisa, I wanna ask from your video presentation.
What the impacts of technology in Education?

Ok thanks Iqbal for your question.
Educational technology is very helpful and easy to understand in millenn ial life as an innovation
learning medium that makes it easy for them to find various sources of knowledge easily and can
be done anytime and anywhere. Delivery of information through sophisticated technology looks
more varied and modern and does not seem monotonous, thereby increasing interest and the
process of independent learning and creating open-minded thinking towards education currently
only through face-to-face or offline learning.
In the development of technology, it can have a negative impact if it is used inappropriately,
internet-based learning becomes an alternative to the negative impact of the internet into a
positive impact.Therefore, the use of technology must be used appropriately.
Sir Beni tell us to watch the yaboutube video and gave us a task about us to explain what would
be learned after watch the video.

Write what can be learned about the video “ How bridges are built over water?”

Video link:

I am really excited to that video because the video explain about making a bridge in deep water.
From the video i know that there's three methods of bridge building , there are battered piles,
cofferdams and caissons .When bridges requiring piers are built over a body of water,
foundations are made by sinking caissons into the riverbed and filling them with concrete.
Sir Beni gave all of the students an sssignment to make a description about a well-known road or
bridge construction int the world.

Here is the result of my assignment :

Golden Gate Bridge

The bridge is the result of Joseph Strauss, a technician in charge of m ore

than 400 images of the bridge, although it is much smaller t han t he Golden Gat e
Bridge, and mostly within the continent. St rauss h as spent m ore t han a decade
rallying support in Northern California. Strauss's initial proposal for t h is location
was not really good. The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge along the
Golden Gate, an opening from the Pacific Ocean to t he San Fran cisco Bay. Th e
bridge connects the cities of San Francisco, California on the San Francisco
Peninsula and Marin County, California. The width of Golden Gat e Bridge is 27
meters, the length is 2,737 meters, while the two main towers tower 227 meters.

Until 1964, the Golden Gate Bridge held the title of the longest
suspension bridge in the world. This bridge is deliberately about of the color
"international orange" to easily catch the eyes of the skipper of the ship, especially
in the fog season. Workers also had to blow up rocks underwater to plant
foundations to withstand the quake. The difficulty of t h is con struction t ook 11
victims during the four-year period of work on the bridge. The bridge. Th e bridge
quickly became a landmark of the United States and a sym bol of San Fran cisco.
Golden Gate Bridge, connecting the San Francisco area and Northern Marin
County. the manufacturing process took 7 years and was completed in 1937. Th e
bridge is 8,981 feet (1.7 miles) long and is made of about 88,000 tons of steel. Th e
total weight of the bridge is 887,000 tons. There are two towers holding t wo st eel
wires holding the bridge.

The Golden Gate bridge is one of the best known examples of m odern
civil engineering. Stretching for 1.7 miles (2.7 kilometers), it is a suspension
bridge that uses a very strong vertical suspender rope made with galvanized st eel
wire. This vertical suspender strap has a core cluster of metal st rands wrapped in
six additional bundles and woven to resemble a fuse shape, creating a very st ron g
element for hanging the bridge deck below. Each wire rope and bundle, h as t wist
energy that makes it removable which is sometimes done by force. We hook
stainless steel tape to the rope with a hydraulic pressure of 7,000 pounds to
maintain its original shape before cutting or forging welding.

I really interested with The Golden Gate Bridge. Because as we kn ow,

when it was built, the Golden Gate Bridge spanned 4,200 feet and staked it s claim
as the longest suspension bridge in the world. This is one of the most
interesting facts about the Golden Gate Bridge because it h eld t his record u ntil
1964. That's over 25 years. There are about 600,000 rivet s in each 746 foot t all
tower. When the original rivets become corroded, they’re replaced with galvanized
high-strength bolts. In fact, engineers said that the bridge, which was built to bend,
was never in danger of collapsing. I just can’t imagine how could t hey bu ild t his
huge and great bridge in a deep water and with the limited abilities at t hat t ime.
That’s why I want this bridge as my choice to the famous constuction. I hope
someday, I can build the building construction as great as The Golden Gate Bridge.
(April 9 th, 2021)

Because the LMS is not accessible, we resend all of assignments to Sir Beni’s Email
[email protected]” with the email subject (2PJJC_Name).

❖ Meeting 5
(April 12 nd, 2021)
Monday, April 12 nd, 2021 is the turn of Dandi and Fasyadillah Presentation.

Here is the video link of Dandi presentation about "How to use the google meet application” :

Here is the video link of Fasyadillah presentation about "The Negative Impact Of Laziness”:

Sir Beni tell us about the group work. And here is the results of my group :

Group 6
Topic : Planning Road Casting In a Housing Estate

Place : Mr. Iqbal's Office

Time : During the Day

Role : - Housing owner : Meigy Dwiantara

- Head of Ltd. : M. Iqbal
- Secretary of Ltd. : Miqdad Al Mu’min

Monday, April 12, 2021

(Meigy enters the office)

Miqdad: Good afternoon Mr, how can I help you?

Meigy: I want to do road casting in my housing.

Miqdad: May I have your name Mr ?

Meigy: My name is Meigy Dwiantara.

Miqdad: You can immediately discuss it with Mr Iqbal, head of Ltd.

Meigy: OK, now can I talk to him?

Miqdad: Yes Mr, let me take you to the room Mr.

(They also entered the head of Ltd.)

Miqdad: Excuse me Mr.

Iqbal: Yes, please come in.

Miqdad: Here Mr, Mr. Meigy wants to do road casting in his housing estate and wants to discuss
it with you.

Iqbal: OK, Mr. Meigy, what do you want to talk about?

Meigy: Good afternoon, Mr. Iqbal, so I'm here to ask you to do the casting of the concrete road
in my housing.

Iqbal: Good afternoon too Mr Meigy. It's my pleasure. Concrete road, right? However, the
process of building a concrete road is more difficult than an asphalt road .

Meigy: Yes Mr iqbal, because what I know is that concrete roads have good resistance and

Iqbal: Yes, concrete roads have better resistance, especially if they are traversed by heavy
vehicles. Where is your residential location, Mr Meigy ?

Meigy: PDAM street Housing Griya Tiga Putri Bukit Lama, if you may know how much it costs
per m2, Mr Iqbal?

Iqbal: For K 250 concrete cast IDR 325,000.00, K 300 concrete cast IDR 327,000.00 and K 350
concrete cast IDR 329,000.00.

Meigy: Can you reduce the K 350 concrete to IDR 325,000.00 ?

Iqbal: If you may know how many meters, Mr ?

Meigy: The total length of the road is 100m with a width of 3.5m.

Iqbal: Alright Mr Meigy, I will reduce it, if you may know when we can start working ?

Meigy: As soon as possible. If I may know the estimated time of casting, how long will it take,
Mr Iqbal ?

Iqbal: For the casting of the road, it will take approximately 3 weeks pack and it takes 14 -28
days for maintenance, given continuous watering. aims so that the concrete does not experience
dehydration or lack of water in its layers. Because it will af fect the quality of the concrete.

Meigy: Is it a deal, Mr Iqbal?

Iqbal: Alright Mr Meigy, I will prepare it first, then the date will be made immediately. (calling

Miqdad: Yes Mr, I can help you there

Iqbal: Find a date so we can start casting a road at Griya Tiga Putri housing complex, JL PDAM

Miqdad: For the date of starting the casting, we can run it from Saturday, April 17, 2021.

Iqbal: April 17, 2021 is Saturday, What do you think, Mr Meigy?

Meigy: This Saturday right, sure.

Iqbal: For the payment Mr, you have to have the initial money first. Is it 30% of the estimated

Meigy: Okay Mr Iqbal.

Iqbal: We will do the road as comfortable as possible. Thank you very much Mr Meigy,
hopefully always go to my Ltd. for the next job

Meigy: Your welcome Mr Iqbal. I think so.

(finally the agreement has been completed, road casting will begin on April 17, 2021)

❖ Meeting 6
(April 19 th, 2021)

Monday, April 19 th, 2021 is the turn of Subhan and Gilang Presentation.

Here is the video link of Subhan presentation about "Drugs and their effects” :

From Subhan yaboutube video, I ask a question in the chat coloumn.

Hi Subhan
I wanna ask you, What is the indirect impact of abused drugs?
Ok, thank you Iqbal for the question The impact of drugs is divided into 2, namely the direct
impact and the indirect impact The indirect impact on drugs being abused is : 1. There will be a
lot of money needed for the healing and health care of the addict 2. Ostracized in society and the
association of good people 3. The family will be very embarrassed because they have a f amily
member who uses illegal substances. 4. Learning opportunities are lost and may be expelled from
school or college 5. Not trusted by others anymore 6. Can be thrown into a wall of suffering /
prison which is very torturous both physically and mentally.

Here is the video link of Gilang presentation about " What Fasting Does To Your Brain?”:

Sir Beni gave us a task about Find english article from online newspapers or magazine publishes
in 2021 that talking about something related to civil engineering especially road and bridge

Here is the Article link that I choose :


Name : M Iqbal
The newspaper's name : Civil engineering dimension
The title of the article : OnlineUtilization of Phosphoric Acid and Lime for
Stabilizing Laterite for lateritic bricks production
The author :Adekoya
The date publish : March 17, 2021
Sir Beni gave us an Assignment from the article we have found, and than tell us to write what it
is about, what we can learn from it, and why it is importand to read.

Here is my answer of the assignment :

So from this article with the title Utilization of Phosphoric Acid and Lime for Stabilizing Laterite
for Lateritic Bricks Production. it describes Phosphoric Acid and Lime on Stable Lateritic
Compression Strength Brick. To determine the axle loading capacity bricks, compression tests
are used. Tje compression strength of the bricks resulting from laterite stable with variations of
H3PO4 and lime after recovering for 7, 14, and 28 days served in Figure 4. This indicates that
the compressive power of the bricks increased by a percentage increase stabilizatio n with lime
and a combination of both lime and H3PO4. lateritic soil is very weathered natural materials
formed by hydrated oxide concentrations of iron and aluminum .The most consistent of laterite
soil type. The laterite soil tropical and subtropical weathered Residual land is an old and popular
construction material that has served humanity for centuries now. In Nigeria and other tropics,
lateritic soils and used in construction such as brick production, sub base for road pavement.
Laterite is found in hot and humid tropical climates. the result of so much iron and nickel oxide
content that makes laterite soil harden to resemble stone. The mineral and chemical composition
of laterite stones is highly influential in its parent rock, laterite generally contains large amounts
of quartz and titanium oxide, zircon, iron, lead, manganese and aluminum, which are left behind
from the ignition process.Laterite soil Suitable for Building Buildings. The texture of this soil
that is on and sturdy makes this type of soil is very suitable to build buildings, as Mixed
Materials, for Plantation Land, For Handicraft Materials, For Water Reserves, Apat Used to
Manage WasteWater.

❖ Meeting 7
(April 26 th, 2021)

Monday, April 26 th, 2021 is the turn of Hadi and Kurnia Sandy Presentation.
Here is the video link of Hadi Presentation about "How To Basic Typing In Microsoft Word.” :

From Hadi yaboutube video, I ask a question in the chat coloumn.

Hi Hadi Herlambang , i wanna ask you. How much laptop memory do I need to allow Words to
check grammar in my document as I type?
Automatically use grammar checking tool (12 MB or more): To run the Check grammar check
option when you type continuously (to display grammar errors with wavy underlines), your
computer must have at least 12 MB of physical RAM.

Here is the video link of Sandy Presentation about "Football as a support system” :

From Hadi yaboutube video, I ask a question in the chat coloumn.

Hi sandy, i wanna ask you. What are the examples of trickery in passing the ball? (by passing the
back of the body using the heel or sole of the foot)
Good question iqbal. In football, such a technique is called "Backheel". The first way to do a
backheel is to place your foot on the side of the ball closest to you. Swing your f eet down and
aim at the center of the ball to ensure accuracy. Make quick passes or backheel kicks.

Sir Beni tell us to watch the yaboutube video and gave us a task about us to explain what would
be learned after watch the video.

Answer :
what i got from the video
cover letter for a mechanical engineering job. some important points that must be where among
them, personal details, education details, job experiences, personality
and cover letter for an internship,Internship are work placements with companies or
organizations that provide new work experience and expertise. When applying for an internship,
employers may request a cover letter, resume, reference and other necessary documents.

Sir Beni gave us an assignment to make a cover letter apply for a job.
M Iqbal S. Tr. T
JL.PDAM Griya Tiga Putri No.04
Palembang City, Sabouth Sumatra 30136
Tel. 0821-8193-4559
[email protected]

Palembang, April 30th, 2021

PT Waskita Karya
Jalan Bambang Utoyo, 354
Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30111
Email: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Septiawan Andri Purwanto President Director of Waskita Toll Road

I woul d l ike to ap ply to fill the p osition of Engineering manager at PT Waskita Karya.
Thi s p osition i s an i nteresting and challenging p osition for me, where I am
recognized as having good analytical skills and b eing able to communicate well. I can
work i ndividually as well as i n teams. I am sure for the p rofession I wi ll j oin
p rofessionally i n your company.

I am 22 years old, unmarried and have studied i n the majors, Road and Bridge
Desi gn, Faculty of civil engineering. Sriwijaya State Polytechnic. As for m e graduating
wi th a GPA of 3.50. I have gained the expertise of almost every corner of the
construction p rofession.

I'm sure I'm the ri ght p erson for the p rofession, b ecause I l ove connecting with
others, challenges and d irecting the company to achieve i t s goals

Pl ease see my covered resume for d etailed i nformation about my experience and
ed ucation. I l ook forward to working at PT Waskita Karya and I am ready to conduct
i nterviews to d i scuss more d irectly.
Si ncerely,
M Iqbal S. Tr. T

❖ Meeting 8
(May 3 rd, 2021)

Monday, May 3 rd, 2021 is the turn of myself and Meigy Presentation.
Here is the video link of My Presentation about "Bad Of Smoking" :
Here is the answers of some question from my presentation about “Bad Of Smoking”.

Adinda Alzura Nealfiansyah

In cigarettes there are substances that cause addiction when trying to smoke, are they addictive
on one try? give an explanation thank you iqbal
Thank you for the question dinda , from me could have directly caused addiction because
nicotine causes a temporary pleasure effect in the brain, which makes a person become
dependent on this substance.

Meigy Dwianatara
I have a question, when compared to cigars, is it more dangerous to smoke or cigar? explain

Thank you for the question, meigy. Cigars are no better than regular cigarettes. Both can still
have an adverse impact on the health of themselves and others. These impacts range from oral
health disorders, addiction, heart disease, even cancer. because Cigars contain tobacco, nicotine,
tar, and other cancer-causing toxins just like cigarettes.

Gilang Febrian


Why can cigarettes contain addiction, and it is very dangerous for passive smokers?


thank you for the question, Gilang febrian. That's because cigarettes contain high addictive
substances, and can cause addiction. The cause of course is nicotine contained in cigarette
tobacco. the effects of nicotine and cigarettesRokok contains nicotine, which is a highly
addictive substance or can cause dependence and Although not directly smoked, passive smokers
can also be adversely affected as well. The more often a person is exposed or exposed to
cigarette smoke, the higher the risk of health problems.

Muhammad Ikhsan Sorimuda


I want to ask you bal, why is someone who inhales cigarette smoke as dangerous as someone
who smokes cigarettes?


thank you for the question, Ikhsan. Smoking is a bad thing for your health as well as others.
When a person smokes, most of the smoke does not get into the lungs of smokers. However,
most cigarette smoke is released into the air, so smoke can be inhaled by passive smokers.
Although not directly smoked, passive smokers can also be affected badly as well. The more
often a person is exposed or exposed to cigarette smoke, the higher the risk of health problems.

Fasyadillah sufty alaika


Hi Iqbal, i wanna ask you, What are the bad effects of smoking on the air? and if it continues to
happen, what harm can this cause?


Okay thank you for the question, fasya. Chemicals in cigarettes have the potential to damage
lung cells which can then turn into cancer cells. In addition, smoking can also cause various
diseases of the lungs, such as bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and

Muhammad Khairurramadhana


I want to ask, how to stop smoking if someone is already an addict?

okay thank you for the question, Rama. In my opinion an effective way of quitting smoking by
managing stress. Stress can be one of the reasons a person chooses to smoke, avoid triggers,
exercise, a healthy diet.

Muhammad Rizky Burton

Question: Hi Iqbal, i wanna ask about that material, Why do cigarettes still sell even though you
already know the information from the packaging is dangerous and can eat lives?


wow good question Burton... thank you for the question. Why still selling cigarettes because of
the large cigarette excise, I used to often ask myself, cigarettes are dangerous why it is still sold

Hi Iqbal, i wanna ask about that material, Why do cigarettes still sell even though you already
know the information from the packaging is dangerous and can eat lives?

Muhamad Revanza


Now in the covid 19 period, can cigarettes ward off or avoid the virus?


thank you for the question, Revan. To date, no specific drugs have been recommended to prevent
or treat coronavirus. so cigarettes can not avoid the virus

Amarul Azhar


i have a question for you, How do the tar and smoke get stuck in your lungs? thank you


thank you for the question, Amarul. Tar inhaled by smokers will settle in the lungs. These tar
deposits are at high risk of causing diseases of the lungs, such as lung cancer and emphysema
and why they settle in the lungs because tar and smoke are carcinogenic. Carcinogenic properties
are precipitating and damaging especially in the organs of the lungs due to substances contained
in cigarettes. So that inside the lungs become perforated and cause cancer

Hadi Herlambang Wijaya


How to get rid of the effects of opium on smokers? and whether smoking is lawful in Islam?


okay hadi eliminating opiates in smokers from me it finds your determination for example to
lower the risk of disease, think positively to be free of cigarette opiates, and also make a plan and
try to follow it wholeheartedly determine the target and also when you should stop sucking the
source of the disease from cigarettes. and for halal or haram cigarettes in Islam it is hala l . Allah
and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never asserted that tobacco or
cigarettes are haraam.

Muhammad Subhan


i want ask you, What should parents, teachers, and leaders do in an effort to prevent teenage


Okay Subhan. thank you for the question, education has a role in its prevention for us
Indonesians. for parents m, teachers and leaders in my opinion all that should be done is to
include a ban related to cigarettes in the rules of discipline prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and
put a sign of non-smoking areas in the neighborhood.

Anggun Lestari Hutabarat


I want to ask you How do you deal with it so that you are not affected by smoking in your

Okay Anggun, thank you for the quesion. Avoid hanging about with friends who are smoking.
Rest assured, that cigarettes are not the only means of association. Don't be shy about saying that
we're not smokers. Multiply looking for information about the dangers of cigarettes. Avoid
anything related to cigarettes.

Naura Berlian Humairoh


I have a question for you, why cigarette users continue to be addicted to cigarettes? please explan
why people can do like that, thank you


Okay Naura, thank you for the question. Every time a person smokes, nicotine will be absorbed
by the blood and then flow to the brain. Generally, smokers absorb 1 –1.5 mg of nicotine from a
single cigarette. Once in the brain, nicotine will increase the release of dopa mine, a chemical that
serves to help improve mood and cause complacency.

Kurnia Sandy


Does the nicotine in cigarettes still leave a mark in your lungs if you have stopped smoking for a


Good question. Sandy, actually after quitting smoking for 1-6 months, it can be observed
changes in the picture of pulmonary X-rays in a much cleaner direction, even in heavy smokers.
So, if you have stopped smoking for up to 1 year, it is likely that the picture of your lungs if
examined with an X-ray will be much better.

Yudistira Rizki Saputra


I have a question for you about that. I've heard discussions between groups of smokers. they had
long discussions about smoking. Still ringing in my ears, one of them said that the point is "if a
smoker decides to quit smoking, there will be many side effects, such as illness that starts to
appear and a decrease in the level of work ethic." I personally can't say this is wrong, because it
has been proven a lot. what I wanted to ask you. What do you think about that? How do you
convince them that it is wrong and stick to the phrase "smoking is dangerous" if you are in their
discussion group? Btw, I am not a smoker I think you are smart enough to be able to understand
the gist of what I asked above. Sorry if it's too long, and thank you for the answers you will give


In my opinion. Because cigarettes contain high addictive substances, and can cause addiction.
The cause of course is nicotine contained in cigarette tobacco. the effects of nicotine and
cigarettes contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance or can cause dependence and
Although not directly smoked, passive smokers can also be adversely affected as well. The more
often a person is exposed or exposed to cigarette smoke, the higher the risk of health problems.
and in my opinion smoking is dangerous because smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke,
lung disease, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which includes emphysema
and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases the risk of tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and
immune system problems. so care for your health and the people around you resolve yourself by
quitting smoking lowers the risk of disease and think positively to be free of cigarette opiates.

Gilang Samudra


Could you tell me, why cigarette is make Addict when we use it or the way that we use it make
our addict with it. Thank you


thank you for the question. Gilang samudra, because nicotine causes a temporary pleasure effect
in the brain, which makes a person become dependent on this substance. and also every time a
person smokes, nicotine will be absorbed by the blood and then flow to the brain. Generally,
smokers absorb 1–1.5 mg of nicotine from a single cigarette. Once in the brain, nicotine will
increase the release of dopamine, a chemical that serves to help improve mood and cause

Vandra Andriansyah

What do you think the government should do to discourage more smokers?


Thank you for the question. Vandra, I think that should be done in terms of raising the price of
cigarettes yes, and also raise the price of customs because the cheap price of cigarettes can make
people easily access cigarettes, including teenage children.

Dandi Anugrah


I have a question,who is the person who first discovered cigarettes?


thank you for the question. Dandi, The person is Wikimedia Commons.

Miqdad Al Muqmin


how to be able to quit smoking?


thank you for the question. Miqdad , in my opinion an effective way of quitting smoking by
managing stress. Stress can be one of the reasons a person chooses to smoke, avoid triggers,
exercise, a healthy diet.

Here is the video link of Meigy Presentation about " Basic Tutorial 3D in AutoCAD” :

From Meigy yaboutube video, I ask a question about it.

Hi meigy. I want to ask you , explain the parts to watch about for in the merging of 3D
component images.


Thank you for your question Iqbal. The part that must be paid attention to when you want to
combine 3D images is the meeting part or surface of the 3D components that you want to
combine, it must touch each other so that the two 3D components can blend well.

Sir Beni order us to find a CV or resume from a successful civil engineer. And then we should
explain why we like the CV/resume. Here is my answer:
I like this CV because Ir.Habibie Razak is an infrastructure director with 18+ years
of experience, he serves as project manager in various industries. Like cv duty
yesterday I applied to take the same position as Ir.Habibie Razak as project
manager. which I have to prepare like him very m u ch wit h h is career t h at is so
successful. I really hope with my hard work from the science of edu cation in t he
state polytechnic sriwijaya and the development of technology becomes easier t o
learn . I can definitely be like him or even above him as project manager.
Sir Beni gave us an assignment make a cv or resume to apply for a job once we are graduated
later on. And here is my CV that i created :
❖ Meeting 9
(May 10 th , 2021)

In this meeting, Sir Beni told us to do a Mid Test. It’s about watch some videos and define what
can we learn from that videos.

After completing the mid test by concluding from the videos, Sir Beni tell us to collect our task
in his email address. So, I send my good answer before deadline.
The Answer of Mid Test :

What can I learn from these three videos about Civil Engineering Interview

From the first video I get civil engineering interview is going to be either introduce yourself or
tell me about yourself so we want to kick start your civil engineering interview, with great
response to this guaranteed question . whether fresh graduate or already experienced, will
include questions that assess your knowledge and skills in civil engineering, and your ability to
communicate with clients, with team and teamwork. many common questions about your work
history, education, strengths, weaknesses, achievements, goals, and plans. and the question . why
have you chosen our company to become a civil engineer. many lessons from the video so that
before carrying about the interview a lot of what we have learned so that ready interview in the
company of civil engineer.
And the second video I get define various authorities or workers on a construction site like
project manager , site engineer , contractor, Mistri, labor. What is the clear cover provided in
general for various RCC works .From minimum value of 50mm for Foundation, 40mm for
Column, 25mm for Beam, 25mm for sliding wall, 20mm for Slab. Questions about the column
functions of a building, cement, sand, aggregate ratios. Until the question is f ar about of mind
like what do you mean by honeycomb in concrete. from the video civil engineering interview
questions(with answers) are very helpful and many lessons learned alongside interview answers.
And the third video I get kindly make a video for entry level engineers, questions and answers
for those who have just complicated school. this video was quite helpful, i really enjoyed it, how
to pass an engineers interview. i felt it was really informative and really brought the points across
❖ Meeting 10
(May 17 th , 2021)

Here is the video link of Miqdad Presentation about " The Dangers Of Online Games For
Health” :

After watch the video of Miqdad Presentation, I got a question concerning The Dangers Of
Online Games For Health like the picture above.
The picture above is the answer f rom Miqdad about my question.

Here is the video link of Ikhsan Presentation about " Difficulty Of Concentrating” :

After watch the video of Ikhsan Presentation, I got a question concerning Difficulty Of
Concentrating like the picture above.

The picture above is the answer f rom Ikhsan about my question.

After the presentation, Sir Beni gave us a task to reply a video about “ Introduction to TOEIC “.
Here is the link of the video :
From the picture above, I send my answer to group chat of English Class after watch the video.

After that, Sir Beni gave us again an assignment to reply the video with deadline. Here is the link
video of the assignment :
So, the picture above is about my answer of the assignment.
❖ Meeting 11
(May 24 th , 2021)

At this meeting is turn for Kahirurrahmadhana and Revanza to give a presentation. After that,
followed by learning about the TOEIC Listening Skills and do the assignment.
Here is the video link of Kahirurrahmadhana Presentation about " Importance of Safety
Riding” :

Here is the video link of Revanza Presentation about " Danger of Staying Up Late ” :
After watch the video of Revanza Presentation, I got a question concerning “ Danger of Staying
Up Late “ like the picture above.

The picture above is the answer f rom Revanza about my question.

Sir Beni gave us a task to reply a video about TOEIC Listening Skills. Here is the link of the
video that we need to watch and learn :
The picture above is my answer to the task that I send to the group chat of English Class.
After that, Sir Beni gave us an assignment about reply a video with deadline about 5 days. Here
is the link of the video :
And the picture above is my approvement about answer the assignment in group chat of English
❖ Meeting 12
(May 31 st , 2021)

At this meeting is turn for Rizky and Gilang to give a presentation. After that, followed by
learning about the TOEIC Listening Skills Part 3 and do an assignment.
Here is the video link of Rizky Presentation about " Public Speaking ” :

After watch the video of Rizky Presentation, I got a question concerning “Public Speaking “ like
the picture above.
The picture above is the answer f rom Revanza about my question.

Here is the video link of Gilang Presentation about “ The Learning System During COVID -19
Pandemic ” :
After watch the video of Gilang Presentation, I got a question concerning “ The Learning System
During COVID-19 Pandemic “ like the picture above.
The picture above is the answer f rom Gilang about my question.

Sir Beni gave us a task to reply a video about TOEIC Listening Skills Part 3. Here is the link of
the video that we need to watch and learn :
The picture above is my answer to the task that I send to the group chat of English Class.
After that, Sir Beni gave us an assignment about reply a video with deadline about 5 days. Here
is the link of the video :

And the picture above is my approvement about answer the assignment in group chat of English
❖ Meeting 13

(June 7 th , 2021)

At this meeting is turn for Naura to give a presentation. After that, followed by learning about
the TOEIC Listening Practice Test and do an assignment.
Here is the video link of Naura’s Presentation about "Job Opportunities in Civil Engineering ” :

After watch the video of Naura’s Presentation, I got a question concerning “Job Opportunities in
Civil Engineering “ like the picture above.
The picture above is the answer f rom Naura about my question.
Sir Beni gave us an assignment about do the test and rate about the result in the video. Here is
the link of the video :
The picture above is my answer to the task that I send to the group chat of English Class.
After that, Sir Beni gave us an assignment about do the test and rate about the result in the video
with deadline about 5 days. Here is the link of the video :
And the picture above is my approvement about answer the assignment in group chat of English
❖ Meeting 14

(June 14 th , 2021)

At this meeting is turn for Tiara to give a presentation. After that, followed by learning about the
TOEIC Reading Skills and do an assignment.
Here is the video link of Tiara’s Presentation about " How To Make Gmail? ” :
After watch the video of Tiara’s Presentation, I got a question concerning “How To Make
Gmail? “ like the picture above.
The picture above is the answer f rom Tiara about my question.
Sir Beni gave us a task to reply a video about TOEIC Reading Skills. Here is the link of the
video that we need to watch and learn :

After that, Sir Beni gave us again an assignment about reply a video with the same deadline
about 5 days. Here is the link of the video :
And the picture above is my approvement about answer the assignment in group chat of English
Class. And here is my full answer :

Name : M Iqbal
NIM : 062040111997

Assalamu'alaikum, permission to collect the assignments sir.

In some video about the reading skills of overview and question, we come to the point of
discussing about Type 5. The video of type five is discuss the first question type on the test,
incomplete sentences, and the strategies necessary to solve this kind of question. As we k now,
the TOEIC Test is usually containing about business and also tell about the daily life. So, the
experiences that we have done in the surrounding environment are very helpful in doing this test.
Thats why toeic test is very necessary as a requirement to enter a company or other institution.
This is because there are many lessons that can be learned in sharpen the language skills to be
used in our daily life.

There are some strategies for help us solving problem in multiple choices. The general strateg y
when taking a multiple choice is eliminate some options that have reasons not to be selected. But
the strategy of eliminating the choices is not entirely correct, we must continue to use our english
skills in this test. In the grammar question, we have to really thorough about the sentences.
Especially for the verbs that really need to be noticed in each type of sentences.

The second link of yaboutube video that given is discuss about the strategies necessary to answer
quoestion of text completion. As we know reading is an active process of constructing meanings
of words. Skimming is a quick look through a section of text to get its main idea, or sometimes
to find important words. Skimming looks at the text in a little more detail than scanning does.
And chunking is reading groups of words at a time, instead of stopping at each individual word.
It increases reading comprehension, fluency, and efficiency.

Text Completion questions test this ability by omitting crucial words from short passages and
asking the test taker to use the remaining information in the passage. Don't merely try to consider
each possible combination of answers, doing so will take too long and is open to error. Instead,
try to analyze the passage in the following way. There are some tip s for approaching text
completion, there is try to get a handle on the sentence’s overall structure and meaning, consider
what words you would put in the blanks, indicate the overall structure of ideas in a sentence,
always use process of elimination, and the particulars of the individual sentences and phrases
needs to make sense.
❖ Meeting 15

(June 21 st , 2021)

At this meeting is turn for Vandra to give a presentation. After that, followed by learning about
the TOEIC Reading Skills Part 3 and do an assignment.
Here is the video link of Vandra’s Presentation about " Personal Branding ” :
After watch the video of Vandra’s Presentation, I got a question concerning “Personal Branding“
like the picture above.

The picture above is the answer f rom Vandra about my question.

Sir Beni gave us a task to reply a video about TOEIC Reading Skills Part 3. Here is the link of
the video that we need to watch and learn :

The picture above is my answer to the task that I send to the group chat of English Class.
❖ Meeting 16

(June 28 th , 2021)

At this meeting is turn for Yudistira to give a presentation. After that, followed by learning about
the TOEIC Reading Practice Test and do an assignment.
Here is the video link of Yudistira’s Presentation about " The Sweet LRT Arch Bridge ” :
After watch the video of Yudistira’s Presentation, I got a question concerning “ The Sweet LRT
Arch Bridge “ like the picture above.

The picture above is the answer from Yudistira about my question.

Sir Beni gave us an assignment about do the test and rate about the result in the video. Here is
the link of the video :
The picture above is my answer to the task that I send to the group chat of English Class.
After that, Sir Beni gave us an assignment about do the test and rate about the result in the video
with deadline about 5 days. Here is the link of the video :
And the picture above is my approvement about answer the assignment in group chat of English
❖ Meeting 17

(July5 th , 2021)

Sir Beni gave us an assignment about do the test and rate about the result in the video. Here is
the link of the video :
And the picture above is my approvement about answer the assignment in group chat of English

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