ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation

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SPHXXX10.1177/19417381211056873Brinlee et alSPORTS HEALTH

Brinlee et al Sep • Oct 2022

ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation:

Clinical Data, Biologic Healing,
and Criterion-Based Milestones to
Inform a Return-to-Sport Guideline
Alexander W. Brinlee, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS,† Scott B. Dickenson, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC,†
Airelle Hunter-Giordano, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS,†* and Lynn Snyder-Mackler, PT, ATC, ScD, SCS†

Context: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (ACLR) and postoperative rehabilitation continues to be a
multidisciplinary focus in both research and clinical environments. Recent research on ACLR warrants a reexamination of
clinicians’ current rehabilitation practices to optimize the strikingly variable clinical outcomes after ACLR and return to sport.
The purpose of the article and updated guidelines is to use contemporary evidence to systematically revisit our practice
guidelines and validate our clinical milestones with data from our university-based practice.
Evidence Acquisition: Using the PubMed search engine, articles that reported on ACLR rehabilitation and protocols,
guidelines, graft type, healing and strain, return to sport, psychological considerations, and secondary injury prevention
published from 1979 to 2020 were identified using the search terms ACLR protocols, guidelines, ACLR rehabilitation,
ACL graft, ACL open kinetic chain (OKC) exercise and closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercise, ACLR return to sport, ACLR
psychological factors, and ACL injury prevention.
Study Design: Clinical review.
Level of Evidence: Level 5.
Results: Clinical milestones after ACLR were validated using clinical data collected from 2013 to 2017 at a university-
based practice. Variables including knee joint range of motion, effusion, Knee Outcome Survey–Activities of Daily Living
Scale, and quadriceps strength index were tracked throughout rehabilitation and analyzed to help inform an updated ACLR
rehabilitation guideline.
Conclusion: Incorporating the latest research, combined with direct clinical data, provides a current, realistic, and clinically
benchmarked strategy for ACLR rehabilitation. Commonly held clinical beliefs regarding rehabilitation after ACL injury must
be challenged by the latest research to improve patient outcomes and decrease the risk of reinjury. Key updates to the
practice guidelines include the use of frequent and accurate quadriceps strength testing, delayed return-to-sport timeline,
immediate use of open kinetic chain exercise, criterion-based progressions for running, sprinting, plyometrics, agility,
cutting/pivoting, return to competition, and the inclusion of a secondary prevention program after return to sport.
Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT): B.
Keywords: ACL reconstruction; ACLR rehabilitation; return to sport; open kinetic chain versus closed kinetic chain
exercise; quadriceps strength

From †Department of Physical Therapy, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware

*Address correspondence to Airelle Hunter-Giordano, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Delaware, 540 South College Avenue, Suite 160,
Newark, DE 19713 (email: [email protected]) (Twitter: @AirelleGiordano).
The following author declared potential conflicts of interest: L.S.-M. reports grants from the National Institutes of Health.
DOI: 10.1177/19417381211056873
© 2021 The Author(s)

vol. 14 • no. 5 SPORTS HEALTH

nterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is the most KOS-ADLS scores >80% by week 11 and 13, respectively. The
common athletic knee injury, and rehabilitation is the key ACLR + R BPTB group achieved QI >80% and >90% at weeks 16
to successful outcome after ACL reconstruction (ACLR), to 20 and weeks 26 to 35, respectively, while the ACLR + R HS
the usual treatment for athletes with ACL rupture. Research on and allograft group, achieved QI >80% and >90% at week 12
ACL injury and reconstruction has increased exponentially since and 13, respectively. The ACLR BPTB group, achieved QI >80%
2012 and has changed practice patterns. The advent of and >90% at weeks 12 to 14 and week 30, respectively. The
international and US ACL registries provided data that belied the ACLR + HS and allograft group, achieved QI >80% and >90% at
rosy outcomes portrayed in the literature.7,8 Significant reinjury week 9 and 15, respectively.
is common after ACLR; graft rupture and contralateral ACL Despite the potential for variable weightbearing precautions
rupture approaches 30% in athletes who return to level I for those with meniscal repairs, our data suggest that trace to
activity.3,50 The striking likelihood of reinjury after ACL rupture zero effusion is achieved in those with meniscal repair by 13
requires rehabilitation specialists to reexamine their approaches weeks. Our previous guidelines allowed for the initiation of
and align them with the best available evidence. level ground running as early as week 8; however, given our
ACL graft healing after surgery, among many proposed factors recent data suggesting effusion commonly persists beyond 12
in reinjury, is an essential consideration as it pertains to weeks, level ground running begins between 12 and 16 weeks
rehabilitation progression and return to sport (RTS). Graft in our current guideline. Our clinical data support the timeline
healing time frames were not the driving consideration in the of 4 weeks to achieve full active knee extension, irrespective of
RTS decision. Criterion-based guidelines allowed external concomitant meniscal procedures. This is in agreement with the
measures of recovery to push the limits of the surgery.1 Over data of Noll et al47 in which knee extension ROM at 4 weeks
the years, patients returned to sport sooner and sooner after was predictive of knee extension loss at 12 weeks. Not
ACLR. In light of recent studies, it appears delaying RTS to align surprisingly, quadriceps strength deficits persisted longer for
with graft integration and maturation decreases reinjury risk.26 those with graft types directly affecting the extensor mechanism;
Therefore, RTS is not recommended until 9 to 12 months after however, similar strength deficits were observed in both the
surgery,23 once all physical impairments and performance ACLR and the ACLR + R groups. The HS and allograft group
deficits have been normalized. In addition, recent work has achieved QI >80% and >90% significantly faster than those in
continued to challenge the notion that open kinetic chain the BPTB group. This is consistent with the data of Smith et al60
exercise is harmful to the ACL graft.18,53,61 in which those with BPTB grafts required 4 months longer to
Our understanding of the ACL injury sequela continues to achieve RTS criteria versus allografts and HS grafts. Therefore,
improve, and rehabilitation guidelines must adjust to mitigate the initiation of running, agilities, plyometrics, and sport-specific
negative impact where possible. The purpose of the article and activities may be further delayed for those with BPTB and quad
updated guideline (see Appendix, available in the online tendon grafts.
version of this article) is to use contemporary evidence to
systematically revisit our practice guidelines and validate our
clinical milestones with data from our university-based practice. Presurgical Preparation
The immediate and long-term benefits of presurgical
rehabilitation has been repeatedly described in the ACL
Validating Clinical Milestones
literature.4,21,25,55,66 The restoration of a “quiet” knee after an
Deidentified data collected at the University of Delaware acute ACL injury includes return of full active and passive
Physical Therapy Clinic between 2013 and 2017 were used in knee extension, knee flexion ROM, trace to zero effusion, no
the validation of our clinical milestones (research classified as quadriceps lag with straight leg raise, and quadriceps strength
exempt by the University of Delaware Institutional Review index ≥80%. Meeting all presurgical milestones has been
Board). Our sample included 75 young, active patients associated with improved long-term outcomes after ACL
separated into 2 groups, primary ACLR with or without reconstruction. Preoperative quadriceps strength is a
meniscectomy (ACLR) and primary ACLR with meniscal repair significant predictor of postoperative knee function, further
(ACLR + R). The variables of effusion, range of motion (ROM), highlighting the importance of quad strengthening prior to
Knee Outcome Survey–Activities of Daily Living Scale (KOS- reconstructive surgery.35 Clinical milestones have largely
ADLS), and quadriceps strength index (QI) were analyzed to remained unchanged over the years and despite more patients
determine the mean and median time points that milestones referred for presurgical rehabilitation, emerging evidence
were achieved (Table 1). For analysis of quadriceps strength, suggests patient expectations, outcomes, and RTS timelines
each group was further subdivided by ACL graft selection, lack harmony. Feucht et al22 reported that 100% of patients
bone–patellar tendon–bone grafts (BPTB; n = 24) and hamstring expected normal or near normal knee function after ACLR
(HS) and allografts (n = 51). On average, both groups achieved surgery, 91% expected to RTS at the same level and 98%
trace to zero effusion by week 13. The ACLR + R versus ACLR expected no or only a slightly increased risk of developing
groups achieved full active extension by week 1 and 2, posttraumatic knee osteoarthritis (OA). Unfortunately, these
respectively. The ACLR + R versus ACLR groups achieved drastically differ from data that suggest, irrespective of position

Brinlee et al Sep • Oct 2022

Table 1.  Validation of clinical milestones

ACLR (n = 57) ACLR + R (n = 18)

Effusion (trace) Week 13 Week 13
Active knee extension Week 2 Week 1
Passive knee extension Week 1 Week 2
KOS-ADLS >80% Week 13 Week 11
  BPTB Hamstring/Allograft BPTB Hamstring/Allograft
(n = 19) (n = 38) (n = 5) (n = 13)
QI >80% Week 12-14 Week 9 Week 16-20 Week 12
QI >90% Week 30 Week 15 Week 26-35 Week 13

ACLR, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with or without meniscectomy; ACLR + R, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with meniscal repair;
BPTB, bone–patellar tendon–bone graft; KOS-ADLS, Knee Outcome Survey–Activities of Daily Living Scale; QI, quadriceps strength index; Week = mean
timeline of achieved milestone.

played, 63% of National Football League athletes return to first raised almost 4 decades ago in studies examining strain and
play56 and only 42% of nonprofessional athletes return to anterior tibial displacement during OKC knee extension in
competitive sports after ACLR.3 In addition to RTS difficulty, populations with partial ACL tears and those who were ACL
patients with history of ACL rupture show posttraumatic knee deficient.27,69 Both groups concluded OKC knee extension
OA rates of around 50% at 10- to 20-year follow-up.30,36,37 exercises loading the quadriceps should be avoided if intending
Furthermore, 21% to 48% with concomitant meniscal to minimize ACL strain, noting strain peaked in positions of
resections develop knee OA within 10 years.48 Given the increasing knee extension. Such beliefs are still quite prevalent
connections between quadriceps weakness and knee OA among clinicians and can be seen in rehabilitation guidelines
development,49 rehabilitation professionals should focus on despite studies reporting peak ACL strain of similar values
quadriceps strength to decrease modifiable factors of OA between OKC knee extension and squatting (4%-5%).11,12,19,24
development in the years after initial ACL injury. While many Most recently, Belloir et al10 examined the influence of OKC
factors contribute to this discrepancy, the stark contrast isokinetic dynamometer exercises introduced at 3 months after
between patient expectations and outcomes is alarming. ACL reconstruction on HS autograft distension. Again, there was
Therefore, rehabilitation specialists should be cautious when no difference in graft laxity at 6 months when compared with
making prognostic claims that are counter to the abundance of the control group who did not perform isokinetic exercises.
literature. Instead, rehabilitation specialists should use the best When discussing peak ACL strain it is important to compare the
available evidence to educate patients on a minimum of 9- to strain during resistive exercise to the strain imparted during
12-month RTS timeline (pending successful completion of RTS common activities of daily living. Multiple studies have now
test battery), the importance of immediate postoperative shown gait, particularly at midstance and late swing phases of
rehabilitation focused on progressive impairment resolution, the involved limb, imparts ACL straining forces up to 13% with
risk of reinjury, and the long-term knee health risks associated each step.18,61 Beynnon et al12 demonstrated peak ACL strain of
with ACL injuries and reconstruction. 4.4% during OKC knee isometric at 15° against 30 N·m extension
torque, whereas dynamic OKC 90° to 0° with 45 N (roughly 10
lbs) resulted in peak ACL strain of 3.8%. Furthermore, peak ACL
Open Kinetic Chain Exercise
strain of 3.7% was reported during a Lachman test (150 N of
While clinicians understand that the quadriceps and lower anterior shear load at 30°) commonly performed intraoperatively
extremity muscles must be loaded after ACLR, strengthening immediately after graft fixation. OKC exercise results in
exercise selection varies. Specifically, the persistent resistance to approximately one-third of the strain observed during walking.12
include lower extremity open kinetic chain (OKC) exercises is Therefore, OKC knee extension exercise should be considered
perplexing given the evidence of relatively low strain on the ACL safe if patients are immediately walking after ACLR or
during OKC knee extension and the poor quadriceps strength performing closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercise.57 On further
outcomes after ACL.29 The primary concern for those leery of examination, Roldan et al53 found walking to result in higher
OKC knee strengthening is loosening of the healing ACL graft ACL strain (0.132 ± 0.00248 newton/body weight [N/BW]
via excess strain at the tibiofemoral joint. Such concerns were compared with running (0.097 ± 0.00249 N/BW), maximal effort

vol. 14 • no. 5 SPORTS HEALTH

Table 2.  Measuring effusion: sweep testa

Instructions: 1.  Milk out swelling distal to proximal several times along the medial aspect of the knee
2.  Sweep proximal to distal on the lateral aspect of knee
3.  View the medial sulcus for return of swelling
Grade zero: None
Grade trace: Small amount returns
Grade 1+: Can milk out the swelling and it does not return on its own but returns with lateral sweep
Grade 2+: Can milk out the swelling and it returns immediately to fill the pouch
Grade 3+: Cannot milk out swelling
  1.  Patients should not progress in their exercise program when the effusion is >1+
  2.  When patients are holding anything above a 2+ for prolonged periods, contact MD
  3. Any drastic changes of 2 grades or appearance of effusion when it was absent, decrease activity and gradually
reintroduce activity when possible
Modified with permission from Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (Adams et al1).

single-leg horizontal jumping (0.047 ± 0.01616 N/BW), and both objective milestones and time from surgery (as a surrogate
sidestep cutting (0.107 ± 0.04027 N/BW). Maximal effort vertical for graft healing) to inform rehabilitation and RTS. The evidence
jumping with 2 legs resulted in the greatest peak ACL strain remains conclusive that returning to cutting and pivoting sports
during the flight phase of the jump (0.175 ± 0.01284 N/BW). is the single greatest risk factor for experiencing a subsequent
Therefore, it appears greater concern should be placed on the ACL injury within 2 years after ACLR.26,66 Timing of when an
restoration of quadriceps strength and a normalized gait pattern athlete returns to level I sports also has a significant influence.
versus concerns regarding ACL strain between OKC versus CKC Filbay and Grindem23 advocate 3 main factors in determining
exercises. RTS: biologic healing, physical readiness, and psychological
In light of low-strain measures observed during isolated readiness. With regard to biologic healing, studies assessing the
quadriceps strengthening exercise, the University of Delaware neoligamentization process have demonstrated that ACL
ACLR rehabilitation guidelines have been adapted to include maturation continues upward of 2 years beyond initial
OKC knee extension exercise through full ROM immediately fixation.51,63,70 These studies highlight considerations for biologic
after surgery (see Appendix file “Immediate Post-Operative healing that are often disregarded with exclusively criterion-
Phase,” available online). Exercises such as long arc quads are based guidelines. With the greatest risk of retear occurring
begun 90° to 0° with light ankle cuff weight resistance in the within the first 2 years, some have proposed delaying RTS for 2
immediate postoperative phase, with progression to a resisted years.45 However, the prospect of missing 2 full years of
knee extension machine using knee soreness and effusion as a athletics has been heavily contested by clinicians and athletes.
guide for exercise progression. Modification to prescribed ROM The Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study revealed a 51% reduction
is warranted based on graft-site pain and patellofemoral stress in reinjury rate for each month RTS was delayed up to 9
considerations, but should not be made based on perceived months.26 Furthermore, Beischer et al9 reported a 7 times
strain on the ACL graft. Knee effusion and pain should be increased risk of new ACL injury for athletes returning to sport
routinely monitored to assess the joint response to all selected prior to 9 months. Additionally, a battery of RTS tests should be
exercises (Tables 2 and 3). performed prior to returning to sport. A minimum test battery of
hop testing and quadriceps isokinetic strength testing should be
Delayed Return to Sport and Paterno et al50 reported that of the patients in their cohort
Sport-related Activities
who sustained a second ACL tear, 52% occurred within the first
Criterion-based ACL guidelines were introduced in the late 72 athletic exposures and 30% within the first 20 athletic
1990s and have been a mainstay for managing athletes after exposures. It is important to note that no data regarding RTS
ACLR since.39 Initially proposed as a means to safeguard testing and time to clearance were reported. This highlights the
clinicians from progressing athletes until objective milestones importance of sport-specific physical preparedness when
had been achieved, recent trends are pointing toward using transitioning from rehabilitation to sports performance.

Brinlee et al Sep • Oct 2022

Table 3.  Soreness rulesa

Criterion Action
Soreness during warm-up that continues 2 days off, drop down 1 level
Soreness during warm-up that goes away Stay at same level that led to soreness
Soreness during warm-up that goes away but redevelops 2 days off, drop down 1 level
during session
Soreness the day after lifting (not muscular soreness) 1 day off, do not advance program to next level
No soreness Advance 1 level per week or as instructed by health care professional
Modified with permission from Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (Adams et al1).

Table 4.  Return-to-competition progression (months 9-12, allograft 12+)

Return-to-competition progression:
  •  Noncontact practice
  •  Small-sided contact practices (1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3)
  •  Full practice
  •  Return to competition with restricted workload
  •  Return to competition unrestricted
*All without apprehension, pain, instability, effusion, or compensations
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) secondary prevention program:
  • 2× per week moving forward
  • Maintain quadriceps strength and periodically assess with 1 repetition maximum (RM knee) extension strength test
  •  See knee injury prevention clinical practice guidelines for guidelines and video examples
  • Consider long-term implementation of Copenhagen planks and Nordic hamstring curls for lower extremity injury risk
reduction strategies
If functional ACL brace is used: may discontinue use after 1 year
Additional considerations:
  •  No effusion, pain, or apprehension with sport-specific training and practice progressions
  •  Return to preinjury conditioning level
  •  Minimal to no dynamic knee valgus with jumping and landing
  •  Hamstring/quadriceps ratio
  •  Vertical hop symmetry assessment

Currently no data specific to athletes after ACLR exists, however after RTS clearance and return to competition should be
advancements in wearable technology to monitor athlete prescribed based on each athlete's individual sport (see
workload has become more useful in understanding the Appendix file “Return to Sport Phase V,” available online). Such
relationship between external workload and risk of injury. A progression may begin with a resumption of noncontact
recent systematic review by Maupin et al40 revealed that acute to practice, followed by small-sided contact practices (1 vs 1, 2 vs
chronic workload ratios (ACWR) >2.0 increased the risk of 2, 3 vs 3 drills, etc), full unrestricted practice, return to
injury, whereas ACWR of 0.8 to 1.30 revealed the lowest risk of competition at restricted workload, and last, return to
injury. Given the significant reduction in total workload after competition unrestricted (Table 4). While the transition between
ACL injury, it appears plausible that sudden increases in each phase may be specific to each athlete, attention should be
workload after clearance to RTS may place athletes at an placed on the athlete’s movement quality and confidence.
increased risk of reinjury. Therefore, a stepwise progression Apprehension, pain, and/or effusion may be signs of exceeding

vol. 14 • no. 5 SPORTS HEALTH

the athlete’s current capacity, warranting a modification to his or after surgery, isokinetic/isometric quadriceps strength symmetry
her current workload. ≥90%, hop testing (single, triple, crossover, and 6-m timed) of
≥90%, KOS-ADLS ≥90%, and trace to zero effusion (see
Appendix file “Return to Sport Phase V,” available online).
Psychological Considerations Additional considerations should include assessing
Over the past decade, increased attention has been placed on psychological readiness (ACL-RSI, ≥80%) and ensuring sport-
psychological readiness in RTS decision making for patients specific physical preparedness has resumed to near preinjury
after ACLR. Everhart et al20 reviewed 3 basic psychological level and is without apprehension, pain, or effusion. Late stages
theories in context of ACL injuries: fear-avoidance model of of rehabilitation may be safely and cost-effectively completed in
pain, the theory of self-efficacy and stress, and health and the group-based settings for those making expected progress;
buffering hypothesis of social support theory. Their study however, those who struggled to meet prior phase milestones
concluded that psychological traits such as self-confidence, may require a more individualized approach.
optimism, and motivation are likely contributors to an athlete’s
psychological readiness and may be predictive of future self-
Secondary Prevention Programs
reported outcomes such as pain, function, and RTS. The scope
of practice for rehabilitation specialists restricts diagnosing Young athletes who return to pivoting and cutting sports after
psychological disorders and various interventions; however, primary ACLR are roughly 4 times more likely to sustain a
recognition of when an athlete may be limited by a second ipsilateral ACL rupture and 5 times more likely to
psychological factor may help assist in early detection and sustain a contralateral rupture.66 Such elevated risks of reinjury
referral to additional medical personnel. Various screening tools challenge conventional management of ACL injuries and
have been developed to assist in early recognition, such as the necessitate inquiry into novel strategies to help reduce this
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Return to Sport After Injury (ACL- risk. Much of the current literature focuses on primary
RSI) questionnaire, which has acceptable reliability, validity, and prevention for knee injuries. The Exercise-Based Knee and
test-retest reliability.65 Recently, Webster and Feller64 validated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention: Clinical Practice
the ACL-RSI short version, and their study suggests that athletes Guidelines (2017) provides strong evidence supporting the
scoring greater than 60% at 6 months after surgery were highly efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and feasibility of primary injury
likely to RTS by 12 months. Conversely, those scoring less than prevention programs.5 However, less is known of the potential
39 points were not likely to RTS by 12 months.64 Currently, the benefits of secondary prevention programs after a primary ACL
ability to interpret scores between 39 and 60 at the 6-month reconstruction. The ACL–Specialized Post-Operative Return to
timeline and minimum cutoff scores prior to RTS are unknown. Sports (ACL-SPORTS) trial was developed as a sport-specific
The ACL-RSI short version may be best used to assist in early secondary prevention program utilizing primary prevention
detection of athletes struggling with psychosocial issues, with program principles and evidence-based postoperative
equivalent psychometric properties and predictive validity to the rehabilitation considerations.67 Contrary to other published
original form (KE Webster, PhD Webster, personal data indicating a second ACL injury range of 23% to 36% in
communication, August 19, 2020). Meierbachtol et al41 young athletes,50,66,68 the male arm of the ACL-SPORTS trial
conducted a 5-week study using advanced-level, group cohort had a 1-year incidence rate of 2.5%.6 However, the
plyometric training during the late stages of rehabilitation female cohort of the ACL-SPORTS trial had a 2-year incident
(mean, 8.1 months postoperative) prior to RTS that revealed rate of 22.8%, further highlighting the higher prevalence of
appreciable improvements (effect size, 1.04; Cohen d) in reinjury among young female athletes.31 All athletes were
psychological readiness on the ACL-RSI after primary ACLR. enrolled when they had achieved quadriceps strength >80%,
Only 53.4% of participants, however, were categorized as both minimal effusion, no pain, and full ROM and had successfully
psychologically and functionally (via hop testing) ready to RTS completed a running progression. Full details on the training
at the time of training completion, which further highlights the session methods can be found in the ACL-SPORTS trial
importance of using a comprehensive test battery for RTS protocol article.5 All participants were required to satisfy all
clearance. Certainly, the assessment of these constructs via components of the RTS criteria, including ≥90% quad strength
patient-reported outcome measures with good measurement symmetry, ≥90% on all hop testing (single, triple, crossover,
properties (eg, ACL-RSI Short Form) should be a component of and 6-m timed hop), ≥90% on the KOS-ADLS, and ≥90%
late rehabilitation (4-6 months), when impairments are resolved. Global Rating Scale. At 1-year follow-up, 95% of the male
In summary, emerging evidence necessitates the need to cohort had returned to some level of sport and 78% at their
update existing primary ACLR guidelines to account for biologic preinjury level. At 2-year follow-up, 100% of the male athletes
healing, psychological readiness, and physical preparedness had returned to some level of sport and 95% at their preinjury
prior to RTS and, additionally, to address inadequate level with only 1 sustaining a retear. For the female cohort,
rehabilitation and premature RTS decisions by providing realistic 100% returned to some level of sport at 2 years and 87% at
clinical milestones and systematic exercise progressions. RTS their preinjury level.13 Despite a slightly lower overall incident
decision should be made using a minimum criteria of 9 months rate of reinjury, Johnson et al31 agree that secondary

Brinlee et al Sep • Oct 2022

prevention strategies are a step in the right direction to The specific rehabilitation implications related to use of an
reducing reinjury risk, but are still insufficient for young allograft during ACLR are centered around graft healing time
female athletes. Those in the ACL-SPORTS trial significantly frames, and avoidance of graft failure. It is widely understood
outperformed those from the Multicenter Orthopaedic that graft healing is delayed after ACLR with allograft versus
Outcomes Network and Delaware-Oslo cohorts for all autograft sources (see Appendix, available online). Basic science
outcome measures at 2 years. The results of these studies studies such as Scheffler et al54 show delayed allograft healing
highlight the potential for secondary prevention programs to versus autografts in sheep that underwent ACLR, with delayed
reduce the risk of second ACL injuries. The results of the ACL- recellularization and revascularization at weeks 6 and 12, in
SPORTS trial strengthen the RTS criteria included in this revised addition to reduced mechanical properties at 52 weeks. Such
guideline. Therefore, it is advised that athletes continue a studies were supported by an observed slower onset and rate of
secondary injury prevention program at least 2 times per week revascularization on serial contrast-enhanced magnetic
as a maintenance program throughout their athletic career (see resonance imagings of BPTB allografts versus autografts in
Appendix file “Return to Sport Phase V,” available online). Such humans monitored for 2 years after ACLR.44 In line with delayed
programs may include the 11+ or similar programs in addition healing, allograft failure appears higher than in patients
to progressive lower extremity strength training.5 receiving autografts. Such increased failure rates may be
highlighted in patients younger than 25 years.15 Given that the
majority of patients undergoing ACLR are young and active, it is
Rehabilitation Implications crucial that rehabilitation specialists follow a delayed
Based on Graft Type rehabilitation and RTS timeline, as has been reflected in the
Rehabilitation for patients after ACLR should consider the updated ACL guidelines. Patients with ACLR with allograft delay
specific graft type. Common ACL graft sources include return to running and other higher level activities by at least 1
autografts—BPTB, quadriceps tendon (QT), and medial HS month after reaching milestones for the activity and delay RTS
tendons—as well as allografts. Our sample of 75 patients until at least 1 year postoperation.
consisted of BPTB n = 24 or 32%, QT n = 0 or 0%, and HS + BPTB autograft selection for ACLR has its own individual
allograft n = 51 or 68%. Consistent with our absence of patients rehabilitation implications. Similar to the QT autograft, a
with QT grafts during 2013-2017, this graft source appears to be surgically induced tendinopathy at the graft harvest site should
a minority when studied in 2010 with van Eck et al62 reporting be considered as part of a patient’s rehabilitation. Graft-site pain
QT grafts at just 2.5% of all autograft sources. In 2015, an should be managed with pain modalities such as noxious
international group of 35 surgeons specializing in ACLR electrical stimulation, and the remaining patellar tendon should
reported that 11% of their combined ACLR cases used QT be loaded to facilitate optimal tendon properties. The recent
autografts.42 Despite low QT graft selection usage in the past work of Smith et al60 in conjunction with the data analyzed from
decade, it is expected to become more popular.38 Therefore, our patient pool suggest patients who receive ACLR with BPTB
rehabilitation specialists must be prepared to treat such patients regain quadriceps strength and meet RTS testing criteria at a
as distinct. As is consistent with our ACLR rehabilitation slower rate than patients with allograft and HS grafts. These
guidelines regardless of graft type, Hunnicutt et al28 encourage findings emphasize the importance of accurate, periodic
early (<6 weeks) isolated quadriceps OKC exercise through a quadriceps strength testing throughout a course of ACLR
full ROM to promote strength and activation in patients with QT rehabilitation to identify such strength deficits and modify
autografts. A surgically induced tendinopathy is anticipated as a rehabilitation progressions accordingly.
result of harvesting the QT, specifically the rectus femoris
tendon. Generally, tendinopathy cases are treated with tendon
loading exercise programs and pain management strategies such Load Monitoring and Strength
as noxious electrical stimulation.58 So, it is logical to follow a
similar thought process for loading of the quadriceps tendon to The importance of quadriceps strengthening after the ACLR is
regain necessary tendon properties and manage symptoms irrefutable; yet, unfortunately, periodic and accurate means to
locally. To properly isolate the rectus femoris tendon during objectively assess quadriceps strength appear scarce in most
quadriceps strengthening and tendon loading exercises, the hip rehabilitation settings. The failure to objectively measure
must be extended.16 For example, during the long arc quad quadriceps strengthening may be among the most troubling
exercise the patient will be positioned supine with thigh trends within the rehabilitation field.46 Work by Ebert et al17
supported and shank hanging from the table. Similar positions suggests that nearly 50% of physical therapists do not assess
should be used by reclining the trunk during quadriceps quadriceps strength at all and as little as 38.5% are utilizing
exercise on an electromechanical dynamometer or other similar some form of instrumented strength testing. Isokinetic
instrumented training options. Of note, QT loading and dynamometers have been the gold standard for quantifying
quadriceps muscle strengthening exercises will overlap and muscular strength; however, they are expensive and less readily
should follow accepted strength-training parameters and tendon available outside of research facilities. Sinacore et al59
pain monitoring strategies.58 investigated the accuracy of various alternatives to isokinetic

vol. 14 • no. 5 SPORTS HEALTH

quadriceps strength testing and revealed findings that challenge not performed or performed using manual muscle testing.
the criteria used in many guidelines. Often touted as a Therefore, we advocate for frequent assessments of quadriceps
“functional” assessment of lower extremity strength, the 1 strength utilizing isokinetic dynamometers or handheld
repetition maximum (1-RM) strength testing on a leg press dynamometry with fixation if able, or via 1-RM knee extension
machine was the most likely to overestimate quadriceps strength testing in ranges of 90° to 45° or 90° to 0°.
strength because of the ability to compensate with other lower
extremity muscles, leading to premature clearance for running
(23.6%) and sport (27.3%).59 Knee extension machine 1-RM
testing from 90° to 45° and handheld dynamometry with The success of an ACLR is predicated on pre- and postoperative
fixation via gait belt at 85° to 90° revealed the greatest accuracy rehabilitation. Evidence-informed rehabilitation guidelines are
for quadriceps strength estimation when compared with essential to optimize outcomes and address the high incidence of
isokinetic dynamometers, closely followed by 1-RM knee retear rates among athletes after ACLR. The following
extensions from 90° to 0° (see Appendix file “Intermediate Post- recommendations are made to optimize postoperative outcomes:
Operative Phase,” available online). One additional benefit of initiate preoperative rehabilitation immediately to reestablish a
utilizing 1-RM strength testing on the knee extension machine is so-called quiet knee while utilizing preoperative milestones as
the ability to appropriately dose strengthening exercises in guidelines. Inform patients of the postoperative rehabilitation
accordance with the American College of Sports Medicine process and timelines to establish realistic goals and expectations.
strength and hypertrophy guidelines (65%-85% of 1-RM). A combination of both biologic healing timelines and successful
However, effusion, pain, and fear may limit patients from completion of criterion-based milestones are critical to inform
tolerated 1-RM strength testing altogether and from exercises at RTS decision making and to reduce the incidence of retear.
a desired percentage of 1-RM, suggesting the need for Isolated quadriceps strengthening, including OKC methods, is
alternative methods. Alternative strategies utilizing external load safe to initiate immediately postoperation and is a key predictor
constraints include percentage of 5-RM, variable rates of of successful postoperative outcomes. Quantification of
loading/tempo, and manipulation of work/rest ratios (see quadriceps strength should be periodically assessed using reliable
Appendix file “Late Post-Operative Phase,” available online). For methods such as with isokinetic dynamometer, handheld
patients with donor-site pain, slower rates of loading/tempo dynamometer with fixation, or 1-RM quadriceps strength testing
may be tolerated better while allowing a greater time under on a knee extension machine in the range of 90° to 45° or 90° to
tension to adequately stimulate tendon remodeling and 0°. Extrapolating strength testing via hop testing and manual
muscular strengthening. Conversely, when 1-RM or 5-RM muscle testing or leg press strength testing is discouraged
strength testing cannot be tolerated because of pain, effusion, or because of the potential to overestimate quadriceps strength.
fear, internal load constraints such as rate of perceived exertion Increased awareness should be placed on monitoring the
and repetitions in reserve may be used to estimate loads for psychological impact of recovery after ACLR. Utilizing a reliable
strengthening. The “daily adjustable progressive resistive self-reported outcome measure such as the ACL-RSI may help
exercises” and “repetition in reserve” methods are examples of identify athletes struggling with psychological variables, allowing
training strategies that allow clinicians and athletes to use actual for early detection and appropriate referral. Addressing
repetitions completed and theoretical repetitions able to be postoperative impairments immediately, providing appropriate
completed beyond the number prescribed to determine whether patient education, and utilizing objective milestones to guide
a load modification is necessary. Additionally, self-reported rates rehabilitation may help indirectly reduce risk of psychological
of perceived exertion during exercises between 6 to 8 of 10 variables. Sufficient physical preparedness, a gradual reintegration
have been successfully used when dosing strengthening into sport participation, and the continuation of a secondary
exercises.2,32-34,43,52,71 prevention program can help reduce risk of retear after ACLR.
The impacts of underloading the quadriceps after ACL However, young women are at a heightened risk of reinjury and
reconstruction can be detrimental for achieving recovery further research is required to address this disparity. Determining
milestones and knee function. However, the current lack of appropriate phase progressions should be based on objective
accurate and quantifiable quadriceps strength assessments being criteria (strength, swelling, and soreness), and specific
completed in clinical practices leaves many clinicians blind and modifications are warranted based on graft type and concomitant
ill-equipped to modify their intervention strategies to address procedures. The minimum RTS criteria include at least 9 months
the individualized needs of their athletes. There are many postoperation, ≥90% quad strength symmetry, ≥90% on all hop
normalization methods for quadriceps strength (eg, limb testing, ≥90% on the KOS-ADLS, and ≥80% on ACL-RSI. Return to
symmetry index, peak torque/body weight), none without its competition should be stepwise, ensuring the athlete has
limitations. We advocate for a measure of the uninvolved knee achieved preinjury conditioning levels and performs a
as close to injury as possible for quadriceps strength. Our maintenance secondary prevention program at least 2 times per
strongest recommendation is to, in fact, measure, which is often week during one’s athletic career.

Brinlee et al Sep • Oct 2022

Clinical Recommendations
SORT: Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy
A: consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence
B: inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence
C: consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series
SORT Evidence
Clinical Recommendation Rating
Initiate preoperative rehabilitation to restore quiet knee and achieve preoperative milestones B
Initiate quadriceps strengthening (90°-0°) immediately postoperation and utilize reliable objective testing to monitor progress B
Utilize both biological and criterion-based timelines to inform decision making A
Delay RTS after ACLR until a minimum of 9 months (allografts: 12 months) and after successful completion of RTS test battery A
The ACL-RSI is a valid tool to monitor psychological preparedness after ACLR B
Return to competition should be stepwise and after restoration of preinjury conditioning level C
A secondary prevention program should be performed 2 times per week throughout athletic career B

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