Demolition Method Statement

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Office building formerly occupied by Konecranes

Beaumont Road
Banbury OX16 1QZ.

Prepared on behalf of:

C.G.I.S Banbury Limited
10 Upper Berkeley Street
London W1H 7PE

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1.0 General Principles…………………………………………………………………………………..3

2.0 Health & Safety Responsibility……………………………………………………………………6

3.0 Site Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………...7

4.0 Detailed demolition method statements……………………………………………………….12

5.0 SITE RULES………………………………………………………………………………………….13

6.0 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health………………………………………………….. 13

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1.0 General Principles

1.1 Introduction

This method statement is prepared in support of the planning process and the Prior Notification for
Demolition of the office building formerly occupied by Konecranes at Beaumont Road Banbury OX16

The demolition of the office building will be procured using a specialist demolition sub-contractor.
The sub-contractor will be appointed following a competitive tender process.

Accordingly, the final construction method statement, the Construction Phase Health and Safety
Plan and the individual method statements for the various operations involved in the physical
demolition of the building will be produced by the specialist demolition contractor once appointed.
These documents can be submitted to the Planning Authority, as appropriate, in due course.

The purpose of this document is to identify the general principles and parameters for the demolition
works. This method statement will be issued to the contractors at tender stage. Tenders will not be
accepted where they deviate from the principles of this Demolition Method Statement.

The office building has been vacant for some significant time without potential for reoccupation.
Accordingly, the building is now to be demolished.

The future development of the land made available as a result of the demolition will be subject to a
separate planning application. Its use is likely to be as an open-air landscaped car park or simply as
landscaped grounds.

2. Scope of Work

The retained factory building will continue to be used for the foreseeable future, so consideration is
given to the continued operation of the B1 factory. This Demolition Method Statement identifies the
procedures required to ensure the industrial units can remain in full operation throughout the
demolition process, with minimal impact on operations. It also sets out the principles of demolition to
prevent any disruption to other neighbouring properties and to prevent any impact on the highway
or surrounding roads.

The building owner is also the freeholder of the retained factory building and as such the occupiers
are tenants of C.G.I.S Banbury Limited. Accordingly, there is already good lines of communication
between the parties. The demolition of the office building has been discussed with the tenants. The
tenants of the factory building are as follows:

1. Konecranes Demag UK Limited – who occupy the offices closest to the demolition

2. Kannegiesser UK Ltd – who occupy the main warehouse facility and the offices at the furthest
end of the site

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The existing landscaping at the site, including the trees, are to be retained as far as possible. There
is potential for additional future car parking on the land made available by the demolition.

Prior to any work commencing the existing trees on the site will be pruned to reduce their canopies,
with the intention of minimising future damage. Tree trunks will be protected with suitable foam
padding. Exclusion zones will be created around each tree using physical barriers.

The final use of the open space created by the demolition of the building has not been determined.
The land may be used as additional car parking spaces, or it may be landscaped to provide external
amenity space for the B1 users. This will be subject to a separate planning application. In either case
the trees will form an important part of the landscaping and the owner is determined to retain them.

It is anticipated that work will commence in late September or early October 2019. The demolition of
the office building is anticipated to take 8 weeks maximum.

1.3 Asbestos

Any Notifiable Asbestos present on the site will be removed by a licenced contractor with all clearance
certification being forwarded to the building owner. An asbestos register has already been procured
by the building owner and a further demolition and refurbishment asbestos survey will be commission
in accordance with statutory requirements once the specialist demolition contractor is appointed.

All ACM will be removed in accordance with the HSE guidelines. Tight controls will be implemented
along with background air monitoring.

All ACMs will be removed prior to the general demolition and separated as far as is practicably possible
from other materials. ACMs will be contained and transported to the most appropriate waste facility
licenced to receive asbestos containing materials. A delivery notice for all asbestos will be issued to
the client and included in the health and safety file, so that there is a complete audit trail for all ACM
materials removed from the site. Any materials that may have been contaminated by asbestos debris
will also be removed to a licenced waste disposal facility for appropriate separation and grading.

The working methods and restrictions will be developed prior to the main site start with the appointed
specialist contractor.

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1.4 Order of Works

1. A letter drop will be carried out by the building owner to all surrounding neigbours prior to
the work commencing. This will describe the works, the overall duration and provide contact
details for the specialist demolition contractor.
2. Issue appropriate notification to the HSE under the Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations 2015
3. The trees on the site will be pruned and protected as described above
4. Set up exclusion zones & erect boundary fencing. Ensure access is maintained and not
restricted to/from Beaumont Road from the existing access road. No work will be
undertaken from the highway. A ply and timber hoarding will be provided by the specialist
demolition contractor to prevent unauthorized access onto the site. The hoarding will be set
back at the junction of the site access road, off of Beaumont road, to ensure is maintained
on to the highway for vehicles coming on and off the site. The hoarding will be erected
before any other work commences
5. All access to the demolition site will be from the private access road only.
6. The contractor will provide a Heras fence hoarding and compound inside the line of the
perimeter hoarding. Welfare huts and facilities will be provided inside the compound
7. Implement site security and safe access by providing a holding zone between the entrance
to Beaumont Road and the gate to the site. This will ensure vehicles can pull into the site
off of the road but are still unable to gain access to the building site without the site
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manager/banksman opening the gate.
8. A banksman will be provided by the specialist demolition contractor for the duration of the
work to coordinate the safe ingress and egress of vehicles form the site between the tenants
and the contractor. A traffic light system will be provided. All deliveries to the site to be
radioed in prior to coming onto the access road
9. Establish wheel washing facilities on site to prevent the highway becoming dusty or muddy.
Establish water supply and hosing facilities to allow the access road to be cleaned as
necessary following egress of any plant from site.
10. Check status of all services and ensure disconnection notification is within the IMS Folder
or that services to be disconnected are marked as being live.
11. Create space for the delivery of the waste and general bins & initial drop zone.
12. Receive waste bins to site and carry out soft strip and collection of loose debris.
13. Fence off, delineate and erect Signage to Main Hazard Zones.
14. Establish internal exclusion zones to enable structural demolition. Drop zone to move
progressively with demolition.
15. Liaise with client regarding monitoring and works methods.
16. Issue appropriate notification to HSE regarding notifiable asbestos removal and clearly
delineate this zone on site.
17. All wastes to be progressively removed from site via the route indicated on the traffic
management plan.
18. Samples of the 6F2 should be sent to the Lab for grading as soon as the crusher starts
19. Upon completion of the slab lifting the site is to be left graded with all stockpiles of 6F2
located in agreed positions. The stockpiles need to be uniform in shape and to have been
surveyed and quantified by the specialist contractor
20. The site should be surveyed, and an as built drawing produced.
21. Sign off works to date with the consultant representatives as the project proceed.

2.0 Health & Safety Responsibility

A specialist demolition contractor will be selected and appointed by CGIS Banbury Limited for the
project. The specialist demolition contractor will be responsible for implementing all Health & Safety
matters. The specialist demolition contractor will be responsible for developing this information to
produce a detailed construction phase H&S plan. This plan will be submitted to the client and viewed
by the principle designer for the project. The specialist demolition contractor will prepare the necessary
method statements for the project.

The construction phase H&S plan and the method statements will be available for submission to the
planning authority as appropriate (and if requested) prior to commencement.

The specialist demolition contractor will remain responsible for the safe implementation of their

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developed H&S plan for the duration of the work

The specialist demolition contractor will be required to consult and maintain a continuing close
relationship with the Client and their consultant team to ensure the works proceed safely without risks
to life and injury of either party’s employees or the general public.

No other Contactors will be working within the demolition zone. All employees are expected to raise
matters of safety concern with the specialist demolition contractor’s foreman who will have full
responsibility for implementing this method statement and controlling health and safety on site.

3.0 Site Procedures

3.1 Pre-Start Activities

1. Site office / mess cabin / welfare will be set up as a Principal Contractors compound

The Compound will be fenced separately and will be accessed off of the estate road
and not from Beaumont Road.

Prior to commencing on the site, the following will be provided/carried out unless
already received from the Client;

o Letter drops to all local residents.

o Disconnection details

o Confirmation that all other permissions and permits have been obtained

o Mains water supply available.

2. Verify that the compound fencing, and boundary fencing is in place and secure daily
and take regular progress photos.

3. An inspection will be carried out in each building to identify if any drug / needle activity
has taken place and animal faeces. If required a separate toolbox talk will be given
to personnel working onsite to be made aware that if any needles are found that they
inform the site manager immediately. (None has been identified to date).

If any are found, they will be removed using extended grabber and placed in a
concealed sharps container. The sharps will be removed offsite and incinerated by
an appropriately licensed contractor.

4. On site co-ordination will be established with a site meeting at the start of the project.

5. Plant & Equipment on site will be determined by the specialist demolition contractor
but is likely to include (but not be limited to) the following;

o Excavators & various attachments

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o Skidsteer loader


o Small hand tools & access equipment

o Dust suppression equipment & dumpers

o Crushing & screening equipment and loading shovel

o Waste skips & road wagons

3.2. Induction

1. The specialist demolition contractor will be required to ensure that all site operatives
attend a site induction. No operatives will be allowed on site without this

2. All operatives will be required to sign in and out of the site

3. A further induction will also be carried out for the specific on site Method Statement,
Risk Assessments & COSHH assessments of their task, location of hazardous
materials, stability of the buildings, the use of the ‘hot-works’ permit system and 'no-
go' areas i.e. drop zones, environmentally protected areas etc. and the traffic
management system. In addition, regular toolbox talks will be given to the operatives
throughout the contract

4. Site working hours will be, unless otherwise authorised:

o 07:30 – 18:30hrs Monday to Friday (Tower lights and task lighting to be used if
required, compound and works area only to be illuminated). and Saturdays
8:00am: 1:30pm.

o No Sunday or Bank Holiday working.

3.3 Site Boundary & Working Areas

1. On receipt of the building its boundary will be clearly identified, fenced and
maintained. Dilapidation photographs are to be taken of the adjacent structures,
boundary walls etc. These should be taken at regular intervals during the demolition
and slab lifting stages.

2. On commencement of the works signs will be erected warning of the nature of the
works to be undertaken. These will be displayed on the boundary and local exclusion
zones. Security signs will also be erected.

3.4 Welfare

All operatives are to use the welfare facilities provided, these will be explained in the site
induction and are to be maintained and respected by the operatives at all times.

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The following is provided –

a) Toilets & Washing facilities

c) Drying room for wet clothing

d) Canteen & Mess facilities

e) First aid facilities in the site office

3.5 Delivery, Storage / Plant, Materials (Access, traffic routes, storage and working
areas defined)

1 Each work area is to be made secure, there is a boundary fence in place with
additional fencing required to close off the compound internally

2 The route into site will be via the existing access off Beaumont Road and then onto
the site via the gated entrance

3 The Site Manager will be aware of incoming vehicles in the first instance, but we
have set a contingency in case vehicles arrive unexpectedly. The important
consideration is that a large vehicle is able to pull off Beaumont Road into the site.
They must also be excluded from entering the site. Access through the site gate will
only be via contacting the Site Manager. In this way the main road and footpath is
kept clear and any unauthorised entry into the site is prevented.

4. When vehicles are leaving the site, then again, the gate will need to be unlocked. The
exception to locking the gate will be when it is fully manned, which may be the case
for turning a delivery vehicle around that has entered the site.

5. Site workers will exit the compound through a side gate to the plant area, or to
access the main site.

6. Where required an experienced banks man wearing high visibility clothing will be
posted at the site entrance to protect pedestrians whilst marshalling wagons on/off

7. Operatives will be made aware of designated traffic routes on the site.

8. In order to prevent congestion on and to the local roads, traffic conditions will be
monitored, and deliveries or wagons controlled accordingly.

3.6 H & S of General Public

In addition to all the precautions and methods described earlier other considerations in
order to ensure the Health & Safety of the General Public, and onsite workforce will be the
responsibility of the Site Manager. The site must be secured to prevent inadvertent access
during the working day or at night. The perimeter must be regularly checked.

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3.7 PPE (personal protective equipment)

1. All personnel will wear hard hats, high visibility vests and safety footwear when on

2. Gloves must be worn when/where identified in the associated Risk Assessment

Control Measures.

3. Dust masks must be worn when/where identified in the associated Risk Assessment
Control Measures.

4. Ear protection will be provided when/where identified in the associated Risk

Assessment Control Measures.

5. Eye protection must be worn when/where identified in the associated Risk

Assessment Control Measures.

3.8 Site Safety Inspection

1 Site safety is of prime importance and to this end the appointed specialist demolition
contractor will be required to ensure the site is continuously monitored for safe
working practices by the Site Manager and Contracts Manager

2. A formal safety inspection will be carried out at weekly intervals and resulting
comments on the report implemented

3.9 General

1. Demolition processes give rise to conditions that, unless carefully controlled, can
have an adverse and direct effect on the general public and the surrounding

2. The following considerations will be made to reduce the impact of demolition works
but retain effective and efficient methods.

3.10 Dust

1. In order to prevent any dust being generated at source, dust emissions will be
controlled at the working face, drop zone, crusher and loading away area by fine
water spray. The quantity of water emitted by the sprays will be regulated and
controlled to prevent any flooding at ground level

2. In addition, dust generated during any other activities will be strictly monitored,
managed and controlled under the environmental permit conditions to avoid air borne
transportation of potential contaminants

3.11 Services

1. The termination/diversion of existing mains/services must be confirmed prior to

commencing any works in the vicinity of said mains/services. The locations of all

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other remaining services if required are to be determined by using a combination of
existing drawings and CAT scan cable detector used in conjunction with a Genny

2. LV services entering the site are to be surveyed initially by Telec Solutions and
arrangement made to terminate and cap the redundant spurs. The locations of the
terminations are to be surveyed and are to coincide with points just outside the new
boundary as far as is practicable.

3. A water service to an existing Fire Hydrant within the site will be maintained during
the course of the works.

4. No Gas Pipework is to be removed prior to receipt of the Gas Purge Certificate.

5. The drainage system will be assessed to establish where services are live and where
drain runs can be capped off. There are live drainage runs that appear to pass under
the buildings. These will need to be protected during the works. The slab if necessary
is to remain if this is deemed the best method of protection.

6. Removing all fuses will isolate the switchboards. Physical checks will be made to
wall and lighting sockets in several locations around the building. If the meter
remains in a building, it is almost certain that the incoming electric is live. Where
there is doubt assume everything is live until information in the form of a
disconnection certificate proves to the contrary. Having been provided with
disconnection certification if doubt still remains get the cable checked by the Utility

7. Works will be carried out to conform to the requirements of Health & Safety Executive
Guidance Note HS(G)47 ‘Avoiding Danger from Underground Services’.

8. Works will be carried out to conform to the requirements of Health & Safety Executive
Guidance Note GS6 ‘Avoidance of Danger from Overhead Cables’, and the National
Joint Utilities document ‘Recommendations on the Avoidance of Danger from
Underground Electricity Cables’

3.12 Use of power tools & handheld tools:

1. Where power tools are to be used, they will in the main, be powered by extra low
voltage power packs, i.e. battery powered tools. In all other cases 110v ac power
tools will be used in conjunction with suitably rated, centre tapped portable tool
transformers. Where extension leads are required, they will only be attached to the
secondary side of the aforementioned transformers and will be in serviceable

2. There will be a requirement to use handheld breakers during the demolition process
in isolated areas of work. The operatives will be rotated so exposure to Hand Arm
Vibration will not be significant. These operations, however, will be monitored and
operatives will receive health surveillance if conditions dictate.

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4.0 Detailed demolition method statements

1. The demolition works will be procured with a specialist demolition contractor. The
specialist demolition contractor will be required to prepare and produce a detailed
H&S plan and method statements identifying the exact sequence of works. The
demolition plan from the specialist contractor shall be submitted for approval prior to
commencement of the project


The following site rules are applicable to all delivery/wagon drivers (refer also to
Construction Phase Plan):

1. Drivers must follow the established site routes and adhere to the speed restrictions
on site.

2. All drivers must report to the Site Manager’s office where necessary prior to

3. The driver must follow the safe operating limitations of the particular vehicle.

4. Vehicles must only be parked in a safe area, with the engine switched off and the
brakes applied.

5. During loading, the driver must not remain on the vehicle unless his position is
adequately protected.

6. Ensure all loads are safe prior to transportation.



1. Reversing must be eliminated wherever possible.

2. If reversing is required it must only be undertaken within the designated reversing

areas. The need for a banksman should be eliminated through clear instructions
where possible.

3. If reversing requires a Banksman it must only be undertaken with an authorised

Banksman present (who will have received training on site and be a designated
trained banksman) and within the designated reversing areas.

4. Reversing must not be undertaken without the driver checking for the location of
persons, plant or materials before any reversing commences.

5. Operators/drivers must remain in their vehicles at all times unless instructed

otherwise. If Operatives/drivers must leave their vehicles they should wear

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appropriate PPE as a minimum safety footwear, Hi Vis vest and safety helmet.

6. The driver must stop if they lose sight of the Banksman during the
reversing operation.



1. Smoking is only permitted on site in designated areas and not in buildings or near
waste, fuel bowser etc.
2. No operatives are to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. No alcohol or
drugs allowed on site,
3. Playing of radios or similar equipment is not permitted on site.
4. Operatives must be courteous to the general public and building staff at all times.
5. Emergency exits and equipment, access/egress routes and uploading points are not
to be obstructed.
6. Hot works permits must be obtained for all hot cutting operations.
7. All substances are to be used and stored in accordance with written instruction and
are to be returned to storage after use.
8. All liquid spillages are to be cleaned up immediately.
9. All waste is to be disposed of in the correct container.
10. All hazard notices / warning signs displayed on the premises are to be obeyed.
11. All hazard notices displayed in the workplace are to be read and you are to ensure
that you understand the instructions.
12. All safety equipment and facilities provided are to be used and are not to be misused
or willfully damaged.
13. Protective clothing and safety equipment is to be stored in accordance with the
14. The work area is to be kept clean and tidy at all times.
15. All emergency procedures relevant to the workplace are to be obeyed.
16. Any use or damage to fire fighting equipment is to be reported immediately.
17. Prompt medical assistance must be sought for any injury received at work and the
injury must be reported as soon as possible.
18. Contractor’s personnel will not be permitted outside the defined works area.
19. No unauthorised person shall be allowed on site.

6.0 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Assessment of the risk to health of all hazardous substances to be used on this site will be carried
out. These will be based upon the appropriate manufacturers Hazard Data Sheet for each substance,
but will be assessed in the circumstances in which each substance is used (a pro-forma is included
for this purpose). The amount and usage of hazardous materials on the contract is expected to be
minimal. The known hazardous material at present is DIESEL AND OIL for which a COSHH sheet is
provided in the Health & Safety Plan.

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