Drapers Yard, Thurrock (Application Reference 10/50119)

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Drapers Yard, Thurrock (Application Reference 10/50119)

Construction Method Statement - Condition 19

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Construction Method Statement This Construction Method Statement has been prepared in line with Condition 19. The statement and appending plans provide the following information; The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during both demolition and the construction of the development Details of construction traffic routing, including details of the access to be used during construction The phasing of development and the location of construction compounds Details of wheel washing facilities, including a barrier to stop all vehicles before they enter the highway. Loading, unloading and storage of plant and materials.

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Site Location and Description of Development The site is located on the southern side of London Road, to the west of The Chase and to the east of Angle Road. The site is occupied by two buildings comprising a two storey brick built office at the corner with The Chase and a large single storey steel clad warehouse unit located centrally to the main site area. The site slopes from the north to the south-west with the highest point being the north-east corner where the two storey office building is found. There is a 6 metre level change between the two ends of the site.



The scheme is to include the comprehensive redevelopment of the Drapers Yard site, to include 167 residential dwellings, new areas of open space, car parking, highway improvements, pedestrian route and public realm enhancements.


Prior to any construction activity temporary arrangements will be made to provide statutory welfare facilities. It is also at this stage that any tree protection will be erected. Once erected the local authority tree officer will be invited to sign off the measures taken, (this item is covered in more detail in the following section). Stage-one groundworks, (foundations and associated external works) will then commence. Foundations will be undertaken in a logical sequence Due to the nature of these works it is accepted that this phase of the development is most likely to cause issues with road cleaning and dust. For this reason a wheel wash station will be set up at the site entrance as detailed within DYard/TMP 001 Rev B. The wheelwash will be a pressure washer placed upon a minimum crushed concrete surface to prevent mud being transported onto the public highway. In addition to the wheelwash measures it is our intention to advance all of the site roads to base course during the initial groundworks package. In this way all traffic movement onsite will be off hard surfaces.

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It is also at this stage when the issue of dust is likely to become a factor. Dust Suppression Dust Suppression will be undertaken by the ground works contractor who will adopt measures to ensure compliance with all relevant statute and other requirements of all Regulatory Authorities. The Dust Suppression to the road/site construction will be undertaken with the use of mechanical plant using a dumper towing a pumped water bowser, which FNH will monitor on a daily basis with a mechanical road sweeper to reduce dust being transported and will have dust suppression facilities available to dampen down if required. Dust Suppression works to the development will be recorded by the ground works contractor and will form part of his method statement to carry out these works. A manual for the procedures for dust control will also be enclosed within this submission


To manage this, watering down will be included as and when necessary to the groundworks order, (this item is covered in more detail in the following section Other Key Factors). The elemental sequence will be:

1) Substructures including - Foundations - Brickwork to DPC - Services and drainage - Formation of external works to base course - Pre-cast suspended ground floors 2) Superstructures including - Pre-cast suspended floors - External envelope / brick and block - Internal cores, stairs and lift - Trusses to roof - Roof works and tiling. 3) Internal fit out - 1st fix M&E services and carpentry - Partitioning and dry lining - 2nd fix M&E services and carpentry - Decorations - Soft and hard finishes 4.0 4.1 Other Key Factors Traffic Management throughout construction will segregate mechanical plant from operatives as much as practicable also site traffic and deliveries. All deliveries will be routed from the site office to the relevant storage or construction location. 4.2 4.3 Limited space will be made available for storage / offloading within the future car park area (once constructed to base for the storage of materials).. The following welfare facilities will be provided in accordance to current legislation 1. Offices 2. Male & Female toilets 3. Drying Room 4. Canteen (this will not be a hot food canteen) The specific site rules for the development will be included within all subcontract orders. Prior to appointment of any subcontractors from our database all aspects of the development will be discussed, together with specific requirements for individual trades. These matters will be recorded in the minutes on the pre-order meeting which will become part of their official order.

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Site specific method statements will be obtained and approved prior to any works commencing on site. 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Emergency arrangements and procedures will be outlined in the Construction Phase Health & Safety Plan. First Aid facilities will be provided on site by trained First Aiders In accordance with the requirements of manual lifting regulations, it will be our intention to use forklifts and mobile cranes to distribute and hoist materials. For the duration of the groundwork operations the site road will be swept by mechanical means. Thereafter whenever required by prevailing conditions and work programme regular visits by road sweeper will be provided. Emergency road cleaning will be undertaken by hand if required. 4.10 Any issues associated with dust will be included within the sub contractors main order. However, it will be the responsibility of our project manager to check on each of these trades and enforce the measures detailed within this plan. Dust will be handled in the following ways: A) Through controlled programming it is possible to essentially eradicate dust as an issue. This is done by the early construction of roads, drives and carparks. In this way all vehicle movement is kept on hard surfaces which will be regularly cleaned as detailed above. B) During earlier excavations the dust will be controlled by watering down, which will be undertaken by the contractor at the point of source. To monitor the above, Appendix two details the Hierarchy of Control implemented on site. The project manager will undertake daily checks of the environment, including weather conditions. These will be recorded and included within our monthly report. Should there be complaints from our neighbours our project manager will implement a formal dust monitoring process, including the use of dust pads to specifically measure the dust generated onsite. 4.11 Noise Strategy (Statement of best practical means) Fairview New Homes are very experienced in working in residential areas. We accept that noise can be very disturbing to our neighbours, and the following steps will be taken to ensure noise issues are managed effectively: A) All operations on site will be confined to the working hours detailed within the planning consent. B) Whenever possible particularly noisy operations will be undertaken at the times of day less likely to disturb our neighbours.

C) If required, noise monitoring equipment will be made available to our site management to measure noise levels at the site boundary. D) If necessary FNH will work closely with the Local Authority to resolve any noise related disputes, in the unlikely event that our standard measures are not effective. E) Lastly, through selective building principles such as electric cement silos and hoists. Or techniques such as CFA piling (where noise is minimal in comparison to driven piles), we have demonstrated that we are a considerate neighbour. This is further reinforced by our membership of the considerate constructors scheme, where we regularly achieve a very good rating. F) There is a dedicated material controller on site and it is his responsibility to ensure no lorries arrive before site opening times. Should they arrive unscheduled, they will be turned away from site. 4.12 4.13 The site will be enclosed by a mixture of existing fencing and hoarding in accordance to our standard procedures. Existing trees will benefit from the following measures: A) The existing trees shown on the approved plan, other than shown to be removed, shall not be lopped, topped, felled, uprooted or destroyed without prior written approval from the LPA. B) All trees shall be protected, throughout the construction period, to BS5837 (or to the satisfaction of the LPA). C) No fires shall be lit on site under any circumstances. D) No materials or equipment will be stored within the spread of the protected areas. E) No roots over 50mm shall be cut, or ground levels reduced, or any nonapproved construction activity undertaken, within the protected spread of the trees. No units shall be occupied unless fully serviced roads and footpaths have been constructed (to base course). Monthly project review meetings will be held to review all aspects of the project including welfare and safety.


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