Cleaning and Flushing of External Piping

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installation instruction

;ÇVXWMPÇ*MRPERH3] Power Plants

Doc. id: WDAAA116767 d

Date: 20-Mar-2002
Page: 1 (44)
Made/Approved: OHS / SPT
Project: WNSFI-P Standardisation, IN024
Name: 16 Cleaning and flushing of external piping
Subject: Power Plant installation instructions

Table of Contents
16.1 Cleaning Procedure.............................................................................................3
16.1.1General.................................................................................................................................. 3
16.2 Pickling.................................................................................................................4
16.2.1Pickling in general ................................................................................................................ 4
16.2.2Preparation for pickling ........................................................................................................ 4
16.2.3Various types of pickling methods ....................................................................................... 5
16.2.4Pickling bath ......................................................................................................................... 5
16.2.5Pickling procedures .............................................................................................................. 6
16.2.6Neutralizing / rinse of piping after pickling ......................................................................... 7
16.3 Sand-blasting.......................................................................................................7
16.4 Flushing................................................................................................................8
16.4.1General.................................................................................................................................. 8
16.4.2Preparation for flushing ........................................................................................................ 8
16.4.3Flushing system set up.......................................................................................................... 9
Figure:Flushing unit for external piping (1). ........................................................................ 9
Figure:Flushing filter (2). ................................................................................................... 10
16.4.4To specify flushing equipment ........................................................................................... 10
16.4.5Flushing temperature .......................................................................................................... 12
16.4.6After that the flushing is ready ........................................................................................... 13
16.5 Flushing of external LO-piping systems..........................................................14
16.5.1Pipe module final flushing check V46 engine.................................................................... 14
16.5.2Lube oil filling and emptying pipes.................................................................................... 17
16.6 Flushing of external LFO-unloading system ...................................................17
16.6.1Flushing unloading piping with diesel oil .......................................................................... 17
16.6.2Flushing of piping leading from storage tank to feeder unit and return ............................. 18
16.6.3Flushing of piping from LFO tank to piperacks and return................................................ 20
16.6.4Flushing of fuel piping inside the power house.................................................................. 22
16.6.5Final flushing check of the LFO system............................................................................. 23
16.7 Flushing of external HFO-piping system .........................................................28
16.7.1Hand cleaning of piping between buffer, day tank and separator unit ............................... 28
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16.7.2Flushing of piping between the buffer tank and separator unit .......................................... 28
16.7.3Cleaning of the pipeline from the HFO separator to the HFO day tank............................. 29
16.7.4Diesel oil flushing of piping from HFO day tank to HFO feeder and return ..................... 30
16.7.5Flushing of HFO piping from the day tank up to the piperacks and return from the
piperacks............................................................................................................................. 32
16.7.6Flushing of the HFO pipeline in the piperack and booster connection(s) inside the power
house................................................................................................................................... 33
16.8 Cleaning and flushing of gas systems of SG and DF engines.......................35
16.8.1TIG welded carbon steel piping.......................................................................................... 35
16.8.2TIG welded stainless steel piping ....................................................................................... 35
16.8.3Storing and cleaning of stainless steel pipes....................................................................... 36
16.9 Flushing of compressed air systems...............................................................37
16.10 Flushing of cooling water system ....................................................................38
16.10.1 Expansion pipes ............................................................................................................... 38
16.10.2 Pipes between pipe module and radiators ........................................................................ 38
16.10.3 The whole cooling radiator system .................................................................................. 38
16.10.4 Pipes between pipe module and cooling tower ................................................................ 39
16.10.5 The whole cooling tower system...................................................................................... 39
Figure:Sketch...................................................................................................................... 39
16.11 Clean up of steam boilers, steam drums, feed water tanks and related water
spaces ................................................................................................................40
16.11.1 Alkaline boiling out.......................................................................................................... 40
16.11.2 Acid boiling out................................................................................................................ 41
16.11.3 Neutralization boil out...................................................................................................... 41
16.11.4 Passivation........................................................................................................................ 42
16.11.5 Inspection, flushing and precautions................................................................................ 42
16.11.6 Boil out of an oil fired boiler............................................................................................ 42
16.12 Cleaning of steam pipes and feed-water pipes ...............................................43
16.12.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 43
16.12.2 Pipes between auxiliary boiler, steam header and exhaust gas boilers ............................ 43
16.12.3 Steam pipes between header, pipe rack, consumers inside the power house and blow
down tank ........................................................................................................................... 43
16.12.4 Steam pipes between header, consumers outside the power house and blow down tank 44
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16.1 Cleaning Procedure

16.1.1 General
All pipe lines between the engine and it’s auxiliary units, tanks, heat recovery units etc are to be
cleaned in a proper way prior to the start up of the plant. Correct cleanliness is an utmost
prerequisite for the trouble free operation of the power plant. In the table below are shown the
various cleaning procedures for pipelines in different systems.

System Pipelines A B C D E F G H
Fuel oil Pipes acc. to DIN 2458 X X X 1) X
Pipes acc. to DIN 2391 X
Lube oil Pipes acc. to DIN 2458 X X X X
Pipes acc. to DIN 2391 X
Nozzle temp. Pipes acc. to DIN 2458 X X X X
control Pipes acc. to DIN 2391
Compressed air Pipes acc. to DIN 2458 X X X
Pipes acc. to DIN 2391 X X
Cooling water Pipes acc. to DIN 2458 X X X X
Pipes acc. to DIN 2391 X X
District heating Pipes acc. to DIN 2458 X X X
Pipes acc. to DIN 2391 X x
Steam Pipes acc. to DIN 2448 X X X
Natural gas Pipes acc. to DIN 2448 X X X
Pipes acc. to DIN 2391 X
Exhaust gas All pipes X X
Charge air All pipes X X X X
Sludge Pipes acc. to DIN 2458 X X
Table: Various cleaning methods. (1) For details see WDAAA180387

A = Washing with alkaline solution in hot water at 80°C for degreasing (to be done
only if pipes are greased)
B = Removing of slag, rust and scaling with tools (steel brush, hammer etc.) and
grind welding seams inside pipe
C = Blowing with compressed air
D = Pickling (refer to 16.2)
E = Sand-blasting (refer to 16.2)
F = Flushing with lube oil (refer to 16.4)
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G = Flushing with LFO (refer to 16.4)

H = Flushing with water

16.2 Pickling

16.2.1 Pickling in general

Pickling removes rust, slag weld, spatters etc from the pipes. Before the pickling of a
pipeline construction starts all weld spatters coarse slag etc shall be removed
mechanically if accessible as described in Table: Various cleaning methods. (1) of
chapter 16.1. The result of the cleaning shall be visually checked. After pickling has
been done no further welding is allowed. If still more welding of a pickled pipe
would be needed the pipe shall of course be pickled again.

16.2.2 Preparation for pickling

1) Before the pickling work starts following procedures to be agreed between Wärtsilä
and the (pickling) Contractor.
Š Intended chemicals used for pickling to be approved by Wärtsilä
Š Mixing properties to be agreed and a pre test to be done.
Š Method intended to be used, has to be explained and agreed.
Š Equipment intended to be used has to be verified (pumps, heaters, pools, sealings,
bolts and nuts etc.)
Š Environmental protection to be agreed (neutralization and discharge)
Š Personnel safety equipment to be reviewed and accepted.
Š Pickling method to be verified (see 16.2.3)
Š Passivation and protection before re-installation.
Š Final tightening and re-installation (sealings, bolts and nuts, tightening torque etc.)
Š The way of working has to be discussed in detail in order to get a general
understanding on why, how and for how long time the flushing shall be done.
Š Design documents like flow diagrams lists etc to be identified.
2) Following documents shall be established at site:
Š Flushing order and time schedule
Š Logbook (defining the status and progress of work, signed by the Contractor and
Wärtsilä representative)
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Š Inspection report. (The report has to be approved by Wärtsilä. The report will be
part of the commissioning report later on.)
Š Organisation and responsibilities (The Contractor and Wärtsilä representative shall
each name a person who will have the authority to sign the reports for each system.
The authorised persons shall have the knowledge to decide on what to look for and
to decide when the systems are acceptable clean.)

16.2.3 Various types of pickling methods

1) The pipes are sent to a shipyard/factory for pickling
2) Pickling at site pipe by pipe; All pipes are to be dismantled and filled one by one
with the chemicals according to the pickling procedure. Put blind flanges in one end
of the pipes and lift up the other end of the pipes on some kind of support.

NOTE! The pickling should be done OUTSIDE the powerhouse since a lot of toxic
fumes are coming from the solutions (effecting both humans and equipment).

3) Pickling at site; Pickling bath(s) of adequate size(s) are manufactured at site into
which the pipes are put for pickling.
4) Pickling at site using a pump for filling of the pipes; Alternative 1, the pipes are
brought to outside of the house and connected together into a loop. Alternative 2,
the pickling is done inside the house and then system by system.

IMPORTANT! All air must be removed from the pipes in order to ensure a good
pickling result.

For the methods 2-4 the following equipment is also needed:

1) Pools are needed for the chemicals and for hot water.
2) Heaters are needed for the heating of water and for the neutralization solutions.
3) Compressed air is needed for the blowing of the pipes.
4) Oil is needed for the protecting of the inside of the pipes (after that a WÄRTSILÄ
supervisor has accepted the pickling result).

16.2.4 Pickling bath

Pickling baths shall be made of PVC, Polyethylene, wood or stainless steel, class
AISI 316. The size of the baths shall be big enough to fully cover the pipes sunk into
the baths for treatment with pickling chemicals. Heaters shall be installed for the hot
water pool and for the neutralizing pool.
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16.2.5 Pickling procedures

Hydrochloric acid method

NOTE! Greased pipes must be washed with a hot alkaline solution before starting the
pickling procedure

1) Acid solution; Fill the pipes with or put into acid solution of 10 % hydrochloric acid
(HCl) and 10 % formalin inhibitor (HCHO) for 4-5 hours.
Examples of brands:
Š Armohib 28
Š Rhodine 213
Š Metacorr AC1100

CAUTION! Remember that you are working with an acid. Always use proper
protection (rubber gloves and boots, protection glasses.) If the ventilation is poor or if
working long times close to the acid a mask should be used to prevent inhalation of
toxic fumes.

2) Blow the lines with compressed air to getaway all the pickling solution.
3) Rinse the pipes with hot water 70°C.
4) Neutralizing solution.
Š The neutralizing solution of 10% caustic soda (NaOH) and 50 g Na3P04 / liter
(sodiumtriphosphate) should be filled into the pipes or the pipes put into the
solution and held there for 20 minutes. The neutralizing solution should be 40-
50°C hot.

CAUTION! Remember that you are working with an alkaline. Always use proper
protection (rubber gloves and boots, protection glasses.) If the ventilation is poor or if
working long times close to the acid a mask should also be used to prevent inhalation
of toxic fumes.

5) Blow with compressed air.

6) Rinse with hot water 70°C.
7) Check the result.
Š WÄRTSILÄ supervisor will check the result. If the result is not good the pickling
procedure must be repeated. After that the pickling result is approved by
WÄRTSILÄ the pipes should be filled with protection oil.
8) Put protection covers on the pipe ends.
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All steps from 1 to 8 shall be done without any interruptions. If there are long breaks
between the steps it might effect the pickling result.

NOTE! To avoid corrosion of the pipes, flushing shall start immediately after the
pickling procedure. Make sure that the hot water is clean. If dirty water is used it might
effect on the pickling result.

Phosphoric acid method, only pickling in bath (shall not be used on

Pickling in 15 - 72 % Phosphoric acid for 20 minutes to 4 hours. The recommended
pickling temperature is 45°C. The concentration of the pickling solution have to be
controlled regularly and acid is added if the control show low concentration. This
chemical is suitable to use for steel, aluminum and zinc. Generally the suppliers
recommendation has to be followed.
Example of brand:
Š Antox Supra

16.2.6 Neutralizing / rinse of piping after pickling

Rinse the pickled pipe properly with enough amount of hot water + anti corrosion
inhibitor, 60°C, and blow with dry compressed air immediately after rinse. Steam can
also be used to rinse the pipes from pickling solution. It’s important that the pickling
solution is removed completely from the pipe in all bends and eventually pockets
inside. If the pipes are stored a longer time in corrosive environment (days) without
protection, corrosion will take place and the pickling have to be repeated. When the
pipes are dry at the inside surface they are to be plugged.

CAUTION! Always remember that you are working with an Acid. Make sure that your
skin is covered and you are using protective glasses.

16.3 Sand-blasting
Use of sandblasting in cleaning of pipelines is used when pickling is not enough, but
this is not an alternative for pickling. It shall be ensured that no harmful particles are
left inside the pipelines.
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16.4 Flushing

16.4.1 General
The purpose of the flushing is to remove all debris and foreign material from the
pipelines, which could cause a damage to engine(s), or to auxiliary equipment(s).

NOTE! Flushing tank, heater, pump, filter(s), pipes and hoses are not included in the
Wärtsilä supply.

16.4.2 Preparation for flushing

1) Before the flushing work starts following procedures to be agreed between Wärtsilä
and the flushing (pickling) Sub-Contractor.
Š Flushing media to be decided (LFO, Lube oil, water, depending on the line to be
Š Method intended to be used, has to be explained and agreed.(mesh sizes, check
points, and checking intervals)
Š The equipment intended to be used has to be verified (pumps, heaters, pools,
sealings, bolts and nuts etc.)
Š Working areas and environmental protection to be agreed (neutralization and
discharge of the flushing media)
Š Personnel safety equipment to be reviewed and accepted.
Š Pipe routing and looping to be identified and agreed.
Š Passivation and protection before re-installation.
Š Final tightening and re-installation (sealings, bolts and nuts, tightening torques etc.)
Š The way of working has to be discussed in detail in order to get a general
understanding on why, how and for how long time the flushing shall be done.
Š Design documents like flow diagrams lists etc to be identified.
2) Following documents shall be established at site:
Š Flushing order and time schedule
Š Logbook (defining the status and progress of work, signed by the Contractor and
Wärtsilä representative)
Š Inspection report. (The report has to be approved by Wärtsilä. The report will be
part of the commissioning report later on.)
Š Organisation and responsibilities (The Contractor and Wärtsilä representative shall
each name a person who will have the authority to sign the reports for each system.
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The authorised persons shall have the knowledge to decide on what to look for and
to decide when the systems are acceptable clean.)

16.4.3 Flushing system set up

To perform the flushing at site, a movable flushing system has to be built up. The
flushing system set up is shown in Figure: Flushing unit for external piping (2).

NOTE! Flushing tank has to be drained regularly to get the condense water out from
the tank. Install flushing filter(s) horizontally to return line just before flushing oil tank.
See figure 2.

Item No Pieces Part

1 1 Flushing oil tank (normal steel or stainless steel)
2 1 Heater(s) with temperature controller, (electric or steam)
3 1 Ventilation filter
4 1 Manhole
5 1 Temperature indicator
6 1 Closing valve
7 1 Strainer (safety filter for flushing pump)
8 1 Pump with electric motor, (screw pump or impeller)
9 8 Closing valve
10 2 Flexible rubber hoses (industrial type for pipe connections)
11 2 Pressure indicator
Flushing filter (see figure 2)
Figure: Flushing unit for external piping (1).
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Figure: Flushing filter (2).

16.4.4 To specify flushing equipment

To choose the flushing pump, tank, heater capacity and the filter size the following
values from the different systems has to be checked.
Š Flow rate in each system.
Š Operating temperature of liquids.
Š Liquid volume in system plus tank and piping.
Flushing pump capacity is straight comparable to flushing time and also to the
flushing result. The heater capacity has to be calculated (flushing temperature shall at
least be the same as the temperature in normal operation).
The capacity of the flushing pump should be dimensioned so that Reynolds number
(Re) is >25000. For the inner pipe diameter the largest pipe size in the system shall
be used. A higher oil temperature decreases the viscosity and therefore increases the
Reynolds number. The cleaning efficiency increases with the Reynolds number and
Re=25000 is considered as the lower limit for efficient cleaning.
21200 × Q
Re =
Where ∂ = Viscosity, cSt
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D = Pipe inside diameter Ø, mm

Q = Flow l/min
Re = Reynolds number
Flushing oil Shell Tellus TX 32
Example ∂ = 10 cSt, at 80 °C
d = Ø 150 mm
Q = 1770 l/min
21200 × 1770
Re = = 265016(> 25000ok )
10 × 150
10 × 150 × 25000
Q min = = 17691l / min
DN Flow (l/min) for Shell Tellus at 80°C = Re25000
25 336
32 442
40 508
50 643
65 829
80 973
100 1263
125 1545
150 1879
200 2445
Table: Min. flow capacity for different pipe diameters (2)
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Re-number for SHELL TELLUS TX 32


15000 OK
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Temp. °C

Diagram 1. Re number variation for different temperatures. The diagram is based on

flow rate in table (2).

16.4.5 Flushing temperature

The temperature of flushing oil is very important to achieve best flushing result. The
flushing temperature must be at least the same as the temperature in normal
operation. Diagram 1 shows how the Re-number is depending on the oil temperature.
Re-number variation depending on viscosity


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Viscosity (cSt)

Diagram 2. Re number variation for different viscosity. The diagram is based on flow
rate in table (2).
16.4.6 Flushing procedure
During flushing the filters shall be inspected regularly and cleaned when necessary
and according to the flushing procedure.
Flushing filters that should be used:
Š 30 mesh ≈ 0.5 mm
Š 60 mesh ≈ 0.25 mm
Š 100 mesh ≈ 0.15 mm
NOTE! For more detailed information concerning screens and mesh, refer to chapter 1
section 1.17.
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Start the flushing with the 30 mesh and continue with 60 mesh and finally use the
100 mesh. If the pipes are very clean you can start with the 100 mesh at once. The
systems that shall be flushed with these meshes are:
Š Lube Oil piping
Š LFO-piping
Š HFO-piping
Š Nozzle heating piping
Flushing shall be done systematically according to flow diagrams. Flushing shall be
done for one engine and only one step at the time. Begin with the LO-system, then
the LFO-system and finally the HFO-system.

16.4.6 After that the flushing is ready

1) Drain the entire system from flushing oil.
2) Dismount some pipes and check visually that the pipes are clean. Place a piece of
paper or cloth on the floor. Hold the pipes upwards by hand above the paper sheet
and give a couple of blows with a hammer on the pipe and check that no debris
comes out. If debris is found on the paper the whole pipe system shall be cleaned
again. Check also hidden spaces of the inner tubing by means of a swiveled mirror.
3) If the piping system includes valves, such as thermostatic valves, disconnect and
drain them one by one to ensure that no flushing oil is left in them.
4) Plug all pipelines and ensure that no dirt can enter into the system. Take the plugs
off in the last moment before re-mounting of the pipe work.
5) If the engine oil sump was used as flushing tank, drain the sump and clean it
properly from flushing oil. Sweep the sump bottom with a magnetic pick-up to
verify an acceptable result.
6) As soon as the sump has been cleaned from all flushing oil, shut the crankcase
covers and seal them! Strive to fill up the sump right after flushing has been

CAUTION! Reuse of flushing oil as engine or system oil is forbidden!

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16.5 Flushing of external LO-piping systems

Since the arrangement to flush a large system requires planning and material
procurement locally, be prepared to reserve time well enough to comply with your
erection schedule. Note that a flushing unit is not available even by request neither
from the product factories or network offices. In general the needed hoses and
accessories must be purchased locally and a team must be assigned to carry out

16.5.1 Pipe module final flushing check V46 engine

See flow diagram WDAAA167409.

After that the pipe and cooler module assembly have been completed:
1) Fabricate all needed equipment: flushing tank, hose connections and flushing filters.
Carry out a pickling cleaning on all steel equipment. See drawing WDAAA167687.
2) Install the flushing tank slightly higher up than the pre-lubrication pump in order to
avoid harmful cavitation. If an electrical heater is used for heating the flushing oil,
install it in the flushing tank.
3) Open the pipe module engine side lube oil connections numbers 201, 204 and 205.
If a lube oil separator is used for heating the flushing oil, open numbers 213 and 214
as well. Do a visual inspection of the inside of the piping and clean it if found dirty.
4) Install all hoses, couplings and flushing filters. Carefully tighten the connections
and make sure that there are no loose parts or any dirt inside the pipes or hoses.
Cover the flushing tank with tarpaulin. See drawing WDAAA180309.
5) Visually inspect the pipe and cooler module, check that all flange connections are
tight and that they have gaskets.
6) Follow the pipe/cooler module lube oil pipe flow diagram and:
Š Check the position of the non-return valve and open the closing valve after the pre-
lubrication pump.
Š Open the inlet and outlet valves from the lube oil cooler.
Š Close the inlet and outlet valves from the automatic filter.
Š Open the automatic filter by-pass valve.
Š Open the lube oil safety filter top covers (two).
Š Take out the filters from the safety filter, cover and store them in a dry place, do
the same with the filter tightening nuts.
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Š Do a visual check of the cleanness of the inside of the safety filter, check the
condition of the cover’s o-ring gasket and re-install the covers on the filter.
Š Close the drain valves at the bottom of the lube oil safety filter and if the piping has
several drain valves, close them all.
Š In order to fill the system with flushing oil, turn the “change-over” valve’s position
from safety filter to both filters.
Š Close the drain valve from hose coupling no 201.
Š Open the valve from hose coupling no 204.
Š If a lube oil separator is used for heating the flushing oil check the hoses, pipes and
the position of the valves leading from the separator. Close the valve
7) Install the flushing mesh to the filters on top of the flushing tank. Start with mesh
8) Fill the flushing tank with clean oil (fill through a fine filter). Check that there are
no leaks.
9) Start the heating of the oil. Stop the heating when the temperature of the oil reaches

NOTE! Check the cable connection of the heater. Continuously check the oil
temperature. When using the LO-separator for oil circulation, look after the flushing oil
pressure and temperature. When the flushing oil presssure has increased by 2 bar
from the starting pressure stop the flushing and clean the mesh.

10) Fill the bearings of the pump and the motor with grease according to the service
manual. Check the direction of rotation for the pre-lube oil pump. Turn the pump
pressure adjusting screw a few rounds counterclockwise in order to decrease the
pressure. Check the level in flushing oil tank.
11) Start the filling of the system. Run the pump for a few seconds only and top-up the
tank level when required until the system is filled up. Open the venting valves at the
LO-cooler and safety filter during the filling. Close the valves when oil starts to
come out. Turn the safety filter change over valve to “one filter use” position.
12) When the flushing oil tank is full and oil is circulating from the flushing tank to the
pipe module and returning back to the tank via the flushing filter adjust the oil
pressure to 1 bar. Record the starting pressure and use it as reference pressure for
decision about when the mesh has to be cleaned.
13) Important things during the flushing:
Š Open or close the valve from connection 204 at every 3 or 4 hours
Š Check the temperatures of the casing and bearings
Š Check that pump does not cavitate
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Š Check the oil level in the tank and the temperature of the oil. Check that there are
no leaks.
Š Check the filters every 4:th hours.
Š Change to mesh 100 when after 4 hours of flushing no more dirt is trapped in mesh
60. (Note: Minimum flushing time is 4 hours.)
Š When no more particles are trapped in the mesh 100 – after 4 hours running – stop
the oil heating and circulation.
Š Let the oil temperature go down to 40°C and start the flushing again. The job is
ready when after 4 hours of flushing no particles can be found in the mesh 100.
Š Change the valve position of the safety filter to “change over valve”
NOTE! The flushing result has to be inspected and approved by personnell authorised
by Wärtsilä.

14) Disassembly of the flushing arrangement:

Š Disconnect the power supply
Š Empty the flushing tank to clean barrels. Use the mobile LO-transfer pump
Š Connect the mobile pump to hose coupling 2/201 drain valve and empty the piping
system. Start the pre-lubricating oil pump a few seconds also in order to get the
suction side emptied as well. When draining is ready disconnect the power supply
to the pre-lubricating pump. Open the venting valves of the LO-cooler and the
safety filter.
Š If the LO-separator was used for heating, drain the hoses, piping and separator.
Disconnect the hoses and couplings. Do not let oil drip on the floor. Inspect the
piping. Drain remaining oil from the pipes by the mobile pump. Cover connections
213 and 214 with temporary plastic caps. Check the cleanness of the separator inlet
Š Drain thoroughly and disconnect all flushing devices. Inspect the piping.
15) Install the filter cartridges to the safety filter:
Š Open the top covers
Š Pump out the oil from the chambers
Š Open the drain valves, inspect and clean the filter chambers
Š Take new filters from the store (inspect cleanness before installation)
Š Check the cleanness of covers and the condition of O-rings
Š Install the covers to the filters
Š Close drain and venting valves
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16) Start the bellow assembly from the middle of the pipe module / engine. See the
installation instructions. Check that all draining and venting valves are closed.
17) The pipe module is now ready for the start of the commissioning.

IMPORTANT! The flushing of the pipe module shall be supervised.

16.5.2 Lube oil filling and emptying pipes

See flow diagram document number: WDAAA175712 and WDAAA175775.

16.6 Flushing of external LFO-unloading system

16.6.1 Flushing unloading piping with diesel oil

See flow diagram WDAAA168202.
1) Install the flushing tank slightly higher up than the unloading pump unit.
2) Connect the flushing or unloading hose (2) from the flushing tank to the unloading
pump unit. The hose has to be a reinforced rubber hose of the same diameter as the
suction piping or larger.
3) If the suction piping before the unloading pump unit is long, unit suction strainers
(4) can be equipped with a flushing mesh. Begin with mesh size 30 and end with
size 100.
4) Turn the vertical part of the filling pipe leading to the LFO storage tank, down
towards the ground in order to make flushing easier and faster. Connect the flushing
hose (2) from the end of the piping (11) to the flushing filter at the top of the
flushing tank (1). The hose has to be of the same size as the piping or at least 3” in
diameter. If the distance between the LFO storage tank and the unloading pump unit
is long, a piece of some other suitable pipeline can be used for the return. Make sure
the pipeline used has been cleaned with pickling solution first.
5) If the unloading system has been equipped with a flow meter, by-pass the meter to
begin with. Let the flushing pass through the meter only the last few hours of the
6) Double-check all connections and venting devices. Inspect the flushing tank, clean
it and fill it with clean flushing oil. Check that there are no leaks.
7) If needed, install a mesh of size 30 inside the flushing filter as well as in the
unloading pump unit suction strainer.
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8) Carry out grease filling of the pump bearings in accordance with the pump manual
before start of the pumps. Check that inlet and outlet valves are open and check that
the pump rotates in the correct direction
9) Start by slowly filling the pipes with flushing oil. Only run the pump short periods
of time. Check the flushing oil level in the flushing tank and check for leaks.
10) Begin by running one pump. Carefully vent the air and make a note of the suction
pressure and the pressure after the pumps. When pressures rise this will indicate that
the flushing mesh is dirty and that the pumps must be stopped in order to have the
mesh cleaned.
11) Start the other pump as well and check the pressures. If pressures are too high, the
pumps are cavitating or the flushing diesel oil begins to foam excessively, one of
the pumps must be stopped for a while.
12) Begin flushing using a mesh of size 30. When the mesh stays almost clean, go on to
a mesh size 60, and finally to size 100. During the flushing, gently hammer the
welding seams. Flushing tank openings have to be covered during the flushing. In
order to avoid water in the oil, the flushing tank has to be drained regularly.
13) The flushing is ready if, after three hours continuous circulation mesh 100 is free of
any sand, metal, dirt or other harmful particles.
14) If the unloading system will be out of use for a longer period of time, fill the system
with clean diesel oil. Mix the flushing oil with 25-50% engine oil and circulate it in
the piping for a few hours to give protection.
15) When the flushing has been approved, drain the whole system. Use oil barrels or
similar to store the flushing oil in. DO NOT LET THE OIL LEAK ONTO THE
16) Open a flange connection and inspect the cleaning.
17) Reassemble the unloading system, close draining and venting devices and cover the
suction hose inlet.

IMPORTANT! Never leave the flushing process unsupervised! Do not let the pump run
dry! Keep an eye on pump bearing temperatures. All temporary steel piping materials
used for flushing must first be cleaned with pickling solution. Flushing diesel, extra
pipes and flushing filter are not included in the Wärtsilä scope of supply.

16.6.2 Flushing of piping leading from storage tank to feeder unit

and return
See flow diagram WDAAA168212.
1) If the LFO tank is larger than 150 cubic meters or the tank is not completely ready
or it has already been filled with clean fuel, use a separate flushing tank (400 L or
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2) If a separate flushing tank has to be used, separate the piping from the LFO storage
tank by closing the valve and installing a blind flange on the valve for safety
3) Install the flushing tank slightly higher up than the LFO feeder unit and in a suitable
place near the LFO storage tank.
4) Connect a hose or steel pipe between the flushing tank (1) and the pipeline leading
from the storage tank to the feeder. The hose has to be a reinforced rubber hose of
good quality and of the same diameter as the piping, or larger. Mount the hose as
strait as possible.
5) Check the piping leading from the storage or flushing tank to the LFO feeder as
well as the venting and drain devices and flange connections.
6) Check the condition of the LFO feeder unit and install a flushing mesh of size 30 in
the suction strainer(s) (11).
7) Close the feeder outlet valve and for safety reasons, install a blind plate between the
flanges in the outlet of the feeder as well as in the piping between the feeder and the
pipe rack / booster.
8) Loosen the tension adjusting screw in the feeder’s pressure control valve or replace
the valve with a pipe spool. Cover the valve and store it in a dry place.
9) Check the return piping from the LFO feeder to the LFO storage tank. Also check
venting/ draining devices and flange connections.
10) Install and connect the flushing filter in a suitable place at the end of the return
piping between the storage tank and the pipe flange connection. Alternatively,
install the flushing filter in the man-hole at the top of the storage tank or the
flushing tank and connect it to the return pipe with a hose or pipe of the same
diameter as the pipeline.
11) Install a mesh of size 30 inside the flushing filter.
12) Inspect the tank to make sure it is clean and fill the tank with clean flushing oil. Use
a filter when filling the tank. Check that there are no leaks!
13) Grease the pump’s bearings, in accordance with the pump manual. Open the feeder
unit’s inlet valve and check that the pump rotates properly.
14) Slowly start to fill the piping with flushing oil. Only run the pump for short periods
of time. Check the oil level in the flushing tank and check for leaks. Carefully vent
the air from all pipes.
15) Run the pump and make a note of the suction pressure and the pressure after the
pump. Later when pressures rise it will indicate that the flushing mesh is dirty and
that the pumps have to be stopped in order to have the mesh cleaned.
16) If the unit has two feeder pumps for LFO, start the second pump as well. Check the
pressures. If pressures are not too high and the pumps are not cavitating, use both
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pumps for flushing. If the oil starts to foam excessively, stop one of the pumps for a
17) Begin flushing using mesh size 30. When the mesh is clean, change to mesh 60 and
finally to mesh 100. Gently hammer the welding seams during the flushing. In order
to avoid water in the oil the flushing tank has to be drained with regular intervals.
The flushing tank openings have to be covered during the flushing.
18) If after 3 hours continuous circulation using mesh 100 the mesh is free of any sand,
metal, dirt or other harmful particles, the flushing is ready.
19) Before ending the flushing, check the pressure-regulating valve adjusting screw. If
it has loosened, adjust the feeder line pressure back to 4 Bar (this is needed for the
following part of the flushing). If the valve was removed, re-install it and test the
working pressure.
20) Drain the piping slightly and open a flange connection in order to inspect if the
pipes are clean.
Do not remove the flushing arrangements in case some of it is needed later on.

IMPORTANT! All temporary steel piping materials used in the flushing must first be
cleaned with pickling solution. Never leave the flushing process unsupervised! Do not
run the pump dry without any liquid! Keep an eye on pump bearings and El motor

16.6.3 Flushing of piping from LFO tank to piperacks and return

See flow diagram WDAAA168365.
1) Check that the LFO feeder outlet valve is closed. Remove the blind plate or flange
and connect the outlet piping with the feeder. Do no let oil leak onto the floor!
2) Check the piping leading from the feeder up to the pipe racks inside the Power
House. Check the flange connections, venting and draining devices and the position
of the valves. If the pipeline has an external connection to other LFO consumers,
separate the pipe from the main pipeline and install a blind plate or flange at the
nearest place. The pipe for other LFO consumers must be flushed together with
some other smaller piping.
3) Separate the LFO inlet pipe and the return fuel pipe from the piperacks. Fabricate
and install a by-pass with a flushing filter. Install a mesh of size 30 inside the filter.
All steel parts must be cleaned with pickling solution.
4) Check the return piping from the by-pass up to the LFO storage tank. Also check
flange connections, venting and draining devices. If the pipeline has the option of a
flow meter, turn the valves in by-pass position. Only let the flushing pass through
the meter the last few hours of the process.
5) Lock the return line valve(s) position to the LFO storage tank.
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6) Connect the flushing hose between the pipeline (after the 3-way valve) and the
flushing filter arrangement. Disconnect the suction pipe from the storage tank as
well as the pipeline from the safety valve and install the flushing hoses no.16 and
7) Install a mesh of size 30 inside the flushing filter and a mesh of size 60 inside the
suction strainer in the LFO feeder.
8) Check the oil level in the flushing tank and open the valves in the feeder and the
pipe in order to check for leaks.
9) Start filling the piping with flushing oil. Run the pump(s) only short periods of time
and vent the pipes at the same time.
10) When the whole system has been filled with oil and the air has been vented, start
running the pumps continuously. Make a note of the suction and line pressures.
Later, when pressures rise this will indicate that the mesh is dirty and must be
11) During the flushing it is important to:
Š Gently hammer the welding seams with a piece of pipe or similar.
Š Check that there are no leaks.
Š Check the flushing oil level in the tank.
Š Check that there are no cavitation noises from the pumps and to check the casing
12) Begin the flushing process using a mesh 30. When the mesh is clean, change to
mesh 60 and finally to mesh 100. The flushing is ready if after 3-4 hours
continuous flushing with mesh 100, the mesh is free of sand, metal, dirt or any other
harmful particles. The person responsible for the flushing must approve the piping
cleanness before the flushing is terminated.
13) If the pipes will be out of use for a longer period of time, fill them with LFO.
During the last hours of the flushing procedure, mix the flushing oil with engine oil
to give protection to the pipes.
14) In order for the flushing to be approved, drain the piping and open a few flange
connections to inspect the cleanness of the piping.
15) Remove all flushing equipment and install the piping permanently. Take out the
flushing mesh from the suction strainers. Close all valves.
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IMPORTANT! All temporary steel piping materials need to be cleaned with pickling
solution. Never leave the flushing process unsupervised! Do not run the pump dry
without any liquid! Keep an eye on pump bearings and electrical motor temperatures.

16.6.4 Flushing of fuel piping inside the power house

See flow diagram WDAAA169857.
Example: If the plan is to start with DG1 or DG2 (both using the same booster unit),
the piping marked with dashed flow lines will come first and the piping marked with
divided flow lines next. Parts of DG3 and DG4 need to be flushed together with the
first pipes in order to avoid any extra isolation valves. WDAAA204630.
1) Finish the pipe installation and check that all pipes have the needed equipment,
draining and venting devices.
2) After the piping assembly has been approved, all pipes have to be marked on
location and in their correct positions.
3) Disassemble all pipes and transport them to the testing and cleaning area outside the
Power House.
4) Connect the pipes in a way suitable for the flushing. In order to avoid air pockets,
install temporary venting plugs. Plan the flushing flow in such a direction that it
first passes through the pipes of larger diameter and passes last through the pipes of
the smallest diameter in the end of the flushing loop. Do not install any valves or
instruments because the pickling solution will do great damage to them.
5) Carry out a pressure test with water and carefully vent the air.
6) Do the pickling by circulating the acid in the piping loop. Use a suitable acid-proof
pump and equipment. Vent the air carefully!
7) Open a few flanges after neutralising and check the result of the cleaning. If the
pipes are still rusty, repeat the pickling process.
8) Start the flushing as soon as possible after the pickling! Flushing equipment needed:
Š Flushing tank, 400 L or larger.
Š Heavy duty suction filter and isolation valves.
Š Flushing-pump with large flow capacity, more than 30 cubic meters/hour.
Preferably a pump that has a pressure regulating valve.
Š Reinforced hoses of good quality, 2-4” in diameter.
Š Heavy duty hose couplings.
Š Flushing filter with large filter mesh surface and mesh sizes 30, 60 and 100.
Š Pressure gauge 0-6 Bar.
Š Clean diesel oil.
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9) Assemble the flushing equipment according to drawing WDAAA169857.

10) Double-check all connections, inspect the cleanness of the flushing tank and fill it
with clean diesel oil for flushing. Check that there are no leaks.
11) Install a mesh of size 30 inside the flushing filter.
12) Slowly start to fill the piping with flushing oil. Only run the pump short periods of
time. Check the oil level in the tank.
13) After filling the pipes, run the flushing pump and carefully vent the air. Make a note
of the flushing pressure because later when pressures rise, it will indicate that the
mesh is dirty and needs to be cleaned.
14) Begin flushing the pipes with mesh 30. When the mesh is clean, change to mesh 60
and finally to mesh 100. During the flushing, gently hammer the welding seams.
The flushing tank must be covered during the flushing procedure.
15) The flushing is ready if, after 3-4 hours of continuous circulation with mesh 100,
the mesh is free of any sand, metal, dirt or other harmful particles.
16) After the flushing, drain the system. Use oil barrels or similar to store the flushing
17) Open a flange connection and inspect the cleaning. Protect the pipes with engine oil
and carefully cover all pipe ends with plastic caps or similar.
18) Move all pipes inside the power house and do the final installation in the correct
place. The final flushing of the fuel system will be done with all units connected
A pressure test can also be done for separate pipes.
The pickling can be performed in different ways; by filling each pipe with acid
separately or by using a pickling bath.

IMPORTANT! Never leave the flushing process unsupervised!

16.6.5 Final flushing check of the LFO system

See flow diagram WDAAA169870.
1) After the final tank inspection, the LFO storage tank must be filled with clean diesel
fuel. Use at least enough oil to fill and circulate the LFO system.
2) Check the piping leading from the tank to the LFO feeder as well as the return
piping. Fill the piping from the tank to the feeder and carefully vent the air and
check for leaks.
3) Keep the feeder outlet valve closed. Start the feeder pump and make a note of the
outlet pressure, adjust it if needed. Check for leaks along the return pipeline to the
LFO storage tank.
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4) Check that:
Š The piping from the LFO feeder to the piperack modules. Check flanges and
venting/draining devices.
Š The interconnections of the piperack modules and all the fuel piping between the
engines, the fuel oil units, the boosters and the piperack modules. Tighten the bolts
of the blind flanges at the end of the piperack.
Š That the valves in the piperack module before closing the booster unit(s).
Š That all fuel oil units, inlet and outlet valves are closed.
Š That the 3-way valve in the in the booster unit is positioned so that the return fuel
from the fuel oil units runs to the LFO storage tank, not to the booster mixing tank.
Š If the return piping from the piperack modules to the LFO storage tank has a flow
meter, open the by-pass valve and lock the return line valve(s) in LFO storage tank
5) Start the feeder and slowly open the outlet valve. Fill the pipeline, the piperack
modules and the piping between the piperack modules and the fuel oil units. Vent
the air and check for leaks. Now the feeder can be run non-stop.
6) Remove the filter inserts from all fuel oil units and store them in a dry place. Check
that the pump suction strainer is clean, but do not remove it.
7) The final check of the pipeline for LFO to other consumers can be done by placing
a flushing mesh of size 100 in the last flange connection before the consumer tank.
Fill the tank and check the cleanness of the mesh.
8) Fabricate a by–pass flushing filter for the fuel oil hose connection before the tank.
Clean all steel parts with pickling solution. See drawings WDAAA193579 (V38 &
V46), WDAAA215229 (V32) and WDAAA193580.
PART 1 (AND 3)
See flow diagrams WDAAA169905 and WDAAA171033.
1) Install the by-pass flushing filter in the pipeline of the last DG set. If the time
schedule for the commissioning is tight, install the filter to the DG set when the
commissioning is planned to start. Inspect the cleanness of the flushing filter and
install it between the engine and the pipe module or the fuel oil unit.
2) Install a mesh of size 60 inside the by-pass flushing filter.
3) Open the fuel oil unit LFO inlet valve manually. Fill the unit and the flushing filter
with fuel and vent the air from the fine fuel filter. Check that there are no leaks.
4) Open the fuel oil unit fuel return valve (HFO) manually. Check that there are no
leaks in the return piping from the fuel oil units to the piperacks, the booster and up
to the LFO storage tank. As the fuel oil is circulated by the feeder pump, make a
note of the pressure from the flushing filter manometer.
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5) Check that the fuel oil feeder pump inlet valve from the fuel oil unit is open.
Perform grease filling on the pump bearings and check the pump’s rotation and seal
guard devices.
6) Start the fuel oil feeder pump. Make a note of the pressure in the flushing filter and
listen for cavitation noises.
7) During the flushing, when pressure rises above one bar (14.5 psi), flushing filter
valves must be closed and the mesh cleaned.
8) In order to clean the by-pass flushing filter mesh, stop the feeder pump in the fuel
oil unit and close the valves in the flushing filter.
9) When cleaning the LFO feeder unit suction strainer, stop the fuel oil unit feeder
pump as well as the LFO feeder unit pump and close the LFO feeder inlet/outlet
10) If after 4 hours continuous circulation with mesh 60, the mesh is almost clean,
change to mesh 100.
11) During the flushing, check:
Š That there are no leaks.
Š For cavitation noises. (This is very harmful to the pump)
Š Pump casing temperatures (bearing).
Š The fuel level in the LFO tank.
Š The mesh every 6 hours (at least).
Š Pressures in the LFO feeder and flushing filter.
12) If after 4 hours continuous circulation using mesh 100, the mesh is free of sand,
metal, dirt or other harmful particles, the flushing is ready.
13) Start part 2 of the flushing process.
PART 2 (AND 4)
See flow diagrams WDAAA169913 and WDAAA171076.
1) Follow the booster unit flow diagram and start preparing the booster for flushing.
See drawing 2.
Š Turn the 3-way valve to LFO position.
Š Open the service filter and place a flushing mesh of size 100 around the filter
insert. Re-install the insert with the mesh back into the service filter and turn the
position of the valve in the service filter. (The mesh avoids dirt from entering the
Š By-pass the flow meter. Only let the flushing pass through the meter the last few
hours of the process.
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Š The 3-way valve on the fuel return pipe from the engine(s) to the booster have to
be positioned so that all the return fuel flows to the fuel tank(s) and not to the
mixing tank.
Š Open the booster pump’s inlet and outlet valves.
Š Open the inlet and outlet valves from one of the heaters. Keep the other one closed,
switch every few hours.
Š By-pass the viscosity meter/ sensor.
Š Close the final booster outlet valve.
Š Check that all venting and draining devices are closed.
Š Open all manometer valves.
Š Check the booster unit’s inlet and outlet piping.
Š Connect to the main power supply.
2) Start filling the booster unit by slowly opening the valve from the piperacks. Vent
the air and open the mixing tank’s air vent. Wait until the indication light “low level
in mixing tank” switches off. Close the venting valve. Check that there are no leaks.
3) Change the flushing filter mesh to size 60.
4) Slowly open the booster outlet valve and check that there are no leaks in the piping
to the piperacks / fuel oil units.
5) Carry out a first grease filling on the pump bearings and check the booster pump’s
6) Start one of the booster pumps and keep an eye on the outlet pressure. It should be
around 6 bar (when all fuel oil unit valves are closed). If not, the pressure needs to
be corrected in the pressure regulating valve from the piperack.
7) Manually open the HFO inlet and fuel return valves from the fuel oil unit as well as
the valves from the flushing filter. The pressure in the flushing filter should be less
than 6 bar.
8) Start the fuel oil unit feeder pump. Check the pressure in the flushing filter.
9) Check and make a note of the pressures in the LFO feeder, the booster unit and the
flushing filter. When pressures rise this will indicate that the meshes and filters
should be cleaned.
10) During the flushing it is important to keep an eye on:
Š Cavitation can be reduced by turning the booster 3-way valve in position to let part
of the return fuel oil from the fuel oil unit run to the booster mixing tank.
Š Pump bearings (casing) temperatures.
Š Pressures; suction and outlet.
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Š Leaks.
Š The fuel level in the LFO tank.
Š The cleanness of the mesh in the flushing filter. Check every 4 hours.
Š During each mesh-cleaning stop, switch booster operating pumps.
11) In order to clean the flushing filter mesh, it is only necessary to stop the fuel oil unit
feeder pump and to close the valves from the flushing filter.
12) In order to clean the booster service filter mesh it is necessary to first stop the fuel
oil unit feeder pump and to then stop the booster pump. Also close the booster inlet
valve from the piperacks and turn the valve position from service filter to automatic
filter. When re-starting the pumps, start the booster pump first and then the fuel oil
unit feeder pump.
13) If the LFO feeder suction filter needs to be cleaned and the unit does not have a by-
pass possibility, begin by stopping the fuel oil unit feeder pump. Next, stop the
booster pump and finally the LFO feeder pump. Close the feeder inlet/outlet valves.
When re-starting, start the LFO feeder pump first, the booster pump second and the
feeder pump from the fuel oil unit last.
14) When mesh 60 filter is clean, switch to mesh 100.
15) If the mesh of size 60 in the booster service filter is clean as well, change to size
16) The flushing process is ready if after 4 hours continuous flushing with mesh 100,
the mesh in the by-pass flushing filter is free of sand, metal, dirt or other harmful
particles. The cleanness of the mesh in the booster service filter is not critical.
17) The person responsible for the flushing must approve the result of the flushing.
18) Close all valves. Cut off the power supply to the units.
19) Remove the flushing equipment and install it to the next DG set flushing.
20) Re-install the filter inserts inside the fuel oil unit fine filter casing.
See also drawings,
WDAAA170675 Final flushing check, Booster unit
WDAAA171023 Booster service filter insert
WDAAA171079 Flushing filter device between engine and pipe module
WDAAA193579 Flushing filter assembly V38 & V46
WDAAA215229 Flushing filter assembly V32
WDAAA193580 Flushing filter frame
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16.7 Flushing of external HFO-piping system

See flow diagram WDAAA180387.

16.7.1 Hand cleaning of piping between buffer, day tank and

separator unit
If the piping is of a very large diameter >DN 100 and it is difficult to get a flushing
pump of suitable capacity or, if each pipeline is very short, the piping must be
equipped with several flange connections in order to make it possible to clean by
1) Carefully clean welding and flanges to get rid of welding “slag”.
2) Pressure test.
3) Pickling process performed in a suitable way.
4) Use LFO, rags and if possible, compressed air to clean the piping pipe by pipe.
5) After the cleaning, protect the piping with lube oil.
6) Each pipe has to be carefully inspected before the final assembly. Also inspect tanks
and the unit side of the piping.

16.7.2 Flushing of piping between the buffer tank and separator unit
See flow diagram WDAAA172686.
1) Fabricate and arrange all needed flushing equipment. The flushing pump must have
a large pumping capacity. All steel flushing equipment must be cleaned with
pickling solution. All flushing hoses must be of a suitable diameter for the pump’s
capacity or of the same diameter as the piping.
2) If the volume of the buffer tank is larger than 150 cubic meters, it is possible to use
a separate flushing tank (>400L). Flushing when using a large buffer tank requires a
large amount of flushing LFO because the tank must be filled up to the height of the
outlet pipe. See drawing WDAAA167687.
3) Open the first flange connection after the buffer tank and the outlet pipe and valve.
Separate the pipe flanges in order to connect the flushing hoses.
4) Install the flushing hose from the flushing or buffer tank to the flushing filter/ pump.
Use strong hose clamps of good quality.
5) Install the flushing hose from the flushing filter/pump to the pipeline from the
buffer tank to the HFO separator unit. Use strong hose clamps of good quality.
6) Check the pipelines from the HFO buffer tank to the HFO separator unit and return.
Also check venting and draining devices.
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7) Separate the piping from the HFO separator connection flanges and install the by-
pass pipe or hose. If the pipe is long, the by-pass can be equipped with a flushing
filter to reduce the flushing time. Do not remove the blind plates from the HFO
separator connection flanges.
8) Install the flushing filter and hose to the end of the pipeline.
9) Install a mesh of size 30 inside the flushing filter(s) first.
10) Inspect the cleanness of the tank, close the outlet valve and fill the tank with
flushing LFO. Use enough oil for the flushing process.
11) Open the tank outlet valve and fill the piping. Check that there are no leaks.
12) Start the flushing pump, vent the air and make a note of the pressure in the flushing
filter. When the pressure rises it will indicate the intervals for cleaning the flushing
filter mesh. Check that there are no leaks.
13) During the flushing, check:
Š The LFO level in the flushing tank. Make sure the tank openings are covered.
Š That there are no leaks.
Š The flushing mesh(s) every 3 hours.
Š Gently hammer the welding seams with a piece of DN 50 pipe or similar.
Š Pump cavitation and temperatures.
Š Pressures.
14) When flushing filter mesh 30 is almost clean, change to mesh 60 and
consequentially, when mesh 60 is almost clean, change to mesh 100.
15) The flushing is ready if after 3 hours continuous flushing using mesh 100 the mesh
is free of dirt or harmful particles such as sand, metal or welding slag. The person
responsible for the flushing and commissioning must approve the cleaning.
16) If the piping will be kept dry for a longer period of time, mix the flushing oil with
lube oil and circulate it the last few hours of the flushing process. This will give
protection to the pipes.
17) Close the flushing tank outlet valve, drain the piping and inspect the cleaning. Do
not let flushing oil leak onto the ground or onto the concrete floor.

16.7.3 Cleaning of the pipeline from the HFO separator to the HFO
day tank
See flow diagram WDAAA172738.
1) Change the location of the by-pass before the HFO separator, from the HFO inlet
pipe to the clean HFO outlet pipe. Inspect the return pipe to the buffer tank, cover or
if possible, assemble the HFO separator unit. Remove the blind plate.
2) Check the clean HFO piping from the HFO separator to the HFO day tank.
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3) Move the flushing filter with the hose from the HFO return pipe to the clean HFO
pipe before the HFO day tank and flushing tank. The HFO return pipe can be
connected to the HFO buffer tank.
4) Change mesh 30 to inside of the flushing tank, if by-pass has equipment with
flushing filter the mesh size can remain 100.
5) Continue flushing according to instruction points 11 through 17 above (16.7.2).
6) Drain the piping and the flushing tank. If the buffer tank was used, inspect the
cleanness and close the tank.
7) Remove all flushing equipment, inspect the piping and connect all pipes
permanently without any blind plates. Close all draining and venting devices.

16.7.4 Diesel oil flushing of piping from HFO day tank to HFO feeder
and return
See flow diagram WDAAA173337.
1) Use a separate flushing tank (400 L or larger) if the HFO day tank is larger than 150
cubic meters in size or if the tank is not completely ready or if it is already filled
with clean separated fuel.
2) If a separate flushing tank is needed, separate the piping from the HFO day tank
closing valve and install a blind flange on the valve for safety.
3) Install the flushing tank slightly higher up than the HFO feeder unit and in a suitable
place near the HFO day tank.
4) Connect a hose or steel pipe from the flushing tank to the pipeline leading from the
day tank to the feeder. The hose has to be of the same diameter as the piping or
larger. Use a reinforced rubber hose of good quality and mount the hose as straight
as possible.
5) Check the piping leading from the day tank or flushing tank to the feeder, also
check venting/draining devices and flange connections.
6) Check the condition of the HFO feeder unit and install a flushing mesh of size 30
inside the suction strainers.
7) Close the feeder outlet valve and for safety reasons, install a blind plate between the
flanges in the outlet of the feeder and in the piping from the feeder to the piperack /
8) Loosen the tension adjusting screw in the feeder pressure control valve or
alternatively, replace the valve with a pipe spool. Cover and store the valve in a dry
9) Check the return piping from the HFO feeder to the HFO day tank. Check
venting/draining devices and flange connections.
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10) Install and connect the flushing filter in a suitable place at the end of the return
piping between the HFO day tank and the pipe flange connection. Alternatively,
install the flushing filter in the manhole at the top of the day tank or flushing tank,
and connect it to the return pipe with a hose of the same diameter as the pipeline.
11) Install a mesh of size 30 inside the flushing filter.
12) Inspect the cleanness of the tank and fill it with clean flushing oil. Use a filter when
filling the tank. Check that there are no leaks!
13) Open the feeder unit inlet valves, carry out a first grease filling on the pump
bearings in accordance with the pump manual and check that the pump rotates
14) Slowly start to fill the piping with flushing oil. Start one of the pumps and run it
only short periods of time. Check the flushing oil level in the tank. Check that there
are no leaks. Carefully vent the air from all pipes.
15) Run the pump and make a note of the suction pressure after the pump. Later when
pressures rise, it will indicate that the flushing mesh is dirty and that the pumps
need to be stopped in order for the mesh to be cleaned.
16) If the unit has two feeder pumps for HFO, start the second pump as well. Keep an
eye on the pressures. If pressures are not too high and the pumps are not cavitating,
use both pumps for flushing. If the flushing oil starts foaming excessively, stop one
of the pumps for a while.
17) Begin flushing using mesh 30. When the mesh is almost clean, change to mesh 60
and finally to mesh 100. Gently hammer the welding seams during the flushing.
Drain the flushing tank with regular intervals in order to avoid water in the oil. The
flushing tank openings must be covered during the flushing.
18) The flushing is ready if after 3 hours continuous circulation using mesh 100, the
mesh is free from dirt, sand, metals or other harmful particles.
19) Before terminating the flushing procedure, check if the pressure-regulating valve
adjusting screw has loosened. If so, the feeder line pressure must be adjusted back
to 4 Bar (this is needed for the following part of the flushing process). If the valve
was removed, re-install it and test the working pressure.
20) Drain the pipes slightly in order to open a few flange connections and inspect the
cleanness of the pipes.
21) Close all valves and clean the flushing filters.
22) Do not remove the flushing arrangements since some of it will be needed later on.
Cover the flushing tank and piping openings.
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IMPORTANT! All temporary steel piping materials used in the flushing procedure must
be cleaned with pickling solution. Never leave the flushing process unsupervised! Do
not run the pump dry! Keep an eye on pump bearings and electrical motor

16.7.5 Flushing of HFO piping from the day tank up to the piperacks
and return from the piperacks
See flow diagram WDAAA190746 and WDAAA190747.
1) Check that the HFO feeder outlet valve is closed. Remove the blind plate or flange
and connect the outlet piping to the feeder. Do not spill oil on the floor!
2) Check the piping leading from the feeder up to the piperacks inside the power
house. Check the flange connections, the position of the valves, venting/draining
3) Separate the HFO inlet and the return fuel pipe from the piperacks. Fabricate and
install a by-pass with a flushing filter. Install a mesh of size 30 inside the filter. All
steel parts must be cleaned with pickling solution.
4) Check the return piping from the by-pass up to the HFO buffer tank. Also check
flange connections as well as venting and draining devices. If the pipeline has the
option of a flow meter, turn the valves in by-pass position and only let the flushing
pass through the meter the last few hours of the process.
5) Lock the return line valves position to HFO buffer tank.
6) Change the tank area flushing filter from HFO feeder return to piperacks return.
Connect HFO feeder return to flushing tank (HFO day or separate flushing tank).
Pressure regulating valve in HFO feeder will work as safety valve. Needed hoses to
be minimum same size as piping.
7) Install a mesh of size 30 inside the flushing filter and a mesh of size 60 inside the
suction strainers in the HFO feeder.
8) Check the flushing oil level in the flushing tank and open the valves in the feeder
and in the flushing tank. Check that there are no leaks.
9) Start filling the piping with flushing oil. Only run the pump short periods of time.
Vent the air from the pipelines. Check the oil level in the flushing tank and check
for leaks during the filling.
10) When the whole system has been filled and vented, run the pump continuously.
Keep an eye on the pressures. If the pressures are fine and there is no cavitation,
start the other feeder pump as well. Make a note of the suction and line pressures.
Later, when pressures rise, it will indicate that the filter mesh(s) need to be cleaned.
11) During the flushing it is important to:
Š Gently hammer the welding seams with a piece of pipe or similar.
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Š Make sure there are no leaks.

Š Check the flushing oil level in the tank.
Š Make sure there is no cavitation noise in the pumps and to check pump-casing
Š Check the flushing mesh every 4 hours.
12) Begin flushing the pipes using a mesh of size 30. When the mesh is clean, change to
mesh 60 and finally to mesh 100. The flushing is ready if, after 3-4 hours
continuous circulation using mesh 100 the mesh is free of sand, metal, dirt or any
other harmful particles. The person responsible for the flushing must approve the
cleanness of the pipes before the process is terminated.
13) For the approval of the flushing, the piping needs to be drained and a few flange
connections must be opened for the inspection.
14) Close the piping, remove the by-pass before the piperacks, inspect the piping and
connect the pipes to the piperacks.
15) Start the last part of the HFO pipe flushing in the piperacks and the booster(s).

IMPORTANT! All temporary steel piping materials must be cleaned with pickling
solution. Never leave the flushing process unsupervised! Do not run the pumps dry!
Keep an eye on pump bearings and electrical motor temperatures.

16.7.6 Flushing of the HFO pipeline in the piperack and booster

connection(s) inside the power house
See flow diagram WDAAA173409.
1) Check the piperacks internal piping and the HFO piping leading from the HFO
feeder up to the piperacks.
2) Fabricate and install a by-pass with a valve at the end of the piperacks. The by-pass
should lead from the end of the HFO pipeline to the return fuel pipe end of the
piperacks. The by-pass can be a steel pipe or hose, but make sure it is not of a
smaller diameter than the pipeline. Close the by-pass valve.
3) Fabricate and install a by-pass for the last booster unit in the piperack connection.
The by-pass is for the “counter connection flanges” between connections A and D.
The by-pass can be a hose or steel pipe of the same diameter as the piping or larger.
4) Close all HFO inlet valve(s) to the booster in the piperacks.
5) Turn the booster unit’s inlet 3-way “change over” valve to LFO position.
6) Turn the booster’s return 3-way valve in such a position that the return fuel from the
engines runs to the mixing tank.
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7) In order to reduce the flushing time, fabricate and install a flushing filter in the
return fuel pipeline in a suitable place near the piperacks. If possible, with valves.
8) Install or change the mesh in:
Š - The tank area, the flushing filter for the return to the flushing tank, mesh 100
Š - The HFO feeder suction strainers, mesh 100
Š - The piperack flushing filter for return fuel, start with mesh 60
See flow diagrams WDAAA190756 and WDAAA190757.
1) Start the HFO feeder pump, check the pressures and check that there are no leaks in
the piperack or in the by-pass.
2) Open the by-pass valve in the end of the piperack. When the flushing oil is
circulating, start the second pump as well and check the pressures.
3) Make a note of the HFO feeder suction and outlet pressures. When pressures rise it
will indicate the intervals for cleaning the mesh.
4) When the return line flushing filter mesh 60, near the piperack is clean, change the
mesh inside the filter to size 100. When after 3-4 hours continuous circulation mesh
100 is free of dirt, sand, metal or other harmful particles, the flushing is ready.
5) Start step 2.

IMPORTANT! All temporary steel equipment used in the flushing procedure must be
cleaned with pickling solution. Never leave the flushing process unsupervised! Never
run the pumps dry! Keep an eye on pump and electric motor bearing temperatures.
Make sure there is no cavitation noise! Check the flushing oil level in the flushing tank.


See flow diagram WDAAA190764 and WDAAA190765.
1) Close the flushing by-pass valve at the end of the piperack.
2) Start the HFO feeder pump and check the pressures.
3) Slowly open the booster HFO inlet valve in the piperack and check that there are no
4) Start the second HFO feeder pump as well. Check and make a note of the pressures.
5) When after 3-4 hours continuous circulation, the return line flushing filter mesh 100
is clean, if the plant has more than one booster unit, move the flushing equipment to
the next booster unit and start the same process.
6) The flushing is ready, if all booster units have been flushed.
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7) If the HFO pipelines will be empty of fuel for a longer period of time, mix the
flushing oil with lube oil and circulate it for a few hours before removing the
equipment. This will protect the pipes.
8) Drain the piping and the units, remove all flushing equipment, and assemble all
pipes and flanges permanently. Do not spill any oil on the ground or floor!
9) The HFO pipelines are after the trace heating and insulation assembly ready for

16.8 Cleaning and flushing of gas systems of SG

and DF engines
Gas pipes can be made of carbon steel or stainless steel. Stainless steel pipes require
less work, e.g., the pickling containing rinsing is not required, which saves time.

16.8.1 TIG welded carbon steel piping

1) Removing of slag, rust and scaling with tools (steel brush, hammer etc.) and grind
the flanges
2) Visual inspection
3) Washing with alkaline solution in hot water at 80oC for degreasing
4) Pickling (containing neutralizing / rinsing of piping and blowing with air, 1.5 times
nominal pressure)
5) LFO or water flushing for long pipe lines
6) Blowing with air after erection of the pipe system
7) Pressure and leak tests
8) Filling the lines with Nitrogen in the pressure of 0.5 barg in order to prevent
9) Filling the lines with gas
After start-up the lines are checked for leaking (natural gas leaks easier than air)

16.8.2 TIG welded stainless steel piping

1) Visual inspection
2) Pickling and passivation according to 16.8.3
3) Blowing with compressed air
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4) Pressure and leak tests

5) Filling the lines with N2 if flammable mixture is possible
6) Filling the lines with gas

After start-up the lines are checked for leaking (natural gas leaks easier than air)
Blowing of the lines is done as follows:
1) firstly with open valve
2) then with sequentially opening and closing the valve several times so that there will
be pressure shocks

16.8.3 Storing and cleaning of stainless steel pipes

If the stainless steel alloy is correctly selected and stored there should not be any
corrosion. Seawater, or water in general with a high content of chlorides will speed
up the corrosion, particularly water standing still in pipes. The risk of this is higher
in “normal” stainless steel grades (304, 316) than in high performance stainless
steels. This risk is made smaller by choosing a higher grade of stainless steel or
pickling the pipes.

If stainless steel pipes is to be stored for a longer period they should be placed in an
airy and dry place. If the pipes are greased, the degreasing must be done with an non-
chlorinated solvent in order to avoid leaving residues of chlorine ions. The chlorine
ions can initiate crevice, pitting and stress corrosion.

The stainless steel pipes shall not be cleaned with any type of metallic wire brush
other than stainless steel. Grinding or polishing with grinding wheels or belt sanders
should be avoided, as they tend to overheat the surface to the point where resistance
cannot be restored even with pickling. If a very heavily contaminated stainless steel
surface is to be cleaned by sand blasting, care must be taken that the sand is truly
clean (not recycled). The blasting shall not roughen the surface. Steel shot blasting is
not to be used.

After pipe fabrication (welding, cutting etc.) the pipes should be pickled in order to
get the best corrosion resistance. At least all welds shall be pickled. The pickling can
be done by immersion or locally by pickling paste. Pickling paste is sold at least by
the stainless steel manufacturers (ex. Avesta Polarit). Different type of paste is to be
used for different grades of stainless steel. The nitric-HF* pickling method is the
most widely used and effective method (10% HNO3, 2% HF and the rest water at 50-
60°C). If the pipe is sand blasted it shall always be pickled.
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(* HF = Hydrofluoric acid)

NOTE! After pickling a new, intact oxide layer is emerged on the pipe surface. The
oxide layer prevents the pipe from corrosion

If pickling is not performed the pipe is to be passivated or acid cleaning treated.
Passivation is carried out similar to pickling, but the active component is simply 18-
30% nitric –acid (HNO3) in room temperature. The passivation time is 20 – 60
minutes. Small parts can be passivated by immersion and large parts can be sprayed
or brushed. Parts must be rinsed thoroughly in water after treatment.

NOTE! Passivation will only strengthen the old oxide layer

CAUTION! Environmental risks and health hazards must be considered in work with
acid solutions.

16.9 Flushing of compressed air systems

In addition what is stated in the chapter 16.1 about starting air system, the final
cleaning of the starting air pipes prior to commissioning should be performed as
1) Once the pressure test of the system is completed successfully, close the isolating
valve from the outlet of the starting air bottle manifold and instrument air dryer.
2) Disconnect the flexible hoses for starting air and instrument air at the engine inlets
and fasten the hoses firmly to the closest structures with rigid steel clamps. The
discharge of the hoses must be directed in such a way that the blowing air stream
will not be able to extract any items from the surroundings.
3) Hammer the weld seams thoroughly throughout the piping system.
4) Starting air system: Open up the isolating valves for some fifteen seconds and close
the valves again. This maneuver should be repeated one more time to obtain best
results. The same procedure applies to auxiliaries hooked to compressed air.
5) Compressed air system: Open and close all valves several times.

NOTE! The cleaning must be performed prior to pressurising the engine or any
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CAUTION! Make sure the personnel is aware that the starting air system shall be
blown clean by informing everyone possibly concerned and by zebra tapes around
the area likely affected.
Flushing flow rate for different pipe size (l/min)
7500 diameter
7000 (mm)
Flushing flow rate (l/min)

6000 30
5500 40
5000 50
3000 120
2500 150
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Viscosity (cSt)

16.10 Flushing of cooling water system

16.10.1 Expansion pipes

The expansion pipes are to be flushed with water until they are clean from debris.
Drain the expansion system and clean the bottom of the expansion tanks carefully.

16.10.2 Pipes between pipe module and radiators

Before flushing with water starts, bigger pipes are to be cleaned by hand. The pipe
module and the radiators need not to be flushed. Disconnect therefor the pipes from
the module and the radiators and build a pipe loop as shown in sketch below. The
flushing is to be done with an external flushing pump arrangement (eg by using the
fire water pump) having adequate flow capacity and equipped with strainers
collecting the debris coming from the pipes during the flushing procedure.

16.10.3 The whole cooling radiator system

When the pipes between pipe module and radiators are clean re-connect the pipes to
the pipe module and the radiators. Install running filters on HT and LT-inlet pipes to
the engine. Fill up the whole system with untreated water. Run until the engine is
warm, then shut down the engine. Check the running in filters. If no debris is found
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in the filters nor in the expansion tanks the system can be considered as clean. Drain
all water from the system and refill it with chemically treated water. Remove the
running-in filters at the first 50 hours service interval of the engine.

16.10.4 Pipes between pipe module and cooling tower

Cooling tower installations will basically follow the same principle as for radiator
installations, i.e. the pipes are to be disconnected from the pipe module. At the pipe
end of the return pipe to the cooling tower basin a mesh is to be installed in which
the debris will be trapped. Instead of a separate flushing pump the cooling tower
pumps can be used. These are then of course to be protected by adequate strainers on
the suction side during the flushing sequence.

16.10.5 The whole cooling tower system

When the pipes between pipe module and cooling towers are clean re-connect the
pipes to the pipe module. Fill up the primary circuit (engine and pipe module) with
untreated water. Run until the engine is warm, then shut down the engine. Check the
running in filters. If no debris is found in the filters nor in the expansion tanks the
system can be considered as clean. Drain all water from the primary circuit and refill
it with chemically treated water. Remove the running-in filters at the first 50 hours
service interval of the engine.


Temporary Hoses

Flushing Pump Arrangement

Figure: Sketch

NOTE! Pressure testing is to be done and recorded prior to the flushing.

NOTE! Flush pump arrangement is not delivered by Wärtsilä

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16.11 Clean up of steam boilers, steam drums,

feed water tanks and related water spaces
1) The storage, sea transportation or improper covering or protection of the above said
equipment may result to an extensive corrosion of the water spaces. Tanks and
vessels can be either sand blasted or pickled depending on which method is the best
applicable on the spot. What is stated about neutralizing and rinsing of pickled
items and sand blasting in the chapters 16.2.4 and 16.3 applies to the clean up of the
items specified in the title of this chapter. Coil-type boiler sections, in case of
excessive corrosion, can be pickled and neutralized in a normal fashion as stated
earlier. Priority is to conduct a blow through of the coil type boiler with steam, if
available. Steam treatment provides a well acceptable result.
2) Tube boilers may require cleaning of the tubes or the furnace, or both. Priority is to
blow the both sides clean with steam to ensure the gentlest treatment. If steam is not
available at the plant, a portable steam generator can be rented locally in many
cases. Further more, if an auxiliary boiler container is provided in the scope of
supply its steam generation should be considered for cleaning purposes.
3) After mechanical cleaning, a clean boiling procedure must be executed before
taking the boiler into use, according to a specific detailed program provided by the
supplier. Exhaust gas boiler manufacturers recommend cleaning with boiler
chemicals mixed to double concentration compared to normal for own consumption
boilers. The above said is an integral part of commissioning procedure that must be
Procedure is linked to the validity of warranty.

NOTE! Steam and condensate lines have to be flushed before taking into use. In
plants with steam turbines or other for impurities sensitive equipment the flushing of
the live steam line has to be approved by turbine (equipment) manufacturer before
taken into use.

4) Boiling out of the boiler shall be done:

Š Before initial start of full output boilers.
Š In case of oil in the waterside.
Š In case of heavy corrosion.
There are two methods of cleaning, alkaline boil out and acid cleaning.

16.11.1 Alkaline boiling out

1) Before a full output boiler is set in service or in case of oil in the water, impurities
must be boiled out. The boiler shall be filled to normal level with softened water.
Water must be properly treated and de aerated since it guarantees minimum
formation of scaling as soon as the boiler is set in operation.
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2) The chemicals must be dissolved entirely prior to pouring the mix into boiler. The
boiler is first half filled with soft water and then topped up with chemical blend
through manhole or chemical feed connection.
3) Any of the below listed combinations will bring a proper cleaning result:
Š Trisodium phosphate + caustic soda 2500ppm + 2500ppm
Š Trisodium phosphate + caustic soda 5000ppm + 500ppm
Š Trisodium phosphate + caustic soda + soda ash 3 x 1500ppm
Š Caustic soda + soda ash 3000ppm + 3000ppm
4) The boiler or each piece of the system should be blown down every 8 hours. The
amount of blown water equals half a sight glass. Add feed water if required to
maintain limits. After every blow down add chemical mix to replenish the
5) Continue boiling 40 hours on row. Take condensate samples through sample points
to ensure no impurities are present anymore.

16.11.2 Acid boiling out

This procedure is used when rust or mill scale is known to exist in high degree of the
boiler. Normally acid boiling is not required for new boilers.
The solvent composition is following, 5% hydrochloric acid, 0,5% ammonium
biflouride, and 0,1-% inhibitor.
1) Heat up the boiler until the boiler metal reaches a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees.
Control the temperature with by-pass damper in the exhaust gas outlet.
2) Fill up the boiler with solvent which temperature is about 65 degrees centigrade by
diluting the chemicals to warm water.
3) Let the boiler soak six hours with acid solution. Drain the system by gravity and
boost the draining with compressed air if needed.
4) Rinse the boiler with soft water by filling it first up. Open the venting valves to get
it filled, shut the valves and run the feeder pump to get it rinsed.
5) Open the drain in the bottom of the boiler slightly and continue filling from the top
with soft water. Let the system run till you consider a full cycle of fresh water has
gone through. The boiler is rinsed as soon as the pH value of purged water exceeds

16.11.3 Neutralization boil out

1) Fill up the boiler with 1% sodium carbonate solution to normal level. Run the boiler
feeder pump and top up the boiler to normal operating level.
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2) Raise the pressure to normal operating level and keep it there for intermittently four
3) Stop heating and let the pressure come down to 1 bar and drain the boiler.

16.11.4 Passivation
1) While the unit is still hot, fill it up with 0,5% sodium nitrite solution and let soak
one hour.
2) Drain the boiler.

16.11.5 Inspection, flushing and precautions

1) When the boiler has cooled down, inspect the steam drum and remove iron oxide
formations and other scaling manually with steel brush and flat chisel. Rinse the dirt
out with clean water.
2) Put back the covers and manholes. Boiler is ready for normal service.
3) Vents should always be fully opened because hydrogen gas is evolved through the
reaction between steel surfaces and acid. Avoid open flame and sparks whatsoever
because the gas may ignite. Keep the space well ventilated, i.e. run the fans of the
boiler house if not outdoors.
4) Neutralizing boiled out chemicals should be stored in a dry place prior to use.
5) Keep a protective clothing available for staff working with the process handling
chemicals. Goggles, rubber gloves and aprons must be available to get the
dangerous task done safely.
6) Keep a record of the process and get it signed duly by both of the parties.

NOTE! Under no circumstance should the boiler be fired or heated up with exhaust
gases while the acidous solvent is in the unit.

16.11.6 Boil out of an oil fired boiler

1) The interior of oil fired auxiliary boilers may have protective coatings which must
be boiled out. Normally manufacturers suggest tri-sodium phosphate and caustic
soda. A 2,5-% mixture is prepared in a separate container. Fill up the boiler with
water. Add acidous solvent to the top up the tubing. Boiler shall be heated up to the
boiling point and the boiling should last five hours.
2) Wait until the boiler has cooled down a bit and purge the water to sewage. Finally
the tubes must be rinsed with high-pressure water stream. Visual inspection will
reveal whether the result is acceptable.
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16.12 Cleaning of steam pipes and feed-water


16.12.1 General
Steam pipes that are not clean on the inside are to be pickled prior to the cleaning by
steam blowing, see chapter 16.2.Feed water pipes are to be flushed with water only.

16.12.2 Pipes between auxiliary boiler, steam header and exhaust

gas boilers
See flow diagram, document number: WDAAA196364xx
1) Disconnect the pipes at the inlets to the boilers. Fasten them firmly to the closest
structures with rigid steel clamps The discharge of the pipes must be directed in
such a way that the blowing steam stream will not be able to extract any items from
the surroundings
2) Blow the steam beginning from the auxiliary boiler to the steam header and further
on to the exhaust gas boilers. This procedure is to be repeated several times. At the
same time the pipes are to be hammered in order to get possible particles to come
off from the inside of the piping. Let the temperature of the pipes go down between
the blows.

CAUTION! Make sure the personnel is aware that the steam system shall be blown
clean. Inform everyone possibly concerned and close off the area by zebra tapes.

16.12.3 Steam pipes between header, pipe rack, consumers inside

the power house and blow down tank
See flow diagram, document number: WDAAA196366xx
1) Disconnect the pipes at the inlets to the consumers. Fasten them firmly to the closest
structures with rigid steel clamps The discharge of the pipes must be directed in
such a way that the blowing steam stream will not be able to extract any items from
the surroundings. Install an extra pipe loop at the pipe rack.
2) Blow the steam beginning from the auxiliary boiler to the steam header and further
on to the pipe rack. This procedure is to be repeated several times. At the same time
the pipes are to be hammered in order to get possible particles to come off from the
inside of the piping. Let the temperature of the pipes go down between the blows.
3) Plug the extra pipe loop at the pipe rack(s).
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4) Open the valves to the consumers’ circulation pipe and start the clean blowing at the
very back engine. Blow all steam pipes for the consumers.
5) Install an extra pipe loop at the end of the circulation pipe out to the consumers and
blow the condense pipe line.

16.12.4 Steam pipes between header, consumers outside the power

house and blow down tank
See flow diagram, document number: WDAAA196376xx
1) Disconnect the pipes at the inlets to the consumers. Fasten them firmly to the closest
structures with rigid steel clamps The discharge of the pipes must be directed in
such a way that the blowing steam stream will not be able to extract any items from
the surroundings. Install an extra pipe loop between the main line and the
condensate return line.
2) Blow the main and the condensate return lines. This procedure is to be repeated
several times. At the same time the pipes are to be hammered in order to get
possible particles to come off from the inside of the piping. Let the temperature of
the pipes go down between the blows.
3) Blow the steam lines to the consumers. If there is a loop in a tank the loop shall also
be blown by disconnecting the flange connection to the condensate line.
4) Install an extra pipe loop at the end of the steam and condensate lines and blow the
whole piping system back to the blow down tank.

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