The American Chamber of Commerce ofthe Philippines, nc.
‘Membership Needs Survey
Please rank the following AmCham activities from 1 to 9 in order of your anticipated use:
Business Luncheons
Committee Meetings
Referral Service
Government Relations / Legislative Initiatives
Business Journal
ST sponsorship Opportunities
What attracted you to become a member of AmCham? Check all that is applicable.
To network and expand professional/social contacts
"to have access to events that could give me industry experts, profesional kl and other
information relevant tomy business
_¥ To more effectively engage with Philippine government officials on business issues
important to my company
To promote my company and/or to increase sales
Totnes oc formate on bow tse rabies nthe Pins
42 To have access to AmCham Philippines’ publications, website and/or other business
____ Recommendation from a friend or colleague
tewas my company’s decision
other (Please specify)
What tos aie Bua c ‘and who would you suggest as speaker/s for AmCham meetings?
b [ATE GeNiée 1 Basi ness
Which committees would you want to be a part of?
(°This will outomaticelly include you on their Committee List)
Bi terbuinss Pperaecua Property Rights
nergy and Power lative
Pree era nthe oan om nufacturing and Logistics
Cl extractive Industries Pharmaceuticals
(Financial Services & Taxes and Tarifis C1 Professional Women of AmCham
Infrastructure Security and Disaster Resource Group
LD Healthcare and Wellness “ourism and Hospitality
Human Capital Resources Trade and investment
Hf iormetion and Comriation
Technology5, Which factors most influence your decision to attend an event or meeting?
‘information and/or knowledge obtained for self-learning
usiness opportunities for my company
“VW Engagement with government officials
Networking with my peers and/or representatives from other industries
—— Yrenue/Location
Timing (Morning, Lunch or Dinner)
6. Approximately how many events do you plan to attend annually?
7. What types of events are you most interested in attending? Check all that applies.
waren industry conferences
El peur small-scale workshops
igh profile speaker series
‘ommittee meetings and industry roundtables
zy dustry mixers
whewotire vents
ymunity-oriented and social events
Corporate Social Responsibility events
fovernment-related events
‘Sporting activities (got?)
fatinum Members only events
EJ Women in Business events
Ti other (please specify)
8. Would you be interested in participating in our charity efforts through the AmCham Foundation?
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