2014 EPHM Vinson

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A generic ageing model for prognosis - Application to

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

Garance Vinson, Pauline Ribot, Michel Combacau

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Garance Vinson, Pauline Ribot, Michel Combacau. A generic ageing model for prognosis - Application
to Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. Second European Conference of the Prognostics and
Health Management Society (PHM 2014), Jul 2014, Nantes, France. �hal-01993849�

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A generic ageing model for prognosis - Application to Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Machines
Garance Vinson 1 , Pauline Ribot2 , and Michel Combacau 3

Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Inovel Parc Sud, F-78140 Velizy-Villacoublay, France.
[email protected]

CNRS LAAS, 7 Colonel Roche, Univ de Toulouse, UPS, LAAS, F-31400, Toulouse, France.
[email protected] [email protected]

A BSTRACT ages, and the increase in switching frequencies, also applies

a lot of additionnal stress on the motors. In this agressive
In the context of more electrical aircrafts, Permanent Mag-
context, PMSMs risk to be subject more and more degrada-
net Synchronous Machines are used in a more and more ag-
tion and faults. In order to ensure the operational availabil-
gressive environment. It becomes necessary to supervise their
ity of critical functions, one option is to implement a Health-
health state and to predict their future evolution and remain-
Monitoring module. This Health-Monitoring module consists
ing useful life in order to anticipate any requested mainte-
in a detection and diagnosis module, that allows assessing the
nance operation. Model-based prognosis is a solution to this
current health state of equipments, and a prognosis module,
issue. A generic modeling framework is proposed in this pa-
that allows predicting the future health state of quipments,
per in order to implement such a prognosis method which
and their remaining useful life (RUL). With prognosis, the
relies on knowledge about the system ageing. A review of
maintenance action can be anticipated in advance. The goal
existing ageing laws is presented, and motivates the choice
is to optimize maintenance planification and avoid any oper-
to developp an ageing model that could incorporates every
ational interruption or flight delays due to equipment faults.
kind of ageing laws. A generic ageing model is then defined,
that allows representing the ageing of any equipment and the Predicting the future health-state of equipments requires a
impact of this ageing on its environment. It includes the pos- knowledge about their ageing. This knowledge can take sev-
sible retroaction of the system health state to itself through eral forms, it can be based on experience, on degradation and
stress increase in case of damage. The proposed ageing model ageing data obtained in service or in tests, or on ageing phys-
is then illustrated with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Ma- ical models. Different ageing knowledge representations and
chines. A fictive but realistic scenario of stator ageing is prognosis methods used in the literature are presented in Sec-
built. It comprises apparition and progression of an inter- tion 2. The conclusion is that the ageing knowledge can al-
turns short-circuit and its impact on stator temperature, which ways be put into the form of an ageing model. A generic
value has an impact on the ageing speed. A prognosis method ageing model is then presented in Section 3. It allows rep-
based on the generic ageing model is proposed, and applied resenting the behavior and ageing of any kind of equipment,
successfully to this scenario. that may be heterogeneous and complex. An application is
proposed on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines, with
1. I NTRODUCTION the modeling of two critical progressive degradation: inter-
turns short-circuits and rotor demagnetization. The modeling
In the context of the more electrical aircrafts, electrical mo-
framework contains all the information that is needed to per-
tors such as permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM)
form diagnosis and prognosis. A generic prognosis method
are more and more used for critical functions in the actuators,
based on the model is then proposed on Section 4. The prog-
such as landing gear extension/retraction, braking systems,
nosis algorithm is presented, and applied to a short-circuit
or flight control. They are often used in very agressive envi-
virtual scenario simulated thanks to a complete PMSM vir-
ronments. The transition from 270V to 540V of supply volt-
tual prototype. Finally Section 5 proposes some conclusions
Garance Vinson et. al. This is an open-access article distributed under the and perspectives.
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pro-
vided the original author and source are credited.

2. AGEING MODELS FOR P ROGNOSIS degradation and abrupt failures.
In order to predict the system remaining useful life, progno- Models used by experience-based approaches are the less com-
sis requires knowledge about the system degradation or age- plex ones, and use available data without dedicated effort, ex-
ing that is contained in a model. This model describes the cept if there are no enough experience feedback: equipment
evolution of the system ageing state, it is a priori known and that are new, and/or very reliable, and never fail before a pre-
used on-line for predictions. In the literature, several prog- ventive maintenance action, as in aeronautics. This approach
nosis methods already exist which rely on different models. brings only few information, and does not take into account
Three classes of methods that rely on three types of available the way the equipment is used, or its past. This might be use-
knowledge can be distinguished: ful for the manufacturer, but not for the user that is interested
in one particular component.
• experience-based prognosis,
• data-driven prognosis, 2.2. Data-driven prognosis
• and model-based prognosis. Evolutionary and trend monitoring methods are used when
The choice of one of these methods depends on the level of on-line observed data are available. Prognostic models then
knowledge contained in ageing model and is mainly charac- simply rely on degradation estimators or indicators (Kalman
terized by the availability of sensors that allow obtaining on- filters or various other tracking filters for the state estima-
line data of the system state. Every approach has pros and tion). The prognostic method then uses on-line estimators to
cons, and it is often useful to combine them. evaluate the system current degradation state relying on the
on-line observations. To get the estimators, failure history
2.1. Experience-based prognosis is required (identification of fault patterns). Such estimators
may be obtained by learning techniques (neural networks or
Experience-based approaches, like case-based reasoning or Bayesian networks) or by identifying parameters of classical
reliability analyses, are the only alternative when no sensors estimators like for Kalman filters (Hu, 2011).
nor physical knowledge of the system ageing is available.
This form of prognostic model is the simplest and only re- Neural networks allow building a grey/black box ageing model
quires failure history to determine the probability of failure to estimate and predict the current and future trend of the sys-
within a future time (Gebraeel, Elwany, & Pan, 2009). Relia- tem degradation from specific indicators. The prediction re-
bility techniques are used to fit a statistical distribution to the lies on the network learning from experience that extracts es-
failure data. sential characteristics from noisy data (Goh, Tjahjono, Baines,
& Subramaniam, 2006). Neural networks are used in (Das,
The Weibull law is often used due to its flexibility in relia- Hall, Herzog, Harrison, & Bodkin, 2011) to perform progno-
bility analyses for mechanical or electrical components. It sis on systems of high-speed milling. (Adeline, Gouriveau, &
can represent a time-dependent failure rate by describing the Zerhouni, 2008) tests and compares different methods based
different phases of a component life with three parameters. on neural networks in terms of prediction precision, com-
(Bufferne, 2009) represents the impact of corrosion, fatigue, putation cost and requirements related to the implementa-
or wear on components with these three parameters. (van tion. (Vachtsevanos & Wang, 2001) combines neural net-
Noortwijk & Klatter, 2002) models the cost of structure re- works with wavelets to predict the RUL of rolling bearings.
placement with Weibull distributions by applying the maxi- Fuzzy neural networks combines neural networks and fuzzy
mum likelihood estimation method on life data obtained from logic to deal with ambiguous, inaccurate, noisy or incom-
broken structures. The cost of structure replacement is then plete data (Goh et al., 2006; El-Koujok, Gouriveau, & Zer-
computed thanks to their current age and uncertainties related houni, 2010). Fuzzy systems use knowledge as expert rules.
to the predicted replacement date. The main drawback of the They are recommended in case where no qualitative informa-
Weibull law is the difficulty of estimating these three parame- tion about the system degradation is available but only causal
ters. The exponential law is simpler as it depends on only one rules describe fault propagation within the system (El-Koujok
parameter, the failure rate, which is constant. It can represent et al., 2010). They can be automatically adjusted and do not
a component ageing without wear, i.e. the abrupt failures. It require physics-based knowledge.
is used a lot for life duration of electronic devices. For pro-
gressive failure, the Gamma law seems to be well suited. It Ageing models can be represented by Bayesian networks that
can represent a failure rate increasing in time and is used to are acyclic graphs defined by a set of nodes and relations
model progressive failures like crack evolution in (Lawless, with conditional probabilities. Each node may represent a po-
2004) or erosion in (van Noortwijk, Kallen, & Pandey, 2005). tential degradation mode of the system and transition proba-
It is also possible to use several laws simultaneously like in bilities from a current mode to possible future modes result
(Huynh, Castro, Barros, & Berenguer, 2012) which combines from a learning phase. A priori probabilities in Bayesian
a Gamma law with a Poisson process to model progressive networks have to be introduced by the expert. Theory of

Bayesian networks is well explained in (Bouaziz, Zamai, & represented as a set of equations which involve physical quan-
Duvivier, 2013) which shows its relevant application in the tities corresponding to environmental constraints (Onori, Riz-
semi-conductor industry. (Weber, P.Munteanu, & Jouffe, 2004) zoni, & Cordoba-Arenas, 2012; Roychoudhury & Daigle, 2011;
uses dynamical Bayesian networks and Markov chains to model Bregon, Daigle, & Roychoudhury, 2012). The model pro-
the ageing of a system composed of a pump and a valve. vides more information by extrapolating on-line data by physics-
(Camci & Chinnam, 2010) models the progressive deterio- based reasoning. It can be an analytical model based on phys-
ration of drills with hierarchical hidden Markov models that ical laws or a simulation model identified from tests results.
are estimated from tests. For a clear and simple representa- In (Gucik-Derigny, Outbib, & Ouladsine, 2011), the ageing
tion, they can also be described by a Bayesian network where model is represented as a set of non-linear differential equa-
a node stands for a health state. The RUL is then predicted tions with multiple time scales (short for the system behavior
from transition probabilities of the network. (?, ?) combines dynamic and large for its degradation). Three observers with
Bayesian networks with an event-based approach to monitor unknown inputs are compared for a linear example with slid-
degradation of an automatic mechanical system of lamina- ing mode. The illustrative example is an electromechanical
tion. A priori knowledge is based on experience and trend oscillator whose dynamical and ageing models are known.
monitoring is performed on line thanks to data. Physics-based The fast dynamic state is estimated thanks to the observer
knowledge allows determining causal relations of component and the parameters of the slow dynamic are determined. In
degradations. (Khorasgani, Kulkarni, Biswas, Celaya, & Goebel, 2013), the
ageing of electrolytic capacitors with temperature is repre-
(Greitzer & Pawlowski, 2002) proposes a prognostic method
sented by a complex nonlinear physics-based model. Particle
based on the trend monitoring of a health state indicator that
filtering is then used to estimate the parameters of the degra-
results from a composition of observations and is evaluated
dation model.
on-line from a failure threshold. A parametric model of the
vibration waveform for different faults (particularly for bear- Physics-based ageing models can be divided into three types
ing faults) is estimated to perform prognosis on a diesel mo- depending on their output format. They can directly compute
tor. (Byington & Stoelting, 2004) performs diagnosis and the remaining useful life or progressive evolution of degrada-
prognosis on an EMA of a flight control system with a model tion by evaluating the damage or a failure rate to anticipate
whose parameters are estimated from on-line data. Diagnosis the future behavior of the equipment. The Arrhenius law is
estimates the current health state of the system with classifi- used to represent the impact of temperature on the lifetime of
cation tools. Prognosis computes the rate of change of state an electronic device or a component whose degradation pro-
at current time and anticipates it in the future. In this study, cess is chemical. (Venet, 2007) uses it to model the ageing of
prognosis is a simple temporal prediction of the indicator evo- liquid electrolyte capacitors but it can also be applied for di-
lution that does not take into account the equipment environ- electric components, semiconductors, batteries, lubricant or
ment. (Lacaille, Gouby, & Piol, 2013) studies the wear of plastic filament incandescent lamps. The inverse power law
turbojets and proposes a simple algorithm to build a degrada- also describes the impact of damaging factors on the compo-
tion indicator from successive measurements of exhaust gas nent lifetime like voltage on electronic components for exam-
temperature after each flight according to the operating time. ple. It is applied to dielectric components, ball bearings, op-
toelectronic or mechanical components subjected to fatigue.
The strength of the data-driven method is that it transforms a
A specific case of the inverse power law is the Coffin Man-
huge amount of noisy data into a few relevant data for progno-
son law that gives the number of cycles leading to the rupture
sis. It does not require knowledge about failure mechanisms.
when components are subjected to temperature variations or
The main drawback is that the method efficiency highly de-
thermal chocks. The generalized Eyring model allows tak-
pends on the quantity and quality of data. Moreover, results
ing into account any type of damaging factor like tempera-
are valid in a similar situation but for different configurations,
ture, voltage, humidity, etc. It is used to model the ageing
generalization and extrapolation is controversial since the in-
of electronic components, aluminum conductors, mechanical
dicators have no physical meaning. In aeronautics, equipment
components subjected to rupture.
are generally very reliable, and maintenance is preventive and
realized before the failure occurrence, so there are very few The Paris law calculates the damage associated to a compo-
degradation data. Tests can be done to obtain data, but they nent. It is used in numerous works like in (Pommier, 2009-
are costly, time consuming, and destructive. 2010) where it represents the crack propagation according to
the number of cycles. The Miner’s law models the accumu-
2.3. Model-based prognosis lation of linear damages due to fatigue. It can be used for
metals only until yield strength. The Wlher curve gives the
Model-based prognosis is based on a deep knowledge of the
number of cycle leading to damage thanks to a characteristic
equipment ageing and relies on a continuous physics-based
parameter like maximal constraint for example.
model of the component degradation. The ageing model is

The american military norm MIL-HDBK-217 gives the fail- cannot handle on-line observations for example) to a very rich
ure rates for some components such as transistors, resistors, one (that can handle on-line observations and can extrapolate
etc. For example the law Belvoir Research Development & these observations in terms of physical reasons for the com-
Engineering evaluates the failure rate of a solder joint. The ponent to fail in the future). In an industrial context such
Cox model is mainly used in the medecine and maintenance as aeronautics, a lot of equipment is similar but no identi-
fields to study the impact of different variables involved in cal. The objective is to build a generic model-based progno-
the degradation process of components. The mathematical sis method that relies on a generic representation of compo-
expression is based on a failure risk function (Letot & De- nent ageing. So in this paper, the challenge consists in defin-
hombreux, 2009). ing a generic ageing model whatever the available knowledge
about the system degradation.
A physics-based ageing model can be determined from phys-
ical analytical laws or from tests performed in controlled con-
ditions to identify characteristic parameters of the system degra-
dation. In this second case, the damage evolution is assumed
to be measured from tests. Moreover simulation is interest- 3.1. The generic ageing model
ing as no component destruction nor deterioration is needed
In (Vinson et al., 2013) a structural and functional model is
to study the system degradation. All data are assumed to
presented. A system Σ is a set of n components C i . Param-
be observable which allows choosing the suited sensors to
eters p represent physical quantities in a component. There
implement. The main difficulty consists in elaborating and
are three kinds of parameters. Input parameters ip values
validating the ageing simulation model, since equipment are
depend on the environment, private parameters pp belong to
complex and faults are multiple and difficult to be understood
only one component, and ouput parameters op are a combi-
as a whole (Bansal, Evans, & Jones, 2005).
naison of input and private parameters through functional re-
In some cases, it can be useful to combine different types lationships ar. The values of parameters at time t are p(t).
of information in a common ageing model. By combining The rank r of a parameter p is the set of possible values, such
failure history and physical laws, a statistical physics-based as ∀t , p(t) ∈ r(p). Components are connected through the
model can be obtained. In such a model, physical stress is structure st via their input and output parameters to form the
represented through a parameter of the statistical law. The system. Two parameters strcuturally connected are such as
statistical law can then be adapted to the operational environ- ipi,j = st(opk,l ) ⇒ ∀t , ipi,j (t) = opk,l (t). This structural
ment of the component. The difficulty is to assign a physics- and functional model is represented on the first layer of the
based law to one or several parameters of the statistical law modeling framework on Figure 1. The ageing model devel-
like in (Brissaud, Lanternier, Charpentier, & Lyonnet, 2007), oped hereby enriches the functional model.
(Nima, Lin, Murthy, Prasad, & Yong, 2009), (Gebraeel et al.,
2009) or (Byington, Roemer, & Galie, 2002). (Ray, 1999) 3.1.1. Damage and ageing laws
builds a stochastic model for the crack propagation in a metal-
3.1.2. Damaging factors
lic material (in structure or oil pan for example). The physics-
based equation is validated from test data. The non-stationary During operational life an equipment ages, it is damaged.
probability density function depends on the instant of crack Ageing is due to stresses, that can be thermical, electrical,
initiation and its actual size (in order to deduce the speed of mechanical or chemical. Stresses are modeled with damag-
the crack propagation). (Hall & Strutt, 2003) proposes a sta- ing factors. The set of damaging factors of one component C i
tistical model of physics of failure. It results from Monte- is Di = {dfnl }. The
set of damaging factors of the system Σ
Carlo simulations performed with different parameters of the is D = i=1 Di . The value of a damaging factor at time t is
physics-based degradation model to obtain the failure dates. df (t). Ranks are defined for damaging factors, they are noted
These values are then represented with the Weibull distribu- r(dfli ) and they are such as ∀t, v(df li , t) ∈ r(dfli ).
tion whose parameters are well chosen to fit data.
3.1.3. The damage
2.4. Synthesis
The equipment ageing is characterized by its damage. Dam-
The choice of a prognostic method depends on available knowl- age is irreversible. It is null at the beginning of the equipment
edge, the presence of sensors or physics-based models that life and increases with the ageing.
allow monitoring and analyzing the real condition of the sys-
Since they do not vary for functional purposes and they are in-
tem. This ageing knowledge can be represented as an expe-
trinsic to one component, we decide to use private parameters
rience, a known qualitative or quantitative model or an esti-
and their values to represent the system and component health
mated model obtained by learning and classification methods.
state. A private parameter modification represents therefore a
The prognostic model may vary from a very poor model (that
damage. The damage e i,j at time t is modeled as the distance

between ppi,j (t) and the initial value pp i,j
0 :

ei,j (t) = d(ppi,j i,j

0 , v(pp , t)) (1)

with ppi,j
0 = pp (t0 ) and e (t0 ) = 0.
i,j i,j

There is one damage per private parameter, but every com-

ponent may have several damages represented by different
private parameters.
The damage depends on stresses. The ageing law ag allows
the calculation of damage e as a function of the damaging
factor values df 1i , ...dfni :

ag : C × T −→ C Figure 1. Modeling of a system Σ damage: ageing laws and
(df1i , ...dfni , t) −→ ei,j (t) = ag(df1i , ...dfni , t) retroaction laws.

It is possible to define a global damaging factor as a combina-

tion of damaging factors, in order to have a unique parameter 3.2. Application: the ageing model of PMSMs
for the ageing law, and to include known ageing laws (de-
3.2.1. The functional model of PMSMs
scribed in Section 2) in this approach.
The functional and structural model of PMSMs is shown on
3.1.4. The retroaction law Figure 2. The PMSM has two components, the stator and
the rotor that are combined to perform the PMSM function:
The stress that undergoes an equipment depends on its en-
to transform supply voltage U ab , Ubc , Uca into a given me-
vironment but also sometimes on its own damage. Indeed a
chanical speed Ω, independantly of the torque C applied by
damaged component often has a more negative impact on its
the environment on the shaft of the PMSM. The stator trans-
environment and on itself. For instance the wear of a com-
forms the voltages into phase currents, I a , Ib , Ic , indepen-
ponent will increase the level of pollution in a mechanical
dantly of the induced voltages E a , Eb , Ec produced by the
system, and pollution is certainly a stress for the component
rotor. The stator private parameters are the phase resistances
and its environment.
Ra , Rb , Rc and inductances L a , Lb , Lc . The rotor transforms
This is modeled by the fact that damaging factors values de- the phase currents into a mechanical speed. Its private param-
pend on the system health state. The function f df assesses a eters are the magnets electromagnetic remanent field B, the
damaging factor rank. The rank may depend only on the sys- rotor inertia J and the friction coefficient K f . The relation-
tem environment. Otherwise, if the rank of a damaging factor ships between parameters are explained in details in (Vinson,
depends on the system health state, the function f df is defined Combacau, & Prado, 2012).
as follows:

fdf : DΣ × Supp(dfli ) −→ IR
dfli −→ r(dfli ) = fdf ({ex,y (t)})

We highlight that the damage depends on damaging factors

through ageing laws and that damaging factors depend on the
damage through the retroaction laws. Figure 1 presents both
the functional and structural model on the first layer and the
ageing model on the second layer. The two models communi-
cate through the private parameters, that is to say through the Figure 2. Modeling of the PMSM.
health state: the ageing model affects the functional model.
All kind of knowledge can be represented with this generic After a Failure Modes Effects Analysis and Criticity two faults
modeling framework, as will be shown on our industrial ap- were selected as candidates for model-based prognosis, corre-
plication. sponding with the two components of the PMSM: inter-turns
short circuits in the stator and demagnetization of a part of
the rotor.

3.2.2. The stator ageing : inter-turns short-circuits pro- The proposed ageing law ag s is then :
A common and critical degradation of PMSMs are short-circuits, es (t) = ag s (Ts , t) = (7)
and especially inter-turns short-circuits, that come from the
stator insulation ageing and degradation. A short-circuit model V and f are constant so we consider that the ageing law only
is proposed in (Vinson, Combacau, & Prado, 2012) and (Vinson, depends on T s . There is a correlation between L and e s that
Combacau, Prado, & Ribot, 2012). There is the creation of is known from experience.
a short-circuit loop in one of the three phases, phase A for
instance. Two fault parameters, R f and Sa , represent the
intensity of the short-circuit. R f is the resistance of the in- Retroaction law Short-circuits increase the temperature T s
sulation at the short-circuit point and progressivly decreases because of the high currents that circulate in the phases and in
until 0Ω in case of direct short-circuit. S a is the percentage the short-circuit loop. The following retroaction law is pro-
of short-circuited turns and varies between 0 and 100%. posed:

The private parameter that represents the damage of the sta- ⎪
⎨ 70◦ C if es (t) < esd
tor is chosen to be the short-circuited phase resistance, R a , ◦
(es , t) = 80 C if ed < e (t) < ep
s s s
Ts (t) = fdf
for the three following reasons. It varies with short-circuit, it ⎪
⎩ ◦
depends on the two fault parameters, R f and Sa , and unlike 90 C if ep < e (t)
s s

them it can actually be measured on a real PMSM. R a , the

equivalent resistance of phase A with the short-circuit loop This is the only retroaction function of the stator ageing model
of resistance Rf , is expressed as: since we consider that there is no influence of the short-circuit
on f and V .
Ra0 Sa (t)Rf (t)
Ra(t) = Ra0 (1 − Sa (t)) + (4)
Ra0 Sa (t) + Rf (t) 3.2.3. The rotor ageing : demagnetization progression
The stator damage e is then: Another degradation that may occur on PMSMs is rotor de-
magnetization, which means that the remanent electromag-
e (t) = |Ra0 − Ra(t)|.
netic field B of one or several magnets decreases. This can
During the stator ageing the damage e s progressivly increases. be due to two kinds of degradation. Cracks or breaks of the
Two thresholds are defined to estimate the gravity of the short- magnets induce air gaps, which consequence at the electro-
circuit: the degradation threshold e sd and the fault threshold magnetic level is the diminution of B. High currents or high
esp . According to the comparison between the damage value temperature variations can modify the physical composition
and these thresholds, the stator is considered nominal when of magnets which also leads to a diminution of their remanent
es (t) < esd , degraded when e sd < es (t) < esp , or faulty when electromagnetic field B.
es (t) > esp . An analytical demagnetization model is proposed in (Vinson,
Combacau, Prado, & Ribot, 2012). The fault parameter is
the percentage of demagnetization of one magnet, which is
proportionnal with the loss of B of this magnet. The private
parameter that represents the damage of the rotor is B. The
Ageing law The insulation degradation is due to thermal rotor damage e r is then :
and electrical stresses. The damaging factors are the magni- er (t) = |B0 − B(t)| (9)
tude V and frequency f of the supply voltage, and the statoric
temperature T S : DF s = {V, f, Ts }.
At every effort cycle the fatigue of the magnet is accumu-
Since no real ageing data are available to estimate the stator lated because it is sized to resist to the effort. There is a
ageing law, a law obtained in (Lahoud, Faucher, Malec, & macroscopically elastic deformation. The maximal number
Maussion, 2011) is used for illustrative purpose. This law was of cycles that the magnet can bear being reached, it breaks
obtained with tests on insulation boards. We consider that the up. From this state, every part of the magnet undertakes a
shape of the law is correct for the stator, and the parameters similar ageing process than the first one until it breaks again.
K1 , K2 , K3 and b values are adjusted to fit with realistic life
During this evolution the brutal rupture of a magnet is ex-
duration known from experience. L is the stator life duration
pressed with the Wohler curve described on Figure 3. It rep-
and depends on the statoric temperature T s :
resents the limit of endurance σ of a material as a function
of a number of fatigue cycles. When the limit is reached the
L(t) = K1 + K2 × exp(−b × Ts (t)) (6) material breaks.

Figure 4. The prognosis algorithm.
Figure 3. The Wohler curve and the mechanical ageing of a
rotor magnet.

We assume that the more the magnet is broken the more it

becomes fragile. Calling N i the date of the i th rupture, we
suppose that ∀i, Ni − Ni−1 > Ni+1 − Ni , because the dura- nosis algorithm is developped here. Its input is the result
tion between two breaks is shorter and shorter. of diagnosis ΔΣ , which allows estimating all the parame-
ter values, even if they are not observable, at current time t.
If the number of cycles between breaks i and i + 1 is divided The prognosis module predicts the future values of damaging
by a factor k > 1 compared with the number of cycles be- factors thanks to retroaction laws (Equation 3). It then pre-
tween breaks i−1 and i, the number of breaks increases more dicts the future values of private parameters thanks to ageing
and more rapidly. We define T x = NNi+1i as the acceleration laws (Equation 7), and the input and ouput parameters values
factor of the degradation. The number n of ruptures at time t thanks to the knowledge of the future external sollicitation of
is defined as: the system, and to the analytical laws between parameters.
log(Tx ) − log(Tx + t × (1 − Tx )) The future values of damages are estimated (Equation 1) and
n(t) = (10) the time of degradation or fault can be predicted. The princi-
log(Tx )
ple of the prognosis operation are presented on Figure 4.
The prognosis operation is similar to a diagnosis operation,
Every break devides the remanent induction of a factor K >
but realized in the future. The main difference is that pa-
1, due to the air gap. We obtain a law giving the remanent
rameters values are predicted instead of being observed. The
induction as a function of the number of use cycles. The pro-
parameters or damaging factors are observable if their value
posed rotor ageing law ag r , is then:
at current time is known, for instance they are measured with
er (t) = ag r (t) = B0 (1 − K n(t) ) (11) sensors. The parameters or damaging factors are predictible if
their future value can be estimated thanks to the ageing model
In this ageing law, the only considered damaging factor is the or the functional model. The sets of predictible parameters
time (i.e. the number of fatigue cycles). As a perspective, if and damaging factors are P pred ⊂ P and DF pred ⊂ DF .
sufficient data are available, it would be possible to add other The prognosis is a sequence of diagnoses realized at future
damaging factors, such as short-circuit currents I cc or statoric degradation time t i , until the fault time t f :
temperature T s , that may accelerate the rotor degradation.
ΠΣ (t) = {ΔΣ (t), ΔΣ (t1 ), . . . , ΔΣ (tf )} (12)
The prognosis algorithm uses the generic formalism devel-
4.1. The generic prognosis method
opped in this paper, as shown in Algorithm 1. It is developped
A Health-Monitoring module is proposed in (Vinson et al., on Matlab and needs to be validated on degradation and fault
2013). It is based on the generic model of the system and data. Since no real data are available, a virtual prototype is
comprises a fault detection and diagnosis module. The prog- built on Matlab Simulink.

Algorithme 1 P rognosis To model the virtual prototype we consider the following hy-
Input: Σ, t, ΔΣ pothesis:
Output: ΠΣ (t) • the ambiant temperature is constant (the ventilation is
Initialization: k ← 1 working well) ;
while RU L = 0 do
t ← t + Δt • the motor shell acts as a constant thermal resistance R th2 ,
for all ppi,k ∈ PP do and a uniform temperature ;
r(ppi,k ) = rxΣ (ppi,k ) % values known from diagnosis
end for • the insulator acts as a constant thermal resistance R th1 ;
for all dfli ∈ DF do • the winding temperature is uniform ;
r(dfli ) = fdf ({r(ppi,k )}) • only the steady state is considered since the transcient
end for
for all ppi,j ∈ PP ipred do state is short.
r(ppi,j ) = ag i,j ({dfli })
end for
for all ipi,j = st(opk,l , t) ∈ IP ipred do Variation of the short-circuit resistance The ageing law
allows deducing the short-circuit resistance value R f . The
ipi,j (t) = opk,l (t)
end for health points P V are used to correlate the life duration L with
for all opi,j ∈ OP ipred do Rf .
opi,j (t) = ar({pi,k }) The initial number of health points P V 0 corresponds with the
end for
for all ppi,j ∈ PP pred do initial life duration value L 0 . Between t and t+dt the propor-
if ei,j ≥ ei,j tion of consumed health points is P V (t)−P V (t+dt) = L(t) dt
x then
tk ← t so  t
go out of loop 1
P V (t) = .dz (13)
end if 0 L(z)
end for
Diagnose the system at time t k The integration of the ageing law can be done by approxima-
ΠΣ (t) ← ΔΣ (tk ) tion with a piecewise continuous function having the value
k ←k+1 L(T (tk+1 )) between times tk and tk+1 :
end while
Return {ΠΣ }

P V (0) =0
(tk+1 −tk )
P V (tk+1 ) = P V (tk ) + L(T (tk+1 ))
4.2. Development of a virtual prototype
The virtual prototype is a very precise and complete func- To the best of our knowledge the law that gives the short-
tional and ageing model of the PMSMs. It is used only for circuit evolution as a function of health points does not exist.
simulation purposes in order to obtain a realistic set of data We choose an exponential shape because we assume that the
to validate the prognosis algoristhm, built with a simple func- degradation accelerates with time:
tional and ageing model of PMSMs. In the virtual prototype
the equation of dissipation of thermal power allows predict- P V (t) − P V0
ing the stator temperature T s . Phase resistances are computed Rf (t) = Rf 0 (1 − exp(−k )). (15)
P V0
thanks to an ageing law that depends on T s , V and f , and
thanks to the equation of copper resistivity that depends on
Ts . This coupled phenomena are represented on Figure 5. Variation of phases resistivity At temperature T the resis-
tance R of a coil is R(T ) = (ρ(T ) × L)/s, where l is the
length of the cable and s is its section. T 0 is the nominal
temperature, R 0 = R(T0 ). Besides the short-circuited phase
resistance modification due to the short-circuit loop with re-
sistance Rf , the three phase resistances R a , Rb and Rc re-
spect the following equation:

R(T ) = R(T0 ) + × (ρ(T ) − ρ(T0 )) (16)
Figure 5. Virtual prototype: relationships between stator tem- where the copper resistivity is ρ(T ) = 17.24 × (1 + 4.2 ×
perature and phase resistance 10−3 × (T − 20)) × 10−6 .

stator health state
4 2

2 1 Dégraded
4.18 4.2 4.22 4.24 4.26 4.28 4.3 0
t (h) 5 4.18 4.2 4.22 4.24 4.26 4.28 4.3
x 10 t (h) 5
5 x 10
x 10

Ts (°C)

50 prediction 1
prediction 2
real 2 real
Figure 6. Evolution of the short-circuit resistance R f during 4.18 4.2 4.22 4.24
t (h)
4.26 4.28 4.3 4.18 4.2 4.22 4.24 4.26 4.28 4.3
x 10
t (h) 5
an inter-turns short-circuit. x 10

Figure 8. Results obtained by the diagnosis and prognosis

algorithms on a short-circuit scenario.

every time when a threshold is passed by the statoric damage.

It can predict the future values of the statoric temperature T s
thanks to the retroaction law described by 8 (bottom-left on
Figure 8). It can then predict the life duration L of the stator
thanks to the ageing law represented by Equation 7 (bottom-
right on Figure 8. Two predictions are realized with two dif-
Figure 7. Evolution of the stator temperature T s during an ferent values of the parameter b (Equation 7), in order to rep-
inter-turns short-circuit. resent uncertainties on the ageing law. The real life duration
can be compared with the two predicted life duration.

Thermal power dissipation 5. C ONCLUSION

Ts = (Rth1 + Rth2 ) × Pd + Ta (17) In this paper a study about related work on existing ageing
models and prognosis methods was first proposed. It moti-
vated the idea of designing a generic ageing modeling frame-
The stator temperature is obtained from the dissipated sta-
work in order to represent every kind of known ageing law,
toric thermal power P d , that depends on phase resistance R a ,
whatever the nature of available knowledge. Indeed it can be
Rb and Rc , on the short-circuit intensity through S a and Rf ,
experience-based, data-driven, or physics-based ageing mod-
and on phase and short-circuit currents. The equation can be
found on (Vinson et al., 2013).
The proposed generic modeling framework contains all infor-
4.3. Application: Permanent Magnet Synchronous Ma- mation to perform diagnosis and prognosis. Besides a diagno-
chine prognosis sis algorithm presented in details in a previous paper (Vinson
et al., 2013), a prognosis algorithm is developped based on
A short-circuit scenario is simulated on the virtual prototype.
this genereic ageing model. It uses predictible parameters
The resulting fault resistance and statoric temperature can be
and damaging factors to estimate the future degradation and
seen on Figures 6 and 7. The short-circuit resistance de-
faults occurrences.
creases progressivly with the short-circuit, until 0Ω when the
short-circuit is direct. Meanwhile, the statoric temperature An application is shown on Permanent Magnet Synchronous
progressivly increases with the degradation. Machines, which ageing is succesfully modeled by the pro-
posed method. A virtual short-circuit scenario is predicted by
During the degradation progression, phase currents are ob-
the prognosis algorithm. When implemented in service, this
served on the virtual prototype. This allows the diagnosis of
prognosis will allow anticipating any maintenance operation
the stator and the PMSM thanks to the diagnosis algorithm
for PMSMs.
developped in (Vinson, Combacau, Prado, & Ribot, 2012)
which uses a short-circuit indicator based on the phase cur- The developed modeling framework and prognosis algorithm
rents. The damage e s is estimated thanks to the diagnosis are intended to be applied to other critical equipment in aero-
algorithm, as shown on the top left of Figure 8. The diagno- nautics, such as hydraulic pumps or electromechanical ac-
sis module asseses the health-state of the stator according to tuators. In order to adjust the proposed ageing model with
the damage value: it is first nominal, the degraded, and then ageing and retroaction laws, it seems essential to perform
faulty (top-right on Figure 8). The progonosis module is run some degradation tests. The generic ageing model we pro-

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