4 Wind Turbine Generators

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Director and Group Head (Rtd.)
Engineering Service Division
National Institute of Wind Energy,
[email protected]

The Generator is the component of the Wind turbine that
transforms mechanical energy in to electrical energy. While the
blades transfer the kinetic energy of the wind to rotational energy
in the transmission system, the generators converts this energy as
electrical energy and supplies to the grid.
Power Conversion

Generators are electromechanical components. A generator

consists of a stator and rotor. The rotor may consist of magnet or a
cage of conducting bars. The rotor is located in the centre of the
stator, which consist of a static arrangement of electromagnets.
There are two broad classications of wind turbines from the
electrical power generation point of view, xed speed turbines
with a generator directly connected to the grid and variable speed
integrated through power electronics converters. This paper
explains starting from the factors to be considered while
selecting a generator for wind turbine application, constructions
and characteristics of induction and synchronous generators,
modern trends in the generators.
24th International Training Course on
नीवे NIWE
Wind Turbine Technology and Applications
(ISO 9001:2008)

Generator Principle
According to faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, when the magnetic ux linkage with a
circuit changes or whenever a conductor cuts across magnetic lines of ux, then an
electromagnetic force (e.m.f) induced in that conductor. The magnitude of the induced e.m.f is
proportional to the rate of change of ux linkage.
In A.C generators, a standard construction consists of armature windings mounted on a
stationary element called 'stator', and eld winding on a rotating element called 'rotor'. When the
rotor is rotated by the prime mover, the stator winding or conductors are cut by the magnetic ux
of the rotor poles. Hence, an e.m.f is induced in the stator conductor, since the rotor poles are
alternating as north (N) and south(S), they induce an alternating e.m.f in the stator conductors.
The frequency of this induced e.m.f is given by
f= PN/120
P=no of poles
N= speed in rpm

The e.m.f generated in the stator conductors is taken out from the three leads connected to the
stator winding.
Classication of Generators
According to the principle of operation of A.C Generators it can be classied in to two major
groups. Various Types of generators in each group are given below:
1.Asynchronous (induction) generator:
· Squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG); (See Figure 5, Type A)
· Wound rotor induction generator (WRIG)
· OptiSlip induction generator (OSIG)
· Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG).
2.Synchronous generator:
· Wound rotor generator (WRSG);
· Permanent magnet generator (PMSG).

National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai
नीवे NIWE
(ISO 9001:2008)

A. Squirrel Cage type:


Ÿ The three phases Induction machine has three identical windings that are symmetrically
distributed around the inner surface of the laminated cylindrical shell called the stator.
Ÿ Laminated rotor inside carrier a winding consisting of bar connected to two shorting rings at
both ends is called squirrel cage type rotor
Ÿ Squirrel cage rotor can be adapted to any number of stator poles.
Ÿ But windings of the Slip ring rotor must be wounded for the same number of poles as for the

Figure 2: Cage Rotor

Working principle:

Induction machine which works on the electromagnetic principle can be operated either as motor
or generator depends on whether it is operating below / above the synchronous speed. For
explanation purpose let us consider a simple induction motor.Figure 2: Cage RotorWhen a three
phase constant A.C supply is given to the three phase stator winding, a rotating magnetic eld
(R.M.F) of constant magnitude is produced. The speed of the rotating magnetic eld is
synchronous speed, Ns r.p.m.

The speed of the rotating magnetic eld Ns = 120f


f=Supply Frequency
p= number of Poles for which stator winding is wound

24th International Training Course on
नीवे NIWE
Wind Turbine Technology and Applications
(ISO 9001:2008)

At this instance the rotor is stationary and the stator ux is rotating. So it's obvious that there
exists a relative motion between R.M.F and rotor conductors. Due to that an e.m.f will be induced
in the rotor conductors called rotor induced e.m.f. This is known as electro-magnetic induction.
As rotor forms closed circuit, induced e.m.f circulates current through rotor called rotor current.
Any current carrying conductors produces it's own ux, here rotor ux. Now the rotor current
produces the relative velocity between the rotating stator ux and the stationary rotor
conductors. Hence, to reduce the relative speed, the rotor starts running in the same direction as
that of ux and try to catch up with the rotating ux. This is the simple induction motor principle.

In the same motor, if you rotate its rotor with the help of a prime mover above the synchronous
speed then it will act as a generator and power can be delivered from the stator. Why because,
during motor operation, the stator experiences a constantly changing magnetic eld, being
dragged round by its rotating magnetic eld. During this process, electrical current is induced in
the stator, which results in a power consumption. In the same way, when it is working as a
generator, the rotating eld however acts as a brake in slowing the rotor. The stator experiences a
variable magnetic eld from the rotor that “drags” its rotating magnetic eld and thereby induces
an electrical current in the stator. In comparison to motor operation the induced currents in the
rotor and stator will ow in the opposite direction, which means that power will be sent to the
grid. The faster the rotor turns in relation to the rotating magnetic eld of the stator, the greater the
induction in the stator and the greater the production of power.

Slip Speed

Let N-Speed of the rotor

Ns-Synchronous speed

The difference between these two speed is known as slip speed. Slip is denoted by the symbol 's'.
Usually it is measured as a percentage of the synchronous speed.

The speed of the rotor, in case of generator is,

N = Ns (1+s)

So it is understood that slip of induction motor cannot be zero.

Slip –Torque Curve of Induction Machine

The torque developed by the induction machine is given by

Where R2=rotor resistance, s= slip ,E2 and X2 are rotor voltage and rotor reactance.
It is clear that when the slip is zero, torque also zero, hence the curve starts from zero point. At
normal speeds, close to synchronism, the term sX2 is small and hence negligible w.r.t R2 . Hence
for small values of slip, the torque is directly proportional to slip.

As slip increases, the torque also increases and become maximum when s=R2/X2 . As the slip

National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai
नीवे NIWE
(ISO 9001:2008)

increases, then R2 become negligible as compare to sX2 . Therefore for large values of slip
torque is inversely proportional to slip

Figure 3:Slip-Torque characteristic of an Induction Machine

Condition for maximum torque

Torque under running condition is maximum, when the value of slip 's' which makes rotor
reactance per phase equal to rotor resistance per phase. So it is possible to achieve maximum
torque at different slip values by adding rotor resistance corresponding to the rotor reactance

Figure 4: Effect of rotor resistance on the torque slip curve

24th International Training Course on
नीवे NIWE
Wind Turbine Technology and Applications
(ISO 9001:2008)

Rotor Frequency: Fr=sf

Rotor Voltage:
According to working principle, three phases Induction machine is compared with two
winding transformer. The expression of rotor voltage is,
Er=4.44fфT Volts


The most common generator used in wind turbines is the induction generator. It has several

1. Robustness and mechanical simplicity

2. As it is produced in large series, it also has a low price.
3. No Separate excitation required

The major disadvantages are:
1. The stator needs a reactive magnetizing current and consumes reactive power.
2. Comparatively efciency is less
3. Variable speed operation could not be achieved in simple induction machine

B. Wound rotor induction generator (Slip ring type)

Ÿ In the case of a WRIG, the electrical characteristics of the rotor can be controlled from the
outside, and thereby a rotor voltage can be impressed. The windings of the wound rotor can be
externally connected through slip rings and brushes or by means of power electronic
equipment, which may or may not require slip rings and brushes.
Ÿ By using power electronics, the power can be extracted or impressed to the rotor circuit and
the generator can be magnetized from either the stator circuit or the rotor circuit. It is thus also
possible to recover slip energy from the rotor circuit and feed it into the output of the stator.

The wind turbine industry uses most commonly the following WRIG congurations:
(1) The OptiSlip induction generator (OSIG), used in the Type B concept and
(2) The doubly-fedinduction generator (DFIG) concept, used in the Type C conguration (see
gure below).

OptiSlip induction generator

Ÿ The OptiSlip feature was introduced by the Danish manufacturer Vestas in order to minimize
the load on the wind turbine during gusts.
Ÿ The OptiSlip feature allows the generator to have a variable slip (narrow range) and to choose
the optimum slip, resulting in smaller uctuations in the drive train torque and in the power
Ÿ The variable slip is a very simple, reliable and cost-effective way to achieve load reductions
compared with more complex solutions such as full variable-speed wind turbines using full-
scale converters.
Ÿ OSIGs are WRIGs with a variable external rotor resistance attached to the rotor windings (see

National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai
नीवे NIWE
(ISO 9001:2008)

below Figure 5, Type B). The slip of the generator is changed by modifying the total rotor
resistance by means of a converter, mounted on the rotor shaft. The converter is optically
controlled, which means that no slip rings e necessary. The stator of the generator is connected
directly to the grid.

Figure 5

24th International Training Course on
नीवे NIWE
Wind Turbine Technology and Applications
(ISO 9001:2008)


The advantages of this generator concept are

Ÿ A simple circuit topology, no need for slip rings and an improved operating speed range
compared with the SCIG.
Ÿ To a certain extent, this concept can reduce the mechanical loads and power uctuations
caused by gusts. However, it still requires a reactive power compensation system.


The disadvantages are:

Ÿ The speed range is typically limited to 0–10 %, as it is dependent on the size of the
variable rotor resistance;
Ÿ Reactive power consumption
Ÿ The slip power is dissipated in the variable resistance as losses.

Doubly-fed induction generator

Ÿ The DFIG consists of a WRIG with the stator windings directly connected to the constant-
frequency three-phase grid and with the rotor windings mounted to a bidirectional back-to-
back IGBT voltage source converter (see Figure 5, Type C)
Ÿ The term 'doubly fed' refers to the fact that the voltage on the stator is applied from the grid and
the voltage on the rotor is induced by the power converter.
Ÿ This system allows a variable-speed operation over a large, but restricted, range. The
converter compensates the difference between the mechanical and electrical frequency by
injecting a rotor current with a variable frequency.
Ÿ The power converter consists of two converters, the rotor-side converter and grid-side
converter, which are controlled independently of each other.
Ÿ The main idea is that the rotor-side converter controls the active and reactive power by
controlling the rotor current components, while the line-side converter controls the DC-link

National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai
नीवे NIWE
(ISO 9001:2008)

voltage and ensures a converter operation at unity power factor (i.e. zero reactive power).
Ÿ Depending on the operating condition of the drive, power is fed into or out of the rotor: in
super synchronous situation, it ows from the rotor via the converter to the grid, whereas it
ows in the opposite direction in sub synchronous situation.
Ÿ In both cases – sub synchronous and super synchronous – the stator feeds energy into the grid,
similar to the any Induction generator.


The DFIG has several advantages.

Ÿ It has the ability to control reactive power and to decouple active and reactive power control
by independently controlling the rotor excitation current.
Ÿ The DFIG has not necessarily to be magnetized from the power grid; it can be magnetized
from the rotor circuit, too.
Ÿ It is also capable of generating reactive power that can be delivered to the stator by the grid-
side converter. However, the grid-side converter normally operates at unity power factor and
is not involved in the reactive power exchange between the turbine and the grid.
Ÿ In the case of a weak grid, where the voltage may uctuate, the DFIG may be ordered to
produce or absorb an amount of reactive power to or from the grid, with the purpose of voltage
Ÿ The size of the converter is not related to the total generator power but to the selected speed
range and hence to the slip power. Thus the cost of the converter increases when the speed
range around the synchronous speed becomes wider. The selection of the speed range is
therefore based on the economic optimization of investment costs and on increased

A drawback of the DFIG is the inevitable need for slip rings.

Ÿ Introduction:
Ÿ The synchronous generator is much more expensive and mechanically more complicated
than an induction generator of a similar size. However, it has one clear advantage compared
with the induction generator, namely, that it does not need a reactive magnetizing current.
Ÿ The magnetic eld in the synchronous generator can be created by using permanent magnets
or with a conventional eld winding. If the synchronous generator has a suitable number of
poles (a multipole WRSG or a multipole PMSG), it can be used for direct-drive applications

24th International Training Course on
नीवे NIWE
Wind Turbine Technology and Applications
(ISO 9001:2008)

without any gearbox.

Ÿ As a synchronous machine, it is probably most suited for full power control as it is connected
to the grid through a power electronic converter. The converter has two primary goals:
Ÿ To act as an energy buffer for the power uctuations caused by inherently gusting wind energy
and for the transients coming from the net side, and To control the magnetization and to avoid
problems by remaining synchronous with the grid frequency.
Ÿ Two classical types of synchronous generators have often been used in the windturbine
Ÿ The wound rotor synchronous generator (WRSG) and
Ÿ The permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG).

Wounded rotor Synchronous Generator

Ÿ The basic elements of the synchronous machine are the
stator and the rotor Stator:
Ÿ The stator is the stationary part of the alternator and is
made of think laminations of highly permeable steel to
reduce the losses.
Ÿ The stator has sufcient number of slots in its inner
periphery the conductors are placed in these slots in a
suitable way. The ends of the conductors are connected
either in star or delta. Figure 6: Synchronous


It is inner part of the alternator. The rotor contains the eld windings which re energized by
direct current from the separate DC source. These are two types of rotor used in the
alternator. They are
1. Salient pole type
2. Non Salient pole type

Salient pole type

National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai
नीवे NIWE
(ISO 9001:2008)

1. Salient pole type:

Ÿ It have many poles as many as 50.For this reason, the salient pole type rotor is used in low
and medium speed alternator
Ÿ It is xed to the shaft of the alternator by bolts
Ÿ In this type, the air gap between the stator and rotor is not uniform

2. Non salient pole type:

Figure 7: Cut section view of Synchronous AC Generator with a solid cylindrical rotor
capable of high speed rotation

Ÿ Rotor made up of smooth solid steel and the air gap is uniform
Ÿ This rotor is used in large generator with the number of pole two or four
Ÿ Working principle:
Ÿ Rotor winding of the Alternator is initially energized by the DC exciter
Ÿ Figure 7: Cut section view of Synchronous AC Generator with a solid cylindrical rotor
capable of high speed rotation
Ÿ A DC eld current ows through the rotor eld winding that establishes the ux in the air gap
Ÿ This ux does not vary with time. A rotation eld of constant magnitude is provided in the air
gap when the rotor rotates by a prime mover
Ÿ The stator or armature conductors are cut by this rotating ux.
Ÿ Consequently, a voltage is induced in the armature conductors due to the Electromagnetic
induction. If the rotor rotates continuously, then the three phase AC voltage will be induced in
the armature conductor.
The induced voltage have same magnitude by are phase shifted by 120 electrical degrees. The
rotor speed and the frequency of the induced voltages are felted by the following relations.


Ÿ EMF equation of an Alternator:

24th International Training Course on
नीवे NIWE
Wind Turbine Technology and Applications
(ISO 9001:2008)

Power and torque expression:

A synchronous generator is a synchronous machine that converts its mechanical Input
power into three phase electrical power

The expression of real power is

The expression of reactive power is

In an alternator, the armature R is very small as compared to synchronous reactance and it

can be neglected for simplication

Now real power and reactive power becomes

Assessment criteria for the Electrical Generators in Wind Turbines

The assessment criteria for different generator system can be assessed against the background
of the different operating conditions. Some of the criteria as follows,

National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai
नीवे NIWE
(ISO 9001:2008)

1. Dynamic behavior of xed-speed operation parallel to grid

2. Speed range
3. Controllability
4. Reactive power
5. Interference effect with the grid
6. Synchronization
7. Behavior with dropped load
8. Efciency
9. Cost
10. Maintenance and reliability

Indian Standards

Some of the Indian standards (IS) for the generators are given below
IS 325 Three phase induction Motors
IS 4722 Rotating Electrical machines
IS 12802 Temperature rise measurement of rotating electrical machines

References :

1. Wind power in power systems : Thomas Ackermann

2. Wind turbines : Erich Hau
3. Wind power integration connection and system operational aspects by FOX ET AL.
4. IEC 61400-1, Third Edition, Wind Turbines – Part 1: Design requirements.


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