Haj & Umarah Ka Tarika - English

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Compiled by
Expression of Gratitude
Many many thanks to Almighty Allah, Who is
Lord of the Worlds. It is Almighty Allah's kindness
and benevol ence t hat HE has gi ven me an
opportunity to perform UMRAH and HAJJ. Based
on this experience Almighty Allah has bestowed me
with the ability to write and publish this booklet in
URDU for the guidance of the prospective HAJIS. I
pray to Almighty Allah, to accept this insignificant
effort and make this a tool for the gratification of my
parents and myself - Aameen.
It is requested that HAJIS before reading this
booklet, should read books which cover all topics of
the pilgrimage exhaustively.
Request for Dua
1st Edition: 2000 M.A.Shakoor
After the First Publication in the year 2000,
father had already worked on the revision of the
booklet in Urdu. At the same time near complete
translation of the booklet in English was done.
Unfortunately, before the booklet in Urdu/English
could be published he passed away on 25-01-2007.
Now t he second edi t i on of t he bookl et i n
Urdu/English is published.
2nd Edition: Urdu/English 2009
Audit Officer (Retd), AGs Office, Hyd
H.No. 16-3-833, Chanchalguda,
Hyderabad, A.P. 500024, Phone No. 24528228.
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exception is on the day of Qurbani (sacrifice) in
HAJJ and days of Tashreeq (9/10/11/12/13 of Dhul
Hijja) as per the fiqh of Imam Abu Hanifah .
There are Two FARZ in Umrah
a) Ihraam b) Tawaf
There are Two WAJIBAT
a) Saiee between SAFA and MARWAH
b) Doing Halaq (Shaving of Head)
In IHRAAM there are two FARZ
a) Niyyat (Intention) b) Talbiyah
There is one FARZ in Tawaf and it is Niyyat
In Saiee the first four Circuits (Shawts) are FARZ.
After completing bath/Wudu (ablutions) then
Pilgrim will wear the Ihraam. Hair oil can be applied
to head. For the Ihraam, Two clean seamless white
linen, woolen or towel sheets (preferably new ones)
is required. Each sheet of Ihraam is to measure 2
yards x 1.25 yards. One of the white sheet should be
wrapped around waist in such a way that it starts
from left and moves on to the right side in anti
clockwise direction and then end on the left side of
the waist (similar to wearing Lungi). Drape the other
white sheet over left shoulder, back and right
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Literary meaning of UMRAH is to have intention
of any Inhabited place, and as per Shariah or
conventionally it means to have intention of Holy
Kaaba. Technically it means to do Tawaf of Holy
Kaaba and Saiee between Hillocks of Safa and
Marwah. Conventionally it is also known as Hajjul
Asghar (Lesser Pilgrimage).
In One's lifetime it is Farz for any Individual like
HAJJ. More than one time it is Nafil as per Imam
Shafaiee , Imam Ahmad-ibn-Hambal , Dawood
Zaahiri , Ishaq , Sufyan Soury etc. It is Sunna
as per Imam Abu Hanifah and Abu Saur .
For UMRAH there is no Specific time. This can
be done any time during the year except during the
time of HAJJ. As per Imam Abu Yosuf the
exception is for 9th of Dhul Hijja(Arafa). The
7) Words of Talbiyah

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"Here I am ! O Allah ! Here I am ! Here I am !

there is no one who is Your Partner, Here I am !
surely, all praise and blessings are Yours, and
Dominion. You are without Companion".
8) Way to Journey
Pilgrims proceeding by Air for Hajj / Umrah
from Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai,
Delhi, etc will wear Ihraam from their places of
residential cities. These cities will become similar to
There are two types of Meeqat.
a) Meeqat Makani b) Meeqat Zamani.
Meeqat Makani means the place where after
reaching, the pilgrims will wear Ihraam for Hajj or
Umrah or for both.
Meeqat Zamani (Period) means, it is that
period in which Hajj is necessary. Or in other
words wearing Ihraam for Hajj is Mustahab in the
shoulder. The right edge of the sheet should fall and
rest on the left shoulder. The lower sheet of the
Ihraam should be above the ankles. After this, cover
the head with the upper sheet of the Ihraam and
offer two Rakat Nafil prayers and in the first Rakat
after Sura Al Fateha recite "Sura Al Kafeeroon" |

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and in the second Rakat after Sura Al

Fateha recite "Sura Al Ikhlaas" |

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completion of prayers remove the upper white sheet
from the head and after this Pilgrim has to do the
Niyyat (Intention) of UMRAH:

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"O Allah! I intend to perform UMRAH, make it
easy for me and accept it from me".
Male pilgrims to recite Talbiyah 3 times loudly
and female pilgrims to recite Talbiyah 3 times in a
low voice.
Once t he Pi l gri m wears t he Ihraam, t he
regulations of Ihraam come immediately into force.
6) Rule of Talbiyah
Reciting of Talbiyah is Farz only one time at the
time of Niyyat (Intention) under the fiqh of Imam
Abu Hanifah. Pilgrim must recite Talbiyah
countless time throughout the pilgrimage journey.
Talbiyah should be immediately stopped at the
beginning of Tawaf.
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In normal t i mes aft er reachi ng Makkah
Mouzzama, room is taken on hire by the Pilgrim of
UMRAH and the luggage is kept safely in the room.
After this Pilgrim will enter MASJID UL HARAM
(Baithullah) from BAB US SALAM or any other
doors. It is Masnoon to put the right foot first in
Haram and say:

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"O Allah I seek forgiveness for all sins and

request You to expand the doors of Mercy on me".
The moment after entering Masjid Ul Haram,
Pilgrims while going near to KAABA stop on the
way for a while as they see Holy KAABA and offer
three times the TAKBIR. During the recitation of
TAKBIR keep the sight fixed on Holy KAABA.

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"Allah is Great ! Allah is Great ! Allah is Great
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and
He is Great".
months of Hajj and it is makruh to wear Ihraam
for Hajj in other months. It is the saying of Allah

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months" i.e months of Shawwal, Zeeqadah and till
10th of Dhul Hijja.
Natives of INDIA have the Meeqat boundary at
YALAMLAM on the way to Jeddah which is 75
miles before Jeddah. Pilgrims travelling by AIR
will have difficulty in wearing Ihraam exactly at
YALAMLAM i nsi de t he ai rcraft whi ch i s
practically not possible.
From the residential place of city, Pilgrims will
be travelling by Aeroplanes to Jeddah or Madinah.
On reaching the Airports of Jeddah or Madinah, they
will have to meet the Muallim whose name is
endorsed i n t he Passport and compl et e t he
formalities with him. After reaching Jeddah the
Pilgrims will proceed to Holy Makkah by Taxi and
reach their place of stay. For Hajj, the pilgrims will
stay in the designated building rented by Muallim.
One wrist belt will be given to each pilgrim by the
Muallim for the Hajj pilgrims. It has to be worn till
the journey for home country is undertaken.
"O ALLAH! I desire to perform Tawaf of Your
Sacred House. So make it easy for me and accept it
from me".
Now move, slightly towards the right side and be
opposite to HAJRE ASWAD (coming in straight
line of Hajre Aswad), raise your hands like in
Namaz as far as your ears and palms facing Hajre
Aswad read Takbir and Hamd.

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"In the name of Allah, Allah is Great and all
Praise is due to Allah alone".
After this drop down the hands and come to
Hajre Aswad and kiss it in a humble manner. If due
to rush, kissing of Hajre Aswad is not possible then
touch it and kiss the palms. If due to rush going near
Hajre Aswad is not possible then from a distance
only do ISTELAM (Make indication of touching
Hajre Aswad by your hands and then kiss the
palms). If in the hand there is a stick, then touch
Hajre Aswad with the stick and kiss the stick which
is Mustahab. While doing ISTELAM or kissing
Hajre Aswad pilgrim should say |

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and it is Masnun. While passing from Hajre Aswad
keep your face straight and walk in such a way that
Keep your sight fixed on Holy Kaaba and do this
supplication that O ALLAH! accept this supplication
that hereafter, whatever justified supplication I do is
accepted i.e. to make me Mustajabud Daawaat.
(Touching or Kissing)
Now the pligrim should move towards HAJRE
ASWAD and if no place is available near it,
Pilgrim should stand in the direction of HAJRE
ASWAD, so that the left of HAJRE ASWAD is
onto the right side of the right shoulder of
Pilgrim. Now the pilgrim should do IDTIBA (The
one end of upper cloth sheet of Ihraam should be
taken from underneath the right armpit and put on
to the top of the left shoulder). This way right
hand and right shoulder is not covered and they
are free from the cloth.
Before starting of Tawaf, recitation of Talbiyah
shall be stopped. Niyyat (Intention) of Tawaf is now
done ( It is Farz).

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Tawaf consist of seven Shawts (circuits). One
Shawt is passing from Hajre Aswad, Multazim, Bab
Baithullah, Hatim and Rukn-e-yamani thereby
finally reaching the starting point i.e. Hajre Aswad.
Supplications for the seven circuits with the titles:
The titles of the seven circuits is so kept that it is
easy to remember, to do supplication and keep track
of counting of the circuits. It is very important to
keep the count of circuits.
(First circuit supplication from Hajre Aswad to


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Holy Kaaba will be on the left side. While doing

Tawaf do not turn your face towards Holy kaaba,
otherwise that circuit will not be counted. Now start
the Tawaf from the right side of Hajre Aswad i.e
passing through Multazim, door of Baithullah,
Hateem and Rukn-e-Yamani and then complete the
circuit at Hajre Aswad. In the first three Circuits
male Pilgrims will do RAMAL. (It is to walk
hurriedly with forceful and narrow paces from Hajre
Aswad to Hajre Aswad). While doing Tawaf in
every circuit at Rukn-e-Yamani (the last corner of
Holy Kaaba before you reach Hajre Aswad) touch
and feel and then proceed ahead. Due to heavy rush
if it is not possible then Pilgrim shoul d do
ISTELAM. Here also the chest should not face the
Holy Kaaba. Between Rukn-e-Yamani and Hajre
Aswad recite this supplication.
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"Our Lord! give us goodness in this world and
goodness her eaft er, and save us from t he
chastisement of fire and enter us in Paradise
alongwith the righteous ones, O Powerful, O All
Forgiving, O Lord of the Universe".
(Second circuit supplication from Hajre Aswad
to Rukn-e-Yamani).

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"O Allah! This House is Thy House and this

Haram is Thy Haram, and this security is Thy
security, and this slave is Thy slave. I am Thy slave
and son of Thy slave. And this place is a refuge from
the fires of Hell for him who seeks Thy protection.
Forbid our flesh and our bodies to the Fire. O Allah!
Endear to us the Faith, and adorn with it our hearts,
and make hateful to us disbelief, wickedness and
transgression, and cause us to be among those who
are rightly guided. O Allah! Protect me from Thy
punishment on the Day when Thou shalt resurrect
"All Glory is to Allah! All Praise is to Allah!
There is nobody worthy of worship but Allah!
Allah is the Greatest. There is no power nor strength
except that from Allah, The Most High, The
Greatest! Peace and Salutation be on the Prophet of
Allah, Muhammad
. O Allah! By my faith in Thee,
and by my belief in thy Book, and in fulfillment of
the vows I made to Thee, and following the Sunnah
of Thy beloved Prophet Muhammad
. O Allah!
Truly I ask thy forgiveness, and thy protection, and
everlasting soundness in Faith in this world and in
the Hereafter, and that I be granted Paradise and be
freed from the fires of Hell".
St op t hi s s uppl i ca t i on a f t er r e achi ng
Rukn-e-Yamani . Aft er doi ng ISTELAM of
Rukn-e-Yamani and while proceeding to Hajre
Aswad pilgrim to recite this supplication.
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"Our Lord! give us goodness in this world and
goodness her eaft er, and save us from t he
chastisement of fire and enter us in Paradise
alongwith the righteous ones, O Powerful, O All
Forgiving, O Lord of the Universe".
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"O Allah! Truly, I seek refuge in Thee from
doubt and from associating with Thee others (in
worship), and from di scord, hypocrisy, and
immorality, and from returning home to see my
family and my children in evil state of affairs. O
Allah! Truly I ask Thee for Thy pleasure and that I
be allowed to enter Paradise. And I take refuge in
Thee from Thy anger and from the fire of Hell. O
Allah! I seek refuge in Thee from falling from Thy
grace in my grave and from the temptations in this
life and trails at the time of death".
St op t hi s s uppl i ca t i on a f t er r e achi ng
Rukn-e-Yamani . Aft er doi ng ISTELAM of
Rukn-e-Yamani and while proceeding to Hajre
Aswad pilgrim to recite this supplication.
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"Our Lord! give us goodness in this world and
goodness her eaft er, and save us from t he
chastisement of fire and enter us in Paradise
alongwith the righteous ones, O Powerful, O All
Forgiving, O Lord of the Universe".
Thy Slaves. O Allah! Allow me to enter Paradise
without any accounting".
St op t hi s s uppl i ca t i on a f t er r e achi ng
Rukn-e-Yamani . Aft er doi ng ISTELAM of
Rukn-e-Yamani and while proceeding to Hajre
Aswad pilgrim to recite this supplication.
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"Our Lord! give us goodness in this world and
goodness her eaft er, and save us from t he
chastisement of fire and enter us in Paradise
alongwith the righteous ones, O Powerful, O All
Forgiving, O Lord of the Universe".
(Third circuit supplication from Hajre Aswad to

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wort hy of Thy Mercy, and cert ai n of Thy
Forgiveness, and immune to all sins, and be worthy
of rewards for all my virtues, and be worthy of
entering Paradise and be immune from Hell. O my
Lord! Make me content with what Thou has
bestowed upon me. And let Thy Blessings be with
what Thou has given me. And compensate all that I
lack with Thy own favour".
St op t hi s s uppl i ca t i on a f t er r e achi ng
Rukn-e-Yamani . Aft er doi ng ISTELAM of
Rukn-e-Yamani and while proceeding to Hajre
Aswad pilgrim to recite this supplication.
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"Our Lord! give us goodness in this world and
goodness her eaft er, and save us from t he
chastisement of fire and enter us in Paradise
alongwith the righteous ones, O Powerful, O All
Forgiving, O Lord of the Universe".
(Fourth circuit supplication from Hajre Aswad to

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"O Allah! Allow this pilgrimage to be accepted,

and this endeavour to be rewarded, and my sins to be
forgiven, and my good deeds to be approved and
cause my business to flourish, O Thou who knoweth
all that is in our hearts! O Allah! Take me out of
darkness into light. O Allah! I ask thee, that I be
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Reservoir of Plenty) of Thy Prophet ], that
thereafter we feel no thirst whatsoever. O Allah! I
request Thee for the blessings of all those things
which Prophet Muhammad ] asked and beg Thy
protection against all those vices from which the
Prophet Muhammad ] sought your protection. O
Allah! I invoke Thy Blessings for Paradise and its
blissful possessions and for every word, act and deed
which could draw me closer to Paradise. I seek Thy
Protection from Hell Fire and for every word, act
and deed which could draw me closer to Hell-Fire".
St op t hi s s uppl i ca t i on a f t er r e achi ng
Rukn-e-Yamani . Aft er doi ng ISTELAM of
Rukn-e-Yamani and while proceeding to Hajre
Aswad pilgrim to recite this supplication.
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"Our Lord! give us goodness in this world and
goodness her eaft er, and save us from t he
chastisement of fire and enter us in Paradise
alongwith the righteous ones, O Powerful, O All
Forgiving, O Lord of the Universe".
(Fifth circuit supplication from Hajre Aswad to

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"O Allah! Bestow upon me the shade of Thy

Throne on the Day when there shall be no shade
except Thine, and there shall be no countenance
except Thine. O Allah! Provide me a pleasant and
delicious draught from the Hauz-e-kausar (the
lawful subsistence as against the unlawful, instill in
myself faithfulness and provide me with Thy favours
and render me independent of the favours of others
except the ones originating from Thee. O Allah!
The Beneficient and Merciful, Forgiver, verily Thy
House is Glorious and Thyself is of Supreme
Honour. O Allah! Thine is the Majesty, Compassion
and Glory, Thee liketh to forgive, so be kind and
forgive me of my sins and errors".
St op t hi s s uppl i ca t i on a f t er r e achi ng
Rukn-e-Yamani . Aft er doi ng ISTELAM of
Rukn-e-Yamani and while proceeding to Hajre
Aswad pilgrim to recite this supplication.
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"Our Lord! give us goodness in this world and
goodness her eaft er, and save us from t he
chastisement of fire and enter us in Paradise
alongwith the righteous ones, O Powerful, O All
Forgiving, O Lord of the Universe".
(Sixth circuit supplication from Hajre Aswad to

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"O Allah! There are many rights of Thine which
devolve on me and there are many rights which
subsist between me and Thine creatures. Forgive me
for all my trespasses and, for my shortcomings in my
relationship with Thine creatures and be my
guarantor for the forgiveness. O Allah! Provide me
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St op t hi s s uppl i ca t i on a f t er r e achi ng
Rukn-e-Yamani . Aft er doi ng ISTELAM of
Rukn-e-Yamani and while proceeding to Hajre
Aswad pilgrim to recite this supplication.
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"Our Lord! give us goodness in this world and
goodness her eaft er, and save us from t he
chastisement of fire and enter us in Paradise
alongwith the righteous ones, O Powerful, O All
Forgiving, O Lord of the Universe".
After the completion of seven circuits, proceed to
Hajre Aswad for doing ISTELAM. This will be the
eigth Kiss. Immediately after the Tawaf at the first
oppurtunity come out of IDTIBA i.e to remove the
upper sheet of Ihraam cloth from beneath the right
armpit and cover it on both the shoulders. After this,
proceed to MAQAM-E-IBRAHEEM and offer 2
Rakat Salat Wajib or in its line due to the crowd. In
the first Rakat of the Salat recite "Sura Al
Kafeeroon" ,5 . . .

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and in the second Rakat

recite "Sura Al Ikhlaas"

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. After the Salat
(Seventh circuit supplication from Hajre Aswad
to Rukn-e-Yamani).

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"O Allah! I pray for Perfect faith, True belief,
Plentiful provisions, Humble heart, and a Tongue
that speaks about Thee. I pray for lawful and pure
food, repentance before death, comfort at the time of
death, forgiveness and blessings after death and
Paradise without accounting and protection from
Hell Fire. Accept my Prayers O The Mighty One! O
The Forgiver! O The Creator! Increase me in my
Knowledge (of Faith) and include me among the
faithful, righteous people".

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"O Allah! I seek from Thee profitable knowledge
and bounteous sustenance and a cure from all
ailments through Thy Mercy". And offer this
supplication in praise and glory of Almighty Allah.
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"All Glory is to Allah! All Praise is to Allah!
There is none worthy of worship but Allah! Allah is
the Greatest".
After drinking Zam Zam proceed to Hajre Aswad
and Kiss it or do ISTELAM. This will be Ninth
a) It is permissible to talk while doing Tawaf, but
it is advisable to do ZIKR of Allah and do
supplications without talking to anyone else.
b) While doing Tawaf, if Pilgrim feels Thirsty
then he can drink water.
c) In Masjid Ul Haram, Nafil Tawaf can be
offered anytime during night and day and Salat
also can be offered.
raise your hands in supplication with all humility
and humbleness and offer the choicest dua in one's
own language for acceptance by Almighty Allah.
This place is one of the appointed place of
acceptance of the prayers. After the prayers at
is the open walled place between Bab Baithullah and
Hajre Aswad (approximately 5-6 feet wall). After
reaching Multazim, you stand upright facing the
portion of the wall, raise your hands above your
head and touch Multazim with your chest and put
your cheek on Multazim and invoke the Mercy and
Blessings of Allah. Care should be taken when near
the Multazim, the Sacred Cover of Holy Kaaba
should not touch the head of Pilgrim who is in
Ihraam. In case of rush, Pilgrim can stand in front or
in line with the Multazim and offer supplications.
After this, proceed to the place in Mataf where
designated taps of ZAM ZAM are located. Facing
towards Holy Kaaba recite ,

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drink in plenty its water in three draughts. The Zam
Zam may al so be poured or spri nkl ed over
head/face/chest. Recite the following Supplication in
the Sunna of the Prophet.
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"O Allah! I intend to perform Saiee of seven
circuits between Safa and Marwah for Thy Pleasure
alone. Make it easy for me and accept it from me".
The hands should now be raised as in supplication to
pronounce Takbir, Tahleel and Tamjeed.

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"Allah is the Greatest. There is none worthy of
worship but Allah! and All praise is to Allah".
Recite this three times in loud voice and in low
voice recite Durood (salutations t o Prophet
Muhammad ]) and after this do supplications as
you may wish. This is the place of acceptance of
prayers. Here pray for himself, family members,
Relatives, Elders and all Muslims of the world. After
some time climb down from Safa and walk with
normal pace towards Marwah.At this time say this
supllication " O Allah! Guide me on to the path
shown by Prophet Muhammad ] and terminate my
life on the religion of Prophet Mohammad ]. Keep
me away from the misguiding topics of faith and
misguiding forces, O The Most Merciful !".
Between Safa and Marwah pilgrim will pass through
two green light signals. These indicate Meelain
Akhdarain. Between these male prilgrims are to run
Doing Saiee between SAFA and MARWAH is
After completion of Tawaf, Pilgrim to exit from
BAB US SAFA, to reach to SAFA by putting left
foot first and offer this supplication.

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"I start in the name of Almighty Allah and

Sal ut at i ons (Sal at and Sal aam) on Prophet
Muhammad ]. O Allah I seek forgiveness for all
Sins and request You to expand the doors of Mercy
on me". As you approach SAFA then Pilgrim to say

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"I also start with the same words which Almighty
Allah started". | . $ .

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any doubt this hillocks of SAFA and MARWAH are
signs of Allah". Prayers at this place attracts Allah's
approbation. It is appointed place for acceptance of
prayers. Male Pilgrims will climb on Mount SAFA
(approximately one step) from where Holy KAABA
is visible and face towards Holy KAABA and do the
Niyyat (Intention) of Saiee.
1) Completing Bath / ablutions (Wuzu)
2) Ihraam
3) Two Rakat Nafil
4) Niyyat (Intention) of Umrah
5) Talbiyah
6) Journey to Holy Makkah
7) Entry in the Masjid Ul Haram (Babus Salam)
8) First Sight at Holy Kaaba
9) Hajre Aswad (Left Side of it)
10) Idtibah
11) Niyyat (Intention) of Tawaf
12) Infront of Hajre Aswad
13) ISTELAM (Kissing of Hajre Aswad)
14) Beginning of Tawaf
15) Ramal (In first Three circuits for Men)
16) Seven Circuits (shawths) complete
17) Eighth Time Kissing of Hajre Aswad
18) Maqam-e-Ibraheem (Two Rakath Wajib)
19) Coming to Multazim
20) Drinking ZAM ZAM
21) Ninth Time Kissing of Hajre Aswad
22) Going to SAFA
23) Niyyat (Intention) of Saiee at Safa Hillock
24) Cicuits Betwen Safa amd Marwah
25) Meelain Akhdarain i.e.Two Green Lights-hastened walking
26) Seventh Circuit completing at Marwah
27) Two Rakath Nafil in Mataf
28) Halaq - Shaving of Head
29) Coming out of Ihraam or Abandoning Ihraam.
30) O ALLAH! Please Accept my Umrah - Aameen
hurriedly and keep the sight fixed on Holy Kaaba.
(Female Pilgrims will walk through in normal
speed). After crossing Meelain-Akhdarain male
Pilgrims will walk with normal speed and reach
Mount Marwah. Here, Pilgrims to stand in such way
so as t o face Hol y Kaaba and off er same
supplication as done at Safa. With this pilgrim will
complete first circuit of Saiee. Likewise Pilgrims
will complete the remaining six circuits and finally
reach Marwah at the end of seventh circuit thereby
completing Saiee. During Saiee Pilgrim can offer
any supplication as he pleases.
After this proceed to Mataf and at the nearest
place offer 2 Rakat nafil prayers. After prayers
proceed to barber saloon for doing Halaq (shaving of
head). Now the male Pilgrim can abandon / takeout
Ihraam. Female Pilgrims can make three braids of
their hair and get it cut by one inch of each braid
through a Mahram who is out of Ihraam or through a
Mahram female who is out of Ihraam. Female
Pilgrim on her own cannot cut her own hairs. (incase
of extreme emergency this is permissible). Now the
female Pilgrims can abandon / takeout Ihraam.
Now the Umrah has been completed and Pilgrims
can pray to Almighty Allah to accept their Umrah
...... Aameen.
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31 32
Rules & Regulations of Hajj
The literary meaning of Hajj is to have intention
to visit some inhabited place. As per Shariah and
literary meaning, the Hajj means visiting to Holy
Makkah for performing certain rituals with an
intention to glorify Holy Makkah.
The meaning of Hajj in practical aspect with all
reverence and praises to Holy Kaaba start the
journey, wearing of Ihraam, recitation of Talbiyah,
Tawaf or circuting of Holy Kaaba, performing Saiee,
staying in Mina, Arafath, Muzdalifah, doing Rami of
three Jamrat, sacrificing of animal, shaving of head,
doing Tawaf-e-Ziarat, and Tawaf-e-Vida.
There are five conditions :
a) He should be a Muslim.
b) He must be sane and adult.
c) He must have full control of his mental faculties.
d) He should be freed from slavery.
e) He must be financially sound to bear all of his
expenses for performing Hajj and coming back. He
should financialy provide, adquately for his
dependents during his absence and until his return.
3) Hajj-e-Qiraan
Single Ihraam is worn with the Niyyat (intention)
of performing both Hajj and Umrah.
1. Pilgrims of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
generally perform Hajj-e-Tamattu i.e. first Ihraam is
worn with the Niyyat (intention) of performing
Umrah and is abandoned after completing Umrah.
Pilgrims will wear normal clothes till 8th of Dhul
Hijja. On 8th of Dhul Hijja pilgrims will wear again
Ihraam with an Niyyat (intention) to perform Hajj.
2. Muallims will make two groups of the Hajj
pilgrims for taking to Madina for eight days to
perform 40 Namaz. First group of pilgrims will go to
Madina before Hajj and second group after Hajj.
First group of pilgrims while returning from Madina
to Makkah stop at Masjid Dhul Halifa (Beer-e-Ali)
to wear Ihraam and perform Umrah after reaching
Holy Makkah. Second group of pilgrims will reach
Madina after completion of Hajj to perform 40
Namaz and they will do as above if going back to
Holy Makkah. If the pilgrims are going directly to
Jeddah to proceed to home country then they need
not wear Ihraam.
3. Incase of Hujjaj those who are taken from
home country directly to Madina then they need not
wear Ihraam but can travel in normal clothes. While
going from Holy Madina to Holy Makkah, pilgrims
f) Lastly the path from his residence to Holy
MAKKAH should be peaceful.
It is obligatory to perform one time in the
lifet ime of a person. Once you fulfil l the
conditions of Hajj then it becomes obligatory to
do as early as possible. Any delay might create
hindrances to perform Hajj with regard to health,
financial conditions or any other important aspect
of worldly life.
HAJJ is performed during the months of
Shawwal, Ziqaadah and first ten days of Dhul Hijja
(as per the Islamic calender.)
There are three types of Ihraam i.e. HAJJ can be
done in 3 types.
1) Hajj-e-Ifrad
Ihraam is worn with the intention of Hajj only.
2) Hajj-e-Tamattu
Ihraam is first worn with the intention of Umrah
and then it is abandoned after completion of Umrah.
Ihraam is again worn on the day of Tarviyyah i.e.,
8th of Dhul Hijja with the intention of HAJJ.
35 36
8) First Day of Hajj - Yaumul Tarviyyah
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad] during the
course of Hajjatul Vida on 8th Dhul Hijja performed
Namaz-e-Faj r i n Makkah Mukkar amah i n
congr egat i on. Af t er Faj r pr ayer s Pr ophet
Muhammad] proceeded t o Mi na whi ch i s
approxi mat el y 4 mi l es away from Makkah.
Now-a-days Muallims ask their Pilgrims to start
journey by cars / buses etc to Mina after Isha prayers
on 7
Dhul Hijja itself. Hence it is required by the
Pi l gr i ms who ha ve done t he Umr a h of
Hajj-e-Tamattu to wear Ihraam after taking bath
with the Niyyat (intention) of Hajj at the place
wherever they are staying. With the upper cloth of
Ihraam cover the head and offer 2 Rakat Nafil
Namaz. In the first Rakat after Surah Fatiha recite
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and in second Rakat after Sura

Fatiha recite surah |

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Immediately after completion of Namaz remove
the Ihraam cloth from the head and say loudly
intention of Hajj.

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"O Allah! I intent to perform Hajj, make it easy
for me and accept it from me". After this recite
will wear Ihraam of Umrah at Masjid Dhul Halifa.
After completion of Umrah, pilgrims will abandon
Ihraam and wear normal clothes. On 8th of Dhul
Hijja pilgrims will again wear Ihraam with the
Niyyat (intention) of performing Hajj.
These are Five days of HAJJ starting from 8th of
Dhul-Hijja to 12th of Dhul Hijja.
Preparation of Hajj starts from 7th of Dhul Hijja
itself. For these five days (of Hajj) necessary items
like Haseer, Bedsheet, Plastic Rug, One pair of
clothes (preferably new), plates, spoons, towel, tooth
powder / paste, Miswak, Soap and some cash
(Riyals) may be put together in one luggage. To
facilitate Pilgrims, animals are being purchased by
Alrajhi Bank for sacrificing and by selling the
coupons, Alrajhi Bank take the responsibility on
behalf of the Pi lgrim t o sacrifice animal at
appropriate time on 10th of Dhul Hijja. Hopefully by
now the pilgrims must have purchased the coupon.
When pilgrims land at Jeddah/Madina from
home country, Muallims will collect the passport
from each pi l gri m and gi ve wri st band for
identification purpose. The wrist band is to be worn
permenantly till the time pilgrim is proceeding back
to home country.
of 8th Dhul Hijja and night of 9th Dhul Hijja i.e.
Stay in tent will be for 2 nights and one day. If the
pilgrim has reached in the night of 8th Dhul Hijja,
then he will get a chance to offer Fajr to Isha prayers
and Fajr of 9th Dhul Hijja. If all these six prayers are
offered by Jamaat (in congregation) Pilgrim will get
benefited by 27 times of the Salat. Or else Pilgrim
can offer these prayers in his tent itself. Please note
that Aafaqui (Hajis coming from outside Makkah)
will offer prayers of Mina/Arafath/Muzdalifa in
Qasar mode. While styaing in tent Hajis should
rigorously recite Holy Quran, Durood and various Wazaif.
Thus Pilgrim will have offered a total of 5
obligatory prayers at Mina before departing for
Arafat, after sunrise on the morning of the 9th of
Dhul Hijja.
12) Actions of the day of Arafa
9th Dhul Hijjah (Second Day of Hajj)
After Fajr prayers, Pilgrims will have breakfast
and get ready to proceed to Arafat. From the tent,
Pilgrim will carry most necessary items from his
luggage and remaining articles will be left in the
desginated tent for the Pilgrim. Vehicles of
Muallimeen (Guides) will arrive near the tent by 8-9
in the morning. Pilgrims will ride the vehicles and
loudly three times Talbiyah by male pilgrims. Female
pilgrims should recite in low voice.
9) Words of Talbiyah.

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"Here I am, O Allah! Here I am ! Here I am, there

is no one who is Your partner, Here I am ! Surely, all
praise and blessings are Yours and Dominion. You
are without companion".
10) Journey From Makkah to Mina
After this proceed to Maktab of Muallim or his
designated place to ride in cars / vans or buses to
perform journey to Mina. Before starting to Mina
please carry the Muallim name card and tent card
number. While in journey rigorously recite Talbiyah.
Pilgrims may note that journey to Mina from
Makkah can be undertaken anytime on the day of
Tarviyyah i.e. 8th of Dhul Hijja but it is Sunnat to
reach Mina and offer Zuhar prayers there.
11) Stay in Mina
Immediately after reaching Mina proceed to
designated tent and spread your plastic / Bamboo
rug (Haseer) or any other cloth sheet to reserve your
place. Here the pilgrim will be staying night and day
37 38
39 40
and ends on the morning of the 10th of Dhul Hijja
(Eid day) If any person is doing Wuquf during the
day, then it is Masnun for him to do till after the
sunset (Ghruub-e-Aftab). After ending the prayers,
Pilgrim should get busy in Wuquf. Pilgrims will
stand facing himself at Qibla and will be in Wuquf
till Maghrib. If for any reason Pilgrim cannot stand
for long time then as much as possible he should
stand and do supplications. It is also permissible to
sit or lie down during the Wuquf.
During Wuquf, Pilgrim is in HIS presence, so
entreat HIM, plead, beg and pray for the welfare of
All Muslims. Ask for His Forgiveness and Mercy.
This is the special occasion for acceptance of your
prayers. Send Durood and Salaam to Prophet
Muhammad ].
14) Prophet Muhammad ] invocations on the
day of Arafat.
In the narration from Imam Tirmizi

that the
Prophet Muhammad ] said that the best invocation
is of the day of Arafat. The best invocation which
Prophet Muhammad ] and Prophets before him,
asked Almighty Allah is :

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Insha Allah reach Arafat before Zuhar prayers. In the
course of Journey Pilgrims will frequently recite
Talbiyah, Durood-e-Shareef and Fourth Kalima.

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"There is no God besides Allah. He is One. He
has no partner. His is the Kingdom and for Him is
all Praise. He gives Life and causes death. In His
hand i s al l good. And He has power over
Here also the stay of pilgrims will be in tents.
Here only two prayers, Zuhar and Asar will be
offered in the Qasr Mode.
The prayers will be combined i.e. offer them at
the same time with one Adhaan and two seperate
Takbir, one each for Zuhar and Asar. If Pilgrim is
offering prayers independently in the tent, then
Zuhar and Asar Prayers will be offered at the
respective times only.
13) Orders of Wuquf-e-Arafat. Wuquf (Staying in)
Wuquf-e-Arafat is an important Rukn, that is
Farz of Hajj. If for any reason it is missed then Hajj
is not completed. It cannot be compensated by any
Fidya etc. The interval of the Wuquf in Arafat
begins after the Zawaal of the sun (in the afternoon)
equal to a big chick-pea or date. Collect more than
49 pebbles for the purpose of throwing at Shaitan or
Rami at Jamrat.
16) Proceeding from Muzdalifa to Mina
After Fajr prayers, journey from Muzdalifa is
undertaken a short while before the sunrise to Mina.
Delaying the departure after sunrise is contrary to
sunna. Offer Fajr Prayers quite early in darkness in
comparison to normal times.
17) Actions of Yawmun Nahr (Day of sacrifice)
Rules of the Day of Qurbani (Sacrifice)
10th Dhul-Hijja is the third day of Hajj .
Activities for today.
(a) Wuquf-e-Muzdalifa (First Wajib)
In Muzdalifa after Fajr prayers for some minutes
is the Wuquf. With due humility, politeness,
requestingly, pleed for Istaghfar (to beg pardon of
Allah) and ask for forgiveness for our misdeeds.

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"I seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah for my
sins and there is no one else worthy of prayers, who
is All living and Holder for all. I in his direction seek
forgiveness". (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi etc)
It may be clearly understood that the time for first
''There is no God besides Allah. He is one. He
has no partner. He is the Kingdom and for Him is all
praise. And He has power over everything''.
15) Proceeding from Arafat to Muzdalifa
When Sunset is over proceed to Muzdalifa from
Arafat. During journey to Muzdalifa engage yourself
in extensive Talbiyah, Zikr, Durood, Tasmiyah.
After reaching Muzdalifa go to Mash-ar-ul-Haraam
(in the plains of Muzdalifa is a mountain called
Mash-ar-ul-Haraam) or any other area in the Hudood
(limit) of Muzdalifa to stay their. When you reach
Muzdalifa, offer Maghrib and Isha Farz prayers
jointly at the time of Isha. The farz prayers of Isha
should be offered immediatly after the Farz prayers
of Maghrib. Sunna prayers of Maghrib, as well as
Sunna and Witr of Isha should be offered afterwards.
The night spent in Muzdalifa is Most excellent.
Spend the night awake in Prayers, Zikr, Istaghfar (In
case Pilgrim wants to lie down or sleep is allowed).
It is suggested that pilgrims collect very small
pebbles from Muzdalifa and store in a packet or
small carry bag. The size of the pebbles should be
41 42
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Then move on to the right side, facing Qibla start
praying to Allah. During this period remain busy in
Takbeer, Istaghfar, Forgivness and ending with
c) Sacrifice (Qurbani) - (Third Wajib)
By now the coupon for Qurbani must have been
purchased by the pilgrims in Makkah. It may be
believed that the sacrifice (Qurbani) on his behalf
must have been done by the Agency.
d) Halaq (Shaving of Head) - (Fourth Wajib)
Sacrifce (Qurbani) must have been done, so it is
time for getting the Head Shaved and abandoning
(taking off) the Ihraam. After taking out Ihraam it is
advisable for having bath and then wear the normal
everyday clothes (Preferably new clothes).
e) Tawaf-e-Ziyarath :
Tawaf-e-Ziyarath is the second Fundamental
Rukn of Hajj. The First Fundamental Rukn was
Wuquf-e-Arafath. If Tawaf-e-Ziyarath is not done
then Hajj is not completed. Tawaf-e-Ziyarath will be
done in everyday clothes (not in Ihraam). The time
of Tawaf-e-Ziyarath is from 10th of Dhul Hijja to
before sunset of 12th of Dhul Hijja. It is Best (Afzal)
Wuquf is over just before sunrise.
If any pilgrim makes intention of Wuquf during
the Fajr prayers and then recites Tasbih-wa-Tahleel,
Takbir and Talbiyah then the Wajib is fulfilled.
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"All Glory is to Allah! All Praise is to Allah!

There is none worthy of Worship but Allah! Allah is
the Greatest".
"Here I am, O Allah ! Here I am! Here I am, there
is no one who is Your partner, Here I am ! Surely, all
praise and blessings are Yours and Dominon, You
are without companion".
b) Rami of Jamrat ul Aqaba (Second Wajib)
(Bigger Shaitan)
Departing from Muzdalifa to proceed to Mina, is
a short while before the sunrise. Before throwing or
casting pebbles at Shaitan, Talbiyah has to be
stopped. Today Pilgrim will perform Rami of
Jamrat-ul-Aqaba only, by casting / throwing seven
pebbles at it.
While throwing each pebble, Pilgrim has to say

, "In the name of Allah, Allah is Great".

too, move on to the right side and remain busy in
Supplications facing Qibla. Offer the supplication as
much time as you have spent at Jamrat Ul Ula. After
this proceed to Jamrat Ul Aqaba and cast seven
pebbles in the same manner as done previously to
perform the Rami. Here Pilgrim will not stay after
doing Rami but will proceed straight to the Tent.
19) 12th of Dhul Hijja (Fifth Day of HAJJ)
If Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is not completed on 11th of
Dhul Hijja also, then it is better to do today before
Zuhar prayers.
The main job of today is to perform Rami of all
the three Jamrat after midday i.e. after Zuhar
Prayers. It will follow the same order as done on
11th of Dhul Hijja. It may be noted that the time of
Rami on 11th and 12th of Dhul Hijja starts after mid
day. If for heavy rush Rami is not possible between
Midday and before Sunset, then it can be done in the
duration after Maghrib and before starting of Fajr
prayers. Old, aged, sick Persons and ladies can
preferably do Rami during the night.
20) Return from Mina to Makkah - 13th Dhul Hijja
After completing the Rami of 12th of Dhul Hijja.
It is optional for the pilgrim to stay in Mina to do
Rami on 13th of Dhul Hijja.
After completing the Rami on 12th of Dhul Hijja
to do on 10th of Dhul Hijja. After Tawaf-e-Ziyarath
it is Wajib to do Saiee between Hillocks of Safa and
Marwah. This Tawaf-e-Ziyarath and Saiee is done in
normal everyday clothes.
18) Days of RAMI-11th of Dhul Hijja (Fourth Day of Hajj)
If the Tawaf-e-Ziyarath could not be done on
10th of Dhul Hijja due to rush then it can be done
today before Zuhar prayers. The 11th, 12th, and 13th
day of t he mont h of Dhul Hi j j a i s cal l ed
Ayyam-e-Rami (Days of Rami) as per the rituals of
HAJJ. For doing Rami (Which is ibadath in these
days), staying at Mina is Sunnath-e-Muakkidah and
as per some Ulama it is Wajib. Other than Mina, It is
wrong to stay nights at Makkah or any other place
during these above days. On 11th of Dhul Hijja after
Zuhar prayers it is required to do Rami for all the
three Jamrat. This day, time of Rami starts from
afternoon and lasts till sunset. First Rami of
Jamrat-ul-Ula will be done. Throw / Cast 7 pebbles
at Jamrat-ul-Ula and recite ,

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while throwing. Afterwards slightly move on to the
right side and remain busy in supplications facing
Qibla. During this period remain busy in asking
forgiveness, Istaghfar, Tasbih and ending with
Durood. After this proceed to Jamrat Ul Wusta. In
the same way as done for Jamrat Ul Ula throw or
cast seven pebbles at it to perform the Rami. Here
45 46
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Table of Jamrat
Type of
10th of Dhul
Third Day of
11th of Dhul Hijja
Fourth Day of Hajj
12 of Dhul Hijja
Fifth day of Hajj
D In the afternoon 7
pebbles throw at this
In the afternoon
throw 7 pebbles
at this Shaitan
D In the afternoon &
after Jamrat-ul-ula
throw 7 pebbles at
this Shaitan
In the afternoon
and after
throw 7 pebbles
at this Shaitan
Jamrat -
Big Shaitan
Throw seven
pebbles only to
his Shaitan after
In the afternoon, and
after Jamrat-ul-wusta
throw of pebbles at
this Shaitan
In the afternoon
and after Jamrat
ul-wusta throw 7
pebbles at this
Number of
7 pebbles 21 pebbles 21 pebbles
Note : Total 49 pebbles are required for throwing
at Shaitans. It is suggested that additional pebbles
may be kept as precautionary measure.
pilgrims may leave Mina before sunset for Makkah.
If Pilgrim is not able to leave Mina before sunset of
12th of Dhul Hijja then he has to spend the night in
Mina. Before midday of 13th of Dhul Hijja Rami
has to be completed and then proceed to Makkah. It
is Masnoon to stay for a while at Muhassab while
going to Makkah from Mina.
21) Tawaf-e-Wida
For those living outside the boundaries of
Meeqat, it is Wajib to perform Tawaf-e-Wida, This
is the last Wajib of Hajj. Ramal will not be done by
the male Pilgrim during Tawaf-e-Wida.
After Tawaf the Pilgrims will proceed to
Maqam-e-Ibraheem and offer 2 Rakat prayers, then
go to area in Mataf where Zam Zam is available.
Drink Zam Zam to the full comfort of Pilgrim and
spread Zam Zam on the chest and body. If possible
Pilgrim can go to the door of Holy Kaaba and kiss it.
Direct the face towards Multazim and hold the
cover of Holy Kaaba and beseech Almighty Allah in
full humility and seek mercy.
Now the pilgrim should move to Hajre Aswad
and kiss it if possible and say

, (Allah is Great)
and leave Holy Kaaba tearfully in very requesting
and pleading mode. Pray to Almighty Allah to
accept Hajj. Aameen.
Farz, Wajibat, Sunan and Mustahibbaat of HAJJ
1) Ihraam
2) Zaman - Rituals of HAJJ are performed only
in the days of HAJJ.
3) Makan - For Tawaf Holy Kaaba, For Saiee
hillocks of Safa and Marwah and for Wuquf Arafath,
Muzdalifah etc.
1)) Adopting (Wearing) Sacred garment i.e. Ihraam
2) Wuquf - e- Arafath
3) Tawaf - e - Ziyarath.
1) Adopting(Wearing) Ihraam from Meeqat.
2) Doing Saiee in between Hillocks of Safa
and Marwah.
3) Wuquf -e- Arafath from Noon to Sunset.
4) Wuquf-e-Muzdalifah
5) Rami Jamrat
6) Shaving of Head (Halaq)
7) Tawaf-e-Ziyarat (during days of Nahr)
8) Tawaf-e-Wida
9) Sequence of ceremonies i.e. first Rami,
Sacrifice (Qurbani) and then Halaq
10) Sacrifice of Animal.
Ceremonies of HAJJ At a Glance
8th of
9th of Dhul Hijja 10th of Dhul
11th of Dhul
12th of Dhul
Proceed to
Mina from
After completion
of Fajr prayers in
Mina proceed to
completion of
Fajr prayers in
Muzdalifa return
back to Mina.
In Mina after
the noon
Pilgrim to do
In Mina after
the noon
Pilgrim to do
In Mina
Pilgrim will
offer Zuhar,
Maghrib and
Isha prayers.
Night stay in
Zuhar prayers (if
offered) or In
offer prayers in
congregation by
combining Zuhar
& Asar
Big Shaitan
(Jamrat - Ul-
Aqaba) Rami
to be done
Rami to to
(Jamrat - Ul -
Ula) Rami to
be done.
Wuquf-e-Arafat Sacrifice of
(Jamrat - Ul -
Wusta) Rami
to be done
(Jamrat - Ul -
Wusta Rami
to be done
Asar prayers
Independtly, if
prayers of Zuhar /
Asar one not
offered in Masjid -
e - Nimrah
Shaving of
Head or
Big Shaitan
(Jamrat - Ul -
Aqaba) Rami
to be done
Big Shaitan
(Jamrat - Ul-
Aqaba) Rami
to be done.
After Sunset
(Maghrib) proceed
to Muzdalifah
without offering
Maghrib prayers.
Proceed to
Makkah for
and return to
Night stay in
Return to
activites for 9th of
Dhul Hijja is to
offer Maghrib and
Isha combined
prayers in
Muzdalifa. Night
stay in Muzdalifa.
from Makkah
and Night
Stay in Mina
49 50
51 52
Violations of the restriction of Ihraam and other
duties of Hajj are called Jinaayaat. while reading
books on Umrah and Hajj and the rules of action, it
is requested that the following topics in the context
of Jinaayaat must be read. Pilgrims should be aware
of conditionalities / responsibilities arising out of
Jinaayaat during Hajj & Umrah for
(1) Haram (2) Ihraam
(3) Tawaf (4) Saiee
(5) Wuquf-e-Arafat (6) Wuquf-e-Muzdalifa
(7) Rami Jamrat (8) Qurbani or Sacrifice
(9) Shaving of Head (Halaq)
(10) Tawaf-e-Ziyarath (11)Tawaf-e-Wida etc.
Doing Ziarat of Masjid-e-Nabavi before HAJJ or
after HAJJ is Masnoon, It can be narrated from
Hazrath Abu Huraira that Prophet Muhammad ]
told that "In my Mosque one time prayer is 1000
times better than prayer in any other Mosque except
Muallimeen (Pilgrim Guides) take the Pilgrims to
Ziyarat of Masjid-e-Nabavi before Hajj or after Hajj
1) Tawaf-e-Qudum (Aafaqui / Mufrad or Qarin)
2) Going to Mina on 8th of Dhul Hijja and
offering 5 prayers.
3) Night stay in Mina for night of Arafaa.
4) After sunrise on the day of Arafaa proceed to
Arafath from Mina.
5) While returning to Makkah from Mina stay for
a while at Wadi-e-Mahussub enroute.
1) One Qurbani (Sacrifice) for a Mufrad (has to
be done during days of Nahr)
2) Aafaaqi (outsider) while entering Holy
Makkah should take bath.
3) Either Local (Resident of Makkah) or Aafaqi
(outsider) should have bath before going to
JINAAYAAT (Carryout illegal / Bad action)
Literary meaning of Jinaayaat is to do Haraam
thing, doing sin, doing illegal activity etc. But in the
context of Hajj, Jinaayaat means doing such a thing
in Haram (Holy Makkah) or while in a state of
Ihraam which prohibits it and amounts to Haraam.
He should continously recite Durood and Salaam till
he reaches Madinat-ul-Munawwara. The moment
Pi l gri m i s abl e t o see t he Masj i d-e-Nabavi
encompassing Holy Mausoleum (Rauza), he should
remember and keep in mind that this sacred place
with all the fazilat has been chosen for Prophet
Mohammad ] by Almighty Allah. When Pilgrim
enters the limits of Masjid-e-Nabavi then from
bottom of his heart he should say.

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. . . | . . _ "O My Lord Forgive me". Enter

Masjid-e-Nabavi through one of the doors by saying.

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"O Allah open the Gates of Blessings for me".

And offer two Rakat tahiyatul Masjid in Riyazul
Jannah if possible or any other place otherwise.
It may be known that till this time when Pilgrim
was not able to go to Madinah Munawwara, his
Durood and Salaam were carried by Angels to
Prophet Mohammad ]. Now that he is one of the
few lucky ones who the Almighty Allah has given
oppurtunity to visit Prophet Mohammad ] Rauza
and offer his Durood and Salaam directly. Pilgrim
should go near Mawajeh Shareef (a place where you
stand face to face with Holy Prophet) and recite
depending upon their arrivals to Hajj. Those
pilgrims who have come to Holy Makkah before
HAJJ, after performing Umrah will be taken to
Madinat-ul- Munawwara. These pilgrims will be
taken through buses. After a stay of 8 days or 40
Namaz, Pilgrims will be brought back to Holy Makkah.
While returning from Madinat-ul-Munawwara to
Holy Makkah Busses will stop at Masjid-e-Zul
Halifa (Masjid Beer Ali) for the pilgrims to wear
Ihraam for performing Umrah. After completion of
Umrah, Pilgrims will be staying in Holy Makkah
and will be waiting for HAJJ.
Fo r t ho s e Pi l gr i ms wh o p r o c e e d t o
Masjid-e-Nabavi after the completion of Hajj will
stay in Madinat-ul-Munawwara for 8 days or 40
Namaz and then the pilgrims will proceed straight to
Jeddah or any other city for return journey to Home
Masjid-e-Nabavi and Rauza Athar-e-Ala Sahibiha
Salatu Wassalam : Ziyarat and Its Mannerisms
After completing the HAJJ it is Sunnat-e-Muslimeen
to pay homage to the Prophet ] through a visit to
Madinah and saying Salaat and Salaam to Rasulallah
and his Companions. From Holy Makkah when the
Pilgrim undertakes journey to Madinah Munawwara,
53 54
55 56
While compiling this booklet the following under
mentioned books of English edition were referred
along with the books titled in Urdu. I am thankful
for the contributions I had from my family members
in preparation of this booklet. I pray to Almighty
Allah to reward all these people associated in
preparation of this booklet with Jazaye Khair.
1) A Guide for HAJ and UMRAH by Anis Daud
Mathews - Idara Ishaat-e-Dinyat (Pvt) Limited
Publication, New Delhi.
2) HAJ GUIDE by Afzaal Ahmad Naazir - Darul
Eshaat Islamia publication, Calcutta.
3) Handbook for HAJJ and UMRAH by Sarwar
Alam Raz - The Islamic Foundation, United
4) A Guide to HAJ, UMRAH and visiting the
Prophets Mosque by Shaikh Muhammad Bin Saleh
Al Ut hai man - Mi ni st ry of Isl ami c Affai rs
Endowments, KSA.

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Now Pilgrim should move slightly towards his
right, till he faces second grill hole and offer Salam
to Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique

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Now slightly move towards the right facing the

third grill hole and offer Salam to Hazrath Umar

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Afterwards offer Supplications for parents and on
behalf of those people, friends, relative who have
asked to convey their Salam to Prophet and his
After this the Pilgrim may visit Jannatul Baqi and
offer supplications for all those who are resting there
for their Maghfirat. Also the Pilgrim may go to
Masjid-e-Quba and offer Nafil prayers where reward
of two Rakat Nafil Prayers is equivalent to Umrah.
Likewise visiting the mount of UHUD where many
martyrs are resting including Hazrath Hamza
Uncle of our Holy Prophet and offer homage to
57 58

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