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Generation Z or is it Generation Depression?

We have all heard about how bad it is, and the truth is
we all experience it. Do not know what I am talking about. Are you sad, feel worthless, and struggle
with food, sleep, and concentration? This is just an idea of what depression is. Depression is feelings
of severe despondency and dejection, to sum it up. And is not just a few in the class- it is worldwide.

There are a few types of depression:

Major Depression when you feel depressed most of the time for most days of the week.

dysthymia – mild depression that lasts for several years

seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – the depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern

-postnatal depression – the depression that many parents experience after having a baby. Some
people experience antenatal depression during pregnancy.

And that is just to name a few!

According to 2019 estimates, around 2080 million people worldwide are being affected by
depression. Still does not seem sad. What if I tell you that 15.4 million adults have, through
depression, thought and planned about suicide before they even attempted suicide resulting in their
deaths. And that is not even the overall amount. 4% of the world’s population is overcome with

Although this topic is not mentioned too much, I highly recommend it. Awareness about depression
and its effects is vital as many of the impacts we find in it can be long-lasting or even everlasting.
People who fall into depression skip meals that do not provide them with enough nutrition. This
factor automatically puts the brain into ‘battery saving mode’, so when you are playing a sport or
even waking early, your body feels heavy and drastic.

Depression also takes a huge toll on our physical appearance. Experiencing weight gain or eye bags?
When we cut the connection with physical activity and make poor food choices, we go through
obesity. Obesity is a whole new thing itself. We feel insecure about ourselves and take that out with
food and other people. This may also influence our hormones and can irregulate women’s menstrual
period and impact our mood.

And finally, the mental side of things and the one most of you have been waiting for. As depression
starts to affect the brain’s chemical balances, neurons in the hippocampus shrink, which has an
impact on our mental health and self-esteem. We begin to hide from others and avoid social
contact. Exactly what many of us have done after the pandemic. We begin to feel lonely and judge
ourselves thinking that people do not like us because of how we look or act, which completely
breaks us down. Depression is another reason why we fret over small issues. Even though life is
unexpected, stressing over it is no solution.

Although depression is such a huge problem in society, like every problem it has a solution. Dwayne
Johnson quotes: “I found that with depression, one of the most important things you could realize is
that you’re not alone.” So sometimes talking to someone you trust and taking breaks throughout your
work time can help you feel less stuffed up. Engaging yourself in calming activities like knitting and
sketching also makes you feel calmer. And remember there are people around you who could be
facing a bad stage in life as well. So, smile and help others keep smiling!

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