Concept Paper

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Depression. A mental illness that can lead people to different doings. A different
aspect of life. Depression, sometimes known as major depressive disorder, is a mood
illness that causes you to feel unhappy or uninterested in life every day. Almost
everyone experiences sadness or depression at some point in their lives. It's a common
response to bereavement or life's difficulties. It is a serious illness that affects both your
physical and mental health. It is more than just a bad mood. It can damage your self-
esteem and makes day-to-day life more challenging.
You can sense that a person has this illness. You will notice their warning signs.
Take note of the different signs like not totally smiling in front of many people and
lacking social and physical communication. This people always choose to hide and
experiencing gaining/losing weight. A person who is struggling throughout on his
journey can also be put his life in danger. A severe mental illness can lead to a suicidal
attempt which it triggers the person to kill himself. In a different way, I’ve noticed that a
person who is depressed is having a good skill to hide their emotions and just giving
back the same energy to their specific friends. Suicide is a fascinating but disturbing
topic with many misconceptions. People who threaten suicide or attempt suicide are
often assumed not to be serious about ending their life. It brings more traumatic
experience to a person. It may be a teenager or an adult.
Anxiety is a nerve disorder marked by excessive fear and uneasiness, often
accompanied by obsessive behavior or panic attacks. This illness is popular and mostly
being experienced by many because of the pandemic that is happening throughout the
world. Anxiety is caused by traumatic events that happen through the past of the
specific person. It triggers the person to think more deeply and made him feel anxious.
There are specific symptoms and signs to know that you are experiencing this
kind of mental illness. You are being easily irritable, even if on small mistakes or things
that you do. You may have difficulty to control your feelings of worry. For example, like if
your in a situation of one-on-one interview in a specific job you want to apply for, and
suddenly you’re thinking of many negativities, thus, it produce sweats and cause you a
mental blank/block throughout the interview. Also sleep paralysis, you can’t sleep.
Insomnia. Overthinking.
People who are suffering with mental illnesses are mostly students. Nowadays,
we need to go to online classes while dealing with household chores and everything.
We know our priorities as a student and as a daughter/son of the house. Even if we are
learning through internet and we are inside the house, it doesn’t mean that we are not
stress. We feel more anxious and emptier. Mental illnesses affect everyone by it can
cause more disorders to the digestive (by skipping meals), heart disease, obesity, and
chronic pain are the few possible physical ramifications of untreated anxiety and
depressive disorders.
The best way to treat anxiety and depression is to clear your mind with negativity.
Fill your life with unconditional love and care. Talk with your family members and friends
and explain what your problem is, because they can help you too. Self-care is also a
must. Connect with nature and be part of something you want to do. Pay attention to
things that you love and do not try to attempt suicide. Our life is too precious, and we
need to take care of it.
“Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its
-Corrie Ten Boom

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