The Skinchangers
The Skinchangers
The Skinchangers
Special Thanks: David Baldridge for invaluable feedback, and my regular group of players for being my guinea pigs in The
Forgotten Realms.
All artwork and design templates used with permission from the artists themselves or under commercial license. All rights
Content Warning
This adventure contains reference to drugs/alcohol torture, sex, murder, and kidnapping.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos
are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Jacob Reed and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Contents Chapter 3 — The Skinchangers’
Adventure Synopsis Hideout
The Warehouse Level (W)...................................................
The Dungeon Level (D).........................................................
A Brief Word of Warning...................................................
Background Important NPCs
4 32
Vincent Trench......................................................................
Zane Luthik, Monster Hunter.............................................
Adventure Hooks...................................................................
Chapter 1 — Sabotage Stat Blocks
Party Infiltration.................................................................
It Begins...............................................................................
Continuing the Sabotage (Encounters)..............................
Secret Admirer....................................................................
Rumormonger / Libel........................................................
Framed for Assault.............................................................
Chapter 2 — The Investigation
Path 1: Mystery Solving (Adventure)................................
Meeting with S (Secret Admirer)......................................
Skuld’s Duggery (Forgery).................................................
Trollskull Alley / Inn the PCs stay at (Libel)...................
PC who was stolen from (Theft).......................................
Frewn’s Brews (Assault).....................................................
Path 2: Take the Fight to our Enemies (Combat)..............
Path 3: Support and Assistance (Role-playing).................
The Yawning Portal...........................................................
Preparing for the Ball.........................................................
The Ball................................................................................
Adventure Synopsis fun for everyone involved. If you think
infiltration might get on your group’s nerves
Introduction and be a downer, just skip it and replace it with
something else.
fter concluding the events of
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (W:DH), If a DM decides their group will like this, the
it’s largely assumed that city-life and
events happening in Waterdeep player who takes on the role of the doppelganger
take a back seat to adventuring into spy should not have their real character’s XP
Undermountain in Dungeon of the or level progression penalized. In the end,
Mad Mage. But why should this be the case? The taking their real character out of the game for
impetus for writing this adventure was to help the adventure is only for an exciting “gotcha”
fill in some of the empty space left in Waterdeep
in the wake of W:DH. Why not include another moment, and shouldn’t be a way to punish the
adventure happening inside Waterdeep just player.
when the players are starting to feel at ease, or
if their initial expeditions into Undermountain For the right group, the doppelganger party
have gotten a bit stale? Waterdeep is one of the infiltration will hopefully provide a really
largest cities in the Forgotten Realms setting,
and the potential for danger is always there, after memorable moment for the players to reminisce
all. Characters choosing to live in the City of about not only during this adventure, but long
Splendors should never be too careful and this after. The details on how to run the infiltration
adventure can serve as a reminder that they need in your game are provided in Chapter 1.
to watch their backs!
Ideally, The Skinchangers adventure should
be placed at the end of W:DH in the city of
Waterdeep for 4-5 characters of 6th level.
However, this adventure can be easily slotted
into any other campaign located in an urban The city of Waterdeep is rife with politics and
environment that has a criminal underworld. intrigue with innumerable groups vying for
power and authority. While the Masked Lords
of Waterdeep and the city magisters (also
A Brief Word of Warning called “Black Robes”) have political and legal
This adventure features doppelgangers as the hegemony, the underworld has its fair share of
primary enemies, who will attempt to sabotage influence as well. In fact, one of the reasons why
the PC’s efforts from the shadows. One particular the Lords of Waterdeep are masked during any
form of sabotage in Chapter 1 will ask the DM proceedings is to make things like coups and
to engage in a conspiracy with one of the players political assassinations all the more difficult to
as their character becomes kidnapped early on pull off.
and is replaced with a doppelganger spy (featured
on the cover!). Later, this PC (in control of the In recent years, a splinter-group of cunning
doppelganger character) is scheduled to betray rogues calling
the group and attack them during Chapter 3 themselves “The
when the party least expects it. Meanwhile, Skinchangers“ has
their real character is tied up somewhere in the attempted to solidify
doppelganger hideout. their position in the city
as high-priced assassins
Some groups may not be comfortable with for hire. What makes
this sort of “player versus player” scenario, The Skinchangers so
especially those who expect something more much more discreet and
traditional from their tabletop experience or are effective at their job than similar groups is that
new to tabletop games/roleplaying altogether. they are all, in fact, doppelgangers.
Therefore, it is wise for DMs intending to use
this particular form of doppelganger sabotage in Originally belonging to a much larger
their game to first gauge group expectations. doppelganger operation within Waterdeep (a
group called “The Unseen”), the leader of the
As the DM, it’s all about making the game Skinchangers — an Elder Doppelganger known
only as The Entity — and those loyal to it were
more interested in striking out on their own Adventure Hooks
and having the freedom to engage in their own
selfish, short-term plots.
Unlike other adventures, the impetus for this
Now, an old enemy of the PCs has come into story happens before the adventure even begins,
contact with The Skinchangers and has hired so it requires a little bit of extra DM preparation.
them to use their abilities against the PCs and The Skinchangers are rogues for hire, which
put an end to their lives. It is up to the players means that another person or group that the PCs
to deal with this new threat in the darkness have previously made an enemy of have asked
while also making sure that The Skinchangers’ the Skinchangers to permanently deal with the
nefarious activities within Waterdeep are PCs and make their lives as miserable as possible
brought to a halt. along the way. If your players are just finishing
up “Waterdeep: Dragon Heist,” (W:DH) then the
most likely candidates for this are The Xanathar,
Overview Manshoon’s Zhentarim, or an individual NPC
such as Nihiloor with doppelganger contacts,
“The Skinchangers” is an urban adventure a member or friend of House Cassalanter with
designed for a party of 4-5 6th level characters coin to spare, or even Jarlaxle himself if he feels
based in Waterdeep in The Forgotten Realms cheated after the events of W:DH and you used
campaign setting or another similarly sized city him as the main villain.
with a criminal underworld. The adventure is
broken down into the following sections: For DMs who did not run W:DH and want to
slot this adventure into another urban campaign,
Chapter 1: it is a good idea to have an NPC in mind who
While the PCs are resting/exploring/enjoying bears some kind of grudge against one or more
downtime in Waterdeep, they begin noticing of the PCs. This could be a person from a PC’s
a pattern of regular harassment and sabotage individual backstory or even a villain who got
against them. The sabotage players encounter away in a previous adventure and has the coin
might include rumormongering about them/ to shell out for the Skinchangers’ services (they
their business at Trollskull Manor, fraud/forgery aren’t cheap!).
of documents to swindle them, committing
crimes in their name, and even kidnapping one For the purpose of running this adventure, it
of them/infiltrating their group. doesn’t matter who you choose because the
Skinchangers’ employer is not scheduled to
Chapter 2: appear in this adventure. However, it is definitely
A series of investigations and assistance from best to choose an NPC or group that the PCs
Vincent Trench, Zane Luthik, Volothamp particularly despise or have had bad run-ins
Geddarm, Bonnie, or a faction such as the with. This will make the adventure conclusion all
Doom Raider Zhentarim or The Harpers will the more fun and gives DMs a great opportunity
lead the PCs to “The Skinchangers’” hideout in to bring back an old enemy.
the Dock Ward.
To put it simply: this adventure comes to
Chapter 3: the PCs rather than them coming to it! Of
There, they must overcome the deadly traps and course, it is possible that the PCs try their best
denizens within. This ends in a showdown with to ignore the attacks and sabotage against them
their leader - an Elder Doppelgänger known only in Chapter 1 and/or enlist the aid of authority
as The Entity. figures or other groups within the city to ferret
out the doppelgangers on their behalf. These
If victorious, the PCs will find out the are all perfectly reasonable avenues of plot
motivation of “the Skinchangers” in attacking development, and sidebars throughout the
them which can lead them into the next sinister adventure will help DMs who find themselves in
plot or provide fuel for another adventure. They situations like this.
will also be rewarded for their takedown of a
dangerous criminal organization by the city.
When the players are resting from their latest adventures
Chapter 1 — Sabotage either at their home base at Trollskull Manor or an
inn or tavern in the evening, read the following aloud to
set the scene:
Party Infiltration You are sitting with your comrades at a dimly lit table, ready
to enjoy some downtime away from the skulking beasts of
Undermountain, the noise and unwholesome stench of the
efore beginning Chapter 1, make sure city streets, and the sharp blade of thieves stalking the Dock
that you have decided whether or not you Ward. All in a day’s work. Even the priestess — you think her
will use the party infiltration plot device name is ‘Morgan’ — who wanders around nearby the tavern
described in the synopsis. If you decided not giving food to the poor, has gone home for the night. You
to use this form of sabotage, then skip this thought you were going to spend some hard-earned coin.
Maybe enjoy a mug of ale and recount a tale or two amongst
section and jump ahead.
your friends, sharing in their laughter and good spirits. Or
Otherwise, read on… perhaps you had planned to peruse a book you’ve been
meaning to read for some time now. The realization that
At some point before beginning Chapter 2, one of the none of those plans would happen this evening hits you as a
party members is replaced by a doppelganger named magister of the city — a “black robes” as they are called —
Schade (see the Stat Blocks section for statistics), and the approaches you with purpose. The magister is accompanied
PC whose real character has been replaced will control it by 5 members of the city watch.
in secret. Secretly provide Schade’s statistics to that player Be sure to emphasize the priestess as she can provide a clue
before beginning the adventure. The switch can happen to the characters later on during Chapter 2!
at any time when the PC is isolated from the group during
Chapter 1, or even before Chapter 1 starts. Maybe the The magister’s name is Martras Van Thorp (LN male
character is out shopping in the city, meditating/praying Human), and is actually a doppelganger. He was an easy
alone, crafting an item through downtime, on their way to target for the Skinchangers. He had no immediate family,
a meeting, or anything else. and was considered a social recluse by his peers. The
Skinchangers captured him at his home, stole his bag of
The best character to replace would be a character who holding that he used to collect taxes, and are keeping him in
is a rogue, fighter, or other non-casting martial class a prison cell in their base (see area D5).
with skills that a doppelganger would have an easier time
mimicking. After making your choice, take that player Roleplay Martras as an upright man of the law who
aside and inform them of the situation and their role in the brooks no fools: those who would waste his time or
devious plot. attempt obfuscation of observable facts. As he is a
magister and arbiter of the law in Waterdeep, he is not
Schade’s goal is to sabotage and weaken the PCs in the used to being questioned and expects instant obedience to
city, and then lead them unprepared into the Skinchangers’ his edicts.
hideout in Dock Ward. Schade will reveal its treachery
during Chapter 3 (see area D6) while the party is inside Martras does not introduce himself, letting his black
the hideout, whereupon the DM will reassume control robes do that for him. He calmly explains the situation
of Schade and the player will take over their original and the demands of the city. By law, the passing of a piece
character again. of property from one party to another within the city or
its outlying areas of control is subject to taxation. If you
Finally, Schade Sidebars will appear in the adventure to played through Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, this means the
provide the player controlling Schade and the DM with tavern they inherited in that adventure.
some additional insight into what Schade might do at
certain points. The information in these sidebars should Otherwise, simply make the tax related to another
be secretly provided to the infiltrator if they feel at a loss as matter such as:
to what to do, but should not be used as a means of taking
autonomy away from the player. If the player controlling 1. There is a sword tax being levied on all well-to-do
Schade has their own dastardly ideas on what they think (adventurers, merchant, and nobility class) within
the doppelganger should do and it sounds like everyone Waterdeep to upgrade and maintain the equipment of
would have a good time, go with their idea! the City Guard.
2. A wall tax is being levied on those within Waterdeep to
purchase necessary materials to repair the South Gate.
It Begins
After a mental calculation, Martras announces that each
Once the group has been infiltrated, the stage is set for of the characters must pay a 35 golden dragons tax, or
The Skinchangers to begin their sabotage of the characters’ suffer the consequences: 35 lashes at the nearest guard
reputations, deprive them of resources, and ultimately end post. Make it clear to the players that fighting is not really
their lives. The first sabotage is but a pin-prick in what is an option they could hope to get out of - the 5 City Watch
to come later, but depending on how the PCs react, even are well-armed, they can easily call nearby backup, and
this first sabotage could be deadly. assaulting a magister is punishable by death.
Refuse to pay anything or not having enough coin
Martras will order anyone refusing to pay taken to the Dear (Character’s Name),
nearest watch post and lashed for each coin they owe. This
lashing deals a total of 7d6 damage (1d6 per 5 lashes), and This is the first time I’ve ever written
characters who fall unconscious are taken to a cell for the anyone like this. Pardon me for the sudden
night (See: “Arrested!” Sidebar for the consequences of nature of this missive.
this). Characters who survive the lashing are let go and I’ve noticed you recently moved into
given five days to come up with the necessary funds (keep the neighborhood, and we haven’t had the
a calendar). Martras will end with something like: ”The chance to properly meet. Perhaps you’ve
lashes have bought you some time. But of course, you still have to caught me glancing at you once or twice,
pay! We’ll be in touch." and if so, perhaps you’ve already guessed
who this is!
Try and talk their way out of paying I’ve never mustered up the courage to
Martras will not back down regardless of the result of any talk to you face to face.
checks players attempt to roll. He says only: ”I am a magister You seem to be quite popular with your
of Waterdeep, not a merchant you can barter with. Kindly hand companions and always in their company or
over the tax you owe, and we shall leave you in peace.” someone else who seems important, so I just
could never find the opportunity to approach
you. What’s worse, I am a bit too shy for
Pay the Coin my own good.
Martras will thank the characters and this sabotage ends I’d like to meet with you privately and
as he and the Watch leave the premises. get to know you a little better. You must have
a lot of interesting stories of bravery to tell
- I’d love to hear about them directly from
Continuing the Sabotage you, if you are available.
(Encounters) Perhaps we could meet for dinner
After this initial annoyance (and assuming no-one got at The Jade Jug in Castle Ward tomorrow
arrested!), the Skinchangers should slowly start ramping evening? Don’t worry about the price of
up their sabotage attempts with the goal of weakening the food and drinks - my father will take
the group enough to make them vulnerable, but also not care of that.
weaken them so much that they would be unable to end up
at the Skinchangers’ Hideout. Ultimately, the Skinchangers’ Your secret admirer,
want to murder the PCs in the bowels of their own lair. In
that way they are able to clean up the mess easier and draw S
no attention to themselves.
Secret Admirer
This sabotage can occur at any time during Chapter 1. If the PC ignores the letter or refuses to go to dinner, have
“S” write back disappointed, yet mysterious and suggestive:
If your group is comfortable roleplaying romance/love
relationships in your game, a young and attractive NPC Aren’t you curious who is writing you these letters? You’ll
from a noble house in the city (of course supplanted by have to come to dinner if you want me to tell you. “S” may
a doppelganger from the Skinchangers) will attempt to even hint at a “gift” that they want to give the PC (nothing
isolate one of the PCs by writing them love letters signed worth more than 10 gp). If all else fails, “S” might try guilt
only “S.” They will suggest the character meet with them tripping the PC in further letters: Please, if I don’t make it
privately in order to find out as much information about look like I’m searching for a suitable partner, my father will
them and their group as possible. An example of one such surely force me to marry someone I don’t love. Even if you
letter the PC might receive is on the right. aren’t interested in a relationship with me, at least give me a
chance to avoid such a miserable fate!”
Finally, unless the players lose a lot of time in Chapter 2, it PCs can attempt to talk their way out of this situation,
is unlikely that the Watch will conclude their investigation deny ever having signed the contract, or whatever they
until after Chapter 3 is finished, and by then the PCs will like. Have the group nominate the PC who is doing the
have all the answers they need. Whether or not they most talking to roll a Charisma (Persuasion) check
inform the Watch at that point is entirely up to them. to plead their case. Allow the PC to have advantage on
the roll if they have particularly compelling arguments.
Depending on whether or not the players have made the
Forgery magister suspicious, the DC is as follows:
Begin this sabotage only after 5 in-game days
have passed. Normal: DC 15
Choose one of the PCs who hasn’t been a target of the Suspicious: DC 20
doppelgangers yet. A loan is taken out in this character’s
""Let me see that contract!" Theft
If the PC’s think to closely scrutinize the contract and are
This sabotage can be used at any point
in possession of another official document with the PC’s during Chapter 1.
signature (such as the Deed to Trollskull Manor), have them
make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to notice Now, the doppelgangers start becoming a bit more up-
the signature of the party member on the contract does not close and personal. Choose one PC who has not yet been
perfectly match the character’s real signature. If they are
the victim of doppelganger sabotage, and have one of their
able to show this information, the magister will withhold
any judgement pending further investigation, and apologize possessions go missing. Assume that the doppelganger
for wasting the PCs time. Barnibas will be furious, but also tries to either pickpocket them in a market, break into
doesn’t want the wrong people punished if his shop has been a their room at an inn whilst they are sleeping or away from
victim of fraud. their home. If possible, make the item something very
This information can also be found later on in Chapter 2 even important to the character such as a wizard’s spell book,
if they don’t think about it now.
a cleric’s holy symbol, a rogue’s thieves’ tools, or a fighter’s
favorite weapon. Whatever item is stolen ends up in the
Skinchangers’ hideout and can be recovered later (see area
On a success, have Thaddeus buy their story for the time D3 in Chapter 3). You might also have them steal a
being and allow them to go about their business, ending dagger off of one of the PCs and tie this sabotage to
this sabotage for now. the next one: “Framed for Assault”
Either way, if the players catch the creature attempting This sabotage will likely be directed at the PC who has
theft and subdue it, they will now know that it is been meeting with “S,” or a PC who was on their own
doppelgangers that are out to get them. This is enough to where no-one other than themselves and their party
lead them into Chapter 2 of this adventure and begin their members could corroborate an alibi for them.
A brewer named Emmek Frewn who owns a rival
Schade (Theft) establishment in the North Ward called “Frewn’s Brews”
claims to have been the target of attempted murder by one
If Schade is informed when the theft will occur, it may of the PCs. Indeed, the Watch were called to the scene by
“accidentally” leave a door or window unlocked to some regular patrons in his bar after one of the PCs walked
aid the thief.
up to the bar, stabbed a dagger into his shoulder, and
fled the scene.
At some point during Chapter 1, the characters will have
likely had enough of the sabotage and will have either:
Sidebar: Faction Assistance
• been arrested and delivered right into the
If at least one of the PCs is a member of a faction such as The
Skinchangers’ dungeon Harpers or The Zhentarim (Doom Raiders) featured in
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, they might petition them for help
Or on their investigation. The Harpers are well-known for their
vast network of spies, and The Doom Raider Zhentarim look
• decided to begin a proactive investigation into out for their members like family. DMs wanting to include one
or both of those factions in this adventure can find specific
who or what is out to get them.
rules for how much and to what degree those factions help
their members based on how much Faction Renown they
At the point the PCs start recognizing a pattern of sabotage have earned through completing faction specific missions.
against them and suspect that it isn’t just one or two
unrelated incidents, move on to Chapter 2 to begin the
Chapter 2 — The Path 1: Mystery Solving
Investigation (Adventure)
For the first path, the characters can gather all of the clues
s chapter 2 begins, the Skinchangers
realize that the PCs are onto them and that and information arising from each sabotage that happened
their operatives have not been as careful as during Chapter 1. Below is a list of possible clues/leads that
they should have been. Maybe one of their characters might find along with an associated ability check
members was caught and interrogated, to discover the information. Assume that finding all the
or one of their sabotages failed to have information at a location takes 2-3 hours of in-game time
its intended effect. However, this is all according to the looking over documents, moving to/from the location,
Entity’s plan. Remember: it wants the PCs to find its lair, interviewing locals, and so on.
but only after the sabotage has stripped them of resources,
caused problems for their reputation and standing in the Finally, if the players seem to still be stuck or are having
city, and driven them to the point of not trusting anyone. trouble putting the pieces together, introducing the
characters to Vincent Trench from Path 3 will help them
Chapter 2 is divided into three different sections organized fit the clues into a complete picture.
around the three different methods of finding out who
the enemies are (doppelgangers called the Skinchangers) The important pieces of information that the PCs can
and where they are located (an abandoned warehouse discover are:
in the Dock Ward). A summary of the three paths of 1. The perpetrators of the sabotage are doppelgangers.
investigation is listed below: 2. The doppelgangers are part of a group and active
. Path 1: The PCs piece together information and clues within the city of Waterdeep; the PCs are not their only
from each sabotage location by revisiting them and targets.
investigating (adventuring method). 3. They have a base in the Dock Ward located in an old,
. Path 2: The PCs set a trap for their enemies and abandoned warehouse.
attempt to capture and interrogate one of them either
by themselves or with the help of Zane Luthik, the Meeting with S (Secret Admirer)
Monster Hunter (combat method).
. Path 3: A Private Eye named Vincent Trench opens 1. “S” is a doppelganger. If the targeted PC is still meeting
an investigation on behalf of the characters which leads with “S” during Chapter 2 and becomes suspicious, a
them to several helpful NPCs that point them in the Charisma (Deception) or Wisdom (Insight) can be
right direction (role-playing method). made contested by “S”s Charisma (Deception) check to
Before pressing on with this chapter, try and gauge the try and catch “S” in a lie.
play-style of your group. Are the players more into the 2. “S” often wears different clothing - much of it
adventuring, combat, or role-playing aspects of D&D? unbefitting of someone of noble birth such as being dirty
Each of the three investigation methods in this chapter or damaged (DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) to notice
corresponds to one of those core play-styles, so you can and DC 10 Intelligence (History) to understand the
choose the one that you think would be most entertaining significance of a noble wearing damaged clothing.)
for your group. Alternatively, you could leave the floor 3. “S” can be followed back to the Skinchangers’ hideout
completely open and simply ask your players how they after any meeting (DC 14 Wisdom (Survival))
intend to find out what is going on. If they are keen on
looking into it themselves, method 1 might be best. On Skuld’s Duggery (Forgery)
the other hand, if the players are at a complete loss or
aren’t really ‘mystery’ types, introducing a helpful NPC like 1. The signature on the contract is forged (DC 15
Vincent Trench or Zane Luthik and using methods 2 or Intelligence (Investigation)). Must be compared with
3 would likely be best. another document with the PC’s signature.
2. Others in Waterdeep have been the victims of similar
Of course, making the experience as organic as possible fraud perpetrated by illusionists and shape changing
and using bits and pieces from each of the three monsters such as doppelgangers. (DC 15 Charisma
investigation methodologies is also perfectly fine and may (Persuasion) check to get a public official/magister to
make the game more entertaining for all players. divulge this information.)
4+ After a long chase into the night, huffing and With this in mind, Zane will suggest a plan to deal with
puffing you come to the threshold of a stone
warehouse located at the dead end of an alley
the PCs' enemies. First, he will cast an alarm spell in and
in the Dock Ward. The creature runs past the around the PCs’ intended lodgings and then give his
front door and disappears around the side of plan as follows:
the structure.
Allow the PCs to completely change the plan to suit their
own abilities, adapt some parts of it, or use Zane’s plan as Schade (Path 2)
is. Zane won’t be offended if the PCs have a better plan and
If Schade is present for all planning and meeting with Zane, it
will go along with them if they have better ideas. What should be very frightened of him. Zane is a well-known killer of
follows assumes that Zane’s plan (or a version of it) is the doppelganger kind, and Schade would likely try and get Zane
one selected by the PCs, so the DM may need to change a to leave the picture as soon as possible. Schade may make
few details depending on what the players decide. excuses such as claiming Zane’s services or products are too
Have thtree doppelgangers attempt to sabotage the PCs in overpriced and unnecessary.
some active way, either through the “Theft” sabotage if you After finding out where the doppelganger’s lair is and
successfully entrapping or tracking one of the doppelgangers,
haven’t done it yet (see chapter 1), or another method of Schade will attempt to convince the group that they can deal
your choosing. with the rest themselves and will not need Zane’s help.
Path 3: Support and Assistance The Yawning Portal
(Role-playing) The Yawning Portal is a famous tavern in the Castle Ward
within Waterdeep. More information about the tavern
Players at a complete loss as to how to deal with their itself can be found within the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
predicament might try visiting a private investigator adventure or the plethora of other materials published
or finding NPCs to assist them. Before using Path 3, about Waterdeep. For this adventure, suffice it to say that
DMs should familiarize themselves with Vincent the tavern is a local hotspot for the adventurers of the
Trench’s profile written in the Important NPCs section of city, and NPCs of all races, classes, and levels can be found
the adventure. within at any one time.
Vincent will reach out. He might visit their tavern briefly The owner, Durnan, has a lot of respect as an ex-
or deliver a message introducing himself and informing adventurer and is well-liked. Any trouble happening
them of his business. Also, the characters might come within the tavern can be dealt with swiftly by him and the
across an advertisement for his services somewhere adventurers found here.
in the city, which would lead them to his office in
the North Ward. DMs can introduce the NPCs one by one as vignette social
encounters, have them all talking together and introduce
He will explain that, as a private detective, he keeps his them all at the same time, or simply provide descriptions
eyes and ears peeled at all times - especially in his own of them and allow the PCs to decide how they would like
neighborhood where he lives! As a result, he picked up to approach the situation.
on his neighbor’s problem, and is willing to help them
investigate for a discount as a neighborly gesture. He
has not yet had the chance to formally welcome them Rewarding Good Roleplaying
to the community and doesn’t want them to feel they
Within the Yawning Portal section is a list of several NPCs
are unwelcome. He invites them to his office to discuss within the tavern that PCs can talk to and gather information
matters further and hints that, based on his observations about the villains in this adventure. The characters may be
and intuition as a professional, he has an inkling of who or asked to pass a certain ability check or perform some task to
what might be troubling them. get an NPC to reveal the information it knows, but because
this is the role-playing Path, good role-playing should be
rewarded over just rolling high on dice and getting lucky. If the
Once the PCs have met with Vincent at his office, take
players come up with interesting or fun ways to engage with
some time describing the environment to the players. the NPCs, don’t let a single failed ability check get in the way.
Observant PCs will notice his fine tastes and try to use it to Likewise, a high ability check shouldn’t automatically succeed
their advantage in acquiring his services at a discount. if the player doesn’t role-play the situation well.
If the PCs are agreeable, Vincent begins his investigation
into their problem right away by trying to find out what
— if any — enemies the PCs have made during their time
in Waterdeep. He will also try and find out what sorts
Bonnie is a doppelganger, but it is not associated with the
of sabotage the PCs have been subject to, just in case he
Skinchangers or any other sinister group within the city.
hasn’t heard about all of them already. He will end by
It is a good-natured shapechanger who merely wants to
asking the PCs to give him one day and his fee, and then he
fit into the colorful society of Waterdeep as best as it can.
will get to work (see Important NPCs for the results of his
Right now, Bonnie is just working as a waitress in The
Yawning Portal and trying to save up enough money to
allow its family members outside of Waterdeep to settle
Following up on Vincent’s investigation, players likely
down permanently.
will go on to The Yawning Portal where they will meet
Bonnie, their old friend Volo, and Lee Ocean the
Just as Vincent explains, PCs can find Bonnie working
fortune teller.
most nights in the taproom of The Yawning Portal. “She”
sleeps during the day in a common sleeping room on
We don’t trust this guy! the second floor. Durnan, the owner of the tavern,
knows Bonnie’s secret and doesn’t charge it for lodging
At this point in the adventure, players may be justifiably or meals. Durnan is a retired adventurer and has learned
suspicious of everyone all the time - especially someone who over the years that not all monsters are malicious (see
would approach them and offer help. To take the edge off, you the “Doppelgangers” sidebar in Chapter 1). And besides,
can explain that Vincent is well-known in the community as
a top-notch private detective whose successful business has
Bonnie is very good at her job, as “she” very much enjoys
earned him a good reputation. If you’d rather have the players the company of others. She has a maternal and caring way
discover this information on their own, have them make a DC with words that sets tired adventurers at ease and makes
10 Charisma check to ask around and find out about Vincent them feel at home.
and his highly reputable business.
If approached by the PCs while working, Bonnie will
politely ask the characters to wait until her shift is over
(around 10 o’clock P.M.). She is happy to talk with and
listen to anyone, and is especially interested in why anyone
would be interested in her enough to approach her for drunkards in random taverns and festhalls to fund his
something other than ordering food/drinks. personal addiction: red wine. He serves as a red herring in
this adventure, and has the potential to send the characters
If characters allude to or mention the fact that they know on a wild goose chase and waste
about her true identity either before or during their a lot of their time if PCs aren’t
meeting with her, she immediately expects the worst and very perceptive.
goes on the defensive - many in Waterdeep (such as Zane
Luthik see: Important NPCs) would kill a doppelganger When he notices them arrive,
without a second thought. If they are able to speak with he will immediately target them
Bonnie and are not confrontational, have the party roll as potential victims not having
a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to get Bonnie to seen them around much before
lower its guard and open up to them about what it knows. and knowing that they are not
On the other hand, if the players decide to go a less friendly familiar with his tricks. He is a
route and threaten force or to expose it to the authorities, failed wizard, but still has the
have them roll a DC 12 Charisma (Intimidate) check to ability to cast simple spells such
scare it into talking. On a failure for either of these checks, as mage hand, minor illusion, and
Bonnie will explain that she is not comfortable with the prestidigitation which he uses to
characters asking personal questions after all, and attempts augment his “performances” at no cost to himself.
to leave the characters’ presence.
He approaches the characters and claims to sense that
Under no circumstances will Bonnie attempt to fight they are troubled and can help them if they will sit
unless its life is being threatened. She will immediately down with him.
inform Durnan that she is being harassed by adventurers.
At that point he will take the characters aside and politely Lee Ocean introduces himself as a gifted fortune teller,
(and quietly) tell them to “Stop harassing Bonnie. Have a seat “touched by Tymora herself, the goddess of Luck.!” The
and enjoy your drinks, or leave the premises.” encounter begins with a cursory chat about the characters’
issues, their past, future dreams, and so on. Lee Ocean uses
If they persist or try and cause a scene, Durnan can this as an opportunity to learn and memorize basic details
easily rally the dozens of other powerful adventurers in about them. This is so that later he can pretend he knew
the tavern and force them out onto the street, ending the what they told him all along and weave subtle details into
encounter prematurely. his fortune.
Assuming PCs are able to get Bonnie to talk through Before beginning the fortune and the communion with
a combination of good role-playing and a successful “Lady Luck,” Lee Ocean informs the characters that he
ability check, have it reveal the following information needs only one spell component: a bottle of fine red wine.
through roleplaying: In The Yawning Portal, assume that a bottle of red wine
costs 10 golden dragons.
• Bonnie knows of several doppelganger organizations
within Waterdeep. One particularly nasty group for Try and make the reading as cryptic, mysterious, and
hire, called “The Skinchangers,” tried to recruit her, but ridiculous as possible, as he chants, waves his hands
she refused after learning more about them. around, uses some basic spells for effect, and takes large
gulps of the wine directly from the bottle. Secretly have
• Bonnie knows that they operate out of the Dock Ward, Lee Ocean roll a Charisma (Performance) check at +4
but doesn’t know where specifically. versus any PC’s Intelligence (Religion), Intelligence
(Arcana), or Wisdom (Insight) checks to pick up
• Bonnie suspects that this might be the group behind the on foul play.
sabotage on the PCs, as the tactics they are using are in At the end of the “ritual” — whether characters have
line with what the Skinchangers were asking her to do if discovered him for the charlatan he is or not — he
she had joined with them. exclaims, wide-eyed and nodding, the following:
• Bonnie is scared of “The Skinchangers,” as she has the ”Tymora, Lady Luck! Thou hast spoken to us this eve! … Did
sneaking suspicion that they want her dead after refusing you not feel her presence, friends?”
to join. She would be happy if that group were dealt Whatever Lee Ocean tells the PCs after this should be utter
with, as she thinks that groups like them are what give nonsense and provide no clues whatsoever. He may tell
doppelgangers such a bad name. them that they can find their enemies “in this very tavern!”
If made friendly through Roleplaying or a DC 12 possibly leading them to suspect Bonnie, at worst. Or he
Charisma check, she will offer characters who intend to may tell them that their enemies were last spotted on a
look into The Skinchangers two potions of greater healing ship, getting ready to set sail across the Sea of Swords.
and one potion of invisibility that she had stashed for After he finishes, have the PCs roll a DC 14 Wisdom
a rainy day. (Insight) check as a group (at least half of the party
rounded up must pass) to notice how he seems to be in a
Lee Ocean the Fortune Teller hurry and trying to rid himself of the characters’ presence
Lee Ocean the Fortune Teller (CN male human wizard as fast as possible (of course, so he can move on to
1) is a scam artist who preys on the weak-minded and the next bar!).
Further developments of actually following up on Lee ”Why not pose as one of the rich and powerful? Perhaps
Ocean’s nonsense are not detailed in this adventure. following in the footsteps of whomever employed your
enemies will land you in a meeting with them yourselves?
Schade in Path 3 (Lee Ocean) You’d best find yourself some fine clothing if you’re going
to blend in!”
Schade obviously knows that Lee Ocean’s fortune is a farce,
but it of course doesn’t mind the other characters wasting
money on buying wine for him. Ultimately, it is up to the
player controlling Schade to decide, but if the characters seem
Preparing for the Ball
keen on following Lee Ocean’s fortune telling too far, it will If they follow this lead, ask the players how they plan to
discourage the party from following up on it.
prepare for the ball, if at all. Inform the players up front
that the more effort they put into preparing for the ball,
Volothamp Geddarm (Volo)
the better things should go for them. However, they aren’t
Players who finished up “Waterdeep: Dragon Heist” may
required to prepare anything if they don’t want to, and can
recognize their old patron Volo (human male commoner)
simply use some old, worn out masks featuring different
sitting in his usual corner by the hearth in the tavern. A
monsters that Volo is happy to give them. These masks
jovial man well on in years and a pipe in his ink-stained
impart no bonuses or penalties to characters’ rolls later
hands, he appears ‘comfortable sat’ as usual. Prone to
For every extra step or detail added by a PC, give that
exaggerations, Volo loves to brag about himself and his
character a cumulative +1 on their
many accomplishments of travel and authorship (see:
rolls (up to a maximum of +5) to
W:DH and other publications for more information on
gather relevant information at the
this iconic character in the Realms).
ball. Some examples of things PCs
might try to do are:
Whether the party knows him or not, have Volo walking
around and overhear a part of the characters’ conversation • Buy brand new clothing.
with Bonnie, Lee Ocean, Durnan, or anyone else in • Buy a high quality mask.
the tavern. Volo is an unabashed eavesdropper — always • Bring a suitable gift for the host.
looking for new material for his next book, and he very • Purchase and apply richly scented eau de parfum or
much would like to interview the characters. cologne.
To begin, have Volo approach the characters from behind • Use spells to make themselves appear more glamorous
when they have ended a chat in which they mention or wealthy.
their problems: • Arrive to the estate on an exotic mount, a hired private
coach, or other extravagant way.
“Sounds like you may have upset a noble! They are the
• Invent an elaborate backstory to use at the ball.
ones who tend to hire thugs from the shadows, the likes DMs should feel free to add other
of which you seem to be dealing. A truly dreary affair, that. things to the list, and also allow the
I certainly wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, but I am a
players creativity to come up with their
creature of great sympathy. Perhaps I could help you out,
in exchange for a wee favor,” he says with a smile and a wink.
own ideas if they sound reasonable.
The Ball Masquerade Ball Investigation Results
Successes Results
Once characters arrive at the ball, read the following aloud: 0-1 You and your friends are almost ousted several
The elite of the city of Waterdeep have flocked to this times by the Amcathra guards and other party-
goers. Some even question how you acquired
ball in droves, and the path leading up to the estate and
an invitation in the first place, and most of your
the immediate area of the North Ward is heavily guarded.
engagements were greeted with blank stares or
Invitations are checked one by one by a pair of nasally
derisive comments.
door attendants, while those around you bemoan the
weather and the fact that things are taking so long. When 2-4 You discover that nobles tend to deal with their
you have finally made it inside, you are led by the crowd problems from a distance and don’t like to let
to an enormous party hall bedecked with the pennants their enemies know who they are. Therefore,
and banners of dozens of noble houses. At seven bells, the they usually do any kind of hiring through an
Host, his Lordship Amcathra, gives a brief speech thanking intermediary or servant and never directly. You
the guests for arriving on time, and apologizing for the are told that you shouldn’t be asking questions
wait. “The food,” he says, “has been especially prepared about things like “hit jobs” so brazenly
by my private chefs, and they assure us all that it shall not
5-6 You find out that there are several groups in
disappoint the most discerning of palates among us. For
Waterdeep that are able to get a “hit job” done
parties wishing a bit more privacy or other diversions,
for a price. The Zhentarim and the Xanathar
any of the chambers on the first floor are open to you
are the most infamous ones, but acquIring their
which include a reading room, a smoking lounge, and a services comes with great risks. “I would think
game room equipped with billiards, Dragonchess, and it best to hire a group that didn’t have as
Lanceboard. As well, there is the veranda overlooking much power to blackmail you later, like this
the gardens just up on the second floor, or the gardens new group: ‘The Skinchangers.’ I’ve heard
themselves are accessible via the row of tall doors behind from the grapevine that they can deal with
you. Enjoy your evening! anyone who’s gotten on your bad side in
the most devious of ways, and that the
target would never know who they were
For the focus of this adventure — finding information dealing with until it was too late!”
on the Skinchangers — have characters at the ball choose
7-9 In addition to all information above in “5-6
up to three of the skill challenges below (one for each
Successes”, you find out that the Skinchangers’
hour of the ball). Remember to modify an individual are a group of doppelgangers and are located
character’s rolls by +1 (up to a maximum of +5) for their in an abandoned warehouse in the Dock Ward.
preparation (if any). You also are given an approximate location
to begin looking for them if you wanted to
DC 15 Charisma (Performance) To properly speak like a petition them for a job. The noble is going off
of hearsay, however, and has never met with or
noble and chat with the peckish crowd at the food tables.
hired them.
DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) To win respect at the
billiards table and get some of the players talking about 10+ In addition to all information above, you
“personal matters.” find out that one noble’s friend actually was
DC 15 Intelligence (History) To engage in intelligent going to hire them and sent a servant to the
Skinchangers’ base to negotiate (they don’t
conversation about local politics in the reading room and under any circumstances reveal who it was,
learn about different groups in the city. and it is unrelated to the PCs’ plight at any
DC 15 Constitution To keep up with a group of rate). This noble’s friend’s servant explained
younger nobles taking shots of whisky in the smoking afterward that the warehouse was full of traps,
lounge and try to discover what they might say when and that there was a secret entrance around
they’re inebriated. the back of the building that led to a horrible
smelling room with spoiled wine. Within that
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) To overhear whispered room, they used another secret door in the
conversations about potentially illicit activities in floor to enter their lair and discuss the job in
the gardens. a secluded underground chamber. In the end,
the noble’s friend didn’t end up hiring them,
Based on the total number of successes, consult the thinking their price too high.
table on the next page for the results of the characters’
At the strike of the eleventh bell, the party ends and the
investigation. Assuming 4 PCs, the range should be
Amcathra guards and servants begin leading all of the
between 0 and 12 successes, but the numbers in the chart
guests — some of them too drunken to walk properly and
can easily be modified to account for a smaller or greater
in dire need of an escort — to the exit of the Villa, ending
number of players.
this encounter.
Making the Ball your Own
Feel free to add a variety of NPCs related to other threads and
side quests involving the nobility of Waterdeep or other plots
in your campaign at the ball. Spend as little or as much time
developing and detailing this part of the adventure as you and
your players would like. For instance, adding a memorable
NPC at the mini-game in the billiards room, finding an old book
in the library leading to a lost dungeon, or recognizing an NPC
known to one of the PCs in the gardens are all interesting side
ventures that could take place.
Through one or more of the three investigative paths
presented in this chapter, the PCs should be able to find
out at least that…
Chapter 3 — The and creep down the stone walls in places, while cracks in
the foundation, walls, and roof all hint at the building’s age.
Skinchangers’ Hideout Thick, neglected grass and wild weeds grow around the sides
of the warehouse, glistening with pent-up moisture.
hapter 3 begins when the party has Allow players to describe how their characters approach
discovered where the Skinchangers’ the structure.
hideout is located and have made their way
there. By the end of the chapter, the party If the players are approaching during the daytime
has hopefully dealt with the doppelgangers and trying to be stealthy, ask the party to roll a group
by defeating their master, The Entity DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check to avoid being spotted
(See: “Important NPCs”). They will also discover who hired by nearby dock workers or passerby. For group checks,
The Skinchangers for the hit-job against them, and be at least half of the party rounded up need to pass the
rewarded by the city for exposing and ending a dangerous check for a success. Locals know that this warehouse is
criminal organization. abandoned, and would certainly be curious if they saw
characters attempting to go inside or poking around the
That is, if they can survive. area. Likely, several of them would make their presence
known and ask the characters what they were up to. If the
The Skinchangers’ lair is divided into two sections: the PCs are cagey, feel free to have the dock workers threaten
Warehouse Level (W) and the Dungeon Level (D). The to inform the City Watch if they aren’t paid off. A bribe of
Dungeon Level is only accessible by a secret passage at least 5 gp should be enough to get them to keep quiet,
in the floor. or a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion), (Deception), or
(Intimidate) check can likewise
If you used the infiltration sabotage and Schade is in the convince them to mind their own
party, then it is a good idea to make sure that the player business. Cunning players whose
controlling Schade knows the general layout and location characters are from Waterdeep
of traps/rooms within the dungeon. Generally speaking, or have the “City Watch”
Schade should try and have the other characters take the background feature from Sword
most dangerous routes in the hopes of ending their lives Coast Adventurer’s Guide could roll
early, or at least weakening them enough so that they are a DC 10 Intelligence (History)
easy prey for The Entity. Schade might relish the idea check to know that the City
of trying to kill all of the other PCs itself if it sees a good Watch hardly ever come to the
opportunity, but it definitely will not blow its cover until Dock Ward, even when called,
it thinks the PCs have no way to survive. The last thing it and can choose to call the dock
wants is to be captured by them! workers’ bluff.
Some details should not be shared with the player If the players are approaching
controlling Schade, however, such as the existence of at night and using light, torches,
Grrglik (see area D3(D)), as neither Schade nor any of or another form of illumination
the other doppelgangers are aware of its presence! to light their way, the same stealth
check should be rolled above to
The Warehouse Level (W) avoid a similar encounter with
Dock Ward locals. The Dock
The alley in which the Warehouse is located in the Dock Ward is the most poorly lit district of the city, and the
Ward is crammed between some other taller tenements, guild of lamplighters hardly have the budget to keep the
casting this area in shadows for longer portions of the day. main streets lit, much less back alleys. If players do not
The stench of mildew and the feeling of loneliness and need to use light to see, (such as if characters all have
abandonment permeate this place. darkvision) this should make the PCs passage to the
structure free of diversions.
W1 - Getting Inside Once players have dealt with the dock workers or gotten
nearer to the warehouse without being noticed, read the
When players can see the warehouse in the distance, read
following aloud:
the following aloud:
The thick iron padlock on the main entrance can be picked notice one of the crates shift slightly. Otherwise, the
by someone proficient with and in possession of Thieves’ Mimics will attack the party in a surprise round, waiting
Tools. A DC 19 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check is until at least one character is within range to attack and
enough to pick the lock. Alternatively, a DC 22 Strength grapple them.
check is enough to break the padlock off of the door, albeit
making a lot of noise which may alert locals at any time of Treasure:
the day or night. Most of the containers hold nothing more but soggy,
moth-eaten linens but if characters want to spend time
If the players decide to look around the building a bit looking through the detritus, they can find a few items
more carefully, have them roll Perception. With a DC that the doppelgangers overlooked when they threw
20 Wisdom (Perception) check, describe the smaller dead victims in here to feed their pets. A DC 18 Wisdom
entrance on the western face of the building hidden behind (Perception) check with 15 minutes of searching is
a buildup of moss that has grown over it (marked with enough to find a single cracked vial containing a potion of
an "S" on the map). The lock on this door is broken, so climbing as well as a small, flawed ruby worth 20 gp.
entry to the building is much easier. Also, allow a DC 15
Wisdom (Survival) check by any trackers in the group to
notice that the long, unkempt grass around this side of the W3 - Wine Room
building is trampled in places. If this information is found,
This small, foul-smelling room is filled with the horrendous
give players advantage on their perception check to find smell of spoiled wine turned completely to vinegar. The
the secret entrance. The side door is the entrance that the offensive odor is coming from the barrels placed around
doppelgangers use to move in and out of the hideout. the room, some tilted, and others with holes eaten through
them by termites.
W2 - Main Warehouse
The door on the eastern side of the room leads to area
When the players enter this part of the warehouse through W2, the main warehouse. The door is locked, but
either entrance, read the following: can be unlocked easily from area W3 by sliding the
bolt mechanism.
The wet stone floor of the main warehouse is cluttered
with an array of wooden crates, clay jars, barrels, sacks, There is a hatch in the floor that leads to the dungeon
and chests. Some of them are open to the air, with most level below, hidden underneath an empty wine barrel. It is
containing a moldy assortment of poor-quality linens left to discoverable with a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check.
fester under the leaky roof; clearly the source of the mildew Beyond the hatch is a rusty iron ladder that descends
smell. Between many of the boxes, the glisten of hundreds of
approximately 40 feet down a 5 foot wide circular shaft to
spiderwebs can be seen, indicating that these boxes were not
placed here recently, nor have they been relocated in a very
the Dungeon Level (area D1).
long time. A narrow path has been created to allow passage
through the labyrinth of containers with a pair of double
doors on the south side of the room, and a single wooden
door to the west.
This room is only visited by the Skinchangers when they
want to dispose of a corpse. The Entity keeps its pets in
here, providing them with a regular diet of the victims
taken down as a result of the Skinchangers’ murder
contracts. The ‘pets’ are four Mimics disguised as various
crates or barrels around the room. Hungry and having
grown tired of subsisting on days old corpses, 4 living
adventurers wandering into their domain represent a rare
treat indeed. Unless the party chooses to be cautious, roll
one Stealth check for the Mimics with advantage at +5.
If any PC’s passive Perception or roll is higher than the
Mimics’ stealth check, have the player with the highest
limit; DC 18 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) to jam the
The Dungeon Level (D) opening mechanism to either OPEN or CLOSED).
The Dungeon Level is the heart of The Skinchangers’ If triggered, a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw avoids the
hideout. This is where they hold their prisoners, concoct pit, allowing successful characters to quickly jump to an
their devious plans, and recuperate after finishing a job. unoccupied space on the edge of the pit. If no space exists,
Doors in the dungeon level are all made of iron and locked a success allows the character to hang onto the edge.
(DC 19 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) or DC 22 Strength The pit trap itself has perfectly smooth walls and appears
to open.) A master key for all locks is held by The Entity to be a 40 foot drop. In reality the floor is illusory and
(see area D7), and the doppelgangers all have keys to their characters will fall an additional 30 feet after that into a
sleeping quarters only (see area D3). All walls, floors, and zone of silence onto sharpened, 2 feet long metal spikes
ceilings are made of reinforced stone. The ceilings are all adorning the bottom. Characters who fail their saves and
10 feet high, each square on the map represents 5 feet, fall into this horrible trap will suffer 1d4 attacks (+10 to
and the entire dungeon level has no light sources unless hit, 1d8 damage) from the spikes as well as 7d6 damage
otherwise noted. from the 70 foot fall.
Development belongings of each doppelganger living here. You can
Of course, the doppelgangers come and go from the base choose to roll on the random trinket table or a random
all the time, so a bit of noise or talking in the hallway is treasure table from the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s
nothing out of the ordinary. However, any loud noises Guide, or Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Alternatively, you
such as the pit/crushing walls trap being triggered, loud could say that each chest contains an assortment of gems
talking/planning by the PCs anywhere within area D2, and coins worth around 20 gp per chest.
or characters marching around in heavy armor will alert
non-sleeping doppelgangers in the living quarters (see Schade (D3 - Living Quarters)
Tactics in area D3)
Schade’s own living space is within area D3(b). Of course, it
has a key to this room.
If the PCs are attempting to be stealthy, of course allow
the group to roll a Dexterity (Stealth) check vs. any
awake doppelgangers’ passive perception score to notice
something amiss. D3 (d) - Grrglik’s Room
D3 - Living Quarters
This spacious bedchamber and living space is designed
to accommodate up to four individuals at a time. In each
corner, there is a comfortable looking bed with a small chest
at the foot of each one. On one wall, a vanity set stands
complete with a mirror and stunning array of makeup
accoutrements. In the center of the room, a 6 foot tall
cylindrically shaped chest of sliding drawers allows easy
access from any side.
Tactics: When the PCs first arrive in this room (and assuming
If any doppelgangers are alerted to noises in the hallway they have dealt with any doppelgangers), Grrglik will
they will spend the first 3 rounds grabbing weaponry, appear before them in its natural form and offer an alliance
waking up their sleeping allies, while one or two of them in a throaty, amphibious sounding voice: “I’ll help you
peek into the hallway. If intruders are spotted, they will deal with The Entity, but only if you agree not to kill
attempt to create as much confusion as possible by taking it and hand its unconscious form over to me. Whatever
on the form of their enemies and using their read thoughts you do after that or with the rest of this place, I care not.”
ability to easily identify their own allies if necessary. Grrglik will not explain its reasoning or goals to the
They may try to back characters into the pit trap (they all inferior life-forms before it, only that it is here to “study”
know where it is), or use the emergency switch to close doppelgangers. The outcomes of allying with Grrglik are
the the crushing walls in an attempt to cut the enemy up to the DM to determine, but know only that it cares
into two groups, prevent their escape, or crush someone nothing for anyone but itself and its research, and will cast
choosing to stand in the entryway. off the PCs the moment it no longer has a use for them.
Treasure: Tactics
Within the chest of drawers is a wardrobe containing a If Grrglik hears noise coming from the hallway and the
variety of different outfits. Just about any outfit in any doppelgangers are fighting, it will of course also take
size from the Player’s Handbook can be found within. The action. If the PCs appear competent, Grrglik may decide
small chests at the foot of each bed contain the personal to lend them its aid.
behind it. A character who attempts a Strength check
to break the door inwards can immediately roll a DC 15
(Insight) check to realize that there is something solid
behind it. Similarly, a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
check determines the same information.
If loud noises occur here, likely resulting from trying to
break through the false door or through combat, The
Entity will be immediately alerted to the threat. See the
Tactics section in its Stat Block to find out how this might
alter the encounter.
If someone in the party can understand dwarven, they can The Skinchangers use these cells to hold prisoners in
read the inscription which says: “Doom Befall the Thief of between interrogating or torturing them for information
Dwarven Treasures.” in areas D6 and D7. Of course, the cells are locked and
have iron bars (The Entity has the keys), but they can
Traps: be picked with proper lock picks with a DC 19 Dexterity
False Door: The iron door at the end of the hall is false. (Thieves’ Tools) check or a DC 22 Strength check to
It was installed here as a means to get invaders to waste bend the bars enough to get through.
their time and resources trying to pick the lock or break
through it. Currently, only two of the cells are occupied: one on the
bottom left and one on the upper right.
The lock is designed in such a way so as to appear and
act like a normal lock to the undiscerning thief (DC 20 The left contains Martras Van Thorp, the magister
Wisdom (Perception) to determine that the lock is from the opening of Chapter 1. Martras is currently
actually fake). The lock is rigged to break or snap any unconscious and stable at 0 hp. He has lost all hope and
lockpkcking implement that is able to manipulate the has gone insane long ago as a result of the mental and
tumbler (such as Thieves’ Tools). If a character attempts to physical torture he has experienced at the hands of the
pick this lock, allow a Dexterity saving throw at DC doppelgangers. If resuscitated and interacted with, role-
16 to avoid having their tool broken. If the tool breaks, all play him as completely oblivious and in denial of his
lock picking checks used with it will suffer disadvantage situation; his ego’s last ditch effort of defending itself. He
until repaired. goes from emotional extremes moment by moment, first
pretending to be a high-born noble reprimanding his
Characters may try and break down the door using brute household staff, and then changing to a weeping child who
force or other tools/spells at their disposal. Trying to has lost his favorite toy.
bash the door in is futile, as nothing but a stone wall rests
On the right, ”S” from the Secret Admirer sabotage in the ones on the doppelgangers are merely clever use of
Chapter 1 lies in the back of the frigid cell like a discarded cosmetics. The ropes are intentionally loosened around
rag doll. Misshapen with broken bones and lesions, they the doppelgangers’ bonds, allowing them to slip free at any
are in a particularly pathetic physical state. The PC who time. However, the real character must struggle against
was the target of the Secret Admirer sabotage will recognize a DC 18 Stength or Dexterity check to break free, and
the real “S” if examined, and this may even be the first time must do so with disadvantage unless they receive some
that PC realizes that “S” had been a doppelganger all along. magical healing.
On arrival, both of these NPCs are unconscious, and
healing magic would somehow need to be administered Role-play this situation as quite hectic and confusing,
at a distance in order to bring them up enough in order to describing all of the prisoners struggling to escape and
speak. Of course, neither of them will recognize the PCs each claiming to be the real person; that their counterpart
and they will assume that the characters are simply their is an imposter. The PCs will likely be on edge at this
captors in another disguise. development and may attempt to interrogate each of
them, or may start questioning their own party members.
Secret Passage Allow the players to direct the flow here and let them
The back wall of the hallway is actually illusory and can be try and work through this dilemma however they see
passed through without any effort. Characters examining fit. If necessary, you could have the doppelgangers roll
the area can discover the illusory wall with a DC 15 Charisma (Deception) checks against an interrogator’s
Wisdom (Perception) check. Wisdom (Insight) to pick up on lies.
There are two 5’x5’ pit traps here, one in the north and one
on the opposite side of the room on the south. They are
triggered whenever something or someone of at least 50
pounds is placed upon it, and drop down 40 feet suffering Upon defeating The Skinchangers, recovering a lost friend,
4d6 bludgeoning damage. and finding out about the plot against them, the PCs return
to Waterdeep victorious. In the event that the authorities
Because the walls are so close together, a character can are informed about The Skinchangers, their hideout, or
attempt to climb out by applying force to both sides of the what happened to the PCs, they will be contacted by a
pit and hoisting themselves upward. This is quite difficult representative of the city directly (likely Vajra Safahr, the
to do and characters attempting this must expend their current Blackstaff).
turn and attempt a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check. On
a success, the character will move themselves up the pit She will applaud the PCs victory and award each of the
by 20 feet, and must succeed one more time on the next PCs (including the PC who was captured) an 800 golden
round to exit. On a failure of either check, the character dragon reward as monetary thanks for their effort and
will fall back down to the bottom, and must restart the bravery in defeating the dangerous criminal gang.
process, suffering another 2d6 bludgeoning damage from Any and all outstanding cases against the PCs from
falling back down from approximately the half-way point. Chapter 1 will be attributed to the doppelgangers that
plagued them, and a hunt for doppelgangers by the
authorities will start in the city if the authorities think
Development there might still be a problem (especially if The Entity
When The Entity and its minions elsewhere in the escaped and they are aware of this fact!).
hideout have been defeated, the characters are victorious.
With the evidence they find in the final chamber (area This could spell trouble for good doppelgangers such as
D7), they will have put an end to a dangerous group of Bonnie, of course, so characters who befriended her may
assassins in the city of Waterdeep. They should have all the not want a pogrom of doppelgangers to begin, or at least
information they need to go to the authorities in the city might stand up for Bonnie’s defense.
and report what they have found out.
Important NPCs anything, but will caution them to tread carefully, as
Bonnie could very well be a spy for their enemies.
• Vincent can also put the characters in touch with Zane
Luthik (see Path 2 in Chapter 2 and the Important NPCs
Vincent Trench section).
What he Wants
• Vincent enjoys the finer things in life, and a big smile
crosses his face if he receives gifts of pipe tobacco or
premium single-malt whisky.
• People to listen to. While Vincent doesn’t talk much
himself, he very much is in love with the variety of
accents, tones, and timbres of voices that exist in a
cosmopolitan city the size of Waterdeep. Even though
he speaks very little (see his trait below), he very much
likes to listen (this is part of what makes him a great
What he Hates
- Vincent Trench
• Vincent hates dogs and anything related to them. Too
Vincent Trench is a male human private eye who runs messy, and too noisy. A sign on his front door states
a detective service called “Tiger’s Eye” in Trollskull Alley, clearly: “No Dogs Allowed.”
North Ward. His office on the first floor is rather cramped,
but arranged in a maximally comfortable way and doubles • Vincent hates loud noises or people who speak above a
as a lounge. Lowball glasses and a small assortment of certain volume.
whiskies line one shelf while the smell of smoked meats
mixed with the lingering aroma of pipe tobacco fills the Long Term Goal
room. He dresses impeccably and can always be found Vincent wants to be able to blend into Waterdhavian
with a pipe in hand and his signature notebook with a society completely. He doesn’t want to have to constantly
tiger-paw shaped golden filigree etched into the hard recast disguise self every hour to do this, so he is trying to
cover. His secret is that he is actually a Rakshasa named find some way - magical or otherwise - of permanently
Valantajar who has come to enjoy the City of Splendors shapeshifting into a human.
and the comfortable life his human guise and job have
afforded him. He casts disguise self before dealing with any
Vincent speaks very precisely and is curt. He never uses
customers to keep up the ruse. If he is ever discovered,
3 words when 1 will do. He tends to ask questions rather
he pleads with characters not to give up his secret and
than make statements and says “hmmm” a lot in a purr-like
promises to keep an eye out for suspicious characters in the
tone in response to people to show he is listening.
neighborhood near their property whenever they are off
adventuring. Ideal:
Vincent yearns to be free of fearing for his life. As a
What he can Offer castaway from his homeland, he wants to find a new place
With a day or two of work, Vincent can provide private to call ‘home’ and be accepted there.
investigative services within Waterdeep and find the
answers to questions asked to him for a price of 50 golden
dragons per job. This price can be entirely waived if he is
Vincent is never seen without his notebook, which
given a gift of pipe tobacco, whiskey, or a combination of
is actually a minor magical item that allows him to
them worth at least 25 gp. Clever players may recognize
immediately recall any information he writes into it as
his tastes and try to give him a gift, but a DC 15 Wisdom
long as he has it on his person and is attuned to it.
(Insight) check is enough to discern this information with
a roll. After payment and one day, Vincent can share the Flaw:
results of his investigation with the PCs: Vincent can’t help but show emotions in his face, even
• The group stalking the party is an unknown, but they when dealing with clients. It is very easy to tell when he is
are likely a group of doppelgangers or at least have some upset, sad, confused, or happy. He also unabashedly writes
among their members. into his notebook whenever conversing with someone,
• Vincent is able to locate a doppelganger who is disguised which puts some on edge.
as a human female going by the name of Bonnie. It
works as a waitress in The Yawning Portal, a large tavern Vincent Trench is originally a lightly-detailed NPC from
in the Castle Ward that caters to adventurers. The Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. He has received a mass overhaul here
bartender, Durnan, seems to be very protective of it. and this version of Vincent should replace the one in W:DH for
• Vincent will suggest trying to make contact with games using that adventure.
Bonnie at The Yawning Portal to find out if it knows
Zane Luthik, Monster Hunter demands 50 golden dragons up front, and another 50
golden dragons upon completion of any mission. He is
extremely stubborn and cannot be talked down as he
places high value on his services.
What he Wants
• Zane is not a smith, so he is in constant need of coin
to balance his weapons and repair his armor. He
settles only for the best armor and weapon smiths in
• Zane wants contracts, as this is what gets him his coin.
He advertises himself in places like The Yawning Portal
and The Copper Cup.
• Zane wants to love someone, but he just can’t trust
people anymore after his doppelganger experience (See
“Down to business. You got something for me to “What he Hates” below).
- Zane Luthik What he Hates
• Zane has an extreme distaste for doppelgangers and any
Zane Luthik (LN Human M Fighter (Eldritch Knight) kind of shapeshifters after someone he had fallen in love
6) is a monster hunter of some local fame who makes a with turned out to be a doppelgänger. The mere thought
living hunting, capturing, and harvesting monsters for or discussion of doppelgangers angers him to a breaking
wealthy patrons in the City of Splendors. Towering over point.
6 feet tall, Zane has a well-honed frame and often can be • Zane has no patience for those who lie or tell half-truths.
found practicing his swordsmanship in wide-open areas If he catches someone in a lie, he will walk away without
or relaxing between jobs with friends or more often alone another word.
in one of several inns he stays at in Waterdeep. He mostly • Zane hates it when he sees people who carry weapons
works alone, but occasionally goes on adventures with and wear armor, but do not take care of them. He openly
a group called The Silver Six. At heart, he is a cold and criticizes such people for being ‘ill-prepared’ or ‘unfit’ for
calculating businessman. Knowledgeable and proficient at fighting.
his trade, he does what he does for the coin, with the ‘thrill
of the hunt’ a distant second. A stone-cold personality, Long Term Goal
he hardly ever smiles or cares to engage in small-talk. He
cares about the quality, appearance, and workmanship of Zane wants to be rich and famous more than anything else.
weapons and armor and will openly criticize anyone with He sees himself as having the same potential for greatness
equipment that looks out of shape. as some of the most storied heroes of the realms. The
bigger and more dangerous-sounding the hunt, the more
What he can Offer likely Zane is to take the contract.
Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral
Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
— Speed 15 ft
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 30 ft. 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 5 (-3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)
— —
Skills Stealth +5
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Immunities Acid
11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) Condition Immunities Prone
Skills Deception +6, Insight +3 Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11
Condition Immunities Charmed Languages --
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11 Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Languages Common —
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Shapechanger. The mimic can use its action to polymorph
into an object or back into its true, amorphous form. Its
Shapechanger. The doppelganger can use its action to statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is
polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, or wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true
back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the form if it dies.
same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying
isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Adhesive (Object Form Only). The mimic adheres to
anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature adhered
Ambusher. The doppelganger has advantage on attack rolls to the mimic is also grappled by it (escape DC 13). Ability
against any creature it has surprised. checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.
Surprise Attack. If the doppelganger surprises a creature False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the
and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the mimic remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an
target takes an extra 10 (3d6) damage from the attack. ordinary object.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Actions
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the mimic is in
Read Thoughts. The doppelganger magically reads the object form, the target is subjected to its Adhesive trait.
surface thoughts of one creature within 60 feet of it. The
effect can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
2 feet of stone, 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage.
blocks it. While the target is in range, the doppelganger can
continue reading its thoughts, as long as the doppelganger's
concentration isn't broken (as if concentrating on a spell).
While reading the target's mind, the doppelganger has
advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception,
Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks against the target.
The Entity (Elder the acquisition of all memories, feelings, alignment, spells,
and class abilities if present. It can maintain up to three
Doppelganger; True Form) different identities with this ability, and if it tries to consume
a fourth must give up one of its previous identities. An elder
Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral evil doppelganger can only access/use the abilities, memories, and
— spells of an identity it is currently assuming the form of.
Armor Class 15 If an elder doppelganger takes any action that goes against the
Hit Points 80 (10d8 + 30) alignment of the identity it is assuming, it must succeed on a
Speed 30 ft. DC 13 Charisma saving throw or immediately be forced to
— revert to its true form.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Finally, the unfortunate victim of consume identity can no
14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) longer be raised from the dead using spells like reincarnate
— or raise dead, and can only be returned by a cleverly worded
Saving Throws CHA +6 wish or a true resurrection as the soul of the original body
Skills Deception +6, History +6, Insight +5, Stealth +8 becomes lost in the plane of Limbo, never truly knowing
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened release. If they are brought back from the dead in this way, the
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12 elder doppelganger will immediately lose access to the identity.
Languages Common Killing the elder doppelganger will remove any resurrection
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) restrictions on consumed identities as well.
— Currently, The Entity has two powerful identities at its disposal,
Shapechanger. The elder doppelganger can use its action and is looking for a potential third to complete its repertoire.
to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, The two identities each have their own stat blocks provided
attained through its consume identity ability, or back into below. When an elder doppelganger takes on one of its
its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same identities, it still retains its reactions and legendary actions
in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't from its true form in addition to its shapechanger traits.
transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
The Entity (Background) lairs where they thought valuables might be held. The
Entity stalked The Talons on several of their missions,
learning their strategies and sizing them up. On one day,.
The Entity is an elder doppelganger, an extremely rare they made the ill-informed decision to raid the lair of a
breed of its species. Like lesser doppelgangers, it is a lanky fully grown Black Dragon in the Lizard Marsh south of
creature with pristine and advanced musculature necessary Waterdeep. They fought as best they could, but the acidic
for organically altering its appearance. However, what breath and environment of the lair was too much for
sets them apart is the capability of not only assuming the Galar’s comrades.
forms of chosen humanoids, but actually becoming them
and subsuming their identity wholly in a process that It was the first time Galar ever tried to run from a fight,
requires surgically removing and consuming the brain of and his final memory as The Entity drove a sharpened
a victim (See: consume identity in The Entity’s stat block). blade into the back of his neck.
Elder doppelgangers tend to subvert and control lesser
doppelgangers through fear and convincing them that the
lder has their best interests at heart. In the Entity’s case,
this is of course not true, as its motives are completely
self-centered. The Entity is an evil creature through
and through and represents one of the most egregious
examples of doppelganger manipulation and deception.
The first is Vani, a halfling warlock of Great C’thulhu
from the city of Daggerford. In life, she was a greedy,
despicable and bitter old hag who spent most every waking
moment thinking of new ways of using her dark powers
to cause as much suffering as possible in those around her.
Truly a sadist, she enjoyed the pain she inflicted on her
victims, many of whom were children.
Vani (The Entity) Galar the Thorn (The Entity)
Small humanoid (halfling), neutral evil Medium humanoid (half-orc), chaotic evil
— —
Armor Class 15 Armor Class 18
Hit Points 80 (10d8 + 30) Hit Points 80 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 40 ft.
— —
14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws CHA +6 —
Saving Throws CHA +6, Advantage on STR (while raging),
Skills Deception +6, History +6, Insight +5, Stealth +8 Advantage on DEX vs. Spells and Traps
Damage Resistances Psychic Skills Deception +6, History +6, Insight +5, Stealth +8,
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened Advantage on STR skills (while raging)
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 12 Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
Languages Common, Halfling, Telepathy (while raging), Fire (from Flamedeath)
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened
— Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
Lucky. When Vani rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or Languages Common, Orc
saving throw, she can reroll the die and must use the new roll. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 112 (15d10 + 30)
Speed 30 ft.
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 16 (+3)
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +6
Damage Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder
Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception
Languages Slaad, Telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Shapechanger. The slaad can use its action to polymorph
into a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into its true form.
Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form.
Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It
reverts to its true form if it dies.
1/day: fireball
Multiattack. The slaad makes three attacks: one with its bite
and two with its claws or staff. Alternatively, it uses its Hurl
Flame twice.
Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), neutral
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 36 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Skills Deception +9, Insight +4, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth
+10, Thieves' Tools +10
Condition Immunities Charmed
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Shapechanger. The doppelganger can use its action to
polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, or
back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the
same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying
isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.