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Optimization of cellulase and �-glucosidase induction by sugarbeet pathogen

Sclerotium rolfsii


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2 authors:

Tarek A. A. Moussa Nagwa Abdel-hamed Tharwat

Cairo University Cairo University


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African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 6 (8), pp. 1048-1054, 16 April 2007
Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB
ISSN 1684–5315 © 2007 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Optimization of cellulase and -glucosidase induction

by sugarbeet pathogen Sclerotium rolfsii
Tarek A. A. Moussa* and Nagwa A. Tharwat
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Cairo, Giza 12613, Egypt
Accepted 15 January, 2007

The ability to produce cellulose degrading enzymes by sugarbeet pathogen Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. in
liquid synthetic media with carboxymethy cellulose (CMC) as inducer was studied. Several cultural
conditions were examined to assess their effect in optimizing enzymes production. Shaking cultures
gave higher yields of cellulases compared with static ones. Aspargine supplement was the best
nitrogen source, especially at 3.0 g/l concentration, in promoting enzyme production. Variation of
cellulose/xylan ratio in the culture medium showed that cellulose and xylan induced both cellulases
synthesis but cellulose being the most effective specific substrate. The influence of different inhibitors
on enzymes production by S. rolfsii was also studied. Cyclohexmide and ethidium bromide inhibited
protein synthesis by S. rolfsii. Moreover, glucose repressed cellulase synthesis in S. rolfsii.

Key words: Cellulase, -glucosidase, inhibitors, Sclerotium rolfsii.


The cellulase system in fungi is considered to comprise ner et al., 1997).

three hydrolytic enzymes: endo-(1,4)- -D-glucanase (sy- In a number of fungi, these various endoglycanases
nonyms: endoglucanase, endocellulase, carboxymethyl can be quite specifically induced. During the growth of
cellulase [EC]), which cleaves -linkages at ran- Trichoderma reesei and T. harzianum on xylan-based
dom, commonly in the amorphous parts of cellulose; exo- media, xylanase activities with low levels of endoglu-
(1,4)- -D-glucanase (synonyms: cellobiohydrolase, exo- canase are formed. Growth on cellulose or on hetero-
cellulase, microcrystalline cellulase, avicelase [EC geneous native substrates containing both xylan and], which releases cellobiose from either the non- cellulose results in the production of both endo-glucanase
reducing or the reducing end, generally from the cry- and xylanase. This unspecific effect of cellulose could be
stalline parts of cellulose; and -glucosidase (synonym: explained by xylan impurities found in commercially avail-
cellobiase [EC]), which releases glucose from able cellulose preparations (Hrmovà et al., 1986; Senior
cellobiose and short-chain cellooligosaccharides (Bhat et al., 1989).
and Bhat, 1997). Cellulases have a wide range of applications. Potential
Sclerotium rolfsii is a plant pathogen that has been iso- applications are in food, animal feed, textile, fuel, chemi-
lated from a wide variety of host species, primarily ann- cal industries, paper and pulp industry, waste manage-
uals and herbaceous perennials, but saplings of some ment, medical/pharmaceutical industry, protoplast pro-
woody plants may also be attacked. S. rolfsii survives on duction, genetic engineering and pollution treatment
dead plant material in the soil as sclerotia, which later (Beguin and Anbert, 1993; Coughlan, 1985; Mandels,
germinate and attack host plants, causing necrosis by 1985).
attacking cell walls (Ludwig and Haltrich, 2002; Sachsleh- The objective of this investigation is to study the pro-
duction of cellulases by S. rolfsii Sac. isolated from dis-
eased sugarbeet roots (El-Abyad et al., 1988) as well as
the influence of different cultural conditions on enzyme
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Fax: production by this species in the laboratory. This organi-
(002) 02 57 000 88. sm is known as an excellent producer of cellulolytic enzy-
Moussa and Tharwat 1049

mes (El-Abyad et al., 1996, 1997; Kurosawa et al., 1989; um was harvested and rinsed with sterile distilled water, and then
Lachke and Deshpande, 1988; Moussa, 1994). transferred to basal medium without nitrogen plus different com-
pounds: CMC, 120 mg/l + 10 g/l glucose; CMC, 120 mg/l + 0.2 mg/l
cycloheximide, CMC, 120 mg/l + 0.2 mg/l ethidium bromide; control
(glucose 10 g/l). The culture solids (mycelium and undegraded
MATERIALS AND METHODS cellulose) were separated from the culture fluids by filtration and
then centrifugation at 7000 rpm for 20 min. The culture filtrates
Micro-organism and culture conditions were dialyzed, freeze-dried and used as enzyme source.
S. rolfsii Sacc. was isolated from diseased sugarbeet roots (El-
Abyad et al., 1988) and maintained on a medium described by Enzyme assay
Johnson and Curl (1972) and composed of (g/l): dextrose, 30;
KH2PO4, 1; MgSO4.7H2O, 0.5; KCl, 0.5; KNO3, 2; agar, 20; and 1 Cellulase activity was determined at 40˚C by using carboxymethyl
ml/l of each of stock solutions (1 g/l) of FeSO4.7H2O, MnSO4.7H2O, cellulose (sodium salt, Sigma, USA) as a substrate, in 50 mM ace-
ZnSO4.7H2O and thiamine. tate buffer, pH 4.5. Reducing sugars released were assayed by the
Somogyi method (Somogyi, 1952) modified from Nelson procedure
(Nelson, 1944) with glucose as standard. One unit of enzyme
Effect of the state of culture on enzymes production activity was defined as the amount of enzyme required to liberate 1
µmol/min of reducing sugar expressed as glucose equivalents.
S. rolfsii was cultivated in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks with 100 ml -glucosidase was assayed at 40˚C using p-nitrophenyl- -D-
medium described by Haltrich et al. 1994 and containing the glucopyranoside as a substrate, in 50 mM acetate buffer, pH 4.5.
following (g/l): peptone, 80; NH4NO3, 2.5; MgSO4.7H2O, 1.5; One unit of enzyme activity was defined as the amount of enzyme
KH2PO4, 1.2; KCl, 0.6 and trace element solution at 0.3 ml/l. The required to liberate 1 µmol of p-nitrophenol /min.
concentration of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) was 200 mg/l for
production of cellulases. The flasks were inoculated with 5 mm plug
cut out from the margin of a 5 day-old culture. Incubation was Protein estimation
carried out at 25 ± 2˚C under static and shaking at 100 rpm for 11
days. The culture filtrates were dialyzed against distilled water over The protein was measured in the culture supernatant, and estima-
night at 4°C and freeze-dried. The concentrated filtrates were used ted by the Bradford method (Bradford, 1976) with bovine serum
as enzyme source. albumin as the standard.

Effect of different nitrogen sources and its concentrations on Statistics

enzymes induction
All the results are average of at least three replicates. The data
Cultivation of S. rolfsii was performed on a medium of Haltrich et al. were analyzed by the One-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kra-
(1994) described above but modified as follows. The NH4NO3 was mer's multiple comparison tests (p 0.05) (SPSS, 1999).
replaced by different nitrogen sources at equimolar nitrogen of
KNO3, (NH4)2SO4, NaNO3 or DL-asparagine. The flasks were
inoculated with 5 mm plug cut out from the margin of a 5 day-old RESULTS
culture. Incubation was carried out at 25 ± 2˚C under shaking at 100
rpm for 11 days. The culture filtrates were dialyzed, freeze-dried
The results in Figure 1 showed that the influence of cul-
and used as enzyme source.
From the previous experiment the best nitrogen source was DL- ture state on cellulose degrading enzymes production by
asparagine and used in different concentrations based on equimo- S. rolfsii. Static cultures (Figure 1A) gave lower levels of
lar nitrogen of NH4NO3 (0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 g/l) enzyme as compared with shaken ones. In agitated cultu-
were studied. res (Figure 1B), maximal activity for cellulase was at ninth
day and tenth day for -glucosidase of growth period.
Effect of different ratios of cellulose and xylan on enzymes
The rate of cellulase production was five times in shaking
induction cultures than in static ones, while, -glucosidase was se-
ven times in shaking cultures than in static ones (Figures
Cultivation of S. rolfsii was performed on medium described pre- 1A and 1B).
viously. Carbon sources (carboxymethyl cellulose and Brich wood In Figure 2A and B shows the effect of the nitrogen
xylan, Sigma, USA) were added at the ratios as mg/100 ml [C5 source on cellulose degrading enzymes produced by the
(cellulose, 20), C4X1 (cellulose, 16; xylan, 4), C3X2 (cellulose, 12;
xylan, 8), CX (cellulose, 10; xylan, 10), C2X3 (cellulose, 8; xylan,
fungus S. rolfsii. S. rolfsii cultivated on asparagine promo-
12), C3X4 (cellulose, 12; xylan, 16) and X5 (xylan, 20)]. The flasks ted the highest yields of cellulose degrading enzymes
were inoculated with 5 mm plug cut out from the margin of a 5 day- followed by potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, sodium
old culture. Incubation was carried out at 25 ± 2˚C under shaking at nitrate. Negligible amount of cellulase was observed
100 rpm for 11 days. The culture filtrates were desalted, concen- when cultivated on ammonium sulphate as sole nitrogen
trated and used as enzyme source.
The different concentrations of asparagine produced
Induction and repression of enzymes different amounts of cellulose degrading enzymes. The
amount of enzymes correlated with asparagine concen-
For induction and repression of cellulases, S. rolfsii was grown on tration till 3.0 g/l and then decreased with subsequent
standard medium using glucose (10 g/l) for four days. The myceli- increase in asparagine concentrations (Figure 2C).
1050 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

0.9 10
Cellulase Glucosidase 9

Glucosidase activity (U ml x 10 )

Cellulase activity (U ml )


0.2 2
0.1 1
0 0
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Incubation time (days)
4.5 80
Cellulase Gulcosidase
4.0 70

Glucosidae activity (Umlx10 )

Cellulase activity (Uml )



1.0 20

0.5 10
0.0 0
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Incubation time (days)

Figure 1. Effect of culture state on cellulose degrading enzymes produced

by sugar beet pathogen S. rolfsii, [A] static culture and [B] shaking culture.

1.4 [A] 70
Glucosidase activity (U ml x 10 )

1.2 60
Cellulase activity (U ml )


1.0 50

0.8 40
0.6 30
0.4 20
Pot. Nitrate Amm. Asparagine
Pot. Nitrate Amm. Asparagine
Nitrogen source
Nitrogen source
1.4 70
1.2 60
Glucosidase activity (U ml-
Cellulase activity (U ml-1)

1.0 50
1 x 10-2)

0.8 40

0.6 30

0.4 20

0.2 Cellulase Glucosidase 10

0.0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Asparagine concentration (g/l)

Figure 2. Effect of different nitrogen sources and its concentrations on the production of cellulose
degrading enzymes by S. rolfsii. [A and B] different nitrogen sources, [C] asparagine concentrations.
Moussa and Tharwat 1051

2.5 120

Glucosidase activity (U/ml x 10-2)

Cellulase activity (U/ml) 80

0.5 20

0.0 0
C5 C3X2 C2X3 X5 C5 C3X2 C2X3 X5
Cellulose/Xylan ratio (mg/100 ml) Cellulose/Xylan ratio (mg/100 ml)

Figure 3. Effect of cellulose/xylan ratio (mg/100 ml) on the induction of cellulose degrading
enzymes by S. rolfsii. [A] cellulase, [B] -glucosidase.

C3X2 + glucose
Glucosidase activity (U/µg mycelial

C3X2 + xylose 35 [B]

Cellulase activity (U/µg mycelial protein)

0.8 [A] C3X2 + cyclohexamide

C3X2 + ethidium bromide 30
protein x 10-2)

0.4 15

0.3 10
0.2 5
0.1 0
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (days)
Time (days)

Figure 4. Induction and repression of cellulose degrading enzymes synthesis in S. rolfsii. [A] cellulase, [B]

The data represented in Figure 3 showed that, by The inducible synthesis of the cellulase system of S.
varying the relative concentration of cellulose and xylan rolfsii was determined by adding cyclohexamide or ethi-
in the culture medium, both were able to induce and syn- dium bromide to induction media to inhibit protein synthe-
thesis of cellulose degrading enzymes. The maximum sis, although there was no growth there were very low
production of cellulose degrading enzymes was when level of enzymes produced (Figure 4). It may be conclu-
cultivated S. rolfsii on pure cellulose and decreased with ded that in S. rolfsii cellulase syntheses are repressed by
decreased cellulose concentration (Figures 3A and B). easily metabolized sugars such as glucose. It is widely
1052 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

accepted for filamentous fungi that cellulase and -glu- ner et al., 1998). There are suggestions of an interaction
cosidase production are regulated by induction and between xylanase and cellulase induction (Royer and
repression (Figures 4A and B). Nakas, 1990), although the xylanolytic and cellulolytic
systems in some filamentous fungi are likely to be under
separate regulatory control (Bajpai, 1997; Hrmovà et al.,
DISCUSSION 1991; Kulkarni et al., 1999). In S. rolfsii there was a high
Since the polymeric substrates are unable to enter the cross induction of cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes, in
cells by crossing the plasma membrane, the cells receive Aspergillus terreus it was mainly induced by the res-
the signal for an accelerated synthesis of secreted glyca- pective synthetic dimmers (Hrmovà et al., 1991). This un-
nases by means of low-molecular weight fragments, usu- specific effect of cellulose could be attributed to xylan
ally disaccharides, derived from the polysaccharides. The impurities found in commercially available cellulose pre-
fragments are formed by the action of small amounts of parations (Hrmovà et al., 1986; Senior et al., 1989).
the enzymes produced constitutively (Biely, 1993; Bajpai, Xylanases are generally produced together with cellula-
1997). Thus, for example, cellobiose is an inducer of ses during growth of the fungus on macromolecular subs-
cellulose-degrading enzymes (Canevascini et al., 1979; trate derived from plant polysaccharides, which inevitably
Eberhart et al., 1977; Eriksson and Hamp, 1978; Mandels always contain cellulose and xylan. The resulting xylana-
and Reese, 1957), and xylobiose is an inducer of xylan- se to cellulase ratio has been shown to be directly pro-
degrading enzymes (Biely et al., 1980; Nakanishi et al., portional to the xylan/cellulose ratio in the growth subs-
1976). trate (Senior et al., 1989). These data seem consistent
Purkarthofer et al. (1993) stated that a shaking speed with results from induction studies, which showed that
of 120 rpm provided the optimal conditions for enzyme xylanase and cellulase biosynthesis in Trichoderma ree-
formation. At a decreased shaking speed of 100 rpm, the sei is differentially regulated (Hrmovà et al., 1986). In
fungus showed poor growth, and enzyme production was contrast, the efficient xylanase induction in T. longibra-
reduced dramatically, at higher shaking speeds of 150 - chiatum required the simultaneous presence of xylo- as
250 rpm enzyme production was adversely affected. The well as cello-oligosaccharides (Royer and Nakas, 1990).
lower xylanase activity produced at the slower shaking A generally accepted view on the regulation of synthe-
speed was ascribed to poor oxygen transfer within the sis of enzymes degrading polymeric substrates is that low
medium, whereas the lower xylanase production at hig- constitutive levels of polysaccharide hydrolases interact
her shaking speeds was thought to be due to greater with the polymer and produce small soluble ‘signal’ frag-
hyphal branching, mycelial fragmentation and early spo- ments, which enter the cell and induce the synthesis of
rulation (Purkarthofer et al., 1993). Shear stress within the corresponding enzyme, thus permitting utilization of
the medium, which is directly related to the stirrer speed, polysaccharide.
has a marked influence on xylanase production by Ther- Studies using inhibitors of protein synthesis have sug-
momyces lanuginosus SSBP (Reddy et al., 2002; Singh gested that cellulase formation is regulated at the transla-
et al., 2000). tional level (Nisizawa et al., 1972). Evidence based on
The nitrogen source used in the production medium is the measurement of mRNA levels documented that the
one of the major factors affecting enzyme production and formation of cellulase occurs at the pre-translational level
level. In a study carried out with Trichoderma harzianum, (Kolbe and Kubicek, 1990; Messner et al., 1991) and the
NaNO3 and peptone were the best nitrogen sources in cellulase gene transcription occurs within 20 min, after
production medium (Abdel-Satar and El-Said, 2001), the addition of inducer (El-Gogary et al., 1989).
whilst NH4NO3 was used in a study with Schizophyllum The active growth of the fungus is crucial in cellulolysis.
commune, and (NH4)2HPO4 was found suitable in another When growth was inhibited, cellulolysis remained weak,
study with T. lanuginosus RT9 (Haltrich et al., 1993; Hoq although cellulase enzymes were present in culture broth.
et al., 1994). The effect of various organic nitrogen com- Vaheri, (1983) proposed the participation of an oxidative
pounds on the production of xylanase by T. lanuginosus reaction which is believed to disrupt the hydrogen bonds
strains showed that all sources promoted growth of the in crystalline cellulose, rendering it susceptible to attack
fungus, but yeast extract had the most pronounced effect by endoglucanase. He found that this activity was asso-
(Singh et al., 2003). ciated with cell wall in young cells of T. reesei in both
The production of both cellulases in media with xylan or induced and non-induced conditions. Thus, activities
cellulose as sole carbon source may be due to substrates associated with growing cells appear to play a crucial role
contamination or substrate cross-specificity that can ran- in the degradation of crystalline cellulose.
ge from absolute for one polymer to about the same affi- Carbon catabolite repression is another regulatory
nity for both of them (Ferreria-Filho, 1994; Hrmovà et al., mechanism known to control cellulase production in bac-
1986; Senior et al., 1989). Nevertheless, concurrent for- teria and fungi. In this case, the end product of cellulose
mation of cellulase and xylanase has been observed in hydrolysis interacts with a cellular protein and form a
several fungi using natural and synthetic substrates complex which interacts with a particular gene at the tran-
(Hrmovà et al., 1991; Royer and Nakas, 1990; Sachsleh- scription level and represses cellulase synthesis (Lewin
Moussa and Tharwat 1053

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