English RPH

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WEEK : 03 DAY : Wednesday DATE : 5 th of April 2023

CLASS/ TIME 1 Kenanga (3.50 – 4.40p.m.) *LANGUAGE SKILLS
Listening √
THEME People and Culture
Speaking √
TOPIC What do you like?
CONTENT STANDARD Main Skill: Listening Writing
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions Language Awareness
and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics Literature in Action
Complementary Skill: Listening
3.1 Understand a variety of text by using a range Entry Card
of appropriate reading strategies to construct Think Pair
meaning Gallery Walk √
LEARNING STANDARD Main Skill: Listening Games
1 stay, 3 stray
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information
Group Presentation
about themselves and others Role Play
Complementary Skill: Listening Traffic Light
3.1.4 Use with some support familiar print and
digital resources to check meaning *iTHINK MAPS
Circle Map √
LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Bubble Map
1. Read and understand text.
2. Answer questions based from the text. Double Bubble Map
SUCCESS CRITERIA 1. At least 28 of the pupils able to read and Tree Map
understand the text. Brace Map
2. At least 25 of the pupils able to answer questions Flow Map
based from the text. Multi-flow Map
Bridge Map
Greet pupils and ask them what did they do during the
weekend? *HOTS
Pupils give response to teacher’s questions. . Apply
1. Teacher asks students to open their textbook and Evaluate
turn to page 4. Create
2. Teacher asks a volunteer to role play the dialogue
from the textbook.
Creativity and innovation
3. Pupils read and acts out the dialogue from the Moral Values
textbook. Patriotism
4. Teacher then ask questions randomly to make Global Sustainability
sure pupils understand the text. Road Safety
Financial Education √
POST-LESSON: Science and Technology
Pupils answer questions given based from the text. Language √

TEACHING AID (BBB) Pulse 2 Textbook, Not Applicable, Differentiation Teaching & Learning: (DTL)
REFLECTION (DTL1) Dialogue completion
Student able to talk about themselves and share on the with/out extra clues.
modern sports that they knew.
( 27/32 )

WEEK : 03 DAY : Thursday DATE : 6 th of April 2023

CLASS/ TIME 1 Kenanga (12.35-1.35) *LANGUAGE SKILLS
Listening √
THEME People and Culture
Speaking √
TOPIC What do you like?
CONTENT STANDARD Main Skill: Listening Writing
1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Language Awareness
context Literature in Action
Complementary Skill: Listening
1.3 Recognise features of spoken genres on Entry Card
familiar topics Think Pair
LEARNING STANDARD Main Skill: Listening Gallery Walk √
1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the Games
1 stay, 3 stray
main ideas in simple longer texts on a range of Group Presentation
familiar topics Role Play
Complementary Skill: Listening Traffic Light
1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the
main ideas in simple longer texts on a range of Circle Map √
familiar topics Bubble Map
LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: Double Bubble Map
1. Use the correct verb form (Simple present tense) Tree Map
when asking questions. Brace Map
2. Use the correct verb form in building sentences. Flow Map
SUCCESS CRITERIA 1. At least 28 of the students able to read English Multi-flow Map
Bridge Map
2. At least 25 of the students able to fill in the blanks
with the correct answers.
Teacher asks pupils questions on what do they do during Analyze
their free time. Evaluate
Pupils take part in the whole class discussion.
Teacher gives notes and explanation on using the correct
tenses when giving statements. Creativity and innovation
Pupils take down the notes given and give full attention to Moral Values
teacher’s explanation. Patriotism
Teacher gives several sets of questions and asks pupils Global Sustainability
randomly on how to use the vern form correctly. Road Safety
Pupils take part in whole class activity. Financial Education √
Science and Technology
POST-LESSON: Language √
Teacher picks pupils randomly and ask them to give the summary
of what they have learnt today. Differentiation Teaching & Learning: (DTL)
Pulse 2 Textbook, Handout(s), dictionary
(DTL1) Dialogue completion
with/out extra clues.
Student able to use the correct simple present in the
exercises given.
( 29 / 38 )
WEEK : 03 DAY : Friday DATE : 7 th of April 2023
CLASS/ TIME 1 Kenanga (4.55-5.35) *LANGUAGE SKILLS
Listening √
THEME People and Culture
Speaking √
TOPIC What Do You Like? (Pulse page 10)
CONTENT STANDARD Main Skill: Listening Writing
1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Language Awareness
context Literature in Action
Complementary Skill: Listening
1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Entry Card
context Think Pair
LEARNING STANDARD Main Skill: Listening Gallery Walk √
1.1.2 Understand with little or no support Games
1 stay, 3 stray
specific information and details in simple longer Group Presentation
texts on a range of familiar topics Role Play
Complementary Skill: Listening Traffic Light
1.1.2 Understand with little or no support
specific information and details in simple longer Circle Map √
texts on a range of familiar topics Bubble Map
LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: Double Bubble Map
1. Share their activities during free time. Tree Map
2. Use simple vocabulary for teenagers activities Brace Map
during free time. Flow Map
SUCCESS CRITERIA 1. At least 28 of the students able to read English Multi-flow Map
Bridge Map
2. At least 25 of the students able to list down their
activities during free time.
Teacher asks pupils to listen and repeat the words from the Analyze
quiz. Evaluate
Teacher asks pupils to do the quiz and look at their score.
Teacher asks pupils to read the quiz again.
Pupils complete the diary about weekend activities. Creativity and innovation
In pairs, pupils converse abour their weekend activity with Moral Values
their teacher’s guidance. Patriotism
Global Sustainability
POST-LESSON: Road Safety
Teacher randomly select 5 pairs to present their task in front of Financial Education √
class. Science and Technology
Language √
TEACHING AID (BBB) Pulse 2 Textbook, Handout(s),
Differentiation Teaching & Learning: (DTL)
Student able to share their free time activities.
(DTL1) Dialogue completion
with/out extra clues.
( 23 / 31 )

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