SOPR-07 Vessel Inspection Report (Tanker) (REV-02) 검사용 (범신)

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Form Number SOPR–07

Vessel Inspection Report Revision Number 02

Revision Date 2020.08.28

Vessel Inspection Report

(For Tanker)



VOYAGE NO. : 168

DATE OF INSPECTION : 14th May 2021


SIGN : 김 습균

SIGN : 김 왕수

SIGN : 박 재석

In addition to the ship inspection by the company’s superintendent (2 times/year), the master should

be completed This inspection report at every 6 month (basis Jun/Dec or March/Sept).

In case of this reports are checked by ship’s staff, the original copy should be kept on board and the

deficiency /observation report should be completed by QUA-07


No. Category Page

1. General Information 3

2. Certification, Documentation and Information 4-7

3. Crew Management 8 - 10

4. Navigation 11 - 14

5. Safety Management 15 - 20

6. Pollution Prevention 21 - 22

7. Maritime Security 23

8. Cargo/Ballast Systems 24 - 28

9. Mooring 29 - 30

10. Engine and Steering Gear compartments 31 - 33

11. General Appearance and conditions 34

12. Ice Operation 35


( Unit in Metric )

Ship’s Name : BUM SHIN LR/IMO Number : 9263095

Builder : Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co., Ltg Year/Month : 2003/Aug Class : KR

Kind of Ship : OIL/CHEMICAL TANKER Type of Hull Construction : Double Hull

(Single Hull/Double Hull/Double Bottom/Double Side)


1.1 Flag : Republic of Korea Port of registry : Jeju

1.2 Is an up to date OCIMF Harmonized Vessel Particulars Questionnaire (HVPQ) available on board? Yes No
VIQ 1.14
1.3 Name of the vessel’s operator: POS SM CO., LTD.

1.4 Address of the vessel’s operator: 102, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Busan, Korea

1.5 Telephone number of the operator: 82-51-400-1880

1.6 E-mail address of the operator: [email protected]

1.7 Date the current operator assumed responsibility for the vessel: 12th Aug 2003
VIQ 1.20
1.8 Date of the last port State control inspection: 01st May 2021
VIQ 1.21
1.9 Port of the last port State control inspection: Kijing (Pontianak), Indonesia
VIQ 1.22
1.10 Name of Classification society: KR
VIQ 1.23
1.11 Was a full inspection of the vessel completed? Yes No

1.12 Does the vessel have a recent class Survey Status Report and are past Class Survey Records complete?
Yes No
VIQ 1.26

1.13 Date of Last operator’s representative visit: 12th Apr 2021 (Marine - Remote) / 19th Feb 2021 (Tech)
VIQ 2.4

Certificate of Registry ( No.: 2019-18 ) Date : 18th Feb 2019
++ Certification : VIQ 2.1 ++

2.1 SOLAS 1/8 Safety Equipment Certificate Expiry date : 11th Aug 2023
1/12 (A)(iii)
Last survey : 23rd Feb 2021

2.2 SOLAS 1/9 Safety Radio Certificate(Telegraphy / Telephony Certificate) Expiry date : 11th Aug 2023
1/12 (A)(iv)
Last survey : 23rd Feb 2021

2.3 SOLAS 1/10 Safety Construction Certificate Expiry date : 11th Aug 2023
1/12 (A)(ii)
Last survey : 23rd Feb 2021

2.4 Loadline Loadline Certificate Expiry date : 11th Aug 2023

Last survey : 23rd Feb 2021

2.5 MARPOL IOPP Certificate Type of tanker : Product Carrier

Annex I Reg 7
Expiry date : 11th Aug 2023

Last survey : 23rd Feb 2021

2.6 Is Form B permanently attached? Yes No

2.7 Tonnage International Tonnage Certificate Date : 18th Feb 2019

Convention, Art 7. Suez Canal Tonnage Certificate Gross : 12,521.19 Net : 10,812.01
Panama Canal Tonnage Certificate Gross : 11,954 Net : 10,056

2.8 ISM CODE Safety Management Certificate Issued Date : _20th Feb 2019_
Expire Date : _16th Dec 2021_
Issued By : KR
2.9 Date of last intermediate verification of SMC by Classification : _30th Jul 2019_
2.10 Copy of document of compliance (DOC) on board ? Yes No

2.11 Certificate of Insurance in respect of civil liability for oil pollution.

Issued date : 10th Feb 2021
VIQ 2.2 Name of the vessel’s P and I Club a member of the international Group: The Standard Club Asia Ltd

2.12 USCG (CFR) Certificate of Financial Responsibility (Water Pollution)

USCG 46 CFR 540 Expiry date : N/A

2.13 USCG USCG Certificate of Compliance (COC) Expiry Date : N/A

A COC is issued to all oil, chemical and gas tankers and is valid for two years.

2.14 De-ratting exemption certificate Expiry date : 07th Jun 2021

2.15 MARPOL Annex.I Is an Enhanced Survey Report kept onboard ? (if applicable) Yes No N/A
Reg.13(G) (Attention 1) : The master shall well aware for the ESP(Enhanced Survey Programme) of the vessel.
VIQ 2.15 (issue by Class)
(Attention 2) : Shall separately filed for this ESP from Class Survey’s file. is there the following
documentation available on board,
1 Main structural plans for cargo and ballast tanks
2 Previous repair history (Cargo/ballast tanks)
3 Cargo and ballast history
4 Extent of use of inert gas plant and tank cleaning procedures
5 Inspections by vessel personnel of structural deterioration and
leakages detected in bulkheads and pipes
6 Condition of coating and/or corrosion prevention systems

2.17 ITF Are ITF certificates on board? Yes No

Are following publications, guides, manuals or procedures on board?

2.18 Owners / operators “Rules and Regulations” or equivalent

Smoking regulation Yes No

Drug & alcohol policy Yes No

Copy of Navigation Procedure manual (on Bridge) Yes No

2.19 Approved stability information Yes No

IBC 2.2.5


CDI SIR Publication Publisher Edition Yes No

SOLAS Consolidated edition IMO 2014 V
International Life Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code)
The Code includes ‟Testing and Evaluation of Lifesaving IMO 2017 V
International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) IMO 2015 V
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) IMO 2012 V
International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and the
IMO 2018 V
guidelines of the implementation of the ISM Code.

International Standards on Training, Certification and

IMO 2017 V
Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)
These are to include amendments 2 and 3.
1.2.13 Guidance Manual for Tanker Structures TSCF/IACS 2020 V
Guidelines for the control of drugs and alcohol on board ships OCIMF 1995 V
1.2.15 Guidelines on Fatigue
It is recommended that the publication “The Human Element, a
guide to Human Behaviour in the Shipping Industry” published by
IMO 2019 V
the UK MCA be carried on board to add further guidance on the
issue of fatigue. This question is not to be marked 'NO', if this
publication is not carried.
Bridge Procedures Guide ICS 2016 V
Collision Regulations, Consolidated edition IMO 2003 V
Bridge Team Management ICS 2004 V
Ship’s Routeing IMO 2019 V
International Code of Signals IMO 2010 V
International Aeronautical and Maritime Search
IMO 2019 V
and Rescue Manual, IAMSAR Manual (Volume III)
Guide to Helicopter/Ship operations ICS 2008 V
Mooring Equipment Guidelines OCIMF 2018 V
Effective Mooring OCIMF 2019 V
Recommendations for Equipment employed in the Bow Mooring
OCIMF 2007 V
of Ships at Single Point Moorings
Anchoring Systems and Procedures. OCIMF 2010 V
MARPOL 73/78 Consolidated edition IMO 2017 V
Guidelines for the implementation of MARPOL
IMO 2017 V
Annex V
Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum) OCIMF/ICS 2013 V
USCG CFR 33 Parts 1 – 124
USCG CFR 33 Parts 125 – 199 USCG - N/A
USCG CFR 46 Parts 1 – 40
Recommendations for oil tanker manifolds and associated
1.2.13 OCIMF 2017 V
Inert Gas Systems IMO 1991 V
Crude Oil Washing Systems IMO 2000 V
IBC Code, combined with the Index of Dangerous Chemicals
Required for any vessel carrying MARPOL Annex II cargoes,
IMO 2016 V
including gas carriers carrying dual code cargoes. The Index is
part of the Code.
Code for the Construction & Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, 2008 Edition Code with IMO - N/A
amendments, if applicable
Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals) ICS 2014 V
IGC Code and 1993 supplement
IMO 2016 N/A
Required for any vessel carrying gas cargoes.
GC Code, if applicable IMO - N/A
EGC Code, if applicable and 1980 supplement IMO - N/A
Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas) ICS 1995 N/A
Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Liquefied Gas)
(LPG Tankers Only)
Liquefied gas handling principles on ships and terminals SIGTTO 2016 N/A
An Introduction to the Design and Maintenance of cargo system
Pressure Relief Valves on board Gas Tankers
Liquefied petroleum gas sampling procedures
(LPG Tankers Only)

2.20 If the disposal of engine room oily water or sludge to a cargo or slop tank has taken place, has the event been
VIQ 2.11 recorded in both Oil Record Books, was the receiving tank free of cargo and have the transfer arrangements
approved as per IOPP Form B?
Yes No

2.21 Are weather decks free from visible structural defects that warrant further investigation? Yes No
VIQ 2.15 Note : Inspection of weather decks should include checking for any evidence of wastage, structural
problems including evidence of over-pressurization, collision contact or distortion from heavy weather.

2.22 If any cargo and/or ballast tanks were inspected or sighted from the deck, were they in a satisfactory
VIQ 2.16
Yes No
Regardless of whether tank entry is made, the opportunity should be taken where possible to sight from the
deck the internal condition of at least two compartments and the forepeak.

2.23 If any cargo and/or ballast tanks were inspected internally, were they in a satisfactory condition?

VIQ 2.9
Yes No
If any cargo or ballast tanks were inspected internally, record the following information:
The names of the compartment(s) inspected;
 Where fitted, details of the condition of anodes;
 Details of any fractures noted in any part of the structure;
 Details of any visible corrosion wastage;
 Details of localised pitting, particularly in bottom plating and under bell mouths;
 Details of any visible signs of buckling;
 If applicable, the condition of the coating (good, fair or poor);
 Details of any signs of hard rust;
 Areas of concern with respect to pipelines, bulkhead penetrations, ladders, fittings etc.;
 Evidence of leakage from adjacent compartments.
For the purposes of this report, coating condition “good, fair or poor” is defined as follows:
 Good condition with only minor spot rusting;
 Fair condition with local breakdown at edges of stiffeners and weld connections and/or light
rusting over 20% or more of areas under consideration, but less than as defined for -poor condition;
 Poor condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas or hard scale at
10% or more of areas under consideration.


3.1 Minimum manning certificate issued : 20th Feb 2019 Expiry : Permanent
VIQ 3.1 Minimum manning (in cert.) Officers : 8 Crew : 5

Actual manning Officers : 9 Crew : 12

Nationality Officers : Korean Crew : Korean + Filipino

STCW 1978 Qualification of officers(VIQ 3.5)

** P : Panama K : Korea F : Philippines M : Myanmar

Complete Following matrix

Master C/O 2/O 2/O 3/O C/E 1/E 2/E 3/E
Of Officers

Nationality K M M M M K K M M

Certificate held Class 1 Class 2 OOW OOW OOW Class 1 Class 2 EOOW EOOW

Dangerous cargo

Issuing Country K M M M M K K M M

Radio Qualification Y Y Y Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A

Years with
1.9 2.9 0.2 2.5 0.2 27.2 4.2 0.7

Years in Rank 3.7 0.1 1.9 1.4 9.1 9.1 0.7 0.7

Years on Tankers 9.5 2.6 4.4 2.5 18 13.0 1.9 0.7

How many Months

6.5 0.7 1.0 6.5 1.0 7.8 7.8 6.5
On this ship

In English Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
(Yes or No)

Comments :

3.2 Is there a common language understood by officers and ratings? Yes No

VIQ 3.3/SOLAS V/14.3
Language: English

3.3 Where a radio officer is not carried, is there an alternative certified Officer on board? Yes No

3.4 Are remaining officers suitably qualified? Yes No

3.5 Do ratings posses appropriate certificate? Yes No

The master shall control hours worked for crew engaged watch keeping, and ensure crew
engaged watch keeping are not over-worked to prevent fatigue.

3.6 Do the master checking and recording of crew’s working hours Yes No
STCW A-III/1 to prevent fatigue of watch-keepers?
MLC 2006/A2.3
VIQ 3.2

3.7 If the vessel is equipped with an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), have the Master
and VIQ 3.7 Deck Officers undertaken both generic and type-specific familiarization on the system fitted onboard?
Yes No


3.8 Is drug and alcohol policy clearly displayed? Yes No

VIQ 3.8
3.9 Are crew on board fully understanding the above policy? Yes No
VIQ 3.8
3.10 Is there kit of alcohol test on board? Operating normally ? Yes No

3.11 Are senior officer familiar with handling of kit of alcohol test? Yes No

3.12 Is alcohol test periodically performed? Yes No

3.13 Is standard of control of alcohol maintained? Yes No

3.14 When was last unannounced tests for the followings ?

VIQ 3.8 Unannounced alcohol test/Date :_27th May 2021_

Unannounced drug test/Date :_29th Jul 2020_


Whether he has the knowledge of his position and applies it to work.

1 본인의 직책에 필요한 지식이 완비되어 있고 또한 업무에 적용되고 있는가.
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Accomplish work under stressful condition
2 어려운 상황하에서도 업무수행을 잘 하고 있는가.
Master C/E C/O 1/E
According to the command system, whether he reports efficiently to senior or juniors
3 지휘통솔계통에서 상급자나 하급자에게 효율적인 보고와 지시를 행하는가.
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Whether he plans efficiently, organizes and executes excellently.
4 과업을 효과적으로 계획, 조직하고 우수하게 수행하는가.
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Whether he sets a good example to crew by complying safety practices and procedures.
5 안전수칙과 절차를 준수하여 선원의 모범이 되고 있는가?
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Work in harmony to accomplish task efficiently
6 효율적인 작업을 위한 화합을 이루어내는가.
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Whether he has the information about juniors and acknowledges their needs.
7 하급선원들에 관한 정보와 그들의 요구를 잘 알고 있는가.
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Instruct effectively and appropriately to other crews on given task.
8 다른 사람에게 작업에 관한 지시를 유효 적절하게 내릴 수 있는가.
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Can manage and control effectively others to accomplish given work.
9 다른 사람들이 작업하는 것을 유효 적절하게 감독하고 제어할 수 있는가.
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Whether he is respected by and gives confidence to juniors
그는 아랫 사람들로부터 존경과A확신을B얻고 C
. A B C D A B C D A B C D
Master C/E C/O 1/E
Whether he has kept the Alcohol Policy with others.
그는 다른 사람들과 적절한 음주규정을
A B지키는가
C . D A B C D A B C D A B C D
Master C/E C/O 1/E

GRADING CODES A: Very-Good B: Good C: Satisfactory D: Below-Average

4. Navigation
4.1 Is the following navigational equipment fitted and reported to be in full working order?
VIQ 4.7

/ BNWAS(Bridge Navigational watch Alarm System) Yes No

-. Are all officers well familiarized with BNWAS? (Functions, Operational Sequence, etc.)
-. Is BNWAS operated during sailing and ahchoring? (Interval : 3 ~ 12 min.)
(Open Sea : 10 min., Coastal : 5 min., Anchoring : 5 min.)
-. On/Off time of BNWAS should be recorded in deck log book.



/ ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) Yes No




/ RATE OF TURN INDICATORS (Ships of 100,000 gross tonnage and upwards) N/A





SOLAS V/27 Are charts corrected up to latest Notice to Mariners received?

No. Date
BA : 20 10th May 2021
Date and Number of latest Notice
to Mariners received (through Auto supply) JP : N/A N/A


4.2 Is Auto Supply System operational ? Yes No

4.3 Are all officers well familiarized with Auto Supply System ? Yes No

4.4 Are other Nautical Publications such as Light Lists, Sailing Directions Tide Tables, Pilot Books, Nautical Almanac,
VIQ 4.12 the Annual Summary of Notice to Mariners and the Chart Catalogue etc. of the latest edition corrected up to date?
Yes No

4.5 Are charts in use appropriate for the port? Yes No

VIQ 4.1

4.6 Is Navigation Procedure Manual available on Bridge? Yes No

4.7 Were the charts used for previous voyage appropriate ? Yes No
VIQ 4.16 The largest scale charts published should be used. The master should have made every effort to obtain the necessary
charts if the vessel is ordered to a port not covered by the chart folio system.
4.8 Is the vessel maintaining an adequate record of all navigational activities, both at sea and during pilotage?
VIQ 4.2 Yes No
All ships engaged on international voyages shall keep a record of navigational activities and incidents which are of
Importance to safety of navigation and which must contain sufficient detail to restore a complete record of the voyage.
(SOLAS V/28).

4.9 Has the master written his own Standing Orders and are Bridge Orders being completed?
VIQ 4.1 Yes No

4.10 For the Bridge Team Management, Is there education for all bridge watch-keepers regarding navigational procedure
VIQ 4.6 and avoid one man error by using “navigation Procedure Manual”? Yes No

4.11 Are their education records maintained? Yes No

4.12 Was a comprehensive passage plan available for the previous voyage and did it cover the full voyage from berth to berth?
VIQ 4.20 Yes No

4.13 Are courses laid on to charts by an appropriate officer and verified by master?
Yes No

4.14 Are pre-arrival and sailing checklists completed and verified by master? Yes No
VIQ 4.3
The following should be marked on the chart, where it enhance safe navigation.
1. Parallel indexing (not from floating objects unless they have been first checked for position.
2. Chart changes
3. Methods and frequency of position fixing
4. Prominent navigation and radar marks
5. No-go areas (the excessive marking of no-go areas should be discouraged)
6. Landfall targets and lights.
7. Clearing lines and bearings
8. Transits, heading marks and leading lines
9. Significant tides or current
10. Safe speed and necessary speed alterations
11. Changes in machinery status
12. Minimum under keel clearance
13. Position where the echo sounder should be activated
14. Crossing and high density traffic areas
15. Safe distance off
16. Anchor clearance
17. Contingency plans
18. Abort positions
19. VTS and reporting points, etc.

All previous courses to the one in use should have been erased. Course lines MUST NOT be marked in ink, although it is
acceptable to plot alter course positions in ink where these are frequently in use.

4.15 Does the operator provide guidance on minimum under keel clearance and squat ? Yes No
VIQ 4.5 (Note) the operator’s policy relating to under-keel clearance requirements for ocean passage, shallow water, within port
limits and while alongside the berth or at SBM/CBM mooring.

4.16 Are records maintained of fire and safety rounds being completed after each watch? Yes No
VIQ 4.4 Note : A lookout should not leave the bridge during the watch as this contravenes the requirements of SOLAS and STCW.

4.17 Was position fixing satisfactory throughout the previous voyage and the frequency of plotted fixes in accordance with
VIQ 4.20 the passage plan? Yes No

4.18 Is radar parallel indexing used to monitor position of ship? Yes No

VIQ 4.20

4.19 Has the GPS been adjusted to the correct datum ? Yes No
VIQ 4.2 Some charts contain information on latitude longitude shift values that should be applied to GPS positions before
they are charted. Occasionally these can be significant, and many charts still show the land or obstructions in the
wrong position when compared with GPS data.

4.20 Is there an adequate system for dealing with navigation warnings and are they being charted ? Yes No
VIQ 4.13 Notices : A system should be in place for monitoring navigational warnings appropriate to the ship’s trading area
and for ensuring relevant navigational warnings are brought to the attention the watch keeping officers. Such a
system MUST include an adequate, up to date filing system for Temporary and Preliminary Notices, Navarea
and Navtex warnings. Relevant warnings MUST be charted and the chart they have been entered on MUST
be recorded on the warning notice in order that the warning can be removed when the notices is cancelled.
Navtex warnings should be monitored by the officer on watch at the time of receipt. He should ensure that
the system is maintained by initialing the warnings received to show that they have been checked as to
whether they are relevant to the current voyage. Those which are relevant should be charted.

4.21 Are regular Gyro and Magnetic compass errors being taken and are they being recorded ? Yes No
VIQ 4.9 1. The Gyro error and magnetic compass deviation should be ascertained EVERY WATCH.
2. The error of the Gyro should be determined by external observations – celestial bearings, transits etc. and the
gyro and magnetic compass headings then compared to determine the magnetic compass error.

4.22 Is magnetic compass deviation table(Card) posted? Yes No

VIQ 4.9 What is date of deviation table(Card)? Latest date : 23rd Feb 2021

4.23 Do the errors being recorded in the compass error book broadly agree with the deviation card ? Yes No
VIQ 4.9

4.24 Is there an adequate system for dealing with navigation warnings and are they being charted? . Yes No
VIQ 4.35 Notes: A system should be in place for monitoring navigational warnings appropriate to the ship’s trading area
and for ensuring relevant navigational warnings are brought to the attention of the watch-keeping officers

4.25 Are the vessel’s manoeuvring characteristics displayed on the bridge? Yes No
VIQ 4.3

4.26 Are auto to manual steering changeover procedures clearly identified? Yes No
VIQ 4.10

Handling of VHF : 1) To be switched from HIGH to LOW Frequency during cargo operation.
2) To be switched from BRIDGE to COC use during cargo operation at berth.

4.27 Are lists of Radio Signals of the latest edition and corrected up to date? Yes No
VIQ 4.23

4.28 Are radio logs maintained correctly? Yes No

VIQ 4.23

4.29 Can officers demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of how to operate the GMDSS equipment in an emergency?
Yes No

4.30 Are officers aware of the requirements for position updating on two-way communications equipment ?
VIQ 4.27 Yes No

4.31 Are officers aware of the function of the ship security alert system and how it operates ?
VIQ 4.22 Yes No

4.32 Are periodical tests of communications equipment being carried out as required ? Yes No
VIQ 4.23 The following tests should be carried out :
Daily :
1. The proper function of the DSC facilities without radiation of signals.
2. Battery voltage checks
3. Printers
Weekly :
1. The proper function of the DSC facilities by means of a test call when within communication range of a coast station.
2. Where the reserve source of energy is not batteries, the reserve source to be tested.
Monthly :
1. Each EPIRB to be tested to determine its capability to operate properly using the means provided on the device and
without using the satellite system
2. Each SART using the in-built test facility and checked for security and signs of damage.
3. The security and condition of all batteries providing a source of energy for any part of the radio installation.
4. The condition of all aerials and insulators.
5. Each survival craft two-way VHF equipment, on a frequency other than channel 16.

4.43 Is the Radio Log being maintained correctly ? Yes No

VIQ 4.23 The following should be being recorded :
1. A summary of distress, urgency and safety communications.
2. Important incidents relating to the radio service.
3. Where appropriate, the position of the ship at least once per day.
4. A summary of the condition of the radio equipment, including its sources of energy.
5. Personnel assigned responsibility for sending a distress alert instructed to operate properly all radio equipment on the
6. Necessary instruction and information on the use of the radio equipment to relevant crew members.
7. Pre-sailing checks to ensure that all equipment is in an efficient working condition.
8. The result of the testing of the DSC distress and safety radio equipment by means of a test call at least once a week.
9. The result of the testing of the distress and safety radio equipment by means of a test at least once each day but without
radiating any signals.
10. The on-load and off-load daily test of the batteries.
11. The result of the weekly hydrometer or load test of the batteries.
12. The result of the monthly security check of each battery and its connections.
4.44 Are emergency battery in good working condition and periodically tested and charged?
VIQ 4.23 Last charged date: 08th June 2021

4.45 Is emergency battery log maintained up to date? Yes No

4.46 Are EPIRBS, if fitted, fully inspected and tested?

Sensor expiry date: Jan 2023
VIQ 4.25 Battery expiry date: Dec 2028

4.47 Does vessel comply with A1/A2/A3/A4 are requirements ? A1 A2 A3 A4

4.48 Are radar transponders fitted, one to each side of the vessel and stowed to permit rapid use in survival craft?

VIQ 4.27 Yes No

5.Safety Management
5.1 Has a safety officer been designated and trained to undertake this role? Yes No
VIQ 5.3 Rank of Safety Officer : CHIEF ENGINEER

5.2 Are all hand torches (in use on deck, in engine room & fireman’s outfit) Approved for use in gas-hazardous ?
VIQ 5.6 Yes No

5.3 Is there a procedure for the reporting, investigation and close-out of Accident, incidents, non-conformities and near misses ?
VIQ 5.8 Yes No
(Note) PSC inspection deficiencies should be recorded as non-conformities.

5.4 Is a completed ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety Check List (SSSCL) available and are its provisions being complied with?
VIQ 5.9 Yes No

5.5 Are smoking regulations posted and being adhered to and are smoke rooms adequately identified?
VIQ 5.9 Yes No

5.6 Are external doors, ports and windows kept closed in port? Yes No
VIQ 5.10

5.7 Is the accommodation space atmosphere being maintained at a higher pressure than that of the ambient air??
VIQ 5.10 Yes No
It is essential that the accommodation is kept under positive pressure to prevent the entry of hydrocarbon vapors.
Sanitary/Galley extraction fans to be stopped as far as possible.

5.8 Is all loose gear on deck, in stores and in internal spaces properly secured?
VIQ 5.11 Yes No

5.9 Is there a procedure for familiarization for new personnel ? Yes No

VIQ 5.12
5.10 (삭제/Deleted)
5.11 (삭제/Deleted)
5.12 (삭제/Deleted)

5.13 Are officers familiar with the operation of Fire Fighting, Life Saving and other emergency equipment? Yes No
STCW A-Ⅱ /1 Main/Emergency Fire Pump, Fixed Fire Fighting System, Emergency Steering Gear, Self Breathing Apparatus, etc
VIQ 5.4 Oxygen Resuscitation Equipment

5.14 Are Muster Lists/Emergency Instructions conspicuously displayed? Yes No

Displayed places : Upper/A/B/C Deck, Bridge, ECR
VIQ 5.14

5.15 Is the muster list specify substitutes for key persons who may become disabled, taking into account that
different emergencies may call for different actions? Yes No

5.16 In case of Multi-national crews, are these described in readily understandable language by all?
( English ) Yes No

5.17 Are Fire Control Plans exhibited in accommodation space and a duplicate set of plans available case outside the
VIQ 5.37 accommodation? (Is up-to date Crew List contained in Plan located on deck ?) Yes No

5.18 Are Life Saving Plans displayed near Fire Control Plans? Yes No
VIQ 5.31

5.19 Are pump room entry procedures being complied with ? Yes No
VIQ 5.17 Procedure should be in place to CONTROL pump room entry, including the checking of the atmosphere and
it is recommended that personal hydrocarbon analyzers are used during every entry.
* To be maintained entry records with rank/name/time of entry & out at every entry.

5.20 Is lighting adequate and functional? (Accommodation, Engine room, Enclosed space, On deck) Yes No

5.21 Are all light bulbs on weather deck and in pump room and stores properly tighten with the cover?
Yes No

5.22 Are pump room / enclosed space entry permit procedure identified and complied with? Yes No
VIQ 5.16

5.23 Is there permanent arrangement for lifting an unconscious person from Pump room?
Yes No

5.24 Is a suitable stretcher available for use the above? Yes No

5.25 Are pump rooms adequately ventilated? Yes No

VIQ 5.18
5.26 Is engine room workshop clean and tidy? Yes No

5.27 Are rotating / moving parts properly guarded? Yes No

5.28 Are proper procedures for hot-work identified and complied with? Yes No
VIQ 5.24/ISGOTT 9.4

5.29 Is electric welding equipment in good condition? Yes No

VIQ 5.25
5.30 Are safety guidelines available for use with electric welding equipment? Yes No
VIQ 5.25
5.31 Is gas welding / burning equipment in good condition? Yes No
VIQ 5.26
5.32 Are spare gas and oxygen bottles stowed apart in well ventilated Yes No
5.33 Is the position outside accommodation and engine room? Yes No

5.34 Is storage position clearly marked? Yes No

5.35 Are cylinder valves closed when not in use ? Yes No

VIQ 5.26
5.36 If fixed type of gas detector in pump room in operational condition? Yes No

5.37 Is the test records maintained? Yes No

5.38 If fixed type of gas detector in accommodation spaces in operational condition and test records maintained?
VIQ 5.21 Yes No
5.39 For the portable Gas/Oxygen Analyzers on board,
VIQ 5.23 ① Are there records for all tests? Yes No
② Is sufficient span calibration gas (for both of portable and fixed type) on board ? Yes No
③ Is toxic gas detector/analyzer certificated for H2S in air ? Yes No
Is up-to-date inventory of tubes available ? Yes No
④ Are all officers familiar with use and calibration of analyzer? Yes No
⑤ Are all measuring equipment Calibrated by shore ? Yes No

5.40 Type and quantity of portable instruments on board:

VIQ 5.23 Type Serial No. Last Calibrated

RX-415 762010161RN 15th Sep 2020
Combustible Gas Indicators
(in oxygen deficient atmosphere ) RX-415 6Y1050012RN 15th Sep 2020

MINIMAX X4 K416310428 15th Sep 2020

Pocketable Multi-Gas Detectors
MINIMAX X4 K419170072 15th Sep 2020
MINIMAX X4 K419170078 15th Sep 2020
MINIMAX X4 K419170103 15th Sep 2020

RX-415 762010161RN 19th Sep 2020

Oxygen Meters
RX-415 6Y1050012RN 19th Sep 2020

GV-100 N/A N/A

Toxic Gas Detectors
GV-100 N/A N/A

* Operational condition of the above instruments shall be indicated in the following blanks.

5.41 Are training and maintenance manuals for lifesaving appliances on board? Yes No
VIQ 5.27

5.42 Are lifeboats, lifeboat equipment, lowering equipment and associated items in good order?
VIQ 5.29 Yes No

5.43 Are lifeboat drills held regularly? Latest date: 07th May 2021
VIQ 5.29

5.43 Is the drill recorded in official and deck log-book? Yes No

5.44 Have lifeboats been lowered and waterborne within the last three months?
VIQ 5.30 Latest date: 09th Apr 2021

5.45 Are life rafts service dates in order? Expiry date: 27th Jul 2021
VIQ 5.28

5.46 Are life rafts fitted with required hydrostatic releases? Yes No

5.47 Do hydrostatic releases appear in good condition and are they correctly attached? Yes No
VIQ 5.28

5.48 Are lifeboat and liferaft operating instructions displayed? Yes No

VIQ 5.27

5.49 Are Life Buoys in good condition? Yes No

VIQ 5.31

5.50 Are Life Buoy lights in operating condition? Yes No

5.51 Are quick release man-overboard Life Buoys and release mechanisms in good condition and functional?
VIQ 5.31 Yes No

5.52 Are self-activating smoke signals attached to quick release man-overboard life-buoys in good condition?
VIQ 5.31 (To be checked that length of connecting lines not less than 4 meters) Yes No

5.53 (삭제/Deleted)

5.54 Is there the monthly checklist and records maintained? Yes No

5.55 Are life jackets properly stowed in good condition? Yes No

VIQ 5.32
5.56 Are life jacket donning notices posted? Yes No

5.57 Is ship equipped with immersion suits and/or thermal protective aids?
VIQ 5.33 Suits: 34 set, Thermal protective aids: 5 set, Person for rescue boat: 6
(Note) Immersion suits to be carried for each person on board from 1st July 2006.

5.58 Are pyrotechnics, including line throwing apparatus in date and in good condition?
VIQ 5.31 Yes No

5.59 Are all lifesaving appliances in good order and placed in accordance with Lifesaving Plan?
VIQ 5.27 Yes No

5.60 Is oxygen resuscitation equipment available? Yes No

VIQ 5.4
5.61 Are crew familiarized with handling oxygen resuscitation equipment? Yes No
VIQ 5.4
5.62 Are pilot ladders in good condition? Yes No
VIQ 5.47
5.63 Are pilot hoists in good condition? Yes No N/a
5.64 Is there a helicopter landing or winching area meeting ICS Guidelines?
VIQ 5.13 Yes No N/a

5.65 Is gangway in good condition and properly rigged? Yes No

5.66 Is gangway safety net rigged? Yes No
VIQ 5.47/ISGOTT 16.4.5
5.67 Is there a lifebuoy with lifeline near the gangway? Yes No
VIQ 5.47/MSC.1/Circ.1331/3.3

5.68 Is the following associated equipment kept at pilot access area and be ready for immediate use when persons
are being transferred? Yes No
VIQ 5.47/SOLAS V/23.3.2 (1) Two man-ropes of not less than 28 mm in diameter
properly secured to the ship if required by the pilot;
(2) A lifebuoy equipped with a self-igniting light;
(3) A heaving line.

5.69 Are regular safety meetings held, are the minutes recorded and does the operator provide shore management responses?
VIQ 5.7 Yes No
If yes, how many times do safety committee held on : Monthly

5.70 Are inspection records and inventory lists for fire fighting equipment maintained and kept up to date?
Yes No

5.71 Are ship-specific Fire Training Manual available ? (in SOLAS Training Manual) Yes No
VIQ 5.34
5.72 Are ship-specific Fire Safety Operational Booklets available ? Yes No
VIQ 5.34 (in each crew’s mess room and recreation room.)

5.73 (삭제/Deleted)

5.74 Are fire mains, pumps, hoses and nozzles in good order? Yes No
VIQ 5.35
5.75 Are they ready for immediate use? Yes No

5.76 Is emergency fire pump fully operational?

VIQ 5.41
Latest tested date: 04th June 2021

5.77 Does fixed gas extinguishing system appear in good condition? Yes No
VIQ 5.40
5.78 Does fixed deck foam system appear in good condition?
Latest analyzed date: 31st Jul 2020
(1 : 3 years after installation, after that, EVERY YEAR )

5.79 Does machinery space fixed foam system appear in good condition? Yes No
VIQ 5.35
5.80 Are operating instructions for fixed systems clearly posted in English and language understandable by all crew?
Yes No

5.81 Are isolating valves in fire and foam system lines clearly marked and operational?
Yes No

5.82 Are fire appliances located in compliance with fire control plan? Yes No
VIQ 5.37
5.83 Are portable fire extinguishers in apparent good order with operating instructions clearly marked? Yes No
Latest checked date: 04th June 2021

5.84 Are firemen's outfits in good condition and ready for immediate use? Yes No
VIQ 5.43 Sets: 4sets (poop deck& f’stle)

5.85 Are breathing apparatus sets ready for immediate use with fully charged air bottles? Yes No
Sets: 7 sets (4-fire-fighting & 3-IBC)

5.86 Are sufficient spare air bottles charged fully available? Yes No
Spare air bottles: sets : 7 spare bottles (1-compressor)

5.87 Are EEBD’s in the accommodation, pump room and engine room in good order and ready of immediate use ?
VIQ 5.44 (Note) EEBD for training shall be clearly marked.
Yes No

5.88 Is international shore connection readily available and location clearly marked?
VIQ 5.35 Yes No

5.89 Are Vent fire flaps and funnel dampers free to operate? Yes No
VIQ 5.45
5.90 Are they clearly marked their names and open/shut directions? Yes No

5.91 Are Vent fan stops operational and clearly marked? Yes No

5.92 Are fire alarms tested regularly and their records maintained? Yes No
Latest tested date: 06.June. 2021

5.93 Are fire detection and alarm systems fully operational and tested regularly and their records maintained?
Yes No
Latest tested date: 06.June. 2021
5.94 Is the paint locker provided with a fixed fire smothering system? (sprinkler system) Yes No
VIQ 5.48
5.95 (삭제/Deleted)

5.96 (삭제/Deleted)

5.97 Are chemicals properly stowed and are MSDS available ? Yes No
VIQ 5.46 Note : Protection equipment (a face shield, apron, gloves and an eye wash should be provided at the place
where chemicals are stored).

5.98 Are officers’ familiar with the process for conducting Risk Assessments for routine and non-routine tanks, do
VIQ 5.1 operators provide adequate procedures for conducting RA and is there sufficient evidence of this
COSWP 1.2.5 process undertaken ? Yes No

5.99 Is all electronic equipment in use in gas hazardous areas intrinsically safe? Yes No
VIQ 5.6/ISGOTT 4.3.4

5.100 Is there a suitable means for storing of cargo and bunker samples, is a cargo and bunker sample locker situated ISGOTT 12.3
within the main cargo area and is it in good order?
VIQ 5.48 Yes No

5.101 Are there MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) on board sufficient to cover all cargoes being carried?
USCG 33 CFR 155.750
VIQ 5.46 Yes No

6.1 Are all crew awareness of oil pollution prevention satisfactory? Yes No
VIQ 6.1
6.2 Do all officers understand MARPOL regulation? Yes No

6.3 Is the master aware of port contact procedures and has a contact list been made for this port,
VIQ 6.1 and is the IMO Coastal Contact List up to date ? Yes No

6.4 Do all officers familiar with use of oil content monitor and understand regulation concerned? Yes No
VIQ 6.17 Is there proof of recent use? Last Used/Tested:_08th Oct 2020 / 08th May 2021_
Test of Oil Discharge Monitoring System shall be carried out at least once a month, and performance and result of
such test shall be recorded in oil record book
6.5 Do chief officer carrying out test of ODME at every month? Yes No
VIQ 6.13
6.6 Is result of test recorded in oil record book and reported to company? Yes No

6.7 Are written procedures for cargo, ballast and bunker transfer posted? Yes No

6.8 Have cargo / ballast / plans been prepared for current operations and informed parties concerned?
Yes No
6.9 Is meeting for current cargo operation held on board prior to entering port?
Yes No
6.10 Have cargo / ballast / plans been agreed between ship and shore? Yes No

6.11 Is contingency plan to limit oil pollution effects properly displayed? Yes No

6.12 Are drills to limit oil pollution effects regularly held and recorded in accordance with contingency
VIQ 6.1 plan(VRP / SOPEP)? (at every month) Yes No

6.13 Is a USCG letter approving a Vessel Response Plan(VRP) on board, and are drills regularly held
and recorded? Yes No
6.14 Is pre-safety check carried out and reported prior to entering port regularly?
Yes No
6.15 Are unused cargo / bunker pipeline manifolds blanked and fully bolted? Yes No

6.16 Are spill containers and gratings in place under cargo / bunker manifolds and is their condition satisfactory?
VIQ 6.6 /VIQ 6.9 Yes No
6.17 Are suitable spill containers fitted around bunker / diesel / lub. Oil tanks vents? Yes No

6.18 Are hydraulic lines and machinery free of leaks? Yes No

6.19 Is deck free of oil / oily material? Yes No

6.20 Height of fish plate Main deck / Poop deck: 1.75 cm / 3.25 cm
VIQ 6.2 Main deck aft section: 2.60 cm
6.21 Are means readily available for dealing with small oil spills? Yes No

Are adequate protection materials for oil spill on board? Yes No

Absorbent Materials : 400 Kg/Sht Saw Dust : 30 Bag

Oil Detergent Materials: 700 L Plastic Bag : 50 Sht

Portable Air Pump : 2 Set Non Spark Shovel : 3 Set

Protective Clothing : 6 Set Non Spark Scraper : 4 Set

Protective clothing = Goggles, Rubber Gloves / Long Boots for Chemical.

ROB quantity of oil spill prevention and response materials should be displayed at local stores, public place
and filed in SOPEP.

6.22 Is engine room bilge oily-water separator control system in good) working condition? Yes No

6.23 Is engine room bilge clean and free of oil? Yes No

6.24 Are self-closing cocks for sounding pipe of double bottom tanks in operational condition?
Yes No

6.25 Are the emergency bilge suction valves in engine room clearly identified ? Yes No

6.26 Is pump room free of evidence of persistent pipeline leaks or leakage of cargo into pump room bilges?
VIQ 6.12 Yes No
6.27 Is high level alarm for bilge in pump room fitted and working well? Yes No
VIQ 6.11
6.28 Is high level alarm regularly tested and records maintained? Yes No
VIQ 6.11
6.29 Are Oil Record Book part Ⅰ (machinery space operations) and part Ⅱ(cargo, ballast operations) completed up to date?
Yes No

6.30 Is Oil Record Book free of any pollution incidents or violations? Yes No

6.31 Do responsible officer and engineer fully understand items to be recorded in Oil Record Book? Yes No

6.32 Is garbage sorted out into plastics / food wastes / others and stowed in separate containers then
VIQ 6.20 disposed in accordance with MARPOL AnnexⅤ ? Yes No
6.33 Do crew understand MARPOL ANNEX Ⅴ requirements? Yes No

6.34 Is the master and Chief Engineer aware about new Marpol Annex VI ? Yes No

6.35 Are the following certificates and records which are to be retained on board available?
Yes No
1. Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (EIAPP)
Or Statement of Compliance.
2. Technical file, when required
3. Record Book of Engine Parameters (when required)
4. Operation manual for on board direct measurement and monitoring methods (when required)
5. Operation manual for vapor collection system
6. Operation manual for shipboard incinerator
7. Bunker delivery notes and Log Book

6.36 If the vessel is provided with an approved Ballast Water Treatment System, is the system in good order, used
VIQ 6.21 where required and are Officers familiar with the safe operation of the same?

6.37 Where a Ballast Water Treatment Plant is fitted, is it maintained in accordance with manufacturers and vessels
VIQ 6.22 planned maintenance requirements?

**** Garbage incineration is prohibited in the Baltic Sea.

7. Maritime Security

7.1 Does the vessel have an approved Ship Security Plan? Yes No
VIQ 7.1
7.2 Are Master and Crew aware of the name and contact details of the company security officer, and are these details
posted? Yes No
VIQ 7.2
7.3 Are ship security records related to port calls being maintained? Yes No
SOLAS XI-2/9.2.3
SOLAS XI-2/9.2.1
VIQ 7.3
7.4 Are records of training and maintenance of equipment related to the ship security plan available? Yes No
ISPS Part A/10.1
VIQ 7.4
7.5 Has the ship’s security officer been trained to undertake this role and do they understand their responsibilities? Yes No
ISPS Part A/12.2
VIQ 7.5
7.6 If fitted, is the vessel’s dedicated standalone security communications equipment regularly tested? Yes No
ISPS Part A/10.1.5
VIQ 7.6
7.7 Does the vessel have a routine to regularly test the ship security alert system? Yes No
VIQ 7.7
7.8 Does the Passage Plan include security related information for each leg of the voyage? Yes No
VIQ 7.8
7.9 Does the vessel have a voyage/transit security risk assessment? Yes No
VIQ 7.9
7.10 Does the vessel have procedures for vessel hardening? Yes No
VIQ 7.10
7.11 Does the Master/SSO have a clear understanding of the procedures for voluntary security reporting? Yes No
VIQ 7.11
7.12 Is an adequate deck watch being maintained to prevent unauthorized access in port? Yes No
VIQ 7.12
Has a gangway notice been posted, at the shore end of the access where possible ?
Yes No
Unauthorized persons are not allowed to board.
- Visitors are required to show identification
- Mobile phones and other electronic equipment must be switched off
- Smoking and naked lights are prohibited
- Lighters and matches are prohibited to be carried on board

7.13 Has the company provided a list of security charts, publications and guidelines to the ship? Yes No
VIQ 7.13
7.14 Are Cyber Security Policy and Procedures part of the Safety Management System and is there a Cyber Response Plan on
board? Yes No
VIQ 7.14
7.15 Are the crew aware of the company policy on the control of physical access to all shipboard IT/OT system? Yes No
VIQ 7.15
7.16 Does the company have a policy or guidance on the use of personal devices onboard? Yes No
VIQ 7.16
7.17 Is Cyber Security awareness actively promoted by the company and onboard? Yes No
VIQ 7.17


(Note) :
Note: The International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) contains guidance pertaining to the safe
carriage and handling of petroleum products. Inspectors should observe cargo operations, interview responsible
personnel, review the operator’s operating procedures and observe the degree of compliance by officers and crew to
appropriate regulations and guidelines. Common causes of incidents are poor planning, improper supervision of transfer
operations, inadequate knowledge or disregard of the dangers of static electricity, insufficient personnel on duty and
insufficient or incorrect information concerning cargo properties.

8.1 Is there sufficient technical information available for safe and efficient handling of cargo, ballast and slops?
VIQ 8.1(Common*) Yes No

8.2 (삭제/Deleted)
MSDS data sheets should be on board for the following:
* All grades of cargo being carried * All grades of fuel used on board
* All chemicals used on board
* paints, protective coatings and all other corrosive or toxic materials that are carried on board? Ships carrying MARPOL Annex I
cargoes, as defined in Appendix I to Annex I of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973, and marine fuel oils shall be provided with a material safety data sheet prior to the loading of such cargoes.
(SOLAS 2007 Amendments VI 5-1) On ships carrying MARPOL Annex II cargoes, Prior to loading, the shipper should provide both to
the Master and the Company, as defined in the ISM Code, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), formatted in accordance with
resolution MSC.286(86), for cargoes containing benzene. (IBC Appendix 8 Annex).

8.3 Are drawings, pipeline diagrams, mimic diagrams etc. available in cargo control room? Yes No
VIQ 8.2(Common)
8.4 Are cargo and ballast transfer instructions understandable to the deck officers conducting the operations?
VIQ 8.5(P*) Yes No
8.5 Do cargo transfer instructions provide for planned sequence of cargo and ballast transfer without
VIQ 8.5 extensive mathematical calculations? Yes No
8.6 Are there records indicating that the operational accuracy of the load computer is tested regularly? Yes No
VIQ 8.4(P) (Test should be carried out at least quarterly) Latest test date 02nd Apr 2021
VIQ 8.7(C*)

8.7 Is the stress and stability information included with the cargo plan and are any limitations
VIQ 8.6(P) understood by the cargo watch officers? Yes No
VIQ 8.8(C)
8.8 Are all officers familiar with the carriage requirements for the cargoes on board?
Yes No
Officers should be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the following:
 Shipboard operations and cargo handling;
 Closed loading, discharging and sampling;
 Requirements for medical treatment following exposure to hazardous cargoes;
 Spill response;
 Communication procedures with shore and emergency stop procedures;
And, as required:
 Effects of high density cargoes;
 Hazards associated with toxic cargoes;
 Hazards of electrostatic generation.

8.9 Has the cargo plan been signed by the watch officers to indicate their understanding of it?
VIQ 8.5(P) Yes No
VIQ 8.8(C)
8.10 Is information readily available on Max. Loading Rates and Venting Capacities? Yes No
VIQ 8.1(Common) (This information should be displayed in the cargo control room.)

8.11 Are the cargo tank high level and overflow alarms in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing ?
VIQ 8.14(P) Note: High level alarms should be in operation during both loading and discharging operations. Yes No
VIQ 8.24(C)

8.12 Where fitted and in use, is the condition of the cargo heating system satisfactory, is it regularly tested and is
VIQ 8.27(C) any observation tank free of oil ? Yes No

8.13 Are all cargo and ballast pumps and stripping arrangements fully operational including associated monitoring
VIQ 8.8(P) instrumentation and controls and are they tested regularly with results recorded?
Latest tested date: 25th Apr 2021

8.14 Are emergency cargo pump stops operational, tested regularly and test results recorded? Yes No
VIQ 8.10(P)
8.15 Is pump room free of evidence of persistent pipeline leaks or leakage of cargo into pump room bilge? Yes No
VIQ 8.44(P)
8.16 (삭제/Deleted)
8.17 Are manifold back pressure gauges fitted and in working order? Yes No

8.18 Are all cargo / ballast valves fully operable from the designed control position? Yes No

8.19 Is the vessel free of any hull, bulkhead, valve or pipeline leaks which could affect cargo handling or cause pollution?
Yes No

8.20 If fixed tank gauges are not fitted, are sufficient portable tapes provided to simultaneously gauge each tank being worked?? VIQ
8.28(C) Yes No
Note: Portable tapes should be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and valid
certificates of calibration should be provided for each instrument

8.21 Are P/V valves and flame screens kept in good condition and checked /maintained regularly?
VIQ 8.19 Latest checked date: 28th Apr 2021

8.22 Is the vessel capable of operating in a Closed condition? Yes No

VIQ 8.29
8.23 Are ullage / temperature / interface tapes in good working order? Yes No
VIQ 8.45 Type : _MMC/MARSEN_

Sets : _3_

8.24 Are closed sampling devices fitted? Yes No

VIQ 8.45
8.25 Has the vessel checked hull stress at main points of cargo operation? Yes No (Calculation sheets or
printed paper of the computer shall be kept in the file)

8.26 Is ship’s Experience Factor available and up to date? Yes No

8.27 Is Cargo / Ballast Valves Operation Records available ? Yes No

8.28 Is a written procedure provided for the safe handling of heavy weather ballast in cargo tanks on
segregated ballast tankers ? Yes No

8.29 Are all officers aware of the emergency procedures for dealing with leakage, spillage or fire involving the cargo ?
VIQ 8.49 (C) Yes No

8.30 Are cargo pipelines tested annually ? Yes No

VIQ 8.49(P)
8.31 Are flame screens easily accessible and removable, in good order and inspected and cleaned
VIQ 8.40(C) as part of a regular maintenance routine and are there RECORDS available ? Yes No

8.32 If portable tank cleaning hoses are used, are continuity tests carried out and the results recorded?
Yes No
Hoses should be tested for electrical continuity in adry condition prior to use for tank cleaning and the resistance
should not exceed 6 ohms per meter length.

8.33 Is the cargo pump room gas monitoring system in good order and regularly checked? N/A

8.34 Are ship-to-ship transfer checklists completed ? Yes No

VIQ 8.78(P) Refer Appendix 1 of Ship To Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum) ICS/OCIMF


Tank or tanks inspected date : 21st ~ 22nd Feb 2021

Extent of coating : Deck head only Bottom only All tank

Type of coating : Modified Epoxy Zinc Silicate Soft Coating

Condition of the coating : Good Fair Poor

* Good : Condition with only minor spot rusting

* Fair : Condition with local breakdown at edges of stiffeners and weld
connections and/or light rusting over 20% or more of areas under
consideration, but less than as defined for poor condition.
* POOR : Condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of
areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration.

8.35 Are there anodes in the tanks? Yes No

8.36 Condition of the anodes : Good Fair Poor

8.37 Are there any large fractures in any part of the structure? Yes No
If so, where :

8.38 Is There Any Obvious Wastage Through Corrosion? Yes No

If so, where :

8.39 Is there any heavy localized pitting on horizontal surfaces? Yes No

If so, where :

8.40 Is there any obvious sign of buckling? Yes No

8.41 Is there any sign of accumulated rust on horizontal surfaces? Yes No

8.42 What is the condition of areas such as pipelines, bulkhead penetration pieces, etc. within the tanks? Yes No


SOLAS II-2/4.5.5./(VIQ 8.22~8.31)

COMPANY Vessels fitted with inert gas systems cannot conduct cargo operations unless the IGS is
POLCY operational. SHEQ.

8.43 Is this clearly understood by master and chief officer? N/A

8.44 Is the required I.G. Manual on board? N/A

8.45 Is log kept of I.G. operations? N/A

8.46 Is log kept of I.G. equipment testing and maintenance? N/A

8.47 Is I.G. system fully operational, including instrumentation, alarms and trips?
SOLAS Ⅱ -2/ Latest tested date: N/A

8.48 Are pressure and O2 content recorders and indicators in cargo position working? N/A

8.49 What is O2 content of delivered I.G. in line ? _N/A_ %

8.50 What is O2 content in cargo tanks? _ N/A %

8.51 Are tanks being maintained at positive pressure? N/A

8.52 When was fixed O2 analyzer last calibrated? Latest date: N/A

8.53 Are I.G. lines, mast risers, high velocity vents, if fitted, and vent stacks in satisfactory condition? N/A

8.54 Is liquid level in water seal correctly and clearly visible (to be confirmed open position of locking device of overboard valve)?

8.55 Is liquid level in P.V. Breaker correctly and clearly visible? N/A

8.56 Is I.G. non-return valve working and are records maintained of overhaul of non-return valve? N/A

8.57 Are Officers aware of the column/cofferdam purging routines where deep well pumps are fitted and is the pump
leakage within tolerable limits? Yes No

8.58 If the vessel is provided with a nitrogen generator / bottle manifold system, are the Officers and crew aware of the
ISGOTT specific hazards associated with nitrogen gas? Yes No

8.59 Are officers and ratings aware of safe entry requirements for the inert gas room(s), are these procedures being
FSS Ch 15 followed and where applicable, is fixed oxygen detection provided? N/A

8.60 Are the officers familiar with the dangers associated with over pressurization of the cargo tanks and are procedures
ISGOTT implemented to avoid over pressure due to purging, blowing and pigging with nitrogen? Yes No

8.61 Does the POAC have the necessary qualifications and experience and are Officers aware of these requirements?
SOLAS 2002 XII/13.1 Yes No

8.62 Was the inert gas system in use and operating satisfactorily at the time of the inspection? N/A

8.63 Is there evidence to show that regular maintenance has been conducted on the inert gas system, including the
FSS COD overhaul of the non-return valves? N/A

8.64 Are the Deck Officers aware of required actions in the event of the inert gas failure and are all cargo tanks
IMO IGS 8.3 maintained under positive pressure throughout? N/A

8.65 Is the inert gas system including instrumentation, alarms, trips and pressure and oxygen recorders, in good order?

8.66 Was the fixed oxygen analyzer calibrated immediately prior to use of the inert gas system and do local and remote
FSS CODE oxygen and pressure recorders, where fitted agree? N/A

8.67 Is the liquid level in the deck seal at the correct level, clearly visible and are officers aware of requirements to
Periodically check the level? N/A

8.68 Does the P/V breaker appear to be in good order? N/A


8.69 If the vessel is provided with a nitrogen generator / bottle manifold system, are the officers and crew aware of the
ISGOTT specific hazards associated with nitrogen gas? Yes No

8.70 Are officers and ratings aware of safe entry requirements for the inert gas room(s), are these procedures being
FSS 15 followed and where applicable, is fixed oxygen detection provided? N/A

8.71 Are the officer’s familiar with the dangers associated with over pressurization of the cargo tanks and are procedures
ISGOTT Implemented to avoid over pressure due to purging, blowing and pigging with nitrogen? Yes No
8.72 Are cargo pump performance curves available, are Deck Officers aware of the test requirements for cargo lines, vapour
IGC 5.4.3 and Inert gas lines on the system? N/A

8.73 Are the officers and crew familiar with the requirements and risks during ship-to-ship operations? Yes No
STS Guide 1.4

* Common: Petroleum & Chemical for VIQ Chap.8

* P: Petroleum for VIQ Chap.8
* C: Chemical for VIQ Chap.8

*The above Chap.8 Cargo and Ballast systems can be checked by VIQ 7 Booklet which was provided by Company for
Petroleum And Chemical, LNG.

Notes: The OCIMF publications ‘Effective Mooring’, ‘Mooring Equipment Guidelines, Anchoring Systems and Procedures’ and
provide information on all aspects of mooring equipment and operations.

9.1 Are certificates available for all mooring ropes and wires? Yes No
VIQ 9.1 Note: Product certificates for mooring lines, connecting shackles, and synthetic tails should be kept in a file clearly showing to which
winch each particular component has been fitted. For ship’s following guidance in MEG4, mooring line and tail certificates should
follow the guidance for the purchasing and testing of mooring lines and tails as provided in Appendix B of the Mooring Equipment
Guidelines (MEG4)

9.2 Is mooring arrangement satisfactory?

ISGOTT 23.4 State number of ropes/man-made fiber moorings available on drums?
Fwd : 55 mm x 220 , x 4 pcs, Aft: 55 mm x 220 m x 4 pcs
State number of wire ropes available on drum?
Fwd : N/A mm x pcs, Aft: N/A mm x mx pcs

9.3 If mooring tails are fitted to wires, do they have proper connecting links? N/A
(Tail Ropes shall not exceed 18 months from replacement newly.)

9.4 Are emergency towing wires in good condition and properly rigged? N/A

Are deck-winches and windlasses in good condition? N/A

Do brake linings and pins appear in good condition? N/A

Do brake band and brake drum appear in good condition? N/A

If brake test equipment is provided, are test results recorded? N/A

9.5 Are fairleads and rollers free? Yes No

VIQ 9.18
9.6 Is certificate on board attesting to SWL of bow stopper(s), if fitted?
VIQ 9.6 Capacity(SWL) of bow chain stopper : _N/A_TONS

9.7 Is SWL of bow chain stopper properly marked? N/A

9.8 Are anchor and cables in good condition? Yes No

9.9 Are chain locker doors firmly battened down? Yes No

9.10 Are anchor securing arrangements(i.e. cable stoppers, etc.) in good condition? Yes No
VIQ 9.20
9.11 Are bitter end securing arrangements unobstructed? Yes No

9.12 Is an exclusive hammer for the bitter end release prepared and located at near bitter end release? (Bosun store)
Yes No
9.13 Are hose handling and store handling cranes and associated equipment good condition? Yes No

9.14 Is S.W.L. clearly marked on all lifting equipment? Yes No

9.15 Are moorings satisfactorily deployed and tended? Yes No

VIQ 9.8 Generally mooring lines of the same size and type (material) should be used for all leads.

9.16 Are mooring lines secured to bitts and turned up correctly ? Yes No
VIQ 9.9 Mooring lines MUST NOT be secured to winch warping drums.

9.17 Are all powered mooring lines correctly reeled on drums ? Yes No
VIQ 9.10
9.18 Are all powered mooring lines secured on brakes and are the winches out of gear ? Yes No

9.19 If mooring tails are fitted to wires, do they have proper connecting links and are they correctly fitted ?
VIQ 9.12 N/A

9.20 Are all mooring lines stowed neatly to minimize tripping hazards and are mooring areas clear and unobstructed ?
Yes No

9.21 Are pedestal fairleads, roller fairleads and other rollers well greased and free to turn and are bitts and chocks free of grooving ?
VIQ 9.18 Yes No

9.22 Is mooring equipment marked with its SWL ? Yes No

VIQ 9.19

9.23 Does the ship have a Mooring System Management Plan? Yes No
VIQ 9.1
9.24 Does the ship have a Line Management Plan? Yes No
VIQ 9.3
9.25 Is the crew aware of the design limitations of their anchor windlass and systems? Yes No

9.26 Are emergency towing off wires (fire wires) of appropriate size and in good condition?
VIQ 9.28 Yes No

9.27 Are emergency towing off wires (fire wires) properly rigged to meet terminal requirements?
ETA (Emergency Towing Arrangement) shall be properly rigged. Yes No

9.28 Does the vessel have on board Emergency Towing Procedures?

VIQ 9.29 Yes No


10.1 Are all items of main and auxiliary machinery reported to be fully operational? Yes No

If No, state Deficiencies

10.2 Is PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM being followed? Yes No

VIQ 10.12
10.3 Are chief engineer’s standing orders posted and countersigned? Yes No
VIQ 10.3
10.4 Are chief engineer’s night orders being completed and countersigned? Yes No

10.5 Is Engineers' alarm fitted and is it working in order? Yes No

VIQ 10.14
10.6 Are the duties of the watch-standing officers and ratings clearly defined ? Yes No

10.7 In case of UMS ships, is alarm system fitted? Yes No

VIQ 10.2
10.8 Is it regularly tested and recorded? Yes No

10.9 Are drawings, pipeline and electrical diagrams, mimic diagrams, etc, available in engine room? Yes No

10.10 Is equipment in vicinity of fuel, diesel, high pressure hydraulic and lubricating oil pipes protected against spray?
Yes No
10.11 Are main switchboard and alternators protected against water spray? Yes No
VIQ 10.23
10.12 Is built in deck insulation intact or insulation matting or deck gratings in place to front/rear of electrical
VIQ 10.24 switchboards (higher than 440 Volts) in good condition? Yes No

10.13 Are purifier rooms well ventilated and clean? Yes No

VIQ 10.20
10.14 Are there adequate procedures to prevent uncontrolled entry into the engine room ?
Yes No
Procedures should be in place to ensure that no-one enters the engine compartment alone, for example
to carry out final evening checks during unattended periods, without first informing the bridge. Contact
should be maintained at predetermined periods. Ratings should not be required to attend the engine room
alone during unattended periods.

10.15 Is an engineer’s call alarm fitted and is it in good order and tested regularly and the results recorded ? Yes No
VIQ 10.14
10.16 Do records indicate the regular testing of emergency equipment ? Yes No
(including Emergency Generator Switchboard, Quick Closing Valves, Bilge Ejectors, Emergency Stops,
Emergency Air Compressor…etc )

10.17 Are engine room emergency stops for ventilation fans clearly marked and do records indicate that
they have been regularly tested? Yes No

10.18 Are records maintained for the regular inspection and testing of lifting devices ?
Note : includes cranes, portable and beam chain blocks, pad eyes lifting beams etc. Yes No

10.19 Is the bilge high level alarm system regularly tested and are records maintained ?
Note: Most bilge alarms are fitted with time delay. (To be waited for few minutes) Yes No

10.20 Are engine room bilges provided with High level alarms? Yes No

10.21 Are Self-closing devices to double bottom tanks in operational condition? Yes No

10.22 Are emergency air compressor for the diesel generator working in order and are their records of equipped
VIQ 10.16 being regularly tested? Yes No

10.23 Are emergency escape routes clearly marked, unobstructed and lighted? Yes No
VIQ 10.15
10.24 Is condition of the emergency generator or batteries satisfactory? Yes No
VIQ 10.16
10.25 If emergency generator, latest tested date: 08th May 2021
VIQ 10.16
10.26 Are there records of emergency generator being regularly tested? Yes No
VIQ 10.16
10.27 Are fuel oil tank emergency generator fully charged? Yes No
10.28 Are starting /operating instructions clearly posted so as to acknowledgement by all crew? Yes No

10.29 Is there a procedure to restart critical equipment ? Yes No

VIQ 10.6 A written procedure should be readily available within the engine room. The procedure should include
the following guidance, where applicable, on how to :
1. Regain power from the emergency to the main switchboard;
2. Charge the air receivers for the main diesel generators in order to provide electrical power to all auxiliaries (fuel and
lubricating oil pumps and the boiler supply);
3. Restart all auxiliaries ;
4. Restart the main engine and boiler

10.30 Is a comprehensive and up to date inventory of spare parts being maintained ? Yes No

10.31 Does steering gear/steering gear compartment comply with the latest SOLAS requirements? Yes No
VIQ 10.39 SOLAS Ⅱ -1 /29.30
10.32 Is the gear and compartment free of any obvious hydraulic leaks? Yes No

10.33 Are emergency steering gear changeover procedures clearly displayed in the steering compartment and in the wheelhouse?
VIQ 10.39 Yes No

10.34 latest tested date of emergency steering: 17th May 2021

VIQ 10.39/SOLAS V/26.4
10.35 Is emergency reserve tank fully charged? Yes No
VIQ 10.40/SOLAS Ⅱ -1/29.12.3
10.36 Is there a compass at the emergency steering position in the steering flat? Yes No

10.37 Are communications with the bridge satisfactory? Yes No

VIQ 10.39/SOLAS V/26.2
10.38 Is the rudder angle indicator clearly visible at the emergency steering position? Yes No
VIQ 10.41
10.39 Is access to steering gear unobstructed? Yes No
VIQ 10.42
10.40 Are suitable gratings and handrails fitted in steering gear compartment? Yes No

10.41 Are officer familiar with operation of steering gear and emergency mode? Yes No
VIQ 10.39

10.42 If the vessel is fitted with a class approved Exhaust Gas Cleaning System are the Officers familiar with the system and
safety requirements and are these documented? N/A

10.43 Are the Officers and crew aware of the safe operating requirements of any watertight doors fitted? Yes No
SOLAS II-I Reg 13.5.3 / 13.6, SOLAS V Reg 21.4

10.44 Are detailed LNG bunkering and fuel handling instructions/manual available? N/A
VIQ 10.45/IGF 18.2.3

10.45 Are risk assessments for LNG bunkering completed and available? N/A
VIQ 10.46/IGF 4.2

10.46 Are pre-bunkering checklists and verifications appropriately completed and carried out? N/A
VIQ 10.47/IGF 18.4.3

10.47 Does the vessel have appropriate emergency response plan and PPE relevant to LNG bunker operations? N/A
VIQ 10.48/IGF 18.2.4 /

10.48 Does the vessel have an established emergency bunkering shut-down procedure which is agreed upon with the
IGF personnel from the supply facility and is tested prior commencement of operations? N/A 10.49

10.49 Is information on loading limitations for the LNG fuel tanks available? N/A
VIQ 10.50/IGF 6.8.1 / 6.8.2, IGF 2.2.27 / 2.2.16

10.50 Are the appropriate ships personnel trained and certified in bunkering operations involving LNG as a marine fuel?
VIQ 10.51/IGF 19.2, IGF N/A

10.51 Are visible means provided to restrict access to the bunker manifold area during operations? N/A
VIQ 10.52/IGF /

10.52 Are permanent fixed gas detection and alarms fitted at appropriate LNG bunkering manifold and vent areas and other
VIQ10.53/ required locations? N/A
IGF 13.7

10.53 Are appropriate cryogenic spill protection measures tested and deployed? N/A
VIQ 10.54/IGF 5.10


11.1 Is the hull free of oil staining, extensive coating breakdown or excessive marine growth? Yes No
VIQ 11.1
11.2 Are hull markings clearly indicated and correctly placed? Yes No
VIQ 11.2
11. 3 Are pipe stands, clamps, supports and expansion arrangements satisfactory? Yes No
VIQ 11.5

11.4 Are loadlines correctly marked and clearly indicated? Yes No

11.5 Do all deck openings appear to be water-tight and capable of being properly secured Yes No
VIQ 11.6
11.6 Are watertight doors (including packing) in good condition and properly secured? Yes No

11.7 Are portholes, windows and deadlights in good condition? Yes No

11.8 Are vents and air-pipes on freeboard deck in good condition and fitted with closing devices? Yes No
VIQ 11.7
11.9 Are ship’s side and other guard rails in satisfactory condition? Yes No

11.10 Does master carrier out crew accommodation hygiene inspection at least once a month interval? Yes No
VIQ 11.13

11.11 Are the deck lights all operational and sufficient in number and range to illuminate the deck to facilitate safe working during darkness?
VIQ 11.9 Yes No

11.12 Is the general condition of electrical equipment, including conduits and wiring, satisfactory? Yes No
VIQ 11.10

11.13 Are light fittings in gas-hazardous areas Ex 'd' rated and in good order? Yes No
VIQ 11.11

11.14 Are forecastle stores free of water, internal spaces and storerooms clean, free from debris and tidy? Yes No
VIQ 11.12

11.15 Are accommodation, public spaces, sanitary areas, food store handling spaces, refrigerated spaces, galleys and pantries
VIQ 11.13 well illuminated, clean, tidy, in a hygienic condition and obstruction free? Yes No

11.16 Are laundries free of accumulations of clothing that could constitute a fire hazard? Yes No
VIQ 11.14

11.17 If fitted, is the Ship's Hospital clean and tidy and ready for use? Yes No
VIQ 11.15

11.16 Is the condition of electrical equipment in the accommodation satisfactory? Yes No

VIQ 11.16

11.17 Are personnel alarms in refrigerated spaces in good order and operational? Yes No
VIQ 11.17

12. ICE Operation(VIQ 12.1~12.21)

12.1 Are procedures available for operations in ice or Polar Waters? N/A

12.2 Are means in place to detect ice? N/A

12.3 Are systems in place for the routine receipt of navigational, meteorological and environmental data including ice data, 
ice charts and satellite images? N/A

12.4 Has training specifically addressing navigation in ice or Polar Waters been provided to members of the vessel’s 

complement in accordance with STCW Section A-V/4? N/A

12.5 Are means in place on at least one main engine sea water chest to prevent its freezing or clogging? N/A

12.6 Are procedures available for operations in sub-zero temperatures? N/A

12.7 Are means and/or procedures in place to protect personnel from exposure to sub-zero temperatures? N/A

12.8 Are means provided to maintain accommodation spaces at a temperature suitable for habitation? N/A

12.9 Are means and procedures in place to ensure safe access and movement about the vessel in sub-zero conditions?


12.10 Are means in place to prevent the icing of wheelhouse windows? N/A

12.11 Are radars fitted that are of a type classed as being suitable for operation in sub-zero temperatures? N/A

12.12 Are means and/or procedures in place to ensure that air driven whistles and fog horns are operable at sub-zero

  temperatures? N/A

12.13 Are means and/or procedures in place to ensure the operability of critical equipment and systems in sub-zero air 

temperatures? N/A

12.14 Are means and/or procedures in place aimed at ensuring the ready availability of life saving appliances?

12.15 Are means and/or procedures in place aimed at ensuring the operability of fire-fighting systems?
12.16 Are means and/or procedures in place to ensure the proper functioning of air intakes and fire flaps?
12.17 Are means and/or procedures in place to protect piping systems on deck from the risk of freezing?
12.18 Are means and/or procedures in place to ensure the operability of ballast systems and any drenching systems at sea 
temperatures of -2˚C and sub-zero air temperatures? N/A
12.19 Are means or procedures in place to prevent the icing up of cargo tank primary and secondary venting arrangements?
12.20 Are means and/or procedures in place to prevent the icing up of air pipes to settling and service tanks required for 
the operation of the main propulsion plant and essential auxiliaries? N/A

12.21 Has training specifically addressing operations in sub-zero temperatures and/or Polar water area and PWOM been 

provided to the vessel’s complement? N/A


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