Lesson Plan (Numbers)
Lesson Plan (Numbers)
Lesson Plan (Numbers)
Teaching young learners’ numbers can be made fun when numbers are integrated
with language to give it a co-related approach. The lessons compiled are
interesting, fun and formatted to help a teacher carry them straight to the
Lesson Plan – 1
Presentation: Teacher will enter into the class and greet the students. Teacher will
narrate a story on FOUR LITTLE SPECKLED FROG with flash cards and picture. Then
teacher will have conversation with students and after the conversation teacher will
introduce the topic by saying “so today lets learn number 4. Then the teacher will
show how to trace the number with fingers followed by the students (Tr will give flash
card of number to each and every child). Secondly teacher will tell the student to
write number 4 in air then teacher will make students to repeat number 4 after her
and teacher will sing a poem on number 4
Each and every one will get chance and teacher will call the student in front of the
class. Teacher will display some numbers on table and teacher will ask the student to
pick number.
1. Teacher will do the blind fold activity for the students where the teacher will
close the eyes of the child and wooden numbers will be given to identify. Each
child should identify only number 4.
2. Tr will show how to write number 4 in air. First tr will write slanting
line/,sleeping line ----- then standing line|in air
3. Tr will give each student paper sheets with dots and make the students to join
the dots to form 4 number.
4. Teacher will show flash cards of number and children have to trace the
5. Teacher will give clay to make number 4 like teacher will teach students how
to do with help of dotted lines 4 number.
6. Teacher will divide students in 4 group’s A, B, and C, D and will give sheets of
numbers to do activities.
7. A group will do collage activities with sand
4. Identify the numbers and draw the picture.
➢ 4
➢ 2
➢ 1
➢ 3
Lesson Plan – 2
beads do not get loose). The children will start to create their patterns. For those who
are struggling with this, I will have them fully fill in their pattern sheets as they go. Every
time they add a blue bead, color a blue bead on the paper, etc. The students will now
have completed pattern necklaces and we will tie them off. As a class, we will recite the
colors of the pattern to review. Each student should have made a full necklace of 20
beads in an AB color pattern. Whoever needs assistance remembering the colors or
pattern will have the sheet as a guideline. They should use their crayons to fill in the
sheet as they go. Those who are struggling will use the pattern guide more heavily than
those who are not. For the students that will master the material quickly, I will allow
them to use the rest of the beads in their bags to add to their necklaces. They will have
to tell me how many more beads they are adding and have them continue the pattern.
There will be a lot of tiny materials used in this lesson, so I want to be sure the students
use the worksheet as a guide to keep their beads on the table.
Worksheets are given to the children incorporating a sense of pattern and counting. It
will also help them in improving with fluency as it will help them in repeating patterns
quickly and accurately.
Lesson Plan – 3
Subject: MATH
Topic: Addition.
Class: Sr. KG
No. Of Students: 30
(Note: During this age some children will be able to count forward and backward
verbally at least up to 20. They will be also able to make a reasonable estimate of the
number of items or objects in collection at least up to 10. Keeping this in mind the
teacher proceeds with the explanation.)
Main focus:- To give knowledge about the concept regarding addition to all student.
Teacher comes in with a smile wishing the students. She does general conversation
such as how are you children. What day is it today? How many days are there in a
week? How many months …etc. Then ask how many girls/boys are there in this class.
Then the teacher calls any one boy to count the girls and jot it on the chalk board.
Then a girl to count boys then teacher calculates/ adds or totals it and writes the
answer. Now she asks what the teacher did. The children might not answer because
they do not know the concept. The teacher tells she calculated or she added.
The teacher calls 2 boys on to her left and 3 on to her right and now asks the
students to calculate. All the students start counting and counts correctly. She asks
related questions. Likewise teacher can collect real objects from the class and do
addition OR can draw pictures and do addition. She then gives worksheet with two
sums for class work on one side and assignment work on the other side. Teacher
should be quick to explain the work sheet and collect and correct and also give it
back for the students.
Recap with real objects as the children saw around and ask the students to do the
activity again with worksheets to see if they have understood.
Lesson Plan – 4
Time: 40 minutes
a. Main focus/Target to be achieved: To enable children to be able to multiply with ease.
b. General aim: Students will be able to identify how tables are used in multiplication.
Time Activity Teacher’s Student’s Anticipated
Allotted Planned Activity Activity/Response. Problems.
i. 10 Skip counting. The teacher They will repeat The students could
minutes will say and in chorus. not repeat after me
the children because the teacher
will repeat spoke too fast.
after me
iii. 5 Ball rolling Teacher will They will enjoy The teacher did not
minutes multiplication start the playing the explain the game
game. game by game. clearly.
telling them
the rules,
and then by
the game.
Lesson Plan – 5
It helps the child in memorization of “number 2″ via auditory, visual, and kinesthetic
Presentation :
1) Explain: The number “2″ very often describes pair. Name: e.g. a “pair of shoes”,
name a more difficult one: “a pair of pants has 2 leg parts.”
2) Ask the children what “pairs of something” they see in the room. Each pair of
something can be named only once. Make a checkmark for each item named on the
3) Explain that the body of humans is symmetrical which means that any body part
which is one the one side is on the other side as well. Ask the children if they now
can find more pairs. E.g. a pair of thumbs, etc. Again, make a checkmark for each
item named on the blackboard so they children can see how many pairs they found.
4) Discuss about the sports there should be 2 teams to win the game. Ask them who
tries to play sports in teams who try to win against another team.
5) Make them to do the worksheet 2.Count and color the items.
6) Tell the children that once they are finished then you are going to collect the sheet
and put 2smilies sticker on it for great work.
Recapitulation :
1) Make the child to count and colour the objects in the work sheets.
2) Make the child to trace the number “2” in the worksheets.
Lesson Plan – 6
4-5 years 20
Material(s) used:
Name of the activity :
Flash cards (butterflies, flower, doves, 4
Introduction of number 4
stars and 4 small mats.
Presentation :
Once there were 4 butter flies in the garden they were happily flying above 4
beautiful flowers. Every day they used to come together and sit on those flowers. One
day when butterflies were playing together they saw 4 doves coming towards them.
Doves asked butterflies to be their friends as none of the other birds were involving
them in their games. So they were very sad. They also said butterflies are so colorful
so they want to be their friends. Butterflies agreed and they all started playing
This way teacher will end the story and show them flash card of no. 4 and ask them
to count butterflies, flowers, doves along with her. While counting numbers she will
emphasize on number 4.
Teacher will revise all the numbers by sticking flash card of number 1 to 4 on the
board. Later she will place 4 mats on the floor and spread 4 stars in different places
and ask children to hop and collect stars one by one and place it on each mat. While
placing the stars teacher will encourage them to count the number. This way she will
teach them value of number 4.
Topic : Simple Level/ class : No of
Addition & 1st Standard students: Time: 35
subtraction students 30
Lesson Plan – 7
Teaching aids : Colorful Beads, Colorful wooden shapes like triangles,
squares, stars & circles, sheets of paper, pencils, Animal Flash Cards
2. Concepts introduced:
1. Addition & subtraction of numbers
2. Symbols like +, -, = in MATHS
3. Identification of Greater and Lesser numbers
4. Any two numbers can be added
5. Only lesser numbers can be subtracted from greater numbers
Vocabulary/ New words introduced:
Addition, subtraction, equals, Greater/Lesser number OR Big/Small
(These should
Time Student’s be all the
Allotted Teacher’s activity activity/ problems that
Response may crop up
from the
teacher’s point
of view)
1. Help Students
recap all
1. Recite
2. Write out
5 min 2. Identify
numbers on 1. Number
1. Reciting random
black board cards may
Numbers numbers
3. Show children not be well
from 1-100
number cards prepared.
from the
and ask them to
identify the
number on the
2. 1. Make sure every 1. Children are
1. The teacher
Greater/lesser child able to place
may not be
& big/Small understands and beads into
able to make
objects or is able to groups of
numbers differentiate more
between beads/blocks
the concept
Greater/ greater/BIG and and less
lesser objects lesser/Small bead/blocks
10 Min greater/BIG
or numbers numbers/Object 2. Then
identification s. children are
– concepts 2. Introduce the able to write
and concept Big & out sign ‘>’
understanding Small by showing for greater
big animals, big number and
beads, big lesser
shapes and also number
compare the big respectively
objects with
smaller size of
same object
3. Use of many and
less beads,
shapes to
identify greater
and lesser. Help
concept of more
blocks/beads =
greater numbers
4. Share the beads
and blocked
among children
and ask them to
place more
beads on one
side and less
beads on other
5. Distribute the
objects like
beads, shapes,
blocks and
animal flash
cards - Ask
children to
identify among
themselves more
beads, less
beads, big
animals, small
animals, etc
6. Introduce sign
‘>’ for greater
and small
1. Start with single
to show addition
of numbers and
2. Use of beads,
shapes and 1. Children
candies/toffees should be
to show how following
adding two items same
become more example of
Introduce the and removing adding items
addition ‘+’ some items to show
and become less. more and
subtraction ‘-’ 3. Use everyday removing
to children examples like items to
toasting bread to show less
family members 2. Children are
15 min
and relate that able to
to adding of understand
numbers and that addition
relate eating of is more and
the toasts to subtraction
subtract is less
4. Addition 3. Children are
The teacher did
Activity: able to use
not distribute
Distribute single digit
the objects
objects to all numbers to
children add and
a. First ask them subtract
to count the
number of
b. Then, ask
them to
c. Then, ask
them to count
numbers they
have been
5. Subtraction
objects to all
a. From the
groups they
have formed,
ask then to
away with
their objects
b. Now count
their own
objects and
help them
relate to the
1. Use black board 1. Children
1. May have to
Help the to illustrate the should now
repeat this
children sit examples given be able to
back in their in activity. count the
exercise on
places and 2. Monitor the objects in
black board
now give them understanding of illustration
for few
numbers and children and and
5 min objects to make sure they add/subtract
2. Some
ensure they follow the simple single
children may
have examples shared digit
not be able
understood 3. Give illustrations numbers
to relate the
the concept of of additions and 2. Children
activity to
addition and subtractions on should be
subtraction black board. able to
4. Use of signs +, - identify the
,<,>, = to greater/less
resolve simple er numbers
numbers along with
More Less example – Circle more from the following fruits
Greater lesser symbols: cirlce the correct sign Write the numbers below the objects and then circ
> < for the following illustration
More less Numbers: circle around the smaller Circle around the greater number
3 17 42 65
4 10 1 100
7 9 80 75
10 30 13 25
45 0 55 15
72 12 22 66
30 95 4 0
Write the correct sign < and > for greater less numbers
72 ____ 64 23 ____ 90 10 ____ 48
45 ____ 87 12 ____ 49 68____ 29
31 ____ 98 22 ____ 63 74____ 30
55 ____ 29 77 ____ 11 15____ 41
0 ____ 7 42 ____ 16 3 ____ 61
Write the correct sign > < in the Write the Write the correct number in the
circle correct sign > circles
< in the
Simple Addition exercises
Simple subtraction exercises do similar to what is shown in first line