Nunez Elsa Act1

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Assignment 1.

Teaching observation

Elsa Guadalupe Nuñez Ramirez

Universidad Iexpro: Maestría en la Enseñanza del Inglés

Técnicas de Conducción del aula y reflexiones, sobre la
práctica docente
Miss Verónica Andrea Escobar Mejía
16 de Junio de 2023

Calle 1era. ote norte #583 Colonia centro Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas , México
The Practice of English Language Teaching 5th edition – resources for use with Teachers at Work DVD

General lesson observation sheet

Teachers at work DVD
Note: Because the lesson videos are all edited versions of the whole lessons that we filmed, it is not possible to answer all the
questions on this observation sheet for some of the lessons. Nevertheless some or all of these general questions (depending
on which lesson you are watching) will help to focus your viewing.
There are separate observation sheets for each individual lesson (and for the two video documentaries).

Teacher’s name


What is the teacher trying to achieve? Do

they achieve this? How do you know?
(Chapter 12) The main goal of the lesson is to enhance the speaking skill through the association of words and meaning.
Additionally, to use the second language from the beginning to the end. They achieved both as the participation
was actively demonstrated from learners. The lesson had a significant movement and I considered that the main
way in which we detect that a student has learned content is because he/she uses the word and what is more to
see them practicing English happily.

How good is the rapport between teacher

and students (and students and students)?
How do you know? As we know “rapport” is a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that
(Chapter 6, Section 6.1.1) makes communication possible or easy. This is specially seen during the dynamic activity when they go to the
front and pick the animal asked. Eventually, they answer harmoniously and the voice tone they both use is kind.

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What, in your opinion, are the teacher’s The tone of her voice promotes a friendly learning environment, the motivational phrases such as “Good job”
(Chapter 6) “High five” motivates students to participate even though they make mistakes, the teacher makes them feel
confident. Finally, I consider their pronunciation and emphasis she makes in the words are perfect for kids at the
young age.

How do you feel about the balance between

TTT and STT (remember, of course, that The Teacher talking time (TTT) is the time that teachers spend talking in class, while student-talking time (STT) is
these are edited videos so it is difficult
to judge exactly what the balance was
the time the students spend talking in the class. In this video lesson is noticeable that the main interaction to
throughout the whole lesson) and about detect this process is among T-Ss. The teacher asks questions and students answer in the moment it is asked.
the way the teacher uses language in the
(Chapter 6, Section 6.2)

What different teaching techniques does A) Presentation and practicing: The usage of flashcards for young learners is used, even though this technique is
the teacher use for a) presenting/practising
language and b) getting the students very common, learners at young age need visual to make associations with the word and draw out the meaning
involved in skills work? in their minds. This is complemented with short dynamic activities such as the apron maze and the food realia. I
(Chapters 13 and 17)
found the food activity very useful as they are engaged to what will be shown from the box.

B) Using games promotes students to get involved in the content of the lesson.

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What feedback – and correction – does the Feedback and correction are highly important for learners eventually with young learners the words that are
teacher give to the students (if any)? How
do you feel about this? used influence in the future rapport. There is a specific part when a student says “I have garlic” and teachers
(Chapter 8) corrects by saying “It’s a garlic” the correction is kind, even she uses body language by approximate her hand to
the student’s back which promotes confidence and it doesn’t feel like a correction.

What do you notice about the way the I consider that the organization is mainly centered on dynamic activities to engage students in speaking and
teacher organises and manages the class?
(Chapters 9 and 10) vocabulary recognition. Particularly, more than a structure I can notice a detailed selection of games to include a
diversity of categories it is noticeable that the T uses the time meaningfully as we know that young learner’s
attention is short in minutes. The management of the class is controlled on how the teacher asks for silence, it is
kind and she demonstrates respect.

What classroom technology does the

teacher use? How effective is this?
(Chapter 11) Digital tools don’t take place but visuals and realia are effectively implemented. The combination among these
and games are perfect for the students’ age.

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What was your favourite part of the lesson?
Why? My favorite part is the “food realia” activity, because it is a great job from the teacher how she engages Ss with
a box and few food items. I think that digital tools were not needed; on the contrary the educator took
advantage meaningfully of the visuals and games.

What would you do differently? Why?

I would complement the class with a worksheet or a craft activity, Speaking might be the main focus of the
educator but with a writing or kinesthetic task; there is an opportunity for the rest of the learners to use their

What did you think of the way the teacher Of course! This is what I love from the iexpro subjects. We can work by our own with the written materials.
wrote out the lesson plan? Did it give you
all the information you needed to view the
(Chapter 12)

As it was showed in the video, the principal aim was to check students’ comprehension through a number of activities such as; vocabulary maze, a chair
game, a realia food activity. Also, through the implementation of question-answer the teacher made motivated students to be part of the class and when it
was time to make corrections, in some case teacher said the correct word and then a "very good" so that children could not feel ashamed of making
Another aspect is the good English environment in the classroom, since the good attitude from the educator provides confidence to the students. They are
emerged in the story because of the pictures and words that are shown in the lesson.
All of the activities were done well because of the patience from the teacher and the good participation from the little students who were always taught in
the second language. The relationship among them was good as they worked harmoniously. In general I enjoyed the lesson and I felt identified even to make
use of some ideas from this video lesson.

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Cambridge dictionary. (n/d). Obtained on july 15th, 2023 from

Universidad IEXPRO (n.d.) Classroom Talk (pp. 1-19)

Rosenbergová, D. (2019). Obtained on july 15th, 2023 from


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