Samuels - Proposal Writing For Business Research Projects-Routledge 2022
Samuels - Proposal Writing For Business Research Projects-Routledge 2022
Samuels - Proposal Writing For Business Research Projects-Routledge 2022
Research Projects
This book helps students with the initial phases of their business research
project, offering a clear step-by-step approach from defining aims and
research questions through to conducting literature reviews and writing a
Features to aid learning include chapter objectives, plentiful real-life
examples to demonstrate good practice, exercises to apply the concepts and
further reading for proactive investigation.
A self-contained guide to every stage of writing an effective business
research proposal, this text should be recommended reading for all advanced
undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Business Research
Methods and embarking on a research project of their own.
Peter Samuels
First published 2023
by Routledge
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© 2023 Peter Samuels
The right of Peter Samuels to be identified as author of this work has been
asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs
and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Preface x
Why this book? x
A bear eating fish x
Who is this book written for? x
What is unique about this book? xi
Who is the author? xi
Acknowledgements xii
Reference xii
Introduction 1
Context 1
What is a proposal? 1
Why write a proposal? 1
What makes a good proposal? 2
Added benefits 2
Types of dissertation 2
Outline of the rest of this book 4
References 5
Selecting and presenting your topic 7
Academic writing 21
5 Using evidence 34
Introduction 34
Backing up specific claims 34
Avoiding plagiarism 35
Quoting 35
Summarising 37
Reference 38
Contents vii
6 Paragraph writing 39
Introduction 39
Definition 39
Length 39
Structure 40
Using transitional words 41
Examples 41
7 Argumentation 44
Introduction 44
Two styles 44
Examples 45
Argument planning 46
Example 47
Exercise 49
Reference 50
Writing the rest of your proposal 51
9 Literature reviews 58
Introduction 58
General principles 58
Obtaining evidence 59
Deciding on your themes 62
Including theory 63
Including critical analysis 64
viii Contents
Concluding your review 67
Exercise 68
References 69
10 Conceptual frameworks 70
Introduction 70
General advice 70
Examples 71
Exercise 72
References 72
12 Producing a schedule 88
Gantt charts 88
Research phases 90
Accompanying narrative 90
Exercise 92
13 Referencing 93
Introduction 93
Citing 93
Contents ix
Tables and figures 95
Reference lists 95
References 98
Beyond your proposal 99
Introduction 99
Index 120
Samuels, P. C. (2017) How to write a PhD proposal. Technical report. ResearchGate.
Available at:
This book assumes that you are undertaking a research project in the aca-
demic subject of business as part of your undergraduate or master’s degree.
Business includes areas such as business management, human resource
management, leadership, supply chain management, business information
systems, entrepreneurship, marketing, economics, finance and accounting.
What is a proposal?
A proposal is a statement of what you intend to do. Proposals are com-
monly required in many areas of research as they encourage the researcher
to think about, decide on and articulate what exactly they are planning
to do. This provides an excellent opportunity for them to receive feedback
at the formative stage of their research which can improve their perfor-
mance and reduce the risk of them going in the wrong direction.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-1
2 Introduction
sentences, a long document, or complex ideas. Instead, they are looking
for interesting ideas and to be persuaded by a clear and concise argument
that is correctly structured.
Added benefits
Proposal writing is the first phase on the dissertation journey and the first
subject for discussion with your supervisor. It therefore acts as a gateway
into your research experience.
Learning how to write a good proposal can help you to become a bet-
ter academic writer. I do voluntary work helping doctoral students in other
countries understand these principles because I have seen that this can
change their lives and open doors for them.
Types of dissertation
All dissertations involve the systematic collection and analysis of data.
However, in some places in this book, it is important to understand the dif-
ferences between three main types of dissertation. These are distinguished
by the type of data that is being collected and how it is being analysed,
as shown in Table 0.1.
The three main types of dissertation are:
Collected data
Primary (you) Secondary (others)
Both the normal primary research dissertation and the secondary data pri-
mary analysis dissertation involve carrying out a literature review before
the data is collected and analysed. This kind of review is known as a narra-
tive review as it does not follow a systematic method.
However, in the systematic review dissertation, the literature review
replaces the systematic collection and analysis of other kinds of data.
This means that the review should follow a prescribed method, known
as a protocol. The topic of a systematic review style dissertation is usu-
ally broader in scope than for the other two kinds of dissertation. For
a recent publication on business systematic reviews, please see (Paul
et al., 2021).
It is also useful at this stage to explain three common terms relating to
types of research:
Paragraph writing
Sentence construction
Bailey, S. (2018) Academic writing: A handbook for international students. 5th edn.
Abingdon: Routledge.
Gillett, A. (2021) Using English for academic purposes for students in higher edu-
cation: Academic writing. Available at:
Paul, J., Merchant, A., Dwivedi, Y. K. and Rose, G. (2021) Writing an impactful
review article: What do we know and what do we need to know? Journal of Busi-
ness Research, 133, pp. 337–340.
Part One
Coming up with a good topic idea is one of the hardest parts of the proposal
writing process and maybe also the most important. The education system
in most countries is focused on developing convergent thinking. How-
ever, topic selection involves creativity which includes divergent thinking.
Selecting a good topic also involves reading, evaluating and identifying a
viable data source as shown in Figure 1.1.
We shall explore these aspects in turn in the rest of this chapter.
Identify Create
Topic Evaluate
Google Scholar is a really useful tool to use at this stage. Later on in lit-
erature search we recommend using the front search engine from your uni-
versity library or specific databases. Google Scholar prioritises the sources
with the best match and also those considered to be the most important
academically as measured by the citation rate (the number of citations
obtained per year).
A master’s student is interested in the implementation of new information
and communication technology (ICT) systems in small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) in the Nigerian retail sector. This could lead to a Google
Scholar search using the following keywords, ict, retail, sme and nigeria,
giving the result shown in Figure 1.2.
Selecting your topic 11
There are about 9,700 matching articles (or hits). The first hit has received
96 citations since 2011 (i.e. in 11 years). The second hit has received 25
citations since 2013. The third hit has 25 citations over five years. So the cita-
tion rate of the first article is the highest. All three articles are available as
PDFs but the first and the second ones may require creating a ResearchGate
account before you can access them. ResearchGate (www.researchgate.
net/) is an academic social networking site. The articles are about different
aspects of ICT adoption by SMEs in Nigeria. None of these three articles
seem to mention the retail sector.
In order to emphasise the need to identify articles specifically concerning
retail, a second search was undertaken with the following search terms: ict,
“retail sector”, sme, and nigeria. Putting quotation marks around the phrase
retail sector limits the search to articles which match this whole phrase. The
results of the search are shown in Figure 1.3.
This second search returned with over 2,500 hits. This first hit seems to
be a good match. It has a good citation rate, was published in the last ten
years, and is available as a PDF. It would therefore seem to be a good article
for the student to download and read. The subject is a particular kind of ICT
system (e-commerce) and seems to be limited to small retail businesses
rather than medium-sized ones. However, it would require further reading
to know exactly what definition is being used and how relevant it is to the
student’s initial idea.
The goal at this stage is not to be systematic in the literature search-
ing, but rather to find some relevant research articles to establish what has
already been studied and what is already known in the field. Clearly, the
Following on from the previous example, the supervisor asked the master’s
student why she was interested in the implementation of ICT systems in
Nigerian retail SMEs. She replied that it was because of her family business
and the examples of good practice she had seen in UK retail SMEs, and she
was wondering what might be applicable in Nigeria. This enabled the super-
visor to identify one source of data – the family business in Nigeria, which
could be framed as a case study. Another possible source of data would be
the retail SMEs in the UK that the student admired, but these might require
a different form of data collection.
This helps to narrow down the student’s topic onto one specific retail
SME in Nigeria along with a comparison with retail SMEs in the UK.
Selecting your topic 13
Other topic selection strategies
Horn (2012: 12–17) suggests some other topic selection strategies:
• Career goals – if you know what career you want to get into after you
graduate, this strategy involves making contacts with people already
working in this area. It could take the form of finding out more about
what they do or how the managed to end up in their roles. Your disserta-
tion then becomes a vehicle for building a network and promoting your
interest in working in this field. This can be particularly useful in the
creative industries where many opportunities arise through relational
networking rather than traditional job advertising.
• Solving a practical problem – if you already have a part-time job, or
you are closely associated with a business, you may have identified
something which could be improved in the way this business operates.
This strategy means using your dissertation to precisely define what
the issue is that needs to be improved then designing a solution. You
might also implement and evaluate a solution; this is known as action
research. However, when you present your topic in your proposal (see
Chapter 8) it should be in the form of a problem that needs to be solved,
not a solution you have already come up with.
• Tutor-driven – if you are allowed to suggest or choose your own
supervisor, you might have access to their research profile. Looking
at what they have already published could be the basis for selecting
a topic which might be of interest to them and hence improve your
chances of a good supervision relationship.
Evaluating whether your topic idea has these qualities aligns with the veri-
fication stage of the creative process introduced above.
A final word
Topic selection often feels like a somewhat random, chaotic or haphazard
process. This can be disturbing if you are used to being told what to do,
especially as it comes at the start of your research project. It is important
to do this well because the overall success of your project often depends
directly on the quality of your chosen topic.
Often your first idea will not work. It is important to be patient and give
time and space for your subconscious to work. If you realise that you have
to change your initial idea, try to modify it rather than starting over again
from scratch.
Google (2022a) Output from Google Scholar UK with search terms ict retail sme
nigeria. Available at:
Google (2022b) Output from Google Scholar UK with search terms ict “retail sec-
tor” sme nigeria. Available at:
Horn, R. (2012) Researching and writing dissertations: A complete guide for busi-
ness and management students. 2nd edn. London: CIPD.
Poincaré, H. (1908) L’invention mathématique. Bulletin de l’Institut Général de
Psychologie, 8e année(3), pp. 175–196.
Samuels, P. C. (2021) Dissertations in 20 steps – a platonic discussion. Technical
report. ResearchGate. Available at:
2 Writing your front matter
Front matter is the name I use for the essential information that defines
your research topic. This is your title, your aim, your objectives and your
research questions. Each of these has its own style of writing (known as
its genre). They also need to be consistent with each other in meaning. The
relationship between them is shown in Figure 2.1.
We shall explore each of these in turn.
Table 2.1 provides an evaluation of the titles of the four example proposals
(see the Acknowledgement in the Preface for more information).
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-4
16 Selecting and presenting your topic
These must
be consistent
RQ Objective
RQ Objective
These might
be consistent Or these Objective
might be
Usually 1 to 5 3 to 7
only 1
Figure 2.1 Relationship between title, aim, research questions and objectives
Here is Mollie’s aim:
My main aim for this research project is to research into what loopholes
people are finding in taxation policies and any ways to prevent them
from happening. I aim to get as many responses as possible from uni-
versity students, working adults and even pensioners to see what their
opinions are and how they feel about the current situations regarding
their understanding of taxation policies, loopholes in the policies and
the detrimental effect that coronavirus has had on the UK’s taxation
situation. I hope to be able to explain some methods that the govern-
ment can use to recover some of their lost taxes from the effects of the
pandemic in 2020.
• It is consistent with her title and gives more detail (this is a good thing).
• It uses inappropriate personal language – see Chapter 4.
• It is too long for an aim statement (110 words).
• Her proposed research seems to be rather wide-ranging, involving
knowledge of loopholes, attitudes towards tax policies and tax avoid-
ance and suggestions of how the UK Government should address these
in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. One, or possibly at most two
of these would have been sufficient for a dissertation.
Writing your front matter 17
Table 2.1 Example proposal titles and their evaluation
Here are Thomas’ objectives:
• They are written in the correct genre with four objectives in a logical
order starting with the word “to”
• Thomas starts by using the second way of writing objectives then
switches to the first way half-way through:
• His first and second objectives link to stages in the research pro-
cess as they mention doing a literature review and doing question-
naires and interviews
• His third and fourth do not and seem to be more to do with the
content of his title and aim
Writing your front matter 19
Writing your research questions
Research questions are the questions that the study is seeking to answer. Some
studies have several research questions whilst others have a main research ques-
tion which is split into sub-questions. For a proposal, a main research question
that is consistent with the title and the aim is sufficient. Alternatively, the
research questions might be consistent with the objectives written in the
form of questions.
Kate’s main research question is:
With regards to the East African Community (EAC), what impact has
regional integration had on economic growth in the region?
1 How can the government stop people from taking advantage of loop-
holes in taxation policies?
2 How much of an impact has coronavirus has on the spending of gov-
ernment taxes?
These questions appear to only cover part of her research topic as defined
by her aim. There is no mention of what knowledge taxpayers have or what
measures the UK Government should be taking.
1 Turn Mollie’s title from a combination of two questions into a single
description of her topic in about 20 words
2 Rewrite Mollie’s aim so it becomes consistent with her title but includes
a little more context and is about 40 words long
3 Rewrite Thomas’ objectives so that they follow the first main way of
writing objectives and do not mention the research process
4 Add some research questions to Mollie’s front matter so that they cover
all the elements of her existing aim
Part Two
Academic writing
3 Structuring your proposal
A proposal is a structured document. As the emphasis of this book is on
providing a clear and concise argument for your reader, we recommend that
you refer to it as containing sections rather than chapters.
We recommend only using a two-level structure of sections and subsec-
tions. A three-level structure of sections, subsections and subsubsections is
too much structure for a concise proposal. Furthermore, not every section
needs to be divided into subsections.
• A title
• An introduction section including a background, a problem statement,
an aim, objectives and one or more research questions
• A literature review section
• Amethod and methodology section (either word on its own is acceptable)
• A project plan (this is sometimes included in the methodology section)
• A reference list
These are the elements covered in Chapter 2 and Part 3 of this book.
Some optional elements of a proposal are:
• An abstract
• A table of contents (this should come straight after the title page; it is
useful with longer proposals)
• A justification or rationale for the study (part of the introduction)
• A discussion on the limitations of the study (part of the introduction)
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-6
24 Academic writing
• A conceptual framework (and the end of the literature review or the
start of the methodology section)
• A dissemination or impact statement (at the end of the introduction or
towards the end of the proposal)
• A budget (an appendix)
• An ethics request form (an appendix)
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Aim and objectives
1.4 Research questions
2 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theme 1
2.3 Theme 2
2.4 Discussion
3 Method and Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Conceptual framework
3.3 Methodology
3.4 Data collection
3.5 Data analysis
3.6 Ethics or limitations
4 Project plan
For more details on the recommended structure of the literature review and
the method and methodology sections please refer to Chapters 10 and 12.
Structuring your proposal 25
It is recommended that you use a different font size and a bold font for sec-
tion and subsection titles. We also recommend that you do not put any text
between a section title and its first subsection title.
Kate’s proposal follows the recommended structure quite closely. There are
just a few small differences:
• She refers to her sections with a “.0” after them, for example, 1.0 Intro-
duction, rather than just 1. Introduction. However, she has used a larger,
centred bold font to make them look distinct from her subsection titles.
• She has divided her introduction into five parts instead of four by sepa-
rating her aim from her objectives (there is nothing wrong with doing
• Her literature review follows the recommended structure apart from
the final subsection, which she has called a conclusion (again, this is
somewhat a matter of taste, but there are more details in Chapter 9).
• Her methodology starts with a paragraph without a subsection title as
shown in Figure 3.1. It would have been better if she had labelled this
first paragraph as 3.1 Introduction followed by 3.2 Methodology.
• She then has subsections on data collection and data analysis but not on
ethics or limitations.
Kate begins the conclusion of her literature review by writing:
By using the phrase “It can be concluded that”, Kate is hiding herself as the
originator of this conclusion.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-7
28 Academic writing
Here is another sentence from Kate’s literature review:
Kate is again hiding the identity of the people making this claim. In this con-
text it may be assumed to be the wider academic community, not just herself.
In the second subsection of her literature review, Tappasiya writes:
By using the phrase “It has been stated that”, Tappasiya is hiding the iden-
tity of the person who made this claim. However, as this claim is more spe-
cific, it would have been better for her to have written this statement more
directly by citing the most important authors – please see Chapter 5.
Mollie begins her background by stating:
Throughout this research project I will be looking into three main themes.
Whilst it is good that Mollie is using a thematic approach to writing her back-
ground paragraphs (see Chapter 8 for more details), there is no need for her to
refer to herself or even to state what she is doing. It would have been better if she
had just started introducing her first background theme without any preamble.
At the end of his research rationale and literature gap, Thomas writes:
1. Avoid contractions
Contractions are the first way in which apostrophes are used in English.
These should be avoided in academic writing. Words need to be written
in full. Contractions such as don’t, doesn’t, hasn’t, can’t and it’s should be
replaced with do not, does not, has not, cannot and it is.
Academic writing style 29
2. Use possessive apostrophes correctly
The second use of apostrophes in English is to indicate that something or
someone belongs to something or someone. This is known as a possessive
apostrophe. These should be used in academic writing. There are three
forms of possessive apostrophe:
The decisions made are informed by the research onion (Saunders et al,
This is almost correct. It should be (Saunders et al., 2019) – that is, there
should be a full stop after al.
However, if Kate was using APA style, she should have written (Saun-
ders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2019) because et al. is not used unless there are
more than three authors.
In the reference list, Kate has written:
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2019). Research Methods for
Business Students.8th ed. London: Pearson.
This has a few minor errors but is generally consistent with this variant of
For more information on referencing, please refer to Chapter 13.
This is also correct. However, over six percent would also have been accept-
able as six is a small number.
In her methodology, Mollie has written:
Moreover, Amazon leads the e-commerce market with its returns policy . . .
In her methodology, Mollie writes:
I feel that using both types of sources will allow me to answer the
research topic to the best of my ability.
Using both types of sources will increase the potential of achieving the
research aim within the practical limitations of the project.
Use hedging
Hedging is the process of using an appropriate level of caution when eval-
uating evidence already presented. This is especially important in a litera-
ture review. Phrases such as “it may be argued that” distance the writer from
the claim being made. Softening the scope of a claim by using the words
such as “some”, “often” or “most” is also useful.
Kate writes in her literature review:
Foster, Z. (2019) Constance Hale interview on how to write better [video]. Available
5 Using evidence
All academic writing involves making evidence-based arguments. This is
true of proposals. In this chapter we shall look at the need to back up spe-
cific claims with evidence, the need to avoid plagiarism, and how to quote
and summarise other people’s arguments.
In her literature review, Tappasiya writes:
Avoiding plagiarism
Plagiarism is taking other people’s ideas, or parts of their published work,
and treating them as your own, or not properly attributing them. Plagiarism
is considered unethical, especially in many Western cultures, and may lead
to an academic misconduct investigation.
The most common form of plagiarism is cut and paste. It is particularly
tempting to cut and paste other people’s work, especially when you are
drafting your own work, but this should be avoided, unless you are planning
to use a direct quote (see below). The way to overcome this is to learn how
to summarise.
Possible plagiarism can be examined by using matching software, such as
Turnitin ( Such software will generate a report and an
overall matching score. Many universities will use matching software such
as Turnitin to check their students’ work for potential plagiarism. They may
also allow their students to submit their draft work to it so they can check
their own work before submitting it. However, there is a skill to interpreting
the report generated by this software. There is no safe overall percentage
match score as it depends on the context of the matches. For more informa-
tion see (, n.d.).
Quoting is using someone else’s work word-for-word and providing a
citation. This is the only form of cut and paste which is permitted in aca-
demic writing. The way you quote will depend on the referencing style used
by your institution.
In her literature review Kate writes:
Gaspar, V et al has also discussed how coronavirus will affect the future
of taxation, “Taxation is profoundly affected by the pandemic. Covid-
19 will change taxation – in at least three important ways, with lasting
Mollie has also correctly included a short direct quote (word-for-word copy)
using quotation marks and has provided an in-text citation and a reference
in her reference list. She is quoting a news article from the International
Monetary Fund, which is a lower level of academic quality than a peer
reviewed journal article. However, this was probably acceptable at the time
of writing as Covid-19 was a new phenomenon then, and there was little
peer reviewed literature written about it.
Her quote is not very long, which is also good, but the introduction to
three important ways leaves the reader wondering what they are. Mollie has
also added an initial and not included a year in the citation. As it is an online
source, there was no need to provide a page number. The correct way to cite
this in the Harvard system is:
Collier, R et al, page 794, stated that “In the first phase, while the
lockdown is in place and countries are experiencing an acute overall
disruption, tax measures can help mitigate the impact of the crisis by
providing businesses and households with cash flow in order to avoid a
complete collapse of the economy. In the second phase, once the lock-
down is lifted, businesses and households are likely to require similar
economic support measures.”
Mollie has again correctly used quotation marks and provided a citation. This
is a slightly longer quote, which is also acceptable in the short quote style.
Again, she has added an initial and left out the year, but she has provided the
page number. The correct cite this using the Harvard referencing system is:
Summarising is the process of rewriting parts of someone else’s work in
your own words. It is the most important skill to master when using evi-
dence. Many students struggle with summarising as they feel their own sum-
maries will not be as good quality as the original writing they are using,
and they are tempted to draft their own work by cutting and pasting other
people’s work. This is a dangerous thing to do, as explained above, as it may
lead to plagiarism, even if you correctly cite the authors whose work you are
The way to summarise and avoid plagiarism is to start by writing notes.
You might wish to print out electronic articles and annotate them, or just
write notes on a separate sheet of paper. You should then put the original
source to one side (so you cannot see it) and write up your notes onto your
electronic device. By doing this you are breaking the link between the lan-
guage used in the original source and your summary.
You should then check whether the content of your draft summary has the
same meaning as the part of the original source you are summarising. Finally,
you should ensure that your summary is of an appropriate length for the rela-
tive importance of this source and flows with the rest of your writing.
In her literature review, Kate gives an extended summary of Adam Smith’s
theory of absolute advantage:
Adam Smith, on the other hand, found the concept to lack understand-
ing of the measure of a nation’s wealth which he defines as “the annual
produce of the land and the labour of the society” (Smith, 1776: 12).
He explains that the division of labour creates a specialised workforce
which, in turn, produces greater output and increases national wealth.
With the introduction of foreign trade, the nation becomes exposed to
the larger international market which requires the produce of labour
to exceed domestic consumption. This has the effect of enhancing the
division of labour and consequently increasing the wealth of a coun-
try (Smith, 1776). This then informs Adam Smith’s theory of absolute
38 Academic writing
advantage which states that a nation has absolute advantage over
another when it can produce one good with less expenditure on labour.
Kate’s summary includes a direct quote and forms the majority of one of her
paragraphs. Her summary is understandable, but without checking a match-
ing report, it is unclear whether she has successfully managed to write the
part of her summary outside the quotation marks in her own words.
By using the pronoun “he” in her second sentence, Kate has cleverly con-
nected two sentences together without the need for another citation. It is good
practice to only cite a source once in a summary, so there might have been
a way she could have removed the second citation. Famous authors, such as
Adam Smith, are sometimes referred to by their first name and surname, so
this is not an error.
As this is part of Kate’s literature review, she might have gone further than
this and considered discussing deeper issues, such as: what are the strengths
and weaknesses of Smith’s theory? Is his theory still relevant or has it been
superseded by a more recent one? This might have led Kate into a critique
of Smith’s theory, or into other forms of critical analysis. These are discussed
in Chapter 9.
Reference (n.d.) Interpreting the similarity report. Available at: https://help.turnitin.
6 Paragraph writing
Paragraph writing is the most important academic writing ability to acquire.
That is why it was coloured in red on the academic writing tree picture in
Figure 1 in the Introduction.
If you can learn how to write good paragraphs, you are more than
halfway to becoming a competent academic writer.
Paragraphs are self-contained pieces of writing made up of sentences. They
are a bit like a mini essay, often having an introduction, a main body and a
conclusion. Paragraphs should be coherent and introduce then develop one
single topic. They should also make one clear point.
In order to allow your reader to distinguish between your paragraphs, you
should always separate them with some blank space.
In academic writing, paragraphs should cover topics in sufficient depth but
not be too long so that the reader can still take them in as a single thought. The
ideal length for a paragraph is about 125 words. Paragraphs are considered
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-9
40 Academic writing
too short if they are less than about 60 words and too long if they are over
180 about words.
Short paragraphs can indicate you are not writing about your topics in
sufficient depth. Long paragraphs might indicate they contain multiple top-
ics or are incoherent.
Whilst paragraphs need to flow from their beginning to their ending, there
is no fixed structure. Rather, there are some general principles and guid-
ance for paragraph writing. Like essays, these principles are based on the
simple structure of an introduction, followed by a main body, followed by a
It is good practice to start each paragraph with a topic sentence, which
makes a general point and introduces the subject that rest of the paragraph
will be about.
A common error students make in academic writing is to put a specific
assertion in their first sentence which is backed up with a citation. There
are two problems with doing this:
1 It is unclear what the scope of the argument in the rest of the paragraph
is going to be.
2 It is difficult to separate your voice from that of the author(s) you have
cited. This is particularly an issue in literature reviews and will be dis-
cussed later.
This is why it is a good idea to start paragraphs with general claims not
requiring a citation.
Main body
After introducing the topic of your paragraphs, you might wish to explain
this further and provide some evidence about this topic or one or more
examples. There should be some logical flow to the order you present your
sentences. You should ensure that the argument is not too long or compli-
cated, and the amount of evidence you cite is sufficient to support your
specific claims, but not too much for your reader to take in. This requires
critical thinking to have to confidence to emphasise the more important
Paragraph writing 41
You should round up your paragraphs at the end with some sort of conclusion.
Sometime, this is the best place to write the main point of your paragraphs.
You might link to the subject of the section that your paragraph forms a part
of. You might reiterate the point you made at the start of the paragraph based
on the argument you have presented, or you might create an awareness of an
issue you will explore in the next paragraph.
The clearer you present your argument, the clearer your own thinking
will be about the subject.
Transitional words come in different types. Table 6.1 provides some com-
mon transitional words split into types.
Here is a paragraph from Kate’s literature review:
In the case of the EAC, the elimination of trade barriers has had clear
positive effects on regional trade. Since the beginning of the union,
To signal Examples
This paragraph is 145 words long, which is within the acceptable range.
It contains a generally understandable and coherent argument. She begins
with a general topic sentence without a citation. This indicates that her para-
graph is going to be about trade within the East African Community (EAC).
However, it is actually about trade both within and outside of the EAC, so
this might have been improved.
Her second sentence sounds more specific and might have benefitted
from a citation, although it is still fairly general. However, her third sen-
tence gives a more specific example of Rwanda and does contain a citation.
She then uses the transition word “despite” to introduce the opposite side of
her argument, which relates to trade outside of the EAC. This is explained
in the following two sentences based on a citation. She starts her final sen-
tence with the word “nevertheless” to indicate that she is drawing her argu-
ment to a conclusion. The main point of her paragraph is about the need for
a regional export strategy.
Here is a paragraph from Thomas’ literature review:
This paragraph is 121 words long, which is about the recommended length.
However, it only contains four sentences, indicating that the sentences them-
selves are rather long and complex. However, the content of this paragraph
is generally understandable and coherent.
Thomas’ argument flows from defining Cross Cultural Management (CCM)
in the first sentence to justifying an objective of his study relating, to a par-
ticular kind of CCM in the last sentence. However, it is recommended that
the reappraisal of objectives is best left until the discussion at the end of a
literature review.
If his last sentence was therefore to be moved to the discussion, the main
point of his paragraph could be the claim he makes in the third sentence
about the lack of research on power relations between different cultures and
their impact on the working environment. Whilst this claim is well justi-
fied by a relevant citation, it might have benefitted from further discussion
which could have explored this issue in a little more depth. His main point
could then have been a more balanced and cautious conclusion about this
perceived gap in the literature and how it relates to his context.
One of the problems with Thomas’ literature review is that it is over-
structured as it contains subsections. This is not advised in a short proposal like
his. The consequence of this is his subsection on Cross Cultural Management
only contains a single paragraph. This has made it difficult for him to explore
this issue in sufficient depth. These issues will be discussed further in the next
chapter on Argumentation Styles, and in Chapter 9 on Literature Reviews.
7 Argumentation
Arguments form the backbone of academic writing. Argument writing
complements paragraph writing. It is important to understand that there
are two main styles of arguments and when they should be used. If you
can learn how to plan your arguments in advance, then it can save you a
lot of effort.
Two styles
There are two fundamental styles of argumentation known as single argu-
ment/opinion and discursive.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-10
Argumentation 45
Discursive style
The discursive style argument is very different. In terms of the court meta-
phor, it can be likened to the judge or the jury whose role is to weigh up
evidence on both sides of the argument. A subject is introduced neutrally
at the start, rather than a claim about it. Evidence is then presented on both
sides of the argument, then a cautious conclusion is drawn at the end which
could not be anticipated from the beginning.
The discursive style argument is very useful in literature reviews. It
enables you to distance yourself from the evidence you are presenting and
evaluate conflicting evidence in the process of exploring deeper questions.
A common error in academic writing is an over-use of the single argument/
opinion style in literature reviews.
The government furlough schemes that have been running since the
beginning of the pandemic have resulted in massive government spend-
ing, and are going to be running up until at least the end of February
2021, (KPMG, 2020). This will result in a negative effect on other funding
that the government has got to provide in the UK. The government will
need to try and cut down on the amount of people who are avoiding taxes,
whether it is through paying into trusts, paying salaries out to people, or
even paying extra money into pensions to avoid a higher tax band.
Discursive argument
Kate uses a discursive style argument in one of the paragraphs in her litera-
ture review:
Whilst Kate’s opening sentence is a bit difficult to take in, she is making
a general claim about the topic of the rest of her paragraph, which is the
relationship between trade openness and economic growth. After present-
ing a cautious claim about the existence of this relationship, she applies
her argument to her context of developing economies. This leads her to
make a balanced conclusion in the final sentence. This conclusion could
not have been anticipated in advance, which is consistent with discursive
style arguments.
Argument planning
Keen students often waste much time by over-writing and then trying to cut
down their draft. Other students write what comes into their heads without
Argumentation 47
a plan. This often means not knowing what you are trying to say and leads
to your paragraphs being unclear in flow and direction and not making a
single clear point.
The answer to these problems is to plan your argument in advance.
Here’s how to do it:
Here is an example of an argument plan presentation for the introduction
section of one of my own research papers (Samuels and Haapasalo, 2012).
This section is 1,075 words long and is split into ten paragraphs.
Figure 7.1 The presentation writing planning technique applied to a longer section
split into themes
• But the educational sector has been slow to adapt their approaches in
view of this increase
• There is also a need to emphasise practices for informal mathematics
rather than formal mathematics
• There have been past successes with turtle graphics robots and the LOGO
programming language for teaching basic mathematics to younger
• Research into whether using physical robots or a virtual programming
language is better is inconclusive
• There is a potential application of robotics with older students
• It is now possible to animate virtual robots within richer mathematical
Argumentation 49
• Aim of paper: to combine real and virtual robotics with older students
to motivate mathematics engagement and learning
• Outline: rationale; pedagogical approach; evaluation criteria; feasi-
bility and technological evaluation; pedagogical evaluation
This example is slightly on the long side for this technique, but you should
be able to follow this argument even if you do not know very much about
the subject. It is best to use this technique to plan arguments between three
and seven paragraphs long.
Based on the suggested proposal outline from Chapter 3:
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Aim and objectives
1.4 Research questions
2 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Theme 1
2.3 Theme 2
2.4 Discussion
3 Method and Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Conceptual framework
3.3 Methodology
3.4 Data collection
3.5 Data analysis
3.6 Ethics or limitations
4 Project plan
Use your total wordcount that you are aiming to write for your proposal to
estimate the number of paragraphs you need for each section and subsection
based on an average paragraph length of 125 words.
Then create a draft presentation with one bullet point per paragraph to
provide the argument structure for your whole proposal.
Then use your plan to draft your proposal.
50 Academic writing
Samuels, P. C. and Haapasalo, L. (2012) Real and virtual robotics in mathematics
education at the school-university transition. International Journal of Mathemati-
cal Education in Science and Technology, 43(3), pp. 285–301.
Part Three
Now that we have covered topic selection and the basics of academic
writing, we can focus on writing the rest of your proposal. In this chap-
ter we will look at writing the rest of your introduction. We have already
covered front matter writing in Chapter 2, so we just need to cover the
remaining elements. The most important of these are the background
and the problem statement. Together they form your rationale. We
begin by discussing these elements and then move on to the other
optional elements which you might choose to present later on in this
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-12
54 Writing the rest of your proposal
Kate’s proposal title is, “An analysis on the effectiveness of regional inte-
gration on economic growth in the East African Community”. Her back-
ground contains three paragraphs covering the following topics:
Her choice of first paragraph topic makes sense as it provides a more gen-
eral context for her research topic. Her second and third paragraph topics
are also relevant, but they are similar, and it might have been better to com-
bine these together.
What is missing is a background paragraph on evaluating the relation-
ship between trade agreements and economic growth. This should only be
descriptive at this stage. A deeper discursive style evaluation can be left for
the literature review.
Thomas’ proposal is entitled “Investigating the Cross-Cultural management
issues within a Japanese Business’ European headquarters: A comparative
study between European and Japanese employees in the workplace”. After
his background, his proposal has two paragraphs in Section 1.3 entitled,
“Research Rationale & Literature Gap”:
Writing the rest of your introduction 55
• In his first paragraph he introduces cross-cultural management research
• In his second paragraph he explores differences between organisational
culture and national culture with reference to his chosen data collection
context (multinational Japanese companies with European employees)
Whilst both paragraphs are well written and relevant, their topics are not
ideal choices for a problem statement. This may have been because Thomas
was not writing a problem statement, although his assignment brief stated
that he should.
His first paragraph topic is a bit too general for a problem statement and
might have been better placed in his background. Perhaps a better choice
of first paragraph could have been something about his context, such as a
description of Japanese businesses with European headquarters (addressing
questions such as: when did they start? how many of them are there? how
much are they worth? what business sectors are they mostly in? and what
are the most influential examples?)
His second paragraph provides a very good summary of his research gap,
but his topic is a bit complex – it might have been better to move his first
sentence to the background and to focus the rest of paragraph in the prob-
lem statement on organisational culture with reference to Thomas’ chosen
56 Writing the rest of your proposal
Also notice how Thomas refers to his study near the start of his second
paragraph. In a problem statement such references should only come right
at the end. His last sentence should also be rephrased as it is not good prac-
tice to refer to yourself in the third person as “the author” – you should
provide an objective argument using the passive voice to hide the person
proposing to undertake the research.
Additional parts
Additional subsections of an introduction you might include are:
The only example of an additional part in the example proposal introduc-
tions is Mollie’s limitations subsection:
The purpose of your proposal literature review is to provide your reader
with a focused critical discussion of the most relevant research relating to
your chosen topic. The literature review is perhaps the most complex sec-
tion of your proposal to produce, so this is the longest chapter in the book.
However, as your introduction will be read first and contains the front mat-
ter defining your project, it might be considered even more important. Nev-
ertheless, writing a good literature review demonstrates your understanding
of the most relevant published research literature in your field, which is one
of the important things proposal markers are looking for.
A literature review in a business research proposal should be more than
an annotated bibliography, which is simply a sequence of single paragraph
summaries of research studies. Instead, it should be organised into a few key
themes, which are broader research areas than your chosen research topic. Your
choice of themes could be similar to your paragraph topics in your background.
The process of creating a thematic literature review is illustrated in Figure 9.1.
We continue this chapter by considering some general principles of cre-
ating a literature review. Next, we explore how you can obtain suitable
research evidence. Next, we will discuss how to choose your themes. It is
important to include some theory within your review so after this we look
at different ways of doing this. The main thing that distinguishes a literature
review from a background is the inclusion of critical analysis, so what this
is and how to do it is explored next. Finally, we consider how best to con-
clude your literature review.
General principles
It is important to capture your reader’s attention at the start of your lit-
erature review. You could consider including answers to questions such as,
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-13
Literature reviews 59
Thematic literature
“Why do you find this research project interesting?” and, “Why do you
think it is important?” (although your answers should use the third person
passive voice).
Your review should start with an introduction which states its purpose
and scope and introduces the themes you are going to include. One of the
secrets of academic writing is to answer the question that is in the mind
of your reader without stating what it is.
It is important to have a plan of how you are going to write your review.
Apart from the steps mentioned below, this should include:
Obtaining evidence
With the advent of the internet, most literature searching is done online nowa-
days and does not require entering a physical library. Ways of doing this include:
You also need to consider what you are looking for and how to choose the
best literature to include. The first thing to decide is the overall purpose of
your review. Secondly, you need to decide on the scope you will be looking
Kate’s proposal is about regional integration and economic growth in the
East African Community. Should she limit her literature research to articles
published about regional integration in Sub-Saharan Africa or should she
look at similar regions in other continents which include developing coun-
tries? The answer may depend on how much literature is available about
the former.
Literature reviews 61
Kate’s literature review is divided into two themes entitled Trade openness
and growth and The case of East Africa. Both themes are about 350 words
long. She also has a short introduction at the start and a short conclusion at
the end. This is appropriate for an 800-word literature review.
However, the main way Kate could have improved her themes would
have been to consider regional integration and economic growth separately
in two themes. Then she could have explored the application to East Africa
in a longer discussion at the end. She might also have limited her literature
review in each theme, such as only looking at economic growth in Sub-
Saharan Africa.
Literature reviews 63
Figure 9.3 Example concept map with post-it notes (from my own research)
Including theory
Literature reviews should also include theoretical perspectives. A theory is
a collection of concepts which explain how a phenomenon works. They are
usually well regarded in the research community and remain relevant for a
longer period of time than most primary research studies (which are known
as empirical literature).
You can include theory in different ways:
• A theory might be relevant to your whole review. You could then begin
your review with a theoretical framework, which would become your
first theme. You should try to move beyond simply introducing and
describing a theory by attempting to answer deeper questions about it,
such as “how does it apply to my context?”, and “what are its strengths
and weaknesses?”. Please see the next section for more information.
• There may be one or more theories relevant to one of your themes. You
might then discuss these in the first paragraph of your theme.
64 Writing the rest of your proposal
• You might refer to a less important theory in passing within your
The first theme of Kate’s literature review contains a theoretical perspective
in her second paragraph.
Adam Smith, on the other hand, found the concept to lack understand-
ing of the measure of a nation’s wealth which he defines as “the annual
produce of the land and the labour of the society” (Smith, 1776: 12).
He explains that the division of labour creates a specialised workforce
which, in turn, produces greater output and increases national wealth.
With the introduction of foreign trade, the nation becomes exposed to
the larger international market which requires the produce of labour
to exceed domestic consumption. This has the effect of enhancing the
division of labour and consequently increasing the wealth of a coun-
try (Smith, 1776). This then informs Adam Smith’s theory of absolute
advantage which states that a nation has absolute advantage over
another when it can produce one good with less expenditure on labour.
Therefore, for better use of resources, each country should specialise in
the production of the good which it has absolute advantage in (Schum-
acher, 2012).
Here is an example of a discursive style paragraph from an unpublished
extract from one of my own pieces of writing. I have annotated each sen-
tence to explain its purpose.
There are other forms of critical analysis, but I believe the discursive style
paragraph is the most useful technique for presenting critical analysis in a
proposal in a concise manner.
Another important way of viewing critical analysis is to consider the
depth of questions behind your writing. As I already mentioned, one of the
secrets of academic writing is to answer the questions in your reader’s mind
without stating them:
• Shallower questions often start with who, what, where and when
• Deeper questions often start with how and why
• It is recommended that you should start with shallow questions then
move towards deeper questions
Tappasiya’s literature review contains a brief theme entitled Consumer
behaviour in regards to offers and discounts. If her theme was to be expanded
into several paragraphs, it might cover answer to questions such as:
Obviously, you should not use first person language like this, but this is
essentially what you should be trying to argue in order to persuade your
reader of the importance of your study.
Thomas’ proposal has the most extensive conclusion to his literature review.
It contains three short paragraphs:
Use the evaluation sheet in Table 9.1 to assess your draft literature review.
Aspect Evaluation
A conceptual framework is more specific to your context than a theoreti-
cal framework. It summarises the findings of your literature review and
presents them in the form of a diagram. This diagram should represent your
evaluation of how the most important concepts relating to your study inter-
connect. For a more detailed discussion on the distinction between concep-
tual frameworks and theoretical frameworks, please refer to Varpio et al.’s
(2020) useful paper.
Conceptual frameworks are generally an optional extra in proposals.
If you are planning to collect primary data, they can form a useful visual
bridge between the findings of your literature review and the design of your
data collection instrument.
General advice
The best place to put a conceptual framework is either towards the end of
your literature review or near the start of your methodology/method section.
Conceptual frameworks come in two main forms:
There is no hard and fast rule about how to present a conceptual framework.
It is best to read relevant research articles relating to your own study and
get an idea on an appropriate format from any of these which contain a
conceptual framework.
However, if you are planning to carry out quantitative research, it is
important to bear in mind that conceptual frameworks contain concepts
which may not be measurable. It is only once you have discussed how you
plan to measure these concepts in your methodology/method section, and
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-14
Conceptual frameworks 71
whether this is valid and reliable, that you should present a quantitative
model or hypotheses based on them.
The only conceptual framework presented in one of the example proposals
is the model cited at the end of Tappasiya’s introduction which is shown in
Figure 10.1.
This model is in the form of a process diagram with purchase intentions
depending upon other concepts as indicated by the arrows. It has been taken
from a paper published by other researchers. Whilst it is good that Tap-
pasiya’s conceptual model was informed by someone else’s work, it would
have been better if she had adapted or applied this to her context based on
the findings of her literature review. The different concepts represented in
this diagram could then be measured either by closed questions in a ques-
tionnaire or from other secondary sources of information.
Tamvada (2020) has developed a conceptual framework for the relation-
ship between different elements of corporate social responsibility as shown
in Figure 10.2.
Figure 10.2 Conceptual framework for the relationship between different elements
of corporate social responsibility
Source: (Tamvada, 2020: 7)
72 Writing the rest of your proposal
Her framework is in the form of a tree diagram. There are two main areas
of responsibility, one of which is split into two sub-areas. Each of these
areas could be translated into one or more questions in a data collection
instrument, such as an interview or a questionnaire.
Create a diagram which describes the relationship between the main con-
cepts relevant to your chosen topic. How does this compare with conceptual
frameworks in studies similar to your own?
Lee, J. E. and Chen-Yu, J. H. (2018) Effects of price discount on consumers’ percep-
tions of savings, quality, and value for apparel products: Mediating effect of price
discount affect. Fashion and Textiles, 5(1), pp. 1–21.
Tamvada, M. (2020) Corporate social responsibility and accountability: A new
theoretical foundation for regulating CSR. International Journal of Corporate
Social Responsibility, 5(1), pp. 1–14.
Varpio, L., Paradis, E., Uijtdehaage, S. and Young, M. (2020) The distinctions
between theory, theoretical framework, and conceptual framework. Academic
Medicine, 95(7), pp. 989–994.
11 Writing your methodology/
method section
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-15
74 Writing the rest of your proposal
Approach Conceptual
Data source Methodology
§6 Ethics or
The recommended structure of a methodology/method section is:
§1 Introduction
§2 Conceptual framework
§3 Methodology (including philosophy, approach and strategy)
§4 Data collection
§5 Data analysis
§6 Ethics or limitations
The introduction should mainly explain how the rest of your section has
been organised.
For conceptual frameworks, please refer to the previous chapter. For lon-
ger proposals the methodology subsection can be subdivided further into
Writing your methodology/method section 75
philosophy, approach and strategy. For shorter proposals, you may need to
choose between presenting a conceptual framework and details about your
philosophical choice.
The other parts of this structure are described in the following sections
A philosophy is a theoretical way of viewing research and the new
knowledge it constructs. According to Saunders et al. (2019: 144–145),
there are five main philosophies relevant to business contexts:
Approach refers to the way in which new knowledge is generated. There
are three main approaches:
76 Writing the rest of your proposal
Deductive: the use of data to decide whether a pre-existing theory or
hypothesis is true or false; this is associated with quantitative research.
Inductive: the process of establishing new knowledge from collected
data; this is associated with qualitative research.
Abductive: a process of moving back and forth between deduction
and induction, for example, using interviews to establish the ques-
tions to be included in a closed questionnaire; this approach is
associated with mixed methods research where two techniques are
used one after the other.
Your strategy is your systematic means of obtaining data in order to
achieve your objectives or answer your research questions. There are seven
main research strategies. I will start by exploring the most common busi-
ness research strategies in more depth:
Strategy 1: Surveys
A survey is a systematic collection of information from a sample of
people from a larger population. In business research this often refers to
a company’s employees or consumers. There are three main types of data
collection instrument for carrying out a survey:
With a survey it is important to state what your population is and how you
are sampling it. This is the process of identifying your data source. There
are two main kinds of sampling:
The population for her survey sounds rather vague. Presumably it refers to
any adult in the UK who is not considered vulnerable. Her description of
them having an interest in certain issues sounds difficult for her to establish
before approaching them unless she has a strategy involving some kind of
interest group, such as via social media.
Vague data source choices lead to vague findings which are of little
Strategy 3: Ethnography
Ethnography is the systematic study of people and cultures. In business
research this usually refers to business cultures, such as those experienced
by a researcher who is on a work placement, such as an employee, or intern
or a charity worker.
For each technique you choose you should explain what it is, why you have
chosen it, and how you are planning to implement it. With questionnaires,
interviews and focus groups, the choice of questions could be linked to the
findings of your literature review through a conceptual framework. In addi-
tion, if you are planning to undertake a questionnaire, you should explain
and justify your choice of format, such as paper-based, email or online.
For secondary data collection you should explain your sources of data
and your selection methods.
Kate specifies her sources of secondary data in her Data collection subsection:
• Rather than stating data sources, it would have been better if she had
used a word such as “including” to indicate specific choices whilst
leaving room for possible future changes
• Whilst the specific data sources sound authoritative, some simple descrip-
tions could have been added to indicate why they are perceived as being
authoritative. For example, an argument could have been provided indi-
cating that the World Trade Organisation is the main recognised world
authority on international trade which keeps accurate, open and accessible
records on individual countries.
• A citation should be given for each data set.
Data analysis
Data analysis will depend on the type of data you intend to collect:
Qualitative: Mixed: Numbers and
Text Both frequencies of
Quantitative analysis
This can broadly be divided into descriptive analysis and statistical testing:
Qualitative analysis
If qualitative data is very brief, which is typical of answers to open ended
questions in a questionnaire, then a frequency-based approach can be adopted.
This often involves counting the frequency of words or synonyms.
Writing your methodology/method section 83
For longer pieces of text, qualitative content analysis should be used.
This can be conceptualised in three stages:
You might also wish to discuss ethical issues towards the end of your meth-
odology/method section. These include:
Thomas provides a brief ethical statement about protecting the anonymity
of his participants towards the end of his methodology/method section:
You might also wish to discuss potential limitations to your research at the
end of this section, such as non-random sample selection, low response rates
to online questionnaires, potential difficulties in organising interviews or
focus groups and contingency plans you might adopt to ensure you obtain a
sufficient amount of data.
Common mistakes
• Focusing too much on what different stages and choices of methodology/
method mean rather than focusing on your choices and your reasons
for them. There is no need to try to educate your reader about things they
already understand.
• Misusing the generic descriptors quantitative and qualitative to refer
to your research in general, vague terms. It is probably better to avoid
these descriptors in this section, or only use them very sparingly.
• Only explaining your choices rather than the reasons for them or
how they are going to be implemented. For example, with a choice
of a questionnaire, it is important to know why this data collection
method has been preferred to others, how the question design will
relate to the findings of the literature review, what the population and
sampling approach will be, and what format it will take (e.g. paper-
based or online).
• Over-structuring your section. For example, explaining your choice
of research design often overlaps with other methodology subsections
introduced above and is not recommended. Also, nearly all undergrad-
uate and master’s research is cross-sectional (i.e. data is collected over
a single short time period) so discussions about time horizon are usu-
ally irrelevant and have been omitted above.
• Making inconsistent choices, such as an inductive approach and a
closed form of data collection.
• Only citing a single reference, such as (Saunders et al., 2019). You
need to read about methodology and method more widely and cite
several authors, such as some of those recommended in this chapter.
• Including too much critical discussion. Your focus should be on
presenting your plan for data collection and analysis within your
methodological context.
Writing your methodology/method section 85
Evaluating methodology/method sections: DECJAD
The mnemonic DECJAD stands for:
You should not expect a yes answer for each question for each subsection
as the choice of writing will be selective. However, DECJAD can help you
to understand and evaluate what kinds of writing each subsection contains.
Kate’s methodology/method section have been evaluated in Table 11.1.
Kate’s methodology/method section contains subsections on Methodology,
Data collection and Data analysis. Her Methodology subsection covers her
philosophy and approach. Her strategy choice of secondary data is provided
under her Data collection subsection. However, she also mentions it being a
case study, which is probably inappropriate as she is not investigating the East
African Community in depth or from multiple perspectives.
Overall, Kate clearly explains her choices and mostly provides a persua-
sive justification for them based on her context. However, the main weakness
in her section is her lack of evidence to back up her choices. For example,
whilst there is no need for her to explain what a philosophy is, it would have
been useful if she had provided a brief definition of her chosen pragmatic
Data collection
Data analysis
86 Writing the rest of your proposal
Table 11.2 DECJAD checklist
philosophy and backed this up with a citation. Her lack of discussion in each
subsection is less important and would not have been expected in a concise
methodology/method section such as this.
Evaluate the subsections of your draft methodology and methods using
DECJAD using the checklist in Table 11.2.
Finally, reflect on your evaluation of your draft section in the light of
Kate’s example above so that you have an idea of how to improve it.
Cohen, D. and Crabtree, B. (2006) Observation. In Qualitative research guidelines
project. Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Available at: www.
Farquhar, J. D. (2012) Case study research for business. London: SAGE.
Frazer, L. and Lawley, M. (2000) Questionnaire design and administration: A prac-
tical guide. Chichester: Wiley.
Krueger, R. A. and Casey, M. A. (2014) Focus groups: A practical guide for applied
research. 5th edn. London: SAGE.
Oppenheim, A. N. (2000) Questionnaire design, interviewing and attitude measure-
ment. New edn. London: Continuum.
O’Reilly, K., Paper, D. and Marx, S. (2012) Demystifying grounded theory for busi-
ness research. Organizational Research Methods, 15(2), pp. 247–262.
Rubin, H. and Rubin, I. (2005) Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data.
2nd edn. London: SAGE.
Samuels, P. C. (2020) A really simple guide to quantitative data analysis. Available at:
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2019) Research methods for business
students. 8th edn. Harlow: Pearson.
Writing your methodology/method section 87
Schutt, R. K. (2012) Qualitative data analysis. In R. K. Schutt, ed. Investigating the
social world. 7th edn. London: SAGE [pdf]. Available at:
Seyler, D. (2014) Read, reason, write: An argument text and reader. 11th edn. New
York: McGraw-Hill Education.
van den Berg, A. and Struwig, M. (2017) Guidelines for researchers using an
adapted consensual qualitative research approach in management research. Elec-
tronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 15(2), pp. 109–119. Available at:
Woods, P. (2013) Qualitative research. The Open University. Available at: www. 1902.
12 Producing a schedule
Gantt charts
A final common section in the main body of a proposal is a schedule of
tasks. The recommended way of representing this is with a Gantt chart.
This has one row for each task and the period for doing the research
project is split up equally into columns. The time span over which each
task is active is then shown by filled cells in its respective row.
An example of a Gantt chart is shown in Figure 12.1.
Some points to note about this example Gantt chart are:
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Producing a schedule 89
Figure 12.1 Example Gantt chart
90 Writing the rest of your proposal
I recommend that you use a simple spreadsheet package, such as Excel, to
create your Gantt chart rather than a more sophisticated project management
package. All you need to do is colour the cells relating to the time periods
over which the tasks are scheduled to be active.
Research phases
In addition to providing tasks, it might also be useful to add research
phases to your chart. A common characterisation of these is:
These phases should be viewed as overlapping; for example, you may start
the critical phase before you complete the conceptual phase.
Kate has provided research phases at the bottom of her Gantt chart as shown
in Figure 12.2.
Her choice of phases and associated tasks seems to make a lot of sense.
Accompanying narrative
In addition to providing a Gantt chart, you should write a short narrative
explaining your chart. This can describe your tasks, explain why they are in
the sequence and of the length shown, then discuss possible issues relating
to managing your research project.
Mollie has written two paragraphs to accompany her Gantt chart:
In the Gantt chart that I have created I have identified the main tasks that
I am aiming to do week by week, along with some of the more important
Producing a schedule 91
Figure 12.2 Kate’s Gantt chart
92 Writing the rest of your proposal
tasks, such as deadlines and supervisor meetings. On my chart the date
is displayed across the top, and then there are different tasks listed down
the left-hand side. The boxes that I have marked in blue are the tasks of
high importance, which include supervisor meetings and deadlines for
the proposal hand in and the completed research project hand in. The
rest of the chart is coloured in pink and shows weekly tasks that I intend
to complete in order to get my research project handed in on time.
This chart shows the plan that I am going to follow throughout the
course of this project, and has some time left over at the end in case any
issues are encountered throughout the process. This will make sure that I
don’t run out of time to complete the project. If any problems arise whilst I
am working towards completing my research project, then at least I have
left enough time to correct my work before I have to hand it in.
Whilst her first paragraph explains the meaning of her chart, she could have
assumed some of this and focused more on explaining what the key tasks
or phases were in her research project. Her second paragraph justifies her
contingency plan of extra time at the end and is rather repetitive. She could
also have explored other potential difficulties with managing her project,
such as critical dependencies or possible non-availability of resources at the
scheduled times.
Use a spreadsheet package to create a draft Gantt chart like the example above
that represents the tasks in your research project, then draft an accompanying
narrative that explains it and discusses potential problems that you might
encounter and how you plan to manage them.
13 Referencing
Referencing is the process of giving attribution to external sources and pre-
sented data (tables and charts) within your proposal. Attributing external
sources commonly involves citing in the main body of the text followed
by a reference list at the end. In social sciences this often means using an
alphabetical style referencing system, such as Harvard or APA. This means
the references in the list should be given in the alphabetical order of the
author(s) or institutions who created them.
You should be given specific guidance on how to reference at your insti-
tution. For general principles on referencing, please refer to (Pears and
Shields, 2022) and its associated website (
For additional guidance on some common referencing systems, please refer
to the referencing resources in the Purdue Online Writing Lab (https://owl.
With alphabetical referencing systems, the author’s surname is used in the
citation. This can be done at the end of a sentence by putting the name and
the year of the publication in a bracket, which is known as an indirect cita-
tion. Alternatively, the author’s name can be put in a sentence and just the
year is put in a bracket, which is known as a direct citation. Generally,
direct citations are preferred as they make the writing appear more personal
and allow you to provide a more accurate citation. However, the downside
is that they use more words.
There are also rules about sources with multiple authors, which depend
on the system being used, and how to present quotations (word-for-word
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-17
94 Writing the rest of your proposal
The second half of Kate’s opening paragraph illustrates these issues:
Mollie has attempted a direct quote citation with several authors in her lit-
erature review:
Collier, R et al, page 794, stated that “In the first phase, while the
lockdown is in place and countries are experiencing an acute overall
disruption, tax measures can help mitigate the impact of the crisis by
providing businesses and households with cash flow in order to avoid a
complete collapse of the economy . . .”.
Et al. means and others and is the correct way to cite a source with
more than two authors in Mollie’s referencing system. However, she has
incorrectly included an initial and left out the year. She should also have
page number after a colon without the word “Page”. Her quote itself is
also rather long, especially for a proposal. Quotes should generally be
kept to about 30 words or one sentence maximum. Longer passages
should be summarised.
Mollie should have cited this quote using:
Kate has included a figure in her Introduction section which she labelled
like this:
Figure 1.0 Members of the East African Community (EAC) with their
respective 2019 GDP figures (in Billions).
Source: World Bank Data 2020.
• Kate has labelled her figure correctly, and also provided the source
document from which it was obtained
• However, she has not referred to this figure in her text before she
presented it
• It would be better if her figure was larger so that the text could be read
more easily, and it was centred in the middle of the page
• The source citation should be in brackets and include the page number
of the figure (if one exists)
Later on, in her Literature Review, Kate presents a table which she has
labelled like this:
• Again, she has labelled the table correctly and provided the source
• But again, there is no reference to Table 1.1 in the text before she
presented this table
• And again, the source citation should contain the page number and be
presented in a bracket
Reference lists
With in-text citation styles of referencing, a reference list should be provided
at the end of the proposal which includes all the sources cited in the text. With
alphabetical in-text style systems, these should be presented in alphabetical
96 Writing the rest of your proposal
order of the first author. Only one reference should be provided for each
source even if it has been cited several times. The sources should not be split
up according to the type of publication.
Each type of citation (for example, journal articles, books and elec-
tronic reports) has a different citation style, but they have common fea-
tures. You should not simply cut and paste citations of your cited sources
from someone else’s work as these may not conform to your institu-
tion’s style. However, you can use these as the basis for creating your
own references. Google Scholar ( also has
a double-quote button which you can use to obtain citation details in
standard formats.
Kate has included a reference in her reference list as follows:
De Lombaerde, P. and Van Langenhove, L., 2005. Indicators of regional
integration: Methodological issues.
Putting the authors’ names, year and title into Google Scholar, I managed to
identify this publication. It is also freely available as a PDF – see Figure 13.1.
Opening the PDF it became clear that this was a technical report. Some of
the details in Kate’s reference were missing. As the PDF was not available
from an official site the correct way to reference this publication at Kate’s
institution would be for a paper version as follows:
Figure 13.1 Google Scholar output after searching for Kate’s source publication
Source: (Google, 2022)
Referencing 97
In Mollie’s reference list there is the following entry:
Collier, R. Pirlot, A. Vella, J. (2020) ‘Covid-19 and Fiscal Policies: Tax Policy
and the COVID-19 Crisis, Volume 48 (Issue 8), Page 794.
She has mistakenly not referred to a whole article, but only the page from
which she has taken a quote. The journal title was also missing. Again, by
using Google Scholar, I was able to check this reference and discovered
that that author names and the issue number were also incorrect. She should
have referenced this journal article at her institution like this:
Vella, J. and Collier, R. (2020) COVID-19 and Fiscal Policies: Tax Policy and
the COVID-19 Crisis. Intertax, 48(8/9), pp. 794–804.
This was nearly correct for his institution. The only issues were the lack
of a publisher, which I was able to find by using Google Books (https://, a place of publication, which I found by Googling the
publisher’s name, and not putting the title in italics. The correct way for
Thomas to cite this book at his institution would be:
Tappasiya generated her reference list automatically using the Harvard style
in the Word References function. Unfortunately, she was not aware that
there are many different variants of Harvard, so the version she used was not
completely correct for her institution. One of the references she generated
was for a website:
For her institution, the year should have been in brackets, the word [Online]
should be omitted, the URL link should work, and the reference should be
displayed on a single line like this:
98 Writing the rest of your proposal
Corcoran, D. (2018) Three Customer Experience Lessons from Amazon.
Available at:
experience-cx-lessons-amazon/ [Accessed 31 August 2020].
Google (2022) Google Scholar UK search result for De Lombaerde Van Langen-
hove 2005 Indicators of regional integration: Methodological issues. Available
Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2022) Cite them right. 12th edn. London: Bloomsbury
Part Four
Now that we have covered everything involved in deciding on, research-
ing and writing your proposal, the remainder of this book provides three
chapters containing concise information on your next steps as a dissertation
research student. There are many other resources written on these subjects,
which no doubt you will be accessing, but these chapters provide some
initial guidance and some pointers of where to look for more information.
Chapter 14 covers planning and managing your research, including stress
management. Chapter 15 focuses on your relationship with your supervisor
and how to get the most out of it. Finally Chapter 16 introduces the tasks
you will be undertaking after submitting your proposal, commonly referred
to as the critical phase of doing a dissertation (see the Research phases
section of Chapter 12).
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-18
14 Time and stress management
Time management
General principles
Here are some general time management tips, some of which are based on
the advice available from Coaching Positive Performance (2018):
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-19
102 Beyond your proposal
a period of time, and learn to say “no” to some new demands on your
time. Do you really need to be doing them now? Can someone else
handle them?
• However, you still need to have a life outside of your research proj-
ect. Make sure you get sufficient rest, eat well, and don’t withdraw
socially. You will perform better overall if you don’t overdo things as
you can easily wear yourself out.
• Try to maintain accurate, organised records, as these can help you
when you need to refer back to what you have already done. One strat-
egy is to keep a research log – a general book of notes accounting for
your research project.
Getting started
One major challenge you may face is how to get started on a big new task,
such as those covered in Chapter 16. Here are some tips for getting started
and improving your productivity based on McMillan and Weyers (2011):
Finishing on time
According to Horn (2012) these are some common causes of delay in
research projects:
The moral of all these common causes of delay is to leave some con-
tingency time in your schedule. Failure to do so will make you feel
stressed and mean that you will not do yourself justice as you will not
be able to finish all the tasks involved in doing your dissertation to an
adequate standard.
Here is some advice from some successful medical students (Rivera et al.,
2005) on how to complete your dissertation on time:
• Start early
• Set aside adequate (protected) time each week
• Stick to your timeline
• Get the most out of your supervisory relationship
Time and stress management 105
• Choose a topic that genuinely interests you
• Keep your project simple yet innovative
Stress management
Emotional, or human, stress is a concept derived from the concept of
stress of physical objects. Strain means the amount of tension an object
is placed under. Stress is the reaction of an object to being placed under
Emotional stress occurs when you believe you can’t cope with a
problem or situation you perceive to be stressful (Lazarus and Cohen,
Here are some causes of stress relating to dissertations according to Fontana
• Panic attacks
• Always feeling pressured and hurried
• Unable to take in new information, forgetful
• Being irritable, constantly in a bad mood
• Headaches, chest pain, and stomach problems
• Allergic reactions (e.g. skin conditions or asthma)
• Difficulty going to sleep
• Overeating or not eating properly
• New addictions or substance abuses
• Depression, constant sadness
• Being withdrawn
Please note that these are only indicators. They should not be trusted for
self-diagnosis. On the other hand, you would not expect all these signs to be
present in someone who was feeling stressed.
Coaching Positive Performance (2018) 17 Essential time management skills. Available
Fontana, D. (1991) Managing stress. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Horn, R. (2012) Researching and writing dissertations: A complete guide for business
and management students. 2nd edn. London: CIPD.
Lazarus, R. and Cohen, J. (1984) Stress, appraisal and coping. 3rd edn. New York:
Mayo Clinic Health System (2022) Need stress relief? Try the 4 A’s. Available at:
McMillan, K. and Weyers, J. (2011) How to write dissertations and project reports.
2nd edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Rivera, J., Levine, R. and Wright, S. (2005) Completing a scholarly project during
residency training: Perspectives of residents who have been successful. Journal
of General Internal Medicine, 20(4), pp. 366–369.
15 Your supervisory relationship
Supervisor styles
Supervisor approaches can be measured in terms of the level of structure
and the level of support that they provide (Gatfield, 2005) – see Figure 15.1.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-20
Your supervisory relationship 109
Pastoral Directorial
(high support, (low support,
low structure) high structure)
(low structure, low support)
The main point of the diagram is to explain that conflicts between students
and supervisors can arise when a supervisor’s preferred style is different
from a student’s preferred style.
You should expect your supervisor to:
You should:
After the meeting, you should send a meeting summary sheet to your super-
visor via email within three days. This should include a summary of your dis-
cussion, agreed actions by both of you, and the agreed date of next meeting.
Learn to be assertive
Many students fail to get what they need in supervisory relationships because
they either stay quiet or they don’t know how to ask without appearing rude
or aggressive. Three approaches to relationships are shown in Figure 15.2.
Submissive or non-assertive people respect others, but they do not respect
themselves. This means they do not get what they need. Aggressive people
respect themselves, but they do not respect others. This means they may
antagonise others and not get what they need. However, assertive people
respect others and also respect themselves. This enables them to get what
they need.
• Believe in:
• Respecting others and themselves
• Their values and rights
• Believe they have a right to:
• Ask for what they want
• Have an opinion
• Make decisions
• Make mistakes
• Celebrate their successes
• Change their mind
• Be independent
• Be respected
• Refuse to do something (especially if they believe it would be
unhelpful to their overall success)
Source (Smith, 2011)
There are three main assertiveness techniques (Larsen and Jordan, 2017):
• Keep things in perspective – you are both human so either of you might
have a bad day leading to a bad supervision meeting
• Any criticism your supervisor makes is almost always directed at your
actions, not you personally (even when it seems personal)
• Be professional – accept criticism positively
• Ask for feedback – don’t wait to be told what to do
• Show your enthusiasm
• Meet deadlines – set a good example
Derounian, J. (2011) Shall we dance? The importance of staff – student relationships
to undergraduate dissertation preparation. Active Learning in Higher Education,
12(2), pp. 91–100.
Gatfield, T. (2005) An investigation into PhD supervisory management styles:
Development of a dynamic conceptual model and its management. Journal of
Higher Education Policy and Management, 27(3), pp. 311–325.
Hayes, S. C., Rosenfarb, I., Wulfert, E., Munt, E. D., Korn, Z. and Zettle, R. D.
(1985) Self-reinforcement effects: An artifact of social standard setting. Journal
of Applied Behavior Analysis, 18(3), pp. 201–214.
Larsen, K. L. and Jordan, S. S. (2017) Assertiveness training. In: V. Zeigler-Hill and
T. Shackelford, eds. Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. New
York: Springer Nature.
Roberts, C. (2010) The dissertation journey: A practical and comprehensive guide
to planning, writing and defending your dissertation. 2nd edn. London: SAGE.
Your supervisory relationship 115
Smith, M. J. (2011) When I say no, I feel guilty. New York: Bantam.
Vitae (2022) Supervision and key relationships. Available at:
16 Next steps in your research
Once you have submitted your proposal, you are moving from the concep-
tual phase to the critical phase of your research project (see Chapter 12). In
this final chapter, we shall briefly explore the common tasks you will need
to work on during your critical phase.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003285137-21
Next steps in your research 117
Drafting your introduction chapter
Your introduction chapter to your dissertation should be an extension of
your introduction in your proposal. Many of the principles explained in
Chapter 2 and Chapter 8 can be applied to it. You will need to go into more
depth in your background and problem statement, but they should follow the
same principles with unique distinct paragraph topics in your background
being combined together and focused in your problem statement. Again,
the combination of your background and your problem statement form your
rationale for choosing your research topic.
The number of objectives and research questions might increase slightly,
but their style is essentially the same as for your proposal. There may be
some additional sections that you need to add to this chapter, such as your
potential contribution.
Alvesson, M. (2013) Constructing research questions: Doing interesting research.
London: SAGE.
Fink, A. (2009) How to conduct surveys: A step-by-step guide. 4th edn. London:
Frazer, L. and Lawley, M. (2000) Questionnaire design and administration: A practical
guide. Chichester: Wiley.
Hammersley, M. and Atkinson, P. (2007) Ethnography: Principles in practice. 3rd
edn. London: Routledge.
Oppenheim, A. N. (2000) Questionnaire design, interviewing and attitude measurement.
New edn. London: Continuum.
Rea, L. M. and Parker, R. A. (2005) Designing and conducting survey research: A
comprehensive guide. 4th edn. San Francisco: Wiley.
Rubin, H. and Rubin, I. (2005) Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data.
2nd edn. London: SAGE.